The Lake U ;NOB L OFFICIAL ORGAN of the LAKE UNION CONFERENCE of SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS May 22, 1973 Volume LXV, Number 20 the Lake Union Mission Work Imperiled by F
the lake u ;NOB L OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS May 22, 1973 Volume LXV, Number 20 the lake union Mission Work Imperiled by F. W. Wernick HEFifiLD President, Lake Union Conference OF F ICIAL ORGAN OF THE LAKE UNION CONF E RE NCE OF SEVENTH DAV ADVENTISTS committee as it sought to overcome May 22, 1973 Vol. L XV, No. 20 the effects of the first devaluation which had reduced the staff by several GORDON 0. ENGEN, Editor LAURA HEDDEN, Assistant Editor persons. It becomes most difficult RICHARD DOWER, Layout Editor JEANICE WEHLING, Circulation Services when personnel badly needed cannot indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index. be employed. The members of that EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: F. W. Wernick, Chairman; W. L. Murrill, Vice-Chairman, Gordon Engen, Secretory; F. L. committee contended with the needs Jones. CORRESPONDENTS: Jock Martz, Illinois; Cliff Hoffman, of unentered territories for which no Indiana; Fred Williams, Lake Region; Ernest Wendth, Michigan; Glenn Aufderhar, Wisconsin; David Bauer, budgets were available as well as needs Andrews University; Joyce Griffith, Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital. of established work. Now, with NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All articles, pictures, obitu- aries, and classified ads must be channeled through your another devaluation, the strain on local conference correspondent. Copy mailed directly to the HERALD will be returned to the conference involved. personnel will become very acute. MANUSCRIPTS for publication should reach the Lake Union Conference office by Thursday, 9 a.m., twelve days When one multiplies these problems before the dote of issue. The editorial staff reserves the right to withhold or condense copy depending upon space available.