External Evaluation Report

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External Evaluation Report UN-OCHA Afar National Regional State Livelihoods-Based Flood Emergency Response Project in Afar Regional State External Evaluation Report A joint Project Implemented by Core evaluation team: Asmelash Kebede, Ermias Mengistu, Mekete Retta External Evaluation Report - LBFER Project – November 2011 UN – OCHA Afar National Regional State Livelihoods-Based Flood Emergency Response Project in Afar Regional State External Evaluation Report Core Evaluation Team: Asmelash Kebede (M.Sc.): Lead Investigator & Team Leader Mekete Retta (M.A.): Rural Livelihoods Advisor/Analyst Ermias Mengistu (B.A.): Agro-Economic Advisor/Analyst Submitted by: ABCON Plc. CONSULTING HOUSE Advancing value-driven & contextually relevant advisory services November 2011 1 External Evaluation Report - LBFER Project – November 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Evaluation Team wishes to thank all implementing agencies of the LBFERP namely, Save the Children – UK, CARE Ethiopia and FARM Africa for giving the team the opportunity to undertake this exercise. And special thanks go to head office and field staff of all implementing agencies for their valuable contributions to this evaluation: Hailekiros Desta, Matebe Fentie, Peter Mohangi (from SC-UK); Dr. Ammanuel Kassie, Charles Hopkins (from CARE), Ato Alawis Ahmed, Ato Kassaye (from FARM Africa). Field office staff of these agencies also deserve our heartfelt appreciation for their all rounded assistance in many ways during field work in their respective woredas: Dr. Ismail Tesema, Jemal Mohammed, Goitom and Dr. Tesfaye (FARM Africa). In addition, we wish to pay special tribute to the numerous beneficiaries who spent their valuable times with the evaluation team/data collectors during the FGDs and HH survey through which they provided invaluable information and data for the evaluation of the LBFER project. We also wish to acknowledge the contributions of all relevant of government offices in the visited woredas (Awash Fentale, Buremudaitu, Assayita and Semera). Asmelash Kebede. Evaluation Consultant 2 External Evaluation Report - LBFER Project – November 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 1. Introduction and Project Background ................................................................................................................................. 10 1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 1.2 Project Background .................................................................................................................................................. 11 2. Summary of Project Objectives, Outputs and Components ............................................................................................. 12 2.1 Project Objective ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Project Components ................................................................................................................................................. 12 3. Evaluation Methodology.................................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Objectives of the Evaluation .................................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Methodology and Approach .................................................................................................................................... 14 4. Findings of the Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................. 16 4.1 Analysis of the Design of the Project ....................................................................................................................... 16 4.2 Efficiency ................................................................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................... 26 4.4 Effectiveness and Impact.......................................................................................................................................... 26 4.5 Relevance and Coherence ........................................................................................................................................ 42 4.6 Voucher/Cash Transfer Approach ............................................................................................................................ 44 5. Sustainability ...................................................................................................................................................................... 51 6. Crosscutting Issues ............................................................................................................................................................. 52 7. Lessons Learned ................................................................................................................................................................. 53 8. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 54 9. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................................................. 55 9 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 10. Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................................... 60 Appendix 1: Evaluation Terms of Reference (ToR) ............................................................................................................... 60 Appendix 2: Sample Data Collection Instruments ................................................................................................................ 66 Appendix 3: People and Institutions Contacted/Interviewed .............................................................................................. 71 LIST OF TABLES Table 0-1 implementing agencies by woreda and project component ...................................................................................... 12 Table 2-1 summary of project components and activities ......................................................................................................... 13 Table 4-1 Proportion of Direct Costs (in usd): Planned Vs Actual Expenditure .......................................................................... 24 Table 4-2 Comparison of Direct Costs (Budget in usd) for Animal Health Component among Implementing Agencies ........... 25 Table 4-3Amount of Direct Cost per Household Unit by Implementing Agency ........................................................................ 26 Table 4-4 Number of Beneficiaries of Crop-related Component of the Project ......................................................................... 30 Table 4-5 Land Cultivated by Crop-seed Support in hectares..................................................................................................... 31 Table 4-6 Quantites of Maize and Forage Seed Distributed: Plan Vs Actual .............................................................................. 31 Table 4-7 Number of Beneficiaries of Farm hand-tools .............................................................................................................. 32 Table 4-8 Major Sources of Food before and after the Intervention ......................................................................................... 34 Table 4-9 Number of Disease Related Livestock Deaths per HH Before and After Intervention, (N=145) ................................. 35 Table 4-10 Number of Disease Related Deaths in Milking Animals per hh Before and After Intervention, (N=145) ................. 35 3 External Evaluation Report - LBFER Project – November 2011 Table 4-11 Maize Harvested from Seed Support (Kg) ................................................................................................................
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