1932-03-01 [P B-2]
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and Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. J. the home cf Mr. Mrs. Frank J. ment. He Is the son of the late Mrs. several months In Washington. Col. her brother, Mr. Edwin B. Conway, who man and Scott at 1333 K street. Rev. John E. Ella Grant Wells, whose mother was a Nelson Is detailed at the is ill with pneumonia. Geier. LADIES' temporarily of the Fifth Baptist Church sister of Robert E. Lee. War Mrs. Nelson Is a Briggs Gen, Department. Mrs. Robert Hollister had at 3 o'clock, in the cousin of Commissioner Aitchison. Col. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Compte Spald- Chapman officiating, presence guests dining with her last evening at of a small company. HANDBAGS and Mrs. Nelson are making their home ing are receiving congratulations on Patronesses for Lecture son last the Carlton, where she is stopping The bride was attended by her sister. Relined, Repaired and in the Riverside Apartment. the birth of a evening. Mrs. Monday on Virginia Gardens. is the of the Min- while in Washington. Miss Millie Calloway, and wore a gown MADE TO ORDER SOCIETY— Spalding daughter illustrated lecture with Patronesses for the A. Mr. L. Prochnik. of moon-blue crepe, hat to match, Mrs. Hull, wife of MaJ. Gen. John ister of Austria. Edgir on of: H. Boone a errs bouquet of roses "Historic and .Modem Gardens M. 1748 M at Con. Hull, U. S. A., has issued cards for a The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Spalding Mr. and Mrs. Perley spent and age and lilies KOHRN, former's brother and Mr. and Mrs. Virginia," to be given In the ball rocm No. 121ft -Dean of and Donna tea Fridav afternoon from 4.30 to 7 took place in the new Austrian legation Sunday with the of the valley. Wells .eft on Massachusetts was Miss Lor an sister-in-law. Prof, and Mrs. Turin immediately after the Diplomatic Corps o'clock in her home Mrs. Spalding da ceremony for a (.Continued on Third Page.) avenue tn honor of the members of the Prochnik. Bradford Boone, on their way to their wedding trip to New York, where the Mission. home on Long Island from Florida bridegroom was born. On their return Antonietta de Martino Hosts Philippine for at home Mrs. Samuel Williams Earle of Chi- and Cuba, where they have been they will be at Lee Heights, Va of Mrs. Wells has been a Miss Margaret M. Hanna, chief cago, who has been at the Mayflower some time. member of the the division of co-ordination and review since the middle of January, left to- faculty of the Industrial Home School at Luncheon Today. Mrs. Irenee du Pont motored to Wash- of the State Department, entertained at day for Atlantic City to spend tbe for two years and the bridegroom Is — from her home in Del., dinner last evening at the Carlton, the month of March. Mrs. Earle is the ington Granogue, connected with the Post Office at Wardman Park Hotel. Depart- Word in company numbering 10. Illinois for the Wakefield Asso- and Is The Last of and the luncheon today by Mrs regent Ambassador Italy given and she will attend the formal chief ciation Mrs. Ge rge Hlllyer, jr„ of Atlanta, Donna Antonietta de Martino Thomas T. Craven, wife of the Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McCarthy of 1j dedication of Wakefield the early part Carlton for a few co-ordinator for the Government, The Salt Utah, have arrived in Ga., is at the days. Suits and Coats entertained at luncneon today Lake City. of when their other were Mrs. Mark L. Bristol. taken an at April. In the embassy, guests Washington and apartment The marriage of Miss Mary Helen Cal- —is the first word THE the Ambassador of Mrs. B. Mrs. Patrick the the former come were George Pillsbury, j Mayflower, having guest Dr. and Mrs. Henry E. Osborn en- loway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M r and Mme Claudel, me Anibas- Macriamara. wife of the naval attache I here to" assume his duties as one of the France tertained at the dinner dance at the S Calloway of Washington, Ga., to Mr. F. Senor Don Miguel Cru- of the British embassy: Mme. Pillon, directors of the Reconstruction Finance sador of Chile, Shoreham last night, their guests in- i Grant Wells took place Sunday after- ponies in at Rizik't wife of the military attache of the Their son, Dennis Mc- English Tocomal; Mrs. Eugene Meyer, j Corporation. Dr. and Mrs. Horatio N. Dor- noon. The ceremony was performed In ehaga Le wife cluding Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mott Gunther, French embassy: Mme. Mignon. J Carthy, and his younger sisters. Kath- of the Mr. and Mrs. Leland Harrison, Mrs. of the assistant naval attache ! leen, Patricia, Mary and Geraldine, are Charles K. Kind- Henry C. Corbin. Signor Bernardino French embassy: Mrs. in school in Salt Lake City, and are FOXALL Molihari. famous Italian musician who leberger. Mrs. Arthur MacArthur, Mrs. j not expected here until later in the There to an infinite Alfred Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. variety ■will conduct the Philadelphia Orches- Johnson, Hayne season. six C. Mrs. Walter R. Double-fronts. and eight of weaves—shades—lapels— tra concert this evening, and Signora George Thorpe, Mr. Jesse H. Jones of Houston, Tex., Mrs. rooms, with Molinari; Mrs. Lawrence Townsend, Tuckerman, Mrs. Elonzo Tyner, and Mr. Harvey Couch of Pine Bluff, on*, two and collars and scarfs to bewilder Frank and Miss Olga Craven. who were directors of r and members of the embassy staff, in- Ridgely Ark., appointed Ibrtf bath*. Bryant ga< beat, the seeker of fashionable the counselor, Conte Alberto the corporation several weeks ago, also cluding The Minister of Canada, the Hon an aid'a room, and di the counselor are occupying apartments at the May- gangs. Spring suits and coats. Marchetti Murgiagllo, William Duncan Herridge. was host at and Signora Simone flower. Mrs. Jones arrived shortly after Outstanding value at $11,390 ; for Emigration dinner last night at the legation, on The encouraging feature of and the military Mr. Jones' appointment, but Mrs. Couch Bonardelli Desjardins Massachusetts avenue, having as rank- 1314 N.W. to $14,990. Visit our Fur* a Pennaroli. is still at her home in Pine Bluff. F Street choice from Rizlk’s collec- attache, Lieut. Col. Marco the of the Interior ing guests Secretary uished Model Horn* a* 4400 tion Is the utter and Mrs. Wilbur and the Date Impossibility The Ambassodar of Poland. Mr. Ray Lyman Miss Chandler SeTeels Minister of and Mme. Bachke For Lieut. Volta Platt, three abort r was a guest in the Norway Marriage to Downing. of a faulty selection. Tytus Filipowicz Others in the were Repre- Wade H. for the company The of Miss Marshal! Mocks south of Reservoig box of Col. Cooper, Lewis W. marriage Robe" sentative and Mrs. Douglas, of Rear Admiral "The ; permormance of "The Gondoliers" pre- Chandler, daughter Road. Open until 10 a. Representative and Mrs. James M. Mrs. Sky p. sented the Washington Civic Opera Lloyd H. Chandler. U. S. N., and by Beck. Assistant Secretary of the Treas- Co. last evening at the Belasco. Other Chandler, to First Lieut. Leslie B. ury and Mrs. Arthur A. Ballantine, As- in Col. box were. Sena- Downing, U. S. A., will take place Mon- guests Cooper's sistant Secretary of Commerce and and Mrs H. Moses, the day afternoon. May 2. in the home of tor George Mrs. Julius Klein, Mr. Ferry K. Heath, Women travelers now- $ the German embassy Rear Admiral H. I. Cone, U. S. N„ and first secretary of Assistant Secretary of the Treasury: Mrs. James Carroll Mrs. Cone, on Tracy place. Only th® are raving about Herr Ernst Meyer. Assistant Secretary of War and Mrs. F. adays and General and Mrs. Frank immediate families of the bride and WAVERLY TAYLORS Frazer, Trubee Davison, the commissioner of the new “Sky Robe” by T. Hones. bridegroom will be present. Indian affairs and Mrs. Charles J. Packs 6 to 8 *22 K Str»*t r040 other in the and dis- Hartmann. Among large Rhoads, Ma.i. Gen. Blanton Winship. Mrs. James Parmalee has to the de- gone and with- Brothers tinguished audience attending second secretary of the British em- > New York and is at the Madison for a dresses neatly Senator and lightful performance were. bassy. and Mrs. Torr. Mrs. J. Borden j few days. out wrinkles on remov- 1213 P STREET Mrs. Morris Sheppard, Representative Harriman. Mr. Le Verne Baldwin, Mrs. i The model Ruth Bryan Owen, and her nephew Alan G. Kirk, Miss Irene Boyle, the | Mrs. Perry Heath left Washington able hanger. Mr. Ronald Owen of England. Maj. counselor of the Canadian legation j yesterday for Louisville, Ky., to be with sketched is in topgrain Gen. and Mrs. Merritt W. Ireland, Maj. the first sec- and Mrs. Hume Wrong, cowhide. W. & Sloane 709 Twelfth Gen. and Mrs Herbert B. Crosby. Mrs. retary of the legation and Mrs. Ma- J.J £ Edwin E. Eslick, the Federal Trade honey and Miss Mary Randolph. ) _ S Commissioner and Mrs. Charles H. In the absence of Mrs. Herridge. who | £ March. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Child- Is in Canada. Mrs. Wrong acted as TRAVELTICKETS I Anywhere—Everywhere—Any Way r ress, Mrs. Robert Love Taylor, the hostess for the Minister. 5 first secretary of the Egyptian lega- I Lambeth of STEAMSHIP—RAIL—AIR Special! f tion and Mire. Aly Ismail Bey, Mrs. Representative J. Walter N. C.. has taken an CRUISES—TOURS • O. B. Lovett, Mrs. Sallie Fremont and Thomasville, apart- | Mr.