·City ;Cracks Down on Slumlords Inspectors Discover Wretched Living Conditions for College Students
Radio romaJnce leads to multimedia marriage ~E21 www.townonline.com/ allstonbrighton FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2002 Vol. 7, No. 7 40 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ ·city ;cracks down on slumlords Inspectors discover wretched living conditions for college students By Phoebe Sweet · cal fixtures and gas fumes from a STAFF WRITER commercial stove in the kitchen, tudents living in Allston the house was recommended for Brighton might be willing condemnation. Not only were the Sto settle for the occasional fir\• alarms not working, but nei fixer-upper, but even rate, might thl·r were the electricity 9r the be thinking twice before moving bathrooms. ,. into 49 Gardener St. Some of the rats brave enough Cited b)' · the Boston lnspec to make their home in the de tional Services Department on crepit house were found dead on Friday, Aug. 30, for garbage, de the basement floor, another cita bris, a fou l odor, raw sewage in tion against 49 Gardener St. the ba-;emerit, flies and flea) in At a hearing held on Wednes the bedrooms, a collapsed bath da:r. Sept. 4, at 10 a.m., Boston STAF P" BY Mi,,;HAH MANMNG room ceiling, mold, exposed ISD inspector~ Edward Kennedy The City of Boston lnspectlonal Services Is cracking down on landlords a r1d st udents who leave trash behind. Inspectors, such as the one electrical wi ring, broken water and James Kennedy presented shooting photos of trash at this Chestnut Street apartment, are levlng fines and Issuing warnings. Some apartments have been condemned. pipes. water leaking from electri- CRACKDOWN, page 7 Crime on the rise Allston-Brighton Reporte~ in A-B district Part 1 Crime Statistics Crime Category July-Dec 2001 cem~r 2001 ' ltlmugb "gh -~ ...
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