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CHELMSFORD CITY LOCAL HIGHWAY PANEL POTENTIAL SCHEMES LIST (Version 35) This Potential Scheme List identifies all of the scheme requests which have been received for the consideration of the Chelmsford City Local Highways Panel. The Panel are asked to review the schemes on the attached Potential Scheme List, finalise their scheme funding recommendations for the schemes they wish to see delivered in 2018/19 and remove any schemes the Panel would not wish to consider for future funding. There are currently potential schemes with an estimated cost of £1,532,300 as shown in the summary below - Potential Schemes List (Version 35) Estimated Scheme Costs Ref. Scheme Type Total 2018/19 Priority schemes 1 Traffic Management £362,800 £50,000 & TBC (5 schemes) 2 Cycling £959,500 £149,500 3 School Crossing Patrol TBC TBC (1 scheme) 4 Passenger Transport £85,500 £0 5 Public Rights of Way £124,500 £46,500 Total £1,532,300 £246,000 Page 1 of 14 CHELMSFORD CITY LOCAL HIGHWAY PANEL POTENTIAL SCHEMES LIST (Version 35) On the Potential Schemes List the RAG column acknowledges the status of the scheme request as shown below: RAG Description of RAG status Status G The scheme has been validated as being feasible and is available for Panel consideration A The scheme has been commissioned for a feasibility study which needs completing before any Panel consideration R A scheme which is against policy or where there is no appropriate engineering solution V A scheme request has been received and is in the initial validation process Page 2 of 14 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £362,800 2018/19 Section 106 Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Priority monies Scheme Signs to reflect operation of Woodham Ferrers & Improved Gateway 1 Community Speed Watch Parish Council Bicknacre Total scheme LCHE172037 TBC In validation V Bicknacre treatments Team Main Road (at Lack of Village Gateway northern Broomfield Parish Council has agreed for scheme to be considered once any 2 Village Gateway Treatment feature to define entry to Parish Council Broomfield Total scheme LCHE142002 £5,000 G Parish boundary), changes at adjacent roundabout have been finalised Broomfield Broomfield Problems at peak times with Validation - Recommendation to install KEEP CLEAR road marking Court Road j/w Main Traffic management 3 egress of traffic from Court Residents Broomfield Total scheme LCHE172010 £6,000 on Main Road to allow vehicles to turn out of Court Road onto Main G Road, Broomfield improvements Road onto Main Road Road Church Green, Wooden sleepers need 4 Kerbing Parish Council Broomfield Total scheme LCHE172020 TBC In validation V Broomfield replacing Signage improvements to (1) vehicular access to ERO Essex Records Chelmsford Non Validation - Site (2) agreed and Site (1) not necessary as building 5 on Navigation Road and (2) Lack of signage Councillor Total scheme LCHE142085 £500 G Office, Chelmsford Parished visible from location. Section 106 monies to be considered if available outside pedestrian entrance to ERO Validation - Option to encourage residents to apply for dropped kerbs 29-59 North Avenue, Chelmsford Non 6 Improved parking Lack of residents parking Residents Feasibility LCHE152095 £5,000 and park on their frontage for Feasibility Study/Design into creating G Chelmsford Parished parking within adjacent green area Delivery vehicles for Validation - Recommends Feasibility Study into 7.5t environmental Old Moulsham, 7.5 tonne environmental Moulsham Street routinely Chelmsford Non 7 Residents Feasibility LCHE152096 £10,000 weight limit, to include HGV traffic surveys and details of any delivery G Chelmsford weight limit driving through Old Parished vehicles using Old Moulsham to access Moulsham Street shops Moulsham In validation - Will require approx. 30 automatic traffic counts costing £7,500 to complete validation. Four ATC carried out - Corporation Road - 30mph speed limit - East bound 26.7mph & West bound Admirals Park 27.4mph, Swiss Avenue - 30mph speed limit - East bound 25.5mph & Estate, North-West Chelmsford Non 8 20mph zone Speed of vehicles Councillor Total scheme LCHE152115 TBC West bound 27.4mph, Langton Avenue - 30mph speed limit - South V Chelmsford Parished bound 25.4mph & West bound 24.6mph, Kings Road - 30mph speed (Boarded Barns) limit - Southwest bound 25.4mph & Northeast bound 26.1 mph. Good compliance with existing 30mph speed limit. Remaining 26 ATC will cost £6,500 Cars park on one side of Cars mounting pavement Validation - Bollards could lead to vehicles having to reverse to to Park Avenue, road and when two vehicles Chelmsford Non 9 causing conflict with Councillor Total Scheme LCHE152016 £7,800 allow passing. Recommnedation is for waiting restrictions to create G Chelmsford try to pass, they routinely Parished pedestrians passiing places mount the pavement Validation - Feasible to install directional signage on existing street Magistrates Court, Directional signs to Lack of directional signs to Chelmsford Non furniture from Bus/Train station to Magistrates Court. Possible 10 New Street, Councillor Total scheme LCHE162140 £6,000 G Magistrates Court Magistrates Court Parished Wayfinder scheme also being implemented by CCC may cover this Chelmsford signage request Page 3 of 14 Traffic Management Total Value of schemes £362,800 2018/19 Section 106 Ref Location Description Problem Requested by Parish Scheme stage Cost Code Estimated cost Comments RAG Priority monies Scheme Validation - Results of speed survey at two locations - Eastbound 30.0mph & 29.7mph Westbound 30.9mph & 27.6mph. Good compliance with posted 30mph speed limit. Copperfield Road is a Priority Route 2 and Dickens Place is a Local Road, traffic flow priority would be on the PR2. Would be against policy (Traffic Management Copperfield Road j/w Traffic management Chelmsford Non Strategy) to hold up traffic on a PR2. September 2016 - Joint site 11 Dickens Place, Speed of traffic Councillor Survey LCHE162143 £500 G improvements Parished visit carried out and new automatic traffic count carried out - 35m E of Chelmsford Nickleby Road - 30mph limit - East bound - 29.6mph & West bound - 30.6mph. Good compliance to speed limit, some evidence of speeding during hours of darkness. Road is a Priority Route 2 and a mini-roundabout would be against policy. Suggestion is to carry out Road Safety Assessment Savernake Road Traffic management Chelmsford Non Validation - Recommendation is to carry out Feasibility Study to look 12 near Rossendale Review of No Entry Point Councillor Feasibility Study LCHE162160 £4,000 G improvements Parished at physical measures to enforce No Entry Point Road, Chelmsford Cars parking too close to Chelmsford College, Pedestrian/vehicular College access and no Chelmsford Non Validation - Formalise crossing point, remove KEEP CLEAR road 13 Vicarage Road, improvements to College Councillor Total scheme LCHE162167 £9,500 G defined pedestrian dropped Parished marking and implement double yellow lines across junction Chelmsford Access kerbs Validation - suggests that if echelon parking were introduced this O/s Parade of shops, could increase available parking by 10 spaces though scheme costs Parking improvements - Chelmsford Non 14 90-106 Kings Road, Lack of parking for shops Councillor Design LCHE152004 £2,000 could be high, recommendation for detailed design which will also G echelon parking Parished Chelmsford provide target costs. Dec 17 removed from 2017/18 Rolling Programme and returned to Potential Scheme List King Edward VI Grammar School From Feasibility Study - From Feasibility Study Panel prefers combination of - Option 1 and Chelmsford Improvements to Speed of traffic at Chelmsford Non (Recommended) Enhanced Road Safety education for school 15 Councillor Total scheme LCHE172008 £10,000 G P County High School kerbing/pedestrian guard rail pedestrian crossings Parished children and Monitoring of crossing at school times. And Option 2 for Girls, Broomfield and signage £10,000 - kerbing/guard rail/signage improvements Road, Chelmsford In validation - Formalised vehicle crossing not approved, validation Vehicles routinely driving Writtle Road j/w could implement pedestrian guard railing to stop vehicle movements over footway to access Chelmsford Non 16 A1016 Westway, Pedestrian guard railing Councillor Total scheme LCHE172026 £13,000 but would also require TRO with loading restrictions on Waterhouse G P forecourt of Brandon Tool Parished Chelmsford Lane. Will also require consultation with affected Hire residents/businesses High Bridge Road/Springfield KEEP CLEAR on Chelmsford Non 2018/19 Safer Roads Scheme to be implemented here, need to see 17 Congestion at roundabout Councillor Total scheme LCHE172040 NA R Road/Bond Street, roundabout Parished impact before considering further measures Chelmsford Initial validation indicates that TRO is enforceable but some High Street, Improvements to Prohibition Chelmsford Non 18 Cyclists using High Street Residents Total scheme LCHE172023 TBC improvements could be made to TRO signage. Awaiting results of A P Chelmsford of Cycling Signage Parished Feasibility Study North Avenue, Pedestrian crossing Difficult for pedestrians to Chelmsford Non 19 Councillor Total scheme LCHE162059 TBC Awaiting results of Feasibility Study and Section 106 design A Chelmsford improvements cross road. Parished The Meades, Measures to prevent verge Verge routinely being driven Chelmsford Non 20 Councillor Total scheme LCHE162149 TBC Awaiting results of feasibility study