From: Fearnside, Jamey <
[email protected]> Sent: 05 October 2018 13:45 To: Planning Consultations Attachments: 679066.AE.18.36.18 TM001 Final.pdf; 18 00123 EIAMAJ .pdf F.A.O Planning Officer Thank you for your application dated 14th September 2018. I have reviewed the details of the application and at this stage, there is further work required in order to determine the impact this application would have on the safety and operation of the strategic road network. As such, a notice of none determination has been placed on this application for a period of 6 months, until 5th April 2019, or until all information is received and a full review can be carried out. I have provided a technical review, which is attached and a summary of this is as follows: This review has highlighted the need for further information: 1) Parking is based upon busiest month, however, it should be demonstrated that the busiest month is in fact July, based upon the number of missing survey days within July and other months. 2) The parking provision generally complies to Cir 02/13, however the number of caravan / motorhome / vehicle with trailer spaces available for disabled users should be increased to 2. 3) It should be demonstrated that the inclusion of committed developments would not materially change the assessments. In addition to the above, it should be noted that the CTMP should be conditioned on any approval such that it is produced and agreed before construction starts and then implemented throughout the construction period. Once final layouts have been determined these should be subject to a design standards check and subsequently a Stage 1 RSA.