Moral Unity Americas Only Hope, Bishops Warn
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THE VOICE 630! BIscayne Blvd., Miami 3», Ffa. Return Requested VOICE! Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. V, NO. 36 Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy NOVEMBER 22, 1963 MATERIALISTIC VICES PERIL'ONE NATION UNDER GOD/ ANNUAL STATEMENT CHARGES Moral Unity Americas Only Hope, Bishops Warn ^ vf^HINGTON (NO — The tion's people face grave chal- conscience would reveal today as irrelevant to everyday life, is Bi, iops of the United States lenges from erroneous philoso- Complete Text U.S. Bishops' Annual Statement that we are in danger of be- enjoying "increasing establish- have said that many of Amer- phies. on "Bonds of Union," Pages 9 and 10. coming a people weakened by ment as an official American view of life." They said it can ica's goals remain unfulfilled, But they said a review of the secularism in our social philo- be found in education, mar- but are within reach if Ameri- nation's moral values and "re- sophy, materialism -in our riage, business and recreation. ops re-studied the nation's heri- The statement was released cans unite in a common effort newed dedication to our com- concept of the good life and tage of moral and political here through the executive de- MORAL VALUES to attain them. mon goals may help us to face expediency in our moral Materialism, they continued, principles, pointed to threats partment of the National Catho- the present trials as a people code." is reflected increasingly in mor- In their annual statement, facing it today and expressed lic Welfare Conference. truly one nation under God." al values. "Security in the com- entitled "Bonds of Union," the confidence Americans will meet The Bishops said: The Bishops said secularism, forts of living is too often our Bishops warned that the na- In their statement, the Bish- the challenge. "A national examination of which regards God and religion major, even our controlling, con- cern," they said. They added that "as an af- COUNCIL FATHERS CHEER DRAMATIC REPORT fluent nation, we are unfortu- nately acquiring the vices associated with irresponsible materialists; over- indul- Religious Liberty Discussed :- gence, excessive gambling and (Other stories and pictures, Pages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) meetings a report on a schema the insatiable demand for ex- chapter was given more empha- citement." By MSGR. JAMES I. TUCEK At the Nov. 19 meeting a re- sis than the speeches of the The third problem they char- VATICAN CITY (NO — The port on the ecumenism sche- Fathers discussing it. ma's chapter on the matter was acterized as "the frequent use subject of religious liberty has of expediency rather than prin- read, and for the first time in Bishop Emile De Smedt of come to the fore at the ecumen- ciple in meeting our social prob- ical council. the Second Vatican Council's 70 Bruges, Belgium, read the re- port with the same dramatic de- lems." livery he used in his well- Typical of this defect, they BISHOP CARROLL NAMED TO NC POST remembered address on "tri- said, is the "confusion and ten- umphalism" at the council's sion surrounding the so-called first session last year. 'race question'." Archbishops Binz7 Cody His report was considerably Social justice, they charged, longer than those usually de- under the influence of secu- Elected To NCWC Board voted to a whole schema, larism and materialism, "be- much less a single chapter. comes merely a political mat- ROME (NO — Archbishops Strong and prolonged ap- ter and we remain as a nation Leo Binz of St. Paul and John plause rose from the council morally tortured by racial in- P. Cody, Apostolic Adminis- Fathers when he concluded. justice in schools, jobs, hous- trator of New Orleans, were ing, communal facilities, even elected new members of the The Belgian prelate gave in the most obvious area of Administrative Board of the Na- four reasons why the council, democratic suffrage." tional Catholic Welfare Con- in response to numerous re- ference -^at the annual general quests "from council Fathers The proper approach to the meeting o*J~the_ Bishops of the and others," must consider the race issue, they said, "is to United States held here. subject of religious liberty: treat all men and women as persons, without reference to The prelates succeed on the "1. For the sake of truth, be- patterns of difference." board Archbishop Lawrence J. cause the Church has always WEARING THE jeweled mitre, Pope Paul VI holds the keyes of EXPRESS CONFIDENCE Shehan of Baltimore and Bish- taught this principle (of reli- op Allen J. Babcock of Grand St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. In background is Alberto "Unless the Declaration of In- Cardinal Di Jorio of the Vatican Curia. dependence is taken to mean Rapids, Mich., who had serv- BISHOP COLEMAN F. CARROLL (Continued On Page 2) ed the permissible five con- what it says about inalienable secutive one-year terms as rights and their divine origin; board members. unless the salute to the flag in- Permanent Director Named cluding Lincoln's phrase 'under Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of God,' is uttered without tongue Miami was named to serve as in cheek; unless the plain in- assistant chairman of the NCWC For Diocesan Development tent of the Constitution is whole- Youth Department, of which heartedly endorsed — any talk Archbishop Cody was elected In a complete reorganization diocesan level, his services will of 'law and order' is worse chairman. of its fund-raising techniques in be available on a consultation than poor policy; it is hypo- past years, a new Diocesan Di- basis to all pastors in the crisy," they said. members of the newly- rector for Development has Diocese faced with fund-raising elected administrative board been appointed, it was an- campaigns on a parish level. Despite this outlook, the met and organized following the nounced this week by Father The new Director for Devel- Bishops expressed confidence general meeting of the bishops. Neil J. Flemming, Bishop's Co- opment in the Diocese of Mi- that the situation will bright- Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle Ordinator of the Diocesan De- ami has been engaged in cam- continued On Page 10) of Washington was elected chair- velopment Fund Campaign o£, paigns for parish-support and the Diocese of Miami for 1964. Diocesan development in many 1 man of the administrative • • .••.::.•: .• :•.•:•:•/.•:•• board, a position he held last The new Development Di- sections of the country, includ- year. rector is Frank Hillary, a ing Chicago and other parts of Dispensation Given NAMED TO BOARD veteran in the field of Church Illinois; Michigan, Indiana, Other members of the board support activities, who during North and South Dakota, Min- \ On Friday, Nov. 29 were elected to offices as fol- the past year has been assist- nesota and sections of Canada. \. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll lows: ing with their problems pas- He is a native of Grand ! has granted a dispensation tors in the Diocese of Miami. Rapids, Mich., where he was Archbishop William E. Cous- [ to Catholics in the Diocese of | Mr. Hillary, it was emphasiz- Faithful Navigator of the Fourth ins of Milwaukee, vice chairman Voice Photo j Miami from the laws of ab- j ed, will be a full-time employe Degree Assembly of the Knights of the board and chairman of ! stinence on Friday, Nov. 29, FRANK HILLARY (left) newly-appointed Diocesan Director of of the Diocese of Miami. While of Columbus. A veteran of over- the NCWC Department of Social • the day following Thanks- Development as a full-time employe of the Chancery discusses most of his activities on a seas service in World War II, Action; Archbishop Karl J. Al- \ giving. plans with James McCaughan, general chairman of the 1964 year-around basis will be devot- (Continued On Page 8) Development Fund Campaign of Diocese of Miami. ed to financial problems on a (Continued On Page 2) DRAMATIC PKSmTAlKM Vf BEtGtAH CARDIHAL Council Fathers Cheer Report On Religious Liberty (Continued From Page 1) it means immunity from out- with such a resounding and sus- Palermo, Italy, preserving un- tained ovation. broken his record of opposition • side coercion." gious freedom) as part of the to every schema upon which he But judging from the split in truth entrusted to her by Christ. Bishop De Smedt said that has spoken, objected first of all the right and duty to manifest the opinions of the first speak- to the word "ecumenism," "2. Because of the need of a religion externally according ers, one could forecast that which he said is used in a sense defense, since the Church can- to one's conscience is not an the schema on ecumenism given to it by Protestant auth- not be silent when atheistic unlimited one. It must be regu- was in for a lengthy debate. ors. He added: If this proved to be true, then materialism is depriving almost lated in view of the common "If there is to be discussion half the world of religious lib- good, he said, and this common the council's second session would probably end on the of the Jews, who are given what erty. good can at times subject it to we might call honorable mention modification and control. topic of ecumenism, since "3. Because of the need for only a dozen more working in the schema, then the text peaceful coexistence, since all He noted that the chapter days remained before Dec. 4, should also take up those othef men of all religious beliefs, as compares various papal docu- the day set for adjournment.