NATIONAL NIGHT OUT HUGE SUCCESS Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Celata Real Estate Academy Become a Real next class November 3rd www.ChelseaRealEstate.com email [email protected] to list your Jeff Bowen Estate Agent Ask for Maureen home, condo, or multi-family for sale with us Text/Call @ 781-289-7500 781-201-9488 BOOK YOUR POST IT Chelsea record Call Your YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1890 Advertising Rep (781)485-0588 VOLUME 117, No. 34 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2018 35 CENTS Chelsea CHELSEA POT-O-GOLD DINNER Planning Board okays Viaduct McDonald’s rebuild project By Adam Swift the building itself is slated to contract increase from 3,500 to 4,400 The golden arches on Re- square feet, and the number of approved vere Beach Parkway are going parking spaces will decrease to shine a little brighter. from 65 to 32. By Seth Daniel Tuesday night, the Plan- Planning Board Chairman ning Board approved a special Tuck Willis asked how long The state Department of permit allowing for the dem- the demolition and rebuild Transportation (MassDOT) olition and rebuild of the Mc- will take once work gets un- has approved the contract Donald’s at 170 Revere Beach derway. for construction on the Chel- Parkway. “Generally, it gets done in sea Viaduct project, with the The updated fast food less than 60 days,” said Lucas. low bidder being Skanska restaurant will be larger than Board member Todd Taylor McCourt at $169.37 million, the current building and will said he did have some con- some 3 percent below esti- feature a double drive-through cerns about the project if the mates for the massive rebuild- lane, according to project en- construction affects Washing- ing project. gineer William Lucas. There ton Avenue. A key part of the scope of will also be fewer parking work identified in the docu- “The traffic there is such spots and more green space on a bad problem,” said Taylor. ments includes keeping the the property. “That is the main way out of Arlington Street on-ramp, an “McDonald’s is going Prattville, and in the morn- entryway that had been con- through a nationwide rebrand- ings, there is a huge backup sidered for possible removal. ing program at all its restau- and people cannot get out of The project was bid out in rants,” said Lucas. July, and a Notice to Proceed In many locations, that the neighborhood.” is expected in January, with Ray Monkiewicz, City Man- means major renovations. But Other than the McDon- substructure repairs starting ager Tom Ambrosino, Matt in Chelsea, Lucas said the ald’s vote, it was a fairly low- Monkiewicz (Johnny Cash) and shortly after that and into the demolition and rebuild of the key evening for the Planning spring of 2020. Jennifer Monkiewicz (June Board, as it approved spe- Carter Cash). restaurant will help improve The Chelsea Viaduct is the accessibility inside and out- cial permits to convert sev- elevated highway that runs side the restaurant. eral single-family homes to from the County Road over- “This will bring the restau- multi-family units. pass to just beyond the 4th rant into compliance and im- The massive, 630-unit Street off ramp. The project Mary K. Milley, Beverly Jones Forbes Street project was con- (Princess Beatrice), Beverly prove operations,” he said. has been in the planning stag- “They are implementing a tinued to the board’s Nov. 27 es for more than a month. Gallant (Queen Elizabeth), and side-by-side drive-through in- meeting. The scope of the project Susan Gallant (Corgie), who stead of the single file line.” The most excitement during includes repairing and retro- was the chairperson of the The current drive-through the meeting came during a fitting the superstructure un- Pot-O-Gold Dinner. See pages lane is parallel to Washing- thunderstorm, when several derneath the viaduct. That will 6 and 7 for more photos. ton Avenue, while the new board members were startled take the rusted steel beams during an especially close and and retrofit them with new window will face Revere concrete structures that will be Beach Parkway. The size of loud boomer. decorated with murals. That work is expected to begin in the early months of 2019 and will proceed through the spring of 2020 – lasting more than a year. Ask and You Shall Receive Please see VIADUCT Page 3 City, students celebrate tree request on Arbor Day Condo owners By Seth Daniel When Ayman Souabny organize in looked around his school and his city, he didn’t see much of protest of anything but concrete. He, and many of his stu- ‘exclusive’ dents at the Wright Middle School, wanted to see trees. water discount And the City heard their call. program On Friday, the Chelsea Tree Board and City officials joined Souabny and several By Seth Daniel other key students who called for more trees around the Wil- A new and irate constituen- liams School building to plant cy of condo owners has arisen a ceremonial tree in honor of in response to the Water Dis- Arbor Day. count program championed “In Chelsea we need trees,” by Councilor Giovanni Recu- said Souabny. “Things keep pero and voted on by the City changing in Chelsea and now Council Sept. 24 – a proposal we have none left. We need that excludes condo owners oxygen to breath and trees from the owner-occupied wa- provide oxygen. So, I thought ter bill discount. we should tell them to plant Recupero proposed the trees around our school…I measure in September, af- never thought they would ter many years of discussing bring them, but they did.” it and proposing it in other Tree Board member Ju- forms, to find that it had sup- lie Shannon said it’s a small port and the votes to pass. Af- gesture, but it’s one that – on ter a challenge by Councilor Arbor Day – the students will Roy Avellaneda last week, the be able to remember for a long measure stood. time. It is to go into effect on July “Arbor Day is a chance for 1, 2019 with the new water us as a community to pay spe- City Manager Tom Ambrosino, Council President Damali Vidot and Supt. Mary Bourque join Wright Middle students Luis Cruz-Mar- rates. cial recognition to the impor- tinez, Ayman Souabny, Sherlyn Melgar and Kevin Mizhquiri in front of the school last Friday, Oct. 19, to celebrate Arbor Day by But what it might have tance of trees in our communi- planting a tree in front of the school. The planting was a request made by the students, fulfilled by local government. See page 4 lacked in votes on the Council for more photos. ty,” she said. “I wanted to give has not deterred the momen- a special thanks to the students tum that has grown among where they are the reason we those in the City who own are celebrating this year’s it’s getting more trees planted these trees will last 50 years or ments she gets from students thing done. condos. Because condo own- Arbor Day at the Williams or other areas that need atten- more. When you grow up and are about the environment. ers don’t have separate water “A lot of the time we en- school. These students under- tion, speak up, you can make are in Chelsea, every time you “The majority of letters I meters in their units, they are courage them to get involved stand the numerous benefits change happen. You should all see these trees, you’ll be able get from young people, prob- excluded from participating in and positive impact of more be proud of yourselves.” to tell everyone they are there ably 95 percent, are about im- in the community, and this the program along with absen- trees and took the initiative to City Manager Tom Am- because of your efforts.” proving the environment,” she time, it showed great bene- tee landlords. speak up asking for more trees brosino said the new trees will Said Supt. Mary Bourque, said. “I thank you for speaking fits,” she said. That has ignited a base that around the school. Well, let to- be something students can re- “You do have a voice in this up and I thank the DPW for continues to protest the move, Added Assistant Principal day be a testament that you’ve member for a long time. community. Whenever you listening to our future leaders and has spoken out this week Adam Weldai, “It was great been heard and today is be- “This is a City committed see a place to speak up, you – these students.” in letters to the newspaper that cause of you. It’s a great les- to improving the green cano- know you will be heard.” Principal Michelle Marti- for them to hear local govern- son that you do have a voice py in our City,” he said. “For Council President Damali niello said she was proud of ment did listen to them and See WATER Page 3 in this community. Whether the students, the best thing is Vidot said many of the com- the students for getting such a will do things they ask for.” Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Page 2 The Chelsea Record • Thursday, October 25, 2018 Phone: 617-884-2416 Fax: 781-485-1403 ChelseaRecord PRESIDENT: Stephen Quigley EDITOR IN CHIEF: Cary Shuman Forum ARE YOU READY FOR HALLOWEEN? Next week, many neighborhoods will become magical places as thousands of children dressed in all types of costumes will descend on the streets in search of candy and treats.
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