June 2016

U3A Newsletter

Broomfield & District

From The Chair GROUPS

At our meeting on Wednesday 8 June we will be th celebrating the Queen’s 90 Birthday. Barbara Thomas has baked a special celebration cake to share Art Group with our tea. It is not compulsory but we would encourage you to come wearing items of red, white Book Club and blue clothing. If you have a Union Jack flag Bridge bring it along. Canasta At a recent meeting the Discussion Group agonised Cookery over the forthcoming EU Referendum and tried to come to a consensus view. Some members of the Discussion Group Group suggested that we have a ballot at our meeting Gardening Club in June to find out the voting intentions of the U3A members present in the Hall. This is completely Geology Group anonymous and without any obligation. Tim and History Group Lyn Collins have volunteered to act as Returning Lacemaking Officers for the count and when you book in you will be offered a ballot paper giving you the options Luncheon Club of YES or NO or UNDECIDED. We will announce Natural History Group the result at the end of the meeting. Needlework

Finally we are very aware that the acoustics in the Photography Hall are far from satisfactory and many of us have difficulty in hearing the speakers. The committee Scrabble have considered the purchase of a portable sound Sunday + Club system but the Hall management are hoping to install Swimming Group a fixed system incorporating a hearing loop as soon as funds have been raised. So we are loath to invest Table Games when a solution to the problem is on the horizon. In Table Tennis Group the meantime we are going to try the Hall PA system again and also the portable Hearing Loop system Travel Club which they have. However the latter is only Ukelele Group effective over a limited range so we would ask that you leave the front 2 or 3 rows for those with a Visits/Outings hearing difficulty. Hopefully this will all be resolved Walking Group before too long.

Best wishes




June 8th 2016 My Life as a Freelance Comedy Writer - Nick Thomas July 13th 2016 The Thames Barge - Tony Earle September 14th 2016 Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary - Fran Smith October 12th 2016 Kentwell Hall - Joan Williams November 9th 2016 One Day in the Battle of Britain - Neil Wiffen December 14th 2016 Holly Ivy and Miss. L. Toe - Three's Company


In June we welcome Nick Thomas. Nick has been writing humour for broadcast, publication and live performance for more than 30 years. His talk will tell us how he started, what goes on behind the scenes at a radio comedy show and how real life is always funnier than a comedy writer's inventions.

In July the title of Tony Earle's talk is Thames Barges. The barges we see today are the survivors of a fleet of over 2000 that carried goods to London. Tony's talk, with a model and pictures, outlines their history and use to the present day.


1. Brooklands Museum - “VC10 and her Royal Connections 2. National U3A Summer Schools 2016 Royal Ag. Uni. - 8th - 11th and 15th - 18th August. 3. Annual Science Seminar – Harper Adams – 8 - 11th Aug. 4. North West Regional Summer School Newton Rigg Ag. College 30th Aug - 2nd Sept.

More information on all the above can be found on the notice board or website



The annual subscription was due on 1st April and we are aware that there are several of you who don't attend the Monthly meetings when our membership Secretary is present. If this is the case with you will you please complete the attached form and post it with a cheque for £17 (£13.50 if a member of another U3A) to our Membership Secretary, Jo Bowman

We regret that you are not permitted to attend Group meetings unless you are a member of Broomfield & District U3A or on a one-off basis as a trial.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6th June 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Gardening Swimming 10 am Table Tennis Needlework Gardening visit Sunday + Club Group Home 3 pm 2pm 11am 12.30pm meeting 2pm Monthly Meeting 1.30pm Ukelele Group 2pm

13th June 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th History Visit Table Games Swimming 10 am Bridge 1.30pm Lacemaking Photography Hylands house 2 pm 2pm 11am Art Group 10am Heart & Sole Memorial Hall 12.30pm 10am Discussion Group 2pm Summer Solstice Stride 6.30pm 20th June 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th Canasta 2pm Walking Group Swimming 10am Scrabble 2pm Needlework 2pm

Table Tennis 2pm 27th June 28th 29th 30th 1st July 2nd July 3rd July Natural History Swimming 10am Book Club 2pm Lacemaking 10 am 2pm Luncheon Club 12.30pm

4th July 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th Gardening Cookery Swimming 10 am Bridge 1.30pm Needlework History visit Group Home 12.30pm 2pm Dunmow Flitch meeting 2pm Heart & Sole Geology Trip 12.30pm

11th July 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th

Table Games Swimming 10 am Bridge 1.30pm Lacemaking Photography 2 pm 2pm Little Waltham Memorial Hall Monthly 10am Meeting 1.30pm

18th July 19th 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th


Broomfield U3A Group Reports

Art Group

Wednesday 15th June – Painting in . Meet at Pleshey Village Hall.

All sessions are from 10 am - 12 noon weather permitting. If it is really bad weather the session will be held at my house.

Jo Bowman

Book Club

Seven members of the Book Group met at Broomfield Library on Thursday, 26th May 2016 where we discussed Nora Webster by Colm Toibin. This is a personal portrait of grief and politics in 1960's County Wexford and centres around the main character, Nora Webster, who is a mother of four, recently widowed and struggling to come to terms with her changing life. The book was quite well received by the Group with a couple of members saying they would read another by this author. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 30th June at 2 pm in Broomfield Library. We always look forward to welcoming new members, please contact me on 01245 441435 if you are interested in joining.

Barbara Bartlett


We meet 1st & 3rd Thursdays. 1.30pm

Melanie Pimm.


We meet on the 3rd Monday of the month. Next meeting is therefore on the 20th June

Marie Mackie

4 Cookery

NO meeting in June , July date is Tuesday 5th. It was agreed to change the day from Wednesday to the first Tuesday of the month

Jacqui Barnaby

Discussion Group

Subject: The Police.

Our discussion was based around our perceptions of the police forces in 2016. Are they doing a good job, do we have faith in them and the reliability of the service and the people who run it?

Two members declared a personal interest as on person had a brother-in -law serving in the Met and another has a daughter retired at 29 years old on medical grounds after being disabled by a burglar whilst on duty.

All of the group had no doubt that society would never manage without a police force. We also agreed that on the whole that they do a good job despite all the changes inflicted upon them by cuts to budgets. Today's force is very different from the one we remember from our younger days. So often a bad light is shed upon them by individual officers behaving badly.

Social and political correctness means that every action by the police comes under close scrutiny and media outcry occurs if things are not 'done by the book'.

The cut back in the funding has seen fewer officers seen on the beat. The cost of employing PCSO's was also a topic of debate as it is felt that they are ineffective, known as 'plastic policemen' by most of us and very much so by the younger generation.

Some members felt that requests for help from the force are given very little or sometimes no response eg car break ins which the police even tried to turn back on the victim of the reported crime.

Alcohol and anti-social behaviour takes up a great deal of police time as do the hours and expense that is given to the 'going back over past incidents' such as Hillsborough, the miners strike, the 1974 Birmingham Bombings etc.

The cost of the 'Top Brass' needs to be investigated, as sometimes even though costing a large amount of the forces budget, they have not got a grip on the problems of the officers doing the work in the public domain.

Conclusion: most members of the public value and respect the police but not as much as in the past. We feel that they could do a much better job if given more leadership and support from the 'Top Brass' Report compiled by Thelma Nickerson.

Next meeting Wednesday 15th June at 2pm. Subject - What has happened to Respect?

Thelma Nickerson 5 Broomfield and District U3A - EU Referendum – 8th June 2016

Some of us thought that it would be both informative and good fun to hold our own mini-EU Referendum at our next U3A meeting in June. So the plan is that when you register for the meeting, you will be offered a voting slip that will look something like this:

The EU Referendum Ballot – Please Tick one box


Please note that unlike the Referendum for real on the 23rd June there is the option of an “Undecided” votefor those who have not made their minds up yet. A ballot box for your votes will be provided and the results of our secret ballot will be announced at the end of the meeting. Do hope you will support our Mini-Referendum.

Gardening Group

Our May outing took us to The Place for Plants, in East Bergholt.

Again we were lucky with the weather and enjoyed the beautiful garden and well stocked nursery area. We rounded off the day with lunch at Jimmy's Farm where the service left a lot to be desired!

Our June visit is to three open gardens in Boreham on Saturday June 11th. We will meet there at 11o'clock. I can give parking directions to anyone who would like to join us.

Our next planning meeting is on Monday 4th July.

Pat Radford



More than 20 members came to the Rock Cycle session to hear about how one type of rock is transformed into another by the amazing processes both deep within the Earth and on the surface given Geological Time - measured in millions if not hundreds of millions of years! Then we put our knowledge and understanding to the test looking at rocks in hand specimen and thin section, with the naked eye, hand lens and microscope to determine what type of rock it was and where it fitted into the rock cycle. A much relished challenge!

We now embark on our summer field visits:

Tuesday 5th July Visit to Harkstead, Suffolk A coastal trip to see London Clay cliffs and to find fossil bones and sharks’ teeth. Pleistocene age elephant bones, teeth and tusks may be found at Holbrook Bay, Harkstead, as well as sharks' teeth and plant remains in the London Clay and interesting pebbles on the foreshore.

Meet at 11am in the village hall car park, Church Road, Harkstead IP9 1DG, or 9.45am to arrange car sharing/lifts.

NB, Low tide is at about 11am, hence the timing of the visit. We can have lunch at the Baker’s Arms, Harkstead where bar food is served from 12noon – 3pm. Wear boots or stout shoes for scrambling over boulders and pebbles on the beach.

Tuesday 26th July Church Geology A return visit to St Mary’s Church, Broomfield to look at the church walls and the monuments inside this time. The walls show a good sample of Essex Geology and provide a key to identifying similar rocks in the walls of other old churches as well as in your garden. We are working on a project to document the geology of Essex churches.

Meet 2pm at St Mary’s Church, Broomfield. Bring a portable seat and sun hat if it is hot.

Tuesday 23rd August London Walk A gentle stroll around the City of London, looking at building stones and other interesting features.

Meet 2pm at Liverpool Street Station or 1pm at Station. Possible evening meal at the Fox & Anchor pub, Smithfield or similar venue.

Please let us know if you are coming so that we do not go without you!

Ros & Ian


History Group

The Haven Plotlands Museum 4th May

14 members visited this fascinating museum,the last of nearly 200 Plotland homes that occupied the site, now owned by the Essex Wildlife Trust. The properties were built mainly by East End families who bought individual plots intended as holiday homes. However, during WW2 many families lived there permanently. The Haven is now a museum, furnished and equipped as it would have been during the 1930's & 40's. The surrounding woodland and orchards are gradually being cleared and re-planted by enthusiastic volunteers. Thanks to Sue Browning for booking this trip.


Hylands House needs final numbers for this visit by 6th June, so if anyone else would like to come, please contact Jan.


See previous newsletter. More details from Jan if required.

THAMES BARGE CRUISE (from Hythe Quay,Maldon) THURSDAY AUGUST 11th 6.45p.m to 8.45p.m

We are planning to go on this "Two Island" cruise, which offers a basic sail only price of £22, plus various food options as required.

We think it's simpler to book our own places in order to specify our choices, and pay the operator (Topsail Charters) direct. We can then still be a group together once on board!

Further details from Jan or www.top-sail.co.uk or Tel 01621 857567.

Sylvia & Jan



The lace group continues to meet on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month at 2 pm at the home of group leader Wendy Talley. The group is still small and new members would be welcome. We have equipment which can be lent to anyone so that they can try out lacemaking without any financial outlay. Help will be given, printed instructions are available and there are several books that can be borrowed.

Wendy Talley

Luncheon Club

May’s meeting was at The Three Elms, Chignal St James. There were 22 of us on a beautiful sunny day and had a very pleasant time together. I must say that we filled the pub as this establishment is very much back in time.

The Group meet the last Wednesday in the month. Next month’s meeting being the 29th June 2016 12.30pm at a firm favourite being The Wheatsheaf at Hatfield Peveral.. The list will go up on the board at the Monthly Meeting.

I will be away for this meeting but I am leaving the booking that I have made in the very capable hands of Maureen Morris. So if you would like to join them please either contact them or put your name on the list, which is on the Notice Board at the monthly meeting.

Just by way of a gentle reminder, that if you put your name down for one of these events that if you are unable to attend that you please do give me 24 hours notice.

Muriel Whiting

Sunday+ Club

The group met at The Running Mare, .

Our next meeting is on Sunday, 12 June, 2016 at Pontlands Park, at 12.30pm.

Unfortunately I will be away for this one but Barbara Smith will be looking after this Group in my absence.

Muriel Whiting


Natural History Group

On a lovely sunny spring morning the Natural History Group visited Oxley Meadows in Tiptree. As we walked through the gate we were confronted with a wonderful wild flower meadow. A sea of yellow buttercups and as our eyes adjusted to the sight we could see large areas of purple, the Green Winged Orchid! These were what we really came to see, there were hundreds of them and we had to be careful where we trod.

As the birds sang we discovered many more wild flowers starting to come out, the Common Vetch, Greater Birdsfoot Trefoil, Wild Rose and a real surprise a couple of,what we think we're Spotted Orchids,it was difficult to identify exactly as the flowers were just emerging. So another visit ! Another unusual find was the Adders Tongue Fern, this is very small and close to the ground with fleshy type leaves, they do flower later in the year. These meadows are a wonderful example of the old natural meadows of our childhood. We rounded off our visit with a coffee and lots of chat at the Tiptree Jam Factory tea rooms where they made our large group very welcome.

Sue Browning

Needlework Group

Our small dedicated group of stitchers, knitters and spinners continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th Friday afternoons. During June the meetings on 10th & 24th will be at the home of Joan Young. In July we will be back at our usual venue on July 8th & 22nd and also on 12th August. On 26th August it will be at Joan Young’s again.

Do join us if you have an unfinished piece to complete or would just like a knit and a natter – you will be most welcome.


10 Photography

U3A Broomfield Photography Group meets at the Little Waltham Memorial Hall from 10.00am -12.00 noon (across the road from the GP surgery) on the third Saturday of the month. Next meeting 18th June - enter via rear door from car park)

Group offers an opportunity to look at ways of getting more from your photography and your camera in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. If you have a digital camera and haven’t yet managed to venture off the auto features, or would like to know how to be more creative with your photography you might find we can help.

New members always welcome.

Glynn Wadeson


A good afternoon of scrabble, even though only a few players.

Next afternoon is Thursday 23rd June at 2pm . The Competition is still progressing Hopefully the winner will be announced next month

Heather Steed


The Swimming Group meet every Wednesday morning (10 am) at Riverside, Chelmsford. New members welcome.

Barbara Bartlett

Table Games Table Games are on 2nd Tuesday of the month. Next games are 14th June and 12th July

Marion Khoshuei

Table Tennis

Everyone welcome to try table tennis at Melbourne Sports Centre. If you have a bat, please bring it with you. Maximum cost £1.50. Thursday, 9th June at 3pm and Friday, 24th June at 2pm.

Jean Lock


Travel Club

Visit to Scotland staying at the ROB ROY HOTEL Aberfoyle 7th August 2016. For more details contact Chris Evans or see notice board.

Ukulele Group

We now have a new date for our first Ukulele session and this is Thursday 9 June, at 2pm – at the home of Patricia Platt . If you are unable to make this date and time please let me know. Also if you know anybody else that was interested in joining us please let them know.

Val Barclay will be bring some Ukulele’s for us to try and also a couple of helpers to give us a taster of what we can enjoy running our own group.

I look forward to seeing you there, and many thanks to Patricia for hosting this for us.

Chris Evans



Still a few places left for the Supreme Court trip on the 23rd September 2016. Coach leaving the Angel at 10.00am . Coach and entrance fee £23 .00 . Closing date 13th July 2016.

Friends of a U3A member may come along as a one off. The Supreme Court has a restaurant or you may bring your own lunch.

Please make cheque payable to Broomfield and District U3A.

Barbara Thomas


Broomfield Branch of the Royal British Legion are once again running a coach to the NMA on th Saturday 17 September 2016, leaving Saxon Way at


Cost £15 per head. Payment in full required by 12th August 2016.

See12 Malcolm Taylor for more details. Walking Group

Is that the pub over there?

Once again the weather was with us as we headed for the Compasses at . We set off heading to Hartford End and it’s brewery; unfortunately the brewery closed many years ago and is currently being redeveloped. The Mill House, to the rear of the brewery, once the home of the Ridley family had also been redeveloped and as a consequence the footpath diverted to the other side of the River Chelmer.

Wending our way around wood sand across fields we reached Stumps Cross and crossed the busy road to Great Dunmow to a restful green lane (Dunmow Road) which just before Walthambury took us back across fields, on an excellently Maintained field track to the Green Man at .

Crossing the Chelmer again (and a couple of high stiles) we once again reached the road towards Great Dunmow. Crossing here we back headed across country, passing some lovely houses and barn conversions before arriving on time for lunch.

Did we tell you about the ‘Huffers’? Massive baps with a choice of hot and cold fillings - more than a meal for a U3A walker, with a pint of excellent ale as well of course!

Our June walk will take us to Chafford Hundred where we will walk around the Chafford Gorges Nature Reserve. These are primarily the chalk quarries that were left, and not used for as a shopping centre, after the massive development of Chafford Hundred was built. I anticipate some walkers will be called upon to remember the knowledge imparted by the geology field trip to the same area. The walk is approximately 4½ miles but will involve climbing up/down two flights of steep steps to the floor of the quarries.

Refreshments are available at the Essex Wildlife Visitor Centre, but limited, so you may wish to bring sandwiches and just obtain tea/coffee.

Whilst we do not have to let them know we are coming please let me know so that I can arrange transport. HEART & SOLE - as usual for those that want a shorter walk at a more leisurely pace the City Council's Broomfield Heart & Sole walk will be on Thursdays 2nd and 16th of June and Thursday 7th of July. Meet in the Main Atrium of Broomfield Hospital at 12.30pm.

For those wanting an excuse to walk for charity HEART & SOLE have their SUMMER SOLSTICE STRIDE taking place on the evening of Thursday 16th June, meet at 6.30pm to move off at 7.00pm. Choice of 5 km or 10 km routes returning to Anglia Ruskin University for refreshments. £3 registration fee

13 split between Macmillan Cancer Support and Age UK. Register online at www.chelmsford.gov.uk/summersolsticestride or by phone on 01245 606569.

GREAT GLEN – 6th June 2016 - I will not be with you for the June meeting as I will be walking the 84 miles of the Great Glen Way (Fort William to Inverness) in aid of the Royal British Legion. Any sponsorship welcome - a sheet will be on the noticeboard.

Where is it?

Our May 'Broomfield' was not far from the Village Hall - it is the Football Club Hut (currently up for auction)

But where is June's "Broomfield", again it's not that far away??



The Committee

Chair David Marcus Secretary Jean Lock Treasurer Andrew Lilley Speaker Co-ordinator Carol Greatrex Membership Secretary Jo Bowman Newsletter Editor John Williams Group Co-ordinator Thelma Nickerson Publicity Muriel Hubble Refreshments Pat Radford Committee Member Liz Marcus Committee member Pauline Draper Committee Member Barbara Thomas

Group Leaders