BCEP Vascular Plant List Hyperlinked to Calflora Species

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BCEP Vascular Plant List Hyperlinked to Calflora Species Vascular Plants of the Butte Creek Ecological Preserve (BCEP) f=fern; g=grass; t=tree; s=shrub h=herbaceous v=vine; l=lichen; + non-native COMMON NAME growth form Scientific Name (hyperlink) Family Blue Elderberry S Sambucus nigra subsp. caerulea Adoxaceae Wavyleaf Soap h Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianu Agavaceae Northern Water Plantain h Alisma triviale Alismataceae White Garlic h Allium neapolitanum + Alliaceae Daffodil h Narcissus pseudonarcissus + Amaryllidaceae Fragrant sumac, skunkbrush S Rhus aromatica Anacardiaceae Poison-Oak S/V Toxicodendron diversilobum Anacardiaceae Chinese Pistachio T Pistacia chinensis + Anacardiaceae Bur-Chervil h Anthriscus caucalis + Apiaceae Rattlesnake-Weed h Daucus pusillus Apiaceae Bladder Parsnip h Lomatium utriculatum Apiaceae Pacific Sanicle h Sanicula crassicaulis Apiaceae Field Hedge-Parsley Torilis arvensis + Apiaceae Oleander S Nerium oleander + Apocynaceae Indian Milkweed h Asclepias eriocarpa Apocynaceae Bigleaf Periwinkle h Vinca major + Apocynaceae Least Duckweed h Lemna minuta Araceae Coyote-Brush S Baccharis pilularis Asteraceae Mule's-Fat S Baccharis salicifolia Asteraceae California Brickellia S Brickellia californica Asteraceae Corn Chamomile h Anthemis arvensis + Asteraceae California (Douglas') Mugwort h Artemisia douglasiana Asteraceae Sticktight h Bidens frondosa Asteraceae Italian Plumeless-Thistle h Carduus pycnocephalus + Asteraceae Yellow Star-Thistle h Centaurea solstitialis + Asteraceae Chicory h Cichorium intybus + Asteraceae Bull Thistle h Cirsium vulgare + Asteraceae Canadian Horseweed h Erigeron canadensis Asteraceae Shaggy Fleabane h Erigeron pumilus var. intermedius Asteraceae Large-Flowered Woolly-Sunflower h Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum Asteraceae Jersey Cudweed h Gnaphalium luteoalbum + Asteraceae Gumplant h Grindelia hirsutula var. davyi Asteraceae Crete Weed h Hedypnois cretica + Asteraceae Telegraph-Weed h Heterotheca grandiflora Asteraceae Smooth Cat's-Ear h Hypochaeris glabra + Asteraceae Prickly Lettuce h Lactuca serriola + Asteraceae Glandular Hareleaf h Lagophylla glandulosa Asteraceae California Goldfields h Lasthenia californica Asteraceae Slender-Stemmed Lessingia h Lessingia nemaclada Asteraceae Narrow-Leaved Cottonrose h Logfia gallica + Asteraceae Slender Tarweed h Madia gracilis Asteraceae Pineapple-Weed h Matricaria discoidea Asteraceae Slender Cottonweed, Q-Tips h Micropus californicus var. californicus Asteraceae Cudweed h Pseudognaphalium beneolens Asteraceae Slender Wooly-Marbles h Psilocarphus tenellus Asteraceae Old-Man-of-the-Spring h Senecio vulgaris + Asteraceae Milk-Thistle h Silybum marianum + Asteraceae California Goldenrod h Solidago velutina subsp. californica Asteraceae Lawn Burweed h Soliva sessilis Asteraceae Common Sow-Thistle h Sonchus oleraceus + Asteraceae Spiny-Leaved Sow-Thistle h Sonchus asper subsp. asper + Asteraceae California Aster h Symphyotrichum chilense Asteraceae Yellow Salsify, Goat's Beard h Tragopogon dubius + Asteraceae Silver puffs h Uropappus lindleyi Asteraceae Cocklebur h Xanthium strumarium Asteraceae White Alder T Alnus rhombifolia Betulaceae Common Fiddleneck h Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia Boraginaceae Weak-Stem Cryptantha h Cryptantha flaccida Boraginaceae European Heliotrope h Heliotropium europaeum + Boraginaceae Forget-Me-Not h Myosotis latifolia + Boraginaceae Rock Phacelia h Phacelia egena Boraginaceae California Yerba-Santa S Eriodictyon californicum Boraginaceae Early Wintercress h Barbarea verna + Brassiaceae Black Mustard h Brassica nigra + Brassiaceae Shepherd's-Purse h Capsella bursa-pastoris + Brassiaceae Western Bittercress h Cardamine oligosperma Brassiaceae Witlow-Grass h Draba verna subsp. verna Brassiaceae Mediterranean Hoary-Mustard h Hirschfeldia incana + Brassiaceae Shining Pepper-Grass h Lepidium nitidum var. nitidum Brassiaceae Upright Pepper-Grass h Lepidium strictum + Brassiaceae Moonwort, Money Plant h Lunaria annua + Brassiaceae Watercress h Nasturtium officinale Brassiaceae Western Yellow Cress h Rorippa curvisiliqua Brassiaceae Clasping-Leaved Fringepod h Thysanocarpus curvipes Brassiaceae Winged Water-Starwort h Callitriche marginata Callitrichacaea Bolander's Water-Starwort h Callitriche heterophylla var. bolanderi Callitrichacaea Spicebush S Calycanthus occidentalis Calycanthaceae Chaparral Honeysuckle S/V Lonicera interrupta Caprifoliaceae Grass Pink h Petrorhagia dubia + Caryophyllaceae Bouncing Bet h Saponaria officinalis + Caryophyllaceae Knawel h Scleranthus annuus subsp. annuus + Caryophyllaceae Windmill-Pink h Silene gallica + Caryophyllaceae Ruby Sandspurry h Spergularia rubra + Caryophyllaceae Chickweed h Stellaria media + Caryophyllaceae Velezia h Velezia rigida + Caryophyllaceae Hornwort h Ceratophyllum demersum Ceratophyllaceae Lamb's-Quarters h Chenopodium album + Chenopodiaceae Mexican-Tea h Dysphania ambrosioides + Chenopodiaceae Jerusalem-Oak Goosefoot h Dysphania botrys + Chenopodiaceae Western Morning-Glory h Calystegia occidentalis subsp. occidentalis Convolvulaceae Field Bindweed h Convolvulus arvensis + Convolvulaceae Sand Pygmy weed h Crassula connata Crassulaceae Moss Pygmyweed h Crassula tillaea + Crassulaceae Canyon Dudleya h Dudleya cymosa subsp. cymosa Crassulaceae Santa Barbara Sedge h Carex barbarae Cyperaceae Slender-Footed Sedge h Carex leptopoda Cyperaceae Green-Sheathed Sedge h Carex feta Cyperaceae Torrent Sedge h Carex nudata Cyperaceae Rusty Slender Sedge h Carex subfusca Cyperaceae Tall Cyperus h Cyperus eragrostis Cyperaceae Red-Rooted Cyperus h Cyperus erythrorhizos Cyperaceae Yellow Flatsedge h Cyperus flavescens + Cyperaceae False Nutsedge h Cyperus strigosus Cyperaceae Pale Spike-Rush h Eleocharis macrostachya Cyperaceae Small-Flowered Lipocarpha h Lipocarpha micrantha Cyperaceae Asian Waterwort h Elatine ambigua + Elatinaceae Common Horsetail f Equisetum arvense Equisetaceae Smooth Scouring-Rush f Equisetum laevigatum Equisetaceae Manzanita S Arctostaphylos manzanita subsp. manzanita Ericaceae White-Leaved Manzanita S Arctostaphylos viscida subsp. viscida Ericaceae Pacific Madrone T Arbutus menziesii Ericaceae Spotted Spurge h Euphorbia maculata + Euphorbiaceae Thyme-Leaved Spurge h Chamaesyce serpyllifolia Euphorbiaceae Turkey Mullein h Croton setiger Euphorbiaceae Petty Spurge h Euphorbia peplus + Euphorbiaceae Short Podded Lotus h Acmispon brachycarpus Fabaceae Hill Lotus h Acmispon parviflorus Fabaceae Spanish Lotus h Acmispon americanus var. americanus Fabaceae Tangier Pea h Lathyrus tingitanus + Fabaceae Silver Bush-Lupine h Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons Fabaceae Bicolored Lupine h Lupinus bicolor Fabaceae White-Whorled Lupine h Lupinus microcarpus var. densiflorus Fabaceae Sky Lupine h Lupinus nanus Fabaceae Small-Flowered Lupine h Lupinus polycarpus Fabaceae Black Medick h Medicago lupulina + Fabaceae Bur-Clover h Medicago polymorpha + Fabaceae Mediterranean Medick h Medicago praecox + Fabaceae White Sweet-Clover h Melilotus albus + Fabaceae Yellow Sweet-Clover h Melilotus indicus + Fabaceae Shamrock Clover h Trifolium dubium + Fabaceae Clustered Clover h Trifolium glomeratum + Fabaceae Rose Clover h Trifolium hirtum + Fabaceae Small-Headed Clover h Trifolium microcephalum Fabaceae Subterranean Clover h Trifolium subterraneum + Fabaceae Tomcat Clover h Trifolium willdenovii Fabaceae Garden Vetch h Vicia sativa subsp. nigra + Fabaceae Common Vetch h Vicia sativa subsp. sativa + Fabaceae Winter Vetch h Vicia villosa subsp. varia + Fabaceae Western Redbud S Cercis occidentalis Fabaceae French-Broom S Genista monspessulis + Fabaceae Silver Bush-Lupine S Lupinus albifrons var. albifrons Fabaceae Spanish-Broom S Spartium junceum + Fabaceae Black Locust T Robinia pseudoacacia + Fabaceae Blue Oak T Quercus douglasii Fagaceae Valley Oak T Quercus lobata Fagaceae Oracle Oak T Quercus xmorehus Fagaceae Interior Live Oak T Quercus wislizeni var. wislizeni Fagaceae Timwort h Cicendia quadrangularis Gentianaceae Charming Centarury h Zeltnera venusta Gentianaceae Short-Fruited Stork's-Bill h Erodium brachycarpum + Geraniaceae Long-Beaked Stork's-Bill h Erodium botrys + Geraniaceae Red-Stemmed Filaree h Erodium cicutarium + Geraniaceae White-Stemmed Filaree h Erodium moschatum + Geraniaceae Cut-Leaved Geranium h Geranium dissectum + Geraniaceae Dove's-Foot Geranium h Geranium molle + Geraniaceae Golden Currant S Ribes aureum var. gracillimum Grossulariaceae Chaparral Currant S Ribes malvaceum var. viridifolium Grossulariaceae Canadian Waterweed h Elodea canadensis Hydrocharitaceae Klamathweed, St. Johnswort h Hypericum perforatum + Hypericaceae Northern California Black-Walnut T Juglans hindsii Juglandaceae Sharp-Fruited Rush h Juncus acuminatus Juncaceae Jointed Rush h Juncus articulatus Juncaceae Toad Rush h Juncus bufonius var. bufonius Juncaceae Leafy-Bracted Dwarf Rush h Juncus capitatus + Juncaceae Weak rush h Juncus exiguus Juncaceae Giraffehead h Lamium amplexicaule + Lamiaceae Bugleweed h Lycopus americanus Lamiaceae White Horehound h Marrubium vulgare + Lamiaceae Lemon-Balm h Melissa officinalis + Lamiaceae American Wild Mint h Mentha arvensis Lamiaceae Pennyroyal h Mentha pulegium + Lamiaceae Spearmint h Mentha spicata var. spicata + Lamiaceae Mountain Selfheal h Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata Lamiaceae Skullcap h Scutellaria sp. Lamiaceae Rigid Hedge-Nettle h Stachys ajugoides var. rigida Lamiaceae Short-Spiked Hedge-Nettle h Stachys pycnantha Lamiaceae Vinegar-Weed h Trichostema lanceolatum Lamiaceae Black Sage S Salvia mellifera Lamiaceae Giant Blazingstar h Mentzelia laevicaulis
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