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Rm Tmjtwsmmw a NEWS BULLETIN rm tMJtWsmmw A NEWS BULLETIN p u b l i s h e d q u a r t e r l y b y t h e NEW ZEALAND ANTARCTIC SOCIETY (INC) •-**, AN EMPEROR PENGUIN LEADS ITS CHICKS ALONG THE ICE AT CAPE CROZIER, ROSS ISLAND. THE EIGHTH CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF THE ANTARCTIC TREATY NATIONS IN OSLO HAS RECOMMENDED THAT THE CAPE CROZIER LAND AREA WHERE THE ADELIE PENGUINS NEST, AND THE ADJACENT FAST ICE WHERE THE EMPEROR PENGUINS BREED ANNUALLY SHOULD BE DESIG NATED A SITE OF SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC INTEREST. Photo: R. C. Kingsbury. VrtlVOI. 7/, KinISO. 7 / RegisteredWellington, atNew Post Zealand, Office asHeadquarters. a magazine. Cpnipm|.praepteiTIDer, 1975IV/3 SOUTH GEORGIA SOUTH SANDWICH Is f S O U T H O R K N E Y I s x \ * £ & * * — ■ /o Orcadas arg M FALKLAND Is /6Signy I.u.k. , AV\60-W / ,' SOUTH AMERICA / / \ f B o r g a / N I S 4 S O U T H a & WEDDELL \ I SA I / %\ ',mWBSSr t y S H E T L A N D ^ - / Halley Bayf drowning maud land enderby ;n /SEA UK.v? COATSLd / LAND iy (General Belgrano arg ANTARCTIC iXf Mawson MAC ROBERTSON tAND /PENINSULA'^ (see map below) JSobral arg / Siple U S.A Amundsen-Scott I queen MARY LAND ^Mirny [ELLSWORTH"" LAND ° Vostok ussr \ .*/ Ross \"V Nfe ceShef -\? BYRD LAND/^_. \< oCasey Jj aust. WILKES LAND Russkaya USSR./ R O S S | n z j £ \ V d l , U d r / SEA I ^-/VICTORIA .TERRE ^ #^7 LAND \/ADELIE,,;? } G E O R G E \ I L d , t / _ A ? j r . , • „ / ' Ll~5s;5>K^-Jsn»\ e n i n g r a d s ,,- k Dumont a y a ,dUrville - Y / France sss - - " ""^ BALLENY ls\ >/ ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1 Teniente Matienzo arg 2 Esperanza arg. 3 Almirante Brown arg. 4 Petrel arg. 5 Deception arg. 6 Vicecomodoro Marambio arg. ' ANTARCTICA 7 Arturo Prat chile 8 Bernardo O'Higgins chile 9 Presidente Frei chile s> f 500 1000 Kilometies 10 Stonington I. uk. 13 11 Adelaide I. uk. ^ 12 Argentine Is uk. q ^i> | ABBREVIATIONS: | 13 Palmer usa. ARG. ARGENTINA AUST. AUSTRALIA 14 Bellingshausen ussr. :. *> NZ. NEW ZEALAND S.A. SOUTH AFRICA UK UNITED KINGDOM larsen■:■:■■}: i USA. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / c e S h e f I r J ° 0 m USSR UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS )0km >ilITOilIB(OT12©dd (Successor to "Antarctic News Bulletin") 7 9 t h I S S U E !September, 1975 Editor: J. M. CAFFIN, 35 Chepstow Avenue, Christchurch 5. Address all contributions, enquiries, etc.. to the Editor. CONTENTS ARTICLES BRIGHT HORIZON 203-205 BOAT VOYAGE RELIC 221-223 STUDY OF KRILL 217-218 POLAR ACTIVITIES NEW ZEALAND 196-202, 210, 228 UNITED KINGDOM 209-210 UNITED STATES 206-208 SOVIET UNION 211 SOUTH AFRICA 212-213 INDIA 224 GENERAL ANTARCTIC TREATY 214-216 WHALING COMMISSION 219-220 THE READER WRITES 226 ANTARCTIC BOOKSHELF 229-230 Antarctic mineral and natural resources have been discussed at international meetings in recent months. In London the International Whaling Commission agreed on important new measures for the rational management and conservation of whale stocks. In Oslo representatives of the 12 Antarctic Treaty nations recognised the need to protect Antarctica's environment from the effects of exploita tion of its mineral resources, and the marine resources of the surrounding waters, and for international consideration of the problem. But in Rome an informal international consultation, convened by the Food and Agriculture Organisation, was chiefly concerned with ways to facilitate the eventual commercial exploitation of Antarctic krill. The meeting did acknowledge the need to look at the Antarctic marine ecosystem as a whole. ANTARCTIC September, 1975 NEW ZEALAND PART IN DRILLING PROJECT One major international project—drilling through the annual sea ice into the bed of McMurdo Sound—is included in New Zealand's Antarctic research programme for 1975-76. This operation is the final stage of the Dry Valley Drilling Project, a three-year programme developed by scientific organisations of the United States, Japan, and New Zealand. This season New Zealand has been invited to participate in the meteorolog ical programme at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. A meteorological team will conduct routine upper air and surface observation programmes at the station. One member, Mr B. V. Maguire. will bc the first New Zealander to winter at the Pole next year. Because of restricted support by United States Navy Hercules aircraft, New Zealand field projects this season have been limited to those within heli copter range. But the 1975-76 programme is at a similar level to last year's. Emphasis has been given to the contin uance of atmospheric and earth sciences projects at Scott Base, the operation of Vanda Station for summer only, and 32 other events. These include field activit ies, international programmes, and short- B. V. MAGUIRE term projects. Later the Antarctic Division, Depart AIRCRAFT SALVAGE ment of Scientific and Industrial Re New Zealanders will be involved this search, will provide experienced season with a United States team in one mechanics to work on the repairs to of the most difficult projects ever the two aircraft so they can be flown to attempted in Antarctica—the recovery McMurdo Station. of two Hercules ski-equinped aircraft Since the Dry Valley Drilling Project damaged in take-off accidents on January began New Zealand has been responsible 15 near Dome C, an ice dome in Wilkes for all drilling operations needed. Last 'Sm Land. A salvage camp nnd skiway will season the last stage of the project— be built at Dome C, which is between drilling through the ice into the seabed the main French base, Dumont d'Urville, —had to be abandoned because winter and the Soviet station, Vostok, and is storms and high tides in McMurdo about 756 m<lcs from McMurdo Stotion. Sound broke up the ice, leaving no Men, supplies, and equipment will be drilling platform. flown to the area from McMurdo Next month a drilling team, led by Station. New Zealand will assist the the drilling superintendent, Mr J. Hoff United States team by the provision of man, will begin the task of drilling two men experienced in snow and ice work. holes in McMurdo Sound. An advance September, 1975 ANTARCTIC party flew south early this month to again with the United States in provid prepare for the operation. It will work ing the logistic support required by their with a survey team from Scott Base respective programmes. Its main contri which will mark the drilling sites and bution will be seven flights by Royal measure the currents at various depths. New Zealand Air Force Hercules air Both sites are above deep water, and craft between New Zealand and at one the water is 900ft deep. Drilling Anarctica. It will also provide air crews is planned where the deepest sediments and load planners, and Army cargo lie. handlers, who will work at Williams Field, near McMurdo Station. Vulcanological studies of Mount Erebus, one of Antarctica's two known active volcanoes, will be made again this season for the Antarctic Division. Dr W. F. Giggenbach, gcochemist, of the Chemistry Division, D.S.I.R., Messrs P. R. Kyle, geologist, C. C. Caretakers for Monteath, field officer, and J. F. Wil liams, surveyor, will start their observa tions late in November. huts Last season a New Zealand-French- A family association with Antarctica United States expedition spent more which began 65 years ago will be than three weeks on the mountain, and renewed in December. Mr A. W. Burton made detailed measurements and will fly south to the continent his father observations. This season the New Mr W. Burton, saw as a member of the Zealand party will study any changes in crew of the Terra Nova on Scott's last volcanic activity that may have occurred expedition in 1910-1913. since then, and any alteration in the topography of the volcano as a result As one of the New Zealand Antarctic of eruptions in the active inner crater. Society's caretakers for the historic huts on Ross Island this season, Mr Burton Dr Giggenbach, Mr Kyle, who has will work on Scott's hut at Cape Royds, been a member of Victoria University and Shackleton's hut at Cape Royds, of Wellington expeditions for several which his father knew 65 years ago. seasons, and Mr Williams, of the Lands and Survey Department, all worked on Mr W. Burton, who returned to Ross the mountain last year. This time the Island in 1963 as a guest of the United party hopes to be able to monitor States Navy's Antarctic support force, is seismic activity on Erebus. a life member of the Canterbury branch of the Antarctic Society. His son, who was nominated as a caretaker by the SEAL STUDIES branch, has been a member of its com mittee for three years. He is an engineer. Scientists from five universities will be involved in events in this season's The other caretaker, Mr P. G. Popple- programme. Teams from the four uni ton, who was nominated by the Welling versities, Antarctic Division, Ministry ton branch, has had experience of sub- of Works, Lands and Survey Depart Antarctic winters and summers. He was ment, Geological Survey, and the leader of the meteorological teams on Physics and Engineering Laboratory, Campbell Island from 1958 to 1960. will work on geological and glaciological Mr Poppleton, who was trained as a projects in the dry valleys, biological and carpenter, served for three years with marine sciences in the McMurdo .Sound the Army in South Korea.
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