GIMIAS: An open source framework for efficient development of research tools and clinical prototypes Ignacio Larrabide a;b;∗, Pedro Omedas b;a, Yves Martelli b;a, Xavier Planes b;a, Maarten Nieber b;a, Juan A. Moya b;a, Constantine Butakoff b;a, Rafael Sebasti´an b;a, Oscar Camara b;a, Mathieu De Craene b;a, Bart H. Bijnens c;b;a, and Alejandro F. Frangi b;a;c Center for Computational Imaging and Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine (CISTIB) aNetworking Biomedical Research Center on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Barcelona, Spain bUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain cInstituci´oCatalana de Recerca i Estudis Avan¸cats(ICREA), Barcelona, Spain ignacio.larrabide,pedro.omedas,
[email protected] Abstract. GIMIAS is a workflow-oriented environment for addressing advanced biomedical image computing and build personalized computa- tional models, which is extensible through the development of application- specific plug-ins. In addition, GIMIAS provides an open source frame- work for efficient development of research and clinical software proto- types integrating contributions from the Virtual Physiological Human community while allowing business-friendly technology transfer and com- mercial product development. This framework has been fully developed in ANSI-C++ on top of well known open source libraries like VTK, ITK and wxWidgets among others. Based on GIMIAS, in this paper is presented a workflow for medical image analysis and simulation of the heart. Key words: Biomedical imaging, cardiovascular modeling, Virtual Phys- iological Human, personalized simulations, open source software 1 Introduction The integrative multi-scale and multi-disciplinar community that tries to under- stand the human patho-physiology is internationally known as \IUPS Physiome Project" [1,2] or, in the European context as \Virtual Physiological Human" (VPH) [3].