Annex 2.List of Participants Final 16 Sep 2009
PLATINA SWP 5.3 Ruse Training Workshop: List of Participants Name Country Institution/Address Telephone numbers E-mail address EUROPEAN COMMISSION, DG TREN, rue Cesare BERNABEI EC 0032 22958149 1 de Mot 24, 8/13, 1040 Brussels EUROPEAN COMMISSION, DG Regio, Olivier BAUDELET EC 0032 2 295 6870 2 1049 Brussels EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Avenue de la Marieke VAN NOOD EC 0032 22984401 3 Beaulieu 5, 1049 Brussels Danube Commission, Benczur utca 25, Ivana TOMIC KUNC DC 0036 1 461 8014 4 1068 Budapest International Sava river Commission, Nova Dejan KOMATINA ISRBC 00385 14886960 ISRBC@SAVACOMMISSION.ORG 5 Ves 11, 10000 Zagreb Central Commission for the Navigation of Gernot PAULI CCNR the Rhine, 2, Place de la République 0033 388522011 6 F-67082 Strasbourg via donau -Österreichische Wasserstraßen- Robert TÖGEL AUSTRIA Gesellschaft mbH, Donau-City-Straße 1, 0043(0)5043212612 7 1220 Wien, Austria via donau -Österreichische Wasserstraßen- Markus SIMONER AUSTRIA Gesellschaft mbH, Donau-City-Straße 1, 0043(0) 5043211607 8 1220 Wien, Austria 9 Elisabeth JAEGER AUSTRIA BOKU, Muthgasse 107, 1190 Vienna 0043 6507181597 Ministry of Transport, Information Violeta HINOVA BULGARIA Technologies and Communications, 9, 00359 2 9409494 10 Dyakon Ignatiy Str., 1000 Sofia Ministry of Transport, Information Petar BENOV BULGARIA Technologies and Communications, 9, 00359 2 9409 880 PBENOV@MTITC.GOVERNMENT.BG 11 Dyakon Ignatiy Str., 1000 Sofia Secondary professional school for Ivelina GEORGIEVA BULGARIA navigation and shipbuilding,SQ.
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