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Session document

21.3.2007 B6-0142/2007


pursuant to Rule 113 of the Rules of Procedure

by Cristiana Muscardini

on EU action in response to the kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers in the Middle East

RE\659650EN.doc PE 387.032v01-00 EN EN B6-0142

Motion for a European Parliament resolution on EU action in response to the kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers in the Middle East

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Rule 113 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas in June 2006 the armed group Hamas kidnapped the Israeli soldier ,

B. whereas on 12 July 2006 kidnapped the Israeli soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and ,

C. whereas the fate of these soldiers remains uncertain and their families and the Israeli Government are still waiting for action by the international community and the EU,

D. whereas the release of the Israeli soldiers could help bring the Israelis and Palestinians closer together and thus contribute to the Middle East peace process,

E. whereas the third plenary conference of the Euro-Mediterranean Assembly recently called for the release of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers,

F. whereas the EU could make the establishment of a direct dialogue with Hamas representatives in the new Palestinian Government conditional upon its release of the soldier it has kidnapped,

1. Asks the Council whether it agrees that every possible form of diplomatic and economic pressure should be brought to bear on the Palestinian Authority and the Lebanese and Syrian Governments in order to:

– reassure it regarding the safety of the three Israeli soldiers and their treatment in accordance with the principles of the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war;

– ensure that the soldiers are immediately released and that this is not made subject to conditions that are totally unacceptable to ?

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