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KABUL : Insurgents constantly aim to carry out attacks in the city. Threat reporting continues to be received with regard to insurgents’ intent to carry out attacks in Kabul City. Sporadic IDF attacks can be expected as well. SVBIED and BBIED methods of attack remain options of choice for insurgents and the attacks are normally well planned.

Wardak Province, Sayidabad District, Tangi Valley, Highway 7, reportedly insurgents plan to carry out complex attacks with heavy and small arms against IM/ANSF activities and IM logistics convoys in the near future.


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Table illustrating the number of Killed and Wounded, Captured and Arrested as per the reporting’s of the SSSI DSR.

(Kindly note that these are from the SSSI DSR and are not official statistics and may differ from those released by ISAF or other agencies and organisations.)

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THREAT LEVELS SEVERE SUBSTANTIAL -Negative Impact Incident -Positive Impact Incident MODERATE LOW

Attack: 05 May, Province, Jaghatu District, 19h00, ANSF were targeted with small arms and RPG-fire in the DAC.

IDF Attack: 05 May, , , an IM installation was targeted with six rounds of mortar fire. No casualties reported.

IED: Ghazni Province, Qara Bagh District, Spin Band Area, an IED detonated near a road construction company’s vehicle. Insurgents then attacked and the local national guards resisted the attack. One guard and three insurgents killed.

Success: Cache: 5 May , , , Dahni Qul area, ANSF found fourteen AP mines, twelve mortars, four boxes of ammunition, two hand grenades five detonators, three KG of explosives and three rockets.

Success: Cache: 5 May, Kabul Province, , Gulbat area, ANSF found one RPG, nine detonators and one box of small arms ammunition.

Success: Arrest: 5 May, Kabul Province, Bagrami District, ANSF arrested three insurgents during a search operation. Privileged and Confidential 3 This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited without the explicit approval from StrategicSSI Management. Strategic SSI - Afghanistan

Demonstration: 6 May, 10h30, Kabul Province, Kabul City, District 4, Shear Pour Square, Iranian Embassy, about 200 locals staged a peaceful demonstration protesting the death penalty sentence to several Afghanistan citizens convicted by the Iranian court for narcotic smuggling in Iran. The demonstration end peacefully at approximately 12h30.

IED: 5 May, , Center, Babus area, an IM patrol vehicle was hit by an IED on a district road. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 5 May, 12h00, Logar Province, Puli Alam District, Padkhwab Shana area, insurgents launched an rockets attack on a IM supplies convey. No casualties were reported.

IED: 06 May, , Khinj District, Pesh-Ghoor Village, One UN vehicle was hit by an IED. No casualties reported.

IED: 5 May, 08h30, Wardak Province, Sayidabad District, Zaren Khel area, a CET transporting IM supplies, was hit by an IED. Two PSC members wounded.



-Negative Impact Incident -Positive Impact Incident

IED: 06 May, , Adraskan District, an ANP vehicle was hit by an IED in the Chanak area. One ANP member was killed and the District Chief of ANP wounded.

Success: Walkover: Herat Province, Shin Dand District, reportedly an insurgent commander from the Ghulam Yahya Seahoshani insurgent group joined the government.

IED: 05 May, Herat Province, Kushak Kona District, Poshah Sea Village, an IED hit an IM vehicle. One IM member wounded. Privileged and Confidential 4 This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited without the explicit approval from StrategicSSI Management. Strategic SSI - Afghanistan

Kidnap: Herat Province, , reportedly ANP members moving to were kidnapped by insurgents in the Tanawa Village of the Shatali area.

IED: 05 May, Herat Province, , reportedly one civilian got wounded during an IED attack.

IED: 05 May, Herat Province, Robat Sanqe District, ANP defused an IED in the district.

Attack: 05 May, , Moqur District, Halo Gurak area, insurgents attacked an ANP CP. One insurgent killed.

IED: 04 May, , Ghor Mach District, Qala WaliArea, An IED hit an ABP truck. One ABP member killed and two wounded.


THREAT LEVELS SEVERE SUBSTANTIAL MODERATE -Negative Impact Incident -Positive Impact Incident LOW

Insurgency: Intimidation: 05 May, Province, Chemtal District, according to ANP reports insurgents entered a mosque in Chemtal Village and threatened members of the local community. Civilians have been warned not to take part in the forthcoming election or ells they would face a trial. Night letters were also posted on walls.

Insurgency: Intimidation: 06 May, , Nahr-E Shahi District, two insurgents tried to steal a de-mining NGO vehicle from instructors who were giving mine-awareness training.

Insurgency: 04 May, Balkh Province, Char Bolak District, three insurgent commanders are coordinating an attack targeting the Mazar-e Sharif Prison. They also planned set up IEDs in Jawzjan Province.

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Insurgency: Murder: 05 May, , Emam Saheb District, insurgents killed a civilian in the Juy-E Bigim Village.

Insurgency: 04 May, Jawzjan Province, Darz Ab District, Sardar Dara Village, twenty insurgents entered Darz Ab District from out Kunduz Province. Reportedly they will meet in a Mosque in the Sardar Dara Village to get their orders.

Insurgency: 03 May, , reportedly a insurgent commander sent forty insurgents to the Khaja Eston and Koh Khokak areas. They intend to conduct terrorist activities along the Samangan Provincial Highway targeting ASNF elements who are conducting operations in the province.

Insurgency: 04 May, Sar-e-Pol Province, , Sixty insurgents are operating in the Pesta Village area. Reportedly school teachers fled from the Pesta Village.

Demonstration: 06 May, , Taloqan District, a group of 100 students held a peaceful protest against at the lack of food and transport at Taloqan University.


THREAT LEVELS SEVERE SUBSTANTIAL MODERATE -Negative Impact Incident LOW -Positive Impact Incident

Ambush: 05 May, , Darreh-Ye Pech District, 09h00, an ANSF convoy was attacked by insurgents with heavy and small arms. No casualties reported.

Attack: 05 May, Kunar Province, Ghaziabad District, 16h00, an ANP check-point in the area was attacked by insurgents with heavy and small arms. No casualties were reported.

Success: Air Strike: Kunar Province, Warta District, IM conducted an airstrike targeting an insurgent stronghold in the district. Insurgent kills unknown.

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Kidnap: 05 May, , Sorkh Rod District, Latak Village, reportedly insurgents have taken seven local national friends of the former attorney general of Kabul to an unknown place while elders rescued the attorney general.

Attack: 05 May, Nuristan Province, Gawhar Dish District, Khanjar and Torghar areas, insurgents attacked an ABP CP in the area. One ABP member wounded.


THREAT LEVELS SEVERE -Negative Impact Incident SUBSTANTIAL -Positive Impact Incident MODERATE LOW

Attack: 05 May, Paktya Province, Dand Va Patan District, 18h00, an ABP check-point in the area of Moqbal was attacked by insurgents with small arms. No casualties were reported.

IDF Attack: 05 May, , , Sabari DAC was targeted with 15 rounds of mortar fire during an ineffective IDF attack. No casualties were reported.

Attack: 05 May, , Orgun District, insurgents attacked ANP members in the DAC with small and heavy arms. No casualties reported.

Attack: 05 May, Paktika Province, , insurgents attacked an ABP check-point in the DAC with small and heavy arms. No casualties reported.

Attack: 06 May, Paktya Province, Yahya Kheyl District, 08h00, insurgents attacked an ANP check-point in the area of Mata Kheyl with small arms. No casualties reported.

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-Negative Impact Incident -Positive Impact Incident

IED: 05 May, , Qalat City, an IED hit an ANP vehicle. One ANP member wounded.

IED: 05 May, Zabul Province, Mizan District, An IED hit a IM vehicle. One IM member and one local national killed. One IM member wounded.

IED: 05 May, , Panjwai District, an ANP patrol was targeted with an IED during an attack in the area of Mohammad Mosa Village. No casualties reported.

Ambush: 05 May, Kandahar Province, , Makwan Village, 10h00, an ANSF convoy was attacked with small arms and RPG-fire. Insurgents killed one girl and wounded a woman during the attack.

Attack: 05 May, Kandahar Province, Arghandab District, an ANP patrol was attacked by insurgents with small arms in the area of Tarako Qalacha Village. No casualties reported.

IDF Attack: 06 May, Kandahar Province, Tarin , an IM installation was attacked with three rockets. No casualties reported. Three insurgents arrested.

IED: 05 May, , Nad-E Ali District, an IED detonated while two insurgents were setting it up. Two insurgents killed.

Success: Cache: 04 May, Helmand Province, Musa Qaleh District, ANP discovered one suicide vest-IED, three IEDs and two unidentified rockets during a search operation in Qari Manda.

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IED: 06 May, Helmand Province, Nad-E Ali District, an IED (sticky bomb) was emplaced under an IM vehicle, which was parked outside PB Talaanda. The device detonated as it was discovered. ANSF/IM discovered a second device 100m away from the primary device.

Insurgency: IVCP: 04 May, Nimroz Province, , insurgents searched civilian vehicles at the IVCP that they have set up in the area of Posht-E Hassan on the evening of 4 May.



The Associated Press By SEBASTIAN ABBOT 07/05/2010 GHUNDY GHAR, Afghanistan

The gunfire and explosions echoing across this Taliban-infested district in southern Afghanistan on Friday signalled the end of the opium poppy harvest as militants again turned their attention from agriculture to attacking NATO and Afghan forces.

U.S. Army soldiers perched on this small hilltop base in Kandahar province's Zhari district had a ringside seat to the early morning fighting. It snapped a lull in violence that had lasted almost three weeks while the Taliban focused on taxing the poppy crop, one of its main sources of revenue.

Building up resources is especially important for the Taliban this year as NATO is ramping up its latest military operation in Kandahar, the group's spiritual heartland. Military commanders have characterized the Kandahar mission as the make-or-break battle of the nearly 9-year- old war.

"This is the most gunfire that has happened in weeks," said Staff Sgt. Aaron Christensen, looking down from Strong Point Ghundy Ghar as helicopter gunships pounded Taliban militants who had attacked a U.S. patrol about 1.5 miles (2.5 kilometres) away. "The poppy harvest is definitely over."

Afghanistan produces the raw opium used to make 90 percent of the world's heroin, and the Taliban earn about $300 million per year off the trade, according to the United Nations.

Kandahar itself produced about 16 percent of Afghanistan's opium poppies in 2009, the second-largest amount after neighbouring Helmand province. The key districts in Kandahar for poppy are Zhari, Panjwai and Maiwand.

"I really underestimated how much the poppy harvest would impact the Taliban's operations out here," said Capt. Ryan Sheeran, the company commander whose First Platoon is currently based at Ghundy Ghar but also operates in Maiwand. "Taliban operations literally went down to nothing."

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That all changed abruptly on Friday. The morning dawned with a roadside bomb attack against Afghan army troops as they traveled along the main highway that runs through Kandahar about a mile (2 kilometres) north of Ghundy Ghar, said Lt. Jonathan Lessman, the commander of First Platoon. The blast triggered an intense fire fight that lasted nearly 10 minutes.

About an hour later, militants holed up in a mud compound attacked a U.S. platoon that had set up a temporary observation post east of Ghundy Ghar, Lessman said. Over the next 30 minutes, the soldiers responded with a punishing barrage of grenades and gunfire, while Kiowa helicopters pounded the militants with rockets, sending up clouds of dust and smoke.

It was unclear if there were any casualties from the two incidents.

The U.S. soldiers who were attacked were based at another small outpost in Zhari called Strong Point Lako Khel, which has been a favourite target of Taliban militants because it doesn't enjoy the same defensive hilltop position as Ghundy Ghar.

Both outposts fall under the command of 2nd Battalion, 1st Infantry Regiment, which has responsibility for providing security in western Zhari and Maiwand.

"Now that the harvest is ending, we will definitely see an increase in roadside bombs on the highway and attacks against Afghan and coalition troops," said Lessman.

The Taliban have a strong presence in Maiwand, Zhari and Panjwai, with the latter two districts almost entirely under the militant group's control.

Afghan government efforts to eradicate poppy in the three districts in 2007 and 2008 boosted support for the Taliban from farmers who relied on the militant group to protect their crop.

NATO forces who now patrol the districts have tried to counter that dynamic by telling farmers they will not target their crops but will go after smugglers who take the opium to market — a fine line that is often difficult to walk.

The Taliban have tried to disrupt that message in Zhari and Maiwand, telling farmers that coalition helicopters have been spraying chemicals to destroy this year's poppy crop. The fabrication has gotten some traction because disease and lack of water have reduced this year's harvest by 75 percent compared to 2009, according to farmers.

Lessman, the platoon commander, has tried to counter the Taliban's message as he and his men patrol through poppy fields around Ghundy Ghar that are still dotted with a few workers finishing the harvest. But he is even more focused on keeping his men alert for potential danger.

"The problem with the lull in violence was that it allowed soldiers to get complacent," said Lessman. "Now it's back to business as usual."

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Afghanistan Weather for Sunday 09 May 2010 Kabul Mazar Kandahar Herat

Rain 30% Clear Rain 20% P/Cloudy P/Cloudy 24° C | 12° C 33° C | 17° C 30° C | 17° C 33° C | 21° C 29° C | 16° C

Farah Khost Kunduz Gardez Fayzabad

P/Cloudy Clear P/Cloudy Clear Rain 40% 29° C | 20° C 27° C | 16° C 29° C | 17° C 21° C | 19° C 26° C | 8° C


19 Aug 10 - National Day. 10 Sep - 11 Sep 10 - Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan). 18 Sep 10 - Parliamentary Elections. 16 Nov - 17 Nov 10 - Eid-al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice).

Note. Muslim festivals are timed according to local sightings of various phases of the moon and the dates given above are approximations. During the lunar month of Ramadan that precedes Eid al-Fitr, Muslims fast during the day and feast at night and normal business patterns may be interrupted. Some disruption may continue into Eid al-Fitr itself. Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha may last up to several days, depending on the region.



Fox News Channel May 7, 2010

The White House on Friday reaffirmed its commitment in Afghanistan ahead of next week's meeting between President Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, which has been overshadowed by recent tensions between the two governments.

The two leaders met in late March in Kabul after Mr. Obama made a previously- unannounced visit to the region. During that trip, Mr. Obama is said to have put pressure on Karzai to crack down on internal corruption.

After the meeting, Karzai accused the West of interfering with Afghan affairs, and blamed the U.S. government for the fraud that took place in last year's Afghan election.

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Days later Karzai implied that he would abandon the political process all together and join the Taliban.

The May 12 meeting hung in the balance for weeks, with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs at one point telling reporters that any other negative comments from Karzai could potentially jeopardize the visit.

But administration officials on Friday emphasized a strong working relationship between the U.S. and Afghanistan, and said that Washington has seen progress since Mr. Obama visited Karzai in March.

"I think there were a number of discussions that we had in Kabul that led to positive steps taken by the Afghan government," Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said on a conference call with reporters. The White House may be doing some damage control ahead of Wednesday's scheduled meeting.

National Security Adviser Jim Jones told reporters travelling to Kabul with Mr. Obama in March that the main purpose of his trip would be to pressure Karzai, adding that there had been no political progress made since the Afghan president's inauguration in November.

Observers say the administration's strategy may have backfired. "If you have a positive rapport with this man you can work with him. You can find ways to put pressure on him and make him feel that you are doing it from a position of respect and trust," said Michael O'Hanlon, a national security expert at the Brookings Institution. "If you go right to his face publicly you tend not to get a good response and frankly we should know that by now."

The White House Friday acknowledged it is not 100 percent satisfied with the progress in Afghanistan, which has been plagued by recent violence and government corruption.

"We have made clear that where we think more needs to be done, we'll communicate that directly to the Afghans," said Rhodes. "And also aim to support positive movement on issues related to corruption and governance in ways that we can."

The president's top adviser on Afghanistan and Pakistan stressed the need to get past "ups and downs" and focus on the common goals shared between the two nations. "These aren't going to deter us from meeting our common objectives. And it's very much that sort of common objectives that underlay the partnership and the way forward which will dominate the visit next week," said Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute.

The main objective, Lute said, is to work towards the administration's goal of transitioning authority to the Afghans by July 2011. Asked whether the White House believes that is feasible, Lute was optimistic. "I can tell you that as of now, sort of halfway through this year, we are on track with where we expect to be with both the army and the police."


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The Afghan president and ten ministers will tell members of the US Congress they need billions of dollars to end the eight-year-old Taliban insurgency.

Ministers will ask American politicians to fund an ambitious scheme to use jobs, training, aid and amnesties to coax militants from the battlefield.

They will say they need money for their armed forces, farming, education, health and job schemes to win over rural Afghans who still view the Kabul regime as weak, corrupt and ineffective.

Relations between Kabul and Washington plummeted after Mr Karzai railed against foreign interference and blamed his backers for the country's fraud and corruption.

The diplomatic row had at one point appeared to jeopardise Mr Karzai's invitation to the White House. Sources close to Mr Karzai said a successful visit was now considered "extraordinarily important".

The delegation will arrive in Washington on Monday to lobby Congress as it considers a Pentagon request for £22 billion of extra funds for the war in Afghanistan.

Mohammad Masoom Stanekzai, the architect of the plan to persuade Taliban foot soldiers to defect, said securing more money was a key objective of the visit.

He said: "We need their support to build our civil institutions. We need their technical support and we need their financial support. They have promised us money in the past, now we need to see if they will give it."

A Western military officer involved in building the Afghan police and army said the ministries of defence and interior had drawn up "a very long shopping list".

American commanders fighting alongside British forces in Helmand this week admitted the continuing lack of competent Afghan police and administrators had slowed efforts to widen Kabul's grip after the drive to rid the province of Taliban fighters in Operation Moshtarak.

David Sedney, a deputy assistant secretary of defence, told the senate foreign relations committee: "The number of those civilians ... who are trained, capable, willing to go into (Taliban-controlled areas) does not match at all demand."

Mr Stanekzai said the delegation would seek American pressure on Islamabad to squeeze Taliban safe havens inside Pakistan.

He said: "We need them to put more pressure on Pakistan to stop this double game. We must stop the organisational support behind the insurgency."


Washington Post By Hamid Karzai Sunday, May 9, 2010

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Nearly nine years ago, terrorists killed thousands of civilians and destroyed iconic symbols of American prosperity and progress. Before that, the same terrorists had taken Afghanistan hostage and had killed and tortured our people for years. These terrible conditions brought our two nations together in a partnership. As in any genuine partnership, this has not been an easy ride. We have had our share of disagreements over some issues and approaches. What has kept us together is an overriding strategic vision of an Afghanistan whose peace and stability can guarantee the safety of the Afghan and the American peoples.

The many sacrifices of both Afghans and Americans have led to tremendous achievements. We are grateful for America's contributions and will always remember your resolve in standing by us. Now and during my visit to Washington this week, I hope to convey my deepest condolences to families of those who lost their lives in Afghanistan.

When I began my second term as president, I put forth a vision for our nation of Afghan leadership, sovereignty and full ownership of providing security, governance, justice, education, health and economic opportunity. That is a vision I know that President Obama shares.

Our common success in fighting terrorism and improving security rests on building institutions of the state to enable Afghanistan to deliver all the necessary services and protection to its people. We have, in abundance, courage and the desire to take responsibility for our own security and governance. To that end, it is vital that Afghan security forces be institutionalized and equipped with necessary and sustainable tools. The international community has been doing this, with the United States taking on the largest role, but more support is needed.

As I said in my inaugural address in November and again at the London conference in January, delivering good governance and rooting out corruption are among my government's top priorities. Recently, we have made systematic progress by launching a local governance policy that gives greater budgeting and implementation powers to provincial and district officials. I have also issued a decree giving unprecedented powers to the High Office of Oversight and Anti-Corruption to investigate cases within the government. And we are determined to do more.

This September, Afghanistan will hold its second parliamentary elections in the past five years. As I write, thousands of Afghans, including a great number of women, have registered to campaign. Our democracy has steadily taken root. Our people jealously guard their democratic achievements.

While we continue to battle terrorism, to help end violence in our country and ensure the safe return of your sons and daughters, my government is convening a Consultative Peace Jirga - - a historic forum of the Afghan people -- to chart a way forward for engaging those who fight against us. Fifteen hundred representatives of the Afghan people will deliberate and advise us on reconciliation and reintegration. I emphasize that our arms are open only to those who are not part of al-Qaeda or any other terrorist network, who denounce violence and who will return to normal life respecting the Afghan constitution.

We recognize that more is needed to eradicate terrorism and for our reconciliation and reintegration to succeed. Sincere and effective regional cooperation backed by our allies is the best guarantee for success.

The Afghan people greatly value and want to strengthen their strategic partnership with the United States. We have travelled far together, but the international effort in Afghanistan still Privileged and Confidential 14 This information is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. You are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this information is strictly prohibited without the explicit approval from StrategicSSI Management. Strategic SSI - Afghanistan

has miles to go. We are not yet delivering security to large portions of the country. I have consistently noted the urgency of addressing the problem of sanctuaries, training and other support that terrorists receive beyond Afghanistan's borders. This problem is far from solved. Ending night raids and house searches, as well as transferring control of detention facilities on our soil to Afghans will also go a long way in setting us up for success. Civilian casualties are harming our cause. Gen. Stanley McChrystal's leadership has done a lot to address this, but more needs to be done.

Greater coordination of the international effort is also necessary as we strive to build capable Afghan institutions. Removing parallel structures that undermine the authority of our government is key. Addressing corruption and waste in the delivery mechanisms, including contractual systems, is imperative. President Obama's decision to channel more funds through the Afghan government is a good step forward.

Success in Afghanistan will define the course of this young century. Afghans are a grateful people. Once we are on our feet, our partners can count on our commitment to stand shoulder to shoulder. Ensuring that terrorists no longer threaten our common security will take more patience and sacrifices. We have hard and essential work ahead. I am determined to see it through. I am reminded daily, as Robert Frost said, "the woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."

The writer is president of Afghanistan.


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