Economic Geology of Portions of Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties, Northwesternmost California

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Economic Geology of Portions of Del Norte and Siskiyou Counties, Northwesternmost California ECON OMIC GEOLOGY OF DEI, XOWl'E AKD SISKIYOU COUN'riES 123 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF PORTIONS OF DEL NORTE AND SISKIYOU COUNTIES, NORTHWESTERNMOST CALIFORNIA .TORN H. MAXSON * OUTLINE OF HEPOH'l' Page JN'l'RODUCTION ]2;) IJocatio11 ------------ -------- - - ---- - - ------------- - ------------------- 12'· Physical Condi lions __________________________________________________ _ 12:> Previous vVork __ __ _____ _______ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ _______ __ _____ __________ _ 126 Object of Report -- - -------------- ------------------------ - ----------- 126 SUMMAHY OF GEOLOC Y -------------------------------- _____ ____ ______ _ 126 Algonkian (?) ---- --- -------------------------- ----------------- ----- 128 Schists --------____________________ _ __ ___ ___ _: ___ _ - --___ _________ _ 128 DCVOilian - - ---------------------------------------------------------- 128 Gray back Forma tinn _____ _ ___________ ____ ______ __ _______________ _ 128 Late Paleozoic (?) ----------------------------- ------------- ----- - --- 128 Preston Diorite _____________________ __ ___ _________________ ______ _ 128 Jurassic ---------------------------- --------------------------------- 129 Galice Forn1ation ________ __ ____________ __ __ _____ __ ____ ___ _______ _ 12H Dothan }.,onna tion ________________________________________________ _ 1:lO Serpentine --------------------- ----------- ----- ---- - ----- ----- --- 130 Siskiyou Granodiori tc• ____________ ________________ _____ ___________ _ 131 Cretaceous(?) ----------- ------ - ----- ------------------- ------------- 1:l4 Patrick Greenstone ______ _______ __ _____ ____ ____ ___ ______ __ __ __ ___ _ 1 :~ 4 Mioce11e ----------------- - --- - - --- - --- - - - - --- ---------- - --- ------- - -- 134 \V in1er Formation _ ___ ________ ___________________________________ _ 134 Pliocene (?) ----- --------------------------- ------------------------- 135 St. George Formation ______________ ______ ___________________ __ __ _ _ 135 Klamath Old land G ra velH ________________________ ______________ ___ _ 136 Pleistocene ------ -------------------------------------------- -------- 136 Battery li"or1nation __ ______ ____ __________________________________ _ 136 necent ------------------ ----------------------------- --------------- 13G Alluviurn ________ _______ __________________________________ ______ _ l:JG Structure ------------------- -- - -- ----------- - -~--- -- -- - -------------- 136 SUMMAHY OF MINEHAL RESOUHCES __ ___ __________________ __ ____ __ ___ _ GOLD DEPOSITS ---__ --------------------- ---- - -----------------_ ------ 137 Stream Placers __ __ ___ __ _________ - ---_ --- __ --- _____________ - ------____ _ l:l8 Auriferous Gravels of the Oldland C'ycle __ __ __ ____ __ _______________ _____ _ 140 French Hill Mine ____ ___ __ __________ __________ __ __________ _____ __ _ 141 Haines Flat Mine ____ ____ _______________ _________________________ _ 142 Coon Flat Mine ____ __ ______ ______________ ___ _______________ ____ ___ _ 143 Hattlesnake Mountain :Mine ___ __ __________ ________________________ _ 143 Other Oldland Placers ____ ___________ ___ _ _____ ______ ___________ __ _ _ 143 Beach Placers ----------- -------------------- ------------------------­ 143 Gold Lodes ---------------------------------------------------------- 14:l 1-Iard Luck lVIine _________________ _______ __ ________ ___ ______ ______ _ 143 Summit Claim _______ ------------____ __ ____ ____________ _________ _ 14:1 Monumental Consolidated Quartz lVIine _____________________________ _ 14:1 Ora Anna Mine __ ___ __ ___ ________ ________________ ___ ___ __ ________ _ 144 Oro Pino Prospect ___ ____ _____ ________________________ ____________ _ 144 Origin of the Gold ____ __ ___________ ___ _____________________ ___________ _ 14 4 COPPER DEPOSITS ----_ ----------_- - ------ _ : ___ - - - -- __ ----_______ __ __ _ _ 144 H~tory ----------------- - ----------------------- --------------------- 144 Nature and Occurrence ___ ____ ______ ________ ___ ______________ ___ ______ _ 145 Preston Peak l\Tine __ ------ -----__ --____ ----_____ -- __ --_____ ___ __ ____ _ _ 146 * Instructor in Geology, Balch Graduate School of the Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pa::;adena, California. 9-1265 124 REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST ,,. '" 02 00 IDA H 0 OUTLINE OF KLAMATH MTS I AREA DESCRIBED i \ " r--t---- ,<) -<IC' /R- It------/ C' "0 ,. ,. '" F 1c. 1. ·ltHlex n1ap of Californ ia showing- location of a r ea desc ribed. EC'OKOM IC' (1E0l"OGY OF DEL ="Of:TE AND S IS EIYOU COU :\TIES 125 COPPER DEPOSITS- Continued P a g e B ear M o untain P r osp ect s ______________________ ___ __ __ _ __ _ --___ _ ___ ---- 14 G Cl1i cago Ca 1np ------------------------------- ------------------------- 147 I-Iiggins Coppe r G l'OUp_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ ___ ___ __ 14 7 A_ndc J·son :Pros pt' Ct _______ _ ___________ _ ____________ ----- -------------_ 147 B1·i tte n Prospect ______________ ____________ _ ________ __ ----__ _ __ _ __ __ __ 14 7 S c hofie ld Prospe ct --------------------------------------- - ------- ----- 147 Fre nch Hi II Prosp ect_ ____ _ _____ ___ ______ _ __ _____________ ---- _ ___ ____ __ 14 7 C le opatra Mine __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ 14 8 Alta Mine - - ------- ---- --- --------------- - - - ------------------ ------- 1 ·18 Zoar Pros p e ct --------- ------ ------------ ---------------------- - - --- -- 148 C ll rtOMJTE DEP OSITS -------------- --- --------------- -------- - - -------- 149 I-Ii story of Cl11·om i t e :\1i n i ng ____ __ ____ ._ _ _____ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ 1-1 g Occune nce of the Ore__________________ __ _ __ _____ ___ __ _____ __ ___ ___ ___ 1 •19 Natu1· e of the Ore____ __ _ __ _ ____ __ __ __ __ ____ _ __ __ __ __ ____ ___ __ ______ _ __ 14 9 1Vlin erals St1·u cture Origin of th e Chromite---- -----------·-------- --------------------- ] r> 1 DPscription of t h e D e posits_ _ __ _____ __ _______ _ _____ ___ ____ __ ____ __ _ __ __ 15 3 'J'he C hromi t e Pros p ect__ ___ _ __ __ ____ __ _ ________ _ ____ __ __ __________ 1;, a Doe C r eek Pros p ect_ ____ _ _____ _ _________ _ ------------------ - - ----- 1G 3 ·wh it e F eathe r P r ospect_ _______ _ _ __ __ __ __ ___ _ __ _ ___ ---------- - ---- 153 G ordon Mountain Group_ _ __ __ ____ ____ _ __ __ _______ __ __ __ ____ __ _____ J 54 Fre nch H ill M ine_____ ____ ___ _ _____ _ ______ _ _ _ _____ __ __________ _ ____ 1 54 1-Hgh Plateau Chron1e No. 8------------ --------------------------- 15~ H.owcly C r eek M ine ___ _____ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ________ ____ _ ______ _ ______ __ 15 G Zoar's Chrome __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ___ __ __ __ ___ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ ____ _ __ ___ 15 G QUl C KSILVEH. DEPOSITS ----- ----------- ------------------------------- 15G History - - ------------- - ----- ---------------------- ----- - - - --- - - --- --- 156 S u nny Brook Pro~p ec L _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ____ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ ___ _ 1 0 G Big- Boy C innabar Group_ __ __ _____ _________ _ ____ __________ _ __ __ ___ ____ 1G7 1\L-\ NG AN ESE DEPOSITS --------------- - - ------ - ------------------------ lGO B lack B e auty Prospect__ ____ __ ___ __ ___ _ _ ___ __ _____ ___ _____ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ 1GO INTRODUCTION Location The region described in this paper occupies the extreme north­ western cor ner of the State of California extending inland about 36 miles from the Pacific Ocean and southward about 20 miles from the Oregon boundary. It includes the northern portion of Del Norte County and a small nortlnvestern fraction of Siskiyou County. It is in part represented topographically on the Preston Peak quadrangle (41 °30'- 42 ° N, 123°30'- 124° IV ), which contains the western end of the Siski you Range, a nortlnvesterly member of the Klamath Moun­ tains group. Klamath I-h ver, the trunk stream of northern California ancl south central Oregon, flows through tlte southern portion of the area. Smith River, to the north, chains the major basin within Del Norte County. Physical Conditions Northwesterlllllost California is mountainous with some peaks attaining an elevation of over 7000 feet. The region is heavily for­ ested, the temperate ancl humid cli mate being favorable to a multitude of plant types. The Redwood Highway, formall y completed in 1928, traverses this part of California and greatly increases its accessibility. 'l'he interior mountain area is served by a few United States Forest Service '\ 126 REPORT OF STATE MINERALOGIST roads and by a network of trails. Here horses and pack trains are as necessary as in the earliest days of settlement. Lack of suitable transportation facilities has impeded develop­ ment of mineral resources. Products of Del Norte County are com­ monly carried by wagon or truck to the harbor at Crescent City, the county seat, whence they are transferred to vessels in coastwise ship­ ping and distributed. The Redwood Highway now renders fairly accessible the Southern Pacific railroad facilities at Grants Pass, Ore­ gon, some 66 miles by airline northeast of Crescent City. Prev ious Work 'l'he general geology of the area described in this report has almost escaped the attention of geologists. A notable exception is afforded by a very brief account of the economic geology of Del Norte County by 0. H . Hershey,1 based upon a reconnaissance made in 1907. This paper is accompanied by an areal map showing the general distribu­ tion of formations, the only one thus far published. 'rhe physiography is in part discussed by Diller 2 in ''The Topo­ graphic Development of the Klamath Mountains.'' Mineral resources of the region have been described by Hershey, 3 Diller,4 Lowell,5 Aubury,6 and others.6a The most recent report on the mineral resources by C. McK. Lai­ , zure,r includes the description of a number of properties not visited by the writer. Object of Re port The mineral deposits discussed in this report were studied in con­ nection with a program of research in the geology of the western Sis­ kiyou Mountains carried out under the supervision of Professor J. P. Buwalda. Most of the deposits are not being exploited at present and many have not been worked in over a decade.
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