We Tour Everywhere! NO FLYING! 2015 Vacations TROPICANA Motorcoach • Air • Cruise $25 Slot P.O
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NEW TOURS! 72 with Volume 24 January-December 2015 SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS ON THE RIVER WALK See page 62 for description See page 105 for description This holiday season, the Riverwalk shines brighter than Grand Canadian ever as thousands of colorful Christmas lights decorate Circle Tour the facades and reflects off the river in San Antonio. Visit the famed Alamo, decorated for the holiday season, enjoy the relaxed holiday atmosphere while See page 95 for description being guided along by more than 6,000 luminaries during Fiesta de las Luminaries, and take a riverboat ride and admire the many holiday decorations from the water! PANAMA CANAL CRUISE We Tour Everywhere! NO FLYING! TROPICANA 2015 Vacations $25 Slot Motorcoach • Air • Cruise Play P.O. Box 348 • Hanover, MD 21076-0348 410-761-3757 1-800-888-1228 www.gunthercharters.com Restroom 57/56/55 14 54/53 52/51 13 50/49 48/47 12 46/45 44/43 11 42/41 40/39 10 38/37 36/35 9 34/33 32/31 8 30/29 28/27 7 26/25 24/23 6 22/21 20/19 5 18/17 16/15 4 14/13 12/11 3 10/9 8/7 2 6/5 4/3 1 2/1 Row # Door Side Driver Side 2 2 INTRODUCTION PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION THOROUGHLY This section covers very important information and will answer many of your questions. Booking Your Tour Seating Information: 1. You must call to make your reservations, Monday 1. Passengers are assigned seats on all Gunther Tours. through Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm. 2. Seating will be assigned based on the date of 2. Do not mail in payments before confirming reservation. You will be given your seat number the availiability. day of the tour, prior to boarding the coach. 3. Please supply the following information when mak- 3. If you would like to be seated in a specific area, ing your reservation: or with friends, please give your request when A. First and last name of each person in your party. making your reservation. This is a request - not a B. Daytime phone number for each person in your guarantee. party. 4. We do not rotate seats on any tours. C. Departure point for each person in your party. 5. Those with physical handicaps do get preferred D. Menu choice (when specified) for each person in seating, but we must know at time of reservation. your party. 6. We do sympathize with those who suffer from E. Inform if a child (age 3-12) is going, if a chil- motion sickness, and there are too many to dren’s rate applies. always accommodate, so please check with your F. Any special requests (rooming, arrangements, doctor about medication and/or patches so that bus seating). your trip is a pleasant one. You may also want to try Transderm Scop, or an over-the-counter prod- Making Your Payments: uct for motion sickness. 1. You may make your payment by mailing a check or money order to: Meal Choices: Gunther Tours 1. Meal choices are required on some tours. Please give P.O. Box 348 your choice when making your reservation. If you do Hanover, MD 21076-0348 not give your choice upon booking, we will make the 2. Please no more than 2 trips per check. Also, be sure choice of chicken, if available, or a suitable choice as to indicate if it is a deposit or balance payment. stated in the itinerary. 3. Make sure trip date & phone number is on your 2. There may be meal choices needed for multi-day check. tours as well. If so, you will need to fill out the ques- 4. There will be a $25.00 fee for any returned checks. tion form that will be mailed to you (approximately 2 weeks prior) and mail it back with your choices. Prices/Deposits/Balance: 1. All prices for all tours are per person. Departures/Pick Up Points: 2. Children’s prices (ages 3-12) only apply to the tours 1. Specific times for departures are listed in the that specify a children’s rate. brochure for each tour. Please be at your selected 3. All deposits are due within a 7 day period following departure point at least 15 minutes prior to departure your reservation. If deposits are not received within 7 time. days, your reservation will automatically be can- 2. We have 2 pick-up locations for our tours: celled without notice. Gunther Charters on Shipley Avenue, off Dorsey 4. All balances are due 45 days prior to tour date. If that Road near BWI airport should fall on a Saturday or a Sunday, the balance is and due the next regular business day, (Monday). You will Carney Park & Ride, exit 31-B off Rt. 695, north 1 not receive a statement, so please make note of the block past Joppa Road to Jomat Ave. - this is the 9600 balance date on your calendar. block of Harford Road. 5. Please note that we do not mail out any receipts. Your 3. If you decide to change your departure point, please canceled check will be your receipt. notify the office A.S.A.P. 6. On all muti-day tours, you will receive a letter (approximately 2 weeks prior to tour date) with lug- gage tags, hotel information, etc. 33 4. We will make an additional courtesy pick up for Articles left on coach: those who have 20 or more in their party. If this 1. We cannot assume any responsibility for any arti- occurs pick up and return times may be changed. cles that are left on the coach at any time. Please You will be notified of any changes on an tour. check your seat and overhead space carefully for any items you may have purchased or brought Cancellations/Refunds: with you before departing the coach. 1. All money will be gladly refunded in full when can- 2. Gunther Tours does have a “lost & found” where cellation is made 45 days prior to departure (which is we will hold items left on the coach for 1 week. the same as the balance due date). Any cancellation After that time, all items are sent to different made after the 45 days will result in forfeiture of any shelters, etc, for the needy. amounts paid by the customer (no option of transfer- ring the money paid onto another tour). IInsurance:nsurance: 2. A $2.00 service charge for any cancellations unless 11.. GuntherGunther TToursours ccarriesarries sstandardtandard lliabilityiability iinsurancensurance you transfer to another tour. only.only. 3. We will make every effort to sell your seat, providing 22.. W Wee highlyhighly recorecommendmmend tthathat you ggetet ttriprip ccancellationancellation we have a waiting list. iinsurancensurance on ananyy oovernightvernight toutour.r. YYouou ccanan tetellll tthehe 4. Gunther Tours strongly suggests trip cancellation oofficeffice to hhaveave a bbrochurerochure mmailedailed to you, bubutt you wwillill insurance. You can obtain an insurance brochure by need to cocontactntact tthehe iinsurancensurance ccompanyompany ddirectirect for rratesates calling the office; however, you will need to contact anandd infinformation:ormation: AllianzAllianz TravelTravel InsuranceInsurance the insurance company direct for rates and informa- # 11-800-284-8300,-800-284-8300, and reference claim ##.. F022404. tion. See information under insurance. 33.. Be advisedadvised,, somesome of our toutoursrs araree of a strenuousstrenuous nature requiring much walking. Check your itineraritinerary.ry. Motor Coach Information: Again,Again, we hhighlyighly recorecommendmmend you purchaspurchasee iinsurancensurance Gunther Tours owns and operates the very best equipment to aavoidvoid ananyy mmonetaryonetary loss to you, in ccasease of a ccan-an- for your traveling comfort. We offer reclining seats, air cecelledlled or iinterruptednterrupted toutour.r. GGuntherunther TToursours is nonott conditioning, lavatory, picture windows and public rresponsibleesponsible in thesethese cases.cases. address systems. Itineraries: Escorts: 1. Itineraries are given out on multi-day tours only. You Gunther Tours is very proud of our tour escorts, which are will receive the itinerary with your luggage tags etc., provided on every tour, whether a one day or muti-day approximately 2 weeks prior to departure date. tour, and they are there to assist you with any situations 22.. I Itinerariestineraries aarere susubjectbject ttoo cchangehange wwithoutithout nnotice.otice. that may arise. Tiimes,mes, hhotel,otel, rrestaurants,estaurants, eetc.tc. mmayay be cchangedhanged due to ccircumstancesircumstances beyond our cocontrol.ntrol. Smoking: 1. For the courtesy of all passengers, all tours are non- Change of Address/Phone Number: smoking. There will be no smoking anywhere on the 1. Please inform us of any address or phone number coach at any time - frequent rest stops will be made. changes. This will help eliminate any information 2. If you are going on a multi-day tour and require a being mailed to the wrong address, etc. smoking room, you must make the request for a 2. If your old address and phone number is still on your smoking room when making your reservation. check, please cross it out, and write the correct infor- mation on your check. Baggage: 1. You may bring 1 bag per person, and a carry on. Gunther Tours will provide 1 luggage tag per person Gunther’s would like to express our deep gratitude for your main luggage; you will need to provide your to our loyal customers who supported our collection own tag for your carry on. Please put your name on drive for area food banks. The generous donations your luggage tag. of can goods or dry staples throughout 2014 has 2. Although we make every effort to handle your lug- touched us, and made a difference in our local gage carefully, we cannot be responsible for lost, community.