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: e u ll s o s R I r o s n i o h H r T o n n o I D IN FOCUS The AndrewS univerSiTy MAgAzine Campaign Pit Stop

can’t imagine a presidential campaign making a more unlikely stop than Hopper’s Family Restaurant here in Berrien Springs. But on October 15, Vice President Dick FOCUS Cheney, arguably the most powerful politician in the U.S., was ushered into the little I ediTor diner—amazingly described as quaint by regional media—by so many state and local Ivan Davis (MA ‘92) police escorts that one calculating thief successfully robbed a local bank during the hour- long roundtable breakfast. ASSiSTAnT ediTor At the center of the convoy were two Patricia Spangler (BS ‘04) busses with amazingly vivid paint jobs carry - ing Cheney, his wife, Lynne, and two grand - ConTribuTing ediTorS daughters, all here to rally Berrien County’s Brent Geraty (MA ‘91) Rebecca May (BA ‘77) largely Republican constituency, “the base” Beverly Stout (MA ‘04) as it’s known politically. I assume the restaurant was chosen as deSign ConSulTAnT Matt Hamel much for its easy-in, easy-out location on old U.S. 31 as for its breakfast specialty, butter - PhoTogrAPherS milk pancakes and bacon. Andrews alumni Ivan Davis (MA ‘92) Martin Lee THE “LIBERAL ” MEDIA ? I joined national and from a few years back will remember the Gerald Paul New regional press at the V.P.’s Berrien Springs visit. restaurant’s former moniker, Huff’s Dam Inn, Sarah Spangler (BT ‘02) which strikes me as the only quaint vestige in wriTerS the establishment’s history. For the record, Cheney, who has suffered heart-related ail - Niels-Erik Andreasen (MA ‘65, BD ‘66) ments, chose to bypass Hopper’s pancakes and bacon while he engaged his supporters. Gary Land David Nowack As a member of the media, I was one of the few noninvitees to see and hear what the Beverly Stout (MA ‘04) Vice President had to say. Naturally, the media were kept outside the restaurant in a large Dennis Woodland tent, where temperatures hovered around 45 degrees. I got to watch Cheney speak on a closed-circuit TV feed, while a couple of national writers competed to predict which phras - AndrewS univerSiTy es, ideas and names the Vice President would President: Niels-Erik Andreasen (MA’65, BD ‘66) drop into his “roundtable” discussion. Their vice Presidents for ability, honed by more than three months of Academic Administration: Patricia B. Mutch (BS ‘65) university Advancement: David A. Faehner (MA ‘72) campaign travel with the V.P., was uncanny. Student Services: Frances Faehner (BSW ‘76) Financial Administration: Edward E. Wines Still, for one fleeting and drizzly morning, enrollment Management: Stephen Payne Berrien Springs was in the national election spotlight. editor’s office: (269) 471-3316

Spurred on by the significance of the FoCuS (ISSN 1077-9345) is published quarterly, November election, this issue of FOCUS looks free of charge, for alumni and friends of Andrews University, an institution owned and operated by at how the campaign affected our campus. the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The maga - Beverly Stout tracks some of the campaign- zine’s address is FOCUS, Office of University Lynne and Dick Cheney board their campaign Relations, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, and election-related activities at AU over bus at Hopper’s Family Restaurant. MI 49104-1000. Copyright 2004 by Andrews the last couple months, while history pro - University. Reproduction in whole or part without permission is prohibited. Printed by The Hamblin fessor Gary Land puts the 2004 presidential election into a much broader perspective, sug - Company, Tecumseh, MI. Periodicals postage paid gesting that our country’s citizens may not be as politically polarized as some pundits at Berrien Springs, MI, and at additional mailing believe. Reflecting the thinking of many voters on November 2, biology professor Dennis offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FoCuS , Office of Alumni Services, Andrews Woodland and biochemistry professor David Nowack examine the election as a referen - University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0950. dum on sitting president George W. Bush. email: [email protected] And finally, as a “president” who many of us are happy isn’t beholden to restrictive term office of Alumni Services: (269) 471- 3591 email: [email protected] limits, Dr. Niels-Erik Andreasen reflects on his ten years as Andrews University president. CONTENTS FALL 2004, VOLUME 40, NO. 4


Campaign 2004 Hits Campus 13 by Beverly Stout 3

Beverly Stout covers presidential campaign- and election- 1


related activities on campus. g a P

A Nation Divided? 16 by Gary Land Gary Land, professor and chair of the history and political- science department, examines the ideological state of our country’s political parties. 6 1

e g a Election Day 2004: A Bush Referendum? P 20 by David Nowack and Dennis Woodland Much of the country looked at this election as a vote for or against George W. Bush. Two AU professors, Dave Nowack (biochemistry) and Dennis Woodland (botany), share their opposing voting rationales. 0 2

A Decade of Service e g

by Niels-Erik Andreasen a 22 P President Niels-Erik Andreasen reflects on his 10 years at Andrews and the demanding role of a university president.



2 In Focus g a P 5 Letters 6 Campus Update 11 Faculty & Staff 24 Alumni News 2

25 Class Notes 2

e g a 30 Life Stories P 32 Campus Cache 34 Student Spotlight 7

e g a P

ON THE COVER : How did presidential politics affect our campus? Our cover “couple,” staged as they are, evokes the sometime personal nature of the election.


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------I E L B N E C O R X U T O N H N A N A C 6 6 5 2 1 N O O V J N O 0 1 I L M P I W S E 5 T R 3 0 P 2 3 3 I N E R 0 N E H D S E O K G W N 2 8 4 1 1 U R T U N C O N O N 7 3 I D D L R S A S R E A ) U N A A G A U 0 5 2 1 3 5 y 1

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a C E A Y A E R W E M A I N S 2 4 1 r 2 p 9 1 1

e n T O W E E E L V 8 E o 4 A 2 2

w e l s E I A C I R P S T L H U R A P A O N z 9 W 6 8 2 Have you also remembered your 3 z n u L D L E D O P C A

voluntary subscription support for ( I A L C D E G V L O I C O S O N N L G 3 5 7 2 FOCUS this year? Your $10 gift is much 3 A D A K S I R 9 8 2 1 3 appreciated. Mail to Office of Alumni 3 I L I S M D A O O J H C N O 1 7 2 1 Services, Andrews University, 2 D O E B Berrien Springs, MI 49104-0950. O I I I L Y H R L N A H M N R A R S O E G W 1 7 3 4 1 6 3 2 1 3


Focus on Benton Harbor The summer 2004 issues of Focus , with Ogden Tours I just received my Summer 2004 issue of its feature section “Harbors of Hope,” highlighTS oF ChinA And The yAngTze FOCUS and thoroughly enjoyed the out - warmed my heart considerably. Having river —S ePTeMber 21–o CTober 3, 2005 reach articles on Benton Harbor—very recently pastored the Fairplain church This tour includes four days in Beijing to see the inspiring. This is what the Seventh-day (1989-1998) there, and knowing first - Forbidden City, Tian’anmen Square, the Adventist Church is all about—sharing hand the problems of Benton Harbor, it Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the God’s Word and helping others. Please was thrilling to read of the wonderful Great Wall of China, the tombs of Ming emper - continue to publish these types of arti - work that students, faculty and others ors, and a performance of the Beijing Opera including a backstage tour. Two days in Xian cles and experiences, as we need so are doing. Yes, God has many jewels in will include seeing the terra-cotta warriors and much to get back to the basics of God’s that city. Our prayers are with you! a spectacular Tang Dynasty show. The trip also work and get rid of the secularism that includes a four-day cruise on the Yangtze River is coming into our church these days. Pastor Jim Hoffer (MA ‘64) on the Victoria Cruises premier ship. In Shanghai, participants will visit the Children’s Palace and attend an evening performance of Tricia Turner the Shanghai Acrobats. The $3148 per person Homecoming changes? twin tour price includes airfare from the West Summer issue of FOCUS harbors not only Coast, all tour transportation, deluxe hotels, the hope but a promise of quality magazine Averille and I were pleased to receive Victorian Queen cruise, all meals throughout journalism. I commend your leadership the Summer edition of FOCUS yesterday. the trip, all sightseeing, and all special perform - and wish every continued success. We read with interest the Alumni News ances. Not included are port charges, air and security taxes, and insurance. A three-day Hong story regarding “Changes for Kong extension trip is available at an additional Milton Murray (att.) Homecoming Weekend?” Earlier this $875 per person twin, and includes airfare from year we were encouraged by the Shanghai, superior first-class hotel, buffet break - As an AU seminary graduate (at the age inquiries made by Rebecca May about fasts, Hong Kong sightseeing, and visits to our of 60), I enjoy reading FOCUS . I was preferences for the timing of alumni Adventist hospital and college. impressed with the articles related to weekend. And then we had heard it SouTh AMeriCAn CruiSe on The norwegiAn your partnership with Benton Harbor in rumored that the last weekend in Crown —F ebruAry 9-M ArCh 1, 2006 the summer issue. I am praying for September might be a likely choice for This outstanding 21-day cruise/tour will go God's continued courage and wisdom as 2005 and our 50th. The fall timing would from Santiago, Chile, via the Chilean Fjords, you all work together. I also appreciated be MUCH better for our scheduling. Tierra del Fuego, the Strait of Magellan, the reading about your new COT Dean, Falkland Islands, and Montevideo, Uruguay, to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Priced from $3298 per Verlyn Benson. I know he and Anita will Jim (BA ’55, class president) and person for a twin inside cabin, the tour includes be a blessing to AU and the community. Averille Kaatz (BA ’55) airfare from the United States to Santiago, hotels with breakfast for two days in Santiago and two Judy Crabb (MAPM ‘01) days in Buenos Aires with city tours in each, a 15-day cruise on the Norwegian Crown with all meals and all shore excursions included. Not included are port taxes, airline and security OCUS Thank you for the F issue about taxes, and insurance. A three-day Iguazu Falls Benton Harbor. We read it from cover to extension trip is currently priced at $698 twin cover. So inspiring and grateful to see and $798 single. Please note that the prices what is being done by AU. quoted are those for 2005. Quotations for 2006 are not yet available and may show a slight increase. Roger (BA ‘54) & Darlene (att.) Cook Space for both tours is limited, so make your decision as early as possible. Letters to Focus are welcome and should be sent to Editor, Focus, Office of University ConTACT : Dr. Merlene Ogden, 4683 Timberland Relations, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104-1000 or by e-mail to: Berrien Springs, MI 49103 with “Letter to Focus Editor” on the subject line. The editors Phone : (269) 471-3781 reserve the right to edit for content, style and space. Opinions expressed in letters are FAx : (269) 471-6246 not necessarily shared by the editors or university officers. e- MAil : [email protected]


Enrollment and retention rates up more than ever have made the decision tion rate between freshmen and sopho - to return. Enrollment is up this year by mores was 73%, and since 1999, the The leaves are beginning to change color 23 students, bringing the total to 3,018 retention rate has averaged 77%.” and fall from the trees, and the air is students compared to last year’s 2,995. Andrews has been tightening the tinged with a cool crispness that can “In the undergraduate population, the admissions process and is striving to only mean one thing—fall is here! Along sophomore, junior and senior classes are raise the bar in academic standards, with orange and red leaves, pumpkins, all larger than last year, and the new which has led to a steady decrease in and corn mazes, fall means the end of undergraduate transfer population is up the number of students admitted with summer and students trading novels for by nine students over last year. Overall, low ACT/SAT scores and GPAs in the textbooks and beach bags last three years. The aver - for backpacks as they head age ACT score of a student back to school. admitted to Andrews this The 2004-2005 school year is 23, with 42% of year at Andrews University first-time freshmen scoring got off to an energizing 24 and above. The 2004 start when 307 first-time national average ACT score freshmen arrived on cam - is 20.9. pus to start their college Graduate degree enroll - careers in English, biology, ment is down this year by history, architecture, or one 20 students, but there are of 70 other possible areas of definitely some positive study. highlights. The Seventh- New freshmen along day Adventist Theological with 166 transfer students Seminary at Andrews is at got “All Fired Up” to start record levels of enrollment the school year during a Andrews University students gather around the University and College Green after this year with a total of 678 week of orientation and fun the annual University Dedication Convocation on September 2. students, an increase of 16 activities, August 22-29, compared to last year. helping students make the Doctoral degree programs transition to college life here at the undergraduate student population have also increased by 26 students. Andrews. Under the theme of “Let’s Be grew by 41 students,” stated Stephen “I was here for five weeks in the Amazing,” students learned how to Payne, vice president for enrollment. spring taking intensive classes, and I manage their time and choose the right One of the most exciting accomplish - loved the campus and the people here, careers during “Student Success Day” ments for Andrews this year is their 83% so deciding to come back as a full-time and enjoyed a weekend full of concerts, retention rate. That means that 83 out of student was not a hard decision,” com - a pizza feed, bowling, and lots of other every 100 new freshmen that came to mented graduate student Sylvia Garcia, fun events. School officially began on Andrews last year were happy with who is studying for her MA in youth August 30. their experience and decided to come ministry. “I’m really glad I’m able to be “People are a lot more open and back. While Andrews is typically catego - here full-time.” friendly here,” commented freshman rized as a liberal or traditional admis - A high retention rate and increased architecture major, Christy Pierson. sions university, which is determined by enrollment demonstrates that students They are [Andrews] giving us plenty of the average ACT scores of admitted stu - are satisfied with the education they are ways to mingle. We’re not just thrown dents, their 83% retention rate puts receiving at Andrews University, and into college expected to know people. them into a level way above the catego - the smiles you’ll encounter on the faces They give us ways to do it. I love it.” ry standards. of both students and faculty as you This is truly looking to be an “amaz - “This is a remarkable measure of suc - wander through campus will provide ing” year for Andrews. Students are cess for Andrews University,” Payne evidence. excited about being at Andrews and notes. “Up until 1998, the typical reten -


Seminary celebrates 70 Stout of the Office of years of training for University Relations ministry provided a biograph - ical history of women faculty of the semi - nary. Jane Thayer, assistant professor of religious education, presented statistics on current women seminary students. Following the ses - John McVay, dean, commemorates the Seminary’s 70-year history. sion there was a birthday cake recep - tion. This was just Thursday, Oct. 14, during a special cele - the first of several celebratory events to bratory session of the Women and the be held throughout the school year. Word Conference. John McVay, dean of The 70th anniversary of the SDA the seminary, gave a presentation on the Theological Seminary kicked off on history of the seminary and Beverly

Streeter family donates Council. “When the Streeters were Stan Biekmann, assistant professor in hosta plants approached with the idea of donating the Agriculture Department, has part of their collection to establish a new designed the garden, which will be Retired faculty and staff members, garden in their honor on campus, they established between Nethery Hall and Edward and Verna Streeter, have the Administration Building. donated over 150 hosta plant culti - Biekmann and Dr. Streeter, with vars to establish the Streeter the help of several staff from the Family Hosta Garden on the Arboretum Grounds Department, Andrews University campus. dug the plants and prepared them The Streeters’ garden near for transplanting during the sum - Baroda is renowned, and their mer. The garden will be planted collection of hostas has developed this fall with an opening celebra - over the last 16 years to include tion scheduled for next spring more than 200 varieties and 700 when the Streeters return for a clumps. For health and family visit. reasons, the Streeters are moving The AU Campus Arboretum from to a new home in exists to protect and enhance the his - Arizona and will leave their gar - tory and natural beauty of our cam - Construction at the Streeter Family Garden on the sidewalk directly den collection to the new owners between Nethery Hall and the Administration Building pus and to provide opportunities for of their Michigan home. the study of plant collections. Those “Dr. Streeter was a founding who would like to participate finan - member of the arboretum council and were quick to agree that it would be a cially or as volunteers in Arboretum proj - served on the University’s Master lovely way to leave something tangible ects, such as the Streeter Family Hosta Planning committee for years,” accord - on the campus that has been such an Garden, should contact Dennis Woodland ing to Dennis Woodland, professor of important part of their lives for so at [email protected]. botany and chair of the Arboretum long.”


A just war? time. He began by sharing the five tradi - changed from one embracing the just- Is there such a thing as a “just war?” tional guidelines for determining a just war doctrine to the more current per - What kind of response should war: 1) proper authority; 2) just cause— spective that one must reject force in Christians have to the con - order to be a Christian. cept of war? Is pacifism an Paul Keim, associate pro - appropriate response? fessor of Bible, religion, These were among the and philosophy at Goshen questions handled under College, Goshen, Ind. gave the theme of “The Idea of a a response to Cole’s lec - ‘Just War’” at the annual ture, taking a pacifist McElmurry Ethics and stance. Keim began with a Society Lectureship held personal statement of his on Thursday, October 21, position and followed with in the Garber Auditorium a list of specific questions at Chan Shun Hall. aimed at Cole’s presenta - The evening began when tion, including: “Is the Iraq April Summitt, associate war a just war?” and “If professor of history at war could be a moral good, Andrews, gave an intro - why do soldiers return duction to the speakers and The McElmurry Ethics and Society Lectureship on “The Idea of a Just War” garnered a convinced by its horrors?” to the topic to a nearly full nearly full auditorium. After Cole addressed auditorium. some of the issues present - Darrell Cole, professor of religion at ed in Keim’s response, the floor was Drew University in Madison, NJ, fol - those attacked deserve to be attacked; 3) opened for questions from the audience, lowed with a lecture on the Christian just intention; 4) war is the only way to who were eager to be involved in the just-war doctrine. Cole provided a his - right the wrong; and 5) reasonable hope discussion. torical outline of how the doctrine of success. Cole discussed how the developed and changed throughout Christian’s view towards war has

Voice of Prophecy celebrates Diamond Jubilee

On Sabbath, October 23, the team celebrated their Diamond Jubilee at Pioneer Memorial Church. During the program, Del Delker and Wayne Hooper (pictured left) recalled early memories of Voice of Prophecy.

Musical selections included Adrian Westney, Jr., Del Delker, Walter Arties, the AU Symphony Orchestra and University Chorale, Melashenko Family Singers, Berrien Springs Children’s Choir, Connie Vandeman Jeffery and Ken Logan, PMC Minister of Music. Lonnie Melashenko, current speaker, assured all who attended that the Voice of Prophecy was still “In the Hand of God.”


H.M.S. Richards preaching at zine, principally on Lectureship Southern Adventist effective biblical On Sunday, October 24, Derek Morris University. Morris preaching and his opened this year’s H.M.S. Richards taught at Southern on-going, popular Lectureship on Biblical Preaching with Adventist series of published the presentation “Listening to the Word.” University from interviews with some Subsequent lectures were “Listening to 1987 to 2001 as a of North America’s the Community,” “Listening to the full-time professor best preachers. Listener,” and “ in the of preaching and Kenneth B. Stout, Marketplace.” Morris stated that “…rev - pastoral theology, who organized the erent listening is essential for powerful and was honored event as chair of the biblical preaching.“ with several Christian ministry Morris is a pastor and a professor awards for excel - department and pro - with a passion for preaching. His lence in teaching. fessor of preaching, dynamic Bible-based presentations He holds two said that Morris “bal - inspired those who attended. His family DMin degrees, one ances scholarship became Seventh-day Adventists through in practical theolo - with everyday life the ministry of H.M.S. Richards, Sr. and gy from Andrews applications.” Derek Morris provided dynamic Bible-based the Voice of Prophecy in England. University, and the presentations on reverent listening. He currently serves as the senior pas - second in preach - tor of the Forest Lake Seventh-day ing from Gordon- Adventist Church in Apopka, Florida, Conwell Theological Seminary. He has and is also an adjunct professor of published extensively in Ministry maga -

World-class guitar virtuoso Christopher Parkening performs at Howard Center

sical guitarist Andres special talk where he shared his testimo - Segovia. Over 550 concert- ny and discussed the relationship goers packed into the between his faith and his music. Howard Center, including a strong represen - tation of mem - bers from the local community. Twenty students from a guitar class at the University of Notre Dame came to the con - Classical guitar virtuoso Christopher cert and were pleased by Parkening was the first to perform as the opportunity to get their part of the 2004 Howard Series at the guitars autographed by Howard Performing Arts Center on Parkening. Following the Christopher Parkening (standing at left) mingled with the audience and signed autographs for nearly an hour following his concert in October 3. Parkening’s music has been concert, Parkening, a the Howard Center. compared to that of the legendary clas - devout Christian, held a


Howards pledge addi - their new location in the Howard Center September, Senator Ron Jelinek spoke at tional challenge grant will enable them to broadcast perform - a physical therapy assembly about ances from the Center as well as provide Direct Access, proposed legislation more accessible and modern surround - allowing patients to visit a physical ings. therapist without a physician’s referral. “We have 6,000 or so square feet at The flourishing academic environment the Campus Center, but a lot of it is in has provoked full classes and program the hallways, and it was not built to be a growth across the board. Several depart - studio,” Dudgeon said. “The space at ments have increased their competitive the performing arts center is maybe edge through the expansion of degree 2,000 less square feet, but it was built to programs and acquisition of new, state- be a broadcast studio and produce a of-the-art equipment. This year, the nutri - cleaner sound. The Howard Center was tion and wellness department unveiled built for this.” its new nutrition laboratory sponsored by Sharon Dudgeon, WAUS general manager, in the A third of the $300,000 challenge has Whirlpool Corporation. Additionally, the radio station’s future home at the Howard already been received, and the rest is nursing department has welcomed a new Performing Arts Center. expected to be raised through the solicit - member to its instructional team: the Sim John and Dede Howard have given yet ing of potential donors, a mailing to Man, a high-tech mannequin that creates another generous donation to further Andrews alumni who previously the closest available simulation of human the arts at Andrews University and in worked at WAUS, and possibly a public biological processes, providing students southwestern Michigan in the form of a campaign. real-life experience in a low-risk setting. $300,000 challenge grant to aid WAUS- The new studio complex is scheduled The nursing and physical-therapy depart - FM, Andrews University’s all-classical to be completed by December 1, 2005 ments have also introduced long-distance radio station, in finishing their new and will be named the John E. N. and masters and doctoral degree programs facilities in the Howard Performing Arts Dede Howard Studios. that are already attracting health care pro - Center. On Monday morning, August If you are interested in making a con - fessionals worldwide. 23, Sharon Dudgeon, WAUS general tribution to WAUS, please contact Lisa This first-rate educational experience manager, made the very exciting on-air Jardine, director of campaigns and spe - becomes apparent in the academic suc - announcement. cial projects, at 269-471-3629. cess of AU health-science students. Out The Howards, the namesakes of the of thousands of applicants from speech- Howard Performing Arts Center, gave Health Sciences booming pathology programs nationwide, AU $6.5 million towards its construction in at Andrews speech pathology students in the last 2001. three years were selected for four of the “I want to say how very grateful and As America becomes increasingly fixat - six coveted undergraduate internships at moved we all are by the good will and ed on health care, Andrews University’s Penn State, among the top research generosity of the Howards,” Dudgeon thriving health science programs are opportunities in the field. Students of announced on air. “They have been winning consistent recognition for the the department of clinical and laboratory long-time listeners and supporters of revolutionary educational opportunities sciences have enjoyed 100% occupation - WAUS. I hope they will have many they offer. The departments of physical al placement, moving on to positions in more years of listening to and enjoying therapy, speech pathology and audiolo - clinical laboratories including those of what WAUS has to offer. John and gy, nursing, nutrition and wellness, and Johns Hopkins and the Human Genome Dede, I know you’re listening right now. clinical and laboratory sciences have Project. Similarly, the nursing depart - From the bottom of my heart, thank firmly established Andrews as a promi - ment has enjoyed a 100% pass rate for you.” nent academic center for health care. the NCLEX licensing exam for the sec - Since 1971, WAUS has been located in Magazines like Woman’s Day and ond straight year. the basement of Campus Center in what Glamour now routinely cite the dietary Clearly, AU Health Science is well were originally classrooms and offices research of Winston Craig, chair of the equipped to carry the Adventist health - of the physics department. Moving to nutrition and wellness department. In care legacy into the 21st century.


Passion in service Jones is passionate about the opportu - nity for service that his new position pres - Clifford Jones was recently appointed ents. “I just count it a privilege to be serv - associate dean of the SDA Theological ing in this capacity,” he said, “…it’s excit - Seminary, where he will oversee the ing to partner with them (the students), to Seminary’s academic programs and help walk with them and to do whatever I can shape ministerial and theological educa - to help them…to hear them say “thank tion for the world Church. you” makes it worth it all. Jones hit the ground running and is aiming to revamp the MDiv program. Lovhoiden’s OnTarget Jones says his aim is “to help students achieve their educational goals.” Unless you’ve been blessed with the Gunnar T. Lovhoiden Herculean veins of Arnold Schwarzeneggar, you probably don’t projected back onto the patient’s skin, look forward to having your blood showing precisely where blood vessels lie. drawn. While it might never be a desir - OnTarget is already sending shock waves able experience, future blood tests through the bioengineering community, should be a significantly less threatening and Lovhoiden now sits as a minority ordeal for all hemophobes, thanks to the shareholder on the Board of Directors for work of Gunnar Lovhoiden, professor of Conenhill, a company seeking to produce engineering at Andrews University. commercial units of the device. In his recently completed PhD project, Not bad for a man who, as a youth in Lovhoiden successfully designed a device Norway, resolved to do “anything but that enables medical professionals to teach,” and much preferred things like Clifford T. Jones detect usable veins in 94% of all difficult cross-country skiing to engineering. intravenous cases. The device, named Lovhoiden, now twenty years wiser, Originally from Trinidad, Jones studied at OnTarget, beams infrared light into a admits that his post in engineering aca - Atlantic Union College and completed his patient’s skin, utilizing the differing demia is a “perfect fit,” and as you lis - MA in Religion from Andrews. He earned absorption properties of veins and sur - ten to him elucidate the intricacies of his DMin from New York Theological rounding tissue to create a real-time OnTarget, you realize that he’s right. Seminary and a PhD in African American “map” of the subdermal region. This Teaching comes as naturally as cross- Religion from Western Michigan University. image is then captured, processed, and country skiing for this Norwegian.

Pribis joins nutrition and where he completed a in the Tatra Mountains of wellness department doctorate in public health. Slovakia would wind up In 1997, after a year of in Berrien Springs, Mich., additional research at the explanation is really The Nutrition and Wellness Department Loma Linda, Pribis quite simple. In a word, recently welcomed Peter Pribis to its returned to Prague to vegetarianism. Pribis, faculty. Pribis comes to Andrews from work as a researcher and whose grandmother’s the Southern German Union, where he consultant. He eventually health habits persuaded served as director of health education left a position at Novartis him to adopt a vegetarian for four years. The native Slovakian Pharmaceuticals to move lifestyle in medical earned his MD in internal medicine at to Germany in 2000. school, initially began Charles University in Prague before While it may seem odd exploring other academic transferring to Loma Linda in 1990, that a man who grew up Peter Pribis options because the dean


of his medical school was vehemently “He’s an energetic lecturer with lots of Van Bemmelen retires opposed to the idea of vegetarianism. practical examples and a sense of humor On October 27, friends, colleagues, and “One of my papers mentioned the word that lives one millimeter beneath the sur - students of Peter van Bemmelen, profes - ‘vegetarian,’ and he just blew the whole face,” commented Steven Warren, associ - sor of theology, gathered together in the thing off,” Pribis laughs. Undeterred, ate professor of chemistry. Seminary commons to celebrate his his inclination towards nutrition and “I think of him as our human net - preventative medicine led him to Loma work person,” said Mattingly; “he Linda and eventually to Andrews connects with people very well.” University as a professor of nutrition. Through this admirable quality, Rowland has been able to arrange for A “Connector” retires high-profile speakers such as Richard Bube, a devout Christian and profes - “God called me there (Andrews); when sor emeritus at Stanford University, he releases me from that call, I’m gone,” and John Polkinghorne, an ordained Clark Rowland, professor of physics, Anglican priest who also served as said to Arthur Bienenstock of Stanford professor at Cambridge University in University in 1970, as his colleague tried England as well as President of to persuade him to move to the larger Queen’s College, Cambridge. university. One of the most exceptional Peter & Cobie van Bemmelen with John McVay demonstrations of Rowland’s ability to connect well with people is the part - retirement. Van Bemmelen has been a nership that Rowland struck up with member of the Theology and Christian Bienenstock and Stanford University. The Philosophy department in the SDA relationship with Bienenstock, who has Theological Seminary since 1993. worked for decades for Stanford “I’ve really appreciated his personal University and also served as one of passion for the Bible and God that has President Clinton’s science advisors, really come over in class,” noted one of came as a result of a research project per - van Bemmelen’s current students, formed by the two men in low-tempera - Rodley Lisis. “It’s really been faith- ture x-ray diffraction. affirming for me.” “He has the respect of a lot of people As for his plans for retirement, van in his discipline,” said James Hayward, Bemmelen said that he will “continue to professor of biology. Rowland’s out - teach part-time and still be involved but Clark Rowland standing academic record has played a at a more relaxed pace.” He would like “I can’t compete with that,” replied major role in earning him this respect, to focus more on his writing, among Bienenstock, realizing that Rowland’s but another reason that he is so well which are articles for the Ellen G. White commitment to serving God at Andrews regarded is his faith. Over the years, Encyclopedia. He would also like to University was solid. His commitment Rowland’s friendship with Bienenstock “spend more time with my wife, at has not wavered since. As he approach - has given him numerous opportunities home, and take the opportunity to visit es retirement, Rowland is in his 39th to speak of his beliefs. This had an effect my children and grandchildren.” year of teaching at Andrews. on the Stanford professor who, after Originally from the Netherlands, he From the very start, Rowland has several years of friendship with his has taught at Caribbean Union College, demonstrated enthusiasm for his work, Christian colleague, in 1981, told Newbold College, and was a missionary always insisting on excellence. “…when I Rowland, “I am prepared to make the to Surinam. He received his BA from came to college in 1967…I was one of his assumption that God exists the organiz - Columbia Union College and his MA first students,” said Margarita Mattingly, ing principle of my life.” and ThD from Andrews. He and his chair of the physics department. “He wife, Cobie, have three daughters and always kept the standards high. six grandchildren.

12 FOCUS l FALL 2004 Campaign 2004 Hits Campus Election-related events and activities at Andrews

ABOVE : A Nethery Hall chalk - Red, white and blue signs appeared board ready for mock elec - on lawns, in store windows, and on tion tally. the backs of cars everywhere. Newspapers were full of articles fol - LEFT : AU Students debated presidential politics during a lowing “campaign tours” and Vice departmental assembly on President Cheney had breakfast at Oct. 7. (l-r: Democrats Hopper’s Family Restaurant in Christopher Ng and Guillermo Moreno, and Republicans Berrien Springs. Steven Peck and Ben Chase). It was definitely not life as usual. The 2004 presidential election BELOW : The audience for the student presidential debate caused a stir across the United indicated there was no clear States and around the world as peo - victor. ple debated the issues and anxious - ly awaited November 2. The excitement of the 2004 elec - The focal point of tions did not escape the campus of all the election-relat - Andrews University. Students could ed events was to pick up a copy of the campus news - encourage students paper, the Student Movement , and to see the importance read headlines such as “Voting and of voting and having the Christian Responsibility” and their voice heard. “Christians in Politics?” Walk This past spring through Campus Center and you semester, students could see posters encouraging stu - were given the dents to get their absentee ballots or opportunity to regis - read quotes from the opinion wall ter to vote right on about what they really thought of campus via booths set up in the peers discuss the issues during the George Bush. Campus Center. Two hundred forty- student presidential debates. “I’ve never seen such buzz two students responded. Sponsored by the communication, around an election except during Representatives from both the English, history & political science, the Vietnam war,” commented Jane Democratic and Republican parties student success, and behavioral sci - Sabes, associate professor of politi - were invited to campus as well in ence departments, pairs of students cal science and one of the main fac - order to raise interest in party par - representing the Democratic and ulty sponsors for the variety of elec - ticipation, and as a final push, Republican parties emulated an actu - tion-related activities that took place posters providing students with a al presidential debate. In the first on campus. “Kids are connecting website through which they could round, a moderator took turns ask - issues with candidates, which thrills register for their absentee ballot ing the “candidates” a series of pre - me. Young people are catching the appeared all over campus a week pared questions for which they were insight that the election is about before the elections. allowed a 90-second response. Next, their life, their America, their tomor - On October 7, students filled the the participants were able to ask row. It’s not just politics: it’s their Wolverine Room of the cafeteria to each other questions, ending with a world.” overflowing in order to hear their final statement from each side.

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 13 Democratic participants were Refreshments and a Guillermo Moreno (see “Student discussion of the Spotlight”) and Christopher Ng, jun - issues followed each ior economics and prelaw. of the debates, end - Republicans were represented by ing with a vote, Steven Peck, junior political science which fairly consis - and business, and Ben Chase, fresh - tently resulted in man theology. The moderator was about a 25% Tristan Bramble, sophomore English Republican vote to a major. Questions ranged from the out - 75% Democratic one. spokenness of Kerry’s wife and the Some faculty mem - validity of his medals to the relation - bers gave their stu - ship between Iraq and the Vietnam dents extra credit for AU students gather in Student Center for televised presidential debates War and immigration policies. attending the After the debates were over, the debates. audience was given the opportunity One week before the election, Sabes The most surprising result of the to vote by a show of hands. Not sur - and her American Government class vote was the unexpected high per - prisingly, as indicated by national led a campus-wide mock election, centage of votes for Ralph Nader, polls leading up to the election, the attempting to get as close to a com - candidate for the Green Party. This vote was too close to call. prehensive vote as possible from all was said to be evidence that this Twenty dozen elephant- and don - faculty, staff, and students. Each stu - election is more about Bush running key-shaped cookies and cups of juice dent in the class was given a ballot against himself. Some students com - displayed in the form of the box and a stack of ballots with the mented that people said they were American flag awaited attendees fol - instructions to get as many votes as voting for Nader “just because,” lowing the debates. Students were they could from the varying commu - and that they didn’t like Bush or asked to choose a cookie represent - nities on campus. Voting confidential - Kerry. (See page 20 for a full listing ity was enforced and of the results.) students were Participant response was positive instructed not to look overall. “People wanted to vote,” while others voted or said freshman political-science major to force anyone to Angelika Grozdic. “International stu - vote. The votes were dents really liked it. It was interest - analyzed according to ing to see how they would vote.” national vs. interna - However, there were those who tional, male vs. questioned “why does it matter?” or female, undergradu - considered the process just choosing ate vs. graduate, and the “better of two evils.” There were faculty vs. staff. Over even some who hadn’t yet made up 1,200 ballots were col - their minds. lected and counted by “I can’t even vote, because I’m an Maya Millin tallies votes from mock election the students, a high international student, but I think it’s enough number to important to promote the vote and ing the party they least wanted to make the poll statistically significant. the responsibility of voting,” said win the election and bite its head off. According to Andrews staff, a Bjorn Karlman, senior French and Students also had the opportunity group that Sabes says is most reflec - international public-relations major to view the actual presidential and tive of the general public, Bush won and one of the students on Sabes’ vice-presidential debates on campus. with 50% of the vote. However, election-activity planning commit - Sabes worked with Student Services according to the traditionally more tee. “I’m proud to be at Andrews and Social Recreation to open the Democratic faculty and student because it’s an Adventist school that Campus Center as a venue where communities, Kerry was the winner is not afraid to talk about societal students were able to view two out across the board. The gap between issues or politics. Andrews allows of the three presidential debates as Bush and Kerry was particularly you to speak your mind whatever well as the vice-presidential debate. apparent in the votes of internation - your political view might be.” All three debates were well attended. al students.

14 FOCUS l FALL 2004 12 34 5 down 2 Teapot Dome president’s home 6 7 8 9 3 First speech 10 4 In ______We Trust

11 12 5 No crook, he maintained 6 Tippecanoe 13 7 16 year-old son died while he was in 14 15 16 office

17 8 Most common religious affiliation of presidents 18 9 Passed Congress in 1972, but never rati- fied, much to NOW’s disappointment

19 20 12 Commander-in-chief who famously warned of military establishment 21 14 A person who commits treason 22 16 Arguably, her/his vote counts most 23 24 21 Shortest (5’ 4”) president 24 You get it from the top of the ticket or 25 26 from a hitch 27 28 26 The Bachelor President

29 30 29 Assumed office following Garfield assassination 31 32 32 ______not what your country can do 33 for you

34 35 36 37 33 Read my ______35 43 to 41


ACroSS 1 Hippopotamus (not wooden) dentures 22 Farmed Adventists? 7 Nonconsecutive terms 23 ______ask, ______tell 10 Veto’s message 25 TLM (The Little Magician) 11 Politician’s do it; so do married couples 27 Sales jobs; often negative 13 Famous brand 28 President on $100,000 bill 15 President’s garden 30 Famously met JFK as a boy 17 The Great Emancipator 31 Received most electoral votes in one 18 Number of presidents who never election attended college 34 Clintons’ cat 19 First (non-president) husband died of 36 Cause of kitchen departure yellow fever 37 Annually, the president describes its state 20 Spy exchange point 38 Old Hickory

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 15 A Nation Divided? Polarizing Political Ideology and America’s Citizenry By Gary Land

s I write these words, the United States is head - about “Red” (Republican) and “Blue” (Democratic) ed into the last weeks of the presidential cam - America. As journalist David Brooks wrote, “People in paign. For months commentators have been Blue America, which is my part of America, tend to live A arguing that the country is deeply divided. around big cities on the coasts. People in Red America While the issues of the Iraq War, international terrorism, tend to live on farms or in small towns or small cities and the economy dominate the center stage of political away from the coasts. Things are different there.” 1 debate, so-called cultur - Brooks’ red and blue al issues such as abor - typology has become a tion, gay marriage, and staple of political and the role of religion in ...the “United” States are becoming the social analysis. Pollsters politics lie on the mar - “Disunited ” states, for the country is dividing have found that Red gins but stir deep emo - Americans are largely tions. The polls suggest geographically along political lines. Caucasian, avoid union that the public is about membership, and— evenly split between most importantly— President George W. attend Protestant Bush and Senator John F. Kerry. But how divided are we? churches in large numbers. In contrast, Blue Americans The idea of a divided America gained considerable are ethnically diverse, often belong to unions, attend attention after the contentious 2000 presidential election. church infrequently, and are concentrated in the cosmo - Referring to the television election maps that distinguish politan areas of New York, New England and California. 2 by color each state’s electoral votes, pundits began to talk Consequently, the two groups view the world in very

16 FOCUS l FALL 2004 different terms. As one writer puts it, “red America is a Republicans found themselves increasingly unwelcome land of right and wrong, where voters believe public and at their party’s table. private spheres should be bound by a set of core, often This political realignment at first took place primarily religious, principles. In blue America, morality is more of over the role of the federal government. Although by the a personal matter, and voters put a stronger emphasis on 1950s most people had adjusted to such New Deal poli - tolerance.” 3 cies as increasing federal regulation of banking and com - If these analysts are correct, the “United” States are merce, Social Security, and Washington’s responsibility for becoming the “Disunited” States, for the country is divid - economic prosperity, the national government’s perceived ing geographically along invasion of states’ rights political lines. In one in favor of civil rights study, for instance, com - and extensive new parison of the close elec - These “traditionalists” had become concerned social programs in the tions of 1976 and 2000 with such issues as the banning of school 1960s prompted strong found that “nearly twice objections from those as many voters now live prayer , the growing acceptance of a permissive who wanted to limit in counties where one governmental power. candidate or the other society , and the emergence of feminism These advocates of won by a landslide.” 4 small government, often But critics of the red-blue called “libertarian” con - thesis point out that the servatives, developed a reality is more complex than this metaphor suggests. After viewpoint later succinctly stated by President Ronald analyzing election returns from the mid-1960s to 2002, Reagan when he said, “Government is not a solution to CommonWealth magazine found that the nation more our problem, government is the problem.” accurately divides into ten regions, three of which consis - tently vote Republican, two lean Republican, three go back and forth, and two are solidly Democratic. “The real beauty of the 10-region map is that it gets beyond red vs. blue reductionism, introducing shades of purple. The American electorate is a big, variegated mass of humanity, and a small shift of votes in the right place can swing an election.” 5 Two Brookings Institution authors further argue, “the true future of the nation may well be Red and Blue in some places, but it will also surely be brown and beige and black and many other colors unanticipated.” 6 The evidence thus suggests that it would be a mistake to equate whatever political division the country is experi - encing with clear geographical alignments. Even if it is not geographically defined, however, it appears that the nation is increasingly divided ideologi - cally along party lines. This is a new development. Prior President Franklin D. Roosevelt pioneered New Deal programs to the 1960s, for example, the Democratic party held both Northeastern and Midwestern labor union members as Meanwhile, when the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade well as antiunion Southerners. Similarly, the Republican (1973) legalized abortion, it consolidated the opinion of a party had an internationalist wing with its base in the different type of conservative that the country was aban - Northeast and an isolationist wing whose stronghold was doning its Judeo-Christian moral foundations. These “tra - the Midwest. But starting with the Barry Goldwater pres - ditionalists” had become concerned with such issues as idential campaign of 1964, conservatives began gaining the banning of school prayer, the growing acceptance of a power in the Republican party; at the same time, the permissive society, and the emergence of feminism, Civil Rights movement and anti-Vietnam war protestors which they believed were undermining values that his - found a home among the Democrats, pushing them to torically had held society together. Because the tradition - the left. Encouraged by Richard Nixon’s “Southern strate - alists often were willing to use governmental power to gy,” by the mid-1970s Southerners had largely aban - uphold their values, they existed in uneasy tension with doned the Democrats in favor of the Republicans. At the their libertarian cousins. The two groups’ common oppo - same time, the Northeastern liberal or “Rockefeller” sition to Communism provided the glue that held the

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 17 conservative movement together. 7 taken 40 or 50 years to work itself out, but the ideological Generally described as “liberal” but having few ideo - division in America—which is not new—is now lined up logical commonalities, disparate groups of activists at the with the party division.’” 8 The Republicans reflect liber - same time flocked to the Democratic party. Inheritors of tarian conservatism in their emphasis on limited govern - New Deal-style liberalism con - ment and free markets and tra - tinued to press for government ditional conservatism by opposi - programs to control big busi - tion to legalized abortion and ness, support organized labor, homosexual rights and support and provide a “safety net” for for religious participation in the the poor. African Americans public square. The American-led called for affirmative action, campaign against terrorism while feminists and homosexu - appears to now unite these two als sought to expand the legal varieties of conservatism. In equalities achieved by the civil- contrast, the Democrats promote rights movement. Environment- government regulation of the alists argued that protection of marketplace, promotion of the natural world required diversity, the privatization of strong regulation. Inheritors of faith, and an internationalist for - the 1960s antiwar sentiment, eign policy. these groups tended to regard This ideological division is domestic concerns as more further intensified by the gerry - important than international mandering of congressional dis - issues. They therefore sought to tricts. Supreme Court decisions limit military expenditures and in 1962 and 1986 determined action abroad while advocating that congressional districts with - use of government to achieve in states were to be nearly iden - their goals at home. tical in population size and gave The end result has been an impetus to the time-honored President championed small government increasingly ideological division practice of setting the bound - between the two major political aries of districts according to vot - parties. Hans Noel of the University of California, Los ing patterns. As commentators Sheldon Rampton and Angeles argues that while most people describe them - John Stauber write, “By packing as many members of the selves as “moderate,” in reality they are “‘polarized opposing party into as few districts as possible, the party around strong conservative and liberal positions.... It has that controls redistricting can ensure that it will dominate

AU Votes AU Staff AU Faculty U.S. Undergrad Students Students in PLSC 104: American Government took their recent homework assignment, a campus- wide mock election, quite seriously. Each of the nineteen students carried their own personal ballot box to AU voters—faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students. The result? A statistically significant mock election of 1200 50% Bush 30% Bush 45% Bush campus voters. Here is a demo - 42% Kerry 65% Kerry 46% Kerry graphic breakdown of the mock Nader Nader Nader election results. 8% 5% 9%

18 FOCUS l FALL 2004 elections in most of the other districts.” 9 The end result nation’s political division may be, the perception of clear has been the extensive elimination of competition. In differences may be good for our democracy. If Americans 2002, for instance, 80 incumbents faced no major-party really believe that there is a difference between the candi - opposition, only 79 dates and, after the close seats were won by a election of 2000, that their margin of less than 20 Inheritors of New Deal style liberalism contin - individual votes actually percent, and a total of do matter, then more peo - only four incumbents ued to press for government programs to ple may take an interest in lost to non-incumbent the political process and challengers. This con - control big business , support organized labor , show up at the polls on solidation of party election day. Hopefully, power within con - and provide a “ safety net ” for the poor. that common commitment gressional districts “is to the democratic process one reason why ideo - will always outweigh logically extreme can - other divisions. didates are being elected more often, creating a House of Representatives that does not represent the largely mod - 1 “One Nation, Slightly Indivisible,” Atlantic Monthly (December 2001), 53. 2 10 David Von Drehle, “Political Split is Pervasive,” Washington Post (25 April 2004), erate views of the nation’s voters.” When politicians 3 Liz Marlantes, “Inside red-and-blue America,” Christian Science Monitor (14 July do not learn to compromise and, therefore, emphasize 2004), those elements that separate them from their political 4 Von Drehle 5 Robert David Sullivan, “Beyond Red and Blue,” There is little question that the political parties and 6 Mark Muro and Alan Berube, “‘Red-Blue America’ Is Not Black and White,” Dallas Morning News (14 May 2004), unusual since the late 19th century. There is also mixed 7 For description and analysis of the varieties of conservative thought see George H. Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America since 1942 (New evidence that this ideological division is reflected in geo - York: Basic Books, 1976). graphical voting patterns. But whether this means that 8 Quoted in Von Drehle the nation’s population itself is divided is not clear. 9 Banana Republicans: How the Right Wing Is Turning America into a One-Party State (New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2004), 171. Although the authors While perhaps leaning only slightly to the left or right, focus on the Republican party, both parties have used gerrymandering to their most individuals vote for one of the two major party can - advantage. 10 Don Peck and Caitlin Casey, “Packing, Cracking, and Kidnapping: The Science didates and may therefore choose someone more ideo - of Gerrymandering,” Atlantic Monthly (January-February 2004), 51. logically pure than themselves. The election result will then suggest a sharper division than actually exists among the voting public. Nonetheless, - however real the Gary Land is professor of history and chair of the department of history and political science.

International U.S. Graduate International Undergrad Students Graduate Males Females Students Students

28% Bush 36% Bush 29% Bush 43% Bush 40% Bush 61% Kerry 52% Kerry 54% Kerry 46% Kerry 52% Kerry 11% Nader 12% Nader 17% Nader 11% Nader 8% Nader

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 19 Election Day 2004 A Bush Referendum

Bush is a Proven, Compassionate Leader David Nowack

9/1 1 changed the United States. But it of the south tower of the World did not change everything about our Trade Center. country. Our nation’s economy Immediately after Prince’s com - changed, our relationships with other ment, Bush came back and spoke countries changed and our understand - quietly to Ashley. “How are you ing of how we must protect ourselves doing?” Her father recalls that the changed. But our form of government President reached out with his did not change, the fundamental decen - hand and pulled her into his cy of the American people did not chest. Ashley said, “I’m OK.” change, nor did our innate optimism Then President Bush said, “I can about the future of our country. see you have a father that loves And the character of George W. Bush you very much.” Lynn Faulkner did not change. Before 9/11, he was a said, “I do, Mr. President, but I decent, plainspoken man of integrity. He miss her mother every day.” It was a proven, effective manager of state was a special moment. Faulkner and federal government and of the politi - took one picture of that instant in cal process. He still is those things today. time. It’s the picture you see He was a man of deep, genuine compas - accompanying this article. sion as well, but this character trait He was a man of deep, gen - Ashley told her dad, “The way became highlighted only after 9/11. To he was holding me, with my head illustrate this part of George W. Bush’s uine compassion as well, but against his chest, it felt like he was character, allow me to tell you the story this character trait became trying to protect me, he wanted to of a certain young lady, Ashley Faulkner. highlighted only after 9/11. make sure that I was safe.” I The story begins with her father and thought, “’Here is the most pow - mother, Lynn and Wendy Faulkner, and erful guy in the world, and he Ashley in the year 2000. They were visiting Lebanon, wants to make sure I’m safe.’ I definitely had a couple of at the Golden Lamb Inn, which was a campaign tears in my eyes, which is pretty unusual for me.” stop for then-Presidential nominee, George Bush. It was Lynn Faulkner said of the moment, “I’m a pretty cyni - a rainy day. Ashley remembers holding her mother’s cal and jaded guy at this point of my life, but this was hand and “eating Triscuit crackers” while they waited for the real deal. I was really impressed. It was genuine and Bush to pass by. She doesn’t recall much from that day from the heart.” except for those fleeting remembrances. Yes, much of our nation and our world changed on This year, Bush again was visiting Lebanon, Ohio, at 9/11. Yet, the essential characteristics of leadership that the same Golden Lamb Inn. Ashley was now 15 years old will guide our country through those changes, and many and her father was not sure his daughter would want to others, did not. My vote for George W. Bush was a vote go again. But she said yes. So, Lynn, Ashley and a family for a President who has demonstrated integrity, genuine neighbor, Linda Prince went together to catch a glimpse leadership, genuine compassion, and a genuine, positive of President Bush. At the end of the event, the President vision for an America and a world at peace. began to move down the line along the sidewalk, shak - ing hands and signing autographs. The President had Compiled from: ( Enquirer) just passed the group, when Linda Prince spoke up. Photo courtesy Wendy Faulkner Memorial Children’s Foundation, by Lynn “This girl lost her mother on 9/11.” Faulkner Wendy Faulkner died on September 11, 2001. She was attending a one-day business meeting on the 104th floor David Nowack is professor of biochemistry.

20 FOCUS l FALL 2004 Across the country and across campus, many saw this past election as a referendum on President George W. Bush and his administration’s policies. While John Kerry certainly had strong supporters, professors David Nowack and Dennis Woodland reflect the pro-Bush and anti-Bush feelings that were so common on election day.

Bush’s Policies Hurt at Home and Abroad Dennis Woodland

London, England, May 2004: the Christians, we have been train station’s newspaper stand charged with protecting. How shows full-page color pictures of K can a world leader, who pro - e r r y naked Iraqi prisoners, many not - claims his Christian values so E d w

seen in the United States. a loudly, completely ignore Rev. r d s

Dumbfounded and rushing to 2 11:18’s thunderous proclamation 0 0 my train, I find everyone looking 4 that God will “…destroy those ,

i n c at the same newspaper coverage . who have caused destruction

f r o of these horrible images and of m upon the earth.” ( Living Bible )

S h memos written by our political a For all his homespun, spin rhet - r o n leaders allowing “drastic meas - oric, President Bush has forgotten F a r ures” to obtain information from m that “you gather more bees with e “supposed terrorists.” r honey than with vinegar.” The Later, I watch in dismay as What happened to compassionate “hockey-rink bully” tactics used government officials publicly conservatism under Bush’s compas - by the Bush administration have justify the degrading torture: made other countries dislike and sionate Christian leadership? “after all, we are dealing with distrust us, not through envy, but terrorists who don’t hesitate to because they feel deceived, treat - chop off heads.” Sadly, I read that President George W. ed as second-class citizens, or even threatened. Ours is not Bush will not apologize for the prisoners’ treatment, the only country that has suffered at the hands of terrorists. though it specifically attacks religious structures of the Therefore, we need to cooperate more. Bush and Cheney Islamic faith. What happened to compassionate conser - will not admit being wrong, even though recent governmen - vatism under Bush’s compassionate Christian leadership? tal reports now indicate Al Qaeda was never in Iraq prior to Among its many transgressions, this administration has the Iraq War. The mark of a great leader is one who will done more to negate environmental laws and undermine admit being wrong, apologize and change course; Abraham existing environmental regulations than any administration Lincoln and John Kennedy did. in modern times, highlighted by its ongoing refusal to sign And Bush has been just as wrong on the economy. the Kyoto Accord on global warming. The United States, a According to USA Today , more total jobs have been lost major contributor to this problem, is now the only industri - (600,000) by this administration than any since the Great alized country not to participate in the treaty; Russia recent - Depression, and the jobs that have been created have come ly signed, putting the accord into marginal effect, which can mostly in low-paying sectors. Just as devastating, this gov - only be fully realized with U.S. compliance. Apparently, the ernment has squandered a $3 trillion surplus and replaced Bush administration feels free to publicly disregard any sci - it with a $5 trillion debt in just four years. entific data that disagrees with its stringent political and A Dutch scientist, also in England with me last summer, business agenda. In February, many of our top scientists, sadly observed: “If you Americans are so stupid as to including 20 Nobel laureates, complained to the Bush return George W. Bush to the presidency of the United administration of this fact. States, you deserve any calamity that befalls you for the But Bush’s government stubbornly continues to support next four years and beyond; the unfortunate thing is that the probusiness, proindustry, prodevelopment-at-any-cost all the rest of us will suffer as well, and we will not have focus of its financial base. The result? Weakening laws per - had a vote.” I hope he is wrong. taining to biodiversity, clean water, domestic and toxic waste, including the major health risks of both mercury Dennis Woodland is professor of botany, curator of the campus and lead, will only create a world unable to sustain life, arboretum, coordinator of the environmental-science major, and a strong advocate of environmental stewardship, sustainability, and and not merely for the weakest and poorest of us who, as "working with Mother Nature."

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 21 A Decade of Service By Niels-Erik Andreasen

emetra and I arrived in Michigan for the second any long-term perspective time in 1994 to begin my work as president with on the university presidency. Nevertheless, we know some forebodings, but they were quickly dis - instinctively that it has changed and the change has been D pelled by the warm welcome we received at the profound. In an earlier, more genteel age, university pres - South Bend Airport and on the happy bus ride to campus idents led by the authority of their scholarship and by with a large group of long-time friends and colleagues. advocating various “olympian ideals” which held out You see, Demetra remembered the winters of the 1960s great promise for the “common good.” when we were students here, and she was not looking Today’s university president, on the other hand, is forward to repeating those frostbites. And so over the working close to the ground level, making the alumni years as we moved around, always praying for God’s proud and happy, engaging the trustees in institutional guidance in our life decisions, she still reminded me from support, building bridges to the community, encouraging time to time—remember, anywhere but Michigan! Which students to be well-behaved and studious, keeping confirms the old saying: Be careful what you pray for— tuition and fees low, struggling to provide the faculty God may answer your prayer! with library books, computers, research time, and a sense However, the most important discovery we made once of being the “most important on campus,” while raising we arrived on campus is what has made our stay such a enough money to pay for all the absolutely top priorities rewarding and pleasant experience for us. It is not the in the institution! slightly milder winters these days, but the Andrews peo - This describes Andrews University and its presidency ple whom we have learned to love and respect, and that fairly well, and I do not deplore it, for it reflects the direc - includes students—one does forget the cold when the tion of all American higher education during the past 50 conversation is good! The assembled human talent here— years. Specifically, the introduction of new sciences, tech - committed, diverse, focused, hard-working and creative nology and communication systems, preparing students —is extraordinary. One of our consultants recently for work readiness in nearly all the professions, sponsor - observed while walking across campus after our students ing research, and making higher education accessible to returned, that he had heard we are an international and ever larger proportions of the population, have forever diverse community, but he did not quite expect to feel as changed the university. Andrews too is adapting to these though crossing Piccadilly Circus in London! Add to that, dramatic changes, yet without losing its heart. I can say spiritual commitment, conviction, intellectual vibrancy, without hesitancy, that serving as president these ten and Andrews is definitely worth coming back to. It has years has been the most difficult, time-consuming, been a pleasure for us to spend the past decade here, and exhausting, frustrating, exciting, promising, exhilarating that invites some reflection. and rewarding work I have ever been asked to do, and it Ten years as university president actually exceed the has been a distinct pleasure to serve. average tenure for such posts, yet it is too short a time for It is rewarding to be an advocate for faith-based educa -

22 FOCUS l FALL 2004 tion, for it seems so right in our secular and mate - rialistic age. Students attending a Christian university should discover faith and hope, learn to distinguish between right and wrong, care for others and take responsibility for God’s creation. And they should become well acquainted with the Christian thinks about what is right because it considers everything teachings and the sacred Scripture. It is very good to be and everyone who is impacted by our actions. This is charged with providing an education that pays attention to something one must learn, and the Christian university is these matters, and I will never tire of seeking new ways to a good place for it. Aesthetics, overlooked by many, plays advance that goal. an important role in human development. A beautiful But Christian higher education, motivated by these campus, enchanting ideas, God’s lovely presence, a music noble ideals, will be equally passionate about the life of performance, an art exhibit, propitious communication, the mind, for this reason. Christians with convictions pos - well-proportioned spaces, unspoiled nature—these things sess enormous power to influence people, but uninformed have to be discovered and internalized in the university. or too-easily-formed religious convictions are dangerous, After all, beauty inspires learning and is the handmaid of like a blind giant. Therefore, the Christian university pres - ethics, because what is right is ultimately beautiful and ident will encourage learning in every way. History, lan - felicitous. I will never tire of urging university people, guages, sciences, literature and art, music, social studies, teachers and students to learn what is right and then to communication, the past and present, here and abroad, discover how beautiful and felicitous it can make our life. whatever there is to learn, the Christian university wants As for the rest of my work, thinking about budgets and to consider it, to make certain that Christian convictions resources, deferred maintenance, enrollment, interperson - stay informed. I will never tire of encouraging students to al relations, team building, planning—these are my let their minds soar as they collide with the minds of good chores, things that must be done—with a smile of course. teachers, past and present, in the university. But invoking faith in learning, developing keen, informed Two more words, different, but perhaps also alike in minds, exploring ethics and discovering beauty—these the grand scheme of things, have captured my attention are the things for which I rush to work every morning, as university president: Ethics and Aesthetics. The first eager to serve Andrews another day. has to do with learning and doing the right things; the second has to do with what is beautiful and felicitous. It is not easy to know what is right. Cookbook morality can easily become immoral—I mean morality which simply An Old Testament scholar, Niels-Erik Andreasen has spent nearly 35 years in teaching and leadership posts in SDA higher education, follows convention. Christian ethics, on the other hand, including his past 10 years as president of Andrews University.


Alumni Homecoming moves to fall conflicts we have had with some Lake events targeted specifically to young Union Academies,” according to Rebecca alumni and times to meet as academic For the first time in recent history, there May, former alumni director. “And our departments, bringing back the is a change in the date for the annual loyal golfers have been convinced for International Food Fair as part of alum - Andrews University Alumni years that a fall date will bring better ni weekend, and instituting some fall Homecoming Weekend. The next weather! It will be a pleasure for the traditions like a fall foliage tour, bonfires Homecoming will be held on campus alumni administration to capitalize on and barbeques. September 29-October 2, 2005. Honor the ‘back to school’ feeling that comes to Alumni also expressed their apprecia - classes will be those class years ending in all of us in the fall. And Michigan is tion for and enjoyment of some of the five and the Silver Reunion class of 1980. beautiful in its fall splendor. I think traditional homecoming events, such as The change in the University’s calen - alumni will enjoy the changes of date.” the Alumni Homecoming Parade. And it dar from the quarter to semester system More than 661 alumni responded to comes as no surprise that 323 alumni brought with it the necessity and oppor - the on-line survey sent out for feedback said that visiting with fellow alumni is tunity to reorganize many important on this important decision. While the the most important reason they come dates on the annual calendar of events. preference was not overwhelmingly for back for homecoming. The change to the After consulting with alumni volunteer fall, 368 alumni registered their prefer - fall date also brings with it the opportu - leadership, consulting the calendars of ence for a fall weekend, listing better nity to consider combining the events of other Adventist educational institutions, weather and less conflicts with reunions the annual BSCF alumni reunion as part various campus entities including at other institutions as the primary rea - of the general Alumni Homecoming University administration, and surveying sons for their preference. The survey Weekend. Feedback collected from this the general alumni constituency, the deci - also gathered suggestions for improve - survey will be an important part of sion was made to move to the fall date. ments to the annual alumni gatherings. future planning. “The fall date will avoid some of the Suggestions included organizing more

2004 BSCF Alumni under the direction of E. J. King. Both (CD recordings of the Saturday evening Reunion organizations performed again for a fes - performance are available for a fee by The annual BSCF Alumni Reunion took contacting [email protected].) place on campus October 8 and 9, 2004. The weekend concluded with compe - Friday evening an enthusiastic alumni tition and high spirits for a Saturday crowd participated in a joint vespers night of table games, as well as games with the regularly scheduled, BSCF stu - in the gym specifically planned with the dent-led “Impact.” Sabbath worship is children in mind. always a highlight of reunion activities, “It’s always inspiring to have BSCF and this year was no exception. alums come back for fellowship and williAM JoSePh (BA ‘81, MDiv 86), community on our campus,” says pastor of the City Temple congregation Michael Wright, BSCF alumni president, in , returned to campus as the and assistant professor of social work. speaker for the worship service (and “Plans are well underway for next year’s was proud to note that his daughter, reunion, which will feature the introduc - Kristyn, a current Andrews student, tion of a professional networking for stu - was participating in the music that dents and alumni mentors. Any BSCF Sabbath!). Worship in music was pro - alums interested in volunteering to steer vided by “Journey,” a current-student William Joseph and Michael Wright further development of BSCF are wel - group under the direction of Lester come to be in contact via email to Samuel and Marguerite Brennan, and tive Saturday-evening concert at the [email protected].” “Remnant,” an ensemble from Detroit new Howard Performing Arts Center.


reunion ClASS ediTion : In this edition of Class Notes, we are highlighting alumni from the reunion classes of Homecoming 2004, including the classes of 1964, 1974, 1979 and 1994.

1960s Wisconsin, Southern California, Maryland served in ministry for the past forty and Ohio, before she retired to Orange years, as an ordained pastor and evangel - h. l everne biSSell (BA ‘55, MAT ‘64, City, Fla. She and her husband, Harvey, ist from 1964-1999, and now as pastor EdD ‘77) and his wife, JuAniTA CroxTon - have two adult daughters, Marlene and director in Battle Creek. Ruth Ann biSSell (BA ‘77), worked together as Allison Higgs and Sandi Allison teaches at the Battle Creek Preschool. The overseas missionaries for 13 years. From Monteith. couple has three adult children: STAn ii 1979-81, Bissell served as president of (BA ‘88, MA ‘90), niCholAS (BET ’90) Southeast Asia Union College. The family williAM (BMus ‘64, MMus ‘69) and evonne SyverTSon (BS ’93) and Corey. then moved to Lincoln, Neb., where he ShAron (M CelMurry ) C eMer (att.) live became registrar at Union College, and in Kelowna, British Columbia. After 37 Following her studies at Andrews, elSie later chaired the education department years of teaching fine arts and conduct - MAe (n uTT ) d eleon (BS ’64) finished her from 1993-1996. He and Juanita are both ing band, Bill is now pursuing invest - education at the University of Tennessee. retired now, although Bissell works part- She has completed several mis - time as a rental-property management sion trips to Venezuela to help consultant. They have three grown chil - build a church and school, dren: KAren Kind (BA ‘76), lAwrenCe served as president in biSSell (BS ’78, MDiv ‘00), and MArCie Chattanooga area libraries, and AnderSon (BS ’79). now serves as treasurer in her local church. Elsie is on the benSon oluiKPe (BA ‘64) served as pro - school board at Heritage fessor of English at the University of Academy and works at the Nigeria for many years before retiring in Samaritan Center (ACS) assist - October, 2001. He attended the ing families in need. She and University of Michigan and Howard Sharon & William Cemer her husband, Mario, have two University for his graduate education. He children, Serena and Stephanie. has resumed work as a contract professor ment management. Sharon is a retired of English studies at Ebonyi State registered nurse. The two are enjoying boAz doMPAS (BA ’63, MA ‘64, DMin ‘79) University. Oluikpe has authored many the new experience of high-rise condo received his MDiv from the Andrews books and has been named an living overlooking the local lake. Both University Theological Seminary exten - Outstanding Intellectual of the 21st cen - Bill and Sharon continue to pursue their sion program in the Philippines, where tury by Cambridge musical interests in he also taught at the local academy and University (2000). string, brass and vocal college. After moving to Indonesia, Boaz Oluikpe emphasizes groups. They have two worked as director, college professor, that he has been grown children, breTT evangelist, and president of Mt. Klabel blessed to have good (att.) and Shelby; and University. He now serves as a pastor in health and strength, two grandchildren, the Northern California Conference of characterizing him - Chelan and Jared. Seventh-day Adventists. He and his wife, self “still very strong Elsie, have four adult children and 13 and active.” STAnley (BA ’64) and grandchildren. ruTh Ann (b Aldwin ) roSAlie AlliSon (BS CoTTrell (BMus ’61, JeAnnine (h olley ) F uller (BS ’64) fin - ’64, MA ‘70) taught MAT ’93) live in Battle ished her master’s in health education at in Adventist elemen - Rosalie Allison Creek, Mich. Stanley the University of Tennessee at tary schools for 28 works as the director of Chattanooga. She and her husband, years. Her teaching took her to Maryland, the Historic Adventist Village. He has Glenn, own a company called Fuller Life,


selling “Better than Milk” products and hospital chaplain and Trudy is specializing in formulas for diabetics. working on a master’s degree in Jeannine and Glenn have two children, special education at the University Janelle and Gary. of Dayton. Trudy also teaches in the Dayton Public School System as a bArbArA JeAn (P lATT ) g ATewood learning disabilities tutor at the (MMus ’64) and her husband, lArry middle-school level. Their son (MAT ‘67), reside in Coalmont, Tenn., JAMeS (BS ’00) is currently enrolled and are very active in their community- in law school at DePaul University services center, which includes a thrift in , and youngest daughter shop and food bank. Barbara worked at Rachel entered Andrews as a fresh - Pine Ridge Mission in South Dakota for The Andrews family man this fall. James writes, “It has 10 years, taught in church schools in been a blessing to move to Ohio. We Benton Harbor and Niles, Mich., as well 100- and 200-meter backstroke and 50- have made new friends and are expand - as at Ruth Murdoch Elementary School meter freestyle, recently earned a full ing our horizons professionally.” and in public schools in New York and scholarship to Cal State Northridge. In Michigan before retirement. She contin - his local church, Thomas serves as an PATriCiA (M CKAy ) K ArP (BMus ‘67, MA ues to teach piano lessons and class - elder and is active in youth ministry. ’74) is a kindergarten and music teacher room music in their local church school, at Desert Adventist Academy in Palm and Barbara and Larry both hold a geri burT (BS ’74) works as a nutrition - Desert, Calif. This year, Patricia received ist at the Park Ridge hospital in Fletcher, the Silver Apple Award for kindergarten N.C. She has been a Certified Nutrition teacher in the Inland Empire. She had Support Dietitian (CNSD) for 10 years, previously taught in Rockford, Ill., St. and a Certified Diabetes Educator Louis, Mo., Glendale, Ariz., and at (CDE) for over seven years. Geri earned Hinsdale Jr. Academy, in Ill. Patricia is a her MS in nutrition from Florida member of the California Desert International University. Currently, she Chorale, and as part of the Coachella Valley Orchestra, she helps children receive string lessons. In her local church, she is the pianist and music coordinator, as well as a primary-room Larry & Barbara Jean Gatewood with Sabbath School teacher. Patricia and her granddaughter Marisa husband, Richard, have two sons, Richard and Nicholas. number of offices in their local church. They have four children, wAlTer (att.), John (MDiv ’74) and Connie Jo (g erST ) ruTh (AS ’88), Sara, and Bruce, and sev - roeSKe (AT ’73) live in Loveland, Col., eral grandchildren. where John works at Eden Valley Institute. They have a daughter, 1970s Geri Burt Dorothy, and a son, David. At the age of 53, John recently completed a marathon ThoMAS AndrewS (BA ’74) works in pri - is working on an additional graduate in three hours and ten minutes. He has vate practice as a psychiatrist in Redding, degree, a master’s in entrepreneurship. also participated in multiple Maranatha Calif., and has served as president of the mission trips. Shasta County Psychiatric Medical JAMeS (BA ‘71, MDiv ‘74, MSA ’96, for - Society for three years. Thomas is also mer faculty ’97-’01) and Trudy (l Ane ) hAreSh SAbnAni (MDiv ’74) has president of the Redding Swim Team, hoPKinS (BS ‘72) reside in Kettering worked for 15 years in the Northern and his daughter Lauren, who swims the Ohio, where James is in training to be a New England Conference of Seventh-


day Adventists with youth and personal volunteers as an usher at the Howard gregory Allen iverSon (BS ‘79) lives ministries, Sabbath School, and commu - Performing Arts Center on campus, and in Rockwell, N.C., where he teaches at nity services. Haresh had previously is thankful for “good health, good Salisbury Adventist School. Gregory has served as a pastor in Wisconsin and in friends, [and] joy of teaching.” been cited as a Governor’s Fellow AT&T Washington, D.C. He was also director Teacher and Technology, named to of evangelism in the Washington edwArd Allen (MDiv ’79) earned his Who’s Who among high-school teachers Conference of Seventh-day Adventists DMin at Fuller Theological Seminary on multiple occasions, and is a member for seven years. Haresh recently com - and is currently taking classes toward a of Phi Delta Kappa. He is an elder and pleted a successful mission trip to India PhD in church history. From 1990-1993, Sabbath School teacher at his local this past February. He and wife, Judy, Edward served at the Hong Kong church and has been on numerous mis - have three children: heidi zegArrA (BA Adventist Hospital Church. Edward and sion trips, including excursions to ’98), JAnel TySon (BSELED ’99, MA ‘02), his wife, MAdAlyn (b ArToFT ) (att.), Mexico, Costa Rica and the Bahamas. and JAred (BT ’03). reside in Lomita, Calif., where Madalyn He and his wife, Cheri, have two chil - works as a clinical psychologist, and dren, Carrie and Grant. KAren (M Ang ) S Pruill (BA ’74, MA ‘95) Edward pastors at the Rolling Hills SDA has been married to her AU blind-date Church in California. They have three Following graduation from Andrews, TiM (BA ’73) for 33 years. She worked as daughters. CAlvin (BA ’79) and SAlly (w All ) (AS editor of FOCUS from ’91-’95, as assistant ’79) Kubo moved to California where editor of Insight magazine and has most eriCh bAuMgArTner (MDiv ‘79) lives in Calvin finished his MD at Loma Linda recently cohosted a Christian women’s Berrien Springs and is employed as pro - University. In 2001, 2002 and 2003, Calvin radio program. Currently, she works as fessor of leadership and cross-cultural was voted Kern County’s Favorite Doctor a consultant/writer and is working on a communication at Andrews. He has by the Bakersfield Californian Readers. writing project for mammography-serv - worked as the translator of the Natural Also, Calvin has a special heart for mis - ices office managers. She has published Church Development books and associate sion work and has made multiple trips two books, The Making of a Mother and A director of the Institute of World Mission around the world as a medical mission - Survivors Guide to Breast Cancer . This from 1994-2003. He was also vice-presi - ary. Last May, he served in Guatemala July she participated in the American dent of the American Society of Church with Help International. The Kubos have Psychological Association convention in Growth. Dr. Baumgartner has published been involved in many different ministry . Through her church she cofacil - two books, Passport to Mission and services; in their home church their fami - itates a support group called WINGS for Revisioning Adventist Mission in . ly participates in building a small “city” survivors of domestic violence and for the entire community during the abuse. Karen and Tim have two adult leonArd guTh (BA ‘79) is a family Christmas season. The project is called children, zAChAriAh (att.) and Lauren. practice physician and has just started “Walk through Bethlehem.” They have his own private family practice after six - four children, all still in school. briAn STrAyer (MA ’74), professor of teen years of group practice. He current - history, has taught for 21 years at ly works in urgent-care medicine as well JonAThAn KunTArAF (DMin ’79) works Andrews. Over the course of his scholar - as hospital-surgery assistance. He and as associate director of Sabbath School ly career, Brian has published five books his wife, Rena, have five adult children. and Personal Ministry Dept. of the and over 70 articles and reviews. His Leonard and Rena live in Coeur General Conference. He has enjoyed sev - most recent book, Bellicose Dove (2003), is d’Alene, Idaho. eral ministry opportunities as elder, first the first critical biography of Claude in Indonesia, then Singapore and now in Brousson, a Huguenot pastor and mar - lynn hile (Cert. ’79) is a personal-com - the Capital Chinese SDA Church in tyr (1647-1698). A regular speaker at puter technician for Goshen General Maryland. He has written 4 books, which schools and churches throughout the Hospital in Goshen, Ind. In his spare have circulated throughout Indonesia, Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day time, Lynn enjoys riding motorcycles. and has had the opportunity to conduct Adventists, Brian was recently the fea - His wife, KAThy (g ordon ) (BS ’79) is an seminars all over the world. He and his tured speaker at his 30th-year reunion at optician, and the couple reside in wife Kathleen have been blessed with 2 Southern Adventist University. Brian Goshen. children, Andrew and Andrea.


donAld MArSh (MDiv ‘79) currently deaconess in her church. She and her to the Seattle area, particularly worship - works as a certified clinical chaplain at husband dAniel (BS ‘80, MS ‘88) have ing at the Emerald City Church. Avista Adventist Hospital in Colorado. two children, Stephen and Heather. He is also an affiliate faculty member at Regis University, Denver, and chairs the ArThur SlAgle (MA ‘79) worked as a 1990s school board at Vista Ridge Academy. pastor in for eight years, ruTh (n elSon ) S Chnoor (MA ‘89, MA He and his wife, viCKie (S ChwerSinSKe ) and as a chaplain on a nuclear-powered ‘91) received the International Reading (BS ‘79), a public-health nurse, serve as aircraft carrier for 38 months. He also Association (IRA) local literacy-advo - a pastoral couple for the SDA Marriage worked as a staff chaplain at Bethesda cate-of-the-year award in 1993 and pub - Encounter program. Donald has been Naval Hospital in Maryland. Currently, lished an article in an IRA journal in instrumental in implementing the Arthur is employed at Park Ridge 1998, entitled “Discovering the Ecstasy Stephen Ministry program at the Hospital in Fletcher, N.C., as a hospital of Learning.” She is a professor at New Boulder SDA Church and at Avista chaplain. He is an active member of his Mexico State University at Carlsbad and Adventist Hospital. Further, he has church as a teacher and preacher, and currently teaches a course at the College assisted other area churches with of the Southwest once a year, their Stephen Ministry programs. instructing teachers how to teach Donald and Vickie have three reading. As a professor, Ruth children. enjoys the opportunity to travel for conferences and give work - bodil (C hen ) M orriS (BS ’79) is shops around the country. She a family-nurse practitioner in and her husband Bryan Banning, Calif., working for the (deceased) have two adult sons, Rancho Paseo Medical Group. Eddie and Jeff. Bodil earned her master’s in nursing from the University of Colin dunbAr (MDiv ‘79, DMin Tennessee at Chattanooga in ‘92) had served as church-growth 1995. She formerly taught nurs - The Arthur Slagle family and ministerial director for the ing at Southern Adventist Lake Region Conference of University. Bodil has enjoyed writing serves his community as a chaplain for Seventh-day Adventists before he and scripture songs for the past fifteen years, the sheriff’s department in Buncombe his family moved to Spokane, Wash., producing five CDs with a group called and Henderson, N.C. He has worked where he now pastors a church. After Trilogy. Their songs are played on 126 with Pathfinders for over 20 years and graduating, Colin worked as an adjunct family radio stations nationwide. Bodil has volunteered as a chaplain to the FBI professor at the Theological Seminary teaches a ladies’ weekly Bible study and in Virginia. and then as a certified brief specialist in also serves as co-parish nurse in her 2002. He and his wife, MAble (MA ‘90), church. She and her husband, dereK Cynthia (Allen) and dAniel SoliS have three adult children: elrene (MDiv ’80, DMin ‘87), have two sons, (MDiv ’79) reside in College Place, dunbAr -P erez (BA ‘99), elizAbeTh Christopher and Jonathan. Wash., where Daniel serves as the youth (MSW ‘00), and Colin Jr. and young-adult pastor in the Village Judy (K enline ) S Choun (BS ‘79) has Church, and Cynthia is an elementary zelJKA ellA (b reChelMACher ) been employed as a radiology nurse at school teacher. Daniel also coaches track MiloSAvlJeviC (BA ‘94, MA ‘97) works as Greene Memorial Hospital for the past and field at Walla Walla Valley a school counselor for Goodnight School nine years. Prior to that, she worked as Academy and directs a drama troupe in Pueblo, Col. Previously, she had an emergency nurse and for two years known as the Village Players. He volun - worked as an adjunct professor at as a nurse manager. In her spare time, teers as a senior disaster-response con - Findlay University in Ohio, a teacher at Judy enjoys traveling, scrapbooking, sultant for the North American Division Bowling Green High School, a certified sewing, gardening and camping. She of Seventh-day Adventists. Both Daniel K-12 professional school counselor and a serves as Pathfinder Director and as and Cynthia enjoyed a recent vacation German teacher. Her husband, rAde


and friends and opportunities to witness CAryn (d AvidSon ) P ierCe (BS ’94, MSPT within my profession and community.” ‘95) is a physical therapist at Kirkland Physiotherapy Associates in Kirkland, AMAdA AvAloS (BSMT ’94) is a senior Wash. In 1999, she presented her consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. research on medical problems in per - in McLean, Vir. She is a lieutenant in the forming artists at the Performing Arts U.S. Naval Reserves and was mobilized Medicine Association’s International to active duty from March to July of 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi The Ashley family Freedom. Amada is currently working

(MA ‘92, DMin ’02), is a pastor at Pueblo First SDA Church. The Milosauljevics came to the U.S. in 1989 from Yugoslavia, and after many trials, have been blessed to be able to stay in the country and get their education. The Milosauljevics’ chil - dren include: igor (BS ‘96), MirTA (BA ‘99), and Filip, who plans to attend Andrews beginning in 2005. douglAS Krull (AT ‘94, BSET ‘95) Amada Avalos Caryn Pierce serves the Eau Claire SDA Church as a deacon and an assistant with kinder - on a master’s in national security and Symposium in Aspen, Col. Caryn plays garteners. He enjoys working in chil - strategic studies at the U.S. Naval War the violin in the Columbia Symphony in dren’s ministry and helped to facilitate College. She is a Pathfinder club direc - Portland, Ore., and has successfully the church talent show and silent auc - tor, teaches in the teen Sabbath School climbed Mt. Rainier twice, once as a tion benefiting children’s ministry. class, and is an associate youth leader at climb leader. She also volunteers for Recently, he traveled to Arizona’s her local church. Vegetarians of Washington, networking Holbrook Indian School to help that for them in the Adventist community as school’s children. He has worked with dAnielle (d iMeMMo ) (BS ’94) and a resource for health ministry. Scotts H.S./Aviation and with bryAn (BArch ’93) eMde live in Apopka, Production Engineering since his years Fla. Danielle is a registered nurse at at Andrews. In 1997, he worked on plate Florida Hospital, while Bryan works as design and production machinery in the an architect. They have two boys, Ethan newspaper business. He enjoys his cur - and Collin. rent job as grocery assistant at the Apple Valley Market in Berrien Springs.

Joelle (P erry ) (BA ’94) and dAniel AShley (BS ‘00) live in Hagerstown, Md., with their two children, Hannah and Joshua. Joelle is an instruction designer with d’Vinci Interactive, and Daniel con - tinues to develop UltraCamp, an online camp-management and registration pro - gram. Joelle is thankful for “phenomenal answers to prayers concerning family The Emde family


Weddings ChAd hAMel (att.) and holly JohnSon To CAryn (b rion ) (BBA '91) and dAvid Cory Reeves and AMAndA MArTz (BBA (BBA ‘04) were married Sept. 26, 2004, in wooSTer (BBA '91), Odenton, Md., a ‘02) were married June 20, 2004, in Battle Creek, Mich., and now reside in boy, Nathan Ike, May 5, 2004. Orlando, Fla. Portland, Ore. To MoniCA (BS ’00, MS ’03) and Andy Atkins and dAnAe KrAnTz (BBA Births ChriSToFFer dAhlSeide (BA ’00, MA ‘02) were married June 27, 2004, in ’02), Lillehammer, Norway, a girl, Emily Berrien Springs, Mich., and now reside To dAwn (n eSMiTh ) (MA ‘91) and Sharleen, June 15, 2004. in St. Joseph, Mich. byron burKe (BS ‘88), Shawnee, Ks., a girl, Heidi Robyn, March 6, 2004. To Heather (Calkins) and nAThAn holly (nordvick) (BA ‘00) and Chad geigle (MBA ‘02), Gresham, Ore., a son, Jessen were married July 11, 2004, in To bonnie Sue (b owler ) (AS '82, BS '84) Dylan Nathaniel, June 27, 2004. Moorhead, Minn., and now reside in and J. T. Shim, Longwood, Fla., an Jamestown, N.D. adopted one-year-old girl, Allison Mei- To glAdyS (T orTAl ) (BS '92) and STeven Li, March 9, 2004, in Nanjing, China. griggS (BBA '92), Orlando, Fla., a girl, dAvid MACK (BS ‘03) and eMily A. Ella Caroline, July 14, 2004. SzilAgyi (BS ‘03) were married July 11, To STACey (l ee ) (BSELED ‘02) and Brian 2004 in Berrien Springs, Mich., and now Hanna, Berrien Springs, Mich., a girl, To MArCy (K orF ) (BA ‘94) and Ji ChAng reside in Bloomington, Ind. Ashley Nicole, April 2, 2004. (BT ‘94), Laurel, Md., a boy, Colin Michael Myungjin, August 11, 2004.

gerAld g. h erdMAn (former Missionary College, where he remained for 37 years. faculty, 1959-96) died on June Soon after his arrival, Andrews tapped Herdman’s brick-lay - 25, 2004, following a stroke. ing skills, and he directed the workers setting the stone for the He was born September 14, new Seminary building constructed to house the Theological 1929, in Erie, Penn., to George Seminary, which had recently moved from Takoma Park. H. and Margaret R. (Breyer) Herdman completed his doctoral dissertation on the impact Herdman. of the Civil War on Calhoun County, Mich., in 1972. Among In 1943, the family moved to students, his Civil War class quickly became known as a fasci - Takoma Park, Md., and Jerry, nating course to take. But in all the years he taught, no one as he was known, attended remembers his getting all the way to Robert E. Lee’s surrender Takoma Academy, graduating at Appomattox! Herdman served as chair of the history depart - in 1945. He received his bache - ment for 12 years, beginning in 1977, and also taught at Loma lor’s degree in history from Washington Missionary College Linda University’s La Sierra Campus in 1981, as a visiting pro - (Columbia Union College) in 1949. After graduation, he fessor. worked full-time, learning the brick-laying trade, a skill which While in Berrien Springs, he indulged his passion for fish - he used the rest of his life. ing with like-minded friends, starting a 20-year tradition of Herdman married Eva Lynne Ashlock in 1950 and was drafted fishing trips to Canada every summer. He and Eva Lynne for the Korean war two years later. Not long after his first son, divorced in 1980, and Herdman married Peggy Block in 1984, Douglas, was born, he was sent to Korea, remaining there for divorcing again in 1986. most of 1953. He was mustered out upon his return and began In 1996, Herdman received the “Teacher of the Year” award graduate studies in history at the University of Maryland, where from the Andrews University Student Association. He retired he completed his MA and began a doctor’s program for a teach - and married Barbara Parker in June of 1996, and moved to ing career. His second son, David, was born in 1954. Tillamook, Ore., where he spent the rest of his life, active in Five years later, in 1959, Herdman moved his family to the local church and sharing his enthusiasm for living with all Berrien Springs, Mich., joining the faculty of Emmanuel who knew him.


irvin g. A lThAge (former faculty, taught painting, sculpture, art histo - 1951-74) was born in St. Louis, Mo., ry, ceramics, advertising design, and on October 7, 1917. He died after printmaking. He also produced a being struck by a car on his way number of promotional materials for home from prayer meeting at PMC the university, including the official on October 6, 2004. campus map. Althage met Joyce Jeannette Although Althage retired from Gunderson in 1941, and following teaching at Andrews in 1974, he many subsequent roller-skating returned to work at the University dates, the two were married in Press, where he did a number of com - December 1942. mercial art jobs (for example, the uni - During WWII, Althage served in versity emblem on the university the medical corps of the U.S. Army. entrance sign). Under the leadership of He earned a Victory Ribbon, an Greg Constantine, one of Althage’s for - American Theatre Ribbon, and a Good Conduct Medal prior mer students, the art department allowed Althage space to con - to his discharge in 1946. tinue his artwork in the former art building. Last fall, Althage Althage received his bachelor of fine arts in painting from had a one-man show at the Box Factory in St. Joseph, Mich. Washington University in St. Louis, Mo., in 1948, where he Over the course of his teaching career, Althage loved inter - studied with Max Beckman (a well-known German artist). acting with students, especially when they admired his work Later, he earned a master of fine arts degree from Cranbrook and would listen to his views on politics, religion and art. Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Mich., in 1951. He is survived by a daughter, Jill Lefferts of Chicago; a son, Althage joined the faculty of Emmanuel Missionary College Craig of Chicago; and his former wife, Joyce J. Althage of in 1951. During his twenty-three years at the institution, he Berrien Springs.

To Sherry and riCh orriSon (BS ‘91, guages from Western Reserve Alma Decker of Anaheim, Calif.; three MSPT ‘92), Scottsdale, Ariz., a boy, University (now Case Western Reserve nephews and one niece, three great- Reese Temple, Oct. 19, 2004. University) in Cleveland, Ohio. In nieces and one great-nephew. November of 1956, she married D. Glenn Hilts, a librarian, who preceded KenneTh lyle engelberT (BA ’48) died Deaths her in death in 1982. on Aug. 22, 2004. He was born May 9, MArgAreTe (A MbS ) h ilTS (BA ’35) died Margarete chaired the modern lan - 1909. May 11, 2004, in Riverside, Calif., after a guage department at La Sierra for many At the time of his death, Kenneth and brief illness subsequent to a fall. She years. During the summers, Margarete his wife, Ruth, lived at Linda Valley was born Dec. 4, 1912, in Otsego, Mich., accompanied students to Paris where Villa in Loma Linda, Calif. Kenneth was to Karl and Emma Ambs. Her father they attended school and went touring 95 years old. A memorial service was was business manager of EMC, serving with them on their Eurail passes during held at Yucaipa Seventh-day Adventist in that capacity from 1924-35. their free time. She was also a dedicated Church on August 31, 2004. Margarete graduated from EMC member of the SDA Academy, and after earning her college Church and active in various ministries. degree, taught at Fletcher Academy in She loved traveling, visiting most of Send birth, wedding, and funeral North Carolina until 1938, when she the United States, Canadian Provinces, announcements and daytime tele - joined the faculty of Southern California Mexico, the western European coun - phone number to Life Stories, Focus, Junior College (now La Sierra tries, Scandinavia, Russia, the Holy Office of University Relations, Andrews University). She received her MA in Land, Hong Kong, Tahiti, and China. University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104- French from the University of Southern Margarete is survived by her two sis - 1000, or email the information to: [email protected]. California, and her PhD in romance lan - ters, Ella Bishop of Oxnard, Calif., and


FOCUS is going to press just before Election Day in the United States. By the time you receive this, the world e l will know whether George W. Bush or John F. Kerry was elected as President. Or will it? Perhaps issues b

m raised during the election will be in the courts. Perhaps the election will hinge … once again … on a deci -

a sion from the U. S. Supreme Court. Already, troubling accusations have been raised about the integrity of e

r voting procedures. Former president Jimmy Carter (with the substantial involvement of Carter Center per - P sonnel) often monitors elections around the world for “fairness.” In October, while making a guest appearance on David Letterman’s show, the host asked Carter if he would be willing to monitor things in Florida on Election Day. Carter laughed, but the laugh wasn’t carefree. Sigh. The CC certainly hopes that the election will be fair and decisive. And, regardless of who wins the elec - tion, we would be well to remember the words of another notable figure, Rodney King: “Can’t we all just get along?”

Out of FOCUS

FroM The SuMMer 1992 i SSue : The cover story, “The Politics of American Adventists,” included information gleaned from a 1988 sur - vey of 419 American SDAs. Among other things, the survey indicated that 44% identify themselves as Republicans, 24% as Democrats, 12% as independents, and 20% had no interest in politics. Perhaps reflecting the church’s “legalistic” reputation, respondents favored “control of crime by tougher laws and ‘stiffer’ sentences” 81% to 8%, and support - ed capital punishment 62% to 18%. And students complain about being fined for missing chapels and assemblies?!

Campus Craze Election 2004 Edition

voting First Spouses C C D re-call elections Right up there with Mom and apple pie; As long as they don’t embarrass us, let D and it comes without a spanking or extra the poor people just be themselves…. AU political science professor Jane calories. Sabes is fast becoming an expert on re- call elections. And if Dr. Sabes is dubi - donkeys electoral College ous, that’s good enough for the CC. D D Except in rare cases, re-calls seem to be Sure, the people can’t be trusted. But the The CC is non-partisan, but only the the brainchild of people whose primary current system left the candidates visit - most stubborn Democratic Party backer thought is: “Na na, na na na.” ing just 13 states. Is he (or she) the presi - thinks they have the better symbol. And dent of the United States or the presi - perhaps that’s the point. dent of the Battleground States? C democracy D Congress The worst form of government “except D C liberals for all the others” isn’t really a ringing When did Congress cede its responsibil - “Liberal” means “broad-minded.” And endorsement. ity to legislate to the White House? just how is that a bad thing?


A Frowsy Fallacy Showers of Blessings

Two in the hand is worth one Standing tall (126 ft.) above campus is a in the bush. familiar and functional landmark: the AU water tower. Purchased in 1963 Two in the hand means you from General Motors for $300,000, the have something to carry. voluminous structure holds 250,000 gal - lons of treated water. According to one Therefore, Bush and Kerry frustrated male, that is approximately are equally worthy. enough water to supply morning show - ers for three Lamson Hall residents.

Fun-da-mental Facts

The SeASon For reCAll : According to the Constitution posted on the Andrews University Student Association's web site: “The President and Vice President shall be elected by a majority vote of the Assembly in the winter.” The current AUSA President and Vice President were elected in Spring 2004. Does that make them illegitimate?

FruiTy by-lAwS : The AUSA By-laws contain seven lines of text deal - ing with meetings of the AUSA membership (student body); the same by-laws contain 139 lines of text devoted to impeachment pro - ceedings against AUSA officers. Apparently, it's far easier to deal with 3000 good bananas than one bad apple.

Power broKe (rS ): The Andrews University Senate is “the highest deliberative and review body in the University outside of the Andrews University Board of Trustees.” The CC is not aware, how - ever, that there is much competition for the 53 seats on the Senate. Maybe the CC doesn't fully understand the meaning of "highest."

Speed bumps In an effort to bring the off road experience to campus pavement, construction crews recently fin - ished adding speed bumps to heavily trafficked AU roadways. The four new “bumps,” located on the circle near PMC, on the drive between PMC and Lamson Hall, in the Administration build - ing parking lot, and at the three-way intersection of Grove and Timberland, are slightly taller than your average compact car. No word yet on whether more elaborate traffic controls are on the way, as the effectiveness of the speed bumps is unquestioned; other than the occasional vehicle that is launched air - borne, the new obstacles appear to be keeping drivers to posted speeds.

FALL 2004 l FOCUS 33 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Political gains want to become a politician.” With over 100 nations represented, with the responsibility of representing That is the response I give the Andrews culture is rich and amaz - the entire class/nation, not just those “I when someone asks me about ing. Most of these students have opin - who voted for them. Successful politi - my career goal. When I say this around ions and are not afraid to voice them. cians serve their own constituency to campus, I often see expressions of I find the students here to be aware of the best of their ability; memorable shock and disgust. I then am asked ones serve all. I believe that politicians why I am attending Andrews maximize their ability to serve when University. Seventh-day Adventist col - they have a relationship with God. leges in general, including Andrews Many people believe that politicians University, are not known for political are dishonest and immoral human activity or producing budding politi - beings who serve only to advance their cians. Contrary to possible stereotype, I own interests. This should never be find Andrews University to be a nearly said of a truly God-fearing man or ideal place to study and prepare woman. A politician who seeks God because of its service opportunities, its will view issues from different per - diversity, and its emphasis on strength - spectives and never alone. A politician ening personal relationships with God. who seeks God will strive for ethical At Andrews, the service opportuni - and moral decisions. A politician who ties seem endless. seeks God will serve with humility, not Personally, volunteering in the city bravado. My goal in life is to become a of Benton Harbor has been a blessing. successful politician who serves the The awesome feeling of service in this constituency, not self-interest, and ministry is not just because of what I works with the opposition, not against do for the children of Benton Harbor, them. A continuous and close relation - but what they have done for me. The We Adventists pray, ship with God is essential for me to challenges many of these children face gain wisdom and to stand firm for as we should, for our “ are almost unimaginable for many “ what I believe in. Andrews students. leaders. Perhaps we As I continue to work towards my Children are from broken homes ought to join them goal of becoming a politician, I realize where drug-and-alcohol use is preva - that a career in politics alone is insuffi - lent. The lack of proper housing and cient. By seeking knowledge, I learn the failure to meet basic living stan - information and create a path toward dards reflects poorly on our society. It the current political issues and candi - wisdom. By affirming faith, I gain the is revealing when a child that attends a dates. During this presidential elec - courage to believe that I can change ministry program asks during snack tion year, televised debates, student the world. We Adventists pray, as we time for two snacks because his sister debates, mock voting, and voter regis - should, for our leaders. Perhaps we could not attend and then proceeds to tration has filled the campus with ought to join them. The unique oppor - put the unwrapped cookie in his pock - political activity and curiosity. tunities for service, unparalleled diver - et. I am grateful for the lessons taught The predominant politics of today’s sity, expectations of excellence, a to me when these children allow me to society is one side versus the other. It is hunger for God’s leading and vision to enter their lives. a distortion. A nine-year-old girl in the make any dream a reality is what I Encouragement overcomes me fourth grade who is elected by her continue to experience daily at when their eyes twinkle and their classmates to represent them in the stu - Andrews University. faces radiate when they see a student dent council shares the same core duty from Andrews. as any elected official of this country, Being at Andrews has allowed me to including the President of the United Guillermo Moreno is a Sophomore Political Science/Communications major at Andrews interact with students from around the States. The young class representative University. When not keeping up with political United States and the world. and the President are both charged issues, he enjoys playing tennis with his friends.

34 FOCUS l FALL 2004 Donor Honor Roll 2003-2004

ndrews University would like to thank the thousands of friends of the institution who Aprovided generous support during the 2003-2004 school year. Your gifts contribute mightily to funding the important work and mission of our university. With nearly 3000 students from countries all over the world, Andrews University strives to meet the needs of our global church through a rigorous aca - demic program accentuated by a culturally rich and diverse social environment. More importantly, Andrews offers students the spiritual nurturing that enables them to grow in Christ. With your on going support, Andrews students will continue to “Seek Knowledge, Affirm Faith, [and] Change the World.”


uring the 2003-2004 fiscal year, alumni and friends of Andrews University established six endowed schola rship funds. An endowed scholarship fund is activated at Andrews when it reaches a minimum of $15,000. The interest earned from these D endowments is used for student scholarship assistance. New endowments range from $15,000 to more than $1 million. Individuals and families can create an endowment fund for the purpose of memorializing a friend, a relative, a group, or an event. Endowment funds provide important scholarship support for worthy students. This past year, over 657 students at Andrews University received financial assistance in the amount of $1,426,476 from named endowed scholarships. Faculty support, research, lectureships, community service activities, library materials, or other specialized equipment are also possible areas of support that can be derived from endowments. For information concerning the establishment of an endowment fund, please write or call the Office of Development. Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104-0660; 269.471.3592; [email protected]. The following are descriptions of the six newly established funds: dr. h Arley & e leAnor AnderSon FAMily herTA And PieTro e. C oPiz eSF: This schol - awarded annually to students enrolled in eSF: This scholarship was established in July arship was established in October 2003 by pre-med programs in the chemistry or biolo - 2003 from the estate of Dr. & Mrs. Harley Pietro E. Copiz, Danilo M. Copiz and Stefan gy departments. Anderson. The funds will benefit employees R. Copiz, in memory of Pietro’s wife Herta of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination Kipp, and in honor of Danilo’s and Stefan’s ClASS oF 1954 eSF: This scholarship was estab - who are seeking PhD in educational adminis - parents, Pietro and Herta. This scholarship lished, in May 2004, and funded by the alumni tration or curriculum & instruction. will be awarded annually to foreign students of the Class of 1954. This scholarship will be coming from Europe who are not permanent awarded annually to undergraduate students roberT KingMAn eSF: This scholarship was residents in the United States, with prefer - who show a commitment to Christian values, established in September 2003 by the alumni, ence going to Romanian students, then are either a sophomore, junior, or senior, and faculty and staff of the Andrews University Italian students, and finally students from have a GPA of 2.75 or above. Physics Department. This scholarship will be other European countries. In case no awarded annually to physics majors with European students qualify, according to the CenTer For AdvenTiST reSeArCh oPerATing demonstrated leadership potential who are order of priority mentioned above, the schol - eF: This endowment was established by enrolled at Andrews University and are rec - arship will be awarded to students coming Merlin Burt and George Knight, in May 2004, ommended by the physics faculty. At the time from Africa. for the purpose of collection development, the principal reaches $500,000.00, this scholar - outreach, special projects and to augment the ship fund will automatically convert to the JAMeS lAMAr hAll , iv And leSTer J. M iller operation of the Center for Adventist Robert Kingman Endowed Chair Fund. The eSF: This scholarship was an estate gift Research. proceeds will support a half-time teaching established by Dr. James Lamar Hall, IV and salary for a physics faculty member with an Lester J. Miller, in 1995. Andrews received the external research grant for half-time research. gift in October 2003. This scholarship will be

Alumni Giving 1994-2004

Year Number of Alumni Gifts Total Average Gift 1993-1994 3,233 $915,769 $270.95 1994-1995 3,376 $596,149 $176.58 1995-1996 5,117 $1,612,091 $315.05 1996-1997 3,213 $995,597 $309.87 1997-1998 4,507 $1,184,977 $262.92 1998-1999 4,035 $1,212,809 $300.57 1999-2000 2,864 $1,244,298 $412.34 2000-2001 5,340 $812,045 $152.07 2001-2002 3,922 $1,591,842 $405.88 2002-2003 3,401 $3,055,158 $898.31 2003-2004 3,367 $3,117,334 $925.84


Italicized names denote ClASS oF 1940 Floyd L Pichler Charles W & Patricia A Mauro Robert H Day Verla C Van Arsdale Arthur M Moyer L Weldon Fivash 1874 Founder’s Club Mercedes D Dyer Marijane Wallack Sanford E Peck Roberta M Foster membership, which is Julia F Fox N Louise Wolcott David K Peshka Howard A Gustafson offered to those giving a Paul E Hamel Howard B Peterson Herbert W Helm Frederick E Harder cumulative amount of Everett D Smith Ruth V Hervig Herbert A Holden $10,000 or more. Lola N Smith Alvin J Hess Adeline E Kleist ClASS oF 1945 Kenneth D Spaulding H Ward Hill Majel V Langworthy Norma L Ashlin Bruno W Steinweg , deceased Marilyn J Jorgensen lASS oF Loy G Foll C 1928 Florence F Tamanaha William E Koenig Arlene I Friestad Purden L Lausten Julian P Ulloth Dick H Koobs Margaret B Gemmell Elizabeth B Lust ClASS oF 1941 William L Van Arsdale Walter C Lacks M Dale Hannah Frances I Bartlett Betty C Weakley Harold M Leffler Herbert A Holden Allan R & Mildred E Buller Irena A Lundin Darrell D Holtz lASS oF David P Duffie Lennart O Olson C 1930 Herbert H Hosford, deceased Dyre Dyresen George K Peck Marjorie M Hayward , deceased Lawrence F & Wilma O ClASS oF 1949 Paul T Jackson John H Plake Purden L Lausten Kagels Shirley L Beary Clarence N Kohler Donald E Prosser Walter A Kolmodin Hazel B Beck Lewis R Langworthy Lawrence J Pumford Marion J Merchant George N Benson Wellesley P Magan Arthur Richards ClASS oF 1931 Robert W Merchant Betty J Brassington Norma J Medford Marguerite S Ross Martha L Benjamin Dorothy G Oster Thomas L Brown L Maxine Mosher Lawrence R Show G Elaine Giddings , deceased Sibyl E Richards Bruce V Christensen Noble B Vining Allen E Siegel Daniel W Schiffbauer Max J Church Marjorie A Snyder Florence A Sniegon Warren M Clark John V Stevens Steven P Vitrano Mabel F Cowling ClASS oF 1932 Kenneth L Vine ClASS oF 1942 James M Whitlock James I Crawford Muriel B Pusey Arl V Voorheis Orren W & Rachel E Bacheller R Andrew Wolcott Alice J Fahrbach Wyman S Wager Edward N Elmendorf M Samuel Yoshimura Evelyn M Faurote Horace E Walsh Lora G Neumann Dwain L Ford ClASS oF 1933 Alson E & Muriel B Pusey Arnold R Friedrich Grover R Fattic , deceased Mary L Thorrez ClASS oF 1946 Sakae Fuchita Willard F Shadel Edna A Williamson Charles G Graves ClASS oF 1951 Virginia E Eakley Mary E Shull Clark M Willison Joseph F Heitsch Cedric A Allen Charles G Edwards Bruno W Steinweg , deceased Raymond C Hill George A Arzoo Robert E Edwards , deceased E Annabelle Hough Alyce J Bakland Jeanne W Jordan Gilbert A Jorgensen E Louise Bender ClASS oF 1943 Erna M Koch Leo E Keiser Barbara H Bengston , deceased ClASS oF 1934 Alta L Axford Mary E Koudele Esther G Kerr Bonnie J Costerisan Lorna E Curry Harold L Bailey Idana E Noel Thomas C Kessler Dorothy E Cress G Elizabeth Manley Elsie L Buck Betty C Prosser Marjorie L Koenig Thomas J & Lucille B Doll Janette H Buck Charlene L Vitrano Joyce R Lattu John P Erhard James I Crawford Hampton E Walker Bruce E Lee Donald C Fahrbach ClASS oF 1935 Neal C Hamel Dorothy L Henry Robert W Olson Martin M Fishell Betty R Garber Helen R Hyde Virginia S Olson William L Fitch Dorothy S White ClASS oF 1947 Geraldine A Reefman Walter R Olson Thelma L Gilbert Harold L Bailey Marvel J Sundin Florence T Otto Harold M Grundset Fred M Beavon William L Van Arsdale Earl E Peters Warren G Hamel ClASS oF 1936 Frank S Damazo Carol T Pontynen Frederick E Harder Wilma S Darby Arlene N Grimley Richard H Rasmussen Fredrick E Harrison Sakae Fuchita Lillian W Lindegren Hugh M Riley William F Hawkes ClASS oF 1944 Fredrick E Harrison L Maxine Mosher Barbara A Ross Richard L Hill Virgil L Bartlett Ronald A Hershey Gordon D Skeoch Richard W Schwarz David E Hodge Marion J Blanco Tetsu Hirayama Earl H Seaman Charles K LaCount Edward R & Lila M Marian K Kiuchi Everett D Smith Johanna M Leonora Bloomquist Shirou Kunihira Reger C Smith Dennis P Litzinger lASS oF C 1937 Edwin F Buck Roy E Olson Forrest K Sykes Donna J Livingston Clare E Luke Bonnie A Byers Leroy W Otto Horace E Walsh Raymond L Mayor Arnold A Michals Wayne W Byers Virginia D Reedy David K Wilburn John F Neumann Leona G Running Frank S Damazo Ursula L Whiting George Yamashiro William E Newton Marjorie L Dunn C Ray Wyatt F Donald & Lois L Yost Ibrahim V Pourhadi Alice J Fahrbach Vivian S Young Lester Rasmussen ClASS oF 1938 Dorothy V Ford M Evelyn Robison Richard J Hammond Nevena L Barclay ClASS oF 1948 A Ralph Sawvell Mary F Henderson Dorothy L Christman A John Anders lASS oF Donald C Schlager June E Hooper C 1950 Elsbeth G Ferguson Raymond S Benson M Maxine Sears Erma L Huffaker Ester D Acker, deceased Cyril F Futcher Edward R Bloomquist Stuart C Snyder Ross E Hughes Martha J Anderson Margaret A Schlager Irma P Church Ardith M Tait Rosemary R Iles Paul W Anderson Marilyn V Fivash Herman R Trout Muriel A Jacques Clarice R Antor Eldon J Green Kenneth L Vine Ingrid C Johnson Gilbert J Bertochini Paul E Hamel Jacob I Waldon ClASS oF 1939 Junius B Johnson Lewis B & Della M Carson Pauline M Hill P Joan Wildman Mildred E Buller Robert C & Jean L Johnson Vivian J Chaij Betsy T Hirayama George Yamashiro Alice J Carlson M Sue Magoon , deceased Eugene R Cowling Ruth E Husted Mary Yamazaki Ruth E Husted Daphne J Odell James O Cunnington Robert C Johnson Roderick L Yip Kenneth S Oster Jack Dassenko


Naomi Zalabak Lester Medford Ruth G Calkins Lucille R Mathewson Joseph A Miller Hugo W Christiansen D Malcolm Maxwell Shirley J Minisee Adell H Claypool Clark B McCall ClASS oF 1952 ClASS oF 1954 Konrad F Mueller Robert D Davis M Kathryn Mork Johannes G Nikkels W Duane Dodd Robert A Murray Thor C Bakland Ernest E Anger Jessie A Oliver Herbert E Douglass Ronald R Neall Ruth E Christiansen Willard D Beaman Beverly E Rhodes Harold E Fagal Edward M Norton Marguerite A Dixon Douglas L Benson John D Rhodes Timothy S Greaves J Gordon Paxton Lorraine M Drew Dorothy E Bradford Robert L Rowe, deceased Richard H Gutsche Beverly Y Pottle Harvey A & Eleanor E Elder Gordon L Burton Leona G Running Donald R Halenz Balbino M Rabanal O Stewart Erhard Glen M Carley Clinton L Shankel George S Haley Edwin J Reading Darwin O Finkbeiner Roy C Churchill Gunnar A Sjoren Theodore R Hatcher Donald H & Jean L Genevieve R Goosey Roger C Cook Donald B Spaulding Clifford V Hoffman Rhoads E Darlene Hall Daniel L Cotton James H Stirling Stephen B Kantner Herman H Ricketts Mary L Herr Paul F Cress Stella D Strickland Curtis L LaCourt Ivar Salvesen Esther B Jones Ruth F Davis Virgil Tacket Cadwell C Lloyd Harry K Show Karl K Kellawan Arnold R Friedrich S Reid Tait Konrad F Mueller Gunnar A Sjoren Thomas M Kelly Harold E Green Bernice M Taylor Bruce D Oliver Thomas A Stafford Thomas J Kempton Robert R Greve F Douglas & Laurel D Beverly E Price Russell L Staples Herman L Kibble Charlotte V Groff Thoresen David G Rand Joyce E Swanson Ruth Kloosterhuis Herald A & Donna J Jeanne F Upton Richard G Schell Charles R Trubey Lloyd A Knecht Habenicht J D Westfall Richard H Shepard Clifford E Vance Thelma J Knutson Roland R Hegstad Nancy J Whitens Gunnar A Sjoren D Louis Venden Kenneth H Livesay Walter L Hunt Evelyn A Wiesner Eldene A Smith Steven P Vitrano Donald V Mason Alvin R Klein Kenneth A Wilkinson Albert D Smouse Robert E Wall James R Mercer Robert J Kloosterhuis Robert A Wonderly Elton H Stecker Reginald Yeo David K Peshka LaVern Link W Bruce Zimmerman Rheeta M Stecker Kenneth C Zeck David H Pillor Russell G Lucht Donald Swensen Richard K Powell Joaquin P Matar Maxine J Taylor Herbert W Pritchard Melvin E Mathers Miles Thomas Frederick M Ruf Marceil L Moore ClASS oF 1956 ClASS oF 1959 S D Waterhouse Lois M Strand Esther Ottley Richard L Applegate A John Anders Herold D Weiss Naomi A Weidner Lorraine A Parker Anita J Ashton Harry J Bennett Clarence R Williams Durward B Wildman Joseph H Rasmussen Dalton D Baldwin Orley M Berg Ralph C Workman Robert D Williams Jack W Santee Erich C Bekowies Donald R Borg Georgia M Schellas Esther N Brummett Reynold C Brandt Stanley E Schleenbaker Lawrence R Burtnett Ralph L Burlingame ClASS oF 1953 Frances L Schleicher Barbara J Byrd ClASS oF 1958 Josephine E Clayburn Gerald L Shadel Daniel L Cotton Sydney E Allen Glenn A Coon Clifton S Allen Ardith M Tait H Carl Currie Robert T Andrews Roger W Coon James L Anderson Asa C Thoresen Herbert E Douglass Edith J Applegate James E Curry Dalton D Baldwin Roger C Van Arsdell Lyle G Euler Jack J Blanco Forrest P Davis Walter M Booth Douglas F Wacker William A Geary Cecil R Booth Roger L Dudley Clayton B Breakie Marguerite A Ward Malcolm D Gordon Elizabeth K Brantley Clarence U Dunbebin Evelyn J Cherry Edward F Willett James E Grove Carroll V Brauer Virginia E Eakley Michael Chiomenti Norman R Gulley Harold T Burr Gordon A Frase Elwyn L Christensen Wilbur E Hainey Gordon L Byrd Forest E Halvorsen Floyd L Costerisan William H Hessel James E Carr Robert T Hirst Verne W Ferris ClASS oF 1955 Deryl R & V AnnHoyt Donald A Copsey Marion E Kidder Catherine H Gordon Gerald R Abel William F Justinen Douglas W Cross Robert G Kuhns Harold J Greanya Kenneth H Ackerman Barbara E Keyes Chester H Damron Barbara A LaCourt Donald L & Rolene J Hanson Edith M Ashlock Marion E Kidder Larry L Davis Nelson L Mathers Richard A Hoshino Carl I Berg Charles K & Ruth N LaCount Robert D Davis Louis E Merkel Sarah A Jordan Victor L Bigford Wanda L Lowry James R Dodd Don L Mulvihill Robert E Knutson H Leverne Bissell Wesley E McNeal Peter D Durichek Leslie C Neal Joseph T Krpalek E Marilyn Boram Robert W Olson Vito Fragola John L Nerness Delmar F Lovejoy Jerome L Bray Dale V Rhodes Linda S Freitag Marion M Newhart William A Loveless Alma R Bylsma Lois J Schell Virgil T Fryling Edward M Norton Mylas W Martin Daniel A Chaij Herbert Silver Malcolm D Gordon Darrel G Opicka Bernyl G Mohr Joanne L Coon Russell L Staples Duane E Grimstad Delio V Pascual Paul Muffo Jerry R Coyle Minerva E Straman Norman R Gulley Donald R Pierson C Glenn Nichols Philip W Dunham Ralph R Trecartin Carl Hartman David G Rand Svein R Nilsen Gilbert B Dunn John Wang Fred E Hernandez David M Reeves Dora M Oyerly Mary F Dunn James A Washington Clifford V Hoffman William E Richardson Emil W & Janeth M Peterson Dyre Dyresen Burton L Wright J Fred Hughes Charles W Robertson Carol J Rasmussen Luz M Earp James E Yoder Kenneth W Hutchins Bruce A Ronk Lawrence J Rice James A Gooch Myrtle D de Carmo Walter E Kloss Ross Salyer Ivar Salvesen Fritz Guy S Charles Knapp Hovik A Sarrafian Walter Schwersinske Fred E Hernandez David F Kuebler William G Seth Edward J Sheldon William A Hilliard Marvin R LaCourt Donald K Short Frederick R Stephan Florence A Jerome ClASS oF 1957 Elayne Laabs Raymond O Swensen Phylis A Tacket Robert M Johnston Jean M Anderson Nancy A Learned Duane F Wardecke Evelyn M VandeVere James M & Averille E Kaatz David H Bauer Larry M Lewis Mervyn A Warren Clifford E Vixie Ruth H Kaiser Twila L Beaver Fern V Losie Ralph J Wendt Donald A & Joyce M Webster George R Kempton Betty J Benson Elmer L Malcolm Kenneth H Wood Joan L Wilson Catherine J Lang Jack J Blanco Duane E Marietta Ralph C Workman Margaret M Yip Bernard R Marsh Eva M Booth


Howard Flynn Sandra E Jaster Patricia A Mauro Darayl D Larsen Yvonne F Foster Kathleen R Jones Lawrence L McNitt Calvin C Layton Lyndon G Furst Donna E Kanna Edward J McWilliams C W Richard Lesher Harold L Greer Paul Kantor Emil D & Ruth M Moldrik David L Lewis Harold N Grosboll Marilyn E Karlow Norman G Moll David V Lounsberry ClASS oF 1960 Fritz Guy Robert C Kurzynske Kenneth C Morrison Edward N Lugenbeal E Clifford Herrmann Loretta M Laing Floyd M Murdoch Marcene E Marsa Russell R Adams William H Hessel Lavonne D Lounsberry C E Nicholl Myrna I McClain Ina M Barton C Lee Huff J Ken Marsh Carol M Nieman E Virginia Meseraull Ruth G Calkins William J Keith Wilma K McClarty James J North Lawrence F Moore Carole J Colburn C Burton Keppler E Virginia Meseraull Leroy W Patterson Bruce C Moyer Gregory J Constantine B Jake Knight Ardyce V Moravetz Charles D Poole David P Mummert Norma Dagnelli Ursula J Konegen Carol S Murray Verlaine I Racine Floyd M Murdoch Wanda G Davis Philip A Lewis Sandra A Negley Raymond D Roberts Mishael S Muze Lois DeWitt David E Love Daniel M Patchin Clyde L Roggenkamp John R Pangman Joe H Engelkemier Wilma K McClarty David J Prest Ruth I Satelmajer Jacqueline Y Peck Virgil & Cheryl Erlandson Richard L McCluskey LaVern A Rice Glenn R Saunders Frances S Perkins Lee H Fletcher William J & Elaine G McGee Allan W Robertson Arlene Scott Beverly J Phillips Harold L Greer John J Mendel Bruce A Ronk Bruce W & Jeanette E Edwin L Racine Greta V Hines Frederick D Meseraull Lois B Rowe Stepanske Phyllis A Regester Robert T Hirst Larry J Milliken Charles H & Janet R Schlunt Bernice M Taylor Sam C Robinson E Lenore Hodges Kenneth C Morrison Jerome G Schwartz Harold L Walker Lawrence E Schalk A Rae Holman Juanita M Neal Wilmer R & Janet L Snyder Douglas C Wartzok Roland M Smith Lowell V Jordan Bryce F Newell Martin F Sotala Myron F & Renate E Wehtje Charlene A Starlin Donna J Justinen Murvin E Pelto Minerva E Straman Leland H Zollinger Richard O Stenbakken Helen D Knittel Horace C Peterson Izella P Stuivenga Frederick R Stephan Carol I Kober Leo J Poirier Carol A Sumner Lois M Strand Ralph J La Fave John P Russo Leonard J Tessier Don K Sullivan Kenneth H Livesay ClASS oF 1964 Milo C Sawvel Frederick G Thomas Mitchell A Tyner Rosalyn D Nash Rosalie A Allison O Kenneth Scheller Jamie Trefz Ellen D Welch Leslie C Neal Charlotte N Anderson Lewis A Shipowick Neal J Vanderwaal Clarence R Williams Kenneth S Oster Leila M Ashton David L Taylor Frederick Veltman Sylvia L Williams Gary B Patterson Joseph J Battistone J B Taylor David F Walther Clark M Willison Judy Y Patterson Kenneth M Beane Miles Thomas Myron F Wehtje Steven A Willsey Lavonne S Peak Lester L Bennett Norman Versteeg Burton P Wendell Virginia D Wilson William W Pohle H Leverne Bissell Marvin S Ward Violet V Wentland Dalores L Winget Earl T Prest Stanley A Blabey Mervyn A Warren Evaline E West Ramona E Wisthoff Balbino M Rabanal Walter M Booth Robert G Wearner John B Youngberg Dixie L Wong Edwin J Reading Peter N Bragg Carl Wessman James Y Yong William E & Sandra K Roberta M Braun Arnold N White Richardson Ansel L Bristol Robert A Wilkins Frederick M Ruf ClASS oF 1963 Sharon J Brunnabend Donald E Wilkinson David L Russell Clinton J Anderson Edwin F & Elsie L Buck ClASS oF 1965 Steven A Willsey James S Russell Howard F Bankes Russell C Burrill Niels-Erik A Andreasen Esther M Sias Joseph J & Adrienne L Duane D Carlson Lynne K Ball Gary D Strunk Battistone John B Chrispens Joan D Banks Donald Swensen ClASS oF 1962 Mildred O Bouit Caroline A Cook Harold W Baptiste Sharlene Tessler James L Anderson Phyllis J Bradburn Robert C Davidson David G & Marilyn G Bender Gordon S Travis Bruce O Babienco Georgia A Bronson Homer H Dever Harry J Bennett Gordon D Weidemann Eileen B Brown Dorothy M Comm Boaz J Dompas T P Bonney Herold D Weiss Robert G Burgess David K Cromwell Atilio R Dupertuis Harold E Brown R Andrew Wolcott Patricia L Clanton Juanita M Curtis Marjorie M Eggers G Edward Bryan Wendell J Cole David J Dobias James D Erskine Grace S Carlos Charles A & Jane E Cutting Boaz J Dompas Harold E & Ruth E Fagal Wilton E Clarke ClASS oF 1961 Arlene L Dennison Walter B Douglas Richard D Fearing Duane M Corwin David J Dobias Virginia E Eakley Duane F Ferguson Edith C Davis Arthur E Anderson Don J Donesky Linda L Fattic Joyce H Franz Robert Donesky Dale L Anderson Walter B Douglas Marvin A Feldbush Barbara J Gatewood Edwin Eisele Stanley J Applegate Daniel A Ekkens Betty R Garber A Josef Greig Sharon A Ekkens R R Atkinson David W Ellis Lawrence T Geraty Harold N & Anne M Grosboll Gordon F Evans Duane A Barnett Dean E Flint Ronald B Graham Carol B Guild James W Fell Albert G Beierle Charles W Foote Janis M Gregston Hagop Y Hagopian Verne W Ferris Gilbert J Bertochini Darrow A Foster A Josef Greig William R Harbour Robert W Fillman Jack E Blume Joyce H Franz C R Hartlein Stuart C Harrison Carol S Fuller James T Bradfield Maxine B Gilliland Verna-Ruth S Herman Gordon T Hewlett Lyndon G Furst George W Brown Charles J Griffin Pauline M Hill James R Hoffer Lawrence T & Gillian A Lawrence R Brunke Carolyn B Hammond James H Hudgins Milton S Hwang Geraty Paul C Chapin Richard L Hill Arnold R & Sharon L Hudson Edward R Igler Camille T Gilley John D Christenson Greta V Hines Calvin E Huset Helen M Jackson-Gibbs Farrell L Gilliland Herbert E Coe C Lee Huff Milton S Hwang John W Janzen Charlotte V Groff Larry R Colburn Shahin Ilter Stephen B Kantner Donald C Johnson Hagop Y Hagopian Duane R Dice Barbara J Jacobson Karl Konrad John R Jones Elsie C Harper Yvonne I Douglas William E Jamerson Donald A Learned Jeanne W Jordan Stuart C Harrison Howard W Drew Harold E James & Violet S Cecil L Lemon Ruth H Kaiser Darrell H Hicks Celia V Dunning Allison James Fern V Losie Olav M LaBianca A Rae Holman Vera W Emrick R Elaine Janzen Gerald W Marsa David W Ladd John R & Patricia L Jones Gordon F Evans


Robert J Kloosterhuis Annabelle R Kantor Nancy L Cross Virginia C Tubbs J Gordon Paxton Albert Konrad Herman L Kibble Chester H Damron Cynthia C Vest Jacqueline Y Peck Olav M LaBianca Aileen K King Raymond D Davis Nancy J Vyhmeister Zoanne H Perez Genevieve M Lee-Loy George R Knight Marilyn L Delinger Valerie A Weaver Myrtha E Pizarro Duane R Lemon John A Kroncke Jon L Dybdahl Robert C Willison Michael A Plumb Larry M Lewis Margrace K Ladd Elly H Economou Oliver K Wilson Ellen Y Richards Marilyn P Lugenbeal Kathryn L Macklin Gary R Erhard Robert G Wilson Juanita H Ritland Paul M Matacio Joyce A Marsh William D Fisher Norman A Yeager Nikolaus Satelmajer Jeanan A McConnell Leo A Mathewson William L Fitch Maxine K Young Samuel D & Olga H Schmidt Michael J McInerney Mary A McNeilus Myrtle M Fitzgerald Keith L Seidenstricker James D McKee John J Mendel Gary O Fordham William D Smith Cheryle L Morrison Keith I Messersmith Ronald A Francis ClASS oF 1968 Gabe H Taylor Patricia B Mutch Patricia J Morrison Stuart J Freeman Charles H Tidwell Koei Aka David I Okamura G William Mutch Ruth M Frobel, deceased Dennis C Uffindell Sallie J Alger Gordon Pearse Clyde E Ondrizek Guy L Gatewood Damaso R Villalba Karen S Allred Douglas M Pond Dorothy G Oster Gordon P Guild Werner K Vyhmeister Carl W Anderson John D Rhodes Rachel Y Pangman William L Guth John H & Lilya V Wagner Jean E Bartz David H Rhys Earl C Pate Gideon A Haas Lynne C Waihee Edwin C Beck M Warren Schlatter Herbert D Peak Richard G Habenicht Robert G Wearner Gordon G Bietz Martha C Schneider C Lloyd Penrod Raymond J Hamblin Kay F White Russell C Blair Roland M & Carole V Smith C Genie Philo Glen H Hamel Robert T Willsey Paul A Bornhauser Richard O Stenbakken Myrtha E Pizarro Marjorie M Harder Jeffrey K Wilson Ansel L Bristol C Torben Thomsen Barbara J Randall Lottie M Harris Dalores L Winget Robert W Caster Betty L Westmaas Bill D Reeves Edwin Hill Joyce F Yeager Robert Chism Robert J Wieland Richard L Regester Eberhard Hiob Vera J Yukl Janice E Cobb Donald E Wright Linet M Riley David E Hodge Loya M Coffin C Lloyd Wyman Hovik A Sarrafian Douglas J Hosking James W Coleman Margaret A Schlager R Elaine Janzen Edner & Virginie Corbier ClASS oF 1969 Samuel D Schmidt Dean M Jewett Gladys B Crider Koei Aka Carolyn J Shell Elaine M John ClASS oF 1966 Jaime Cruz Carl W Anderson Dorothy J Show Warren H Johns Lloyd A Ahlers Robert D Davis Antoinette E Armando Donald D Siewert Donald L Johnson Niels-Erik A Andreasen Ann L Diamond G Robert Bainbridge James D Simpson Patricia J Karp Anita J Ashton Terrence L Dodge Linda L Banks Howard M Smith Eldyn L Karr Daniel A Augsburger , deceased Dao N Down Bruce L & Linda C Bauer Richard C Sowler Rachel A Kemberling Daryl A Bair Verland V Erntson Jerry S Bell Gordon J Standish Jack W King David G Bell Raymond F Etheridge Erskine L & Esmee J Bovell H John Steffen George R Knight Eugene A Blackman Linda L Fattic Melvin W Boynton Gary D Strunk H J Koehn Gordon A Booth Martin W & Martha J Leona R Brooks Ella-Marie Tautfest Albert Konrad Genevieve C Bothe Feldbush Frederick B Brown Sandra J Thiede M Larry Kyle Carol M Burbridge Ronald M & Karen M Gordon E Bullock Bonita J Thomas Alice C Lankford Thomas D & Caroll J Burns Flowers Hugh J Caggiano Alden L Thompson J Lynn Martell Gideon H Chen Virgil T Fryling Bonnie D Carley Janet E Tooley Donald R Martin Leo H Christensen Michael V & Shirley D Jacqueline C Castelbuono Virginia C Tubbs Naim B Mashni Ralph M Coupland Gammon June Y Christensen D Louis Venden Henry F Mattson Haysmer E Cox Lynn E Gatz Kenneth W Cobb Merle J Whitney Morris L & Carol A Mattson Robert L Crounse Paul G Gibson Marjorie E Cole Patricia B Wiley Edward D Motschiedler Walter B Douglas Jerri J Gifford Lowell C Cooper Richard T Williams Sandra A Negley Vera C Dunigan Linda K Grow Walter W Cox Glenda L Willis Bryce F Newell Jon L Dybdahl Cherry B Habenicht P Gerard Damsteegt Jeffrey K Wilson Michael L Nickless David B Ekkens Janet S Ivey Paull E Dixon Kenneth R Wilson Sharon S Overton Martin W Feldbush Donald John Paul A Down Robert G Wilson Lucy J Parlor Kathleen E Fillmore Loretta B Johns Robert W Engstrom Charles G & Sara L Winters Marcel E Pichot Ronald M Flowers William H Johnson Gary O Fordham James Y & Lily L Yong Glenn G Poole Kaarina O Fordham Oliver L Johnston Raymond C Gager Warren R Zork Ellen Y Richards Ronald L Forrester Richard B Jordan Donna L Gatz Kenneth L & Linet M Riley Marshall E Foster Carole D Kilcher Margaret B Gemmell E Arthur Robertson Raymond C Gager Helen D Knittel Gary D Gifford Ralph E Robertson William E Garber ClASS oF 1967 Richard P Lamon Charles D Griffin Slimen J Saliba James W Gilley Imogene A Akers Donald A Learned George L Grow Robert O & Pamela R Farrell L Gilliland Donald J Albers Barbara J Lee Gloria M Gyure Samms F E Greig Vernon L Alger Marilyn P Lugenbeal Michael R Hackleman Samuel D Schmidt Glen H Hamel Joanne L Andersson Frieda J Mattson Dorothy L Henry Don C Schneider Dallas T Harding Orren W Bacheller Dwight J Mayberry William H Hicks Kimber L Schneider Stuart C Harrison Gerald L Baker Duane C McBride Claude C Hines Ruth H Schultz Charles L Hart William A Baker Eva P Munar Jeannette R Hodge Carlos A Schwantes James H Hartung Luanne J Bauer Dewey A Murdick Theodore R Holford Richard L Scott Dale V Heller Allen N Beardsley R Elaine Myers Benjamin R Holt Richard D Show William H Hessel Duane I & Eloise A Beardsley Roy B Nabors Frederick W Irish Dan M Shultz Melva D Hicks Eugene A Blackman Peter & Virginia L Nachreiner Bruce E Ivey Brenda L Sommer Eberhard Hiob Alice E Brantley Thelma M Nation Warren H Johns Arthur M Spenst Delbert H Hodder Rondal E Clark Rhoda M Nelson Betty A Johnson Kathryn D Stromeyer Minoru Inada Thomas L Codington Michael L Nickless Esther B Jones Delbert C Sumner Antoine G Jabbour William L Coolidge Echo R Olson Gloria R Jones John T Thiel William G Johnsson Peter Cooper Kenneth S Oster William J Keith Alden L Thompson Robert M Johnston Helen C Craig Stephen O & Rose E Paden John G Keyes Samuel R Tooley


Herman L Kibble Richard G & Sheridan L Paul R Caggiano Clarence Simmons Kit-Ying Ng Douglas R Kilcher Hannon Roy R Carley Cherilyn J Smith Roy D Nichols Hans-Joachim Krenz William R Harbour Frederick Christensen Katherine B Smith James R Nix Frieda H Lee-Blanchard Bonnie J Hicks Earl M Clough Erling B Snorrason Ronald S & Marla J Norton Graham H Lello Jeannette R Hodge Virginia A Crounse Verlyne B Starr Garry F Nudd James D Lewis Maryellen Holford Drucinda L Cwodzinski Ronald G Stretter Aubrey C Osmond Marvin G Lowman Gary G Huffaker Grace Dara Peter M Van Bemmelen Eurydice V Osterman Patricia A Lykins Everett H Jackson Richard M Davidson Kathleen C Walter-Martin Cameron E Parrish Daniel E Marshman Eliseo A Jimeno Dianne K Dickerson Steven E Warren Peter O Peabody James R Massena Gordon E Johns Martha M Donesky Gary S Waterhouse E Eugene Platt Keith E Mattingly John C Jordan Cynthia M Dukes Donald W Weaver Galen E & Rita J Pusey Daryl L Meyers Vilma H Jornada David B Ekkens Ellen D Welch Gary E Randolph Dennis R Meyers Donald A Klinger Lanny H Fisk Bonnie J Wilbur Mariellen R Reiber Kathleen A Mitchell Margaret E Kroncke Howard Flynn Donald E & Merrie L Williams C Murray Robinson August J Monge David W Ladd Shirley E Gager Waithley L Williams Bonnie L Rowland David L Morris Luane S Logan Lynn S Gray Robert L Willis Gary E Russell Arthur M Moyer Constance R Lorenz Glendamae Greene Robert C Willison David G Saliba James L Olson Melvin E Mathers Soneeta L Grogan Danielle E Wuchenich David C Smith Beverly J Phillips Robert W Matthews Karen R Hamlin John B Youngberg Jeanette A Snorrason Glenn O Phillips James R McConnell Marjorie M Harder Edwin V Sormin Leslie H Pitton Michael J McInerney David H Hass Estelle C Stehman Raymond J Plummer Jane S Morrison Mary Z Henderson ClASS oF 1972 Ottis B Strother G Edward Reid William G Murdoch Theresa A Henriques Terry C Sudlow Janet D Aldea Glenn O Rogers William A Murrain Willietta F Hufana Carol A Sumner Loretta J Anderson Slimen J & Patricia A Saliba Thelma M Nation Helen R Hyde Sue A Viar Ann I Atkins Zack S Saliba Judith R Nelson Nancy A Inquilla Robert Villanueva John C & Patricia H Banks Olga H Schmidt Audre V Parker William H Jenson Robert G Wearner Adrienne L Battistone Lloyd H Sellers Sharon A Plummer Belgrove N Josiah Earl E West Connie J Beehler John P Stafford Mark B & Lydie J Regazzi Linda K Klinger James A White Ronald L Bishop Donald E Troyer Edward L Richardson H J Koehn Glenna N Widicker-Gow Paul S & Lenore S Brantley Charlotte A Van Camp William E Richardson Harry W Kohles Daniel T Widner Marvin E Budd Charlene L Vitrano Donald R Sahly Oystein S LaBianca Carolyn L Wieder Donald E Casebolt Gordon D Weidemann Carole A Sannes Sharon M Leach James R & Muriel L Wilson Jacqueline C Castelbuono Woodrow W & Margaret J Esther E Sellers Lynn S Leipold Ramona E Wisthoff Willard L Chapman Whidden Kathryn A Shaw Graham H Lello David W Wohlers Cleveland C Cleary Alice C Williams Jon A Shell Yvonne J Lev Larry B Wolcott Thomas G & Renee K Coffee Rhoda J Wills Rollin L Shoemaker Sharon M Lewis Ernest N Yap James P Coffman James R Wilson Erling B Snorrason Susan K Lewis Charles H & Joyce A Young Ralph E Connell Kenneth R Wilson Charles W Snyder William A & Linda L Nestor I Zamora Ralph M Coupland Elvina G Wolcott John M Stephenson MacCarty Earlene E Currier C Lloyd Wyman Donna J Stretter Linda J Mack George R Daniel Ernest L Stromeyer Manoucher Manoucheri Paul Dara ClASS oF 1973 Joan M Stumbaugh Joyce A Marsh Alberto M Dos Santos Derek A Aab Claude Thomas Marvin L Martsching ClASS oF 1970 Gorden R & Cheryl D Doss John W Allen Arthur R Torres Lauren R Matacio Rosalie A Allison David A Faehner S Ifechukwu Anuligo Nancy A Troyer Margarita C Mattingly Karen S Allred John E Franke Leonard E Atkins Martha A Turner Patricia A Mauro Alan D Anderson Lynn E & Donna L Gatz Benjamin Baker Allie T Valentine Ramon H Maury Eric D Anderson Maxine B Gilliland Darlene S Barnhurst Ines E Vazquez Margaret McFarland Benjamin Baker Miguel A Gonzalez Mary K Becker Richard P Verhelle Thomas N Millhoff Carla B Baker Deborah L Gray Skip Bell John D Waihee Steffen A Moller Elia A Becerra Thelda V Greaves Dorothy J Buckman Darla M Waln Mary J Monroe Bonnie J Beres Cherry B Habenicht Daniel C Bundy Ann E Williams C Barton Moore Janet C Bermingham Lloyd E Hallock David B Burke Kenneth R Wilson Phyllis C Morales William G Besenyei Fidela S Hechanova Martin R Butler Deane L Wolcott Gail E Morris Darold F & Barbara J Bigger Ronald D & Christine H Herr Richard M Cadavero Ernest N Yap M Jean Murdoch Brent A Bills Carolyn J Howson Bruce N Cameron Norman A Yeager Jack A Nash Jean-Jaques Bouit Carlos A Irizarry Wanda L Cantrell Ralph E & Beatrice M Neall Jacci S Christopher Ruby J Jackson Deborah L Carlson Terrance T Nennich Pek S Chu Ralph B Juriansz Ronald M Christman James D & Maria M Newbold Charles C Crider ClASS oF 1971 Kenneth A Kirkham Robert L Cochran Ronald R Ninala Paul Dara Glen F Abbott Alice C Lankford John I Collins Harold A Oetman Jo Ann Davidson Samuel D Alexander Marvin L Lavanway Helen C Craig Dorothy G Oster Raymond D Davis Linda K Alger Benjamin E Leach Alvin L Davis Linda K Peabody Ann DiCicco S Ifechukwu Anuligo Theodore M Lewis Richard L Donaldson Jack G Pester Karl L Dickerson Suzanne Austin Linda J Mack Judith I Doty Daniel M Peters Ingrid Dooms Phyllis F Baillif Kathryn L Macklin Sandra J Erickson James D Pimentel Michael J & Arlys B Fillman Robert A Barnhurst Keith E Mattingly Daniel S Escamilla Jane A Reding James R Fisher Enrique Becerra Ramon H Maury Helene J Evans-Helling Dale V Rhodes James E Garber Roy A Benton Norman L McBride Larry R Evans Karen A Rhodes Annetta M Gibson James J Bermingham Douglass M McKinney Thelma L Gilbert Carmelita V Richardson Compton S Girdharry Sandra M Beucler Carol J Meert Salvatore E Golisano Wesley A Ringer Kathy E Goddard Esmee J Bovell Allen L Middaugh John A Gruzensky Stanley E Rittenhouse Glendamae Greene Michael W & Glenda J Brenner Kathleen A Mitchell Stephen J & Gail A Hall Jack W Santee Douglas L & Faith A Gregg Ivan L Buck Patrick B Morrison Peter J Haynal Nikolaus Satelmajer Robin B Griesman David D Buckman Loralee F Nennich Randall R Hicks Lawrence E Schalk


Douglas E Holford Deborah L Davis Ronald M Christman James E Clayburn Joycelyn A Chase Esther L Jarrette Steven A Davis Dale E Creech William G Collard Lydia I Chong James R & Donna P Jeffery Patricia A Dickerson David A Dassenko Jean A Dassenko Kwang R Chough Ertis L Johnson Linda J DuBose Alvin L Davis Larry F DeHaan Kontee Chuenchob Frank L Jones Atilio R Dupertuis Fredrich H & Polly L Dengel Bruce A Dillon Mary J Chun Candace M Jordan Kelly G Eick Sheri A Dewitt Richard C DuBose Linda J Colwell Vilma H Jornada Carol E Fisk-Owais Gorden R Doss Donna J Eick Daniel P Cress Donald A Klinger Janette F Gann Nina M Elmendorf-Steele Frances M Faehner Daniel J Cristancho Joyce E Krantz Wendy H Godfrey Carlos A Flores Gregory I Fenner Edward M Culp John A Kroncke Donna J Habenicht Elvin S Gabriel Carlos A Flores Laurel A Damsteegt Sunimal J Kulasekere Jan C & Marcia L Haluska John C Gann Sallyann G Gabriel Charles S & Deborah S Davis Melvin G Landers Jenene E Hardy Patricia J Gustin Emilio Garcia-Marenko Karl L Dickerson Leonard O Lewis Douglas J Hay Debbie D Habenicht Michael D & Joanne M Gilkey Alberto M Dos Santos Ivan N Mallernee Candace K Hess Janet E Hainey Galette D Grogan Roger L Dudley Carolyn E Mattson Ronald H Holt James R Halye Laurence E Habenicht Pamela A Durant Steven D Mauro Carol J Hooker James L Hayward Iva G Hainey Sandra J Fallon Larry R Moore Judd C Johnston Dennis H & Candice C L Edwin Hall Catherine J Farkas Carol M Nieman Patricia J Karp Hollingsead Jacqueline K Ham David A Fernandez Donna M Nudd Eldyn L Karr Aleen A Hooper Clell J Harper Janice E Fleming Lynn L Olmstead Darlene E Kelley Enacio G Hunt Sheila Z Haynal Shirley E Gager Kenneth W Osborn Dennis J Kiley Kurt W Johnson Steven W Hildebrand Leonard K Gashugi Charlotte M Osterman John A Kroncke Sally H Johnson Ronald H Holt Gregory A & Nancy A Gerard Robert G Peck Kimber J Lantry Esther R Jones Darlene F Huckabay David C Grellmann Ardis C Peterson Duane R Lemon Frank L Jones Meredith J Jones Gray Donna J Habenicht Arthur L Peterson Fred M Manchur Annabelle R Kantor Dorothy G Jones Lester M Hands Alejo Pizarro Beverly A McDonald James F Knight Mervyn R Joseph Carol A Harding Gregory R Prout Gail D McKenzie R Kent Knight Carolyn J Kibler Magaly R Hernandez Jerry C Prouty Szabolcs I Mera Paul G Koles Marian E Koleczek Stanley D Hickerson Robert S & Diane K Prouty Jerry A Moon Robert M Korzyniowski Michael D Korpman Jacquelyn S Hilderbrandt Kenneth E & Carol E Ronald A Neumann Jack Krall Arthur J Kroncke Becky S Holt Rasmussen Michael L Nickless Vaida M Lantry Charles A Land David A Hooker Naji Y Razzouk Gregory N Otto Rudolf Maier Gayle A Land Sonia K Hopkins Rosalyn M Reeder Kenneth E Rasmussen James R Massena Leroy B Liburd Esther L Jarrette Mark B Regazzi Susan C Robinson Henry F Mattson Scott S Longacre Barbara K Johns Sandra K Reiber Timothy C Rosenboom Steven D Mauro Colleen L Mamani Noelene T Johnsson Gordon W Rhodes Gary E Russell Rose A Mays Ruth A Milburn Madeline S Johnston Wendell N Row Roma J Sanders Cillon E McKenley M Louise Moon Meredith J Jones Gray Glenn A Sackett Joseph G Saufl Michael S Miller John R & Judith H Nay Mervyn R Joseph Donald R Sahly Kimber Z Smith Devadas S Moses Sandra A Negley Ivan C Juhl Arlene M Saliba Alfred A Stagg Lawrence H Murrill Dwight K Nelson Hugo A Kennedy Louise E Schneider Janet F Stoehr Anna M O'Reggio Beverly D Olson Miroslav M Kis David L Scofield Lynn D & Pamela L Stolz Lavern H Opp Jonathan K Paulien Edmund M Komorowski Robert D Self Brian E Strayer Kenneth S Oster Aletha L Pineda Philip B Lambert Carrell V Shuler Marvin E Taylor Eurydice V Osterman Raymond J Plummer M Allen Lincoln Kenneth E & Christine C Max C & Linnea A Torkelsen Julianne K Paul John M Ratzlaff Melchor R Liwag Simpson Daniel P & Patsy J Towar Nicholas E Reiber Suzanne G Renton Beverly J Matiko Carolyn O Smith David C Trott Ulena B Robinson Margery L Rich Rebecca L May Lis D Soule Sandra A Umek Barbara J Roy Marsha H Riggins Kenneth L Mayberry Allen Sovory Rebekah M Wang Cheng Debbie J Schultz Susan K Ringwelski Cindy S Merz Brenda M Streicher Donald E Wilkinson Anita J Shadler David G Saliba Glen D Middaugh Kathleen C Walter-Martin Donald E Williams Clinton L Shankel Philip G Samaan John I Middaugh Mark J & Pamela M Wilburn Rhoda J Wills Joetta M Simpson Trudy D Sirany David J Moll Ted N Wilson David W Wohlers Robert T Smith Graham M Staples Richard W & Cheryl J Gary T Wuchenich Linda M Wysong Joan P Stafford Barbara A Strutt Moushon Daniel H Zinke Mark A Umek Jeanette R Teller Shirley A Mulkern Gerald L Van Laecke Donald E Troyer Duane N Nelson ClASS oF 1974 Jeanie L Weaver E Fran Wilkins Jean A Nelson Lorne R Weis Maisie L Willie Gwen W Ong Teresa C Allen ClASS oF 1975 Melody S Wheeler Elizabeth A Wilson Harold A Palmer Douglas R Anthes Lloyd A Ahlers Daniel T Widner Allan W Wolfson Gerhard Pfandl Benjamin Baker Adan A Alcala Timothy P Wieder Frederick M Woolley Anees J Razzouk Steven W Becker Cordelia M Andrews James Wolfer David B Zima Gregory D Reiber Patricia J Benton Wilma M Atkinson James R Reinking Harry E Bilton Charlene A Bainum Linda L Rice Dennis H Braun Robert L Barker Valerie K Ristau Cordell A & Mellie E Briggs Bruce L Bauer ClASS oF 1976 ClASS oF 1977 David L Ritter David B Burke Marilyn J Bauer Lori J Aab Robert T Andrews Ashley C Robertson Margaret J Cameron James E & Katherine J Baugher Clinton J Anderson Brian M Bakewell Earl L Robertson Marilyn L Castelbuono Donna J Becker S Ifechukwu Anuligo Bradley S Bateman Rhonda G Root Sharon G Chamberlain Terry Bitters Steven W Becker Rebecca D Becker Timothy C Rosenboom Kenny H & Shelley N Chan C Bruce Bowen Gordon G Bietz Eileen M Bernard Steven M Rude Willard L Chapman Dollis C Bowman Cheryl J Brandt H Leverne & Juanita M Bissell Beverley A Scheider Joyce E Christman Wendy L Bryson Michael B Brownfield James L Brauer Nancy J Schmidt Douglas R Clark Sylvia M Budd Larry F Cangelosi David Campbell Richard P Schwarz Beverly J Cobb Jon M Butler Doris M Capicotte Leo J Campbell Stephen L Schwarz Daniel J Cristancho Willard L Chapman Roy R Carley Richard G Carlson Eric W Shadle


Jeanette M Smith Frieda J Mattson Gary A Glenesk Austin C Archer Cynthia R Warren Carolyn M Snyder Frederick J Matusik Nancy L Green Stephen D Baptist Kit B Watts Alfred A Stagg Beverly A McCoy Edward O Greve John M & Judy A Bedell Marvin R Wilson Thomas S Stone Michael L McKenzie Vicki L Hall Norman E Boundy Helena K Stout James B Milburn Cindy L Halye Dollis C Bowman Speranca K Szana Debra L Millet Vivian A Hatcher Richard J & Nancy J Camara ClASS oF 1981 Bernice M Taylor Carlos R Molina-Diaz Minerva E Haugabrooks C Dawn Campanello Vonnie J Acre Douglas W Teller Mary A Murrill Carroll L Heskey Rodrick A Church Alfred K Adonu Marjorie G Ulloth Bruce E Nicola John J Hilderbrandt Louann P Clark Chun S Ahn Jack D Vance G Edward Noseworthy Lawrence N Howard Lyndel D Dickerson Patricia E Anderson Roy E Vartabedian Kathryn E O'Connor Helen R Hyde Clarence U Dunbebin Thomas L Baker Manuel Velazquez Lynn M Orcutt Grace R Ivey Cheryl A Emoto John C Banks Paul E Viar Janet L Patrick Janice A James Darla R Erhard Dale J Barnhurst William D Warcholik Peter O Peabody Douglas L Janssen Trevor S Forbes James R Battenburg Verlie Y Ward Daniel M Peters David C Jarnes Vazgen Ghoogassian Iris R Bentz Patricia G Warner Steven N Poenitz Oliver L Johnston Ricardo B Graham Daniel R Bidwell Audrey A Weir-Graham Peter G Rampton Gerald H Jones Gary R Gray Victor L Bigford Merille G & Claudia M John D Riggs R Clifford Jones Cynthia K Hall Borivoje R Bjelica Weithers Susan K Ringwelski Philip J Kijak Stephen J Hall Cheryl J Brandt Charles H & Joyce A Young Terry D Robertson Charles F Koerting Gregory C Henkelmann Joseph F Branson S Clark Rowland Janet G Kosinski Charles H Heskey Phyllis I Brass L Jane Ruf Katherine A Koudele Catherine K Horinouchi ClASS oF 1978 Steven W Brown Slimen J Saliba Paul Kovalski Elwyn C Hyde Janet D Aldea Pamela S Burton Julia I Samuel Calvin J & Sally M Kubo Karen M Johnson-McWilliams Kim V Amor Keith G Calkins Lorraine Scannella Vaida M Lantry Carl S Johnston Pamela E Anderson Wanda M Christensen C Dennis Semos Sharon B Lawrence Paul M Johnston Anonymous Nancy L Church Claude Shaw Christine O Lewis Douglas A Jones Carol A Barnhurst Rene A Church Whitford A Shaw Dennis D Lundgren Helen C Juman Gyl E Bateman Jeanne K Clayton Charles B Simpson Donald P & Vickie L Marsh Carole D Kilcher Jim D Beck Janice E Cobb David C Smith Lauren R Matacio Esther F Knott Victor L Bigford Ralph M Coupland Robert T Smith Kristin E McIntosh Gary P & Davona J Kruger Carol A Blehm-Klismet Margaret A Crishal Graham M Staples Patti L McKenney Richard E Kuykendall H Dean Boward Laura F Dancek Karin E Strom Debra A Montcalm Donn W Leatherman David H Braun Richard M Davidson Glenn R Szana Fred B Moor Debra L Lemon Martin R Butler Gethsada E Davis David E Thomas Marie J Nisbeth Theodore M Lewis Judy A Carlson Margaret D Dudley Daniel P Towar Gregory L Owens Michael R Lombardo Steven A Charbonneau Mark C Dziedzina Nancy J Vyhmeister Deborah L Pedersen June A Mathis Allan A Chase Larry R Evans Richard D Wall Karen F Pongo Frederick J Matusik Kwang R Chough Olufemi G Fadaka Janet A Way T Michael Porter Heather L Meyer Rodrick A Church Catherine J Farkas Michael G Weakley Robert S Prouty Linda K Minty Roy A Clark B Thadius T Gaban Albert T & Donna M Barbara F Quaile Jeffrey D & Ann E Mitzelfelt William S Clarke Shirley E Gager Williams Carlos R Ramirez Kevin M Ong Valerie A Combie Gregory A & Nancy A Gerard Kathleen E Wohlers Reid D Regester Pamela L Opulskas Melina E Conley Vazgen Ghoogassian Mark B Ringwelski Mark A & Debra K Pendleton Cary D Costello Sharon A Gillespie Rhonda G Root Deborah K Peshka Jaime Cruz Charles J Griffin Warren B Ruf Raymond R Pichette Ruthann M Demsky ClASS oF 1979 John R Harding Glenn E Russell Michel L Porcena Dorenda K Dodge Alfred K Adonu Ray C Hartwell L Astrid Sadler Vicki L Price Jacques B & Lilianne U Cordelia M Andrews Gary C Heckman Lynn S Sams Kynaston M Ramsey Doukhan Beverly A Archer Thomas R Heslop Charles H Schlunt Carole A Rayburn Michael H Eastman Pollyanna P Barnes Ruby L Hinrichs David A Schmidt Bruce E Reichert Richard D Fearing Bradley S Bateman Dean T Horinouchi Samuel D Schmidt Carmelita V Richardson Julie L Ganske Lester L Bennett Christina M Hudgins Gloris P Shaw Terry D & Yolande A Emilio Garcia-Marenko Lyle D Bennett Raymond C Irby Kathryn A Shaw Robertson Loreen C Haag Daniel R Bidwell Robert L & Grace R Ivey Kathleen A Shelley Joseph E Rodrigues Cynthia K Hall Timothy G Bishop Susan L Ivey Eustace M Sheppard Judith E Ronk L Edwin Hall Edson L Bovell Dean L Johnson Daniel G Smith John A Rorabeck Patricia E Hart Ruth I Bradley Harvey P & Marcia A Kilsby Keith A Snyder Pamela T Rouse Marc D Hayes Jeffery J Brown David A Knight Walter L & Meredith M Steven M Rude Kathy J Hill Willie A Bussey Kenneth G Laughlin Snyder Terry L Rusk Gloria A Hippler Otoniel Cabrera-Figueroa Ronald W & Nadya E Lewis Nady Y & Muna F Soltan Ina J Salisbury Clive W Holland Rebekah I Case Roger L Mann Lauren K Strach Alio C Santos Elwyn C Hyde Licette A Church Daryl L Meyers Minerva E Straman James F Sawtell Carl S Johnston Barbara L Clarke James K Minty Alice G Voorheis Frederick J Schmidt Elva A Jones Thomas G & Renee K Coffee Phyllis C Morales Judith L Wharff Roy A Schmidt Frank L Jones Michael D Conley Susan E Murray Ronald H Whitehead Debbie J Schultz Robert E Jones Daniel P Cress Lois J Nicholas Paulina T Wilander-Janevski Christine M Semos Juliet E Knight Janet F Culp Wilbert H Oliver James P Williams B Carol Serle Thomas R & Susan J Knutson Jo Ann Davidson Pamela L Opulskas Sara L Winters A Royce Snyman Arthur J Kroncke Raquel A Diaz James E Pedersen Burton L Wright Boris Tabakovic Leroy R Kuhn Gloria D Doll Yvonne D Pichette Ellen M Tambunan Steven J Lemon Boaz J Dompas Theresa C Popp Elizabeth M Thacker Christine O Lewis Donna J Donesky-Agostino Paul J & Barbara J Ray David W Tillay Larry L Lichtenwalter Stephen R Earp ClASS oF 1980 Ricardo I Rincon Gary K Uehara James H Mann Jeffery A Erhard Teryl J Allen Ives M Roberts Larry S & Lally J Ulery Beverly J Matiko Joyce A Gaitan Patricia E Anderson Luzia T Rock Nancy A Wallack


Kathleen E Roth Brigitte M Johnson David D Freedman Zacharias Eileen J Tambunan Colleen R Roux Carol L Johnson Nancy L Frye Itaru Uemae Sharon B Russell Terence B & C Renee Johnsson Sallyann G Gabriel ClASS oF 1984 Carol A Van Antwerp Marjorie E Samuels Sharon L Johnston Philip E Giddings Gayle L Visani James A Acre Patty A Schwab Stanleigh D Jones Violet Gill Werner O Williams Austin C Archer Norbert & Christine D Diana Kyles Deborah L Gray Bruce R Wright Sally A Bell Schwer Faith A Laughlin Joe I Grider E Melinda Blystone David L Scofield Steven J Lemon Eugene A Hamlin David P Breyer ClASS oF 1985 Beaman T Senecal III Affif E Leonor Frank W Hardy Vasco S Brown Paul A Amos Larry G & Irene H Sibley George W & Elaine R Lindsay Joseph M Hellman Ervin & Janette S Buba Pamela K Anders Ella L Simmons John J Markovic Robert T Helm Cheri A Byrd Gordon Anic Allan L & Mary A Smith Donald K Mathis Cheryl L Henley Terri L Calkins David W Bailey Gregory P Smith Kellie B May Millene S Heslop Mikal K Campanello Carmen T Barahona-Pena Paul G Smith Kenneth L Mayberry Charles R Hoge Mildred M Carnes Baldwin S Barnes Garnet P Spence Susan J Meyers John R Hood Lisa A Carreno Michael J Bauer John P Stafford Sharon E Mohr Tae-Ho Im Bradley J Christensen Sally A Bell Reginald T Swensen Craig M Morgan Daniel R & Lillian S Jardine Nancy J Clayburn Lorena L Bidwell Boris Tabakovic Ralph E & Beatrice M Neall Donald R Jardine Doylene A Cook Brian H Bish Bradley D Tait Gregory N Otto David H & Janice R Kijak Charlotte M Coy Carey D Bozovich Birgit E Trubey Rachel Y Pangman Wafia F Kinne Sandra E Curtice Lanette K Brandow Nephtaly & Elaine K Valles Mark A Pendleton Katherine A Koudele Gary B Dooks Kevin W & Margaret K Brown Gregory N Vanderwaal Richard E Peters Barbara J Lee Rebecca A Easton Jeffrey B Burns Joan Weekes Margaret A Philbert Anita S Lewis Daniel L Engle Sari H Butler Barbara S Wohlers Royce K Regester Vesna Z Markovic Kevin R Erich Thomas G Butler James Wolfer Bernard B Reid Bonnie S Mayne A Wayne Ferch Wanda L Cantrell Alan Wong Gloria J Roberts John K McVay Ann T Fisher Sylvester Q Case Lesly J Zurita Julia I Samuel Paul D Merling Benjamin Gardner Rick A Casebier Beverley A Scheider Bernard Moore C Ruthellen Gardner Gregory S Christensen L Melody Senecal Carol D Mullins ClASS oF 1982 Patricia L Greene Roy A Clark B Carol Serle Steven R & Karen A Nash Paul A Amos Deborah L Groda Susan K Collatz-Krug Edward E Shakespeare John R Nay Thomas M Andersen Dale A & Rosanne E Grove Cami L Cress Theodore W Shea Issumael Nzamutuma Lyle M Arakaki David P Hamberger Sandra E Curtice David B Sherwin Mattahais E Patrick David H Bauer Sharon R Heling Byron L Davis Thomas B Slikkers Lori C Payne Mirian L Bildner C Dunbar Henri John L Delinger Arthur T Smith Herbert D Peak Brenda K Black Humberto S Hernandez Garren J Dent Keith A & Elizabeth A Snyder Deborah L Pedersen Keith S Blair Ann-Marie G Herry Peter J DiPietrantonio David J Stinson Heather J Pederson Jean-Jaques Bouit Jacquelyn S Hilderbrandt D Gregory Dunn Franice L Stirling Renee C Peters Dollis C Bowman William B Hold Kevin H Dunn Ronald W & Pamela L Stout Rawle F Philbert Kenneth J Breyer Darlene F Huckabay Jeffrey A Easton Karin E Strom Michel L Porcena Yolanda M Brownlee Laura J Hutchins Andrew J & Sheila R Evans Daniel L & Karen S Tilstra Carolyn S Ramsey Antonio Bueno Joshua K Kigeya Kathleen A Forner Eva S Visani John M Ratzlaff Frederick M Burghardt Jeffrey D Kinne Daniel J Freedman Hernan N Visani Hildegard A Reichert Larry D Burton Sheila M Kipp David W Girardin Carl W & Diane O Voigt William E Richardson Jon M & Sari H Butler Barbara L Kreaseck Albert Grashuis Steven R Walikonis Paul H Riess Keith G Calkins Leroy R Kuhn Thane D Gruesbeck Shelley R Williams-Jackson Ives M Roberts Roberto Carbonell Arlene J Lambert Jack B Hart George K & Janice K Wolfer Randall D Robertson Pedro I Carrera Joseph O Lawal Melisa J Heber Ronald A Wotring Yolande A Robertson Sylvester Q Case Jose A Legrand Deborah M Hess Devin D Zimmerman Obed B Rutebuka Miranda F Cerovski Edmund T & Karen L Lewis A Rae Holman Roy G Rylander Lydia I Chong Pe L & Renie S Lingas David A Hooker Johannes Schaepper Gregory F Clark ClASS oF 1983 Timothy A Mayne Nancy A Inquilla David M Scheider Pamela J Curry James A Acre Andre R McGarrell Brian S Kendrick Carolyn B Scheller Edward M Dancek Victoria L Batiste H Phillip Muthersbaugh Raymond E & Catherine Charles H Schlunt Thomas J & Sally A De Wind Mariann M Bjelica Virginia L Nachreiner L Kohne Christine D Schwer Richard L & Valerie J Susan L Bossenberry Terrance A Newmyer Linda M Krause Jane A Sherwin DeFluiter Leroy W Bruch Issumael Nzamutuma Howard P Krug Richard D Show Paul H Denton Beth M Burghardt Dora M Oyerly Donn A LaTour Dean D Sigsworth Atilio R Dupertuis Mirna B Cabrera Rose E Paden Allen C Martin Carolyn O Smith Edwin Eisele Sheryl A Calhoun Richard E Peters William K & Sally A Miller Richard DB & Gale M Daniel L Engle Fernando Canale Raymond R Pichette Cyril L Millett Sylvester Diana C Fishell Nancy J Carbonell Fern A Piper Martha A Morton Boris Tabakovic Daniel J Freedman Della M Carson Paul J Ray Ekkehardt Mueller Colleen C Tallen Eileen G Fuller Steven A Charbonneau Daniel R & Lynette E Reichert Martha E Nelund Smari Thordarson Olga Gashugi Marjorie J Cholin Randall D Robertson Gregg A Nicholas Meylan C & Theresa D Vida J Giddings Robert G Christensen William J Roche Linda L Nieb Thoresen Courtney L Gimbel Joya L Cleveland Kristine G Schauff Edward M Norton Datha S Tickner David W Girardin Andrew Coetzee Ernest R Schwab Trevor E O'Reggio Kent H VanArsdell Karen L Gotshall Charles O Daramola Andres E Sequera Lein E Odabe Larry J Walker Deborah L Hall Mark L Darrough Joetta M Simpson Virgeana F Olberg Susan D Welke Alma J Hanson Patrice A Douglas Gregory P Smith Lisie B Orjuela Marvin R Wilson Melisa J Heber Margaret D Dudley A Christopher & Sharyn Raffy & Carmie D Ouzounian Pamela J Wilson Desiree E Hissong Jeffrey A Easton R Smoot Bonnie J Peden Michael A Wixwat Debbie M Hittle Rene M Evans Garnet P Spence Julia B Peyser Robert M Wood Mark J Ivey Randall S Fishell Alan M Stotz Karen S Pierson Rodney W Wright Cheryl J Jetter Scott W Forner Reginald T Swensen Douglas A Popp Charles H & BeVerly G


Bernice J Ratter Pierre A Ramseier Electra A Moses Myrtle C Robinson Ian N Stanaway Barbara J Ray Eugene W Rau Ekkehardt Mueller Alio C Santos Donald B Starlin Glen D Rick Barbara J Ray Michael A Myers Rocco V Sarli Radivoj Suvacarov Marleen A Rinkus John T & Ann-Marie R Rodney D Neal Ruth I Schaefer Clifford F Sweet Debra J Robertson Reichert David A Nelson Keith R Shaw Lorna A Thomas Karen J Roche Richard R Remmers Marion M Newhart Wanda L Sheppler Monte L Torkelsen Alan R Ruggles Karol A Richards Onesimus Nzabalinda Michael A Speegle Sammy Touma Horace A Russell Dexter A Richardson Gustavo A Ortiz Garnet P & Jacqualine J Sarah B Village Steven J Sherman Paul H & Anita F Riess Jonathan K Paulien Spence Jennifer J Ward Denise M Small-Concha Conrad J Robichaux Scott E Powers Ian N Stanaway Janelle R Wixwat Donald B Starlin Judith E Ronk David G Rand H Edwin Stickle Paul S Yim Patricia Y Stewart Richard W Schell Edwin E Reynolds G Sharon Stone Timothy M Straman Eustace M Sheppard Philip G Samaan Radivoj Suvacarov ClASS oF 1990 Roland R Swanson Bernard A & Tamara L Cynthia J Santos Roland R Swanson Donald L Bedney David Tambunan Sittlinger Daniel G Smith Reginald T Swensen Sammie R Benson Bolivar Tejada Ronda L Spaulding Lorna A Thomas Gary F Thurber Paulette Bently Edgar Vega Trudi J Starlin Donna R Umali Sharyl R Turon Kimberly Berent Donaldo H Visani Wanda M Swensen Peter M Van Bemmelen David P & Sarah B Village Barbara L Bernard Carol J Warner Richard DB Sylvester David P Village Howard L Williams Larry W Boughman Michael A Wixwat Daniel J Tambunan Wilfrid K Wixwat Debra M Carithers Stuart S Yoon Paul W Tickner Norman A Yeager ClASS oF 1988 Bryan E Cassagneres John Turon Kong Y Yoong Richard A Aldridge Ann M Chen Eric F Umali Bryan von Dorpowski ClASS oF 1986 Lynette K Anderson Michelle L Chin Nephtaly Valles George A Arzoo Gordon Anic Robert W Coffen Joan N VanArsdell Stephen D Baptist Gregory S Arihood ClASS oF 1989 Myrna E Constantine Curtis J Vanderwaal Michelle D Barnes-Marshall Deborah L Bennett-Berecz Charles S Ahn Stanley W Cottrell Marjorie R Walker Barbara L Bernard Suzanne B Buell Nereyda A Alonso Wilma L Demaree-Fox Melanie D Wixwat Lorena L Bidwell Devon T Caines Emilio D Balay Garren J & Bonny D Dent Deborah D Young Don W Bovell Lloyd A Cannon Michael R Berglund J Ann E Fraser-Hinds Phillip M Brantley Jon F & Debra M Carithers Canute R Birch Russell D Furst Debra L Bryson ClASS oF 1987 Peter E Cerovski Walter M Booth Todd A Gardner Cynthia D Caballero Jean M Aldridge Iris R Clute Peter N Bragg Miguel A Gonzalez Mirna B Cabrera Laquita G Anderson Powers Renee L Copeland Suzanne B Buell Keith L Hallam Lael O & Lena G Caesar Richard T Barker Stanley W Cottrell Merlin D Burt Lloyd E Hallock Terri L Calkins Dale J Barnhurst Jane E Cox Nancy J Carbonell David P Hamberger Miranda F Cerovski Barbara L Bernard J Patricia Cruz Jon F Carithers Gerald M Hazekamp Phuichun R Choi Derek C Bowe Brian J Curry Linda J Carr Brendan D Hornick Dori K Coetzee Eunice N Boykin Steven G Darmody Patricia E Cove Chang-Ho Ji Edward M Culp Roy D Burke Susan C DiBiase Denise L D'Allura Pamela J Kantor Byron L Davis Michael G Constantine Margaret D Dudley Christopher A Davisson Laurie A Kelly Susan C DiBiase Robert Cornelisse Eunice I Dupertuis Conrad L Demsky David E Kipp Sharon J Dudgeon Connie S Cramer Liesbeth G Fernandez Bonny D Dent Kip O Koehler Nancy A Engle Grace Dara Randall S Fishell Mark-Erik Di Biase Raymond E Kohne Penelope E Escalante Robert D Davis Mary E Gantt Julianne K Duffie Brendan C Krueger Liesbeth G Fernandez Claudia H Davisson Wayne Goffin Kevin H & Wendy-Lynn Q James M Lim J H Denis Fortin Gorden R Doss Heidi L Griggs Dunn Karen A Little David W & Karen L Gotshall Evelyn V Eisele Christine E Haddix Christian Y Dupont L Elaine Manley Charlotte V Groff Ruben A Escalante Rodney D Hahn Jeffery A Erhard Jose Martinez Michael R Hackleman Samuel E Foster Diedra B Hayman James T Fazio Robert N & Janean M Mason Dawn M Hahn Sylvia K Fowler Robert T Helm Thomas J Feist Hillis C Mitchell Eugene A Hamlin Douglas J Frood Sharon J Hibbert-McKenzie Betty L Gibson Richard W Moushon Candace S Harvey Arthur R Fuller Cedric Z Hinds Vida J Giddings Michael A Myers Edwin I Hernandez Mary E Gantt Curtis S Hinrichs Wayne Goffin Juhyeok Nam Frances E Hinsey Cletus R Georges Marcia L Irwin Vicki L Hall George A Noonan Ronda G Hodge Charles J Griffin Monty S & Geraldine D Kenneth M Hanig Gerd I Peters Lyle D Jepson Rodney D Hahn Jacobs Daniel W Heintz Karen A Petersen William P Kantor Beth A Haubrich William F Kendall William F Kendall Gerhard Pfandl David E & Sheila M Kipp Daniel W Heintz Lawrence S Kidder David E Kipp Elvie R Philbert Allen G Knecht Bernard D Helms Paul S Kim Karen A Little Teresa L Reeve Auville M Krause Sharon J Hibbert-McKenzie Edward J Kunitz David N Mbungu James W Rochester Delcy L Kuhlman Ramona L Hyman Christine O Lawal Ruth E Merkel Nancy K Rodier Stacey P Kuhlman Rick Jones David M Leffler Larry L Mitchell Claress R Rodriguez Gary A Marsh Brian S Kendrick Roger L Mann Valerie K Moniaci Caren C Rossow Terrell R McCoy Marcia A Kilsby Jorge L Mastrapa Denise A Myers Pamela T Rouse Matthew F McMearty David A Knight Timothy A Mayne James J North Horace A & Hope A Russell Sylvia L Middaugh Esther F Knott Stephanie C Merling Jonathan R Peters Steve K Schell Clyde N Morgan Howard P Krug R Michael Mohr Aubrey S Porter Karon L Schwartz Dwight K Nelson David M Leffler Karen A Nash Matthew L Rappette Marcia D Scorpio John W Nelund Julia S Lindsay Ruth I Neff Richard R Remmers Rollin L Shoemaker Basit A Nisbeth Bonnie D Lloyd Marie J Nisbeth Rocco V Sarli Theodore J Shull Gayle C Norton William A MacCarty Olajide A Ojo Nikolaus Satelmajer James E Slater Betty F Nugent Orlando A Mastrapa Gregory N Otto Angelo Scorpio Barbara L Standifer Peter S Oh Silas & Sophie N Masuku Gillian Phillips Steven J Sherman Ivadean G Suddon Gustavo A Ortiz Steven D Mauro Gregory A Powers Renee A Skeete Timbul T Tambunan Andrew J & R Deborah Poole Donald L May Cheri L Rettstatt Jacqualine J Spence Birgit E Trubey


Craig B Van Rooyen Theodore F Baze Joan W Dos Santos Deborah L Gray Rick A Marden Edgar Vega Kristine L Bennett James L Dunn Trevor J Ingold Paul A Mavrakos Randall S Walikonis Kimberly Berent Lorna J Dwyer S Melek Jones Richard T McLaughlin Douglas W Wamack Brent L Buell Gregory S Edris Janelle K Klein Joel R McQuistan Hyveth M Williams Harumi N Burns Karen D Ekkens Douglas R Krull Andrzej Mikolajczyk Gregory L Woodard George M Bustos Stephen J Faehner Donita J Massengill H Phillip Muthersbaugh Susan J Woolford Devon T Caines Thomas M Gammon Evelyn E Mastrapa Ronnalee G Netteburg Joseph M Zumbo Lisa C Carlson Judith L Hack Paul A Mavrakos Verna J Ochieng Daniel S Charbonneau Kay M Harris Richard T McLaughlin Michelle L Oetman ClASS oF 1991 David S Charbonneau Mary E Hook Zeljka B Milosavljevic Daniel S Oh Dianne M Charity James H Huff Ekkehardt Mueller Gregory B Park J Raymond Ammon Valerie A Combie Beryl P Johnson Margaret W Mwangi Oriel Paulino Oliver B Archer Charles E Creech Anthony E Khalil James E Peterson Denise K Petersen Baldwin S Barnes D Ivan Davis Brenda S Kis Christopher C Randall John P & Charity R Pitton Donald L Bedney Fawcett C Dunstan Sean A Kootsey Jennifer E Randall Marvin R Puymon Arlene M Bell Londa L Edsell-Bishop James A Kosinski Nicholas D Ratcliff Carolyn S Ramsey Kimberly Berent Karen D Ekkens Gary R Larson Ann-Marie R Reichert Conrad A Reichert Michael R Berglund B Thadius T Gaban Brenda K Leavelle Edwin E Reynolds Rudolf D & Wendy L Ronto Hinsdale Bernard Melinda K Gill Jaihyun Lee Wendy L Ronto Bonnie L Rowland Larry W & Carolyn A Alipia R Gonzalez Annabelle I Lopez Adam D & Charissa D Rose Donna P Ruedinger Boughman Sarah E Herrmann Carol J Loree Daniel S Santos William L Scott James E Brandenberger Chang-Ho Ji Waveney V Martinborough Samir D Serrano Henry Y Seo Jesse H & Harumi N Burns Barry C Kimbrough Tami K Martinez Whitford A Shaw Deborah M Serrano Keith G Calkins Juliet E Knight Donita J Massengill Pamela G Snowden Robert N Smith Christina M Carlton Janet Y Lara Jorge L Mastrapa Frank W Spangler Roland M & Carole V Smith Victoria N Carvalho Brenda K Leavelle Jerry A Moon William R Spence Lauren S Spaulding Bryan E & Leslie S Joannie B Leung Karen M Morris Carita Stenfors-Berglund Travis W Spore Cassagneres Quincey L Lighthouse-Ingram Ryan D Nachreiner Claes U Svendsen Arthur J Stagg Dianne M Charity Jennise M Logan Jeff L Newell Maria K Tambunan Veronica L Sutter William S Davis Esther T Lonto John M Nickless Susan D Vanderwaal Radivoj Suvacarov Joy-Ann S Deane Henock Louis Lisa M Oetman Scott T Verhelle Wanda M Swensen Thomas B Ekkens Sharon L Lucas John P Pitton Manuel S Vitug Slavoljub Vulicevic Sean Facchinello Ben A Maguad Kelly R Potts Dale L Walker Howard Weems Christina M Fleming-Gabriel Tami K Martinez Nicholas D Ratcliff Douglas R Webb Lisa M Willer Lynette M Gardner Michelle N McFarlane John D Riggs Lisa M Willer Donaldson W Williams Rene M Gelder Radivoje Milosavljevic Gary E Russell Wilma J Zalabak Myung J Yi Brent G Geraty Lynette M Nachreiner Athanase K Rutebuka Hua Zhang Sofia Zanzarella Vicki L Hall Juhyeok Nam Arlene M Saliba Lisa Ziegele Shelly L Hass ClASS oF 1995 Gustavo A Ortiz Robbie J Sandberg Paul C Herrmann Luis E Alferez ClASS oF 1996 Charles R & Quetah M Scott E & Brenda L Schalk Trudy A Holmes-Caines Darlene S Barnhurst Lynn R Ahlberg Osborne Daniel T & Janine J Show Philip A Johnson John A Bazile Gordana Bajsanski Robert G Peck Donald R Sibblies William F Kendall Carol L Beal Jennifer A Bishop James W Proctor Paul D Smith Boo-Jung Kim Priscilla K Beaman-Glenn Dennis H Braun Joseph A Rector Jeanette A Snorrason Kip O Koehler Francine L Bergmann Jeannine A Chobotar John W Reeve Deena J Stern John M & Lori S Laswell Ryan T & Heidi L Bergstrom Cynthia A Chu Pamela T Rouse Susan S Svendsen Julianne J Lim Carolyn G Brooks Kimberly A Clark Cynthia J Santos Karl & Lily M Tsatalbasidis Pamela S Litvak Larry D Burton Heather A Conner Scott E & Brenda L Schalk Julie C Verhelle Linda J Lockwitz Cynthia M Carter Robert C & Lisa K Deininger Renee A Skeete Lisa J Ward David R Lofthouse Kirsten Cathell Crister L DelaCruz Carita Stenfors-Berglund Robert F Warda Randall D Lonto Jeannine A Chobotar Londa L Edsell-Bishop Deena J Stern Douglas R Webb Victor J Maddox Bjorn J Clouten Karen M Flowers Cathrine L Stone Misty M Wood Janean M Mason Roberto H Clouzet Joe E Francisco Lisl H Sukachevin Cheri L Woodcock Irma S Pennington Nicholas S Conner Junko Y Fukushima Susan S Svendsen Xiaoming Xu Jonathan R & Gerd I Peters Douglas H Cote Julie M Grosse Eunice N Vega Elaine B Zimmerman L M Pittman Stephen D & Lisa Y DeWitt Donna T Hall Marilyn J Vontz Michael R Quion Robert C Deininger Kevin H & Rhonda L Hicks Delores R Ratcliff ClASS oF 1994 Ann T Fisher Frances E Johnson Conrad A Reichert ClASS oF 1993 Anonymous Cherryl A Galley Paul J Kluskowski Howard H Rogers Jannel Albury Cherrington Oliver B Archer Beth A Haubrich Bela & Diane K Kobor Athanase K Rutebuka Daniel V Anderson Kendall S Beaman Kevin H & Rhonda L Hicks James L Kolumban Julio J Santana Judy L Bair Jason D Bergmann Trudy A Holmes-Caines Janine M Lim Dorothea L Sarli Joseph M Bauer Layra I Boneta-Ruiz Albert H Im Philip O Mainda Carole V Smith Iris R Bentz George W Bulgin Kimberly K Ingold Silas & Sophie N Masuku Karen S Smith Sally A Berkuchel Terrance S Chilson Kevin R Jacobs Paul D Merling Lynn E Steil Layra I Boneta-Ruiz W Todd Chobotar Chang-Ho Ji Ryan T Orrison David B Sturtevant Mark A Brown Nicola A Connor David C Jones Paul Piskozub John Turon Robert L Burns Barbara A Cornell Vernon A Jordan David R Poloche Karl D Weber Clifford Q Cabansag Kimberly D Davis Jerry V Kantor Troy D Reynolds Steven A Willsey Wanda L Cantrell Henry G Delgado Andrew H Knowlton Stephen S Richardson David L & Caryn M Wooster Daniel S Charbonneau Pherbia A Engdahl Rebecca J Kronauge Carla M Roach Joseph M Zumbo David S Charbonneau Isaac K Eshun Douglas R Krull Warren B Ruf Nicola A Connor Kathleen A Forner Giovanni A & Kimberly G Athanase K Rutebuka ClASS oF 1992 Carol A Coursey Lynette M Gardner Leonor Eddie L Sanker Stephan J Davis Jim A Gaton Richard & Cynthia Liebelt William L Scott J Raymond Ammon Maria A Dominguez Lillian A Grass James J & Janine M Lim Harry J Sharley Richard E Barrett


Sonya K Shull Sharon G Chamberlain Jeremy K Hildebrant Mark B Regazzi Heidi J Leets Rahela C Vulicevic Seong Cho Jason R Jeffery Katherine R Shaw Yolanda L Leffler Wendell K Ward Jean C Church Alvin A Jornada Rodrick D Snow Florin & Livia P Liga Myung J Yi Nora E Clouzet Mary E Kloster Robert E Tucker Shirleen T Luttrell Sofia Zanzarella Muriel E Crow Martha A Kohn Eric N Velez Dilian E Marquez Cheryl D Doss Jasmine M Maletic Tracy L Wood Radivoje Milosavljevic ClASS oF 1997 Nina M Elmendorf-Steele Dilian E Marquez Paul K Ziegele Tamara L Phillippe Daniel Y Faakye Brent T Miller Sabin C Popescu Pamela S Alley James R Fisher Jennifer M Morse Christina M Rasmussen Joyce E Askew ClASS oF 2001 Emmanuel Gahoua Melissa N Mortenson Andrea E Richardson Margaret A Barnaby Ruth F Abbott Olga Gashugi Dewey A & Joanna C Murdick Andrew C Shaw John M Bedell Michael R Allison Alicia J Goree Andrew T & Jennifer L Harold Thomas Robert R Benson Lori L Bliven Glendamae Greene Nichols Larry R Uceny Derek K Bradfield Jennifer P Boyles Harold Guizar Gerardo Oudri Ginna A Wenger Pamela S Burton Neil M Brown J Jeremy G Hall Jay L Perry Gilbert Williams Jean C Church Jeanne M Buckman Christopher W & David R Poloche Kimberly A Clark Cynthia L Burrill Christine L Hamstra Helene D Riggs Jose H Cortes Arthur Chang ClASS oF 2003 Kelly L Harden Lauren J Rogers Brynja K Davis Sonya L Christensen Daniel V Anderson Sara M Hildebrant Markus A Schellenberg Lisa K Deininger Marlie E Clay David M Brown Richard A Hoffer Brenton F Sedgwick Sandra M Dickhaut Tonya T Cosey Merlin D Burt William G Hrovat Shiv M Shah Jovan C Djordjevic Paull E Dixon Stacee R Campbell Jason G Hughes Lori J Sharley Eunice I Dupertuis J Ann E Fraser-Hinds Lisa Y DeWitt Sylvia H Hyde David F Steele Nina M Elmendorf-Steele Leon L George Joseph R Flowers Janell L Jones Rodney L & Tiffany Z Eric L Engen Johnny Groda Harold Guizar Jeffrey G Karst Summerscales Dana E Etheridge Roy A Hamilton W Brandt Hay Janine E Lechleitner Gale M Sylvester Mark A Feldbush Cynthia L Hayes James A Hippler Liwanag Liwag David E Thomas Trevor S Forbes David W Hinds Jason R Jeffery Kristi A Lloyd Robert E & Brandy M Tucker Jim A Gaton Jamilyn D Jeffery Kelly J Knowlton Judith D Mackie Cynthia O Williams Julie M Grosse Reginald R & Alexandra Marlene Kreidler Melony E Magoon Andrew C & Kristin S Richard G Habenicht N Johnson Joy S Lee Arlene C Martz von Maur Cleveton A Jack Jennifer M Kavy Heidi J Leets Keith E Mattingly David A Jeffrey Melissa E Kenney-Castrejon Tina Lekic Morihiko Nakahara Jeremy L Johnson ClASS oF 2000 Amy C Kimball Dale J Mancini Shawn L Noseworthy Joseph S & Sara S Kim Luis E Alferez Janelle K Klein Jean A Papandrea Jason A & Jennifer N Payne Catherine A LeBlanc Sallie J Alger Kristine M Knutson Pamella K Paulien Jorge Perez Larry L Lichtenwalter Esther M Aust Gunter W Koch Juan O Perla Kendra K Perry Pamela S Litvak Francine L Bergmann Annabelle I Lopez Matthew L Rappette Karen S Peterson Judith D Mackie Susan A Beyreis Paul D Lowe Eva M Ryckman Kelly J Pettijohn Salomon Maniraguha Lori L Bliven Philip O & Damarice E Janine J Show Janelle D Randall Arlene C Martz James E Bollin Mainda Karen E Stockton-Chilson Chandler D Riley Zeljka B Milosavljevic Martin D Bradfield Ronald H McWilliams Aaron K Valentin William H & Brenda J Robert W Mulkern Kristine L Briggs Carla E Nelsen Nickilos J Wolfer Robertson Dawn M Mumper Laurence G Burn Grace A Otieno Mark S Rose Ryan T Orrison Lloyd O Caesar Pamella K Paulien Ruben E Rothermel ClASS oF 2004 Ashley C Ortiz Terumi K Capeling Gerson Payan April J Scott Alfred K Adonu Julius D Panjaitan Matthew J Carlson Emely Poloche Sidni A Smith Coreena O Blum Won K Park Erica C Chavez Eli Rojas Rhonda M Snorrason Heidi D Cerna Edwin C & Julianne V Patru Rene A Church Dixie L Scott Robert J Steele Beverly J Cobb Frank D Peden Tonya T Cosey Kathleen A Shoemaker Gillian M Sukachevin Laura E Flores Ned A Peterson Jovan C Djordjevic Daniel T Show Gale M Sylvester W Brandt Hay David R Poloche Ruben & Ana C Duarte Cloveth R Smith Johannes R Van Zyl Jennifer E Jones Depa J Reddy Ericca G Erhard Sally J Smith Sandra J VanHorn Elizabeth M Tchakarova John W & Teresa L Reeve Daniel Y Faakye Sharon A Staple Jo-Anne G Vizcarra George Wei Howard J Reynolds Bernadin Fleurima Aaron K Valentin Mona E Yeary Troy D Reynolds Todd L Freeman Madeline C Vazquez Danette Zurek Carla M Roach Hans R Habenicht Elizabeth D Watson Lisa M Rose Mark P & Linda M Haddad Lauri N Wood Sonya K Shull ClASS oF 1999 David S Hall FriendS Bart J Soper Jose A Arias J Jeremy G Hall ClASS oF 2002 V Carol Aalborg Gillian M Sukachevin Margaret A Barnaby Robert L Henley Thomas A & Sara B Abbott Marie J Agesilas Philip P Thomas Kimberly Berent Cynthia A Jack Rami Z Abdel-Sayed Kim V Amor Karl Tsatalbasidis Kelly J Blazer David T Jarnes Isaac Abella Bruce K & Coreena O Blum Jeffrey S Wait Christian Bokich Jamilyn D Jeffery Barbara V Abrams Aurora P Burdick Rachel E Whitaker Kristine L Briggs Amy D Lee Jessylin Acebuche Keith G Calkins Daniel T Widner Cynthia A Chu Seung Y Lee Rita Achenbach Laura S Chung Michael G Clarke Joshua P Leets Beverly J Ackles Lynna J Cobrall Rochelle G Consignado Damarice E Mainda Aissa L Acosta ClASS oF 1998 Jonathan R Cook Isaac D Evans Jasmine M Maletic Jose A Acosta Valerie R Anderson Pamela J Curry Donnalee R Forraht Allen L & Jacqueline O Douglas & Margaret E Adams Pollyanna P Barnes Antonio L De Oliveira Thelma F Francisco Mitchell Harold Adams Elynda A Bedney Catherine L Foune Paola M Franco de Oudri Nancy A Mitchell Paul S Adams Michael F Bernoi Trisha J Hay Denise S Freeman Jennifer M Morse Ruthann Adams Glynis M Bradfield James A Hippler Emmanuel Gahoua Kendra K Perry Leticia S Addai Gary W Burns Iman J Hutabarat Roy A & A Monise Hamilton Edelweiss J Ramal Ian C Agard Eduin N Caballero Donna P Jeffery Christine L Hamstra Paul J Ray George S & Elizabeth M Peggy I Casebier Jimmy D Kim


Agoki Chase C Atwood Kathryn A Beckrow Joaquin E Bosque Ruth A Burlingame Sun H Ahn Georges R Augsburger Doris C Beebe J M Botero Charles R Burnett Aivars Aistars Joyce P Augsburger Raelynn K Beeman J W Bothe Lesa Burnett George H Akers Stephen J Aust Nikki M Beidleman John T Boughton Miriam L Burnett Robert V Akins Joanne B Averill Rosalee J Beierle Jean Bouvier Maryann W Burns Hiam Akrawi Eric Ayars Karen Bekowies Marie G Bouzy Nina Burrell-Klee Consorcia P Alabata Austria A Azaceta M Ann Bell Lucinda A Boven David B Burrell Nelda C Alamay Marilyn Babienco Mike Bell Denise J Bowen Dan Burtnett Patrick G Albert Alton J Backs Richard K Bell Barbara J Bowman Conrad L Burton Kenneth Albertsen Edward Bacon Stanley M Bell Mark S Bowman Ann M Burzycki William H Albright Jocelyn Badovinac Mary G Benedict Mary K Bowman Alan F Bush Audrey J Alderfer Elaine M Baell Ralph L & Beverly E Benedict Norma J Boyer Russell L Busse Joan Aldous Carole A Bailey Ruth A Benjamin William Brace Lois E Butler Juanita M Alexander Doralee S Bailey William H Benner Rosalie R Braddock Mary J Buzolich Judy I Alexander Ellen Bailey Bobby H & Delia N Bennett Carol L Bradfield Isabel D Byers Edgardo M Alido Neva J Bailey Elizabeth M Bennett Kenneth O Bradfield Harold W Bylsma Charles R Allen Niesha S Bailey Ercel M Bennett Shelley-Jean H Bradfield Nancy C Byrne Charles W Allen Ernest A Baillif Joanna K Bennett William P Bradford Pamela J Byrne Elisabeth D Allen Phyllis J Bainbridge Susan B Bensinger Elodia E Bradie Priscilla Byrns Kenneth W & D Delight Lorraine Bair Barbara G Benson Fay Bradley Lawrence R Cain Allen Milton B Bairagee Carol E Benson Rodman S Brahman James F Calkins Mildred Allen Gregg P & Tonya L Baitinger Lois E Benson Jay L Brand Bruce Callahan Pamela J Allen Donald K Baker Rodney A Benson David C Brandow Angelina Cameron Virgil L Allgeyer Juanita F Baker Elvin Benton John D Brantley Gordon R Cameron Harvey C Allison Kenneth Baker William A Beppler Melvin E Brass Christopher A Campbell James K Allred Miriam W Baker John M Berecz M Alice Brauer Margaret Campbell Vernon W Alspaugh Leona P Bakewell Carla L Beres Lois M Bray William L & Lavonne W Wesley D Alspaugh James O Baldwin Rita J Berg Alice L Breakie Campbell Irvin G Althage , deceased Tamara Ballen Cindy S Bergeman Ernst A Breisach Jose R Campillo Dean Amelung Mitzi A Bame Joe Berger Patricia A Breitweiser Alma B Canada-Neal Karl Ameriks Genevieve J Banfy Robert C Berger Stanley J Brenda Mary J Canaday Ronald L Amor Howard F Bankes Jill D Berglund Wayne Brenneman Mirta N Canale James E Anderson Mary T Banks Bastian P Bernard Lois R Breuker Laurie L Canfield Judy E Anderson Mary E Barber Ivalo Bernard Kimberly J Bridgeman William D & Evangeline Lois L Anderson Janiece M Barbknecht Verna A Bernoi Wilfred G Brill Cannell M R Anderson Bethel R Barger Aniela Berreth Carole M Brinkmann Ruth R Carey Patricia A Anderson Sheryl A Barker Anne Marie Berta Bartolome & Rebecca Briones Arthur Carkeek Roger K Anderson D M & Diane M Barlow Bette M Bertochini James R Broadbridge Janet E Carlile Roy K & Arlene Anderson Michael E Barned Gordon Beuker Jack M & Margaret John Carlos Sharon L Anderson William H Barnhurst Donald R Beveridge Broadhurst Betty M Carlson Knut A Andersson Kenneth L & Dianne L Beverly O Beyer David A Brockway Carl D Carlson Demetra L Andreasen Barnum John A Bicknell Howard W Broecker Harold L Carlson Michael C & Marie B Donald J Barr Steven L & Mary J Bielas Cora A Brooks Sharon M Carlson Andreasen Anna M Barrett Bertha A Bigford Walter Browe Brian T Carlton Stacy D Andrew J M Barroso Ikaros Bigi Alfred J Brown Mary Jane Carpenter Kenneth C & Pearl E Andrews William E Barrs Margaret Bimberg David M Brown Janet K Carr Shirley Andrews Dorothy H Bartkus Brian K Binning Jacob E Brown Carey C & Dorothy A David L Anthony Jean Barton Roystan G & Joy H Binns Joan K Brown Carscallen Robert M Anthony Richard Bartz James J Birch Nita L Brown Lois K Carscallen Frederick A Antor Merle E & Verla J Bascom Ron Bird Nyal M Brown Glenn E & Jennifer F Carter Isaac & Theresa A Anzures Teresa Bascom Brenda A Bishop Susan F Bruce Daisy Casasnovas Anselma M Apostal Carolina O Basit Bryan P Bixby Janet F Bruel Patricia K Case Deborah Appelget Elva C Bates Carol S Bixler Daniel G Bruetman Mary A Casebolt Mary W Appelt Jacqueline P Batill Marla Blackmond Clete Brummel Robert A Cashbaugh Sue L Apple Albert W & Ann G Bauer Esther Blankenship Clarence F Brummett Andrew B Casper JoAnn Appleby Joseph P Bauer William Blanton Sheila I Bruniga Thomas Cassidy Margaret C Appleby Ruth Ann Bauert Clarence E Blay Loubens Bruno Stacie J Caster Stephanie Appleby Virginia E Bauhof Marvin W Block James Bruser Evangeline P Castillo George J Aranowski Ulrich E & Liene V Bauman Carolyn Blosser Debbie K Bryan Michael V & Valerie J Castillo Charles E Archer Shelli E Baze Donald A Blystone D Lynn Bryson David L Castleberg Mistee T Arias William G Beadenkopf Lowell L Bock Walter Brzezinski Robert L Catania Gene F & Ruth Armstrong Gerald N Beal Emma J Boehmke Sue Bucher Charles E Cates Betty J Arndt Orville C Beal D Neal & Valerie A Boger Karen J Buck Kaye L Centers Timothy J Arner Mary F Beardsley Gloria M Bolduc Liliane N Bueno L K Cerbin Eve A Arnett M Eric Beaven Dorothy L Bolinger David W Bugge Fonda L Chaffee Paul A & Doris E Arnold Velma B Beavon Margaret D Bollinger Elizabeth D Bujak Paloma M Chalker Terry A & Ilia E Arnold Audrey Becker Linda Bolt Ruth E Bulgin George D Chaney Teresa Arocho C Warren & Sophie A Becker Cleone D Bond Viola J Bullock Charlene E Chapman Jean E Arzoo Larry R Becker Bruce J Bondurant Alan M Bunner Muriel E Chapman Kathryn A Aschliman Laurie K Becker Mel Bookout Charlotte M Burch Suzanne S Chapman William V Ashlin Mark S Becker Richard W & Marcie A Janet V Burch Adel J Chareq J Bruce Ashton Ralph J Becker Boomsliter Nancy N Burch Howard H & Miriam J John W Asma Robert R & Jean D Becker William F & Jacqueline A Gary W Burdick Charles Martha Athanas Richard L & Cynthia G Boomsliter Jean L Burgdorff Shirley F Chavit Habaradas James E Atkinson Beckermeyer Charles E Boonstra Thomas R Burgdorff Linda S Cheek Richard E Atkinson V Jeanne Beckner Samir & Sudesh Bose David K & Verna R Burghart Goldie Cherry


Gloria Chichester Bernard H Cooper Duane J Davis Ronald G Duerksen Duane C & Carol S Fancher Bennett D & Sandra A Daniel Cooper Elsie S Davis Shirley J Duerr Daniel L Farmer Chilson David R Cooper Janice M Davis Danny L Duis Elizabeth Farrington Rebecca D Chilson Dorothy Cooper Orlie A Davis Dawn I Dulhunty Hazel G Fattic Guy F & Barbara M Chilton Gloria Cooper Sarah M Davis Marilyn J Dulmatch Mildred M Feather John Chipman Peter J & Laurie L Cooper Vera L Davis Charles E Duncan Suzan Fehring Janet Chlebek Leon V Copeland Yvonne R Davis Mary L Duncan Charles R Feirrell Bill & Ruth T Chobotar R Selwyn & Frances Laura Daw Helen P Dunn Rebecca L Feldbush Myoung H Choi Copeland William M Dawson Robert M Dunn Kaye L Fenner Richard Choi Stefan R Copiz Lawrence D Day William C Durant Fernetta M Ferch DeMonte Chrispens Jane Copping Jerome De Young Darrel & Anita Dutcher Forrest W & Dorothy F Carl F Christ Lenora J Copsey Kimberley DeCelles Kathryn G Dybdahl Ferguson Daryl Christ Beth Corbin Dawnine DeFauw Howard Dybedock Kathreen J Ferguson Lee A Christ Merle D Corbin Frank J DeFrancesco Kenneth S Dykman Elizabeth S Fernandez Carol Y Christensen Paul A Corbin Flori M DeGuzman Sue E Dykstra Doris M Ferris Marilyn R Christensen Wanda D Corbin Louis M DeShantz Robert A Earp Jeff D Fiebelkorn Rebecca S Christensen Teresa A Cornelisse Raymond C DeVault Donna D Eastman Lorene M Fiebig Kyle Christenson Edward L Correces Phillip E DeVore Thomas H Eaton R Dean Fiess Margaret Christian Ellen A Council Mary H DeVries Mary L Ebner Melanie Filipac Martha L Christian Astri H Coupland Earl D DeWitt John D Edison Lloyd J Fillio Merilyn R Christian Peter S Cousins Kenneth E & Joan R DeWitt Luna Edmond Thelma F Fillman Susan D Christian Kevin A Covert Raoul & Louise Dederen Jeff B Edmunds Roger M Finder Donald R Christman Julie A Cox Joshua W Dee William W Ednie Stewart S & Marian N Finkler Rebecca L Christner Gerald W Coy Roger L Dehn Sandy Edstrom John E Finlay Helen G Christoffel Judith A Coy Franklin J Deisch Steve & Ellen Edwards M J Finske Kim L & Iris Chuah Bilene Crabill John M Delio Charles L Egbert Mildred I Fiore Seok J Chung Paula Crabtree Harry Delle Shirley Eger Michael S Fiorenzo Dulene Cipriano Winston J & Marilyn J Craig Ronald D Demblowski Henry M Egner Robert E Firth Donald J & Maryanne Clark Helene V Crawford Kathleen M Demsky Marilyn L Ehman David W Fischer Ramona R Clark Imogene E Creakbaum John P DenHartigh Reginold A & M J Eighme Dorothy M Fischer Richard I & Virginia Clark Jennie R Cristancho Daniel W Dennis Kathleen J Ekkens Shelley N Fischer Sylvia J Clarke Randall J Croak Beverly B Denton James Elden Marlene Fischle Linda J Clausen Wallace H Croak Karen K Deogracias Donald E Eldred Irene Fishell Donald W & Betty J Claussen Eileen Cropley Reynaldo L & Linda M Harold J Elenbaas Barbara S Fisher Bevin T Clayton Jack E Crossley Descalso Arlen J Eller Bette J Fisher Camille Clayton Marion Crossman Corbin & Dixie Detgen Daniel O Ellerbrook Joan H Fisher Lorinda Clayton Frederick J Crosson John F Devendorf Colin W Elliott Dawn C Fiske Marilyn Clayton Florence H Crumley Cyril Devliegher Fran Elliott Jean E Fitch Laura L Cleary William P Crumpacker Chrisie C Dewitt David R Ellis Walter H Fleeger Kathleen K Clemens Grace Cruz Marco J & Erika B DiBiase Meta M Ellis John T Fleming Marjorie S Clemens Deloris B Cruzen Nicholas DiLernia Stanley & Dorothy W Thomas J & Dorann S Fleming Keith H & Ngaire A Clouten Geza Csapo Al Dickerson Elmendorf Olive Fletcher Neville H & Norene M Kalman Csia Alan R Dickey Douglas Elrick Thomas P Flint Clouten Hal Culbertson Loren Dickinson Verlyn Elvin Nettie V Flora Jack E Clum Richard J Cullar Susan Dietrich-Reed Kevin M Elzinga Mary E Flynn Daniel E Cobb Lorene B Cummings Donna R Dietz Harry L Emerick Joan M Foley Liz Coe Robert B & Louise A Joan M Dillon William K & Arlene H Emery Ruth N Foll Cynthia P Coetzee Cummings Louise Dilts Marilyn K Enery Mauro C Fonacier Harold G & Emma Coffin Sharlene K Cummings Edwin A & Bettie L Dippo Michelle L Engel Wafiya F Foote Annatha Coffy Elmer Cupino Judith L Dircks Gladys M Engelkemier Imogene G Forbes Charles W Cole Edwin W Curran Audrey Dirksen Gordon & Blossom L Engen Sharon A Forbes Elizabeth S Cole Carol J Curry Robert G Distler Melvin S & Nancy M Enid L Ford James E Cole Myrtice H Curtis Riley Ronald H Dixon England J M Ford Jean Cole Diane B Curtis Gordon H Dockerty Donald F & Margaret J Eppley Lorraine M Ford Alden M Colehour Lynden Curtis L E Dodd Barbara E Erhard Richard A & Alice B Ford Joseph A Coleman Annette L Cyrus Natalie Dodd Beaty R Erhard Richard Forster Betty L Collard Rosemary Czech Mary E Dodge Patricia A Erhard John Fouch Denise L Collard Charlotta Dadson E J Doering Elizabeth A Erhardt Patricia L Fowler Robert S Collard Elizabeth J Daering Henry Doll Sharla D Erich Kathleen A Fox Billee A Collins Catherine Daggy Robert E Doll Comfort Eshun William Fox Margaret Collins Carolyn L Dailey Wilbur J Dornsife Louis J Essiambre Michael R Fracker Orla L & Ellen H Collins Mary J Damron Mondy Dorsainvil Alvena Evans Bernice W Frame William E Colson Marcia B Darden Norman L Doss Carolyn G Evans Emma Francisco Kathryn S Colten Joni L Darmody Gary L Doty Joann A Evans Norma H Frank Daniel Conklin Ellen M Darrah Schenk James P Dougherty Ronald L Evans Clyde O Franz Margaret A Conrad Sheri S Darrough Robert B Dow Edward A Everett Dorothy I Frase Sharon L Constantine Bernice Darvill Randall L Dowell Jim Everett Joseph R Fraser Steven E Constantine Linda J Dassenko Michael P Down Thomas Everett Loretta Frasher Steve Coody Charles C Datz Janet L Doyle Leigh Y Everhart Sylvia J Frattallone Beverly K Cook Karon S Daubert John C Doyle Edwin E Everman William Freedman Darlene Cook Linda L Daugherty Marilyn M Doyle Annette K Everson Betty H Freeman Grafton H Cook Glenda E Davidson Royal R Drake Barbara J Ewing John D & Ida M Freeman Ruth A Cook William W & Jacqualyn M Dena M Drane Lynne J Facchinello Earl C & Kathryn J Frey Jeannette K Cooke Davidson Dale W & Marjorie M Driscol Frank H & Joy K Faehner Theresa F Frick Max A Coon Richard Davies John E & Joan M Dudd Mark E Faehner Barbara K Friesen Audrey C Cooper Delmer I Davis Ruby L Dudley Abiola J Fakeye Franklin F Friesen


Lorraine Frobel Arlene J Graham Janet F Hall Doris D Helm Kathleen E Hostetler Patricia A Frye Jean C Graham Juanita Hall Cynthia M Helms John M Hough Isabelle G Frymire Melinda A Grashuis Kathryn J Hall Diego A Henao John D Houk Mary Anne Fuchs Lori A Gratner Mardell E Hall Lorraine D Henri Sharon L Housand Catherine Fuller Willis C Graves Tara G Hall John P Henry Janet N Houseman Edward R Fuller Samuel A & June M Gravitt Walter Halloran Perry R & Maria F Heppler Harold & Gwen M Howard Reva A Furst Betty A Gray Bette G Haluch Thomas A Herbon Marjorie E Howard Wilfred G & Rowena F Linda B Grdina John M Ham-Ying Mary Ann Herendeen Randall W Howard Futcher Carol J Green Karen R Hamberger Edward F Herford Thomas G Howe Pamela E Gabriel Nathan A Greene Madlyn C Hamblin Yvonne Hering Robert L Howson Gordon A & Marjorie E Brian L Greenhaw Sam R Hamburg Alba Hernandez Jane Hoyer Gadway Jerry G & Ramona K Anneliese M Hamel Glenda R Hernandez Jerry D Hoyle Frances B Gainey Greenhaw Esther Hamel Marilyn M Herrmann Pearl L Huber John M Gaitan Robert W Greenleaf Harriet H Hamer Henry & Pearl Herzog Donna G Hubert Donald G Galow Susan K Gregory Lloyd A Hamilton Geraldine T Hess Robert W Huckabay Jack Gannon Carrie L Grellmann Ramon D & Nancy M Beverly B Hessel Shirley J Huddleston Bernice Garber Norman A Gremel Hamilton Catherine L Heston Michelle Hue Carolyn Garber George P Grenon Shirley Hamilton Daniel A & Lola J Heuer Frank A Hufana Charles F Garber Emma Grentz John T Hammond Kathryn L Hickerson Margaret F Huff Taylor L Garber Brenda S Greve Marjorie E Hammond Donna Hicks Richard L Huff Gregory A Gardner Nancy L Greve H Nicholas Hamner Richard D Higgins Eileen L Huggins Richard R Gardner Ona M Greve James R & Renae Hamstra Ernest & Delores Hildebrand Rena Humerickhouse Harold Garrett R E Grewe Tara Hands Carol L Hill Eldon L & Nancy D Hummel Cindy L Garstka Melinda K Griesman Allan R & Janet A Eloise Hill Joyce V Hummel Sue Gartley Marcia A Griffen Handysides Geraldine W Hill Constance S Hunt James A & Phyllis A Garwood Linda Griffin Amelia E Haney Joanne K Hill Mary W Hunt A K Gast William F Griffith James E Hann John E Hill Yvette A Hunt V Jean Gast Robert J & Eleanor F Grimm Spencer R Hannah Mariellyn F Hill Thomas Huntington Warren E Gast Paul R Grimstad Calvin J Hanson Michael R Hilton N D & Ruth A Hupp Jane N Gaton Elizabeth M Grise James D Hanson Harry R Himes Susan J Huron Barbara Geary Nancy Groff Frances G Hardcastle Lynda Hirsch Barbara A Huset Douglas Geisler Betty Grootendorst Phyllis V Harding J Britt Hissong Julia Im Joan F Gelow Donna F Grove Leonard N & Esther L Hare Neil K Hoag V M Imgrund Lois J Gemmell Carolyn M Grubbs Orvid I & Carol M Harju Robert S Hoch Belva J Ingersoll Joe B Gemmill Mildred M Gruenenfelder Michelle Harmon Paul R Hochstetler Jose A Irizarry Dennie A Gentry Phyllis A Gruesbeck Jennifer Harold Gregory B Hocking R D Irvine Mark S Gerig Elaine M Grundset Mary H Harrington Richard G & Evelyn R Hodder William M Isaac William M Gering Miguel B Guevara-Alonso James D Harris Richard W Hodgman Ellen F Isidro Albert H Gerst Michelle F Guevara Patricia A Harrison Herman Hoeksema Eleanor D Jabagat Betty J Gibson Arthur S Guffin Diane M Hart Janice Hoffman Jerome B Jablonski Stephanie Gigante-Pitts Joseph P Guiltinan Merlin M & Marian M Hart Marion J Hogenboom Angela M Jackson Anita C Gilbert Dolores H Gunn Alan R Hartfield Joanne Holden Nora C Jackson Donald P Gillespie Damayanti S Gurubatham Robert E Hartje Marian C Holder Theodore A & Elsie P Jackson Monte C Gillespie Floyd D & Hilda Gustafson Catherine C Hartman Florence A Holford Sandra L Jacobs Delores F Gilliland Sharon K Guth Rosalind S Hartman, deceased Carmen Holland Brian Jaglin Florence C Gillman Marcia J Guy Jeanne D Hartwell Karen J Holland Hans G Jakobsons Catherine Gilvary Maurice Guy Hilde S Hasel Michael E Holland Gerald Jank Sally R Ginter Edmund C Guyer Diane K Hass Stephen P & Kathleen Patricia S Jankowski Barbara K Girardin Janet Haag Kathleen J Hathaway-Lloyd Hollenberg Charles Janovski Henry R & Gertrude Girr Lester Haag Dorothy J Hathaway Donald W Hollister Coral A Janssen Joseph E Giver Lucile E Haagenrud Laura J Hathaway Aletha J Holloway David G & Lisa D Jardine Jane Glascott Helen H Haase Allen G Haughey Rosalie Holloway Tamara K Jardine David L & Tomasa Glenn Bethel E Habenicht Dawn L Hausch-Cooper Dianne L Holmes Jeanne B Jarnes Barbara K Globensky Della V Habenicht Dorothy J Havlik Larry Holmes Christine Jarvis Brett Godush Donald E & Edith I Christine M Hawkins Vikki D Holmes Beverly K Jenkins Abraham Goetz Habenicht Marlene Hawley Gregg Holycross Earl & Ruth Jenkins Barbara J Goffin Holly L Habenicht Timothy J Hayden Consuelo G Hood Lyle H Jensen Joseph B Gold Ronalyn S Hackleman Esther Z Hayes James A Hood Marlin Jeschke Sam Goldberg Barry Hadley Robert Hayes Richard E & Nancy E Hood Jonathan E Jesse Barbara J Goldsberry Keith Hadley Ruth D Hayes Ruth E Hood Joe Jilek Susan A Gombos Maude-Alice Hadley Bob Hayward Louis S Hoodwin A D & Carolyn M Jimenez Ruth M Goodsite Jack Haeger Daniel J Healy Dorothy Hooley Catherine P Johnas Howard T Goodwin C Don Hager Eileen M Healy Betty L Hoover Wayne L Johns Joan M Goodwin Zerita J Hagerman William G Healy James H Hoover A S Johnson Douglas E & Lisa S Goolsby Ann E Hague-Shephard Terri Hebard Joel R & Sandra C Hoover Aleitha Johnson Walter Gorbacz Joyce E Hahn Demetrio Hechanova John K & Karen F Hopkins C D Johnson Marion Gordon Frances H Haidler Jennifer Heemer Arthur Hora Carol J Johnson Mary E Gordon Ethan T Haimo Stella M Hegstad Elizabeth H Horn Dorothy E Johnson Dan Goronzy John Haizlip Eugene H Heidenreich Walter H Hornberger Elizabeth A Johnson LeRoy A Goss Kimberly Hakeem Harold E & Dorothy E Heidtke Lirlie J Horner Esther M Johnson Rhonda L Goss James N Halder Louis Hein Pat J Horsman Glenn & Carlene L Johnson Iona L Gould Vincent S Hale Elizabeth R Heinrich Ruth B Horton Harry D Johnson Karen K Goulet Elaine S Halenz Helen Heintzelmen David M Horvath James P Johnson Robert V Gouwens Barbara J Haley Richard R Heisman Grant Hosford Julie J Johnson Robert E Goyne Brian C Hall Cecilia Held Elizabeth Hosnedl Katie C Johnson Dianna L Grady Connie L Hall Hubert M Helfer Gloria Hostetler Marguerite A Johnson


Melinda O Johnson Maiga Kildiss Joanne B Kurczaba Frederick F Lighthall Vennita L Marcussen Melvin A Johnson Joseph E Killian Martin C Kurtz Inga Lind Vickie L Markavitch Pauletta R Johnson Choong-Man J & Charlyn Y Kim Mickey D & DeAnn Kutzner Jason D Lindower Lucile R Markel Ronald D Johnson Jason & Wendy K Kim Philip Kwiecinski Arlyn L Lindskog Marla P Marsh Ronald L Johnson Jin S Kim Mary F Kynast Susan Lingar Patricia A Marsh Steven H Johnson N Roland Kim Lee R & Beverlee L La Dow Ruby M Link Shirley Marsh Carol A Johnston Soo Y Kim Asta S LaBianca Mark E & Francesca T Lippi Linda J Marshall Ella Johnston C Dean & Gretchen I Kimble Sherrill LaCourt Norma L Lippi Ellis Marshburn Eunice L Johnston Joan B King Doris Lamb Julieanne Little Donald B Marti Judy K Jolliffe Nancy King Leonard R Lamberson May E Little Betty S Martin Barbara B Jones R Kreig King Kent T Lancaster Robert M & Ann R Little Daisy M Martin Barbara S Jones William S King, deceased Gary G & Edith M Land Harry C Lloyd Margaret W Martin Charles M & Earline R Jones Dawn L Kingman John & Anita M Landgraf Bruce W Lo Valerie A Martin J Tim Jones Robert E & Lillis L Kingman Cheryle D Lane Edgar L Lockwitz Denise D Martinez Mary Ann Jones Roy E & Vera Kingman Dick S & Rene A Laney Gary Lockwood Virgilin S Masibay Robert L Jones Stephen F Kinney Raymond D Laney Ruth A Locuson Daniel L Mason Ronald D & Norma J Jones Marjorie Kinsey Harold H & Violet R Lang James N Lodwick Fred L Mason, deceased S Charles Jones Jacqueline L Kinsman Harold R & Janice Langland Barbara B Loeb Robert S & Sherry R Mason S Joyce Jones Victoria Kirk Norma R Lantz Gunnel B Lofgren Mary J Mast Serita A Jones David & Elaine Kirshenbaum Randy F Lapuebla Rosemarie M Long Selma A Mastrapa Sheila F Jones Ruth Kissinger Andrew A Larsen Gary K Longfellow Maxine S Matacio Thomas C Jones Lori A Kizer Christy L Larsen Ernest L Longway Julia A Matousek William H Jones Rebecca Kizer Edwin W & Grace E Larson Deborah Longworth Lionel Matthews Andrea L Jordan Richard F Klee Judith G Larson Ernesto J Lopez Gina M Matury Diana L Jordan Doralee Klein W G Larson Elmer W Lorenz Judith I Matusik James R & Carol L Jordan Edward A Kline Bruce L Larva Lester E Lorenz Gerard Mauze Richard D Jordan Camilla Klinesteker Mary E Lauda Mildred E Lorntz Pauline G Maxwell Wanda J Jordan Richard L Klitzke Ann W Lauer Mary J Lovett Noel C May Betty J Jorgenson John E & Audrey M Klooster Frances W Laughlin Donald E Lowe Susan E May Abner M Jornada Henry J Klos Rebecca R Laurent Peter W Lowe Carol E Mayes Chari D Jornada Mary L Knapp Barbara Lausten Reba E Lowe Donald O Maylath Marise D Joseph William E & Dorothy L Knecht Robert O & Margaret S Laven Frank E Lucas Alfred L Mayor Calvin N Joshua Billie J Knight Robert G Lavery Theodore L Lucker David L & Judy R Mayor Betty Judd Elizabeth L Knight Warren J Lawrence Robert R & Nona M Ludeman Ramon Mayoral Robert L Judd Frank A Knittel Wendell D & Linda L Ruth Ludwig Roland L Mays Clayton Judy Ronald A Knott Lawrence Carol A Lueck Esther W Mbungu Jeffrey K Juneau Pamela S Knowlton Beverly E Lawton Margaret C Luecke J J Mc Ghehey Norman O Jung Edna Knox Janice Le Claire Virginia M Luke Daniel W McAdoo Margaret Jurkiewicz Christof W Kober James E LeBlanc Ralph Lundgren James M & Rose D McAuliff Liane E Kabel George J Kochjar Albert H LeMay John V & Helen M Lungu Robert T McBain George G Kahle Robert L Koenig Marcia A LeMay Philip Lunsford Amelia R McBride Margaret M Kaiser Gretchen W Koerting Gilbert A Leach Claire Luther Dale R McBride Joseph M Kanamueller Juan Kokiong Shanna L Leak Delmar Lutz, deceased Nancy L McBride Jerry V Kantor Mildred Koliadko David T Leaman Robert D & Donna J Lutz David H McCain Nancy C Kantor Grace H Kolmodin Gregory A Leavitt Judith E Lyman Lois L McCamy Richard L & Glenice Kaping Anna F Kolumban Joyce Lebrecht Colin J MacKenzie Margaret T McCann Ruediger W Kappe Mary Kominiarek Thomas E Lechleitner D G MacNeill Gale D McCarty Larry D & Donna J Karpenko Cheryl A Komorowski Samuel L Lee-Loy William E MacWhorter Sandi E McCash Mary E Karstedt Esther Konrad Elaine L Lee Clifford Machacek Helen M McCauslin Frank J Karth Ardyce H Koobs Jae Hyun Lee Edward A Mack James B McClain Tunde Kashimawo David Koppana Ran Hee Lee Richard N Mackie Mildred E McConnell Daniel J Kasson Jonathan & Donna W Korzun Sheldon B Lee Marianne Macklin Robert & Ilea A McDaniel Renee Katrib Janet Kosacek Beverly J Leffler John J Madigan John C McDonald Laura L Kaufherr Ann C Kosinski Agnes M Lehman Marlene D Magnuson Catherine E McDonough Richard R Kay Frederick A Kosinski Hildegard Lehmann Donald L Mahoney Leland R & Harriet J James Keech David R Koval Arthur R Leinen Susan E Mahoney McElmurry Brenda S Keel Peter J Kovalski Philip S Leman Hildegard E Maier Donald McElvain Agnes M Keene Suzanne Kowalski Cloice D & Myrna Lemon Scott Mainwaring Dianne J McFadden Wilma J Keifer Tim Kraegel Ruey A Lemon , deceased Catherine Maize Frances K McFadden James H Keil Edward J Krason Lida Leonarduzzi Philip H Maki Sandra L McGregor Janet Y Keim David S Kreager Gerald F Lerman John P & M J Makowski Louis J & Betty E McGuire Gary L & Kim L Keiser T H Kreiser Eileen F Lesher Christine Malaykhan Dale W McKee Suzanne R Keller LaDonna J Krenz Veda E Lesher Vincent L Mallory Delauna M McKee John Kelley Rodney & Sharron Krieger Eric P & Audrey K Lester Dennis R Mally Joan McKenna Mary K Kelley Beth I Kristick William Lesterhouse Richard A Malott Marilyn McKinley Leonora C Kelly Norman Krogstad, deceased John K Letherman Jeannette L Malterer James S McKinney Justine Keltz Shirley Krogstad Albert P Levin Thomas B Mance Barbara A McLaughlin Kathryn Kempf Mark A Krueger Beverly J Lewis Mary Kaye Manchur Mick McLaughlin Jean A Kendall Dwight A & Patty Kruger Charles H Lewis Phyllis Mandigo Valerie E McManus Robert S Kendall Thomas & Claudia L Dagmar Lewis Eufemio O Mandujano Michael G McMaster Laurice S Kennel Kselman Daniel G & Carol L Lewis Pauline M Maniraguha Lyle E McMichael Elizabeth Marie Kerns Denise A Kuehner Ernest L Lewis George F Manley Albert W & Frances J John W Kershner Thomas W Kuhlman Marian E Lewis Lauretta C Mann McMullen Kaye Kerstetter Evelyn P Kuhn P Alexandria Lewis Marion Manthe James O McNamee Michael E Kiewel William E Kuhn Theaster Lewis Douglas Marchus Mary S McNeal John Kijak & Carla Y Kijak Wolfgang P & Sylvia W Kunze Katherine J Lichtenwalter Karl H Marcussen Donna McNeilus


Marnelle McNeilus Sharon D Moll Marjorie A Neufeld Samuel Owusu-Ababio Clarence L Pillsbury B Louise McNelly Violet Molnar George D Neumann Emerald L & Marian A Oxley Konimi L Pimentel Jeannette C McNitt Irwin N & Gail J Moniot Jenny Neumann George A Oyerly Corrie A Pinkster Margaret E McNitt Wiliam B Montgomery Magaly M Newmyer Marvin G Pacer Eleanor T Pippenger Janice M McQuere Robert D Moon Lillian Ng Barbara A Page M M Piser Blanche A McVay Susan K Moon Ralph W Nicholas Lester E & Barbara W Page Anna T Piskozub Pamela S McVay Tove M Moon Joyce J Nichols E J Pagunsan Scott M & Janet L Pittman Carolyn A McWilliams Amy C Moore William H Nichols Eugene A Palmieri Thomas D & Maxine D Pittman Reuel Mcgann Barth Moore Edith Nicholson Jillian J Panigot Doris O Pitts Tracy L Mead Barth P Moore Mary Elizabeth Nicholson Beatrice R Pantelleria James Pjesky Penny D Meade Brian D Moore Eldora B Nickel Sandra A Pappas Richard L Plank Patricia Medford David J Moore Merrilynne K Nickless Kathleen B Paquette Ellen L Plano Ernesto Y & Loida S Medina Elizabeth S Moore Susan S Nicol Alan J Parcells Kaaren M Plant Gideon L & Corazon D Janet L Moore Klyde D Nieb Dennis E Park Diana L Platt Medina Lucile M Moore Philip E Niece Ralph Parker Gilbert Plested Norma L Meehan Margaret M Moore Norman P Nielsen Scott B Parker Vivian G Plumb John M Meeks Raymond E Moore Rolf Nieman Charles E Parnell Curt & Sue Plummer Arnold J Meert Robert S & Viola L Moore Nancy J Nimtz Mary P Parrett Henry R Podgorny Graydon M Meints Wanda Moore William C Nixon Maurice L Parrish Alvo W Polson John R Melnick Teresa J Moraca Alice R Noah, deceased Catherine E Pascual Linda L Pomeroy Janice A Meltzer Floyd E Moreland Beverly A Noble James H Patterson Geraldine J Pomrening Shirley Menhardt Catherine E Morgan Michael D & Linda A Noble Robert D & E Jean Patterson Marilyn Pond William A Menser Timothy J Morgan Ulrich J Noorman Timothy C Patterson Burton A Pontynen Fred Mensinger Richard I & Jeanette Morris Shirley A Nordgren Dwayne Paul Alice E Poole Leilani Mercado Roger F Morris Audrey C North Charles J Pauler Margaret A Poole Agnes L Merchant Lisle E Morrow Crystal North Gertrude Paulien, deceased Merlin C & Wanda L Poole David L & Brenda S Merkel Cameron J Mortenson Gerald Nosotti Donald J Paulson Rose M Poole Nathan M & Phyllis I Merkel Myrtle G Mosley D David & Judith L Nowack Louise M Paxton Marciana L Popescu Robert W Merritt James C Mould Robert S Nowack Mayra G Payan Helen L Popoway-Holiak Robert M Merryfield Carol Moutray Thecla M Nowicki C Brooks & Susan F Payne Gregory S & Mary Kay Porter Mary Jo Mersereau Shirley Moyer Samuel Ntawiniga Cynthia M Payne Ralph D Porter William Merz Geri S Mueller Fausto E & Maria L Nunes Julia Pazder Carole A Potter Elden Meschke Norman Muller Sanny Nutter Charles D Peach F Norman Pottle Gina Metelica Daniel T Mullins Paul E Nye Michael D & Karen J Pearson Nicholas D Poulos Dorothy M Metzger John T Mulvihill Arne M & Sharon J Nystuen Beverly Peck Beresford W Powell Marilyn K Metzger Patsy Mummert Kerry M O'Connor Helen Peck Larry Powell Gary Q Metzler Jimmer B & Ida Mun Arthur P O'Leary Miriam J Pede Ray M Powell Thyra Metzler Sharon Munnecke Shirley Oates Dorothy A Pedtke Jay E Prall Ardis M Meyer Ruth E Murdick Belle Oberg Lois I Pegel John S Preheim Grant Meyer J L Murdoch Mabel B Oberg Paul W Pelley Werner & Fayrene L Pressnitz Inga G Meyer Todd M Murdoch Chris N Odabe Donna J Pelto Barbara E Prest Jeanne J Meyer Dorothy A Murphy Joseph J Odehnal Robert L & Ellen F Pelton Harriet M Preston Clarice L Mickelsen Dorothy L Murphy Robert E Odell Adolf Pelzer Pine S Price Dennis T Miczulski Donald W Murray William E Odell Adan F Pena Elsie Priest Arthur J Miles Keith B Murray Kazimir J & Dorothy Odrcic Loida M Penaflorida- Jo-Ann Priest Sharon L Miller Davis Leona M Murray Beth M Oeseburg Cabaluna Cynthia A Prior Arthur J Miller Marlene N Murray Blanche A Oetman Mark M & Jean Penwell Judy G Pritchard Arthur R Miller Milton J Murray Ella L Oetman Arthur Perez Bea Proctor, deceased Doris J Miller Y HudyardMuskita Wallace Oetman Roberto Perez Derrick L & Bonnie C Proctor Erma J Miller Lore P Musser Mary M Ogas R Crews & W Jo Perkey Jerry W & Marie J Prouse Herschel E Miller Tricia Muth Merlene A Ogden Donald R Perkins Edward D Pullen Jerry A Miller Debbie R Muthersbaugh Lavon Oke Justina B Peshka Jo Pulliam Lacie M Miller Dawn M Mutz Elmer Olenick Edmund R Peters Florence C Pumford Lester J Miller , deceased Anoush Myers Cathy L Oliver Esther Mae Peters Malinda Purcell Brown Margaret I Miller Bob Myers David M Oliver Judith L Peters James F Purcell Marvin J Miller Donald L Myers Kathleen Oliver Douglas L Petersen Matthew & Delisa J Purchase Richard J Miller Kathryn B Myers Kathyleen I Oliver Donald A Peterson Mary J Pyles Sibyl G Miller Delsie Nairne Mabel Oliver , deceased Dorothy G Peterson Donald R & M S Quackenbush Sylvia Miller Helen Nash Walter J Olmstead Duane L & Beulah A Peterson Frederick E Quaile Wayne & Leabell Miller Janice E Nash Anita N Olsen Edith B Peterson Remy Quenin John J Million Jerome Nayigiziki Ellis E Olson Sadie Peterson Charles F Quinn Anne T Mills Eric A Neal Harry E & Janet M Olson Shirley N Pettis Robertson Melanie C Quion Joyce Mills Joan Neall Helen Olson Joseph L Peyser Eleanor Raab Mary Mills Donald E Necas Shirley Olson Virginia Pfeifle Blaine A Rabbers William D Minear Charles D Neely Arthur & Charlotte Chester L Pflugrad Monica M Radecki John R Minesinger , deceased Pauline Neighbors Omohundro Charles T Phelps E R Radtke James C Minor Theophilus Neives Timothy Onkka Harold R & Betty L Phillips Usha S Ram Martha F Minter Juliette Nelles Lawrence W Onsager Victor E Phillips Max E Rambow Albert C Miorin Alfred A Nelson Anna J Opicka Donald Philo Marjorie L Ramey Alan F Mitchell Arlan P Nelson Barbra Opie Sylvie Pichot Gene S Ramsbey Delores J Mitchell Karen O Nelson Patricia A Oppenheim Maria L Pickell Heidi H Ramsey June M Mitchell Lawrence W Nelson Melissa F Orrison Roger & Sharon A Pickell Audrey Randall Josip Mocnik Marjorie Nelson Richard T & Sharon L Orrison David H Pierson Bernadette Randall Ann L Molenda Maurice A & Jo-Anne Nelson Ray J & Marie E Ostrander Elizabeth L Pierson Charles E Randall Robert J Molhoek Yvonne Nerness David C Ott Martha C Pieszak Karen Randolph Dorothy C Moll Kermit L Netteburg William Otte Edward P Pilarski Karyn Rannebarger


Susan K Ransbottom Jack A Roderick Phyllis Sawvell Ethel Sheppler Duane C Soule Dennis A Rasbach Isabel A Rodrigues Norbert & Mary E Schaaf Earl A Sheridan Leny E Souza Elmer Rasmussen , deceased Melissa Roeder Karen Schaeffer Jeanette Sherman Claudia A Sowler Mary Rasmussen Barney D Roepcke Diane D Schaeverle Thomas W Sherman Jean C Spelman Walter E Rast Mary Cecilia Roerner Connie L Schaffer Ernest Sherrill John H Spelman Edward S Ravine Floyd G Rogers Wayne M & Marie L Schaffer Rolland & V R Sherwin Richard E & Alice N Spindler Mary Ann Rayl Jeanine Rogers Judith D Schalk Lois Shipperley Neal A Spiva John Read Patricia A Rogers Edward I Schalon Michael D Shlakman Rocky Spooner Tracie A Read June A Rollinger Eleanor Schamberger Sue A Shobe Linda E Spore David T Ready Alvin Rollins, deceased David Scharton Virginia E Shobe Donna C Spotts Ginger S Ready Carolyn J Rollins Mark D Schauer Brian D Show Burch H Springer Alice L Reamer Isabella Rollins Richard C Scheibelhut Phyllis A Show Glenn W & Geraldine B Resa L Recalde Marta Ronaszedi Paul D Schilke Ruth E Show , deceased St Clair Nancy A Redford Bruce A Ronk Daniel S & Margaret A Diana Shubert Valerie L Stacey Gerald L Reed Fred R Roosenberg Schipani Isabel A Shuler Carolyn K Stacik Kevin J Reed Placido M Roquiz Jack E Schleicher Susan K Shuler Erin E Stagg Robert C Reed Herbert & Marilyn Rorabeck Don A Schlinkert M Wesley & Joan Shultz Karyn D Stagg Robert F Reed Michelle L Rosas Eddie Schlisner William A Sias Kathryn L Stalter Steven L Reed Gary L Rose Mike E & Kelli C Schmeling Gerald Siebold William Stanczyk Charles W Reel Lana D Rose Cynthia S Schmidt Albert T & Geraldine L Phyllis Standen James A Rees Roberta E Rose Darice J Schmidt Siekman Eleanor C Stanhiser Gaylene F Regester William R & Ruth M David A Schmidt Myrtle B Siewert Phyllis A Staples Stephanie J Regester Rosegrant Donna L Schmidt Lesa D Sikora E Jane Stark Candy M Reichert Jane A Rosen Norma J Schmidt Tina Simeck Thomas & Genevieve Starkey Kathy E Reid Vicki Rosenberg Orville D & Sandra K Schmidt Joyce S Simko David F Starlin Edgar C Reihl Mary Nell Rosenboom Wolfgang Schmidt Earl L Simmons Wayne L Starr John T & Marlene M Reilly Elliot D Rosenstock Alan J Schneider Nord A Simmons Otto E & Mardell Stebner John M Reinsch Robert W & Barbara L Ross Anita A Schneider Helga Sinaiko Beverly M Steele Kenneth P Reising Roberta J Ross Virginia L Schneider John P Sjoquist David A & Linda L Steen Eva L Remboldt Ronald G Ross Catherine M Schodorf Neusa J Skeoch Janetta R Steffen Claude D Renshaw Fred D Rowe Sylvia Y Schoepflin Thomas E Slager Donald Steiner Shari N Rettig Barbara A Rowland Richard & Janet S Scholtes Jennifer L Slater Ardis D Stenbakken Connie L Reynolds David G Rowley Phyllis J Schoonover James M Slevin Sylvia E Stephan Elyse Reynolds Dionnie M Roxas William P Schreiber Barbara L Slikkers Desiree Stephenson John E Reynolds Edmond E Roy Colleen C Schrier David A & Mary Slikkers James Stephenson Floyd L Rheinheimer Emily P Roy Mary Jane Schrock Leon & Dolores E Slikkers Doris J Sterling Helen S Rhodes Margaret J Roy Merle Schrock Jay & Kim Sloan Timothy A Stern Clevelyn M Ricalde Leian E Royce Cathy Schroeder Michael D & Cynthia G Sloan Vernon Sternhill Linda L Rice Jessie P Ruberto Clarence Schroeder Mark A & Mary B Smalley Douglas W Stewart Dan Rich Randal C & Margaret A Ruchti Frederick C Schultz Lois J Smart, deceased Joan G Stewart Scott I Richards Edward J Ruetz Robert N & Sally V Schut Brian C Smith Sylvia M Stiles Lance R Richmond Max Rusher Mary A Schwantes Charles E & Angelene E Smith Carol A Stockman Carol L Rick Evangeline R Rusk Linda G Schwartz Esther L Smith Edith L Stockwell Dorothy M Rideout Loren L Russcher Betty J Schwarz Jonathan T Smith Mary A Stockwell Judy J Ridley Beverly M Russell Joyce Schwarz Kenneth R & Charlotte R Robert M & Esther D Fritz & Mary E Riedel Diane L Russell Judith S Schwarz Smith Stockwell Dolores M Riedl Gail H Russell David E & Anna M Schwinn L Louise Smith Naor U Stoehr Cheryl A Riedmiller Gary G Russell Carolyn M Scorpio Lloyd K Smith Paul A Stokstad Philipp & Nancy Riess June S Russell Kathryn A Scott Louis L Smith William J & Vienna L Stone Rita A Rifenberg Malcolm B Russell Lucille B Scott Maureen A Smith Ella M Stoneburner C Michael Riggins Sharon M Russell Nancy B Scott Norman A Smith Judith I Storfjell Charity Riley Joel S Sabangan Olga Seals Paul D Smith Keiko Storin Norman W Riley Jane Sabes Kelly J Sebree Ransom D Smith Donald C Stout Jerry J Rimelspach Donna E Sackett Lawrence J Sehy Ruth P Smith John F Stout Isabel Rincon Joseph D Sage Llewellyn D Seibold Stanley S Smith Susan C Stout Robert W Ringer Sara Sage Shirley A Seidenstricker Susan C Smith Glenn Strait M Robin Rinkewich Glen Saha Beverly L Selent Verona E Smith Bonnie B Strawder May Rippon Weslynne C Sahly John L Selky William A Smith Linda K Stright Glen Rishaug Elmar P & Darilee F Sakala Paul Selman Brian J Smolinski Sharon Stringham Richard M Ritland Charles M Sallman Carlos A & Donna A Serna J Grady Smoot Dorothy Strom Teresa A Ritter Linda J Salvesen Watson Barbara L Setnik Mark L & Vicki R Smucker William C Strom Sylvia N Rivera Gonzalez Alice E Salyer Elizabeth L Sexton Scott O Snedden William L & Jean C Stroud Melba D Rivera Winifred N Salyer Hershel Seymour Amy Snider John L & Jean E Stull Jerry L Robbins Lilly S Samaan Pamela J Shadle Carla S Snow George C Stump Gary L Roberson Henry M & Patricia D Samples George W Shane Andrew J & Julia T Snyder Joanna L Sudds Norma Roberts Donald H & Sheila Sanborn Mable M Shankel Beulah Snyder Chakarat Sukachevin Philip D Roberts Mary B Sanborn Jean W Sharp Jeannine Snyder Robert E Sullivan Ruth M Roberts Cinda S Sanner Nancy W Shave Patricia Snyder Julie Summerfield W H Roberts Virginia B Sansone Marjorie M Shaver Warren R Snyder Robert H Sundin Charlene Robertson Emmanuel L Santiago Gary Shaw Laurie S Snyman Francis L & Lorraine L Surdal Linda M Robertson Marciano B Santiago Terryn K Shaw Eve Sobol Glenn C Sutton Glendon I Robinson Anne M Sather Gregory Shawaryn Marjorie Soland Clarence J Swallen , deceased John P & Elizabeth C Donald G Sather Mary B Shea Angelina C Soliven Angela M Swanson Robinson Marianna Saul-Cullar Margo Shearman-Howard Ralph A Sommer Margaret M Swanson Charles W Roboski Richard L & Helen E Sauls Adda C Sheldon Francis A & Eunice Soper Richard O Swanson Thomas W Roby Noel Sawada William Shepard Melanie R Soper Thomas L Swanson


Louise N Swartz Wolfhard & Irene O Touchard Charles M Vaughn Janice I Webber Janet K Wilsey Cecil & Erma J Larry L Townsend Teunisje Velthuizen Bruce F Weber Carolyn J Wilson Swartzendruber David H Trachte Marjorie E Venden Marjorie L Weber Don L Wilson Katherine E Swartzentruber Verna M Travis Jeffery J Veness Richard J Weber G Gene & Blanche Wilson Alan Swearingen Ardyth Trecartin Keith A Versaw Veneta J Webster Marilyn M Wilson John H Sweeney Linda C Trent Sherlina R Verzosa Wilma L Webster Mary E Wilson Freda F Swensen Joan Trossen Judith Villeneuve Sharon Wedin Mary Z Wilson Lydia Swerbinsky C Troup John C Vingren Tearesa L Wegscheid Nancy L Wilson Gary T & Carol Y Swinyar Carol J Troxel Lope A & Josephine D Vitangcol Jerry Wei Natasha D Wilson Ruth A Sykes Ardith E Trubey Filomena A Vitug Georgia T Weichel Norman L & Donna M Wilson David L Symonds Jeff E Trubey Donald K Vixie George H Weichsel Sharon K Wilson Myrtie J Symonds Ramona D Trubey Patricia Vixie Janet A Weidemann Thomas M & Marlene A Wilson Donald T Szeszycki Betty A True Ester T Vizcarra Michael H Weigand Kelsa L Winchester Naomi M Szto Ray L & Shirley J Truhn Ralph Vogel Ruth I Weimann Edward E & Cheryl L Wines Lucian A Szymanski Donald B Trull Elmer L Vollmer John D Weimer Jane Wingard Helen C Tabakovic Carla L Trynchuk Sueann K Von Gunten John C & Berniece N Wein Gloria N Winn David Taber James C Tsai Wolfgang Von Maack Adolph Weinstock Bradley H Wire Janice A Taber Nicholas J Tuit Alfred L & Donna Voth Aida C Weiss Leroy Wise William M & Tuula M Ronald E Turk William B Vroegop Eugenia V Welch George A Wit Tadevich Rita M Turner Alwin Vyhmeister Rex M Welch Ruth Wittenkeller Jill R Tait Patricia A Twitchell Corinne Wade John Weltevreden Judith Wittmann Edward & Barbara Talbot Rebecca Twomley Theodore E & Karen A Wade Kent A Werger Scott M Witwer Percival M Tamayo Carol G Tyler Robert H Waechter Jack C Werner Patricia D Wolf Steven G & Esther Tarangle Douglas E Tyler Jack W Wagner Conalee West Martha J Wolfer Margaret M Tarpo Esther V Tyler Kimberly S Wagner Robert P & Lorraine S West Lester M & Esther Wolfson Aloilevao L Tauelia-Lafo Patsy L Tyner Ruth I Wagner James N Westbrook Elsie Wollens Dorothy Taylor Traci L Umali Paul F Wahby Bette M Westfall Kenneth G Woltman James I Taylor Thomas A Umbaugh Richard A Waichler Pamela Westfall Evelyn Wonderly Robert H Taylor Ethel K Umble Dana L & Dawn M Wales Ronald F & Pauline M Westman Peter A Wong Robert M Tebo Eleanor G Umek Bradford H Walker E Elaine Westra Bryant G Wood Alice M Teeters Louise Undem Carol E Walker George L & Donna M Wheeker Darlene J Wood Virginia Tejada Verna Unger Elmer A Wall Anthony J Wheeler Jarrod J Wood Laurel J Teller Betty L Unruh Ethel L Wall Douglas E Wheeler Minnie I Wood J Richard & Sharon E Terrell David F Upton Joy A Wall Joe L & Connie L Wheeler Miriam G Wood Jerome D & O Jane Thayer Mary L Upton John G Wallace Judith M Wheeler Ralph C Wood Bonnie L Thiel Stephen E & Elizabeth V Upton Jere Wallack Lois C Whitcomb Sara E Wood Adelaide A Thomas Arlene Urquhart Linda Wallenfang Cleon E & Sandra M White Dennis & Betty L Woodland Anna L Thomas Martha Utt-Billington Charles F Walmsley E L White Charles & Delores E Woods Frieda A Thomas Milan & Lilijana M Vajdic Willyta R Wamack Eric J White Edward J & Edith G Woods James & Veidre M Thomas Pankaj Vakharia Karen A Wandell James F White Lee B Woodward John H Thomas Reita F Valentine-Bandy Anne B Ward Mary G White Donald A Woolever Loralee J Thomas Timothy Vallender John D & Marilyn C Ward R Q White Dorothy J Woolever, deceased Sara L Thomas Marcia E Van Arsdell Maylin D Warda Richard E White Thelma G Woolever Deborah L Thompson Paul D & M Arlene Van Belle Melodie J Wardecke Betty Whitehead Dan C & Julie A Woolf Lori A Thordarson Jacoba H Van Bemmelen Darrel D & Jeanie Ware Dale W Whitehead Lois Wouch Shirley A Thoresen Florence Van Deventer Blair H Warman Lionel Whiting Bette L Wozniak Milton E & Millicent G John Van Eizenga Mary Warner Vincent T & Vesta Whitmore Gerald P Wright Thorman Arnold J Van Lummel Russell S Warner Alice F Whitney Judy C Wright William A Thorne David D Van Luven Barbara J Warren James A Whittington Julie Wright Margaret A Thornton Mary F VanBree Jerome C & Susanne W Valerie C Whyte Valerie M Wuchenich-Nelson Ruth E Tidwell Kathleen R VanDenBrink Warren Marian Wick Bernhild Wyatt James E & Lucia A Tiffany Janice E VanVleck Joseph W Warren Allan L & Joann G Widerquist Stephanie Wycoff Liberty F Tigno Max A VanWickle Wilma J Warren Charo Widner Daniel D Wysong Jeannie M Tillay William Vanarsdale Phyllis P Warrick Roy R & Cleo M Wightman Tom & Michelle A Yaste Catharine S Tingley Barbara J Vance Myron Warshaw David T & Luella J Wilber Karen J Ybanez William Tippens Bonnie L Vance Diana V Washington W John Wilbur Larry & Roberta A Yeagley Marcia L Toledo Nancy J Vandemark Rosemarie B Washington Joyce E Wilburn Margaret Yeo Robert S Tomes Marilynn R Vander Kolk Sarah E Washington Maralyn Wileman Anne Marie Yoder William C Tomlinson Mark Vander Kooy Arna D Waterhouse Michael J Wiley James A & Lois Yoder Paul E & Virginia Tompkins Joan T Vander Mei H R Waterhouse William P & Antoinette John D Yoder Maria Tooker Peter J VanderLinden Lorna Watson-Williams Wilkinson L Marie Yoder Frederick S Torkelson Jennifer K VanderWaal Ann C Watson Beverly A Williams Nancy R Yoder Erick N Torosian Mary A Vanderkam Gary M Way Charles R Williams Samuel G & Arleta R Yoder Linda H Torres Robin Vandermolin Alice L Weakley David R Williams Kyoung H Yoo Quirino G & Remedios D Elba L Vanek John E Weakley Gary D Williams Sumi Yoshimura Tortal Bruce L Vannoster Robert E Weaver Richard W Williams John L Yost Segundito G Tortal Frank A Varker Sandra Weaver Ada M Willison Colleen K Young Jeanne K Tosi Ligsma Varpa Kay A Webb Patricia B Wills Ethel L Young

Although great care was taken to verify the accuracy of all records, errors may have occurred during the preparation of this report. We apologize for any errors. If you notice errors or omissions, please contact the Office of Development at (269) 471-3592. Anyone interested in making contributions should contact the Office of Development at (269) 471-3592.

54 FOCUS l FALL 2004 educates its students for generous service to the church and society in keeping with a faithful witness to Christ and to the worldwide mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Accordingly, students are challenged

to be inquisitive

to think clearly and communicate effectively

to explore the arts, letters, and sciences within the context of a Christian point of view

to develop competencies in their chosen fields of study

to prepare for a meaningful position in the work place

to respect ethnic and cultural diversity

to embrace a wholesome way of life

to heed God’s call to personal and moral integrity

to nurture life in the Spirit, and

to affirm their faith commitment. Getting Their Just Desserts

On October 7, following the depart - mental assembly sponsored by com - munication, English, history and political science, student success, and behavioral sciences, all those in attendance were served these patri - otic treats. Students were asked to vote against either political party by biting the head off of the appropri - ate cookie—donkey or elephant. These two students clearly relished the opportunity!