Wing Parish Council Minutes of the Wing Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27th October 2020 using Zoom (ID 836 9738 2142) at 8pm

Present: Councillors: Kellner, Lomas, Tabiner-Crush, Hellgren-Derry, , Moloney, Benson, Boyd, Cronshaw and Mortain- Cogar. Unitary Councillors: Councillor Glover and Councillor Cooper Number of Public present at the start of the meeting: Clerks: Claire Power, Clerk. John Furniss, Deputy Clerk. Minutes: Clerk Note i) All items are prefixed with 2010z as the recorded Minute number. ii) All items repeat the Agenda item wording in smaller font for clarity. 1 Chairman’s Welcoming Statement The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and, in particular, Councillors Cronshaw and Mortain-Cogar who were attending their first meeting since being co-opted onto the Council. 2 Governance To affirm the reapplication of the Procedures and protocols for dealing with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis to include without limitations amendments to Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Scheduled meeting timetable changes and the dissemination of information to the public as resolved under resolution 2003.2.6 20th March 20. 2.1 To apply in the event of technical difficulties restricting the attendance of members of the Council such that this meeting becomes inquorate, or otherwise disrupted, such that the business of the Council cannot be completed. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to affirm the reapplication of the Procedures and protocols as resolved under resolution 2003.2.6 20th March 20 in the event of technical difficulties restricting the attendance of members of the Council such that this meeting becomes inquorate, or otherwise disrupted, such that the business of the Council cannot be completed. 2.2 To apply in the event that the next meeting of the Council cannot take place either for technical reasons or is suspended in accordance with any emergency legislation or official guidance. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to affirm the reapplication of the Procedures and protocols as resolved under resolution 2003.2.6 20th March 20 in the event that the next meeting of the Council cannot take place either for technical reasons or is suspended in accordance with any emergency legislation or official guidance. 3 Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence from Members. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Palmer-Webb. 4 Public Question Time Public participation will be permitted for a period of 15 Minutes. Members of the public are able to a) make representations b) ask questions c) give evidence relating to the business to be transacted. A maximum of 3 minutes will be allowed for a member of the public to speak. Supplementary comments or questions are solely at the discretion of the Chairman. A person wishing to speak should gain the attention of the Chairman by raising their hand. (For further information please refer to the Wing Parish Council Public Participation Policy.) • A parishioner requested to record the Zoom meetings and for the meeting recordings to be accessible on the website. The Clerk said the settings on Zoom would be checked to see if it was possible for future meetings. The meeting recordings were agreed to be placed on the website. • A parishioner reported the poor condition of the footpath between Littleworth and Willow Way. It has been reported in the past but hasn’t been repaired. The Clerk thanked them for the report and will add the issue to the report drafted for Transport for . • A parishioner requested an update on the progress of the football pitch refurbishment and said the footpath around the perimeter fence was getting very muddy, especially with the recent rainfall. Councillor Kellner explained that the delay in the progress was due to a delay in the Archaeological Survey. The survey has now been received and provided to the planning department. Although the Archaeological Survey was known as a condition, it was not expected to delay the football pitch refurbishment. An Archaeological Survey is not normally required for football pitch refurbishments. Councillor Lomas said that as there was scheduled tree work on the recreation ground, the chippings will be used to cover the path.

Page 1 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final 5 Declaration of Acceptance of Office 5.1 To accept a signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form from Councillor Cronshaw. Councillor Cronshaw completed the Declaration of office form on camera in the presence of all members and officers, to be endorsed as such after the meeting. The statutory requirements were met and Councillor Cronshaw was deemed to have taken office. 5.2 To accept a signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form from Councillor Mortain-Cogar. RESOLVED. The Council resolved that Councillor Mortain-Cogar can sign the Declaration of Office form after the meeting but prior to the next meeting of the full Council. 6 Unitary Councillor's Report To receive a report from Cllr Glover and Cllr Cooper. Councillor Glover gave a report on: • Environment Community Board meeting and they are asking for ideas to go on the agenda. • Planning for the Future Consultation - believes that there is no evidence to support that the proposed figure of 300,000 houses per year. In its response to the proposal it is asking the government to re-valuate the number of houses required over the next decade – this would not undermine the commitment do deliver one million houses during this Parliament. It has proposed three specific changes with lengthy evidence-based reasons. Our response was sent on Tuesday – consultation ends on 29th October. • E Scooter trials are planned to start in and High Wycombe. Training sessions are proposed. • Covid - Martin Tett has sent a message to all residents giving full advice to keep them up to date and informed. The Covid numbers in Buckinghamshire keep rising. Essential that we all follow the by now well-known advice on masks, hand washing and keeping a distance • Mental health has come to the fore recently, here is a useful link for people to know what services are available for them • LGA’s First: The latest issue has a comprehensive list of news and guidance which might interest members. . You might need to register to read it. • Heritage Portal - This is a new portal holding 35,000 records. It has links to historic mapping, monument records, photos and documents. Fascinating history on our county. Https:// will reveal all. • Honours System. Those members who have been involved with Joe Bradshaw will be pleased to hear that he has been awarded the Royal Victoria Order for his services to the Buckinghamshire Lieutenancy. This is quite a high honor.

Councillor Cooper additionally reported on: • Community Boards Transport Committee meeting and it is well underway now. • The importance on keeping to the rules regarding Covid-19 and it is now on the increase within the county. • Buckinghamshire Council will be funding and giving out food vouchers for child that are entitled to free school meals to claim for the October half term.

Councillor Cooper and Councillor Glover suggested they contact the planning department to assist in chasing the Archaeological survey approval. 7 Clerks’ Report To receive a report from the Clerks on updates and activity on items since the last meeting and discuss any action required, these items will include, but not limited to the following: Clerk • Land transfer from Martin Grant • Land transfer from Taylor Wimpey o Including outstanding work and the request to relocate the bin on the trim trail. • Transfer of the Youth Club lease to the Parish Council • New Accessibility compliant website • Village walkaround and the report for Transport for Bucks • Village Foodbank grant funding awarded by Buckinghamshire Council • Governments ‘Changing of Planning Conditions’ Consultation • Correspondence received via email Deputy Clerk • Streetlighting faults and claims. • Tree survey quotes. • Enquiries from website, Facebook and phone calls. The Clerks provided reports to the meeting on activity since the last meeting which is included as Appendix A to these minutes. 8 Councillor Reports To receive a report from Councillors on activity since the last meeting. The Chairman invited the members of the Council in turn for their reports. Councillor Hellgren-Derry has replaced the notes on the Parish Council noticeboards in Burcott and on Moorlands to notify users of what can and cannot be published on them. • Councillor Tabiner- Crush reported on a) The hedges and road surface along Road have been reported on Fix My Street. b) The folding flooding on Soulbury Road has been reported to Fix My Street. c) The missing 30mph sign at Park Gate has been reported to Transport for Buckinghamshire. Page 2 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final d) There was a dislodged metal manhole cover on Wantage Crescent, a resident assisted in putting it back. e) Reported attendance to the Planning working party to discuss recommendations for the Neighbourhood Plan. • Councillor Tring reported on a) Attended the village walkaround. b) Reported attendance to the Planning working party to discuss recommendations for the Neighbourhood Plan. c) Being involved in gathering information on the planting of a small hedge around the perimeter of the Woodlands play area which will be discussed later on the agenda. d) Reported a tree on the bottom of Wantage Crescent to Housing Association as residents have reported problems of raised roots and a sewer odour in the area. • Councillor Benson had chased the Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust about the overgrown hedge at their property at 40 Wantage Close. • Councillor Boyd has been looking at the Recreation Ground Project and reported attendance to the Planning working party to discuss recommendations for the Neighbourhood Plan. • Councillor Lomas attended the Dormer Hospital AGM are reported to the Council that it is well run and they have good funding available. • Councillor Cronshaw has been looking at the Recreation Ground. • Councillor Moloney would be submitting contributions to Whats On In Wing and the Observer. • Councillor Mortain-Cogar had nothing to report. • Councillor Kellner has been working on the Recreation Ground Project and researching ways the village sign can be repaired/replaced, which is an agenda item for discussion later on the agenda. 9 Declaration of Interests from Members on Agenda Items To receive declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interests from Members in matters on the Agenda. The members declared interests as follows: - Councillor Kellner – Recreation Ground Councillor Hellgren-Derry – Recreation Ground Councillor Tabiner-Crush – Recreation Ground Councillor Tring– Recreation Ground Councillor Moloney– Recreation Ground Councillor Lomas – Recreation Ground Councillor Benson – Recreation Ground Councillor Boyd – Recreation Ground Councillor Cronshaw – Recreation Ground Councillor Mortain-Cogar – Recreation Ground 10 Dispensations To receive dispensations for Members to speak and/or vote on items on the agenda in which they hold a declared personal and/or prejudicial interest(s). The Clerk reported that a dispensation request had been received from Councillor Cronshaw to speak and vote on Recreation Ground matters as all Council members are Trustees of the Recreation Ground. The dispensation has been granted to run to the next elections due in May 2021. All Councillors, with the exception of Councillor Mortain-Cogar, held dispensations to speak and vote on Recreation Ground matters which ran to the next elections due in May 2021. 11 Previous Minutes 11.1 To receive the minutes of the Finance, HR and Legal Committee meeting held on Wednesday 17th December 2019. The minutes of the Finance, HR and Legal Committee meeting held on Wednesday 17th December 2019 were received.

11.2 To resolve that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 29th September 2020 be signed as correct. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to accept the following amendments to the minutes of the 29th September 2020 meeting a) Item 14 a: change Landscaping Plan to Archaeological Report b) Item 14 b: change Archaeological Report to Landscaping Plan RESOLVED. The Council approved the signing of the amended minutes of the meeting held on the 29th September 2020 as an accurate recording of the proceedings of the Council. 12 Planning Applications To consider the following planning applications: 12.1 20/03442/APP – 29 Leighton Road, Wing Demolition of existing timber single storey structure and erection of single storey side and rear extension. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to submit a No Objections response to this planning application.

12.2 20/03466/APP – The Old Dairy, 4 Waterloo Barns, Leighton Road, Wing Conversion of covered car port / storage area and alterations to existing annex. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to submit a No Objections response to this planning application.

Page 3 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final 13 Recreation Ground Project 13.1 To receive an update on the projects progress Confirmation was given that the Archaeological report had been submitted to planning by the Architect. The Architect is chasing planning for a decision on the Archaeological planning condition. Councillors Cooper and Glover will chase planning. Councillor Lomas has been in contact with five companies regarding a landscaping plan, so far three have declined to help due to the amount of work involved and the other two are considering quoting. The costs of the project are continuing to be reviewed to seek cost savings. 13.2 To consider any actions required at this stage The lime trees are due to be worked on so the wood chippings will be placed on the footpath surrounding the permitter of the fence. 14 Roles and Responsibilities 14.1 To review the Council’s structure of Committees and Working Parties. 14.2 To review the appointment of members to the Committees and Working Parties. 14.3 To consider appointing at least one additional Councillor on the bank mandate. The Council agreed to defer this item to a future agenda. 15 Neighbourhood Plan To consider the recommendation from the Neighbourhood Plan working party that the Neighbourhood Plan needs to be reviewed. The Planning working party have looked at the current Neighbourhood Plan and reported that the current plan does not need substantial revision but due to more housing and the Governments consultations on Changes to the Planning System it would need to be reviewed. The recommendation is to wait until the Recreation Ground Project is underway and aim to start the review by the end of March 2021. 15.1 To consider making an application for funding should there be a decision to review the Neighbourhood Plan. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to apply for funding for support to modify the Neighbourhood Plan. 15.2 To consider who should be involved in the process, should there be a decision to a review of the Neighbourhood Plan. RESOLVED. The Council resolved that the review of the Neighbourhood Plan should be an agenda item for March 2021. Part of the discussions will be to add members to the Neighbourhood Plan working party. 16 Financial Guidelines To receive and consider a recommendation for updates to the current Financial Guidelines following the annual review. The updates include new guidelines included in the latest NALC Model Financial Guidelines. The Council agreed to defer this item to a future agenda. 17 Village Bylaws To consider a review of the village bylaws. During this agenda item, the Clerk lost internet connection and fell out of the meeting so there was a short break in the recording of the meeting. The Council discussed the Bylaws review which took place in 2015 and revised Bylaws were sent to Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government but there had been no response. It was agreed that a review of the Bylaws should take place to ensure they meet current regulations. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to carry out of review of the bylaws for Jubilee Green and the Recreation Ground. 18 Maintenance of Meadow Way Play Area To consider the specification for the required maintenance of the Meadow Way play area. The frequency of the various elements of the maintenance were discussed with different options being considered. The Council agreed to send the draft maintenance specification form to the suppliers so they can complete it with their recommendations. 19 Jubilee Green Play Equipment To receive the quarterly play equipment inspection report from Wicksteed and discuss any items highlighted in the report. The Council reviewed the quarterly play equipment inspection report received from Wicksteed. RESOLVED. The Council resolved the following maintenance be carried out: a) To purchase a black wet pour kit and ask Ivor Collins to carry out the repairs to the playing surface at the run- out section of the small embankment slide to reduce the trip hazard. b) Ask Ivor Collins to purchase safety grass mats for the play surface for the Hip Hop rotating overhead spring see- saw. To remove the damaged mats and replace with the new ones to make the area safe from trip hazards. 20 Live Streaming of Parish Council Meeting To consider live steaming the November Parish Council meeting on Facebook as a trial run. The Council discussed the option of live streaming the November meeting on Facebook looking at the benefits and possible issues that could occur. RESOLVED. The Council resolved not to live stream the November meeting on Facebook but to attach a link of the recording of the meeting to the website. 21 Community Grant To consider a community grant application form received from Wing First FC. Page 4 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final The community grant application form received from Wing First FC was read out by the Chairman. The Council discussed the easiest way for the grant to be managed, particularly due to the possibility of future restrictions related to the Coronavirus pandemic, location of alterative pitches and costings. The Chairman invited a resident to speak regarding the application and the proposed funding option. They clarified the pitch Wing First FC use for home matches, and they supported the proposed option. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to fund a maximum of £500 for the hire of a pitch at Astral Park for Wing First FC home games. The invoices from Astral Park are issued after the pitch has been used and the invoice is to be sent directly to the Parish Council. 22 Wing Village Sign To consider replacing the damaged Wing Village Sign. The Council discussed different options for a new Wing village sign. Councillor Kellner was asked to obtain quotes for a 3- layered and 5-layered metal sign using the current design. 23 Remembrance 23.1 To nominate a Member to lay a wreath at the Remembrance Day service being held on Sunday 8th November. RESOLVED. As Chairman, Councillor Kellner was nominated by the Council to lay the wreath at the Remembrance Day service being held on Sunday 8th November. 23.2 To consider placing the three Remembrance silhouettes around the village. Discussions should include locations, when they should be displayed, how long for and how they are to be secured. RESOLVED. To place the 3 Remembrance silhouettes on the green triangle where the village sign stands. They are to be in place between the 1st November – 12th November.

At this point in the meeting, the Chairman asked if the Council wanted to have a comfort break but they voted to continue with the meeting. 24 Christmas Tree To consider a village Christmas Tree for 2020, discussions to include budget, logistics of lights and location. The Council agreed to having a village Christmas tree and discussed where to source it from. The possibility of new lights and source of electricity will be researched ready for discussion at the November meeting. RESOLVED. To approach Rushmere for a 15ft Christmas tree with a maximum amount of £150 from the Environment budget. 25 Parish Council PO Box Address To consider the renewal of the Parish Council PO Box address. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to renew the PO Box address at a cost of £277.50, which was included in the budget. 26 2020-21 Quarter 2 Accounts 26.1 To receive a report from the RFO for quarter 2 on budget verses actual spend. The Councillors confirmed receipt of the report. 26.2 To consider recommended budget adjustments from the Finance, HR and Legal Committee. RESOLVED. The Council resolved to accept the budget adjustments recommended by the Finance, HR and Legal Committee. 27 Account Balances and Payments 27.1 To confirm receipt of the September bank reconciliations. All Councillors confirmed receipt of the September bank reconciliations. 27.2 To receive a list of payment transactions for October. All Councillors confirmed receipt of the October accounts for payment Payee Description Amount (£) Vat (£) E.On Electricity – Streetlights – Oct 20 £ 408.76 £ 68.13 Joanna Craig Website Hosting - Sep - Inv 3910 £ 19.00 Salaries Litter Collection Oct, Clerk Salary & Exps Oct, Deputy Clerk Salary and Exps Oct and NEST Contributions £ 2,403.23 HMRC PAYE – October £ 342.49 Wing Village Hall Trust Office Rent – October £ 375.00 Goldleaf Monthly Groundcare Maintenance - Inv 11043 £ 288.96 £ 48.16 Peter Clay Bulbs for the Wing Village Hall Planters £ 52.36 C U Phosco Install and Connect a Street Light on Leighton Road £ 2,261.94 £ 376.99 NALC Local Councils and Hidden Disabilities - Training Course - T Boyd £ 38.93 £ 6.49 GEA Radar Survey on the Recreation Ground £ 1,524.00 £ 254.00 Rob Sawyer Maintenance at Meadow Way Play Area £ 120.00 Wickstead Quarterly Inspection - JG £ 54.00 £ 9.00 Charlotte Hellgren-Derry Printer Ink and Laminating Pouches £ 38.98 Robert Tring Oil for the Long Spinney Power Tools £ 17.45 Liz Morgan Instalment of the Buckinghamshire Council grant for the Community Group - Food Bank Top Ups etc. £ 265.89 Turfcare 40% Deposit - Installation of an Irrigation System at the Recreation Ground £ 4,800.00 £ 800.00 Post Office PO Box Collection Service £ 277.50 £ 46.25 Page 5 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final Wing FC Community Grant £ 500.00 £ 13,788.49 28 Training To consider any training requests and/or requirements for the Clerks and Councillors. Councillor Cronshaw has been booked on the New Councillor Training on 24th November. 29 Staff Job Descriptions 29.1 To receive an updated Clerk job description for consideration. The draft Clerk job description was reviewed and accepted. RESOLVED: To accept the revised Clerk job description. 29.2 To receive an updated Deputy Clerk job description for consideration. The draft Deputy Clerk job description was reviewed and accepted. RESOLVED: To accept the revised Deputy Clerk job description. 29.3 To consider asking BMKALC to carry out an individual assessment of the job descriptions, should they be approved during 29.1 and 29.2 on the agenda. RESOLVED: To asking BMKALC to carry out an individual assessment of the job descriptions. 30 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 24th November 2020 to commence at 8pm on Zoom.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 10.20pm.

Amendment of the typing error ‘folding’ to ‘flooding’ in Item 8b) of the circulated minutes was resolved by Wing Parish Council at the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 24th November 2020. (2011z.11.2). Amendment of the typing error ‘bu’ to ‘but’ in Appendix A – Deputy Clerk’s Report referenced as LP100 of the circulated minutes was resolved by Wing Parish Council at the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 24th November 2020. (2011z.11.2). These amended minutes were approved as an accurate record of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27th October 2020 and for signature at the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 24th November 2020 (2011z.11.2).

Appendix A

Clerks report – October 20

• A village walkaround was carried out by Councillor Lomas, Councillor Tring, John Furniss and I. We noted quite a few items that needed to be reported to Transport for Bucks. The report is being finalised and will be circulated to the Council. Items identified include: o Road signs completely cover in brambles o Fire Hydrant completely covered in brambles o Trees over hanging lamp posts o Entrance to the village has lots of lights out which have been reported several times in the past. When we spoke to Matt last year he was talking about having new village entrances so it looked better. o The residents comment reported earlier in the meeting regarding the footpath between Littleworth and Willow Way will be added. • Land Transfer from Martin Grant Homes The fencing issue has been passed to the solicitors regarding ownership reported at the last meeting. • Land Transfer from Taylor Wimpey They were sent the report and requests from the last meeting. They have come back saying they won’t move the bin as requested as it was included in the landscaping plan and agreed through planning. If the Council would like to go ahead with it they could consider doing it themselves after the land transfer is complete. They were debating the grass area that needs to be returfed. There has been information on planting hedging around the outside of the play area. Liz, John and a resident have been looking at how it could be carried out and it being an event for members of the public to see if it can go ahead. The Long Spinney team have some whips that are coming in November that can be used. It is suggested that an event takes place with volunteers to help plant them and the event is to be advertised in What’s On In Wing and on social media. A risk assessment would need to take place and social distancing rules would need to be adhered to. • Transfer of Youth Club to Parish Council is going ahead. The Council solicitors have been appointed following last month’s meeting and they have been provided the relevant paperwork. • Interim maintenance of Meadow Way play area was carried out on Saturday 10th October. • Newt Partnership – Newt report to be circulated to Councillors and the £400 annual compensation payment is going through. • Notification of the Wing Hall Trust AGM being held on the 16th November. • Information regarding the 2 Government planning consultations - Planning White Paper A couple of Councillors have had a look at the consultations with a view to respond but do not feel able to respond fully to the consultation at this time as it is quite an in-depth response required but they recommend supporting other proposal being submitted by other organisations such as Buckinghamshire Council.

Page 6 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final • The funding for the community food bank only has £130 left from the grant provided by Buckinghamshire Council so additional funding sources need to be researched.

Deputy Clerk Report – October 2020

• Streetlighting faults and claims. LP108 – Outside 21 Moorlands Road. Quotation still outstanding and being chased. An alternative procedure for dealing with faults and claims is being prepared as part of a Council Environment Policy currently in development by the Clerk’s

LP061 – Outside 13 Leighton Road – A new column has been installed. Instructions are being issued to UK Power Networks to reconnect the supply

LP085 – Junction of Moorlands and Moorhills Road Instructions have been issued for the installation of the replacement column.

LP059 – Outside 39 Leighton Road CU Phosco were requested to quote for the remedial works and have inspected the column, they believe that it is capable of realignment. They have been asked to proceed on this basis. UK Power Networks will then be instructed to reconnect the supply.

LP139 – Outside 19 Wantage Close. This does not appear to be a warranty issue. There are cost implcations involved in seeking quotations. Alternative contractors are being consulted to obtain an outline costing for the anticipated works so that an appropriate level of expenditure can be authorised for the Clerks to issue instructions or whether it falls within the level of existing authority of the Chairman and Clerk currently £500.

Additional items LP003 Outside 35 Littleworth. During a walk around undertaken by the Clerk’s earlier in the month it was observed that the lamp unit is hanging off the wooden post. The costs for this are being established in like manner to the Wantage Close lamp, above. LP100 Opposite No 1 Moorlands Road (adjacent to the Scout Hut). This column is leaning, but as there is no signs of damage to the column which stands in the grass verge, it is possible that it may be capable of re-alignment. The costs for this are being established in like manner to the Wantage Close lamp, above. • Tree survey quotes. An approach has been made to Patrick Stileman Ltd. Arboricultural Consultancy for a quotation. (Introduced by Councillor Lomas and Parish Clerk as potentially suitable). They have responded with a request for better particulars. We are in communication with them to confirm the requirements and their quote will be circulated to Councillors when received.

• Enquiries from website, Facebook and phone calls. We have received enquiries on the following subjects: - 1. 30mph repeater signs in Soulbury Road – The enquirer has been advised of the previous response from the former County Council to a previous enquiry of this nature and that the police have recently had the camera on that section of road. 2. Co-option enquiry – Deputy Clerk advised that the expression of interest had arrived too late as all as positions had been filled at the September meeting and there were no current vacancies. They were advised that all places are currently due for re -election in May 2021 and that notices will be posted in advance of the election, when they can re – apply to become a Councillor. 3. Access to the Parish Council on-line meeting – the enquirer was provided with a link to the Agenda on the Website 4. An invitation to attend the Dormer Hospital Charity AGM – this was circulated to Councillors. 5. An enquiry about progress of the Football Ground project – as this came in yesterday they were advised that an update on the Recreation Ground project was included in tonight’s meeting and provided with a link to the Agenda on the website. 6. An advice from Gigaclear regarding upcoming internet installation works. 7. An enquiry from the Chairman of and Broughton Parish Council regarding the response of the Parish Council to the Ivinghoe Freight Strategy. They were contacted by telephone and advised that Wing Parish Council had objected to the proposals. Page 7 of 8 Minutes 27 Oct 20 - Final 8. There have been several requests for updates to information on the website. These are in hand and will actioned for inclusion in the new website. 9. An undated letter has been received from Mr Heley following a telephone conversation some months ago in response to notifying him that the fences to his land are in need of repair. It was received too late to be included as a formal item in the Agenda for this meeting and will be scanned and circulated to all Councillors. Mr Heley states that it is his understanding that the villagers who clubbed together to buy the land for the recreation ground undertook to ensure that it was fenced. Mr Heley has not provided any documentary evidence of this undertaking or explanation for his understanding thereof. This can be explored further with him, if appropriate. Mr Heley ends with a confirmation that he is willing to discuss the possibility of selling the land to the \Council and/or the Trust if agreement can be reached on price. This can be explored further

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