A) TEACHING AND PREACHING [including ‘Bible studies’]

Allen, Jennie

“Chase: Chasing after the heart of God”. King David, a man after God’s own heart, was a man who spent his life chasing after God. This small group Bible study asks, “What are you chasing?”. “Discover what God really wants from us”. Includes DVD, Study Guide, Leader’s guide, Conversation cards. [A400a]

Alta Vista Baptist Church Sunday School:

“Awana Graduation, 2008,” [A400b]

Arment, Ben

“The Power of Your Story”. The introduction to this small group study says, “We all have stories….. God is weaving an overarching story that started before time, extends through history, and will reach far beyond our lifetimes. God extends an invitation to each of us to step into His story and experience the ongoing narrative of His Word in our lives”. Panel of five “reveal some of their personal stories and expound on key stories in King David’s life”. Includes DVD, Participants’ Guide, Leader’s Guide. [A400c]

Whitehead, D & Tyson, J

“Rumors of God”. This small group study is a “call to Christians seeking a vision of the life God is calling them to, one that transcends the shallowness of our culture”. Each of the six sessions is devoted to a separate rumor of God: (1) Another dream, (2) Generosity, (3) Grace, (4) Forgiveness, (5) Commitment, (6) Hope. Includes DVD, Participants’ Guide, Leader’s Guide. [A400d]


Billy Graham Evangelistic Association:

Classic Billy Graham Sermons collection:

“Hope for Broken things” - learn how to repair your soul [A420a]

“Loneliness” - find true companionship in Christ [A420b]

“University of Life” - learn to live life of peace with God [A420c]

“Value of a Soul” - consider priceless worth of your soul [A420d]

“Will the World Survive” - find eternal security [A420e]


“The Cross: Jesus in ”: How 70,000 Chinese Christians in 1949 became 70,000,000 by 2003

Disc 1 [A440a]

The Cross: Jesus in China: Seeds of Blood - Chinese missionaries of older generation, including

The Cross: Jesus in China: The Bitter Cup - Chinese Missionaries of the newer generation

Disc 2 [A440b]

The Cross: Jesus in China: The Spring of Life - Rebirth that the Gospel has brought to broad spectrum of people in modern China

The Cross: Jesus in China: The Canaan Hymns – Story of woman, Xiao Min, who created nearly 1000 hymns by the power of the Holy Spirit

Saint, Steve and Becker, Dianne - hosts:

“Mission: God at Work, Faith in Action” – 24 mission stories of God’s work around the world, on 1 DVD [A440e]

1) The Yali Story - World Team - Papua, Indonesia

2) Nate Saint Story - Mission Aviation Fellowship - Ecuador

3) Saint Family and the Waodani – Ecuador

4) I-TEC - Ocala, Florida

5) Thirst for Life - the Living Water Project - Malawi

6) All God’s children - music video

7) 56 Henry

8) Oasis in a war-zone - Church of South India - Sri Lanka

9) Heartbeat Mozambique - Africa Inland Mission

10) Playground evangelism - kids around the world

11) TIMO (Training in Mission Outreach) - AIM

12) God’s Child project - Guatemala

13) Dentistry

14) Flying Preacher - Bahamas

15) Hearts in Action - Guatemala

16) Redefine your world - India/Southeast Asia

17) Far East Russia - SEND Int’l

18) Waodani

19) Forgotten children- UFM - Brazil

20) Along the Burma border - Brackett Foundation

21) The Great Omission 22) Through these doors - Africa Inland Mission

23) Micah Project - Honduras

24) Through these cracks - MBMS International

“Yali story”: Papua, Indonesia:

Transformation of stone-age people to people of faith, hope, and love [A440f]


George, Dr. Timothy, Beeson Divinity School, host

and Islam”, compared and contrasted, in 4 parts, [A460a] hosted by Dr. George with contributions from Moslem scholars

The Tenets of Islam Part 1

The Trinity Part 2

The Bible and the Incarnation Part 3

The Cross and Salvation Part 4


Charles Colson

“Politics and the Christian Faith -” - four sessions [A480a]

1) Is America a Christian nation?

2) Should Christians be in politics?

3) What is America’s church and state problem?

4) Can politics save America?