
TIPS FOR BOOSTING YOUR Donna Gleeson, MOEd, RD, LD, The Elliot Center for and Health

Excess body is a serious concern for many people these days. For some, finding a way to fat often seems out of reach. These basic suggestions, well grounded in , may provide guidance: • Strength train Since muscle is a metabolic furnace, it makes sense that building and maintaining muscle is a way to keep the fires burning. STRENGTH • Move your body It up metabolism by increasing your body • Do each in good form at a level at which the . In fact, according to Drs. Roizen and Oz in You On a muscle will tire in 8-15 repetitions (reps) , every increase in body temperature of one degree increases your • Do 2-3 sets of the repetitions for all major muscle metabolic rate by 14%. groups: arms, shoulders, back, chests, abs, gluts, quads, • Eat at regular intervals Your body will require extra effort hamstrings, calves to break down the protein. • Don’t crash diet or deprive yourself of 2-3 TIMES/WEEK (ALTERNATING DAYS) This is counter-productive since it • push-ups • ab crunches “1 of fat reduces metabolism by causing your • squats • contract “tush” muscles 1 calorie, body to go into conservation mode. • toe raises, etc • Eat real, whole Fake or processed but 1 pound of foods don’t provide your body with the MOVE YOUR BODY • Take a 5-10 minute walk 2-3 times over the course of the muscle burns an required to run your day metabolism. Your , which does the • March or jog in place while watching TV average of 30 or lion’s share of metabolic , has to • Do little jobs around the house during ads on TV or do more calories” focus on breaking down and eliminating some push ups or crunches or gentle stretches (no these unnatural foods instead of burning bouncing) after a 5 minute stepping in place warm up calories for . • Sit tall on the floor instead of reclining while watching • Eat breakfast every morning You’ll boost your metabolism, TV allowing you to burn more calories all day. • Put on some music and dance (don’t forget to pull the • Avoid Trans They slow metabolism while healthy fats promote curtains!) the burning of stored fat. Dr. Hyman in UltraMetabolism states that • Use the stairs trans fats speak directly to your DNA, turning on a that slows down your metabolism. RELAXATION AND MANAGEMENT • Try some square : breathe in for a count of 4, • Use herbs and spices A number of them can help stoke the hold for a count of 4, breathe out for a count of 4 and metabolic furnace, including ginger, cayenne, mustard, and hold for a count of 4. cinnamon. • Or breathe in deeply, slowly extending the belly as the air • green tea It’s reported to increase metabolism slightly. fills your lungs and then breathe out long and slowly. • Relax and manage stress This is an important one to follow if you • Repeat several times each day. want to keep the metabolic fires burning. Stress slow • Do these while sitting in traffic, before going to bed, etc. metabolism and promote fat storage. Regular periods of down time as well as more “slow” foods can it up. , a stress To join fitness or stress management classes, call Elliot On- , will increase belly fat if not controlled. Call at 663-4567 or visit the Programs and Classes link at • Drink A lack of sufficient water decreases metabolism by 3%. www.elliothospital.org. • Get plenty of restful Research shows that people who get less than 7 hours of sleep are more prone to weight gain. Lean muscle is regenerated in the final couple hours of sleep each night, which is why it is so important to strength train.