
Leeds Trail

Your Name:

Welcome to Leeds Castle. We hope you enjoy your visit, and that this trail will help you get the best from your day. We suggest that you split into three groups and follow the timetable below, allowing 30 minutes for the Castle , 30 minutes for the Grounds , 45 minutes for the , Grotto and Knights’ Realm Playground and 15 minutes for the Dog Collar Museum and Culpeper Garden .

Group A Group B Group C - Castle - Dog Collar Museum - Maze, Grotto & Knights’ Realm - Dog Collar Museum - Grounds - Castle - Grounds - Maze, Grotto & Knights’ Realm - Dog Collar Museum - Maze, Grotto & Knights’ Realm - Castle - Grounds

The Grounds

The last owner of Leeds Castle, Lady Baillie, loved birds and wildlife. She had deer and llama roaming in the grounds, as well as many different species of ducks, geese and swans.

1 As you walk through the grounds, choose your three favourite birds and write their names in the boxes below.




The Dog Collar Museum - The museum has a unique collection of historic and fascinating dog collars.

2 From which country do the spiked collars originate?

The Maze and Grotto - Enjoy the challenge of the maze, and see if you can find your way to the middle.

3 As you walk through the underground Grotto, what black bird can you see that is associated with Leeds Castle and lives on the castle moat and waterways?

The Castle Island - Before going into the castle look carefully at the Gatehouse.

4 Who do you think would have lived here?

King & Queen Servants Guards & Soldiers Leeds Castle Trail

Inside the Castle

In the Heraldry Room look out for the Timeline of Leeds Castle. Walk down the corridor and stop at the Queen’s Room . This is how the castle would have looked in the 15th Century. This room belonged to Catherine of Valois. Although it has a large bed in the room, it was not used for sleeping in. The room was known as an Audience Room, where the Queen met with her visitors.

5 Look at the bed and the hangings, which two letters can you see?

6 Whose initials are they?

Continue past the Bathroom until you reach the Queen’s Gallery.

7 In this room you will see the marble busts of King Henry VIII and his three children. How many wives did Henry VIII have?

Continue to the Banqueting Hall , which was greatly enhanced by King Henry VIII.

On 22nd May 1520 Henry and his first Queen, visited Leeds Castle, on their way to visit the French King. They bought with them over 5000 people. There was not enough room for all of them in the Castle, so some slept outside.

8 Can you find the picture of the French King? His name was Francois. Leeds Castle Trail

Walk through to the Chapel , where you can see the tapestry and four German carved panels dating from the 16th Century.

9 What scene from the Bible does the tapestry depict?

Take the spiral staircase upstairs. The whole central post was carved from one tree.

Walk on to the Seminar Room . Lady Baillie was the last private owner of Leeds Castle and this room used to be her private sitting room, but was turned into a meeting room in 1978. Many important meetings have taken place in this room. The childrens' portraits are of Lady Baillie and her sister.

10 What are the first names of the Lady Baillie and her sister?



Walk through Lady Baillie’s Bedroom , and if it is open, the Catherine of Aragon Bedroom , and then along the bridge corridor and down the main staircase.

You will now walk through the Yellow Drawing Room, Thorpe Hall Drawing Room and the Inner Hall .

11 Look out for the following, and tick as you find them:

Marble Lion Piano Wooden Panelling Taspestry

You now have finished your tour of Leeds Castle, continue to the exit, looking at the Library and Dining Room if they are open today.

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