Dysart Et Al Council Minutes Monday, January 28, 2013
Dysart et al Council Minutes Monday, January 28, 2013 The Council of the Corporation of Dysart et al convened a meeting on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in the Dysart et al Council Chambers with the following in attendance: Council: Reeve Murray Fearrey Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Councillor Andrea Roberts Councillor Dennis Casey Councillor Steve Pogue Councillor Susan Norcross Councillor Walt McKechnie Staff: Tamara Wilbee, CAO Cheryl Coulson, Clerk Pat Martin, Director of Planning & Development Barbara Swannell, Treasurer Miles Maughan, Fire Chief Brian Nicholson, Director of Public Works Ray Miscio, Director of Parks & Recreation ADOPTION OF AGENDA Motion No. 13-01 Moved by: Councillor Steve Pogue Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Be it resolved that the agenda for the meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Dysart et al held on January 28, 2013 be approved as presented. CARRIED DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Steve Pogue declared a pecuniary interest pertaining to Planning Agenda Item P6, By-law 2013-09, Close and Convey SRA, Adjacent to the Lands of Harcourt Park Inc. as he is a member of the Board of Directors for Harcourt Park Inc. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the December 17, 2012 Regular Council Meeting were circulated for review. Motion No. 13-02 Moved by: Councillor Steve Pogue Seconded by: Deputy-Reeve Bill Davis Be it resolved that the minutes of the December 17, 2012 Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated. CARRIED CLOSED SESSION To discuss the following items pursuant to Section 239(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended: a) a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Municipality pertaining to the Victoria Street School; b) litigation or potential litigation regarding a matter pertaining to Elmhurst Lane and a Planning matter in the Township of Guilford; and c) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees pertaining to a Planning matter in the Township of Dudley.
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