线网建设 Construction 线网建设 Network Construction

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线网建设 Construction 线网建设 Network Construction 线网, 编织幸福 WIRE MESH, weaving HAPPINESS NETWORK 线网建设 CONSTRUCTION 线网建设 NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 线网建设概况 2014年建设投资汇总表 Overview OF NETWORK CONSTRUCTION Summary OF CONSTRUCTION INVESTMENT IN 2014 item annual Completed the total invest- investment Construction electrome Purchase of equipment other Costs ment (rmb hundred Project chanical and machinery million) installation northward extension of line 3 extension line of line 2 & line 8 Phase i of line 6 九号线马鞍山公园站工程 Project of Maanshan Station, Line 9 Phase ii of line 6 2014年是加快推进新一轮线网建设,实现规划目 2014 was the key year for accelerating network construction of a new round and accomplishing the planning goals. Guangzhou metro overcame a 标的关键之年。广州地铁克服多重困难,与市财局、发 Phase i of line 7 number of difficulties and preserved in communicating and coordinating with 改委、国资委、各区(县级市)等政府相关部门进行 the City Financial Bureau, the National Development and Reform Commis- sion, SASAC and other government departments to strive hard for financial 了坚持不懈地沟通与协调,全力争取财政资金与政策支 Phase i of line 9 fund and policy support; to deeply study policy changes with the bank, the 持;与银行、租赁公司、证券公司等金融机构深入研究 leasing company, the security company and other financing institutions to 政策变化,持续创新融资模式。全年共争取各项财政资 constantly innovate financing modes. For the whole year, the metro compa- Guangfo intercity rail 7.16 2.69 0.69 0.14 3.63 103.36 transit project ny had obtained the financial special funds of 8.274 billion Yuan, the fiscal 金、专项资金82.74亿元,争取财政预拨资金30亿元, appropriations capital of 3 billion Yuan, downtown joint construction capital 争取市区共建资金22.38亿元,发行企业债80亿元,发 of 2.238 billion Yuan, issued corporate bonds of RMB 8 billion, short-term Southward extension of line 4 行短期融资券、超短期融资券各50亿元,开展境内外 financing bonds of 5 billion Yuan and SCP of 5 billion Yuan, carried out domestic and overseas financing lease of 9.884 Yuan, and got a bank loan 融资租赁98.84亿元,争取银行贷款47.46亿元,年内 of 4.746billion Yuan. Within the year, the total construction and operating northward extension of line 8 总共落实建设及经营资金487.54亿元(其中,2013年 funds that had been putting into use was 48.754 billion Yuan (thereinto, the balance of funds of 2013 was 2.612 billion Yuan). The amount of financial 结余资金26.12亿元)。财政资金、市区共建资金、债 funds, downtown joint construction capital and debt financing capital that Phase i of line 13 务融资资金到位额度均创历史之最。 was in place hit an all-time record. 面对11条新线同时建设,前期征拆和管线迁改难 Guangzhou Metro encountered a number of difficulties. For exam- ple, eleven new lines were all under construction; early land requisition and Phase i of line 14 点多,安全生产管理难度大,建设环境复杂等困难, house demolishing, pipeline removal and safety production management 在市委市政府的强有力领导和大力支持下,广州地铁 were full of difficulties; and construction environment was complicated, etc.. Nevertheless, under the strong leadership and with the strong support of 立足大局,主动出击,克难奋进,全力推进新线工程建 branch line of line 14 the municipal party committee and government, Guangzhou Metro took the (ZhiShiCheng line) 设,顺利完成年度工作任务。公司上下一心,全力以 overall situations into consideration and took the initiative to resolve the dif- 赴,强力突破前期障碍,推动各区成功组织了共23场 ficulties to promote the new lines construction with all strength and success- fully completed the annual work tasks. All of staffs worked together with an line 21 依法收地工作,累计完成征地312万平方米,借地341 all-out effort to powerfully break through the preliminary obstacles and had 万平方米,拆迁68万平方米,累计完成32个工点的管 completed land use of 96,000 square meters, land acquisition of 177,000 square meters, house demolishing of 96,000 square meters, and accumula- 线迁改工作,基本实现新一轮线网全面开工;继续巩固 haizhu roundabout new tram tively accomplished pipeline removal of 32 stations, basically realizing a full experimental Section Project “4+1”监管体系,积极、主动、开放地接受社会各界 start of a new round network construction. Besides, Guangzhou Metro con- tinued to consolidate “4+1” supervision system to actively, initiatively and 的监督,在政府的统一部署下,规范地铁施工管理, new Guang Cong road openly accept the supervision of all walks of life. Under the unified deploy- reconstruction 营造和谐的建设氛围,通过各方努力,337个工点实现 ment of the government, it standardized the metro construction manage- ment and constructed a harmonious atmosphere, which help 337 worksites 进场施工。在新一轮地铁建设中开拓新思路,适应新常 others 9.30 1.07 0.50 3.42 4.32 683.64 enter construction. Development of new ideas and adaptation of the new 态,掀起了新一轮轨道交通工程建设的高潮。 normal in the new round of metro construction set off an upsurge of a new 184.85 100.96 2.18 7.08 74.64 1470.97 round of rail transit construction. Total 15 16 线网建设 NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 安全建设 和谐建设 SECURITY CONSTRUCTION HARMONY CONSTRUCTION 广州地铁在地铁建设中以风险防控为主线,保障 In the metro construction, we took risk prevention and control as main line to ensure project construction safety, starting with prevention and con- 工程建设安全。从安全生产“事前”防控入手,实施 trol in advance of safety production and implementing safety risk identifica- 覆盖业务全过程的安全风险辨识和动态管理。在勘 tion and dynamic management during the whole process. In the exploration 探阶段,准确判断复杂地质情况,最大程度地预见原 phase, we accurately estimated the complex geological conditions and predicted the maximum native risks; in design phase, we conducted risk 生风险;在设计阶段进行风险评估,强化风险源保护 assessment in order to strengthen protection design for risk source, and 设计;在施工前对周边环境详细摸查,完成“四个报 surveyed the surrounding environment detailedly before construction and had completed the “Four Reports”; for all the new worksites, we implement- 告”;对所有新开工点,严格执行安全交底,组织施 ed safety disclosure strictly, organized relevant personnel of construction or- 工、监理、勘察设计、业主代表等相关人员,分析工 ganization, supervision, survey and design and the owners’ representatives 点的风险排查和措施落实情况,强调工点风险防控重 to analyzed risk inspection and measures implementation of the worksites, and ensured all construction parties to be aware of the safety risks and 点、注意事项和公司的安全生产要求,保障参建各方 control methods of worksites by emphasizing on risk prevention and control, 明确工点安全风险和控制方法,全年开展安全交底共 precautions and safety production demands of GMC, and we carried out safety disclosure 65 times the whole year. 65次。 To reinforced implementation of safety responsibility of construction 为加强参建单位安全责任落实。广州地铁与中国 parties, our company coordinated with five corporations, including China 中铁、中铁建等5家施工单位协调,建立了公司与参 Railway Engineering Corporation and China Railway Construction, to estab- lish a communication mechanism that can normalize communication among 建单位上级部门领导层间、安全管理部门间常态化沟 GMC, the superior department leadership of the construction parties and 通,重大安全风险审查审批,以及重点安全隐患通报 safety management, assess and review major safety risk, and report key potential risks. We brought in news media with the purpose of initiatively 的联动沟通机制;引入新闻媒体,对安全责任履责不 exposing the recurring forbidden foul plays of safety, for instance, failing 到位,发生屡禁不止的安全违规行为的,主动邀请媒 to perform safety responsibilities. With the implementation of a series of 四号线南延段施工4、5标段市民开放日 measures, Guangzhou metro construction projects great attention from the 体曝光。通过一系列措施,广州地铁建设项目得到了 Public Open Day of Section 4 to Section 5 of the Southward Extension of Line 4 leaders of all the construction parties. 各参建单位的重视。 广州地铁建设依托“4+1”工程建设监管体系,主 Guangzhou metro construction is based on the “4+1”system. we organized joint construction activities initiatively to create a good external 动组织开展共建活动,努力为工程建设营造良好外部环 environment for the construction. Joint construction activities in communi- 境。广泛开展社区共建,通过社区共建示范点创建活动 ties were widely carried out. we standardized and guided joint construction 等对社区共建进行规范和引导,目前基本所有在建地均 activities by setting up joint construction demonstrations. So far, basically all of the worksites have carried out joint construction activities in commu- 开展了社区共建活动,营造了良好的建设氛围;主动 nities, creating a good external environment for the construction. in addi- 开展媒体共建,已与15家省、市媒体开展了6次共建活 tion, we invited the media to participate in joint construction activities and had carried out six times with 15 provincial and municipal media, which 动,取得了良好的舆论效果;积极开展好检企共建,与 received good effects of public opinion. we actively promoted joint con- 海珠区、荔湾区检察院开展了工作交流,完成了与全市 struction activities with the Procuratorate, during which we communicated with haizhu district Procuratorate and liwan district Procuratorate about 11个区级人民检察院的共建工作、探讨深化共建,源 our work, completed joint construction activities with 11 district people’s 头防腐的措施。 procuratorates of Guangzhou with deep discussion about joint construction and measures of anticorrosion from source, and started joint construction activities between school and enterprise with Guangdong Police College, inviting their students to participate in volunteer service in police uniforms to improve the police visibility. 十四号线建设施工安全员在更换工地安全日历牌 The construction safety officer of line 14 in the replacement of site safety calendar 17 18 线网建设 NETWORK CONSTRUCTION 在建线路情况 LINES UNDER CONSTRUCTION 七号线一期(广州南站—大学城南) PHASE I OF LINE 7 (GUANGZHOU SOUTH Railway Station to HIGHER Education MEGA CENTER SOUTH station) 土建工程累计完成48%。9座车站中,8座(石 壁、谢村、钟村、汉溪长隆、鹤庄、官堂、南村和大学 塱 南洲 龙洞 柯木 高塘石 黄陂 金峰 城南站)进行土建施工,1座(广州南站)进行施工前 湴 暹岗 3 长 植物园 准备。8个区间(广州南站至石壁、石壁至谢村、谢村 大学城南 香雪 苏元 ) 至钟村、钟村至汉溪长隆、汉溪长隆至鹤庄、鹤庄至官 1 未开通 天河客运站 ( 燕塘 官堂 11 沙河 堂、官堂至南村、南村至大学城南)和大洲车辆段出入 南村 广州火车站 六号线首期、二期 浔峰岗 西村 段线进行土建施工,共有13台盾构机正在掘进。大洲 工程线路图 汉溪长隆 鹤庄 广州东站 华师 石壁 七号线一期 彩虹桥 终点站 区庄 4 车辆段±0.00以下进行地基处理施工,±0.00以上已完 2 谢村 钟村 工程线路图 21 杨箕 中山八 换乘站 成施工招标。 广州南站 坦尾 终点站 黄村 车站 如意坊 陈家祠 东山口 体育西路 珠江新城 天河公园 员村 车陂南 换乘站 首期工程线路 the accumulated percentage of completed civil construction project has 黄沙 文化公园 海珠广场 13 番禺广场 车站 二期工程线路 reached 48%. among the nine stations, eight stations (Shibi, Xiecun, Zhongxun, 3 工程线路 hangxichanglong, hezhuang, Guantang, nancun and higher education mega Center South) are under construction, and other one station (Guangzhou 六号线二期(长湴—香雪) South
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