Weed Science

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Weed Science Integrated Pest Management MISSOURI Plant Protection Programs College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Published by MU Extension, University of Missouri-Columbia $5.00 IPM1023 This publication is part of a series of IPM ManualsManuals prepared byby the Plant Protection ProgramsPrograms of the UniversityUniversity of Missouri.Missouri. TopicsTopics coveredcovered in the seriesseries include an introduction to scouting, weedweed identifi cation and management, plant diseases,diseases, and insects of fi eld and horticulturalhorticultural crops.crops. These IPM ManualsManuals are availableavailable from MU Extension at the following address: Extension Publications 2800 Maguire Blvd. Columbia, MO 65211 1-800-292-0969 CONTENTS Authors Broadleaf plant families. 4 Fred Fishel Department of Agronomy Common name index - Broadleaf plant Universiity of Missouri-Columbia families. 16 Kevin Bradley Grass and grasslike plant families. 17 Department of Agronomy Common name index - Grass and grasslike University of Missouri-Columbia plant families . 19 On the World Wide Web For this and other Integrated Pest Management publications on the World Wide Web, visit http://ipm.missouri.edu. Production MU Extension and Agricultural Information Tammy McNiel, editor Dennis Murphy, illustrator © 2005 University of Missouri A PHOTO COMPENDIUM OF MISSOURI WEED SEEDS ositive identifi cation of pests, includ- ruler. The distance between increments on the ing weeds, is the fi rst step in a sound sacle is 1 mm. Compare your sample with the Pintegrated pest management program. color images in this guide to assist in your iden- Knowledge of plant morphological features, tifi cation. Seed photographs are grouped by such as leaf and stem shape, fl ower type and their plant taxonomic family for both broadleaf color, and the presence of hairs make identi- and grass or grasslike weeds. You may also refer fi cation relatively easy compared with relying to the indexes of common names -- broadleaf on seed physical characteristics. On occasion, plant families on page 16 and grass and grass- the agricultural producer and other profession- like plant families on page 19. als will be challenged to identify a weed by the Local University of Missouri Extension features of its seed. This can be a daunting task Centers can provide information to assist you because of the relatively small size of seed, the in pest identifi cation and control decisions. change in surface characteristics caused by vari- They can help you submit samples to MU’s ous processes and subtle color variation within Extension Plant Diagnostic Clinic for positive even the same species. identifi cation. For specifi c weed control infor- The purpose of this publication is to assist mation in agronomic crop settings, MU publi- those who attempt to identify weeds by their cation MP 575, Weed Control Guide for Missouri seed characteristics. This guide is intended Field Crops, may be purchased through the local not only for agricultural professionals, but also centers. For weed control in turfgrass areas, those who are hobbyists, such as FFA mem- refer to MU publication IPM 1009, Turfgrass bers. A hand or pocket lens with a magnifi ca- and Weeds. To order these or any other MU tion power of 10x will be especially helpful in Extension publication, call 1-800-292-0969 or using this guide. For an idea of relative seed go online at http://muextension.missouri.edu/. size, each photograph contains a millimeter Aizoaceae (Carpetweed family) Aizoaceae Anacardiaceae (Carpetweed family) (Cashew family) This is a small family of plants. Other than In addition to several sumac species, carpetweed, only two species of plants in poison ivy is a member of this family and is this family are known to occur in relatively widespread throughout the state. isolated locations in Missouri. Carpetweed Sumac, smooth; Rhus glabra Mollugo verticillata Apiaceae Amaranthaceae (Carron family) (Amaranth family) Also known as the parsley family,family, this In Missouri the amaranths (pigweeds) large family includes several herbal make up the vast majority of plant plants such as caraway, dill and fennel. genera that occur within this family. It also contains several toxic plants such as poison hemlock and water hemlock. Amaranth, Palmer Pigweed, smooth Carrot, wild Chervil, wild Amaranthus palmerii Amaranthus hybridus Daucus carota Anthriscus sylvestris Broadleaf plant families Pigweed, tumble Pigweed, redroot Hedgeparsley, Japanese Lacefl ower Amaranthus albus Amaranthus retrofl exus Torilis japonica Ptilimnium nuttallii Apiaceae Waterhemp, common Poison-hemlock (Carron family) Amaranthus rudis Conium maculatum 4 Integrated Pest Management Apocynaceae (Dogbane family) Apocynaceae (Dogbane family) The Dogbane family has relatively few members that occur in Missouri. Milkweed, green Milkweed, honeyvine Asclepias hirtella Ampelamus albidus Asteraceae (Aster family) The aster family is the largest and most diverse family of broadleaf plants in Missouri. Its members include various Dogbane, hemp; Apocynum cannabinum species of goldenrod, sunfl ower and thistle. families plant Broadleaf Araceae (Arum family) The two most prevalent members of the arum family are jack-in-the-pulpit and the closely related green dragon, both found throughout the state. Aster, white heath Beggarticks, bearded Aster pilosus Bidens aristosa Jack-in-the-pulpit Boneset, false Boneset, late Arisaema atrorubens Kuhnia eupatorioides Eupatorium serotinum Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family) All members of this plant family are known as milkweeds. There are at least 15 species of milkweeds that occur in the state. Browneyed-susan Burdock, common Rudbeckia triloba Arctium minus Milkweed, common Milkweed, eastern Burnweed, American Chicory Asteraceae Asclepias syriaca whorled Erechtites hieraciifolia Cichorium intybus (Aster family) Asclepias verticillata Missouri Weed Seeds - A Photo Compendium 5 Asteraceae (Aster family) Asclepiadaceae . continued (Milkweed family) continued Ironweed, western Lettuce, prickly Vernonia baldwinii Lactuca serriola Cocklebur, common Dandelion Lettuce, tall Ragweed, common Xanthium strumarium Taraxacum offi cinale Lactuca canadensis Ambrosia artemisiifolia Dock, prairie Eclipta Ragweed, giant Ragweed, lanceleaf Silphium Eclipta prostrata Ambrosia trifi da Ambrosia bidentata terebinthinaceum Galinsoga, hairy Goldenrod, Canada Rosinweed, cup Rosinweed, wholeleaf Galinsoga ciliata Solidago canadensis Silphium perfoliatum Silphium integrifolium Broadleaf plant families Goldenrod, tall Groundsel, common Salsify, western Snakeroot, white Solidago altissima Senecio vulgaris Tragopogon dubius Eupatorium rugosum Horseweed Ironweed, tall Sowthistle, annual Sowthistle, spiny Conyza canadensis Vernonia altissima Sonchus oleraceus Sonchus asper 6 Integrated Pest Management Asteraceae Boraginaceae (Aster family) (Borage family) . continued This family of plants also includes several nuisance plants known as "beggar’s lice" because their fruits readily attach to clothing and other articles. Spanishneedles Sunfl ower, common Bidens bipinnata Helianthus annuus Thistle, bull Thistle, Canada Gromwell, corn; Lithospermum arvense families plant Broadleaf Cirsium vulgare Cirsium arvense Brassicaceae (Mustard family) The mustard family is one of the larger groups of plants in the state. Several plants within this family, such as yellow rocket and wild mustard, are common throughout Thistle, fi eld Thistle, musk Missouri. Cirsium discolor Carduus nutans Thistle, Scotch Thistle, tall Falsefl ax, smallseed Flixweed Onopordum acanthium Cirsium altissimum Camelina microcarpa Descurainia sophia Bignoniaceae (Trumpetcreeper family) Besides trumpetcreeper, Mustard, hedge Mustard, wild there are few species Sisymbrium offi cinale Brassica kaber of catalpa that are present in this family within Missouri. Trumpetcreeper Campsis radicans Pennycress, fi eld Pepperweed, Virginia Brassicaceae Thlaspi arvense Lepidium virginicum (Mustard family) Missouri Weed Seeds - A Photo Compendium 7 Dipsacaceae (Mustard family) . continued Brassicaceae Caprifoliaceae (Mustard family) (Honeysuckle family) This family includes several species of continued honeysuckle, viburnum and elderberry. Rocket, yellow Shepherd’s-purse Buckbrush Feverwort Barbarea vulgaris Capsella bursa-pastoris Symphoricarpos Triosteum perfoliatum orbiculatus Caryophyllaceae (Pink family) At least 14 species of "chickweed" and several species of sleepy catchfl y make up the majority of this family in Missouri. Sibara Tansymustard, green Sibara virginica Descurainia pinnata ssp.ssp. brachycarpa Cannabaceae (Mulberry family) Other than hops, this family includes mulberry, Osage orange and hemp. Bouncingbet Catchfl y, sleepy Saponaria offi cinalis Silene antirrhina Broadleaf plant families Hops, Japanese Humulus japonicus Chickweed, common Chickweed, mouseear Capparidaceae Stellaria media Cerastium vulgatum (Caper family) This small family of plants has only a few members that occur in Missouri such as spider fl ower. Clammyweed, roughseed Caryophyllaceae Polanisia dodecandra Chickweed, nodding (Pink family) Cerastium nutans 8 Integrated Pest Management Chenopodiaceae Chenopodiaceae (Goosefoot family) (Goosefoot family) At least 18 different Chenopodium genera members, also known as lambsquarters, are present in Missouri. Kochia is also another important Morningglory, ivyleaf Morningglory, pitted member. Ipomoea hederacea Ipomoea lacunosa Kochia Lambsquarters, common Morningglory, tall; Ipomoea purpurea families plant Broadleaf Kochia scoparia
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