Graduation Exercises
SIXTY-NINTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT Graduation Exercises T uESDAY MoRNING, MAY T HIRTY- FIRST MEN's GYMNASIUM, TEN o'CLocK MCMXXXVIII Oregon State College Program PRELUDE-I. Overture "Egmont" L ................ Ludwig von Beethoven 2. "Parting from Leonore" Symphony................... J Raff Second Movement The RO.T.C. Band H. L. Beard, Conductor PROCESSIONAL-"March et Cortege," from "La Reine de Saba" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Charles Gounod The audience is requested to remain seated throughout the processional, rising when the Band takes up the next number, the National Anthem, and continuing to stand until after the Invocation. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER INVOCATION-The Reverend Ernest William Warrington, M. A., Professor of Religion "Vainement, rna bien aimee," from "LeRoi d'Ys" ............ Eduard Lalo "The Last Song"------ -----------------------------------------------------.lames H. Rogers Lorance Dossett, Tenor Paul Petri-Accompanist GREETINGS- The Honorable Willard L. Marks, B.S., President of the State Board of Higher Education ADDRESs-"Commencement-What Now?" Joseph Mason Artman, B.A., B.D., Editor of "Character in Everyday Life" Chicago "Che faro senza Euridice," from "Orfeo" .................. C. W. von Gluck "Russian Lament" --------------------------------------------------------Teresa del Riego Matilda Holst, Mezzo Soprano Paul Petri-Accompanist CoNFERRING OF DEGREEs-George W. Peavy, M.S.F., Sc.D., LL.D., President of Oregon State College CHARGE TO THE CLASS-Frederick Maurice Hunter, Ed.D., LL.D., Chancellor of the Oregon State System of Higher Education ALMA MATER PosTLUDE-Grand March, "The University" .......................... Goldman The R.O.T.C. Band THIS booklet, containing the program of the graduation exercises, is designed to be an official memorandum of the aca demic year. It records, in addi tion to the degrees granted, the honors conferred, distinction in scholarship, prizes and awards received by students, and gifts and grants made to the institu tion or its departments.
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