SF Tube Talk 24 Frames

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SF Tube Talk 24 Frames Winter 1999 ConNotations Volume 9, Issue 4 The Quarterly Science Fiction, Fantasy & Convention Newszine of the Central Arizona Speculative Fiction Society simulator. Efforts are underway to SF Tube Talk attempt to have it picked up and com- 24 Frames In This Issue pleted by another company so it may still News & Reviews make it to the stores. Movie News & Reviews by Lee Whiteside Straczynski has been keeping busy SF Tube Talk by Lee Whiteside .................................1 working on other projects since the Toy Story 2 - Digital All the Way The fall season is well underway with shutdown of Crusade. His comic series 24 Frames.........................................1 only one major genre casualty so far with for Top Cow, Rising Stars, is underway, By now you know that Toy Story 2 is a FYI................................................2 even more new shows debuting mid- although not quite as on time as readers very good, fun and entertaining movie. It CASFS Business Report.............2 season. would like. He’s penned a Murder She On the Babylon 5/Crusade front, the is also the first all digital movie to be Publishing On-Demand Wrote TV movie for CBS, and a script screened digitally. Last summer, Lucas- prospects of Crusade continuing are nil. for a radio adaptation of C. M. by Pat Connors..................................2 Ratings were fairly decent, especially film screened The Phantom Menace at a AZ Pro News Kornbluth’s “The Marching Morons” couple of LA theaters for a month. Disney considering the level of promotion TNT by Daryll Mallett...............................3 for NPR. He’s also been working on has decided to step up digital screenings did for the series, but the only other viable developing a new series that would be Musical Notes outlet, the SciFi Channel, just wasn’t and starting with Toy Story 2, they open- about 10% speculative fiction. He was by Tom Tuerff...................................4 interested in footing the bill for more. It’s ed the movie with digital theater screen- working with Chris Carter and 1013 ings including some outside of the Los The Gaming Arcade.. .....................5 unlikely that TNT will repeat the series productions to develop the series for Angeles area. So if you’re traveling over ConClusion......................................7 anytime soon and we’ll likely not see it CBS but that alliance ended when FOX again until TNT’s contract runs out and Studios decided that any future Chris Star Trek Wedding Experience Babylon 5 and Crusade move to SciFi, Carter shows would be solely created by by Lewis Geoffrey..........................8 who are interested in the show as a repeat him, which is what they blamed the How To Enjoy A Star Trek property. failure of Harsh Realm on. Convention by Lewis Geoffrey..........8 There are still some Babylon 5/Crusade Straczynski is now looking for other Videophile (News & Reviews)........11 related works coming out in print. production partners for the series. In Our Book (Book Reviews).........14 According to one recent interview with Straczynski, he had Convention & Fandom been approached by Club Listings..................................17 some Trek producers about helping them out, Convention Listings......................19 which he turned down. Convention Registration Form.19 Trek activities & non- activities Art Work Over in the Star the holidays to San Francisco, Hollywood, Sherlock..................................2,7,10,13,14,19 Trek universe, Voy- Burbank, or Irvine in California as well ager is still trying to as Plano, Texas and Orlando, Florida, make its way home, check the local movie listings for the Movie Reviews future movies are in theater and times. They will also be Toy Story 2 limbo, and ideas for a screening Bicentennial Man digitally Directed by Colin Brady & Ash Brannon new series are being when it opens in mid-December. Planned Voices by Tom Hanks, Tim Allen looked into. locations are Toronto and Vancouver, Pixar/Walt Disney There’s been various B.C. in Canada and Kansas City, Mis- Reviewed by Sue & Johanna Martin Straczynski has penned three short stories reports and rumors about the next Star souri, Chicago, Illinois, Cleveland, Ohio for the Amazing Stories magazine, one Trek series, but nothing has been and the Arizona Mills Harkins Theater in Let me say right out: this is just as good featuring Londo, and one featuring G’Kar announced or decided on as far as Phoenix, Arizona. as the first one. and Lyta that have already been published. anyone is willing to admit to. Rumors The digital projection made the images All your favorite toys are back: Mr. and A third story featuring the new Babylon 5 are that several ideas that Rick Berman for Toy Story 2 VERY sharp and VERY Mrs. Potato Head, Slinky dog, Little Bo crew should be published early next year. and Brannon Braga have pitched to colorful. The best way to describe it is a Peep, the timorous T-Rex, the Piggy There will also be some Straczynski Viacom have been rejected and that giant, high definition computer screen. Bank, and of course, Buzz and Woody. penned short fiction next year in the they’ve gone back to starting over. More You could really see the details in the The new characters are a cowgirl named official Babylon 5 Magazine. On the than likely, the next series will end up characters, especially the ones made of Jessie, Stinky Pete the Prospector and novel front, J. Gregory Keyes’ Bester on CBS due to the Viacom/CBS merger cloth. Having seen it already in a regular Bull’s Eye, Woody’s faithful companion/ Trilogy was recently completed and a currently in the works. On the movie theater, I could really appreciate the horse. Peter David penned Centauri trilogy has front, recent interviews with cast improved projection of the digital system. What a surprise: There are lots of just started. Following that will be a members and producers have indicated The resolution is high enough that the allusions and/or nods to the Star Wars Technomage trilogy featuring Galen by that nothing is currently in development, only time you really noticed any pixels universe, including the beginning bit with Jeanne Cavelos. A computer game that so it may be several years before we see was when a lot of text was on the screen. Buzz (very funny!), but this story is has been in development from Sierra another Star Trek movie. As a bonus, the trailers for Fantasia 2000 Woody’s tale, as the first one was about Online has been shut down due to budget On Voyager, after the holiday repeats and Dinosaur were also digitally pro- Buzz’s introduction into the world of cuts. It features scenes filmed with several we’ll get a string of new episodes jected and looked very impressive as well. Andy’s toys. cast members as well as a very good flight ( Cont’d on Page 9 ) - Lee Whiteside ( Cont’d on page11 ) Volume 9 Issue 4 ConNotations Page 1 FYI CASFS Business Report Who’s Who This Issue Dear Faithful Reader, Author Guest of Honor.” Plus, HexaCon Book Discussion Groups Editor: Stephanie L. Bannon By the time you read this, we will have 10 is gearing up for a gaming convention We have two monthly book discussion Co-Editors: Craig L. Dyer & Sue completed another year’s worth of even better than the last one. Martin groups going, one at Glendale Public meetings in the merrily controlled chaos In financial news, ConNotations is Graphics Editor: Craig L. Dyer Library on the first Thursday of each that is CASFS. What have we done this getting close to being self-supporting. If Film & Video Reporter: Barry Bard month and another at Barnes and Noble Staff Writers: Pam Allen, Barry Bard, quarter? you run a business or a convention, please in Metro Center on the fourth Thursday Michael Griffin, Daryl F. Mallet, CopperCon 19 was successful-especially consider purchasing an ad to support the of each month. Here’s a schedule of Shane Shellenbarger, Tom Tuerff, Lee in the eyes of the lucky group that spent magazine. CASFS also managed to upcoming books: Whiteside, Randall Whitlock, Mike Friday night hanging out with our Author obtain its very own credit card machine, GLENDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY: 1st Willmoth Guest of Honor, David Weber, in the which made its successful debut at Layout & Design: Stephanie L. Bannon Thursday of each month lobby. Brett Bass, the Artist Guest of CopperCon. Keeper of the Mailing List: Craig L. Jan 6: Scent of Magic - Andre Norton Honor, delighted all who stopped by the CASFS continues to recruit new fans Dyer and Doug Cosper February 3: Bimbos of the Death Sun - Contributors: Robert Barber, Pat art show with both his conversation and with our two monthly book discussions at Sharyn McCrumb Connors, Lewis Geoffrey, Johanna his insanely fast airbrush. Everyone who the Glendale Public Library and the March 2: Folk of the Air by Peter Beagle Martin, Gary Swaty bid on a blank canvas (and there were Barnes & Noble store at Metrocenter. We April 6: The Stranger by Mark Twain Labeling Crew for Volume 9 Issue 3: several) took home a stunning painting also plan to have another booth at the Stephanie L. Bannon, Mark & Danielle May 4: Firebrand by Marion Zimmer completed over the weekend. Phoenix Public Library’s Book Festival Boniece, Pat Connors, Craig L. Dyer, Ray Bradley CopperCon 20 has announced author on April 8, 2000. Mark your calendars & Pinkie Gish, Scott Glener & Friend, June 1: Paris in the Twentieth Century by Philip Jose Farmer, artist Vincent di Fate, and be sure to stop by! David & Angel Hungerford, Sue & Jo Jules Verne Martin, Bob & Lori LaPierre, Nick and musician Cecelia Eng as Guests of Have a happy holiday! For information on the Glendale group Schumacher, Gary Swaty Honor.
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