Part one Cases for Export

全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材 基于工作过程的高职旅游英语专业实训教材


中英文导游实训教程 Practice Course Book for Tour Guides

主 编 曾元胜 副 主 编 陈坤仪 邓艳玲 朱婷文 参 编 陈恒妮 郑鹤彬 胡 新 吴仲湛 高午阳 陈 秀 张海燕 英文主审 Roger Bust(澳大利亚) 企业顾问 曾月荣(广州市金马旅行社服务有限公司办公室主任) 张特蕴(广东南鹰旅行社副总经理) 黄小雨(广州市南星导游服务管理公司副总经理)

对外经济贸易大学出版社 中国·北京

1 图书在版编目 (CIP)数据 中英文导游实训教程 / 曾元胜主编. —北京:对 外经济贸易大学出版社,2011 全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材 ISBN 9787566301642

Ⅰ ①中… Ⅱ ①曾… Ⅲ ①汉语 - 导游 - 高等学校 - 教材②英语 - 导游 - 高等学校 - 教材 Ⅳ ①F590 63 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2011)第 192868 号

 2011 年 对外经济贸易大学出版社出版发行 版权所有 翻印必究

中英文导游实训教程 Practice Course Book for Tour Guides 曾元胜 主编 责任编辑:兰祁蓉 陈 欣 对 外 经 济 贸 易 大 学 出 版 社 北京市朝阳区惠新东街 10 号 邮政编码:100029 邮购电话:010 - 64492338 发行部电话:010 - 64492342 网址:http:/ / www. uibep. com Email:uibep@ 126. com

唐山市润丰印务有限公司印装 新华书店北京发行所发行 成品尺寸:185mm × 260mm 15 25 印张 352 千字 2011 年 10 月北京第 1 版 2011 年 10 月第 1 次印刷

ISBN 9787566301642 印数:0 001 - 5 000 册 定价:26 00 元

书 出 版 说 明

教育部[2006]16 号文中提出:“要积极推行与生产劳动和社会实践相结合的学习模 式,把工学结合作为高等职业教育人才培养模式改革的重要切入点,带动专业调整与建 设,引导课程设置、教学内容和教学方法改革。”与之相对应的课程开发方式和课程内容 的改革模式是“与行业企业共同开发紧密结合生产实际的实训教材,并确保优质教材进 课堂”。“全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”正是对外经济贸易大学出版 社在高等职业教育课程建设领域的最新研究成果。 本系列教材适用于全国高职高专院校英语专业的商务/应用/外贸/旅游等英语方向以及 国际贸易、国际商务或财经类专业的学生;同时适用于全国各高等院校应用型本科英语专 业的商务英语方向和国际贸易、国际经济、国际商务及国际工商管理等商科专业的学生。 本系列教材主要呈现以下特点: 1. 体现“基于工作过程” 在我国高等职业教育新一轮课程改革中,我们学习、引进并发展了德国职业教育的 一种新的课程模式——基于工作过程的课程模式,指“为完成一件工作任务并获得工作 成果而进行的一个完整的工作程序”建立起来的课程体系。 2. 突出“校企合作” 课程体系的“校企合作”以教师和企业人员参与为主体,是“校企合作,工学结合” 的人才培养模式发展的必然产物,旨在提高学生的综合能力,尤其是实践能力和就业能 力,实现学校教学与工作实践的零距离。 “全国高等院校基于工作过程的校企合作系列教材”的课程方案与传统的课程方案相 比,它打破了高等职业教育学科系统化的课程体系,在分析典型职业活动工作过程的前提 下,按照工作过程中的需要来设计课程,以突出工作过程在课程框架中的主线地位,整合 优化了理论知识与实践活动。教材编写过程中,教师结合自身的教学实践、调研论证和外 贸专家对工作岗位的实际要求来安排课程结构和内容,形成了具有特色的基于工作过程的 校企合作系列教材体系。 本套教材包括《外贸函电与单证实训教程》、《商务翻译实务》、《国际市场营销实务》、 《商务英语函电》、《国际贸易实务(英)》、《商务谈判实务(英)》、《酒店实务英语》、《旅 游实务英语》、《会展实务英语》、《商务英语口译》、《外事接待实务英语》、《商务礼仪实 务英语》、《涉外企业管理实务》、《旅游英语口语》、《进出口报关实务》、《外贸跟单实务》、 《国际商务单证实务》、《国际货运代理实务》和《商务英语视听说》等教材。作者都是本 专业的“双师型”教师,不仅具有丰富的语言教学经验,而且具备企业第一线的工作经

1 中英文导游实训教程

历,主持或参与过多项国家或省市级相关科研项目,这为本套教材的编写质量提供了有 力的保证。 值得注意的是,本系列教材不是封闭的,它随着教学模式和课程设置的变化,将不 断推出新的内容,丰富整个体系。 同时,本套教材均配有辅导用书和 PPT 课件等立体化教学资源,供教师教学参考(下 载网址:。


2011 年 5 月

2 Part one Cases for Export

前 言

高等职业教育“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”,采用“工学结合”的模式培养生产、 管理和服务一线的高技能应用型人才。因此,高等职业教育的课程必须体现职业性与实 践性的特点,反映职业岗位对人才培养的要求,满足学生未来职业发展的需要。教材建 设工作是整个高职高专教学工作的重要组成部分。教材作为教学的主要工具,既是联系 教与学的有效途径,也是学科与课程建设的重要组成部分,更是学科与课程改革发展成 果的凝结与体现。教材的建设和开发应贯彻“教、学、做”一体的高职教育理念,充分 体现学习内容和职业能力要求的融合,加强针对性和实用性,以跟上职业发展和生产工 作实际的需求。 为了顺应高职旅游英语教学改革,在走访了广东多家旅行社和兄弟院校的基础上, 通过教学实践和广泛调研与论证,我们编写了以工作过程为导向的《中英文导游实训教 程》。其突出特点是引入了“以工作过程为导向的”职业教育理念,改变了传统的“按中 英文导游理论知识的逻辑体系”编排学习内容的方法,参照导游职业资格标准,以中英 文导游工作过程为着眼点创设实训工作情景,遵循了针对性、实用性和可操作性原则, 实现了学生“在工作中学习,在学习中工作”目标,构建起了“教、学、做”一体无缝 对接的中英文导游实训平台。 本教材是一套全新的立体化中英文导游实训教材,适用于高职旅游英语专业学生。 根据目前高职教育提出的“工学结合,项目为中心,案例驱动教学,边讲边练”为核心 的理念,多案例、互动式、重实训的编写方式,按导游工作流程将该教材分成了七章, 每一个工作流程为一章节,旨在加强学生导游服务规范性和技能性训练的同时,进一步 提高学生导游英语听说能力,从而提高学生涉外导游服务水平;教材引入了实训过程评 价机制,每个项目都从不同的观察点制定了评分标准,可灵活运用于学生自主实训的过 程评价、学生互评、小组评价和教师对学生的评价,有利于充分调动学生的学习积极性; 在教材中插入思维导图,把导图作为一种教学工具帮助学生整理复习有关导游各环节知 识和技能实训的要点,将会对学生学习起到事半功倍的作用。 教材编写过程中,澳大利亚友人 Roger Bust 先生参与了教材的主审工作;广东省国 旅前德法西语部经理、质管部经理、广东南鹰旅行社副总经理、法语导游考官张特蕴, 广州南星导游服务管理公司副总经理黄小雨,广州金马国际旅行社服务有限公司办公室 主任曾月荣等行业专家对教材的编写提出了建设性的意见和建议,并参与了教材的编审 工作,特藉此机会表示衷心的感谢。

编 者 2011 年 7 月 1 Part one Cases for Export


第一章 接团准备实训 Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group··············································································1 模块一 接团准备实训 Module One: Preparation for meeting a tour group ··························································1 第二章 导游接团服务实训 Chapter II Meeting a Tour Group······················································································11 模块一 迎接服务流程实训 Module One: Training in meeting a tour group ······························································11 模块二 特殊旅游形式迎接服务实训 Module Two: Training in meeting a special tour group ··················································25 模块三 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Three: The skills of handling special events······················································33 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训 Chapter III Accommodation and F&B Services ································································59 模块一 入住服务实训 Module One: Check-in services ·····················································································59 模块二 餐饮服务实训 Module Two: Food and beverage service training ··························································68 模块三 入住就餐期间特殊事件处理实训 Module Three: Dealing with special events····································································76 第四章 参观游览服务实训 Chapter IV Services of Visiting the Scenic Spot································································97 模块一 参观游览服务实训 Module One: Services of visiting the scenic spot ···························································97 模块二 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Two: The skills of handling special events ······················································112 第五章 送团服务实训 Chapter V Seeing Off a Tour Group················································································ 119 模块一 送团流程实训 Module One: Seeing off a tour group ···········································································119 模块二 后续工作处理实训 1 中英文导游实训教程

Module Two: Follow-up work······················································································137 模块三 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Three: The skills of handling special events····················································139 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训 Chapter VI Psychological Training ·················································································145 模块一 认识压力 Module One: Realizing pressure ··················································································145 模块二 压力调适 Module Two: Adaptation of stress················································································153 模块三 有效沟通与压力缓解 Module Three: Effective communication and stress relief············································161 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇 Chapter VII Words and Expressions for Tourism English ···············································169

Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文··········································································185 参考书目·······························································································································233

2 第一章 接团准备实训



Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group

模块一 接团准备实训 Module One: Preparation for meeting a tour group


通过本章实训,要求学生了解导游员的行为规范,掌握导游员应具备的基本技能, 搞好语言知识、物品、形象准备和心理准备,熟悉旅游团队接待计划表、旅游团接待日 程表的制作及填写规范,落实好接团的相关事宜,为迎接旅游团做好充分的准备工作。 熟练掌握常用的导游英语句型和基本词汇。 When accepting a task to conduct a tour group, the guide should make good preparations, including being familiar with and carrying out the tour plan, preparations for language skills and information related to the scenic spots, materials needed and psychological preparations. This is the premise for a tour guide to provide good service to the tourists.

项目一 熟悉并落实接待事宜 To familiarize and carry out the tour plan

实训目标:熟悉旅游接待计划,掌握分析和落实旅游计划,对关键内容能做到心中 有数 Objectives: To be familiar with the tour plans, analyze and carry out the tour plan, and to have a good idea of the important contents 实训情景:广东国旅导游员张莉到旅行社领取一份旅游接待计划后进行落实相关接 待事宜。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch), receives a tour plan

1 中英文导游实训教程 and carries out the plan. 实训准备:广州旅游接待计划 Preparations: a tour plan of 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 熟悉接待计划。Be familiar with the tour plan. 1.1 了解旅游团概况,包括团号、组团社名称与标识、主要联系人与全陪或领队姓 名与电话、结算方式等; Find out the code of the group, the name and logo of the tour operator, and the name, the telephone number of the person you should contact and the national guide or tour leader and the way of settlement. 1.2 了解旅游团成员情况:掌握旅游团的人数及构成,核实饭店,车辆,餐馆等的 订房,订座,订餐等是否吻合; Find out the number of people in the group, the name, gender and occupation of the tourists, confirm the reservations of hotel, coach and restaurants to see if there is any change. 1.3 了解旅游路线和交通情况; Know well the itinerary and transportation. 1.4 了解服务要求和标准:了解团队中有无需要特别服务的人员及特殊物品,以及 该团住宿、餐饮、游览及用车服务标准,熟悉各单位情况及联系方式。 Find out the requirements and standard of the service, and if there is anyone who needs special service or items. Know the standard of hotel, meals and coach for the group and ways of contacting relative companies. 2. 落实接待事宜。Carry out the plan. 领取接待计划单后,在团队到达前一天与各个相关单位联系,进行接待计划的落实。 One day before the group’s arrival, the local guide should contact the relative companies and confirm the tour plan. 2.1 到旅行社领取旅游接待计划及出团物品,包括领取费用、旗子、旅行社标志牌, 各种票据或签单等; Get the tour plan, flag, logo of the travel service, the money needed for the tour, and bills etc. in the travel service. 2.2 与司机联系,落实旅游车辆情况及确定会面时间地点,并告知活动日程和具体 时间; Contact the driver and confirm the coach, time and place of meeting. Tell the driver the itinerary and time. 2.3 与用餐餐厅联系,落实用餐的时间、人数、注意事项或禁忌等; Contact with the restaurant; confirm the time, the number of people to dine, and things 2 第一章 接团准备实训 like taboo that should be paid attention to. 2.4 与住宿酒店联系,落实酒店位置、房间情况及相关设施情况等; Contact the hotel and find out its location, rooms available and facilities. 2.5 落实旅游景点:对不熟悉的景点,导游应事先了解有关情况,包括景点开放和 结束时间、游览最佳路线、游览所需时间、停车场位置、洗手间位置,以及车辆行驶路 线、途中行驶时间、沿途景观等。对旅游团在游览中的特殊要求提前与景点联络。 The guide should find out information about the scenic spots, especially the ones you are not familiar with. The information should include the opening and closing times, the best route and the time needed to visit;The location of parking lot and toilets, the time needed to go there and the sightseeing along the way, etc. If there are any special requirements for visiting, contact the relevant people at the scenic spot in advance.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide L: Mr Li, the driver) (Zhang Li phones Mr. Li) Z: Hello. Are you Mr. Li? I am Zhang Li of CITS (Guangdong Branch). I will conduct a tour group with you tomorrow. L: Hello. When will you meet the group? Z: The group will arrive at 10:30 by air. Would you please pick me up at the gate of the company at 9:30? L: Okay. Z: Mr. Li, there are 33 seats in your coach, aren’t there? L: Yes, that’s right. Z: I’d like to introduce the itinerary briefly. On the first day, we’ll visit Chen Clan Academy and Yuexiu Park; on the second day, we’ll go to Chimelong Safari Zoo; on the third day, we’ll visit Beijing Road. I’ll tell you in detail when we meet. By the way, are the air-conditioner and microphone in your coach all right? L: No problem. Z: Great. See you tomorrow. My mobile phone number is 13631441615. If you have any problems, please contact me. L: Okay, see you tomorrow.

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide C: Mr. Chen, the manager of restaurant) (Zhang Li phones Mr. Chen) Z: Good morning, are you Mr. Chen of Guangzhou Restaurant? C: Yes. May I help you? Z: I am Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch). I’ve booked a table for a 3 中英文导游实训教程

tour group tomorrow. Have you got the order? C: Yes, 12 adults and 3 children, right? Z: That’s right. I’d like to confirm the menu with you. We’ve booked a table with 15 dishes and 1 soup…. They can use chopsticks, but it’s better to prepare some knives and forks. In addition, the group has religious belief that the tableware must not be broken, for they think it’s unlucky. Please confirm it. C: OK. When will you arrive? Z: About 12 o’clock. I will confirm it before we leave for restaurant. Thanks for your help. See you tomorrow. C: You’re welcome. See you tomorrow.

Dialogue 3:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide S: Sales Department of White Swan Hotel) (Zhang Li phones the Sales Department of White Swan Hotel) S: Good morning. Sales Department of White Swan Hotel, may I help you? Z: I am Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch). I’ve booked rooms for 13 persons in your hotel. S: Please hold on. I’ll check it for you. Thank you for waiting. Yes, 13 persons, 6 standard rooms and 1 for tour leader, each room includes 2 buffet breakfasts, check in tomorrow, right? Z: Yes. Are these 6 rooms on the same floor? S: I’m afraid that we can’t guarantee the same floor, since there are quite a lot of guests these days, but we’ll try to arrange it. Z: Thanks for your help. S: OK. When will you arrive tomorrow? Z: The group will arrive at about 10:30. I think we’ll arrive at the hotel about 11:30. I’ll confirm it 30 minutes after the group arrives. Please prepare for the room cards in advance and ask the bellboys to get ready for it. Thanks. S: OK. See you tomorrow.


Make a dialogue according to the following situations. 1. 导游员小张接了一个由加拿大入境的旅游团,请与各单位联系落实接待事宜。 Task 1: The local guide, Xiao Zhang, is going to conduct a Canadian tour group. Please contact the relative companies to carry out a tour plan. Task 2: According to the above situation, fill up the following sheet.

4 第一章 接团准备实训

表一 旅游团队接待计划表

团接待计划 ( )——联字第 号 部、计调部、财务部 由客户方 组织的 一行 人,将于 月 日乘坐航班 (车 次),抵 , 月 日乘 航班(车次)离 赴 。 该团在 住 饭店,住房早餐由 订妥。 返程机票(车票)由 自理,请代为确认。 请提供 等级综合服务。 请安排导游员 接待服务。 客户方联系人 电话 名单附后勤部 拟计划单位 抄送:总经理、副总经理。

表二 旅游团接待日程单

团队名称或 来自国家或 语种要求 姓 名 地 区

抵达时间 月 日 班次/车次 离开时间 月 日 班次/车次

游客 共 人,夫妇 对,单男 人,单女 人,小孩 人 陪同

双人房 间 双人房 间 住宿饭店 (自订房含早餐) 游客房间数 陪同 单人房 间 单人房 间

团队等级 膳食标准及要求

月 日 上午 下午

月 日 上午 下午 游览活动 月 日 上午 下午

月 日 上午 下午

用餐安排 月 日 早餐 中餐 晚餐

月 日 早餐 中餐 晚餐

月 日 早餐 中餐 晚餐

5 中英文导游实训教程

续表 文娱活动 月 日 时间 地点 内容

市内用车车号 车型 数量 司机姓名

月 日 游江(湖)时间 地点 码头 船号 点 分


业务员: 年 月 日

项目二 语言/知识准备 Preparation for language and knowledge

实训目标:掌握导游带团前应掌握的语言及知识的准备工作 Objectives: Making preparations for conducting a group in respect of language and knowledge 实训情景:广东国旅导游员张莉接到某旅游接待计划后进行准备。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch) is making preparations after receiving the tour plan. 实训准备:准备一份接待计划及行程表 Preparations: a tour plan and the itinerary 实训形式:讨论 Form: discussion 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 将学生分成 4-5 个人一组,对应掌握的知识进行讨论。 Divide the students into groups, with about 4-5 students in each group. Discuss the knowledge that a guide should know before conducting a group. 2. 每组派代表展示讨论结果,应该包括景点知识、交通路线设计及游客可能感兴趣 的话题。 Each group presents their discussion, including knowledge (information) of the scenic spot, route for transport and the topics that the tourists may be interested. 3. 每组派代表进行才艺表演,其中必须包含唱歌、讲故事、猜谜语及车厢互动游戏。 Each group gives a show, including singing, story-telling, riddles and interactive games.


分别讨论以下接待游客集体时应准备哪些相应的话题: Task 1: Discuss what topics should be prepared for the following tourists: (1) journalists

6 第一章 接团准备实训

(2) teachers (3) students (4) senior citizens (5) lawyers

1. 知识准备 1.1 景点知识。景点知识是导游员的重要基础,导游员应在平时就积累充分的景点 知识,对于没去过的景点,更要事先充分准备。景点知识除了导游词以外还包括景区游 览线路、停车场及厕所位置; 1.2 交通知识。导游工作很大一部分时间都在“行”上,所以导游员必须熟悉交通 路线,在行程中才能帮助司机选择最佳线路,以缩短花在路上的时间; 1.3 游客背景。了解该团游客文化风俗习惯及宗教信仰相关禁忌,并根据游客文化、 职业和宗教背景准备相关热门话题、国内外重大新闻及旅客可能感兴趣的话题; 1.4 急救知识。在旅游过程中有时不免会遇到游客受伤或发生意外,因此作为导游 员有必要掌握一些比较常用的急救或应急知识,如心脏病急救、骨折处理、溺水急救等; 1.5 才艺知识。导游员通过才艺表演不仅能展现自己的魅力,而且更能把游客组织 起来,调动游客的积极性,丰富旅途中的活动。因此作为导游员有必要掌握一定的才艺 知识。如唱歌,讲故事、笑话,猜谜语、脑筋急转弯,做游戏等。 2. 语言准备 2.1 导游员应根据接待计划准备相关专业词汇以防带团过程中出现无法表达的现 象; 2.2 导游也可准备一些顺口溜在带团过程中增加气氛。

项目三 物品、形象准备 Preparation for materials needed and appearance needed in the tour guiding

实训目标:掌握导游带团前应掌握的物品及形象的准备工作 Objectives: To master what should be prepared before conducting a group 实训情景:广东国旅导游员张莉接到某旅游接待计划后进行准备。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch) is making preparations after receiving the tour plan. 实训准备:实训室 Preparations: training room 实训形式:展示、走秀 Form: catwalk

7 中英文导游实训教程

实训步骤: 1. 将学生分成 4-5 个人一组。 Divide the students into groups, with about 4-5 students in each group. 2. 学生依据接待计划,做好物质及形象准备。 Make good preparation for the materials needed and image according to the tour plan. 3. 学生展示所准备的出团物品。 Students show what they prepare for conducting a group. 4. 以走秀的形式展示导游带团的形象及不适合形象。 Show which image should a guide have in the form of catwalk.

1. 物品准备 1.1 个人工作必备物品:相关接待单位或人员的电话号码、接待计划、导游 IC 卡、 导游旗(含旗杆)、接站牌、结算单与费用、记事本; 1.2 个人生活必备用品:依据行程与季节准备好自己个人的生活用品,如换洗衣物、 洗漱用品、通讯工具、充电器等,夏季还可准备防晒霜; 1.3 应急物品:带团过程中可能出现意外事件或不时之需是很正常的,因此准备一 些应急物品在关键时刻如果能够派上用场往往效果非凡。这些物品包括:创可贴、医用 胶布等防范保障物品以及针线包、小剪刀、手电筒等小配件小工具; 1.4 小奖品:在旅途中特别是长途车厢中用一些小礼品作为游戏的奖品往往可以很 好的调节和活跃途中气氛,与游客搞好关系。比如导游可以准备一些有当地特色的小手 工艺品或者导游在别的旅游目的地购买的特产,另外小丝巾、包装精致的小零食也往往 受到游客欢迎。 2. 形象准备 导游员的形象往往决定了游客对该导游的第一印象,这对于后期工作顺利进行有着 至关重要的作用。 2.1 导游员的着装要简单、大方、整洁、便于工作,符合导游员身份,有民族特色 服饰的地区可穿着本民族特色服饰,但基础是一定要便于导游工作。切忌不可穿短裙、 背心及拖鞋上团; 2.2 佩戴首饰要适度,不浓妆艳抹,不用味道太浓的香水; 2.3 导游员必须规范佩服导游 IC 卡。

项目四 心理准备 Psychological preparation

实训目标:掌握在接团前的心理准备 Objectives: To master the psychological preparation before conducting a group 实训情景:导游员接到某旅游接待计划后进行准备。 8 第一章 接团准备实训

Circumstances: A guide is making preparation after receiving a tour plan. 实训准备:教师准备带团中可能遇到的困难给学生讨论上团前的心理准备 Preparations: the difficulties a guide may meet when he /she conducts a group 实训形式:讨论 Form: discussion 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 将学生分组,每组分发预设的情景。 Divide the students into groups with different scenarios. 2. 学生分组进行讨论带团过程中可能出现的问题,应该怎样的心理面对。 The students discuss the problems that may appear when conducting a group. How should they deal with the problems? 2.1 面对高度体力劳动的心理准备; Psychological preparation for physical challenge: 你是一个女孩子,现在要让你在 8 月份带一个旅游团到某高原地区,其中行程包括 爬山,这很容易产生高原反应,很多游客都要在山下买好氧气瓶上山,足以见得带团强 度之高。你能坚持带完全程吗? To be young lady, you will conduct a group to plateau in August. The itinerary includes climbing hills which can easily lead to altitude sickness. Many tourists buy oxygen cylinders, from which you should know that you must be strong enough. Can you persist and finish the tour? 2.2 面对用餐质量差、住宿条件差的心理准备; Psychological preparation for poor quality of meals and poor conditions in accommodation: 旺季时,你准备带团,目的地的餐饮非常差,导游的陪同餐都是客人吃剩下的饭菜; 而且住宿也很差,很多导游员都只能睡在走廊,面对这样的情况,你应该以怎样的心理 面对? During the peak season, you’re going to conduct a group. But the meals and accommodation in the destination are terrible. The guide can only have what the tourists leave and sleep in the corridor. How will you face it? 2.3 面对游客挑剔的心理; Psychological preparation for picky tourists: 在带团时,有些游客或许是素质低下,或许是受媒体的影响,对导游员存在成见, 处处针对和刁难导游员,或对导游的讲解百般挑剔,或背后对导游说三道四,更甚者还 当着导游员的面说一些粗俗的话。面对这样的游客,你又该怎样面对呢? When conducting a group, some tourists will have prejudice against the guide because of their poor education or influence by the media. They often aim at the guide and make things difficult for the guide or be hypercritical of the guide’s commentary, or make irresponsible 9 中英文导游实训教程 remarks about the guide, or even say some vulgar words in front of the guide. What will you do with these tourists?

客源国的文化风俗习惯及宗教信仰等相关禁忌是导游必备的知识。了解游客的背景 文化对做好旅游接待,提高接待服务质量具有非常重要的意义。 ——亚洲国家 日本民族在长期的社会发展中形成了一种非常重视礼仪教育的社会风气和习惯, 如:见面时,一般行鞠躬礼,鞠躬时忌把手插在口袋里;与人说话不可凝视对方等。在 禁忌方面,日本人忌讳“4”和“9”,因为“4”和“9”的日语发音和“死”、“苦”相 同,因此赠送礼品、上菜等均应避开这两个数字。另外,避免用梳子和手绢作为礼品送 给日本人。 韩国的食品有独特的民族特色。按照韩国人的习惯,即使是盛大的宴会,最后也得 有饭或面条,否则等于没有结束。韩国人非常喜欢吃狗肉,认为狗肉能补充营养,在吃 饭必备的汤中也最爱喝狗肉汤。 马来西亚人多数信奉伊斯兰教,肉食主要以牛肉、羊肉为主。马来人习惯用手抓饭 进食。进餐时桌子上备有两杯茶水,一杯供饮用,一杯供清洁手指用。不禁止一夫多妻, 因而不能随便闲谈他人的家务事。 ——欧美国家 法国人最喜欢将鲜花作为相互馈赠的礼物。送花时要注意对象和场合,因为每种花 都有一定的含义,如:菊花在当地表示哀悼,水仙花表示冷酷无情,金盏花表示悲伤, 认为杜鹃花、纸花不吉利。另外,法国人认为蓝色是“宁静”和“忠诚”的色彩,粉红 色表示积极向上,黄色是不忠诚的象征,忌讳墨绿色,忌用黑桃图案。 英语国家有着相似的礼仪和忌讳,如:初次见面交谈不可打听对方的收入、家产、 年龄和婚姻;忌用食指指着对方和用食指侧面碰击额头,这都被视为没教养或引起不必 要的误会;打喷嚏或咳嗽时不可面对他人,应对旁人表示抱歉;忌用一根火柴或打火机 给三个人点烟,因为这表示对第三者不尊重;忌讳“13”和“星期五”;送礼时,忌赠送 刀叉等有利刃或齿状物品等等。 ——阿拉伯国家 阿拉伯国家大多信奉伊斯兰教。在穆斯林眼中,《古兰经》是安拉的语言,是无比神 圣的。伊斯兰教徒禁止食血液、禁食自死动物、禁“非诵安拉之名屠宰的动物”、禁酒。 另外,阿拉伯人待人接物需用右手,特别是食物,左手表示不洁不净;排斥类似六角星 的商标或者物品;喜欢数字 7,喜欢单数,如 3 和 5;阿拉伯男人不喜欢穿长度短在膝盖 以上的短裤出现在公众场合。

10 第二章 导游接团服务实训



Chapter II Meeting a Tour Group

模块一 迎接服务流程实训 Module One: Training in meeting a tour group


通过本章实训,要求学生详细了解导游服务的整个流程及每个环节的服务质量要求, 掌握地方导游服务(地陪)、全程导游服务(全陪)的服务要求及领队的作用;掌握至欢 迎词、沿途导游、日程核对与商谈、特殊旅游服务、接站过程中特殊事件的预防和处理 的基本原则和基本技能。熟练掌握常用的导游英文句型和基本词汇。 Meeting a tour group, which can affect the quality of services provided by a local guide, also plays an important role here. Therefore, the local guide should make good preparations and arrangements before the tour group arrives.

项目一 旅游团抵达前服务实训 Training in services before a tour group arrives

实训目标:使学生掌握落实旅游接待计划的方法 Objectives: To master how to carry out a tour plan 实训情景:广东省国旅的地陪张莉准备到白云机场接一个来自英国的旅游团队。 Circumstances: A local guide from CITS (Guangdong Branch), Zhang Li, is going to meet a tour group from Great Britain at Baiyun Airport. 实训准备:旅游接待计划、接站牌、导游旗、导游胸卡、讲解扩音器等,模拟机场 到达大厅 Preparations: tour plan, receiving sign, flag, tour guide’s identity certificate, loudspeaker,

11 中英文导游实训教程 mock international arrival of an airport 实训形式:讨论 Form: discussion 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 地陪在旅游团抵达之前认真阅读接待计划和有关资料,详细、准确地了解该旅游 团的服务项目和要求,对重要事宜作好记录。 Before a tour group arrives, the local guide should read carefully their tour plan and other relevant materials so as to know well all services and requirements of the group, and make notes of important matters. 2. 与计调交接,落实、核查旅游团的交通、食宿、行李运输等事宜。 Contact the coordinator of the travel service, implement and verify the transport, accommodation, luggage, etc. of the tour group. 3. 接团前做好必要的物质准备,带好接待计划、导游证、社旗、接站牌、结算凭证、 门票、餐厅或酒店的确认件等物品,10 人以上团队配备扩音设备。 Make good preparations before leaving for airport, train station or pier. Bring tour plan, tour guide’s identity certificate, flag, receiving sign, certificate of settlement, tickets, confirmation of restaurants and hotels, and a loudspeaker if there are more than 10 persons. 4. 在接站出发前确认旅游团所乘交通工具的准确抵达时间,并与全陪保持联络。 Before the local guide leaves to meet the tour group, confirm the exact arrival time of the group’s transport and keep contact with the national guide. 4.1 飞机到达前 2 小时,火车到达前 1 小时向问讯处询问; Inquire at the information center 2 hours before a flight arrives or 1 hour before a train arrives. 4.2 与旅行车司机联络,通知出发时间,确定接头地点,告知活动日程和具体时间。 Contact the coach driver, inform him of the departure time, the itinerary and exact time of all the arrangements, and confirm the meeting point. 5. 提前半小时抵达接站地点,在出站口醒目位置持接站标志,接站牌上写清团名、 团号、领队或全陪姓名。 Arrive at the airport, train station or pier half an hour earlier and stand in a visible position with the receiving sign in hand, on which the name of the tour operator, the code of the group, the name of the tour leader or national guide are written.


为一英国旅游团制定您所在城市的旅游路线。 Task: Draw up an itinerary for a British group visiting your city. It should include: A. Characteristics of the tour (e.g. 3-day Guangzhou package tour) 12 第二章 导游接团服务实训

B. Characteristics of the tour group (name, number of the group, from…, tour leader, etc.) C. Itinerary (B-L-D B: Breakfast L: Lunch D: Dinner) D. Hotel (name, class, address) E. Travel agency (name of the travel agency, local guide) F. Arrival flight (flight No., from…., arrival time, class of the flight, arrival airport, etc.)

Useful phrases:

tour leader 领队 local guide 地陪 national guide 全陪 tour plan 旅游接待计划 ETA (estimated time of arrival) 预计到达时间 ETD (estimated time of departure) 预计出发时间 package tour: Two or more travel services are put together by a tour operator such as transportation, accommodations, meals, entertainment and attractions 包价旅游 tour operator: person or company that organizes tours 旅游经营者(组织旅游团的公司 或人) travel agency /service: a business which sells travel industry’s individual parts to the travelers 旅行社 travel agent: a person who makes travel arrangements for the public 旅游代理商 itinerary:旅游线路


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

出发前着装(工作服)、鞋子 10

接团前物质准备 20

确认交通工具到达时间 10 操作内容 联络旅游车司机 10

提前到达接团地点 10

接站牌内容 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 2-1 填空,完成下列思维导图,复习“旅游团抵达前服务”要点。Fill in the mind map to review the main points of the services before a tour group arrives.

13 中英文导游实训教程

项目二 旅游团抵达后服务实训 Services after the tour group arrives

实训目标:使学生掌握在接团过程中认找旅游团的方法和技巧 Objectives: To identify the tour group when they arrive at the airport, train station or pier. 实训情景:在机场到达大厅里,广东省国旅的导游张莉正在迎接来自英国以约翰·怀 特先生为领队的旅游团。 Circumstances: At the arrival lounge of Baiyun Airport, Zhang Li, the local guide from CITS (Guangdong Branch), is meeting the tour group from Great Britain led by Mr. John White. 实训准备:旅游接待计划、机场模拟大厅 Preparations: tour plan, mock arrival lounge 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 团队抵达后,认找旅游团:一切相符才能确定是自己应接的团。 After the tour group arrives, identify the group and make sure that all the information corresponds to yours. 1.1 认找旅游团时,地陪站在明显的位置上举起接站牌以便领队、全陪(或旅游者) 14 第二章 导游接团服务实训

前来联系; When looking for the group, the local guide should stand in a visible position with the receiving sign in hand so that the tour leader or national guide can find him/her easily. 1.2 同时地陪也可以从出站旅游者的民族特征、衣着、组团社的徽记等来分析、判 断或上前委婉询问,主动认找自己的团队; In the meanwhile, the local guide can also identify his or her group by the tourists’ national features, clothes, the emblem of the tour operator, etc. or inquire the outbound tourists politely. 1.3 如该旅游团有领队和全陪时,导游人员应及时与领队、全陪接洽,问清该团的 国别(或地区)、人数、客源地组团社的名称,领队及全陪姓名等; If the group is accompanied by a tour leader and a national guide, the local guide should contact them and ask them their nationality (or region) and the number of the group, the name of tour operator and the names of the tour leader and national guide. 1.4 如该团无领队和全陪,应与该团成员逐一核对团名、团号、国别(或地区)、人 数、团员姓名、主要行程等,无任何出入才能确定是自己应接的旅游团。 If the group has neither tour leader nor national guide,the local guide must inquire of the tourists, one by one, their nationality (or region), the name or the code of the group, the number of people and the main itinerary of the group. 2. 核实人数:向领队或全陪核实实到人数,若出现人数与计划不符时,应尽快通知 地陪所在公司的有关人员及时更改所订机(车、船)票、住房、订餐和其他有关事项。 Verify the number of the tour group through the tour leader or national guide. If the number does not correspond to the tour plan, the local guide should inform the persons concerned in the local travel service to change the reservations of plane, train or ship tickets, accommodation, meals and etc. 3. 集中清点行李及与行李员办理交接手续。 The local guide should help the tourists get their luggage together at a designated place, together with the tour leader and the national guide,he or she should count to get the right number of pieces and then hand them over to the luggage man of the local travel service through necessary procedures. 4. 集合登车。 Get on the coach. 4.1 提醒游客带齐行李和随身物品,引导他们前往乘车处; Remind the tourists of bringing their hand luggage and take it to the coach. 4.2 恭候车门旁,搀扶或协助登车; Wait at the door of the coach, help the tourist to get on the coach. 4.3 上车后,协助旅游者就座,礼貌地清点人数,到齐坐稳后请司机开车。 After getting on the coach, the local guide should count the people of the group. If all the tourists are on the coach and seated, ask the driver to leave for the hotel. 15 中英文导游实训教程

5. 与全陪(领队)接洽,详细了解团队的具体情况以及特殊要求。 Contact the national guide or the tour leader, find out the details and special requirements of the group.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: John White) Z: Excuse me; are you Mr. John White from the UK? W: Yes. Are you tour guide from CITS? Z: Yes. Mr. White. Nice to meet you. My name is Zhang Li. Zhang is my family name. W: Nice to meet you, too, Miss Zhang. Thank you for coming to meet us. Z: Not at all. We are very glad to have you here. How was your trip? W: Very nice. We had a smooth flight. Z: You have a group of 15, right? W: Yes, that’s right. Z: Do you need to wait for your baggage? W: No, we all have got our baggage. Z: Well, is everyone here now? W: Oh, wait a second, please. Yes, everybody is here. Z: Our coach is waiting for us outside the airport. Let’s go. W: OK, let’s go. Z: Attention please! Everyone. Now please follow me.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 中国旅行社地陪李永在白云机场迎接来自新西兰的一个 30 人的旅游团,领队是 Jane Green. Task 1: Li Yong, the local guide from CITS, is meeting a group of 30 tourists from New Zealand with Jane Green, the tour leader, at Baiyun Airport.

Useful sentences:

-May I have your name? -Where are you from? -How many people are there in your group? -What is your travel service? -What is the serial number of your group? -How many adults and children are there in your group? -I hope you have a pleasant trip.

16 第二章 导游接团服务实训


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 20 核对当地的活动安排 10 核实人数 10 操作内容 清点行李 10 集合登车 10 了解团队情况 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 2-2 运用思维导图总结“旅游团抵达后服务”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of services after the tour group arrives.

项目三 首次沿途导游实训 First tour on the coach

实训目标:使学生掌握导游服务的工作程序及熟练掌握讲解程序、内容和技巧 Objectives: To understand the procedures of “on the way to the hotel” and the procedures, content and skills of the welcome speech and the introduction on the coach 实训情景:在旅游大巴上,张莉给游客做欢迎词及首次导游。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is making a welcome speech and the first tour on the coach 实训准备:模拟在旅游大巴上 Preparations: mock coach 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 17 中英文导游实训教程

实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 行车过程中,向旅游团致欢迎辞。 Make a welcome speech on the coach. 1.1 代表所在接待社、本人及司机欢迎客人光临本地; On behalf of the travel agency, driver and yourself, welcome the tourists. 1.2 介绍自己的姓名、所属单位及本人联系方式; Tell the tourists your name, your mobile phone number and your travel agency. 1.3 介绍司机; Introduce the driver. 1.4 表示尽力服务的诚挚愿望和希望得到合作的意愿; Express your sincere desire to serve the tourists. 1.5 预祝旅游愉快顺利。 Wish the tourists a good journey. 2. 调整时间,介绍时差。 Adjust the time and tell the tourists the time difference. 3. 介绍具体行程安排。 Introduce the itinerary. 4. 首次沿途导游,主要介绍当地的城市概况(包括历史沿革、行政区划分、人口、 气候、社会生活、文化传统、土特产品等)、风光以及饭店概况。 First tour on the way to the hotel: introduce the local circumstances, including the history, administrative division, population, climate, social life, cultural tradition, special products, etc.; briefly introduce the scenes that the tourists can see along the way and the basic information about the hotel. 5. 宣布集合时间、地点及停车地点,请游客记清车牌号码、停车地点及集合时间。 Announce the meeting place and time, and where the bus will be parked after check-in and remind the tourists of remembering the number of tour bus, time and place to meet.

Dialogue 1:

(Zhang Li, the guide of CITS, is taking the party of tourists from the airport to the hotel. The coach is about to start. Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White T: Tourists) Z: Is everybody on the bus, Mr. White? W: Yes, that’s right. Z: Shall we go now? W: OK. Let’s go. Z: (To the driver) Now that all the people are here, we can go now. (To all the tourists in the coach) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. I will be your local guide during your stay in Guangzhou. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. 18 第二章 导游接团服务实训

He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. We’ll always use the same bus in the following days. So I’ll recommend you to write down the number on the license tag. The number is 12345. I sincerely hope you’ll have a wonderful stay in . If you have any special requests, please do tell me. My job is to make your way smooth, care for your welfare, and try my best to answer your questions. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Now, it is 16:30, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and London is 8 hours, please adjust your time forward for 8 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, White Swan Hotel. T: How far is it? Z: It will take us about 45 minutes. It’s one of the best hotels in Guangzhou. It lies in Shamian Island by the Pearl River. Its service is warm and efficient, with extensive facilities, including Chinese and western restaurants, currency exchange, shops, laundry services, fitness facilities, swimming pool, etc. The hotel is within walking distance to downtown. I hope you’ll enjoy your time there. T: That’s great. Z: On the way to the hotel, you’ll have a view of the outskirts and the city. Guangzhou is both an ancient and a young city. It is ancient because it has a history of more than 2200 years. As the biggest city in South China and the capital city of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou is a city full of vitality, a paradise for shopping and gourmet food. Guangzhou is situated in the center of the Pearl River Delta. The city covers an area of 7434 square kilometers, with a population of more than 10 million. You’ll find Guangzhou is a pleasant place to visit, with attractions such as Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Yuexiu Park, Southern Yue Tomb Museum, Chen Clan Academy, and so on. The 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, too. Z: Ladies and gentlemen, please look on the right. This is the famous Shamian Island. The island became a British and French concession after the Opium Wars, and is covered with colonial buildings that house trading offices and residences. Our hotel is also on the island facing the beautiful Pearl River …… Here we are at the hotel. Please take your cabin baggage with you. Your check-in baggage will arrive later. The porters will put your baggage near the elevator on the floor you stay.

英国与中国的冬天的时差是 8 个小时,夏天实行夏时制,是 7 个小时(欧洲一般都 实行夏时制,即每年 3 月份最后一个星期日至 10 月最后一个星期日)。


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 你刚从机场接了一个来自美国纽约的旅游团,正坐车前往游客们下榻的酒店。你 19 中英文导游实训教程

需要介绍你的工作职责和要求,并简单介绍当地情况、酒店服务及设施等。 Task 1: You have just met a tour group from New York of the United States at the airport. You are on the way to hotel in downtown. You need to introduce your duty as a tour guide and some requests, and then give a brief introduction to the city, the facilities and services provided in the hotel.

Useful phrases and sentences:

be located/situated in: 位于 time difference: 时差 Chinese/western restaurant: 中/西餐厅 Currency exchange: 外币兑换点 laundry service: 洗衣服务 fitness facilities: 健身设施 check-in baggage: 托运行李 cabin luggage: 手提行李 On behalf of…. Let me introduce….. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, and try the best to answer your questions. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. We’ll try our best to make your trip in ….. an enjoyable one. If you have any special interests, please let me know. I hope you’ll enjoy your trip in ….


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

致欢迎词 20

介绍时差 10

介绍具体行程安排 10 操作内容 当地情况介绍 20

介绍将入住酒店 10

宣布集合时间、地点等 10

实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 2-3 运用思维导图总结“首次沿途导游服务”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of first tour on the coach.

20 第二章 导游接团服务实训

项目四 有关日程的核对与商定服务实训 Discussing itineraries

实训目标:使学生认识核定活动日程的重要性和必要性,掌握核定活动日程的方式 和方法 Objectives: To make the students know the importance and necessity of verifying the itinerary and grasp the ways and means of verifying the itinerary 实训情景:分配好房间后,导游张莉来找旅游团的领队约翰·怀特先生核对旅程安 排。张莉敲门,约翰·怀特先生开门。 Circumstances: After assigning the rooms, Zhang Li, the local guide, verifies the itinerary with John White, the tour leader. Zhang Li knocks at the door and John White opens the door. 实训准备:旅游计划表、模拟酒店房间 Preparations: tour plan, mock hotel room 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 地陪接待计划中旅游行程与旅游者或全陪、领队手中行程有不同。 The tour plan of the local guide is different from that of the national guide or the tour leader. 1.1 地陪应与旅行社联系,告之情况,请求核实; The local guide should contact the local travel service, inform them of the differences and ask them to verify the plan. 21 中英文导游实训教程

1.2 在征求旅行社的意见后,做出调整。 After consulting the local travel service, make some adjustment. 2. 旅游者提出小的修改意见或增加新的游览项目。 The tourists propose to make any adjustments of the plan or add some new items to the plan. 2.1 及时向旅行社有关部门反映,对合理又可能满足的项目,尽力予以安排; Report the requirements of the tourists to the local travel service, try to arrange the change for the tourists if the change is reasonable and can be met. 2.2 需要加收费用的项目,地陪要事先向领队或旅游者说明,并按规定收取费用; If the change or added item needs extra cost, the local guide should explain it to the tour leader or the tourists and charge for it. 2.3 对确有困难无法满足要求,地陪要详细解释,耐心说服。 If it is hard to meet the tourists’ need, the local guide should explain it to the tourists and patiently persuade them. 3. 旅游者提出的要求与原日程不符又涉及接待规格。 The tourists’ requirements do not correspond to the plan and reception standard: 3.1 一般婉言拒绝,说明不便单方面不执行合同; The local guide should refuse politely and explain to the tourists that it is inappropriate to violate the contract. 3.2 确有特殊理由,并由领队提出,地陪须请示旅行社有关部门,视情况而定。 If there are any special reasons raised by the tour leader, the local guide should ask for instructions of the local travel service.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: Good evening, Mr. White. W: Good evening, Miss Zhang. Come in, please. Z: Thank you. Is it all right for us to discuss the itinerary of this trip? W: Sure. Before we left for China, we received the copies of the itinerary from your travel service. I hope there haven’t been any changes. Z: No, hardly any changes. W: Can you be specific, please? Z: Sure. The general plan includes the four-day sightseeing in Guangzhou. Tomorrow morning, we’ll first visit Southern Yuen Tomb, then, move on to Yuexiu Park and Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall. After lunch, we’ll visit the Temple of Six Banyan Trees and Chen Clan Academy. And in the evening, we’ll have a boat trip on the Pearl River. W: We’ll follow the itinerary you sent us last time? Z: Exactly. 22 第二章 导游接团服务实训

W: Then, we’ll leave everything up to you. Z: According to the itinerary, we’ll also go to visit Foshan,Kaiping and Zhaoqing. I hope you won’t be too tired. W: No problem. Everybody is as strong as a horse. Z: Good. If there should be any changes, please let me know in advance. W: Okay. Thank you for all you’ve done for us. Z: My pleasure

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: How do you like the itinerary? W: In general, it’s great. But can we possibly add an item tonight? Z: Why? W: Since tomorrow is the Spring Festival, it is said that the flower markets in Guangzhou before the Lunar New Year are very famous and special; we want to go and visit the flower market. Would you please arrange it for us? Z: Sure. Since you are free tonight, I’d be glad to accompany you. W: That’s fantastic. Thanks, Miss Zhang. W: Miss Zhang. We have another request. Since we have visited a lot of parks in other cities in China, we don’t want to go to Yuexiu Park. We heard that Qingping Market has strong local feature, can we visit it instead of Yuexiu Park? Z: It depends on whether you have enough time. If time allows, I will try to arrange it for you. W: Thank you. Z: You are welcome. I hope you can enjoy yourselves every day in China.

Dialogue 3:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: I am terribly sorry, Mr. White. We have to make some changes in our itinerary. W: Why? Z: Well, according to our itinerary, we will have a boat trip on the Pearl River tomorrow night. Since tomorrow is the first day of the Lunar New Year, there will be firework show on the Pearl River; all boats are prohibited from entering the area. W: What a pity! Z: After consultation with our travel service, I propose that we have the boat trip the day after tomorrow, while you can stay in the hotel to watch the firework show tomorrow night. Is that all right? W: Can we really watch the firework show in the hotel? That’s terrific. No problem, I’ll 23 中英文导游实训教程

explain to the group.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 根据旅游计划,游客们明天参观完景点后,后天将会去当地的步行街购物;但游 客们提出上午想去动物园看熊猫,下午才去购物,让地陪张莉给他们安排参观事宜。 Task 1: According to the itinerary, after their visit to the places of interests tomorrow, they will do some shopping in the pedestrian street. The tourists suggest that they want to see pandas in the zoo in the morning and do some shopping in the afternoon. They ask Zhang Li, the local guide, to help them to arrange this. 2. 小张担任一来穗旅游的东南亚旅游团的地陪。旅游团到达后,小张和领队核对日 程安排。在核对过程中,小张发现领队手中计划表上的游览点与自己接待任务书上所确 定的游览景点不一致,领队的计划表上多了两个景点,且坚持要按他手上的景点来安排 行程。 Task 2: Xiao Zhang is a local guide of a tour group from Southeast Asia. After arrival, Xiao Zhang checks the itinerary with the tour leader. Xiao Zhang finds that there are two more tourist attractions in the tour leader’s plan. The tour leader insists that the trip should be arranged according to his plan.

Useful sentences:

Is it all right for us to discuss the itinerary of this trip? Well, I’ve come to talk about the itinerary for your trip. Let’s talk about the itinerary for the trip. I hope there haven’t been any changes. Are there any changes? I’d like to know if there’ve been any changes. Can you be specific, please? We’ll leave everything up to you. Thank you very much for everything you’ve done for us.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 寻找恰当的时机 10 核对、商定日期 30 操作内容 旅游者提出修改行程问题处理 30 协调各方面关系 10 实训报告 实训心得 20

24 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Mind Map 2-4 运用思维导图总结“日程的核对与商定服务”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of discussing the itineraries.

模块二 特殊旅游形式迎接服务实训 Module Two: Training in meeting a special tour group

项目一 校园文化游 Study tours

实训目标:使学生掌握修学旅游的的实际操作和了解修学游与普通旅游观光的差别 Objectives: To make the students know the operations of study tours and find out the difference between study tours and sightseeing tours 实训情景:张莉正迎接来自澳洲的一个游学团。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is meeting a group of study tour from Australia. 实训准备:旅游接待计划、接站牌、导游旗、导游胸卡、讲解扩音器、小孩用的胸 卡等 Preparations: tour plan, receiving sign, flag, IC card of national guide certificate, loudspeaker, badges for children, etc. 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures:

25 中英文导游实训教程

1. 团队抵达后,认找旅游团:一切相符才能确定是自己应接的团。 After the tour group arrives, the local guide should identify the group to make sure that all the information corresponds to yours. 2. 核实人数。 Verify the number of the tour group. 3. 集中清点行李、与行李员办理交接手续。 The local guide should help the tourists get their luggage together at a designated place, together with the tour leader and the national guide,he or she should count to get the right number of pieces and then hand them over to the luggage man of the local travel service through necessary procedures. 4. 集合登车。 Get on the coach. 4.1 提醒带齐行李和随身物品,引导前往乘车处; Remind the tourists of bringing their hand luggage and taking it to the coach. 4.2 恭候车门旁,搀扶或协助登车; Wait at the door of the coach, help the tourist to get on the coach. 4.3 上车后,协助旅游者就座,礼貌地清点人数,到齐坐稳后请司机开车。 After getting on the coach, the local guide should count the number of the group. If all the tourists are on the coach and seated, ask the driver to leave for the hotel. 5. 防止小孩走失:把名单制成卡片,正面写着小孩的姓名、国籍、年龄、团名、住 的酒店、接待的旅行社、联系电话、坐的车的编号,背面写着就餐桌号等。 In case that the children get lost, it is better to give each child a badge, on one side of which is the child’s name, nationality, age, the code of the tour group, the hotel where the children stay, the name of the local travel service, telephone number and the number of the coach; the other side is the number of table for meals. 6. 讲解注意事项,并且每个人发一张行程表。 Explain the points for attention to the children and give each of them an itinerary.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li H: Miss Hans T: Tourists) Z: (劳驾,请问您是不是澳洲的汉斯小 姐?) H: Yes. (您是国旅派来的导游吧?) Z: Yes. Miss Hans. Nice to meet you. My name is Zhang Li. Zhang is my family name. H: Nice to meet you, too. Miss Zhang. Thank you for coming to meet us. Z: Not at all. (我们很高兴你们来到广州参观). How was your trip? H: Very nice. We had a smooth flight. 26 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Z: You have a group of 35, right? H: Yes, that’s right. Z: Well, is everyone here now? H: Yes, everybody is here. Z: Our coach is waiting for us outside the airport. Let’s go. Attention please! Everyone. Now please follow me. (Zhang Li makes sure the tourists are all on the coach. Then they leave for the hotel.) Z: (To the driver) Now that all the people are here, we can go now. (To all the tourists in the coach) Ladies and gentlemen, (欢迎各位来到广 州). First, (请允许我作一下自我介绍). My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. I will be your local guide during your stay in Guangzhou. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so (乘坐他 的车你们尽可放心). We’ll always use the same bus in the following days. So I’ll (建议大家写下车牌号码). The number is 12345. I sincerely hope (你们在中国有个愉快的假 期). If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the (广州和悉尼的时差)is 2 hours, please (把你们的手表调后 2 个小时). Now we are driving straight to the hotel, . Z: (为了防止走失), I’ll give everyone a card, on which is your name, (国 籍、年龄、团名、住的酒店、接待的旅行社、联系电话、坐的车的编号等). If getting lost, you just need to show this card to others, they will help you find us. On the back of the card is the number of table for meals. In the meantime, I will give each one (一张行程表)so that you know well what to do in the coming days. H: Thanks. Miss Zhang. (你考虑得真周到)。 Z: You’re welcome. In addition, (我们已经为你 们安排了足够的餐饮)during your stay in Guangzhou. (为 了你们这几天旅途的顺利),please don’t buy other food or beverage, especially those on the roadside. OK? T: Okay.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 广东国旅接待一个来自澳洲的 200 人的学生游学团,张莉是其中的一个地陪,带 领 48 个小学生。张莉要在最快的时间安排好学生们就餐。 27 中英文导游实训教程

Task 1: CITS (Guangdong Branch) is receiving a group of 200 students from Australia. Zhang Li is one of the local guides and she is leading 48 students. The students must be arranged for dinner quickly.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 10 核实人数 10 清点行李 10 操作内容 集合登车 10 派发卡片及行程表 20 讲解注意事项 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 2-5 运用思维导图总结“校园文化游”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of study tours.

项目二 会展旅游 MICE tourism

实训目标:使学生熟悉和掌握会议旅游的全过程,理解会议团和普通旅游团的区别 Objective: To be familiar with the procedures of conference tourism, tell the differences between conference tour group and sightseeing tour group

28 第二章 导游接团服务实训

实训情景:张莉要带一个跨国公司在广州的分公司的年度会议团。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is going to guide a group attending an annual meeting of a multinational company in Guangzhou branch. 实训准备:旅游接待计划、接站牌、导游旗、导游胸卡、讲解扩音器、会议牌等, 模拟酒店大堂接待处 Preparations: tour plan, receiving sign, flag, IC card of national guide certificate, loudspeaker, conference card, mock lobby of a hotel 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 团队抵达后,认找旅游团:一切相符才能确定是自己应接的团。 After the tour group arrives, the local guide should identify the group to make sure that all the information corresponds to yours. 2. 核实人数。 Verify the number of the tour group through the tour leader or national guide. 3. 集中清点行李及与行李员办理交接手续。 The local guide should help the tourists get their luggage together at a designated place, together with the tour leader and the national guide,he or she should count to get the right number of pieces and then hand them over to the luggage man of the local travel service through necessary procedures. 4. 集合登车。 Get on the coach. 4.1 提醒带齐行李和随身物品,引导前往乘车处; Remind the tourists of bringing their hand luggage and take it to the coach. 4.2 恭候车门旁,搀扶或协助登车; Wait at the door of the coach, help the tourist to get on the coach. 4.3 上车后,协助旅游者就座,礼貌地清点人数,到齐坐稳后请司机开车。 After getting on the coach, the local guide should count the number of the group. If all the tourists are on the coach and seated, ask the driver to leave for the hotel. 5. 沿途解析住什么酒店、酒店接待台在哪里、领取什么资料及日程安排;简单介绍 酒店(位置、设施、交通等)。 On the way to the hotel, tell the tourists which hotel they are going to stay, where the reception is, what materials they will take and their itinerary in the following days; also introduce the location, facilities and transport, etc. of the hotel.

Dialogue 1:

(Zhang Li is going to guide a group attending an annual meeting of a multinational 29 中英文导游实训教程 company in Guangzhou branch.) (Z: Zhang Li H: Miss Hans T: Tourists) Z: Well, is everyone here now? H: Yes, everybody is here. Z: Our coach is waiting for us outside the airport. Let’s go. Attention, please! Everyone. Now please follow me. (Zhang Li makes sure the tourists are all on the coach. Then they leave for the hotel) Z: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and Sydney is 2 hours, please adjust your time backward for 2 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, White Swan Hotel. T: How far is it? Z: (到那儿大约需要 45 分钟). It’s one of the best hotels in Guangzhou. It lies in Shamian Island by the Pearl River. (酒店服 务热情周到,设施齐全),including (中西餐厅、外币兑 换点、商场、洗衣服务、健身设施、游泳池等). The hotel is within walking distance to downtown. T: That’s great. Z: (会议的接待台) is on the left of the lobby. After arrival, you register at the counter first, get some materials for the conference and the schedule. Then you’ll get your room number and (办入住手续) at the front desk of the hotel. T: Thanks for the introduction. Z: You’re welcome.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 某一跨国公司要在广州召开年会,由广东国旅安排相关事宜。但实际参加人数比 原定的多出 40 人。 Task 1: An annul meeting of a multi-national company is held in Guangzhou. CITS (Guangdong Branch) arranges the meeting. However, there are 40 more participants than expected. 2. 某一跨国公司要在广州召开年会,由广东国旅安排相关事宜。但实际参加人数比 原定的少 30 人。 30 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Task 2: An annul meeting of a multi-national company is held in Guangzhou. CITS (Guangdong Branch) arranges the meeting. However, there are 30 less participants than expected.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 10 核实人数 10 清点行李 10 操作内容 集合登车 10 介绍酒店位置及设施等 20 介绍会议接待情况 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

项目三 特种旅游 Special interest tour

实训目标:让学生了解特种旅游的种类特征,掌握在带特种旅游团中要特别注意的 事项 Objectives: To make the students know the kinds and features of special interest tour, and grasp the points for attention when guiding a special interest tour group 实训情景:张莉要带十七个加拿大的年轻人去从化徒步游。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is going to take 17 Canadian young men to Chonghua for trekking. 实训准备:模拟一个室外场景,学生扮演导游实际带团 Preparations: a mock outdoor scene and the students act as a guide 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 团队抵达后,认找旅游团:一切相符才能确定是自己应接的团。 After the tour group arrives, the local guide should identify the group to make sure that all the information corresponds to yours. 2. 核实人数。 Verify the number of the tour group through the tour leader or national guide. 3. 集中清点行李及与行李员办理交接手续。 The local guide should help the tourists get their luggage together at a designated place, together with the tour leader and the national guide,he or she should count to get the right number of pieces and then hand them over to the luggage man of the local travel service

31 中英文导游实训教程 through necessary procedures. 4. 集合登车。 Get on the coach. 4.1 提醒带齐行李和随身物品,引导前往乘车处; Remind the tourists of bringing their hand luggage and take it to the coach. 4.2 恭候车门旁,搀扶或协助登车; Wait at the door of the coach, help the tourist to get on the coach. 4.3 上车后,协助旅游者就座,礼貌地清点人数,到齐坐稳后请司机开车。 After getting on the coach, the local guide should count the number of the group. If all the tourists are on the coach and seated, ask the driver to leave for the hotel. 5. 强调安全问题及携带相关物品。 Emphasize the safety and the things to bring.

Dialogue 1:

(Zhang Li is going to take 17 Canadian young men to Chonghua for trekking. She makes sure the tourists are all on the coach. Then they leave for the hotel) (Z: Zhang Li T: tourist) Z: (To the driver) Now that all the people are here, we can go now. (To all the tourists in the coach) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. I will be your local guide during your stay in Guangzhou. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. We’ll always use the same bus in the following days. So I’ll recommend you to write down the number on the license tag. The number is 12345. I sincerely hope you’ll have a wonderful stay in China. If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and Vancouver is 16 hours, please adjust your time forward for 16 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, Dongfang Hotel. T1: Yes, you see I’ve never been trekking before so I don’t really know what to pack. Z: My advice to you is to keep it simple. The less you have to carry the better. Don't’ take a big (背囊). Wear (运动鞋). Take (纯棉的衣服), (短裤和袜子),of course, there are (个人洗漱用品和简 单的药箱、太阳油、帽子和太阳眼镜等). T2: Does it get cold at night? Z: Yes, it does. We’re in autumn now so you’ll need (一 条长裤和保暖的长袖运动衣)at night because it gets chilly. Also take a torch because there might be no electricity in some small villages at night. 32 第二章 导游接团服务实训

T3: Do we need waterproofs? Z: No, it isn’t the rainy season at the moment. T4: Is there a danger of malaria in the region? Z: Well, (最好还是要小心)and avoid mosquito bites as there might be a small risk. I recommend you use (驱蚊水)at all times and wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers at night. Ts: Thanks for your advice. Z: You’re welcome.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 在爬山的过程中,由于山路崎岖不平,一位游客的脚闪了。你让全陪将伤者送往 最近医院,而你则带领其他游客继续行程。 Task 1: When climbing the mountain, one of the tourists sprained his or her foot because of the bumpy roads. You lead the tourists to continue their trip while you ask the national guide to send the wounded to the nearest hospital.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 10 核实人数 10 清点行李 10 操作内容 集合登车 10 提醒携带物品 20 强调安全问题 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

模块三 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Three: The skills of handling special events

项目一 漏接/空接/错接 Miss meeting the group / wait hopefully for the group to turn up when actually it is not coming on the scheduled flight or train / meet the wrong group


33 中英文导游实训教程

悉核实交通票据的内容;掌握接团程序和方法 Objectives: To make sure to read the tour plan carefully; familiarize and verify the arrival time of all kinds of transport and the contents of tickets; grasp the procedures and methods of meeting tour group.

情景一 漏接 Miss meeting the group

实训情景:张莉要到机场接一来参加交易会的美国商务团,但车在路上抛锚了,错 过了接机的时间,该团被其在广州的商会接走了。张莉联系上领队,并立刻赶往酒店与 团队会合。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is going to the airport to meet a business group from America to attend the Canton Fair. But the coach breaks down on the way to the airport and Zhang Li misses the arrival time. The group was picked up by the American Chamber of Commerce. Zhang Li contacts the national guide and goes to the hotel to meet the group immediately. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、旅游接待计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, tour plan 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 认真对待:得知旅游团已抵广州,导游员必须立即赶去与旅游团会合,实事求是 地说明情况,诚恳地赔礼道歉,以求旅游者谅解。如果是外来因素造成的漏接,地陪要 认真解释,消除误解。 Take it seriously: when the local guide knows the tour group has arrived in Guangzhou, he or she must go and meet the group at once, tell them the true reason why he/she was delayed and apologizes sincerely. If it is due to external factors, the local guide should explain clearly so as to clear up misunderstanding. 2. 提供高质量的服务:更加热情周到地为旅游者服务,更精彩的导游讲解,高质量 地完成旅游接待任务,尽快消除旅游者因漏接造成的不愉快。 Improve the quality of service: provide better service to the tourists with excellent tour commentary so as to clear up the unhappiness of the tourists. 3. 支付必要费用:旅游者因等不到导游员而乘坐出租车前往下榻的饭店,导游员应 主动支付相应的费用。 Pay necessary expenses: if the tourists go to the hotel by taxi themselves because they cannot find the local guide, the local guide should pay the expenses.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: I am terribly sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. White. 34 第二章 导游接团服务实训

W: Oh, it’s Okay. We arrived in the hotel, anyway. Z: Our coach broke down in the expressway, so we are delayed. W: I can understand. Our chamber of commerce picked us up to the hotel, anyway. Z: I feel really sorry. Tonight we will have dinner in Panxi Restaurant. I will add dim sum for you. Panxi Restaurant is famous for its garden and its dim sum, and dim sum is one of the specialty foods in Guangzhou. W: Oh, really? That’s great! I will tell them the good news. I am sure they will love dim sum.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 由于塞车,当你到达火车东站时,你要接的旅行团已在车站外等候多时,客人非 常不高兴,领队也埋怨你漏接。你向游客解析迟到原因并恳求他们原谅。 Task 1: Because of the traffic jams, when you arrive at Guangzhou East Railway Station, the tour group you are to meet has been waiting there for a long time. The tourists are very unhappy about waiting and the tour leader also blames you for being late. You explain why you are late to the tourists and seek their forgiveness.

点心: Dim Sum is a uniquely dish served for breakfast or lunch. With lots of varieties available, dim sum are made into different beautiful shapes and abound with innovation.

Mind Map 2-6 运用思维导图总结“漏接”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of miss meeting the group.

35 中英文导游实训教程

情景二 空 接

Wait hopefully for the group to turn up when actually it is not coming on the scheduled flight or train 实训情景:飞机到了,张莉没有接到旅游团。她给全陪(领队)打电话询问情况。 Circumstances: The plane arrives, but Zhang Li does not find the tour group. So she calls the national guide to find out what happens. 实训准备:模拟机场到达大厅、手提电话及旅游接待计划 Preparations: mock domestic arrival of an airport, mobile phone and tour plan 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 排除漏接:飞机、火车准时抵达,导游人员接不到旅游团(者)时,首先应排除 漏接的可能。与旅游团下榻的饭店联系,核实旅游团是否自行到了饭店。 The plane or train arrives on time, but the local guide cannot find the group. The local guide should first exclude the possibility of missing the group, contact the hotel where the tourist will stay to confirm if the group arrives at the hotel themselves. 2. 请旅行社查明原因:立即与地接社联系,请其查明原因。 Contact the local travel service and find out the cause. 3. 旅游团(者)推迟来穗:经核实,旅游团(者)推迟抵穗,导游人员要听从接待 社的安排,或在机场、车站等待,准备迎接不久后来到的旅游团(者),或离开机场、车 站,重新安排接团事宜。 If the group puts off arriving, the local guide should follow the arrangements of the local travel service or wait at the airport or train station for the group that is coming soon or leave and reschedule when to meet the group again. 4. 旅游团(者)次日抵穗:经核实,旅游团(者)次日抵穗,广州接待社要重新安 排住房、餐饮、车辆,地陪要与计调部门协商,重新安排活动计划。 If the tour group arrives a day later, the local travel service should re-arrange the rooms, meals and coach. The local guide should consult the travel service coordinator and re-arrange the itinerary. 5. 旅游团(者)取消广州行程:经核实,旅游团(者)取消广州的行程时,广州接 待社应立即取消一切预订事项,例如退掉住房、餐饮、车辆和交通票证;及时通知组团 社和下一站接待社(如果有下一站活动的话)。 If the group has cancelled their trip in Guangzhou, the local travel service should cancel all the bookings, such as rooms, meals, coaches and plane or train tickets, etc. Inform the tour operator and the travel service in next city (if there is any).

36 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: Hello. Are you Mr. White? W: Yes, who’s speaking, please? Z: This is Zhang Li, the local guide of Guangzhou. I am at the arrival lounge. All the passengers are out, but I can’t find you. Where are you? W: I am terribly sorry, Miss Zhang. We are still in Guilin. On the way to the airport, there was a car accident. We missed the flight. We will fly to Guangzhou at 8:00 tonight instead. Z: Are all the tourists Okay? W: They are fine. Thanks. I just contacted your travel service. Z: That’s great. I will contact the travel service to confirm the new arrangement, and then I will let you know. W: Thanks. Miss Zhang. Z: You’re welcome. See you tonight. W: See you.

Mind Map 2-7 运用思维导图总结“空接”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of waiting hopefully for the group to turn up when actually it is not coming on the scheduled flight or train.

情景三 错接 Meet the wrong group


37 中英文导游实训教程

登记时发现此团并非是自己应接的团。原来这是公司举办的恳亲系列团中的一个,团员 与人数都一样,但所住饭店和景点安排不一样。 Circumstances: Zhang Li goes to a quay, as planned, to meet a group from America without tour leader to attend the World Hakka Conference. When they arrive at the hotel for check-in, Zhang Li finds that this is not the group that she is expected to meet. In fact, the group is one of the groups that attend the World Hakka Conference, the tour number and the total numbers of tourists in each group are the same, but the hotel and the itinerary are different. 实训准备:模拟酒店大堂,旅游接待计划 Preparations: mock lobby of a hotel, tour plan 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 立即报告旅行社:发现错接,应立即报告接待社,请其寻找接待该旅游团的旅行 社和导游人员。 If you find that you meet a wrong group, report the matter to the local travel service and ask it to help you find the travel service and guide that get your group. 2. 寻找自己的旅游团:同时,地陪应设法寻找自己的旅游团,找到后应立即办理移 交手续,向旅游者实事求是地说明情况,真诚地赔礼道歉。 In the meanwhile, the local guide should try his or her best to find the group that he or she is expected to meet. When he or she finds the group that he or she should meet, conduct transfer procedures, explain to the tourists and apologize sincerely. 3. 非法导游接走旅游团(者)的处理:若发现非法导游接走了旅游团(者),地陪应 立即报告接待社,请其协助寻找。若找到非法导游,由有关部门予以严肃处理。 If an illegal guide gets the group, the local guide should report it to the local travel service and ask for help. When you find the illegal guide, you should report it to the relevant departments.

Dialogue 3:

(R: Receptionist Z: Zhang Li T: Tour leader) R: I am sorry, Miss Zhang. Your group hasn’t booked any rooms in our hotel. Z: It’s impossible. My plan says that it’s your hotel. R: I am really sorry. We don’t have reservation for your group. Your travel service did book some rooms for American tourists, but the names are different from yours. Z: Really? I must contact the travel service and confirm it. (After a while, finishing her calls, Zhang Li realized that she got the wrong group. She explained to the tour leader and went to the hotel where her group stayed at once.) Z: I am terribly sorry. There are too many groups coming at the same time for the World 38 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Hakka Conference, the tour number and the total numbers of tourists in each group are the same. Because of my negligence, I got the wrong group. Please accept my apology. T: Since there are so many people coming together at the same time, mistakes are inevitable. We can understand that. Z: Thank you for your understanding.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 漏接事故的预防 10 空接事故的预防 10 错接事故的预防 10 应变处理 漏接事故的处理 20 空接事故的处理 15 错接事故的处理 15 实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 2-8 运用思维导图总结“错接”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of meet the wrong group.

项目二 日程变更 The change of itinerary

实训目标:使学生熟悉处理日程变更的原则;能够妥善、灵活解决问题;学会根据 实际情况合理安排旅游行程计划;能够针对游客无所适从的心理,做好游客思想工作。 Objectives: To be familiar with the rules of changing itinerary; be able to deal with it 39 中英文导游实训教程 properly; know how to make travel arrangements according to the situation and how to communicate with the tourists when changing the itinerary.

情景一 旅游者要求改变活动计划和日程 The tourists ask to change the itinerary

实训情景:旅行团的团友想多留一天在广州购物,怀特先生向张莉提出建议 Circumstances: The tourists want to stay in Guangzhou for one more day so as to do some shopping. Mr. White makes suggestion to Zhang Li. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、旅游计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, tour plan 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 旅游者到达后要求延长或缩短在华的活动日程,或要求留在当地而取消下一站的 旅游行程,导游人员一般应婉言拒绝,说明地接社不能单方面不执行旅游合同。 The tourists want to extend or shorten their stay in China, or want to stay in a place and cancel the itinerary in the next destination. Generally, the local guide should refuse the request and explain that the local travel service cannot break the contract. 2. 如果是领队提出此类要求,地陪不能当场拒绝,而应通过地接社报告组团社,根 据组团社的决定,或接受变更要求,或婉言拒绝。 If the tour leader makes this suggestion, the local guide should not refuse the tour leader at once. He or she should ask the local travel service to report it to the tour operator. According to the decision of the tour operator, accept the change or refuse it politely.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) W: Miss Zhang. Many tourists in the group want to stay one more day in Guangzhou for shopping. Is that all right? Z: Oh, I must consult our travel service first before I give you the reply. (After a while, Zhang Li comes in again.) W: Come in, please. Miss Zhang. What is the reply of your travel service? Z: I am terribly sorry, Mr. White. Since the travel service has confirmed hotel, restaurant, and etc. in Foshan, it is impossible to make any changes now. I am afraid that we have to go on with our trip according to the itinerary. W: I can understand. Thanks anyway. Miss Zhang.

40 第二章 导游接团服务实训

情景二 客观原因造成计划和日程的变更 Change the itinerary due to objective causes

旅游团延长或缩短在一地的活动日程,导游人员要应注意下述两点:在一地延长或 缩短行程超过半天,地接社要报告国内组团社;必须将行程变化的信息及时通知下一站。 缩短行程,导游人员应尽力不让旅游者感到损失太大;延长行程,不要让旅游者感到在 本地浪费时间。 A tour group extends or shortens their stay in a place, the local guide should pay attention to two things: if the group extends or shortens their stay for more than half day, the local travel service must report it to the tour operator in China; the local guide should inform the guide in the next destination of the changed itinerary. If the stay is shortened, the local guide should try his or her best to reduce the tourists’ losses; If the stay is extended, he or she should also make the tourists feel that they are not wasting time here. 旅游团推迟抵达 The group delays arriving 实训情景:由于旅游团推迟了一天到达,相应缩短了在广州的活动日程,张莉正与 怀特先生商量新的旅游计划。 Circumstances: The group arrives one day later. Therefore, group has to cancel its one-day tour to Guangzhou. Zhang Li is discussing the new tour plan with Mr. White. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、书面旅游合同和变更计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, contract and the changed itinerary 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 地接社的应变措施:地接社要尽快退掉当日的住房、用餐、车辆并做重新安排, 将损失降到最小限度。 The local travel service should cancel earlier arrangements of meals, hotel accommodations and coach for today and re-arrange them so as to reduce the losses. 2. 导游员要与计调部门一起确定新的接待计划。缩短行程计划的编制原则: The local guide should work with the coordinator of the local travel service to make a new tour plan: 2.1 只要时间许可,一定要将原计划中的参观游览景点及其他活动都安排进去,保 护旅游者的合法权益; If time allows, the new tour plan should include all the activities in the contract so as to protect the tourists’ right. 2.2 时间不许可,就选择最具代表性、最有特色的旅游景点,让旅游者对当地旅游 资源有个基本的了解。 If time does not allow, the plan should include a representative sample of tourist

41 中英文导游实训教程 attractions so that the tourists have a general knowledge of local tourist resources.

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: Mr. White, since you arrived in Guangzhou a day later, I am afraid that we have to make some changes in the itinerary. W: Yes. We all hope that we can visit Guangzhou as much as we can in a day. Z: Don’t worry, I will try my best. Here is our new itinerary. Tomorrow we will visit Yuexiu Park, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and the Temple of the Six Banyan Trees; after lunch, we will visit Chen Clan Academy and do some shopping in Beijing Road; and we will have a boat trip at night. The day after tomorrow we will leave for Zhaoqing. What do you think of it? W: It sounds good. We will take this itinerary. 旅游团被迫提前离开 The group has to leave earlier than scheduled due to local circumstances 实训情景:旅游团在阳江游览,但由于阳江受到强台风的正面吹袭,旅游团不得不 取消该行程,提前返回广州。 Circumstances: The group is touring in Yangjiang. Since there will be strong typhoon in Yangjiang, the group has to cancel their trip and come back to Guangzhou earlier. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、书面旅游合同和变更计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, contract and the changed itinerary 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 旅游团一到,立即与全陪、领队商量,实事求是地说明情况,提出应变计划。 As soon as the group arrives, the local guide should discuss it with the national guide and tour leader. Tell them the truth and propose a changed itinerary. 2. 向旅游团中有影响力的人物说明情况,诚恳地赔礼道歉,详细介绍应变计划,争 取他们的谅解和支持,然后分头做旅游者的工作,立即带领旅游团外出游览。 Explain to the persons who have influence on the group, apologize sincerely, introduce the details of the changed itinerary so as to get their understanding and support. Then explain to the tourists separately and take the tourists to go sightseeing at once. 3. 由地接社办理退房、退餐、退车等相关事宜,通知组团社和下一站接待旅行社。 The local travel service cancels the accommodations, meals and coaches etc. and inform the tour operator and the travel service in the next destination. 4. 适当补偿:必要时经旅行社领导同意可加酒、加菜,赠送小纪念品;若旅游者反 应强烈,可由旅行社领导出面表示歉意并提出补偿办法。 42 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Give compensation to the tourists: with the approval of the superiors of the travel service, the local guide can add some wine, dishes or give some souvenirs to the tourists; if the tourists have strong reaction, the local guide can ask the superiors to apologize and make compensation in person.

Dialogue 3:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: I am terribly sorry, Mr. White. I am afraid we have to cancel our trip in Yangjiang tomorrow. W: Why? Z: I’ve just got notice from the observatory and the travel service that there will be strong typhoon in Yangjiang. All water sports must be cancelled. W: Really? That’s too bad. What should we do now? Z: I am really sorry for that. We will visit China Maritime Silk Road Museum, and then we will go back to Guangzhou directly. Tomorrow we will visit Lingnan Impression Garden instead, where you can know more about the culture and folklore in Guangdong, especially those in Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta. W: We have no choice then. I will try to explain to the group. Z: Thanks. In order to thank you for your understanding, we will add more dishes for you all so that you can try local seafood. W: Thanks so much. 取消一地的行程 Cancel the trip 实训情景:由于洪水的原因,原本安排第二天去肇庆的行程不得不取消,改为去西 樵山。 Circumstances: The group has planned to visit Zhaoqing the next day. Because of the flood there, the group will visit Xiqiao Mountain instead. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、书面旅游合同和变更计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, contract and the changed itinerary 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 取消旅游团在某站的活动日程,一般都由天灾造成。自然灾害迫使旅游团滞留某地, 导游人员应该: Cancelling a trip is normally caused by natural disasters. When a group is detained in a place because of natural disasters, the local guide should: 1. 及早报告组团社,由其决定变更旅游团行程。 The local guide should report it to the tour operator as soon as possible and let the tour 43 中英文导游实训教程 operator decide to change the itinerary or not. 2. 导游员遵照执行,带领旅游者前往某地继续旅游,但事先必须实事求是地将组团 社的决定向旅游者解析清楚。 The local guide should follow the instructions to take the tourist to go on with their sightseeing, but he or she should tell the tourists the decision made by the tour operator first.

Dialogue 4:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: I am terribly sorry, Mr. White. We have to make some changes in our itinerary. W: Why? Z: Well, Zhaoqing is flooded because of the constant rain in the upper region of the Pearl River. Our visit to Zhaoqing now is impossible. W: What a bad luck! Z: Yes, we are very sorry for that. After consultation with our travel service, I propose that we visit Xiqiao Mountain instead of Zhaoqing. Xiqiao Mountain is as famous as Dinghu Mountain in Zhaoqing. How do you like this itinerary? W: It sounds good. Z: Then we will take this itinerary. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Again we are very sorry for this. W: Oh, no, it’s not your problem. I will explain to the group. Z: Thank you.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 一个旅行团原定于今天下午坐飞机回国,但由于台风,飞机停航了,被迫推迟一 天回国。你耐心倾听游客的抱怨并为旅游团安排剩余时间的食宿及行程。 Task 1: According to the itinerary, the tour group will leave for home this afternoon by plane. However, the flight has been cancelled because of typhoon. The group has to leave one day later. You listen patiently to the tourists’ complaint and arrange accommodation and itinerary for the rest of time for the tourists. 2. 由于亚运会开幕式要进行演练,旅游计划的珠江夜游要取消。你向游客道歉、解 析原因并建议今晚参观广州塔。 Task 2: Since there are rehearsals(排练)of the opening ceremony of the 16th Asian Games by the Pearl River, the night cruise has to be cancelled. You apologize and try to explain to the tourist and also suggest visiting Guangzhou Tower instead of the cruise. 3. 在上海世博园的游览过程中,由于场馆非常多,表演也非常多,短短的几个小时 根本不够游玩,因此游客向导游提出要延长游玩时间。你向游客解释说司机是按时间开 车的,不会等候。如果游客坚持,你建议他们可以自行回酒店。你详细告诉他们酒店地

44 第二章 导游接团服务实训

址并告诉他们如何坐车回酒店。 Task 3: During the visit to the Shanghai Expo, since there are too many pavilions and performances in the park, it is impossible to visit all in several hours. The tourists ask the guide to extend their stay in the park. You explain to the tourists that the driver will not wait for them and will leave on time. If the tourists insist, you suggest that they go back to hotel by themselves. You tell them the address of the hotel and how to go back to hotel.

Useful sentences:

-I’m terribly sorry. I am afraid we have to cancel the trip to… -I’m terribly sorry. We have to make some changes in our itinerary. -There has been a change in our itinerary, that is, …… -How do you like this itinerary? -Can we possibly change the items in Guangzhou? -I’d be very happy to hear your ideas and your suggestions.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 旅游者要求改变行程的处理 20 因客观原因要延长活动日程的处理 15 应变处理 因客观原因缩短活动日程的处理 15 因当地原因游客被迫提前离开的处理 15 取消一地行程的处理 15 实训报告 实训心得 20

项目三 游客丢失证件/财物/行李 The tourist loses his/her papers/belongings/luggage.

实训目标:使学生掌握补办丢失证件的相关程序;学会帮助寻找丢失行李的方法; 培养导游的工作责任心 Objectives: To know how to deal with the case that the tourist loses his/her papers, how to help the tourist look for lost luggage; and train the local guide’s sense of responsibility

情景一 丢失证件 the loss of papers

实训情景:到达酒店办理入住手续的时候,其中一位游客发现护照不见了,地陪张 莉帮助他处理相关事宜。 Circumstances: When checking in, one of the tourists found that his or her passport is lost. The local guide, Zhang Li, is helping him or her to deal with it. 45 中英文导游实训教程

实训准备:模拟酒店大堂,模拟旅行社办公室,模拟公安局出入境管理处 Preparations: mock lobby, office of a travel service, Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 丢失外国护照的处理 How to deal with the loss of foreign passport. 1.1 帮助寻找:外国游客丢失护照,导游人员首先要帮助寻找,安慰失主,设法稳 定其情绪,让其回忆证件可能放在什么地方,可能在哪个环节丢失,帮助其在可能的范 围内寻找; When a foreign tourist lost his/her passport, the local guide should first help him/her to look for it and comfort him/her. Try to calm him/her down and ask him/her where he/she may have put his/her passport, where he/she may have lost it. 1.2 确认证件遗失后,由接待旅行社开具证件遗失证明; When the tourist is sure that he/she lost his/her passport, the local guide should ask the local travel service to write out a certificate of loss. 1.3 失主去广州市公安局出入境管理处报失,申请、领取《护照报失证明》; With the certificate of loss from the travel service, the tourist must personally report the case to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau and ask for an official certificate of loss. 1.4 失主持《护照报失证明》和照片去所在国驻华使、领馆申请新护照或临时证件; With photos and an official certificate of loss, the tourist should go to the consulate(领事 馆)of his country to apply for a new passport. 1.5 失主持新护照或临时证件再去当地公安局出入境管理处申请人境签证并办理签 证; Then, with the new passport, the tourist should go to the Public Security Bureau again to apply for a new visa to China. 1.6 一切费用由失主自理。 The tourist should pay for all the expenses. 2. 丢失团体签证的处理 How to deal with the loss of group visa. 2.1 帮助寻找,确认丢失后由接待社开具团体签证遗失证明; Help to look for it. When it is sure that the group visa is lost, ask the local travel service to write out a certificate of loss. 2.2 备齐相关材料: Prepare all the necessary materials. 46 第二章 导游接团服务实训

2.2.1 原团体签证的复印件; The photocopy of the group visa. 2.2.2 按原团体签证格式重新打印旅游团的名单; Reprint the name list according to the original form of group visa. 2.2.3 全团旅游者的护照。 All the passports of the group. 2.3 领队持上述证明和材料到当地公安局出入境管理处报失,填写申请表,申领新 的团体签证。 With the certificate of loss of the travel service and all the necessary materials, the tour leader reports the case to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau and asks for an official certificate of loss. Fill in the application form and apply for new group visa. 3. 丢失中国护照的处理(华侨在中国境内丢失护照) How to deal with the loss of Chinese passport (overseas Chinese loses passport in China). 3.1 帮助寻找,确认丢失,接待社开具遗失证明; Help the tourist to look for it, when the tourist is sure that the passport is lost, the local guide should ask the travel service to write out a certificate of loss. 3.2 失主持遗失证明和照片到当地公安局出入境管理处挂失并申请新护照; With photos and the certificate of loss from the travel service, the tourist must go personally to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau to report the loss and apply for a new passport. 3.3 获新护照后去侨居国驻华使馆办理入境签证手续。 Then, with the new passport, the tourist should go to the consulate which country he is living to apply for an entry visa. 4. 丢失港澳居民来往内地通行证的处理 How to deal with the loss of Mainland Travel Permit for residents of Hong Kong and Macao to Chinese mainland. 4.1 由接待社开具遗失证明,向派出所挂失,取得报失证明; The travel service writes out a certificate of loss, report the case to the Public Security Bureau and get an official certificate of loss. 4.2 到当地公安局出入境管理处申请赴港澳证件,经核实后发给失主一次性有效的 《中华人民共和国出入境通行证》; With the official certificate of loss, the tourist must go personally to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau to apply for an Exit and Entry Permit valid for once. 4.3 回港澳地区后,向通行证受理机关申请补发新的通行证。 When returning to Hong Kong or Macao, the tourist should apply for a new Mainland Travel Permit. 47 中英文导游实训教程

5. 丢失台湾居民来往大陆通行证的处理 How to deal with the loss of Mainland Travel Permit for residents of Taiwan to Chinese mainland. 5.1 接待社开具遗失证明,到当地派出所挂失并取得报失证明; The local travel service writes out a certificate of loss, report the case to the Public Security Bureau and get an official certificate of loss. 5.2 携旅游团接待计划和上述证明到当地公安局出入境管理处申请一次性有效的出 境证明。 With the tour plan and the official certificate of loss, the tourist must go personally to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau to apply for an Exit and Entry Permit valid for once.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li B: Mr. Brown) B: Oh, my god! I can’t find my passport! What should I do? Z: Please calm down, Mr. Brown, where did you put it? B: I just put it in the pocket of my coat. After I arrived in Guangzhou, I went directly to the hotel by coach. Z: Do you think you may leave it in the coach? I will go and look for it. (After a while, Zhang Li came back. But she didn’t find the passport.) Z: I am very sorry, Mr. Brown. I couldn’t find your passport. After you arrived in the hotel, where else did you go? B: I went to the toilet. In case I can’t find my passport, what should I do? Z: In case you can’t find it, I will help you get a certificate of loss from our travel service. With the certificate of loss, you report the case to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau and ask for an official certificate of loss. Then with the official certificate of loss, you should go to the British Consulate in Guangzhou to apply for a new British passport. Finally, with the new passport, you should go to the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau again to apply for a new visa to China. B: That’s really troublesome. Z: Yes. Think about it again. Did you change clothes or do anything like that? B: Oh, I remember that I took off my coat because it’s much warmer in Guangzhou than that in Britain and put it in my suitcase. I look for it again. (Mr. Brown opens his suitcase and looks for his coat.) Look! My passport is still in the pocket of my coat. Z: That’s great! B: I am so sorry to put you to a lot of trouble, Miss Zhang. Z: Not at all. 48 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Mind Map 2-9 填空,完成下列思维导图,复习“丢失证件”实训要点。Fill in the mind map to review the main points of the loss of papers.

情景二 丢失财物 The loss of property

实训情景:一位游客到达酒店后发现不见了项链,地陪张莉正在处理相关事宜。 Circumstances: One tourist found her necklace was gone when she arrived in hotel. Zhang Li, the local guide, is helping her to handle it. 实训准备:模拟酒店大堂 Preparations: mock lobby 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 帮助寻找 Help the tourist to look for it. 1.1 稳定失主情绪,尽可能详细地了解物品的丢失经过,丢失物品的数量、形状、 特征、价值以及可能丢失物品的时间和地点; Try to comfort the tourist, try to know how, when and where the property is lost, and its quantity, shape, characteristics and value. 1.2 仔细分析物品的丢失原因,迅速判断财物是遗失还是被盗。 Analyze the cause of loss and judge the property is lost or stolen. 2. 迅速报案 Report the case to the police. 2.1 一经确定财物丢失或被盗,立即向公安机关报案,必要时向保险公司报案; When the property is lost or stolen, the local guide should report it to the Public Security Bureau at once, and report it to the insurance company if necessary. 49 中英文导游实训教程

2.2 及时报告旅行社,听取指示并开具遗失证明; Report the matter to the travel service and get a certificate of loss from the travel service. 3. 开具必要证明 Write out an official certificate of loss. 3.1 丢失的如果是贵重物品,失主应持报失证明、本人护照或其他有效身份证件到 公安机关出入境管理处填写《失物经过证明》,列出失物清单;丢失的如果是入境时向海 关申报的物品,失主应出示《中国海关行李申报单》; If the property is of great value, with the certificate of loss from the travel service, passport or ID card, the tourist should report the case to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau. If the property was declared when the tourist came to China, the tourist should also show the China Customs Baggage Declaration Form for Incoming Passengers. 3.2 丢失的如果是行李申报单,要在公安局申请办理《中国海关行李申报单报失证 明》; If the tourist lost the China Customs Baggage Declaration Form for Incoming Passengers, he/she need to apply for the certificate of loss of the declaration form in the Public Security Bureau. 3.3 遗失的如果是在国外办理了财产保险的物品,要在公安局出入境管理处办理《财 物报失证明》。 If the property is insured in foreign country, the tourist should go to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Public Security Bureau applying for an official certificate of loss of property. 4. 遗失旅行支票、信用卡等票证,失主应同时向公安局和相关银行报失。 If the tourist lost his/her travel check, credit card, and etc., he/she should report the case to the Public Security Bureau as well as the relevant bank. 5. 财物被盗的处理 How to handle the case when the property is stolen. 5.1 立即向公安机关报警; Report the case to the Public Security Bureau at once. 5.2 积极协助有关部门调查,争取早日破案,挽回不良影响; Cooperate with relevant departments to investigate it so as to solve the case as soon as possible. 5.3 若不能破案,应安慰失主,按上述方式相继处理。 If the case cannot be solved, the local guide should try to comfort the tourist and deal with the case as above-mentioned.

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li G: Miss. Green) 50 第二章 导游接团服务实训

G: My dear! I can’t find my necklace. Z: Please calm down. Miss Green. What kind of necklace did you lost? G: It’s a platinum necklace with a diamond pendant. It’s a present from my fiancé. Z: Where did you put it when you saw it last time? G: I put it in the safe in the hotel. Z: Did you take it out when you left? G: Of course, it’s a present from my fiancé. Z: Did you put it in your suitcase? I will try to ring the hotel in Guilin to see whether you took it out with you or not. What’s your room number in Guilin? G: 508. (After a while, Zhang Li came back.) Z: I am sorry, Miss Green. The hotel in Guilin said that they couldn’t find your necklace. Is it in your suitcase? G: No. What should I do? I made declaration when I came to China. Z: In that case, I will help you get a certificate of loss from our travel service. With the certificate of loss, your passport and the declaration form, you report the case to the Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau and ask for an official certificate of loss. G: I have no choice. How careless I was!

Mind Map 2-10 运用思维导图总结“丢失财物”实训环节要点。Sum up the main points of the loss of property.

51 中英文导游实训教程

情景三 行李遗失的处理 The loss of luggage

托运行李遗失的处理 How to deal with the lost checked luggage 实训情景:在机场到达大厅,其中一位游客遗失了行李,地陪张莉帮她处理相关事 宜。 Circumstances: One of the tourists lost her/his luggage at the arrival hall of airport. Zhang Li is helping her/him to handle it. 实训准备:模拟机场到达大厅,模拟《丢失行李登记表》 Preparations: mock arrival of airport, mock form for lost luggage 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 与失主一起去机场行李查询登记处办理行李丢失认领手续;出示证件、机票和行 李卡并填写《丢失行李登记表》,写明航班号,始发站,经停站,行李件数、大小、形状、 特色、标记、颜色等。 With the tourist’s passport or ID card, plane ticket and baggage check, the local guide should accompany the tourist to the Lost Luggage Office of the airport to report and register the loss; fill in the Lost Luggage Form on which the flight number, the departure and arrival airport, stopover, the number of luggage, size, shape, characteristics, marks and color, etc. is written. 2. 留下失主姓名、下榻饭店名称;同时记住登记处的电话、联系人姓名,有关航空 公司的地址、电话等。 Leave the names of the tourist and the hotel where he/she is going to stay; write down the telephone number of the Lost Luggage Office and the staff you will contact, the address and telephone number of the airline. 3. 在当地期间,地陪应当着失主的面,多次打电话询问行李查找进程。 While the group is visiting the local city, the local guide should often telephone the airport to inquire about the result of their search for the luggage. 4. 行李一时找不回来,导游人员要协助失主购买必要的生活用品,并提醒他保存购 物发票。 When the luggage is not found for the moment, the local guide should help the tourist to buy his/her daily necessities and remind him/her to keep the invoice. 5. 离开时还找不着行李,导游人员应将旅游团在中国的全部行程(旅游路线、抵达 各地的日期、接待社名称和将下榻的饭店)转告有关航空公司,以便找到行李后及时交 还失主。 The luggage has not been found when the group leaves, the local guide should inform the airline of the itinerary in China of the group, including the itinerary, the dates of arriving at 52 第二章 导游接团服务实训 different destinations, local travel services and the hotels they are going to stay, so that the airline can send the luggage to the tourist as long as they find it. 6. 行李确系丢失,协助失主按规定索赔。 If eventually they give it up for lost, the local guide should help the tourist to claim compensation from the airline.

Dialogue 3:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White R: Rose Black) Z: Mr. White, is everyone in the group here? W: There is still a tourist called Rose Black waiting for her baggage. Oh, here she is. Z: Ms. Rose Black, have you got your baggage? R: No, I haven’t. I hope it’s not lost. Z: What color is your suitcase, Ms. Black? R: Black. Please call me Rose. First names are friendlier than last names. Z: OK. Rose. Don’t worry. We’ll find it. Give me your baggage check, please. R: Here you are. (Zhang Li goes to check with the Lost Baggage Office. After a while, she returns) Z: I am terribly sorry. Rose. The airport in Guilin made a mistake. They left your suitcase while loading the baggage. R: Oh, dear! What should I do? Z: I have contacted Guilin Airport and they said they were very sorry and would put it on the next flight to Guangzhou. R: When will it arrive here? Z: About 7 o’clock this evening. The airport here will send the suitcase to your hotel. R: Thank you, Miss Zhang. Z: You’re welcome. Well, everybody, we will go to your hotel by coach. Please follow me.

情景四 行李破损的处理 How to deal with the breakage of the luggage

实训情景:在机场的到达大厅,其中一位游客发现她的行李破损了,地陪张莉帮她 处理相关事宜。 Circumstances: At the arrival hall, one of the tourists found her/his luggage broken, the local guide, Zhang Li is helping her/him to handling it. 实训准备:模拟机场到达大厅,模拟《行李运输事故记录》 Preparations: mock arrival hall, mock Property Irregularity Report 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 53 中英文导游实训教程

实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 在机场发现行李破损,导游人员应该陪同行李的主人去行李查询处填写《行李运 输事故记录》。 When the luggage is found broken at the airport, the local guide should take the tourist to the Baggage Inquiry Area to fill in the Property Irregularity Report. 2. 行李送到客房后,旅游者发现行李破损,一般应追查饭店行李员的责任。 If the tourist finds the luggage broken at the hotel room, normally, it is the responsibility of the bell boy. 3. 行李破损,一般先由旅行社垫付,然后向保险公司索赔。 When the luggage is broken, the local travel service should pay for it in advance; and then claim the cost from the insurance company.

Dialogue 4:

(Z: Zhang Li S: Mrs. Smith) S: Oh, my suitcase is broken. It’s a new one. Z: Don’t worry, Mrs. Smith. Please give me your baggage check and we will go to the Baggage Inquiry Area together. Z: Well, Mrs. Smith. You don’t need to worry about it. They will handle it. S: Thanks. Miss Zhang.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 游客在珠江夜游的船上游玩的时候,由于旅游旺季,旅游的人非常的多,游客李 某丢失了自己的相机。你安慰李某,同时让他详细描述相机并让船上的人员帮忙寻找。 Task 1: It is peak season and there are a lot of tourists having a night cruise on the Pearl River. One of the tourists, Mr. Li, lost his camera when he was on the boat. You try to comfort Mr. Li, in the meanwhile, you ask him to describe the camera in details and ask the crew on the boat to look for it. 2. 某旅行团在广州游览时,团内一位美籍华人不慎丢失了护照,地陪张莉正帮他处 理相关事宜。 Task 2: A group of tourists is visiting Guangzhou. A tourist in the group who is a Chinese American lost his/her passport. Zhang Li, the local guide is helping him/her to solve the problem.

Useful phrases and sentences:

Certificate of loss 遗失证明 Foreigners’ Exit and Entry Affairs Management Department 出入境管理处 54 第二章 导游接团服务实训

Public Security Bureau 公安局 group visa 团体签证 overseas Chinese 华侨 Mainland Travel Permit for residents of Hong Kong and Macao to Chinese mainland 港 澳居民来往内地通行证 Mainland Travel Permit for residents of Taiwan to Chinese mainland 台湾居民来往大 陆通行证 China Customs Baggage Declaration Form for Incoming Passengers 《中国海关行李申 报单》 Baggage Inquiry Area 行李查询处

-I have lost my…. -Please show me your baggage check/luggage tag? -We will try our best to get it back to you. -We’ll call you when we get a trace of your suitcase. -I’m sorry to hear that. I know your feeling. -Don’t worry too much. -Can you describe it? -I really appreciate your effort and I apologize for the trouble I’ve caused. -Absolutely no problem. It’s my pleasure to help you.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 丢失证件的处理(护照、团体签证、通行证等) 30 应变处理 丢失财物的处理 25 丢失行李的处理 25 实训报告 实训心得 20

项目四 游客晕车/船 Carsickness / seasickness

实训目标:使学生了解如何处理游客晕车/船及注意事项 Objectives: To know how to take care of the tourists who are liable to carsickness or seasickness 实训情景:在去酒店途中,张莉发现了一位叫罗斯·布莱尔的游客面色惨白。 Circumstances: On the way to the hotel, Zhang Li finds a tourist named Rose Black looks pale.

55 中英文导游实训教程

实训准备:模拟大巴 Preparations: mock coach 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 提醒晕车、船的游客,出发前不要饱食并服用适当药物(最好是使用自备药,并 提醒游客留意药品的禁忌,因许多晕车药均不适合青光眼患者)。 The guide should warn the tourists who are liable to carsickness or seasickness not to eat too much before travelling. He/She should also remind them to take a right dose of carsickness preventive (it is better for the tourists to take the medicine they bring) and warn them of the contraindications of the drug, because many carsickness preventives are harmful to glaucoma sufferers. 2. 尽可能安排其坐在较为平衡的座位上。 When assigning seats on the bus or plane, those at the less shaky position should be reserved for them. 3. 长途旅行中游客晕机(车、船),可请乘务员协助照顾。 When the group is travelling a long distance by plane or coach or ship, the national guide should ask the attendants to help look after them.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li R: Rose Black) Z: Are you Ok, Rose? R: I think I have carsickness. I want to vomit. Z: Really? I am sorry to hear that. Here is the bag. If you want to vomit, use it. Do you have carsickness preventives? R: No, I think maybe I am too tired. Z: Well, would you like to seat in the front seat of the coach? It’s less bumpy and you will feel better. R: Okay. Thanks. Miss Zhang.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 旅游团准备坐船离开广州去香港,一位游客告诉你他会晕船。你于是安排他坐船 的前部并建议他吃些药。 Task 1: A tour group is leaving Guangzhou for Hong Kong by boat. One of the tourists tells you that he/she is liable to seasickness. You assign him/her to sit in the front of the boat and suggest him/her taking some medicine if he/she has any. 56 第二章 导游接团服务实训


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 提醒游客 30 应变处理 安排座位 30 请求乘务人员帮忙 30 实训报告 实训心得 20

项目五 交通事故 Traffic accidents

实训目标:使学生掌握交通事故的应急处理方法,能做到临危不惧、不慌乱 Objectives: To know how to deal with car accidents 实训情景:在去酒店途中,旅游车遇到了交通事故。 Circumstances: On the way to the hotel, the coach had a car accident. 实训准备:模拟交通事故现场 Preparation: mock scene of a car accident 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 发生交通事故,应立即组织抢救,呼叫救护车或拦车护送重伤员去附近医院。 When a car accident happens, the guide should arrange first-aid treatments for the wounded and call the ambulance to send the wounded to the nearest hospital. 2. 必要时指定专人保护现场,避免在慌乱中破坏现场。 Keep the accident scene intact to avoid damage to the scence in panic. 3. 立即拨打 110、120 报警;报告旅行社,通报事故情况,请求派人处理事故,派车 来接安然无恙者和轻伤者或回饭店或继续游览。 Report the case to the police and the local travel service. Call the departments concerned for help and send the rest tourists back to hotel or continue their trip. 4. 安抚旅游者,提供热情周到的服务,力争使旅游活动得以继续进行。 Try to placate the tourists of the group and provide attentive service so as to proceed smoothly with the rest of the tour. 5. 在旅行社领导下,妥善处理善后事宜;事故查清后,告诉领队,由其向全团通报 事故原因、对死亡人员的抢救、处理经过等。 Under the guidance of the superiors of the travel service, handle the aftermath properly. After the accident is identified, let the tour leader tell the group the cause of the accident and

57 中英文导游实训教程 how to rescue the wounded or the death. 6. 事故发生后,导游人员要写出详细的书面报告:旅游团名称、国籍、人数、事故 发生的时间、地点、原因、经过及后果,处理的经过、结果,旅游者的情绪及对处理的 反应等。报告内容要翔实,反映旅游者的状况要客观,重要内容最好用旅游者的原话。 有可能的话,由领队、全陪和地陪联名签署报告。 Finally, after the accident the guide should present with a written report about all the details: the group’s name, nationality and the number of tourists in the group; the time, place, cause and consequence of the accident; the entire process of the accident handling; the mood of the tourists and their response to the accident, etc. The account of the accident must be specific and objective and quotations of tourists’ original words are recommended for important parts. If possible there should be a joint signature of the local guide, the national guide and the tour leader on the report.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: Is everybody all right? W: Two of the tourists hurt their head. They are bleeding. The others are fine. Z: I have reported to the police and the ambulance is on the way. In the meantime, our travel service has sent another coach to pick you up to the hotel. W: OK, thanks, Z: There is gauze and medical cotton in the first-aid kit in the coach. We help them control the bleeding first. W: OK.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 报警、组织抢救 20 安抚游客 20 应变处理 处理善后事宜 20 书面报告 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

58 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训



Chapter III Accommodation and F&B Services


通过本章实训,要求学生具备在游客入住前了解相关酒店基本情况、游客出发地食 宿文化、游客食宿特殊要求等基本信息的能力,并掌握酒店入住计划书的编写技巧;同 时应具备处理游客迅速入住服务、餐饮服务并协助游客处理食品安全等各种问题的基本 技能。熟练掌握常用的中英文句型和基本词汇。 Tourists would like to rest at the hotel or deal with personal matters after arriving at the destination. Tour guide should get basic information related to hotels, accommodation, culture and the special requirements of the tourists before their arrival, and make good preparations so that tourists can check in quickly upon arrival. After arrival, the tour guide should allocate(分 配)rooms to the tourists as soon as possible and help them deal with various problems.

模块一 入住服务实训 Module One: Check-in services

项目一 游客入住酒店前准备工作实训 Preparations before staying at the hotel

实训目标:掌握旅游者入住酒店前导游员针对食宿方面应做的准备工作 Objectives: To master the skills to arrange the accommodation and meals before tourists arriving at the hotel 实训情形:导游员领取接团计划书及游客基本情况表后进行游客食宿安排的各项准

59 中英文导游实训教程

备工作。 Circumstances: Prepare for the accommodation with the tour plans and the basic information of tourists 实训准备:旅游团接待计划书、团员名单和基本情况表、模拟旅行社办公场景 Preparations: Tour plan, name list of the group and the basic information, mock scene of travel service office 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 认真阅读接团计划书和相关材料,详细了解旅游团有关食宿的服务项目和要求, 了解游客基本情况。 Read the tour plan and related materials carefully, get details about services and requirements of the accommodation and learn about the basic information about tourists. 1.1 旅游团食宿的级别标准; The standard of accommodation for the group. 1.2 游客入住酒店的名称、居住天数、房间类型、用餐安排、入住日期、退房日期; The name of the hotel, length of stay, the type of room, meal arrangements, arrival date, departure date. 1.3 游客的人数、姓名、性别、职业、宗教信仰、特别的分房、用餐要求等。 The number of tourists, name, sex, occupation, religious beliefs, the special allocation of room and meal requirements, etc. 2. 旅行团入住前,导游应了解有关食宿方面的知识。 The tour guide is required to have the following knowledge of accommodation before checking in. 2.1 入住酒店的等级、设施、周边环境等情况; Hotel rating, facilities and surrounding environment, etc. 2.2 旅游团团员所在地的住宿和饮食文化习俗和背景; The customs, food culture, and accommodation of the places where tourists are from. 2.3 本地的住宿和饮食习俗、特点、禁忌等; The characteristics of local customs, taboos of accommodation and food. 2.4 本地代表性的菜点、酒水及其特点、历史渊源等; Special dishes, wine and its characteristics, history, etc. 2.5 可能发生的意外事故及应采取的应急措施。 Measures to be taken in the accidents that may occur. 3. 导游与入住酒店沟通。 Communication with the hotel. 3.1 旅游团食宿的级别标准; 60 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

The standard of accommodation. 3.2 旅游团的居住天数、住房数、房间类型、入住和退房的日期; Length of stay, amount of rooms, room type, date of check-in and check-out. 3.3 旅游团的分房、用餐的要求,特别要清楚是否含早餐等; Requirements of the allocation of room and meals, especially making sure if the breakfast is included, etc. 3.4 用餐的具体时间和地点; The specific time and place of meals. 3.5 旅游团在饮食和住宿方面的禁忌。 Taboos about food and accommodation of the tour group.

Dialogue 1:

(A guide is calling to a restaurant to make a reservation.) (A: the guide, B: the restaurant staff) A: Hello! Is that Tianlong restaurant? B: Yes. What can I do for you? A: This is the tour guide of Guangdong CITS. Do you have any vacant seats for a tour group next Monday evening? B: Yes. Your name, please? A: You can call me Mr. Li. B: Mr. Li, how many guests are there in total? A: 36! B: OK. I’ll reserve four tables for you. A: Thank you. How much is the minimum meal standard per person? B: It’s ¥30 per person, including 10 dishes, a soup and a fruit plate. A: What’s in the set meal for ¥50 per person? B: 12 dishes, a soup and a fruit plate. A: Well, I’ll take the one for ¥50 per person. B: OK! Could you tell me where the guests come from? Is there any other requirements? A: They are from the Middle East and they believe in Islam, so no pork dishes .All the dishes can be done according to the characteristics of the restaurant you can, since the guests prefer to try local tastes! B: No problem. Then, what is your phone number, Mr. Li? And when would you like to have the dinner next Monday evening? A: My phone number is 18688996688. We may arrive around 7 pm. B: OK!If there are some changes, please inform us one day in advance. Thanks for your support! A: All right. Thank you! 61 中英文导游实训教程


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 广东国旅的地陪张莉为一个来自英国的 15 人旅游团打电话去白天鹅宾馆预定房 间。他们打算住 3 晚。 Task 1: Zhang Li, a local guide from CITS Guangdong branch, is calling to reserve rooms with Guangzhou White Swan Hotel for a tour group of 15 tourists from Britain. They plan to stay for 3 nights.

Useful sentences:

Good morning. White Swan Hotel. Can I help you? I’d like to book/reserve 5 standard rooms from … to …. What’s the rate per night? May I have your name please?

2. 到达酒店后,你让行李生把行李送到游客所住楼层。你先和行李生清点行李并签 名确认,行李生再把行李送到游客所住楼层。你清点无误后,与领队确认并通知所有客 人领取行李。 Task 2: After arriving at the hotel, you ask the bell man to send the luggage of the tourists to the floor where they stay. You, with the bell man, count the number of luggage together, confirm and sign your name. Then the bell man sends the luggage to the floor where the tourists stay. After you count and make sure the number is correct, confirm with the tour leader and ask the tourists to take their luggage back to their rooms.

住宿的酒店有不同的级别和分类。按星级分类,有五星级酒店(five-star hotel)、四星 级酒店(four-star hotel)等。根据酒店的客源分类,可分为商务型酒店,度假型酒店,长 住型酒店,会议型酒店,观光型酒店,经济型酒店,连锁酒店,公寓式酒店。根据酒店 客房数量和规模,有超大型酒店(2 000 间客房以上)、大型酒店(1 000 间客房以上)、 中大型酒店(500-1 000 间客房)、中型酒店(200-500 间客房),中小型酒店/小型酒店(50-200 间客房)。因此,在为客人预订安排酒店时,旅行社要根据客人的要求安排合适的酒店。


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 旅行团情况了解 10 操作内容 客源地食宿习俗文化准备 10 本地食宿习俗文化准备 10

62 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

续表 评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 与酒店提前沟通能力 10 操作内容 与就餐地提前沟通能力 10 与旅游团提前沟通能力 10 思维清晰 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

Mind Map 3-1 运用思维导图总结“客人入住酒店准备工作”实训要点. Sum up the main points of preparations before staying at the hotel on this mind map.

项目二 游客入住酒店服务实训 Check in the hotel

实训目标:掌握入住酒店服务的程序、相关手续和要求,能够熟练引导游客入住酒 店 Objectives: To master the check-in procedures, and relevant requirements and be able to guide the tourists skillfully to check in 实训情形:广东省国旅的地陪张莉带领一个英国旅游团抵达入住酒店——广州白天 鹅宾馆。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS Guangdong Branch, leads a tour group

63 中英文导游实训教程 from Britain to check in the Hotel—Guangzhou White Swan Hotel. 实训准备:模拟酒店大堂,话筒、导游旗、导游证、分房名单、房卡、接团计划书、 旅游团成员名单、分房表等 Preparations: mock hotel lobby,microphone, flag, tour guide certificate, name list of allocation of rooms, room card, tour plan, tourist list, and other duties list 实训形式:角色扮演 Form: role-play 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 协助办理住店手续。Help check in. 1.1 协助领队和全陪办理住店登记手续; Assist the tour leader and the national guide to check in. 1.2 在领队或全陪分发房卡时,地陪应记下领队、全陪和团员的房间号,并将自己 联系的办法告诉全陪和领队,以便有事时尽快联系。 The local guide should know the room numbers of the tour leader, the national guide and the tourists, and give them your room number and the telephone number. 2. 介绍饭店设施。Introduce facilities of hotel. 2.1 介绍酒店服务设施,如购物中心、商务中心、银行等; Hotel facilities such as shopping centers, business centers, banks, etc. 2.2 介绍电梯、楼梯等的具体位置; Introduce the locations of elevators, stairs, etc. 2.3 介绍酒店房间的设施和使用注意事项; Introduce the facilities of hotel rooms and cautions. 2.4 介绍出现紧急事情时应采取的措施和求助的电话或地方; Measures to be taken in emergency and the phone number or place for help. 2.5 提醒旅游者注意酒店内的自费项目,如长途电话、网络宽带等。 The facilities charged in the hotel, such as long-distance telephone, internet, etc. 3. 带领全团用好第一餐:介绍酒店餐饮设施,着重提醒第一餐和早餐的用餐地点。 First meal: introduce hotel dining facilities, remind the dining locations of the first dinner and breakfast. 4. 宣布当日或次日的活动安排,并将地陪、全陪、领队的房间号和联系方式告知游 客。 Announce the arrangements for the day or the next day, and inform the tourists the room numbers and telephone numbers of the local guide, national guide and the tour leader. 4.1 在游客进入房间之前宣布当天的活动安排、集合时间和地点; Announce the activities, time and place for meeting of the day before the tourists enter their rooms. 4.2 如当天没有活动安排,应告诉游客次日的叫早时间、早餐时间、集合地点等; 64 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

If there is no activity that day, tourists should be informed of the wake-up time, breakfast and the location. 4.3 宣布次日的活动内容、时间、地点等; Announce the activities of the following day and the time and place, etc. 4.4 当天没有活动的,注意提醒游客独自外出时注意安全; Remind tourists of safety when going out alone if there’s no arrangement that day. 4.5 督促行李部及时分送行李; Urge the concierge to deliver luggage in time. 4.6 安排好叫早服务; Arrange wake-up call. 4.7 协助处理有关问题。 Assist to deal with related issues.

Dialogue 1:

(R: receptionist Z: Zhang Li W: John White, the tour leader) R: Good afternoon. Welcome to White Swan Hotel. What can I do for you? Z: My name is Zhang Li, a local guide from CITS Guangdong branch. I have booked 7 standard rooms and 1 single room for 15 people. R: Just a moment, please, Miss Zhang. I’ll check the arrival list. … Thank you for your waiting. Yes, we have your reservations here. Would you please fill out the registration form for your group? Z: Sure. R: Would you please show me your passports? I’ll make a copy of them. W: Of course, these are our passports. R: Thank you. Here are your passports. May I confirm your departure date, Miss Zhang? Z: We should be staying for 3 nights and leaving on 20th. R: Great. Here are the vouchers and the room cards to your rooms and breakfast. Z: Mr. White, would you please divide breakfast vouchers and the room cards? W: Sure. R: What time will you have a morning call? Z: 7 a.m. on 18th, 19th and 20th. R: I see. 7:00 a.m. on 18th, 19th and 20th. Have a nice stay. Z: Thank you.


Oral practice: Act as Zhang Li, the local guide, to give instruction to the tourists in English. Z:女士们,先生们,下午好!请注意了,怀特先生已经将信封分发给你们了,请检 65 中英文导游实训教程

查信封上是否有您的名字,里面是否有房卡和早餐券。你们明天的早餐是自助餐,在一 楼的西餐厅,时间是从早上 6:30 到 10:00. 你们把早餐券给餐厅服务生就可以了,明天的 叫醒服务是 7 点。房卡也是房间的钥匙,房门是自动锁,离开房间的时候,请带上您的 房卡。请好好保管您的房卡,直到办理完离店手续。请认真阅读在房门后面的逃生指南, 上面标示出最近的安全出口。行李生会把你们的行李送到你们的房间。今晚 6:30 分我们 在大堂这里集合,然后乘车去广州最出名的饭店之一,广州酒家,吃晚饭。如果您需要 我的帮助,请联系我。请保管好您的贵重物品和证件。祝您旅途愉快!

Useful sentences:

Good afternoon. What can I do for you? I’m …, the local guide from….. We’ve booked/reserved … Could you fill out the registration forms? Please write out your nationality, permanent home address, your occupation, your next destination, and your passport number. Would you please show me your passport/ID cards? May I reconfirm your departure date? Here are the room cards of your rooms. The bellman will show you to your rooms. Let me take this opportunity to explain the services available in the hotel. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need my help. Please take care of your valuables and your certificates.


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 旅行团抵达酒店 5 办理入住手续 5 介绍酒店设施情况 10 通报当日或次日形成安排 10 操作内容 照顾客人进入房间 5 协助行李入房 5 第一次用餐服务 5 游客入住后各种问题处理 10 叫早时间的约定 5 实训心得 10

工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

66 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

Mind Map 3-2 填空,完成思维导图,复习“游客入住酒店服务实训”要点。 Fill in the mind map to review the main points of check in the hotel.


饭店的工作人员主要靠小费来增加他(她)们平时微薄的收入。不要对付给服务员 小费感到愤愤不平,而应该把它看作是旅游消费的一部分,并应做好准备在进入饭店之 前就随时掏出钞票。 门卫——给门卫的小费数目取决于行李的多少,为你拿行李并把它递给行李员的门 卫要付给 1 至 2 美元的小费。如果你没有行李,通常就不必为他们只为你开门这样简单 的服务付费。当你带着行李准备离开饭店而门卫从行李员手中接过行李并帮你把它放入 你的车子或出租车里时,你还应该付给他小费。当门卫为你叫了一辆出租车时,你应该 付他 1 至 3 美元(如果他为了叫辆出租车而不得不在雨中站着时,你的小费应该给得更 多些。) 行李员——一个行李包要付 1 美元的小费,但对于把行李送到客房的行李员要付给 2 美元以上的小费。当行李员为你做了一些特殊的事情,比如替你购物或把你需要的东西 送到客房(但不属于客房服务范畴)等,他应该得到 2 至 3 美元的小费。 清理房间的女服务员——在一个较大、较豪华的饭店,清理房间的女服务员每人每 天应得到 2 美元的小费;档次次之的饭店的服务员每人每天可得 1 美元小费。你可以亲 自给她们小费,也可以把钱装在信封里封好,上面写明“送给清理房间的服务员”。 清洗、熨烫衣服的服务员——清洗、熨烫衣服的服务费用被加到你的帐单中,因此 如果在你外出的时候衣服被放在房间内你就无需付小费。如果服务员在送衣服时,你在

67 中英文导游实训教程

房间内,可以为他们的送衣服务付 1 美元,如果衣服较多就应付更多的小费。 餐厅服务员——付给饭店餐厅服务员的小费数目与其他餐馆服务员所得小费的数目 不相上下,都是 15-18%,而一些非常豪华、档次最高的餐厅小费要高达 18-20%。如果你 入住的饭店是餐费已包含于总帐单的美式饭店,小费还是 15-18%,且要直接付给那位从 头至尾一直服侍你的服务员。如果一个家庭或一行四人要在此饭店住一星期的话,他们 付出的小费从 10 美元至 15 美元不等,而在住宿的时间更长或人数更多的情况下,小费 要达到 20 美元甚至 30 美元之多。

模块二 餐饮服务实训 Module Two: Food and beverage service training

餐饮服务是导游服务的重要组成部分。游客在旅游目的地就餐过程中,导游员不仅 要能够按照接待计划的要求妥善安排用餐,还应熟练掌握各地方饮食文化,能够在游客 用餐时对菜品的文化内涵、制作方法等加以介绍,使游客既饱口福又饱耳福。此外,导 游员还要具备应付就餐时突发事故的能力,能够在游客的要求下合理安排风味餐、自助 餐等。 Food and beverage service is an important part of the service of a tour guide. Tour guide should not only be able to arrange meals according to the tour plan, but also be familiar with food cultures in different places, and can introduce the cultural connotation and making methods of recipes while having meals, so tourists can enjoy meals a lot. In addition, tour guide also have the abilities to cope with sudden incidents and arrange reasonable meals with tourists’ request.

项目一 计划内用餐服务实训 Training in planned dining services

实训目标:使学生能够合理科学安排游客的计划内便餐服务,能流利清楚地介绍当 地餐饮文化 Objectives: To enable students to arrange reasonably planned meal and make fluent and clear description of local food culture 实训情形:广东省国旅一英国旅游团在广州白天鹅宾馆用餐。 Circumstances: CITS Guangdong Branch—a tour group from Britain is having dinner in the White Swan Hotel. 实训准备:模拟餐厅、接团计划书、旅游团成员名单 Preparations: mock restaurant, the tour plan, name list of the group 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue

68 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 地陪应提前落实本团当天的用餐,对午、晚餐的用餐地点、时间、人数、标准、 特殊要求逐一核实并确认。 The local guide should confirm the meals in advance. He/she should verify and confirm the time and place of lunch and supper, the number of group, standard and special requirements of the meals. 2. 引导客人进入餐厅入座并清点人数。 Help tourists to their seats in the restaurant and check the number. 3. 根据团队人数按照本社要求合理安排台数。 Arrange the tables with the number of tourists in accordance with requirements of the travel service. 4. 告知游客自理范围。 Inform the items on tourists’ expense. 5. 用餐时,地陪应巡视团队用餐情况一到二次,及时解答客人在用餐过程中的问题及 监督餐厅的服务质量(菜量是否够吃,及时提醒服务员添加主食),并适时介绍相关特色。 The local guide should go around once or twice while dinning to answer the tourists’ questions and monitor the quality of service (to see whether the food is enough and remind the waiter to add more food), and introduce related specialties. 6. 当客人上完所有菜后,再次上前征询客人意见,并根据客人的意见在下次订餐时 相对做出调整,以满足客人的需要。 Seek for the views of the guests once again after all dishes served and make adjustments on the next ordering to meet the needs of tourists. 7. 用餐快要结束时,地陪向客人宣布饭后的时间安排,并通知全陪和领队。 Announce the arrangements afterwards at the end of meal and inform the national guide and the tour leader. 8. 地陪要在全陪之前结束用餐,以腾出时间与餐厅签结算单。 The local guide should finish the meal before the national guide so as to settle the bills. 9. 用餐结束后,地陪应严格按要求如实填写“餐费结算单”。 The local guide should sign the “Meal bill” as required after meals.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White, the tour leader T: tourist) (18:20: Zhang Li is waiting for the tourists in the lobby of the hotel, the tourist will have their first meal after they arrived in Guangzhou. 18:30: All the tourists come. Zhang Li is taking them to the coach and leave for Guangzhou Restaurant. 19:00: They arrive at Guangzhou Restaurant. Zhang Li helps the tourist to their seats.) 69 中英文导游实训教程

Z: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Our dinner begins. Please enjoy your meal. (The tourists are having their meals) Z: Are you enjoying your chicken, Mr. Brown? T1: Very delicious. Thank you. Miss Zhang. Z: How about your meal, Mrs. Black? T2: Very good. I love the stir-fried beef with bamboo shoots in oyster sauce and cha-xiu (roast pork with sweet syrup) very much. Z: That’s great. Enjoy yourself. T2: Thank you. Z: How would you like the dish, Miss Green? T3: Terrific. I have authentic(正宗的)Chinese food at last. Z: Oh, really? But you use chopsticks very well. T3: Oh, thank you. I often have Chinese food in England, so I learned how to use chopsticks. Z: Are you satisfied with your meal, Mr. White? W: I am enjoying it very much. Thank you, Miss Zhang. Z: I’m glad to hear this. Enjoy yourself.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 游客们非常感兴趣怎样使用筷子,于是你教他们如何用筷子。 Task 1: The tourists are very interested in learning using the chopsticks. You are introducing how to use the chopsticks to them.

Useful sentences:

Please enjoy your meal and make yourselves at home. Are you satisfied with your dinner? Would you like to teach me how to use chopsticks? Put this chopstick between your middle and ring fingers. Put the other chopstick between your middle and index fingers, and hold it with your thumb. Only this chopstick is moved when you pick up food. Open the tips of the chopsticks and try to pick up food with them.

1. 筷子,在世界各国的餐具中独树一帜,可谓是中国的国粹,被西方人誉为“东方 的文明”。我国使用筷子的历史可追溯到商代。先秦时期称筷子为“挟”,秦汉时期叫“箸”。 古人十分讲究忌讳,因“箸”与“住”字谐音,“住”有停止之意,乃不吉利之语,所以 反其意而称之“快”,后演变为“筷”,这就是筷子名称的由来。在中国传统礼仪文化中, 使用筷子有以下忌讳:一忌敲筷,二忌掷筷,三忌叉筷,四忌插筷,五忌挥筷,六忌舞

70 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

筷。许多外国客人对学习使用筷子非常感兴趣,那么我们该如何用英文来介绍筷子的使 用方法呢? 2. 使用筷子只需花一点点力气就够了。首先,要学会控制手指轻轻移动筷子,这得 花点时间和耐心。 Chopsticks require very little strength. It will take a little time and patience to control light finger movements. 3. 固定不动的那根筷子,轻轻地夹在拇指的第二指节处和无名指指端之间。拇指压 在筷子尖端以上三分之二处。同时保持筷子两端平稳。 The stationary stick is held with slight pressure between the second joint of the thumb and the tip of the ring finger. The thumb is about two-thirds from the end of the stick. Keep the chopstick ends even. 4. 移动来夹持食物的那个筷子,握持在拇指、食指和中指之间的位置上。食指、中 指要向里微弯。如此,轻轻地用力将两根筷子的尖端顶点靠近。 The moving or pinching stick is held and positioned between the thumb and fore and middle fingers which are bent inwards, thus bringing the points of the chopsticks closer together. 5. 握持筷子时,手部肌肉放松,将筷子微微叉开。要夹食物时,食指和中指向里弯 曲,筷子的尖端就会靠拢。掌握正确的握法,筷子会利落地依直线前后移动。 The chopsticks are held loosely in a relaxed hand, with the sticks slightly apart. When a morsel(佳肴)is desired, an inward bending of the fore and middle fingers will bring the two points together. Ideally, the chopsticks will meet in a positive straight movement.


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 用餐前准备工作 10 饮食、饮食文化介绍 10 用餐时服务操作程序 10 处理用餐过程中出现问题能力 20 用餐结束后后续工作处理能力 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

Mind Map 3-3 运用思维导图总结“餐饮服务”实训要点. Sum up the main points of training in food and beverage service on this mind map.

71 中英文导游实训教程

项目二 风味餐服务实训 Training in specialties service

实训目标:使学生能够合理科学安排计划内和计划外的风味餐服务 Objectives: To enable students to arrange planned and unplanned special cuisine reasonably. 实训情形:国旅导游张莉带领英国旅游团品尝风味餐。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, a CITS tour guide, arranges a tour group from Britain with local specialties. 实训准备:模拟餐厅、接团计划书、旅游团成员名单 Preparations: mock restaurant, the tour plan, name list of the group 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 品尝风味餐前应该了解一下几方面内容。 The following aspects should be known in advance before meals. 1.1 计划内风味餐(包括在接待计划内)其费用团款中已包括; The cost of planned special cuisine (included in the reception scheme) is included in the tour fees. 1.2 计划外风味餐(未包含在接团计划内)应先向游客收费,后向餐厅预订; The fees of unplanned (not included in the reception scheme) should be paid by the

72 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训 tourists first, then the tour guide make reservations with the restaurant. 1.3 游客自费品尝风味时,导游人员应予以协助,可由旅行社出面,也可由游客自 行与有关餐厅联系订餐; The tour guide should give assistance when the tourists want to try local specialties at their own expense. Reservation can be made by travel agents or by the tourists themselves. 1.4 风味餐订妥后旅游团又想不去,导游人员应劝他们在约定时间前往餐厅,并说 明若不去用餐须赔偿餐厅的损失; When the tourists change their mind after reservation, the tour guide should try to persuade them to go at the appointed time, or compensation for the loss of the restaurant is necessary. 1.5 如果游客邀请导游一起前去,导游人员应注意去不去视情况而定,不能反客为 主。 If the tourists invite the tour guide to go along, the tour guide goes or not depending on the situation. 2. 游客用风味餐时,导游员要做以下介绍。 The tour guide should make the following introductions. 2.1 介绍风味餐的特色; The characteristics of special cuisine. 2.2 介绍风味餐的用餐程序; The procedure of having special cuisine. 2.3 介绍风味餐的文化内涵和相关表演。 The cultural connotation of special cuisine and the related performance.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White,the tour leader T: tourist) Z: Well, we have just visited Chen Clan Academy, a representative of the south-oriented construction. Before we visit Shangjiu Road and Xiajiu Road, we are going to have lunch in Panxi Restaurant, which is famous for its Dim Sum banquet. T1: What is dim sum? Z: Dim sum is snack, which involves a wide range of light dishes. But the best dim sum is found in Guangzhou. In Guangdong, dim sum is usually served alongside Chinese tea in the mornings until noon time, in some restaurants even in the evenings. Cantonese dim sum may include meat, seafood and vegetables, as well as desserts and fruit. Dim sum is usually served on a small plate or in a small steamer basket. Servers push carts, loaded with a variety of dim sum, through the dining room so that the diners can choose what they want. T2: Really? That sounds interesting. I am looking forward to it. Z: In Guangdong, it’s a tradition for the elderly to gather to eat dim sum after morning 73 中英文导游实训教程

exercises. For many Cantonese, yum cha (literally drinking tea) refers to drinking tea in a restaurant, not only for tea, and dim sum as well. Nowadays, yum cha is treated a way of communication in Guangdong. Families in particular typically like to gather at restaurants for dim sum on weekends and special occasions. W: I think it must be very delicious. Z: Well, here we are at the Panxi Restaurant located by the Liwan Lake, one of the famous restaurants in Guangzhou. Everybody, please get off the coach and follow me.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 游客想出去吃风味餐,于是你给他们介绍当地的风味菜。 Task 1: The tourists want to go out to have some specialties. You are introducing something about local specialties.

Useful sentences:

How to describe dishes: Name the dish: Roast sucking pig… Name the main ingredient(原料)and how it is prepared: is fried chicken… is made with…. Say how it is served Served with oyster sauce; ….comes with a salad always sound enthusiastic when recommending dishes: It’s served with a delicious and garlic sauce. The chicken is our house specialty.

Useful words:

中国八大菜系 China’s Famous Eight of Cuisine 烤乳猪 Roast sucking pig 盐焗鸡 salt-baked chicken 叉烧肉 barbecued pork 红烧狮子头 stewed minced pork balls with soy sauce 回锅肉 sliced pork doubly sautééd 宫保鸡丁 diced chicken with dry red pepper 碧绿鲜虾脯 fried minced shrimps with vegetables 醉蟹 drunk crabs 鱼香干贝 scallops with garlic sauce 酸菜鱼 fish with pickle mustard-green 74 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

鱼头煲 fish head pot 糖醋鸡块 chicken in sweet and sour sauce 镬仔叉烧 roast pork in wok 烩罗汉斋 stewed vegetable Luohanzhai 绣球干贝 scallop balls 清蒸鲈鱼 steamed perch

世界三大烹饪王国:土耳其、中国和法国 四大菜系:鲁、川、淮、粤 八大菜系:鲁、川、淮、粤、湘、浙、闽、皖 十大菜系:鲁、川、淮、粤、湘、浙、闽、皖、京、沪 十二大菜系:鲁、川、淮、粤、湘、浙、闽、皖、京、沪、豫、陕 广州最受欢迎的点心:

干蒸烧卖 Siu Mai (Steamed Pork Dumplings) 虾饺 Shrimp Dumplings 娥姐粉果 Sister Er’s Steamed Dumplings (Main ingredients: pork, shrimps, mushroom, etc.) 凤爪 Steamed Chicken Feet with Soy Sauce 莲蓉包 Steamed Bun with Lotus Seed Paste 豆沙包 Steamed Bun with Red Bean Paste 奶黄包 Steamed Bun with Custard Filling 叉烧包 Steamed Bun with Barbequed Pork 咸煎饼 Salty Pancake 鲜虾肠 Steamed Rice Rolls with Shrimps 鸳鸯肠 Steamed Rice Rolls with Pork and Beef 斋肠 Steamed Rice Rolls with Vegetables 炸面肠 Steamed Rice Rolls with Deep-fried Dough Sticks 艇仔粥 Sampan Congee 鱼片粥 Sliced Fish Congee 皮蛋瘦肉粥 Lean Meat and Preserved Egg Congee 柴鱼花生粥 Dried Cod and Peanut Congee 状元及第粥 NO.1 Scholar Congee 马蹄糕 water chestnut cake 萝卜糕 radish cake 糯米鸡 rice pudding 蛋挞 egg tart 75 中英文导游实训教程

沙琪玛 Manchu candied fritter


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 风味餐餐前准备工作 10 特色菜肴、饮食文化介绍 10 操作内容 用餐时服务操作程序 10 处理用餐过程中出现问题能力 20 用餐结束后后续工作处理能力 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

Mind Map 3-4 运用思维导图总结“风味餐服务”实训要点. Sum up the main points of training in specialties service on this mind map.

模块三 入住就餐期间特殊事件处理实训 Module Three: Dealing with special events

导游员接团入住就餐过程中,往往会出现一些突发事件或事故,有的起于游客和旅 游团自身,有的因为接待酒店或餐馆,也有些产生于客观因素。不管因何而起,都是对 76 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

旅行社和导游员的考验。因此,导游人员必须具备预防和处理特殊事件和突发事故的能 力,力求把特殊事件处理妥当,把事故发生的可能性降至最小,维护自身声誉,满足顾 客需求。 Some unexpected incidents or accidents may happen when staying in the hotel. Some may be caused by tourists themselves or the tour group, some by the hotels or restaurants, and some arise from objective factors. Regardless of reasons, that would be a test for travel agencies and tour guides. Therefore, the tour guides must have the ability to prevent and deal with special events or incidents, and try to manage them properly enough to minimize the possibility of accidents.

项目一 游客住宿特殊要求 Particular requirements of tourists for accommodation.

实训目标:掌握旅游者住宿方面个别要求和处理方法,尽量满足游客的要求 Objectives: To know the specific requirements of tourists for accommodation and the skills to deal with, try to meet the requirements of tourist 实训情形:因为房间没有打扫干净,一位游客要求换房间。 Circumstances: One of the tourists wants to change the room because the room has not been cleaned yet. 实训准备:旅游者住宿方面个别要求的案例 Preparations: Cases of tourists’ specific requirements for accommodation. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 游客要求调换饭店。Tourists require changing hotels. 旅游协议书一般都明文规定了旅游团到一地旅游时下榻饭店的名称、星级、所享 受饭店客房的等级。所以,接待旅行社向旅游团提供的饭店低于协议书中的星级或低 于住房标准,即使用同星级的饭店替代协议中标明的饭店,游客都会提出异议并要求 调换饭店。 Generally, the name of the hotel, rating, and the standard of rooms are written in the Tourism Agreement. If the standard of the hotel or the rooms provided by the travel service are lower than that in the agreement, tourists would not accept it and require changing hotels. 如果接待旅行社社未按协议安排饭店或协议中的饭店确实存在卫生、安全等问题而 致使游客提出换饭店,地陪应随时与接待社联系,接待社应负责予以调换。如确有困难, 按照接待社提出的具体办法妥善解决,并向游客摆出有说服力的理由,提出补偿条件。 If the local travel service fails to meet the agreements or the restaurants do have health and safety problems, the local guide should contact the local travel service at any time, urging them 77 中英文导游实训教程 to make changes, or solve the problems with the specific measures proposed by the local travel service. In this case, the local guide may persuade the tourists with convincing reasons and offer compensation. 2. 游客要求调换房间。Tourists requiring changing rooms. 根据游客提出的不同原由,要采取不同的处理方法: Different measures should be taken according to different causes: 2.1 卫生条件太差;Poor sanitary conditions. 如果由于房间卫生条件太差,如有蟑螂、臭虫、老鼠等,游客提出换房要求应立即 满足其要求,必要时应调换饭店。 When the tourists ask for changing rooms because of the poor sanitary conditions, for example, there are some cockroaches(蟑螂), bedbugs(臭虫), mice and so on in it, their requirements should be met immediately, even change the hotel when necessary. 2.2 设施、清洁卫生方面有缺陷;Deficiency in facilities, sanitation and hygiene. 如果客房设施缺损、房间达不到清洁标准、卫生间达不到消毒标准,游客提出换房 要求,地陪应立即让饭店服务员修理设施、打扫房间、重新消毒。如旅客仍不满意,坚 持调房,地陪应与饭店有关部门联系,尽量予以满足,妥善处理。 When tourists require changing rooms because of a deficiency(缺陷)in room facilities, cleanliness and the disinfection(消毒)standard in bathroom, the local guide should ask the chambermaid to repair facilities, clean the room and resterilize the bathroom immediately. If the tourists are still not satisfied and insist on transferring, the local guide should communicate with the hotel and try to handle it to the tourists’ satisfaction. 2.3 对楼层、房间朝向不满; Dissatisfaction on the floor and the room’s direction. 如果游客对房间的朝向、层数不满意,要求调换另一朝向或另一楼层的同一标准客 房,地陪首先应该请领队在团队内部进行调整;若不涉及到房间价格并且饭店有空房, 可与饭店客房部联系,适当予以满足。确有困难的应讲明原因。无法满足时,应做耐心 解释,并向游客致歉;若不同朝向房间价格不同,如旅游者要求调换朝向不同房间,地 陪应讲明价格差异等情况。 If tourists are not satisfied with the floor and the direction of the room, request to change to another one with different direction or another with same standard but in different floor, the local guide should ask the tour leader to make adjustments within the tour group first. If the hotel has another room available without extra charge, the local guide can contact with the hotel and satisfy the requirements to some extent. If the tourists’ requirements can not be met, the tour guide should explain why and make apology. If the tourists should pay for the fees when changing to a room with different direction at different price, the local guide should inform the price difference. 2.4 游客要求住高于合同标准的房间。 Tourists require a room of higher standard. 78 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

如果游客要住同一饭店高于合同规定标准的房间,地陪应与饭店联系,如果有,可 予以满足,但应讲明客房差价游客自理,如果饭店没有游客要求的房间,要解释清楚并 请求谅解;如果游客要住不同饭店高于合同规定标准的房间,地陪应与饭店联系,如果 有,可予以满足,但应讲明游客要交付原定饭店退房损失费和房费差价。 If the tourists require a room of higher standard in the same hotel, the local guide should contact with the hotel and meet their needs if there are any vacancy, but should make it clear that expense will be on them. The local guide should give clear explanations if the hotel can not offer the rooms required. If tourists want to stay in rooms with higher standard than that of in the contract in different hotels, the requests can be satisfied if there are any after contacting with the hotel, but the tourists should pay for the loss of the hotel and the fees of the price difference. 2.4.1 游客要求住单间;Tourists’ requirement for a single room. 团队旅游一般安排住标准间或三人间。由于游客的生活习惯不同或因同室游客之间 闹矛盾,而要求住单间。导游员应先请领队调解或内部调整,若调解不成,饭店如有空 房,可满足其要求。但导游员必须事先说明,房费由游客自理(一般由提出方付房费)。 Generally, the tour groups will be arranged to live in standard rooms or triple rooms. Some tourists may ask for a single room because of differences in lifestyle or troubles between roommates. The tour guide should ask the tour leader to make internal adjustments first, or his/her requirements can be met if there is any vacancy. But the tour guide should make it clear that the expense will be on the tourists themselves (usually the fees will be paid by the person who requires) 2.4.2 游客要求延长住店时间; Tourists’ requirement for staying longer. 由于某种原因(生病、访友、改变旅游日程等)而中途退团的游客提出延长在本地 的住店时间。可先与饭店联系,若饭店有空房,可满足其要求,但延长期内的房费由游 客自付。如原住饭店没有空房,导游员可协助联系其他饭店,房费由游客自理。 Some tourists may leave the tour group half-way and request to stay longer for some reason (illness, visiting friends, changing the travel schedule, etc.). The local guide should contact the hotel and meet their needs if there is any vacancy, but the expense will be on them. If there is no vacancy in the hotel, the tour guide can help contact other hotels with the room rates paid by the tourists themselves. 2.4.3 游客要求购买房中物品; Tourists’ requirement for buying goods in the room. 如果游客看中客房内的某种摆设或物品,要求购买,导游员应积极协助,与饭店有 关部门联系,满足游客的要求。 If tourists would like to buy some decorations or items in the rooms, the tour guide should give active assistance and communicate with the hotel to meet the requirements of tourists. 2.4.4 旅游者未收到行李;Tourists’ not receiving luggage. 79 中英文导游实训教程

此时导游员可对旅游者进行安慰,并和领队到其他旅游者房间了解情况,有可能是 饭店服务生将行李送到其他房间,也可能是其他旅游者好意代为保管。 The tour guide should comfort the tourists first, and then, with the tour leader, try to find out if the luggage was sent to another room. The luggage may be sent to other rooms by the waiter or taken care of by other tourists because of good intentions. 如果还是没有找到,导游员应立即与饭店有关部门联系,察看是否与其他旅游团的 行李搞混。如还是找不到行李,导游员应一方面帮助旅游者购买一些生活必需品,另一 方面与饭店有关部门联系索赔事宜。 If the luggage can not be found, the tour guide should immediately contact with the hotel to see whether the luggage has been taken by other tour groups. If not, the tour guide should help tourists buy some necessities on one hand and communicate with related departments of the hotel on compensations on the other hand.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li R: Rose Black M: manager) Z: Good evening, Rose. Is anything wrong? R: Well, I hate to disturb you, but I really can’t stand it any more. Z: What’s wrong exactly, Rose? R: I need to change the room. I have never seen anything more disgusting. Z: The room hasn’t been cleaned then? R: Of course not. When I arrived, the room hasn’t been clean yet. I thought they will clean it very soon, so I just left for dinner. But now, when I come back, the room is till in a total mess. Z: I am sorry to hear that. Let me check with the front office. (After a while) Z: Well, Rose, they are awfully sorry for the inconvenience. They will change the room for you. There comes the manager. M: I am terribly sorry, miss. I do apologize. We will move you to another room. I’ll send a porter up to your room and help you with the luggage. R: Thank you. M: If there is anything else you need, please let us know. R: Thank you. And thank you, too. Miss Zhang. Z: You’re welcome.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. “十一”期间,广东国旅组织了一个去桂林 4 日游的旅游团,合同约定住宿标 准为“二星级饭店、双人标准间、独立卫生间”。到达目的地后,地陪介绍此行将要

80 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

下榻的是评上二星级的一家老饭店,到达后李某安排客人入住,其中两位客人认为该 饭店虽然是原约定的,但是没有热水、空调,不符合二星级标准,因而拒绝入住,地 陪耐心解释,节日期间住房紧张,希望客人谅解并愿意对饭店未达到服务标准的部分 给予补偿。 Task 1: During the National Day holiday, CITS (Guangdong Branch) organizes a 4-day tour to Guilin with accommodation standards in the contract as “two-star hotel, standard twin-bed room with a bathroom.” Upon arrival, the local guide introduces that the hotel had been ranked two-star long before. After checking in, two of the tourists complain that though the hotel meets the standard of two-star, there is no hot water nor air conditioning and refuse to stay. The local guide seeks the forgiveness of tourists and explains that there is a shortage of hotel rooms during the peak season and that the local travel service is willing to give compensations for the unqualified service.


● The guide introduces the facilities of the hotel. ● The tourists are not satisfied with the service and complain. ● The manager of the hotel makes explanations and agrees to supply other free services for compensation.

Useful sentences:

I hate to disturb you. But I really can’t stand it any more. What’s wrong? What’s the problem? Thank you for bringing the matter to my attention. I am sorry to hear that. Let me check with the front desk and I’m sure they will come up with a satisfactory solution. We are awfully sorry for the inconvenience. I do apologize for… What seems to have happened is that… There seems to have been a problem/mix-up. We’ll look into the matter and… I suggest that we…


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 游客要求调换饭店处理 10 操作内容 游客要求调换房间处理 10

81 中英文导游实训教程


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 游客要求住单间处理 10 游客要求延长住店时间处理 10 操作内容 游客要求购买饭店房中物品处理 10 游客未收到行李处理 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10 总 分

Mind Map 3-5 根据思维导图展开课堂讨论,复习“处理游客住宿特殊要求的技能”实训 要点。Discuss according to the mind map to review the main skills to deal with the particular requirements of tourists for accommodation.

美式早餐菜单(American Breakfast) 以英语为母语的国家都属欧美人,非常重视早餐。他们认为早餐若吃得舒服,即表 示今天一天会有愉快、满意的时光。有些人甚至利用早餐时间,边吃边谈生意。 西式早 餐一般可分为两种,一是美式早餐(American Breakfast,英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利 亚及新西兰等,以英语为母语的国家都属于此类);一是欧式早餐(Continental Breakfast,

82 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

德国、法国等即是)。美式早餐内容相当丰富,包括下列五种: 1. 水果或果汁 这是早餐的第一道菜,果汁又分为罐果汁(canned juice)及新鲜果汁(fresh juice) 两种。另有一种将干果加水,用小火煮至汤汁蒸发殆尽,水果丰软为止,以餐盘端上桌, 用汤匙边刮边舀着吃。常见的果汁如下: 新鲜果汁 Grapefruit Juice 葡萄柚汁 Tomato Juice 蕃茄汁 Orange Juice 柳橙汁 Pineapple Juice 凤梨汁 Grape Juice 葡萄汁 Apple Juice 苹果汁 Guava Juice 蕃石榴汁 Papaya Juice 木瓜汁 V-8 Juice 罐头综合菜汁 Fresh Carrot Juice 新鲜胡萝卜汁 Mixed Vegetable Juice 什锦蔬菜汁 罐头果汁 Peaches in Syrup 蜜汁桃子 Apricots in Syrup 蜜汁杏子 Figs in Syrup 蜜汁无花果 Pears in Syrup 蜜汁梨子 Loquats in Syrup 蜜汁枇杷 Chilled Fruit cup 什锦果盅 炖水果干 Stewed Figs 炖无花果 Stewed Prunes 炖李子 Stewed Peaches 炖桃干 Stewed Apricots 炖杏干 2. 谷类 Cereals 玉米、燕麦等制成的谷类食品,如 corn flakes(玉米片),rice crispies(脆爆米),rye crispies(脆麦),puff rice(炮芙),wheaties(小麦干),cheerios(保健麦片)等,通常加 砂糖及冰牛奶,有时再加香蕉切片、草莓或葡萄干等。此外尚备有麦片粥(Oatmeal)或 玉米粥(cornmeal),以供顾客变换口味。 3. 蛋-早餐的主食 这是早餐的第二道菜,通常为两个蛋,随着烹煮方法之不同,可以分为: Fried eggs 煎蛋(只煎一面的荷包蛋称为 sunny-side up,两面煎半熟叫 over easy,两面 全熟的叫 over hard 或 over well-done)。Boiled eggs 壳水煮蛋(煮三分钟熟的叫 soft boiled, 83 中英文导游实训教程

煮五分钟熟的叫 hard boiled)。Poached eggs 去壳水煮蛋(将蛋去壳,滑进锅内特制的铁 环中,在将沸的水中或水面上煮至所要求的熟度。) Scrambled eggs 炒蛋 Omelet 蛋卷(也可以拼成 omelette) Plain Omelet 普通蛋卷 Ham Omelet 火腿蛋卷 Ham & Cheese Omelet 火腿乳酪蛋卷 Spanish omelet 西班牙式蛋卷 Soufflé Omelet with Strawberries 草莓蛋卷 Jelly Omelet 果酱蛋卷 Cheese Omelet 乳酪蛋卷 Mushroom Omelet 香菇蛋卷 4. 吐司和面包 吐司通常烤成焦黄状,要注意 toast with butter 和 buttered toast 的不同。Toast with butter 是指端给客人时,吐司和牛油是分开的。Buttered toast 是指把牛油涂在吐司上面之后,再 端给客人,美国的 coffee shop 大都提供这种 buttered toast。此外,还有下各种糕饼,以供 客人变换口味。注意吃的时候不可用叉子叉,要用手拿,抹上牛油、草莓酱(strawberry jam) 或橘皮(marmalade),咬着吃。常见的有: Corn Bread 玉米面包 Plain Muffin 松饼 Corn Muffin 玉米松饼 English Muffin 英国松饼 Biscuit 饼干 Croissant 牛角面包 Waffles 压花蛋饼 Glazed Doughnut 糖衣没煎圈饼 Chocolate Doughnut 巧克力油煎圈饼 Jelly Doughnut 果酱油煎圈饼 Plain Doughnut 素油煎圈饼 Powdered Sugar Doughnut 糖粉油煎圈饼 Buckwheat Pancakes 荞麦煎饼 Hot Cakes with Maple Syrup 枫树蜜汁煎饼 French Toast 法式煎蛋衣面包片 Cinnamon Rolls 肉桂卷 Miniature Danish Rolls 丹麦小花卷 Hot Danish Rolls 牛油热烘丹麦花卷 5. 饮料 Beverages 指咖啡或茶等不含酒精的饮料。所谓 white coffee 是指加奶精(cream)的咖啡,也 84 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

就是法语中的 cafe au lait,较不伤胃。不加奶精的咖啡就称为 black coffee。在国外,tea (茶)一般是指红茶而言。如果要绿茶则须指明 green tea。早餐的咖啡和红茶都是无限 制供应。

项目二 游客就餐特殊要求 Special requirements of catering

实训目标:掌握旅游者就餐方面个别要求和处理方法,尽量满足游客的要求 Objectives: To master the skills to deal with the specific requirements of tourists for catering 实训情形:一个外国旅游团提出要吃西餐,导游满足了他们的要求并安排就餐。 Circumstances: A foreign group wants to have western meal instead of Chinese meal. The local guide arranges it for them. 实训准备:旅游者就餐方面个别要求的案例 Preparation: Cases of requirements on catering 实训形式:对话 Forms: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 游客特殊饮食要求。Tourists’ special requirement for diet. 由于宗教信仰、生活习惯、身体状况等原因,有些游客会提出饮食方面的特殊要求, 例如,不吃荤,不吃油腻、辛辣食品,不吃猪肉或其他肉食,甚至不吃盐、糖、味精等。 对游客提出的特殊要求,要区别对待。 Some tourists may make some special dietary requirements for the reasons of religious beliefs, habits, health, etc., for example, not eating meat, greasy and spicy foods, pork or other meat, not even salt, sugar, MSG. These special requirements should be treated differently. 1.1 事先有约定; Requirements with prior agreement 若所提要求在旅游协议书有明文规定的,接待方旅行社须早作安排,地陪在接团前 应检查落实情况,不折不扣地兑现。 If The request has been written clearly in the agreement, the local travel service should make arrangements before hand, while the local guide should check it before reception. 1.2 抵达后提出。Requirements after arrival 若旅游团抵达后或到定点餐厅后临时提出要求,则需视情况而定。一般情况下地陪 应立即与餐厅联系,在可能的情况下尽量满足其要求;如情况复杂,确实有困难满足不 了其特殊要求,地陪则应说明情况,协助游客自行解决。如:建议游客到零点餐厅临时 点菜或带他去附近餐馆(最好是旅游定点餐馆)用餐,餐费自理。 Different methods should be taken if the tour group makes requests upon arrival or after 85 中英文导游实训教程 reaching the restaurant. Generally, the local guide should contact the restaurant immediately and try to meet their requirements if possible. When the restaurant has difficulties to do it with complicated situation, the local guide should explain it and assist the tourists to solve it themselves. For example, ordering food in the restaurant or taking them to a nearby restaurant (preferably designated tourist restaurants) with fees on their own. 2. 游客要求换餐。Tourists’ requirement for changing meals 游客提出换餐,处理时考虑如下几方面: When tourists propose to change meals with various reasons, it should be dealt with considering the following aspects: 2.1 首先要看是否有充足的时间换餐。如果旅游团在用餐前 3 个小时提出换餐的要 求,地陪应尽量与餐厅联系,但需事先向游客讲清楚,如能换差价由游客自付; It depends on whether there is sufficient time for changing meals. If their request was made 3 hours before the meal, the local guide should contact the restaurant and try to meet their requirement as far as possible and make it clear that the price difference will be paid by the tourists. 2.2 如果是在接近用餐时间或到餐厅后提出换餐要求,应视情况而定:若该餐厅有 该项服务,地陪应协助解决;如果情况复杂,餐厅又没有此项服务,一般不应接受此类 要求,但应向游客做好解释工作; It depends if the requirements proposed nearly close to meal time or after reaching the restaurant. If the restaurant has the service, the local guide should help to solve it; if not, the request can be refused, but the local guide should tell them why it could not be changed. 2.3 若游客仍坚持换餐,地陪可建议其到零点餐厅自己点菜或单独用餐,费用自理 并告知原餐费不退; If the tourists insist in making the change, the local guide could suggest that they order the meal themselves at their own expense without refunding the fees of the meal arranged. 2.4 游客要求加菜或酒水饮料等应满足,但提前告知费用自理。 The requirements of tourists for additional dishes and beverages could be granted provided they agreed to cover the extra charge. 3. 游客要求单独用餐。 Tourists’ requirement for a separate dining 3.1 由于旅游团的内部矛盾或其他原因,个别游客要求单独用餐。此时,导游员要 耐心解释,并告诉领队请其调解;如游客坚持,导游员可协助与餐厅联系,但餐费自理, 并告知综合服务费不退; Some tourists may require a separate meal because of the internal contradictions or for other reasons. In such case, the tour guide should explain it patiently and ask the tour leader to make mediation. If the tourists insist, the tour guide can help solve the problem, but inform that the meal’s fee will be at their expense and the service charge they have paid for the tour is not to be refunded. 86 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

3.2 由于游客外出自由活动、访友、疲劳等原因不随团用餐,导游员应同意其要求, 但要说明餐费不退。 The tour guide can agree to the requests of some tourists for not having meals on the reasons of out-going activities, visiting friends, tiredness and so on. But he/she should inform the tourists that fees of meals are not to be refunded. 4. 要求在客房内用餐。Requiring dining in room 4.1 若游客因病不能前去用餐,导游员或饭店服务员应主动将饭菜端进房间以示关 心; If the tourists can not go to have meals because of illness, the tour guide or hotel attendants should take the meal into the room to show concern. 4.2 若是健康的游客希望在客房用餐,应视情况办理。如果餐厅能提供此项服务, 可满足游客的要求,但须告知服务费标准。 It should be handled according to situations if the tourists are well and want to eat in the room. Such requirements can be satisfied if the restaurant offers the service, but the local guide should inform the tourists that service charges should be paid by themselves. 5. 游客要求提前或推迟就餐时间。 Requirements for earlier or later dinner time 游客由于生活习惯不同,或由于在某旅游地游兴未尽等原因要求提前或推迟用餐时 间。导游员可与餐厅联系,视餐厅的具体情况处理。一般情况下,导游员要向旅游团说 明餐厅有固定的用餐时间,劝其入乡随俗,过时用餐需另付服务费。若餐厅不提供过时 服务,最好按时就餐。 Tourists may require an earlier meal or to delay the meal time because of differences in lifestyle or because the tourists want to stay in some sightseeing places longer. Tour guide can contact the restaurant and deal with it depending on the specific circumstances of the restaurant. Usually, tour guide should explain to the tourists about fixed dining time and the restaurant will charge for extra service if not dinning on arranged time.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White, the tour leader T: tourist) (After supper, Zhang Li is taking the tourists back to hotel.) Z: Good evening, everyone. Are you satisfied with the dinner? Ts: Very much. Thank you so much. Chinese food is really delicious, but we’d like to have western food to comfort our stomachs. We are dying for it. Z: That’s so called Cultural Shock. Many tourists will suffer a little bit after a week’s stay in China. W: I feel the same. Miss Zhang, I wonder if you can arrange a western meal for us tomorrow. Z: I’ll try my best. But if there is any difference of price between Chinese meal and 87 中英文导游实训教程

western meal, I’m afraid you must pay for it. W & Ts: No problem. Thank you for your help. Miss Zhang.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 一旅游团在广州白云宾馆餐厅吃来华的第一顿饭。地陪张莉按照合同规定给游客 上了 8 菜 1 汤。这时,2 位游客向张莉投诉说他们是佛教徒不吃肉并要求张莉给他们另外 安排餐饮。 Task 1: A tour group had the first meal in the dinning hall of Guangzhou Baiyun Hotel. Zhang Li, the local guide, served the tourists with eight dishes and one soup in accordance with the agreement. At that time, two travelers claimed that they were Buddhists and never ate meat, asking Zhang Li to make an alternative arrangement.

Useful sentences:

I am afraid there is a mistake…. There must have been some mistake. I do apologize for …. I am terribly sorry for…. There’s been a misunderstanding. I’ll see to it straightaway.

信奉伊斯兰教的国家,穆斯林都禁食猪肉、狗肉、猫肉,一般也禁食鱼肉、马肉、 驴肉。多数的阿拉伯人不喜欢吃海参、螃蟹等食物,也不食无鳞鱼。接待来访穆斯林客 人一定要安排清真席,特别要注意冷盆中不要出现猪肉。古兰经规定,穆斯林在正式场 合严禁饮用含酒精的一切饮料。在信仰印度教的国家(比如印度、尼泊尔等国)里,教 徒们奉牛为神。因此,印度教徒不吃牛肉,而且也忌讳用牛皮制成的皮鞋、皮带。虔诚 的佛教徒一般不吃荤,“荤”包括一切动物性食品和葱、蒜、韭等辛香味食物,同时也不 饮酒。在接待不同国家的客人时要具体了解清楚各国的饮食禁忌。


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 游客特殊饮食要求处理 20 游客要求换餐处理 10 操作内容 游客要求单独用餐处理 10 游客要求房内用餐处理 10 游客要求提前或延迟用餐处理 10 实训报告 实训心得 10

88 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10 总 分

Mind Map 3-6 运用思维导图总结“游客就餐特殊要求”实训要点. Sum up the main skills to deal with the special requirements of catering on this mind map.

项目三 安全事故 Accidents

实训目标:掌握旅游者入住就餐时安全事故预防和处理的方法,能妥善处理游客住 宿就餐期间发生的各种安全事故 Objectives: To master the prevention skills and methods of staying in a hotel or having meals in a restaurant, and to handle various security incidents occurred during tourists’ stay in the hotel or restaurant 实训情形:导游员领取接团计划书和游客基本情况表后进行游客食宿的各项准备工 作。 Circumstances: Make preparations for accommodation after getting the group plans and the basic information of tourists.

89 中英文导游实训教程

实训准备:旅游者住宿、就餐时发生的各种安全事故的案例 Preparations: Cases of various security accidents 实训形式:对话 Forms: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 火灾事故的预防和处理。Preventions and measures taken in a fire accident. 1.1 火灾事故的预防;The prevention of fire accidents 在旅游活动中,为了防止火灾事故的发生,导游员应该提醒旅游者不要携带易燃易 爆物品,不要随地扔烟头和火种,并讲清交通运输部门的有关规定。为了保证旅游者在 火灾发生时能够迅速的疏散,导游员应: Tour guide should remind travelers not to carry inflammable and explosive materials, not to throw cigarette butts and fire everywhere in order to prevent fire accidents and clarify the relevant provisions of the Transportation Department. To ensure the tourists to escape quickly in time when in fire, tour guide should: 1.1.1 进入饭店后迅速熟悉饭店楼层的太平门、安全出口、安全楼梯的位置和安全 转移路线,并向旅游者介绍; Try and get to know beforehand and introduce the location of the fire exit, emergency staircase to tourists. 1.1.2 牢记火警电话 119;Bear in mind the fire emergency telephone number (119). 1.1.3 掌握领队和旅游者的房间号码。 Keep ready at hand the room members of the tour leader and all other tourists of the group. 1.2 火灾事故的处理;Measures taken in the fire accidents. 一旦火灾发生,导游员应冷静面对,采取以下措施: At this critical moment, the tour guide must keep calm and take the following measures: 1.2.1 立即报警;Report it to the police immediately. 1.2.2 迅速通知领队及全体旅游者;Notify the tour leader and all the tourists promptly. 1.2.3 听从饭店工作人员指挥,迅速通过安全出口疏散旅游者,全部游客离开后导 游员才准撤离。切忌慌乱、胡乱指挥。更不能只顾自己逃命而置众多游客于危险境地; The tour guide should obey the command of the hotel staff, direct all tourists to escape through the emergency exits, can not escape alone and set tourists in danger. 1.2.4 即使情况紧急也不要让游客搭乘电梯或胡乱跳楼。身上着火时,可就地打滚 或用厚衣服扑灭火苗。若被大火或浓烟包围,导游员要引导游客自救,保住性命,等待 救援。例如,脸贴近墙壁、墙根,或用湿毛巾捂住脸顺墙爬出去,或打开未燃烧一方的 窗户等。看到救护人员时,要大声叫喊或边喊边摇动色彩鲜艳的衣物;救援人员到来后 要服从命令听指挥; Tell tourists not try to escape by taking the elevator or leap down from height up the 90 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训 building even if in emergency. If the tourists caught fire on their clothes, they can roll on the floor or slap their bodies with heavy clothing to put out the fire. If surrounded by fire and smoke, tour guide should direct tourists to save themselves, waiting for rescue, wrap their bodies and cover their mouths and noses with wet clothes and creep forward along the walls when passing through dense smoked areas; open the unburned side of the window; wave colorful clothes out of the window to call for help; obey the orders of rescue staff after their arrival. 1.2.5 协助处理善后事宜。旅游者得救后,导游员应立即组织抢救受伤者;若有重 伤者应迅速送医院,有人死亡,按有关规定处理;采取各种措施安定旅游者的情绪,解 决因火灾造成的生活方面的困难,设法使旅游活动继续进行;协助领导处理好善后事宜; 写出详实的书面报告。 Help deal with the matters afterwards: rescue the wounded immediately; send the seriously injured to the hospital promptly; deal with the death according to relevant regulations; comfort tourists’ emotions; solve the problems caused by fire and write detailed report. 2. 游客食物中毒的预防和处理。Preventions and treatments of food-poisoning of tourists. 2.1 食物中毒的预防;Preventions of food-poisoning. 旅游者因食用变质或不干净的食品常会发生食物中毒,其特点是:潜伏期短,发病 快,常会集体发病,抢救不及时会有生命危险。为防止食物中毒的发生,导游员应注意 以下四点: Tourists may be poisoned due to taking unclean food or food turning bad. Food-poisoning is characterized by short incubation period, rapid onset. It usually happens collectively and there will be life-threatening without timely treatment. To prevent food poisoning, tour guide should be aware of the following four points: 2.1.1 严格执行在旅游定点餐厅用餐的规定; Strictly enforce the provisions of reserving meals for the group in the restaurants that are designated for tourist groups. 2.1.2 提醒旅游者不要在小摊上买食物;Warn the tourist of not buying any food from street peddlers. 2.1.3 用餐时如果发现食品不卫生或有异味变质的情况,导游员应立即要求换餐, 并要求餐厅负责人出面道歉,必要时向旅行社领导汇报; If the food served in the restaurant is found turning bad or unclean, the tour guide must ask to change it without delay, and requires the restaurant to apologize and reports to the leader of travel service if necessary. 2.1.4 要向旅游者讲清“水土”问题,当地人能吃的食物,外地人不一定能吃。 Tell tourists about “water and soil”, remind them of the local foods that travelers can not eat. 2.2 游客食物中毒后的处理。Treatments with tourists’ food poisoning. 91 中英文导游实训教程

2.2.1 在立即采取排毒措施的同时,尽快把中毒者送往医院; Take immediate detoxification measures and send the poisoned person to hospital as soon as possible. 2.2.2 要立即通知卫生防疫部门对旅游者食用过的食物进行抽样检验; Inform the departments of quarantine and epidemic prevention to take samples of the foods immediately. 2.2.3 请医院医生开具诊断证明;Ask the doctors to supply medical certificate. 2.2.4 迅速报告接待社,并通知中毒严重患者的家属; Report promptly to the travel service, and notify the family members of the patients poisoned severely. 2.2.5 导游员应帮助了解、分析、掌握中毒的原因,向有关部门提供可靠材料,以 追究供餐单位的法律责任。 The tour guide should assist to analyze and find out the reasons for poisoning, and provide reliable materials to the relevant departments to pursue the legal responsibility of the restaurant. 3. 游客住宿期间治安事故的预防和处理。 Preventions and measures taken in security incidents during the tourists’ stay in hotel 3.1 治安事故的预防;Preventions of security incidents. 3.2 导游员要采取下列措施: The tour guide should take the following measures: 3.2.1 要经常提醒游客把身边贵重物品存入饭店的保险柜内; Remind tourists of putting the valuables in safe deposit in the hotels. 3.2.2 不要与陌生人接触,不要贸然开门; Do not contact with strangers, do not rush to open the door. 3.2.3 不要私自交换外币; Do not exchange foreign currencies illegally. 3.2.4 导游员都要不厌其烦地提醒游客保管好自己的物品。 Tell tourists to take good care of items repeatedly. 3.3 治安事故的处理;Measures taken in security incidents 3.3.1 导游员应保护游客的人身和财物安全; Tour guide should protect the tourists and their property. 3.3.2 出现治安事故应立即报告公安部门和旅行社; Tour guide should report the accident occurred to the public security departments and travel service immediately. 3.3.3 尽量安定游客的情绪; Try to comfort the tourists. 3.3.4 协助领导处理善后事宜; Assist departments concerned to deal with problems arising from the event. 3.3.5 导游员要写出书面报告。 92 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

Write out a report. 4. 游客在饭店内突发疾病的处理。 Measures taken on tourists’ sudden illness in the hotel. 4.1 及时通知饭店内医务人员前来抢救,然后送往医院; Notify the doctors in the hotel in time and then take the tourist to the hospital. 4.2 并将其情况及时向接待社领导汇报; Report the case to the local travel service for directions. 4.3 接待社人员及导游应到医院探望患病游客。 Visit the sick tourist with the staff from the local travel service. 5. 游客在饭店死亡的处理。 Measures taken on the death of tourists in the hotel 游客在旅游饭店住宿期间死亡,导游员不要惊慌失措,要稳定自己的情绪,再有条 不紊地处理。 If someone in the group is found death during staying in the hotel, tour guide should keep calm and handle it orderly. 5.1 保护好现场并立即报案; Keep the first spot and call department concerned immediately. 5.2 向所在旅行社报告有关情况; Report to the travel service. 5.3 设法通知死者亲属; Try to inform the family members of the death. 5.4 准备相关证明书; Prepare for relevant certificates. 5.5 清点死者遗物; Check the relics of the deceased. 5.6 协助遗体的处理; Assist deal with the body. 5.7 帮助索赔; Help claim compensations. 5.8 写出书面报告。 Work out a written report.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide the tourists: Mr. and Ms. Smith) (A tourist called the local guide anxiously.) Mr. Smith: Miss Zhang, can you help me, please? Z: Yes, Sir. What’s up? Mr. Smith: My wife has slipped in the bathroom, she can’t stand up. 93 中英文导游实训教程

Z: How unfortunate! Don't worry, Mr. Smith. I'll get help immediately. Mr. Smith: OK. (Zhang Li rushed into the bathroom.) Z: Ms. Smith, how do you feel now? Ms. Smith: Oh, my left knee is really aching. (Mr. Smith and Zhang Li helped Ms. Smith to bed.) Z: Do you feel better in this position? Ms. Smith: Yes. Z: Everything will be all right, Ms. Smith. I'll send for the doctor. Just relax. (The doctor confirms it is a minor injury with no fracture or concussion.) Mr. Smith: It is lucky that my wife hasn’t broken her leg. Thank you for your help. Z: My pleasure. I hope Ms. Smith will feel better soon.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 某酒店中餐厅接待了一个旅游团用餐。客人用餐后不久,一些游客就开始出现腹 痛、恶心、呕吐、头晕等不良反应。导游知悉后立即将此情况反映给该酒店经理,并要 求将这些游客送往附近医院检查,经医院诊断为食物中毒。 Task 1: A tour group had dinner in a hotel restaurant. Shortly after dinner, some tourists began to suffer from abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other reactions. The tour guide reflected it to the hotel manager immediately, and requested them to send the visitors to the hospital nearby. The tourists were diagnosed as food poisoning.

Useful sentences:

I have a terrible headache and stomach-ache. I’ll call a doctor. Don’t worry much. Just call us if you need any help. I apologize for …


评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 酒店发生火灾处理 20 操作内容 游客进食后不适处理 10 游客住宿期间发生意外处理 10 实训心得 10 实训报告 工作细则明确 10

94 第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训

续表 评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 有条理性 10 实训报告 要点准确 10 总 分 10

Mind Map 3-7 填空,完成思维导图,复习处置“安全事故的技能”实训要点。 Fill in the mind map to review the main skills to deal with the accidents arising from different sections.

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96 第四章 参观游览服务实训



Chapter IV Services of Visiting the Scenic Spot


通过本章实训,要求学生掌握游客参观、购物过程中导游词的讲解方法和技巧;熟悉旅 游过程中各种突发事件的预防、处理方法与技能;熟练掌握常用的中英文句型和基本词汇。 In this chapter, methods and skills of giving tourist commentary when visiting a scenic spots or doing shopping are taught, so are the methods and skills of how to prevent and deal with all kinds of accidents. The students should be familiar with useful sentences and phrases as well.

模块一 参观游览服务实训 Module One: Services of visiting the scenic spot

项目一 沿途讲解 Services on the way to the scenic spot

实训目标:掌握沿途导游的程序和内容 Objectives: To grasp the procedures and contents along the way 实训情景:广东省国旅的地陪张莉带领一英国旅游团开始了一天的旅程。 Circumstances: A British tourist group led by Zhang Li, the local guide, is starting their visit today. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card, flag, etc. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue

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实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 重申当日活动行程,包括要参观的景点名字,去程所需时间,参观所需时间,午、 晚餐的时间和地点,购物安排等;视情况介绍当日国内外重要新闻。 Reaffirm the intra-day activities, including the name of the scenic spot, the time needed on the way, visiting time needed, the time and place of lunch and supper, the shopping schedule, and so on. The tour guide may announce news at home or abroad. 2. 沿途风光导游,包括市容市貌、发展概况及沿途重要建筑物和街道介绍。 Introduce the scenery on the way, including the appearance, the history of the city and the introduction of important buildings and streets along the way. 3. 当地民俗风情介绍:可以适当穿插介绍旅游地的社会生活、文化传统、饮食习惯、 气候及土特产品等。 Introduce the local folk culture. The guide may alternately introduce the social life, the cultural tradition, the food, the climate and the native products of the city. 4. 介绍即将游览的景点:抵达景点前,地陪应向游客介绍该景点的简要情况,尤其 是景点的历史价值和特色。 Introduce the scenic spot that will be visited. Before arriving at the scenic spot, the local guide should briefly introduce this scenic spot to the tourists, particularly its historical value and characteristic.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide T: tourist) (Zhang Li helps the tourists get on the coach and recounts the tourists) Z: Good morning, friends. I will reaffirm the itinerary for today. First, we will visit Yuexiu Park, then move on to the Southern Yue Tomb Museum. After lunch, we will visit Sun Yan-sen Memorial Hall and Chen Clan Academy. The dinner time is 18:00 in the evening, at Panxi Restaurant. Then we’ll go shopping in Beijing Road. At about 9:30, we’ll go back to the hotel. Now we’re leaving for Yuexiu Park. T1: Where is Yuexiu Park? Z: It is in the center of Guangzhou, near the Guangzhou Railway Station. And we’ll get there in 20 minutes. T1: What is special about Yuexiu Park? Z: Inside the park is the symbol of Guangzhou, the Sculpture of the Five Rams, erected in 1959. There is also the Zhenhai tower, known as Five-storey Pagoda, the only part of old city wall that remains in Guangzhou, etc. T2: What is Chen Clan Academy? Z: The Chen Family Temple, or the Chen Clan Academy, was an ancestral temple of the Chen families in Guangdong Province. It was also a school for children of the Chen families. 98 第四章 参观游览服务实训

T2: It’s amazing. T3: Look! What’s the building over there? Z: That’s the Southern Yue Tomb Museum. We’ll visit it after the Yuexiu Park. Here we are.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 来自加拿大的旅游团正坐车开始一天的行程,你在车上给他们做沿途导游介绍。 Task 1: A group of tourist from Canada is starting their trip of today, you’re giving brief introduction on the coach.

Useful sentences:

I will reconfirm the itinerary for today. First, we’ll go to…., then, move on to… We’ll have lunch/supper in Panxi Restaurant at …. 2. 简单介绍你所在城市,包括地理位置、城市概况(历史沿革、行政区划分、人口、 气候、社会生活、文化传统、土特产品等)、以及风光概况。 Task 2: Give a brief introduction to your city, including the location, the history, administrative division, population, climate, social life, cultural tradition, special products and its scenic spots.

Useful sentences:

It is located/situated in…. It covers an area of …., with a population of…. The city has a history of more than …years with attractions such as…. It’s a city with long history. The population of … is about….. The climate is mild, with average temperature of … in Spring.

导游过程中对俚语的理解与翻译 旅游团中各种身份、各行各业的人都有。由于其文化背景、受教育程度及社会地位 各不相同,他们在语言表达、选择措词方面自然存在许多差异。俚语是导游员从游客的 日常会话和交谈中经常听到的一种语言现象。俚语是客观存在的语言现象,其特点是生 动形象、诙谐风趣、富有感情色彩。在当今英语国家,特别是在美国,俚语的使用较为 普遍。在美国人的平均词汇量中,俚语约占百分之十。即使是保守的英国人,尤其是年 轻一代,现在也使用不少俚语。作为导游翻译,经常直接同各种身份的外国游客接触, 相互交谈的内容几乎无所不有,自然会听到很多出自不同社会集团、不同亚文化群的俚 语。从业过程中应当采取积极态度,灵活巧妙地使用俚语以活跃团队气氛。 有的外宾在闲谈中不时冒出一字或一句俚语,旋即引起众人忍俊不禁;有的导游在

99 中英文导游实训教程

长途旅行中经常给游客讲故事或笑话,其间引用一点儿俚语,气氛顿时活跃起来。假如 我们对俚语一无所知,平时不注意搜集整理,不研究俚语的内涵及其使用的语境,往往 很难听懂外国游客在谈论什么,甚至还会产生一些误会。试举几个例子: 1. This is really a tip-top hotel. 2. My legs are killing me. 3. That guide is a hip. 4. He carries a lot of weight. 5. We’ve got a nice setup here. 6. She’s pulling your leg. 7. It is our cup of tea. 8. Down the hatch. 9. This is the main drag of the city. 上述第一句的 Tip-top 意为“第一流的”;第二句是说“我走乏了”(游客走路多了经 常说);第三句称赞导游“懂得很多”;第四句指“那人说话很有分量”;此处 Set up 指的 是“客房设施”;Pull one’s leg 为“开玩笑”;第七句是讲“我们的风俗习惯”(表示应尊 重当地习俗的委婉用语);第八句谓“干杯”;第九句 Main drag 指“闹市区”。类似俚语 都是导游在平时接团中时有所闻的。 1. It’s a far cry from the airport to our hotel. 从机场到饭店路很远。 2. What’s the damage? 多少钱? 3. I have been stood up.(有人失约)让我白等了。 4. The bus is quite a pain. 这车坐着真难受。 还有些俚语像 Stick in the mud(反应迟钝的人)、A real headache(问题、麻烦)、The story of the week(重要新闻)、Follow your nose(朝前走)、To belly-ache(埋怨、投诉) 等,都是我们在导游中经常听到的英国俚语。

Mind Map 4-1 运用思维导图复习“沿途讲解 ”实训要点。Review the main points of the services on the way to the scenic spot on this mind map.

100 第四章 参观游览服务实训

项目二 景点讲解服务实训 Services at the scenic spot.

实训目标:熟悉在景点进行导游服务的程序及导游讲解的技巧 Objectives: To be familiar with the procedures of services at the scenic spot and the skills of giving tourist guide commentary 实训情景:广东省国旅的地陪张莉带领一英国旅游团前往参观景点。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide of CITS (Guangdong Branch), leads a British tourist group to the scenic spot. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 交待游览注意事项。 Announce things needed to pay attention to when visiting the scenic spot. 1.1 抵达景点时,下车前地陪要讲清并提醒游客记住旅行车的型号、标志、车号和 停车地点、开车时间; After arriving at the scenic spot, and before getting off, the guide should tell the tourist to remember the type, the color, the sign and the number plate, the parking place of the coach and the time of setting off. 1.2 在景点示意图前,地陪应讲明游览路线、所需时间、集合时间、地点; After getting off, the guide should lead the tourists to the sketch map of the scenic spot, tell them the route of sightseeing, the time needed, the time for gathering and venue. 1.3 地陪还应向游客讲明游览参观过程中有关注意事项。 The guide should tell the tourists what they should pay attention to. 2. 游览中的导游讲解:抵达景点后,地陪对景点进行讲解。内容包括该景点的历史 背景、特色、地位、价值等。 While visiting the scenic spot, the local guide should give commentary to the attractions. The commentary should include the background of history, its characteristics, its position and value, etc. 3. 留意游客的动向,防止游客走失。 Pay attention to the tourists’ safety and count the people momentarily.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide Ts: tourists) Z: Friends,everybody now has a deep impression in Guangzhou's tour. Perhaps some 101 中英文导游实训教程

people are thinking of the unique construction of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, the beautiful fable of Five-Ram City. Now, we are going to Chen Clan Academy, a building of more than 100 year old. We’ll arrive at Chen Clan Academy soon. Please remember the type, the color, the sign and the number plate of the coach. The number plate of our coach is 12345. Our coach will park at the parking lot behind Chen Clan Academy. We will meet and leave for supper at about 5:45. Ts: OK. Z: Everybody, here we are. Please take your own valuables with you and get off the coach. We will visit Chen Clan Academy. It will take about two hours. We will meet at the parking lot and leave for supper at about 5:45. Since the garden is quite big, please take care of your children. Now let’s go. The Chen Family Temple was an ancestral temple of the Chen families in Guangdong Province. As a Chinese saying goes, “people of the same surname were in the same family 500 hundred years ago.” This adage is known to all in China and is certainly true as applied to the fact that people of the Chen families in the 72 countries of Guangdong Province jointly built this temple, in 1894 in the present-day Zhongshan 7th Road, as a place of their clannish activities on special occasions as well as a shrine for offering sacrifices to their common ancestors. Otherwise it is called Chen Clan Academy because it was also a school for children of the Chen families and converted into the Guangdong Folk Art Museum in 1959. T: Why is it called “the Guangdong Folk Craft Museum” now? Z: The temple structure itself is a comprehensive expression of the exquisite Guangdong folk arts and crafts. Therefore, it is also called Guangdong Folk Art Museum. Now, please follow me.

Dialogue 2:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide Ts: tourists) Z: Here we are. This is Beijing Road. T1: What a wonderful street! Z: Yes, it is. Beijing Road has been the oldest and busiest section of Guangzhou City in the past and nowadays. In a sense, you can say that Guangzhou as a city developed from here. T2: What is so special about Beijing Road? Z: As I mentioned just now, Beijing Road is the centre of Guangzhou and is an old “book” in which you can read about Guangzhou’s history. Under the ground of Beijing Road, it is the ruins of 11 layers of paved roads belonging respectively to the five dynasties of Nanhan, Tang, Song, Ming and Qing, together with the foundation site of Gongbei Tower in Song Dynasty. Today, in order to demonstrate the unique flavor of this thousand-year-old ancient road, two glass windows are opened to show the miniature of Guangzhou’s history as an 102 第四章 参观游览服务实训

ancient business capital, which is also hailed an “open museum”. T3: It’s also a commercial street in Guangzhou, right? Z: Yes, it’s one of the popular streets in Guangzhou. The whole street is 440 meters long, lined with chain stores. From fashion to leather products to snack bars. whatever you like can be found here. T3: Can we bargain with the small traders here? Z: Yes, certainly. T4: Well, I’d better do some bargaining. What sort of discount can one hope to get? Z: I am not sure. I think the right price is more or less three-quarters of the asking price. T4: That’s great. 导游词——陈家祠 Tourist Guide Commentary—Chen Clan Academy

The Chen Family Temple was an ancestral temple of the Chen families in Guangdong Province. As a Chinese saying goes, “people of the same surname were in the same family 500 hundred years ago.” This adage is known to all in China and is certainly true as applied to the fact that people of the Chen families in the 72 countries of Guangdong Province jointly built this temple, in 1894 in the present-day Zhongshan Qi Road, as a place of their clannish activities on special occasions as well as a shrine for offering sacrifices to their common ancestors. Otherwise called Chen Clan Academy, it was also a school for children of the Chen families. In 1959, it was converted into the Guangdong Folk Art Museum, for the temple structure itself is a comprehensive expression of the exquisite Guangdong folk arts and crafts. Covering a ground space of 15 000 square meters, with a floor space of 6 400 square meters, the temple is built in the traditional Chinese architectural style. It is laid out in a symmetrical way, with the longitudinal central line as the axis and the structures on one side corresponding exactly with those on the other. Its wide-open main halls and the lattice-walled wing-rooms are interspaced by courtyards and connected with corridors, and huge suspended or floor screens as well as solid brick walls are used as partitions between halls and courtyards and between rooms; thus creating an artistic effect of bring structurally compact but appearing spacious and magnificent, and producing a contrasting effect of the big with the small, the high with the low, the open with hidden and the true with the false. Another feature of the temple structure is that all the houses are gable-roofed, with two slopes to drain away the rainwater, which is the traditional style of roof structure corresponding to house for the common people in old China and to temple buildings of this kind. In the feudal society of old China, a strict hierarchy was formed. Under this social estate system, everything was rigidly stratified. The size, height and color of a house and even the style of its roof must match the social status of its owner or user. That’s why, in the former imperial palaces, all the back houses for servants and soldiers are low and gable-roofed with

103 中英文导游实训教程 gray tiles, but the main buildings in the middle have yellow roofs with slopes in four sides. While being constructed in the national style of architecture, the temple structure is unique in the way it is decorated, the way that is characteristic of this province. Stone-carvings, brick-carving, lime sculptures, ceramic figurines, wood-carvings or artistic objects of iron-casting can be found everywhere. They are made into flowers and trees, insects and birds, animals and human figures and even architectural complex. These works of art are used not only for the purpose of decoration but are also symbols or implications of one thing or another, or depictions of various scenes from stories of Chinese history and legends. For example, the peony flower is a symbol of richness and wealth, the twin lotus flowers on one stalk stand for an affectionate couple of husband and wife and the lion sculpture, power and dignity.


1. 简单介绍你所在城市的著名建筑物,着重介绍其位置、建筑风格、结构及特色等。 Task 1: Give a brief introduction to a famous building in your city, including its location, style, structure and features, etc.

Mind Map 4-2 用思维导图复习“景点讲解服务”实训要点。Review the main skills of the services at the scenic spot on this mind map.

项目三 购物实训 Shopping


104 第四章 参观游览服务实训

Objectives: Introduce the products objectively and provide meticulous service to the tourists 实训情景:参观完佛山的南风古灶后,导游张莉带领游客到旁边的石湾公仔街购物。 Circumstances: After visiting the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln in Foshan, Zhang Li, the local guide, leads the tourists to the street nearby lined up with shops selling pottery sculptures. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 简单介绍购物点及其商品。 Give a brief introduction of the shops where you take the tourists so that they will have a general idea about what to buy in the store. 2. 了解游客购物的意向并对游客选购货物时提供帮助。 Try to find out what the tourists want to buy and render assistance in their choice of goods. 3. 如有需要,安排包装或邮寄游客所购买的货品。 Make arrangement for the packaging or mail of the goods bought by the tourists if necessary.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide Ts: tourists A: shop assistant) Z: Dear friends, we have just visited the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln and had a fascinating experience to make your own pottery in the workshop. Would you like to buy some pottery souvenirs as gifts to your friends and families? Ts: That’s what we want. Where can we buy some pottery souvenirs? Z: There is a street called “Shiwan Figurines Street” nearby, where the shops sell all kinds of pottery products. Among these, the most famous is the human figures or Shiwan figurines. They are famous because they are rich in glazed colors and vivid in image. Ts: Oh, I must go and have a look. (One of the tourists comes to a shop) T1: Miss Zhang, next month is my parents’ 30 wedding anniversary. I’d like to buy a gift for them. Z: How about these old couple figurines? T1: Let me have a look. Oh, they are so beautiful. Their eyes are full of love when they look at each other. (To the shop assistant) How much are they? A: 200 yuan. 105 中英文导游实训教程

T1: Can you give me a discount? A: I’m sorry we only sell at fixed prices. T1: Well, I’ll take them. Here is the money. Could you please pack them up for me? A: No problem.


Make dialogues according to the following situations. 1. 一对外国夫妇正在瓷器店里买花瓶。作为地陪,你给他们介绍茶具、一套蓝白餐 具和花瓶的特点。这些都是在中国的瓷都——景德镇制造的,被称为薄胎瓷器。它们不 但具有装饰性,而且实用,非常珍贵。但它们易碎,需要小心处理。 Task1: A foreign couple is buying china at the porcelain shop. As the local guide, you introduce the features of the tea set, a set of blue and white porcelain tableware and the flower vases to the couple. They were all made in “the capital of porcelain”—Jingdezhen and are called “the famous egg—shell China”, they are ornamental and useful, precious and expensive ,but they are breakable and must be handled very carefully.

Useful sentences and phrases:

You’re made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. This is the very thing I’ve been dreaming of. Jingdezhen? Isn’t it called “the capital of porcelain”? It is the best quality porcelain―the famous egg-shell China. It must be most precious. No wonder it’s so expensive. Where do these flower vases come from? The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks. Are they breakable? Are they light in weight? They are not only ornamental, but also useful. porcelan n. 瓷:[总称]瓷器 tiny a. 极小的;微小的 ornamental a. 装饰的 n. 装饰品 lid n. 盖子 china n. 瓷器 egg-shell n. 蛋壳(色)(~china)薄胎瓷器 tableware n. 餐具 2. 一对外国夫妇正在工艺品店里选购纪念品。他们想买一块艺术挂毯装饰他们的房 间。作为地陪,你给客人介绍挂毯的特点。重点在挂毯的景色、新式竹子图案和完美的

106 第四章 参观游览服务实训

手工刺绣。 Task 2: A foreign couple is buying souvenirs at the arts and crafts store. They want to buy an artistic tapestry to decorate their room. As the tour guide, you come to introduce the features of the tapestry to the guests. The focus falls on the landscape, the new design of bamboo on the tapestry and its perfect hand-embroidered skill.

Useful sentences and phrases:

Don’t you think we could use one to decorate our room? Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art, an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. Is this the marvelous landscape in Guilin? What a lovely tapestry! Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured dacron or the brocade? You haven’t anything cheaper, have you? Please have a look at the hand-embroidered one with a new design of bamboo. What fine needlework! Are you being served, sir? I’d like to buy a medium-sized cloisonné vase with a light blue background. I'm sorry, sir. They are sold out. The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds. It’s attractive. I’ll take a pair. Can you pack the vases and send them to New York by mail for me? They are made from different materials: dolomite, tough silk, organdie, etc. This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. artistry n. 艺术性;艺术技巧 weave vt. 织,编(制) embroidery n. 绣花,绣制品 shell n. 壳;果壳;荚 yolk n. 蛋黄;卵黄 dolomite n. 白云石;石灰岩;大理石 organdie n. 蝉翼纱 frame n. 架子;框架 mahogany n. 红木;核花心木; sandal n. 凉鞋;檀香 spray vt. 喷;喷涂;向……喷射(out) scent n. 气味;香味;香水(or:perfume) compare v. 比较,对照 feather fan 羽毛扇 107 中英文导游实训教程

skylark n. 云雀 3. 一对外国夫妇正在丝绸店里选购丝绸产品。他们想买些中国绸缎做中式服装。作 为地陪,你给他们介绍中国绸缎的特点,重点在其颜色、洗涤方法,并帮助他们量身。 Task 3: A foreign couple is buying silk products at the silk store. They want to buy some silk and satin(缎子)to make a Chinese fashion coat. As the guide, you just help to introduce the features of the Chinese silk and satin. You just focus on the colors, the way of washing the materials, and help them to take measurement and calculate.

Useful sentences and phrases:

You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin, don’t you? Is it made of pure Chinese silk? It’s velvety and the color is brilliant. Is the color fast? You can only wash it in lukewarm water. What’s the width? It’s two feet and four inches wide. I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy? Let me take a measurement and calculate. Seven feet will be enough. By the way, what is the brand? It is well received allover the world. How much would that come to? There is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there. I think the pink one is quite good. Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us. velvety a. 柔软光滑的;(酒)可口的 brilliant a.(色彩)鲜明的 fast a. 不褪色的 lukewarm a. 微温的 soapy a. 含有肥皂的 rinse v. 冲洗 width n. 宽度,阔度 fashion n. 样子;方式,流行式样 in fashion 风行,流行 out of fashion 过时,不流行 measurement n. 衡量,测量 calculate v. 计算,核算 brand n. 商标,牌子 108 第四章 参观游览服务实训

cushion n. 垫子,靠垫 pink n. 桃红色,粉红色 fur n. 毛皮,皮子 lace n. 花边;饰带 satin n. 缎子 wring vt. 绞,拧

项目四 参观返程实训 Services on returning to the hotel from the scenic spot

实训目标:熟悉返程的服务程序 Objectives: To be familiar with the procedures of returning to the hotel from the scenic spot. 实训情景:参观完北京路后,游客们正坐车回酒店。地陪张莉在车上给游客回顾一 天的行程和宣告明天的安排。 Circumstances: After visiting Beijing Road, the tourists return to the hotel by coach. Zhang Li, the local guide is running back over the intra-day activities and announcing the arrangement of the next day. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 在返回酒店的途中,地陪应回顾当天的参观、游览内容,适当让游客休息下。 On the way back to hotel, the local guide should run back over the intra-day activities and give tourists a while to have a rest. 2. 一般不原路返回酒店,地陪应作沿途风光导游。 Generally speaking, the tour group should not be arranged to go back the original way and the local guide should introduce the scenery on the way. 3. 补充讲解当天的参观活动并回答游客问题。 Make some implement to the explanation of intra-day activities and answer questions from the tourists. 4. 在游客下车前,预报晚上或次日的活动日程,出发时间、集合地点等。 Announce the arrangement of the evening or that of the next day, departure time, gathering venue, etc. before the tourists get off. 5. 提醒游客带好随身物品。 Remind the tourists to take all their belongings with them when they leave the coach. 109 中英文导游实训教程

6. 照顾游客下车,并向他们道别。 Help the tourists get off and say good-bye to them.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White, the tour leader T: tourist) Z: Is everybody here? W: Yes. Z: Can we go now? W: Yes, please. Z: (To the driver) Let’s go, Mr. Wang. (to the tourists) Friends, how do you feel about today trip? T1: Exciting and interesting. I am really impressed by the architectural style of the Chen Clan Academy, especially its decoration. What is it called? Z: Stone-carvings, brick-carvings, lime sculptures, ceramic figurines and wood-carvings. T1: That’s right. They are really magnificent. And your commentary is great, too. Z: Thank you very much. It’s my pleasure to give commentary to you. Z: (to another tourist) How do you feel, Ms. Black? T2: I am a bit tired. But I really enjoy shopping in Beijing Road. Z: I see. Thank you very much. Well, ladies and gentlemen, now I’d like to say a few words about tomorrow’s itinerary. Tomorrow morning we’ll have breakfast at 7:00 o’clock, in the western restaurant on the first floor, and we’ll set off at 8:00 o’clock. Still I will wait for you at the lobby after breakfast. Tomorrow we’ll visit Six Banyan Trees Temple and Guangxiao Temple in the morning, and Guangdong Museum and Huacheng Square in the afternoon. After dinner, we will have night cruise on the Pearl River. OK, now please take a rest if you like.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 一个新西兰旅游团结束一天的行程回酒店。你在车上给他们讲明天的安排。 Task 1: You’re telling the tourists from New Zealand tomorrow’s arrangement after a day’s tour on the way back to hotel.

Useful sentences:

How do you feel about your tour today? I’d like to say a few words about tomorrow’s itinerary. Please take a rest if you like.

110 第四章 参观游览服务实训


导游模拟讲解(中文)评分表 姓 名 班 级 讲解项目 讲解内容

项目 内 容 要 求 分数 评分 单项评语 内容 全面正确,条理清晰,详略得当 30 景点讲解 方法 技巧娴熟,生动有感染力,现场感强 20 60% 提问 回答准确熟练,知识面广 10 导游规范 熟练掌握规范,程序正确完整,有切实体会 10 10% 应变能力 反应敏捷,处理措施正确完善,有切实体会,能力 10 10% 强 语音语调 准确清晰、悦耳动听 10 语言仪态 表达能力 节奏有韵律,自然流畅 5 20% 亲切自然,大方得体,乐观自信,素质 仪态气质 5 良好 合计 评语:

(老师签章) 考试时间: 时 分起至 时 日期: 分止

Mind Map 4-3 运用思维导图复习“参观返程”实训要点。Review the main points of Services on returning to the hotel from the scenic spot on this mind map.

111 中英文导游实训教程

模块二 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Two: The skills of handling special events

项目一 游客走失 Getting lost of a tourist

实训目标:让学生掌握游客走失的应变原则和技巧 Objectives: To grasp how to deal with the situation that the tourist gets lost 实训情景:旅行团在花城广场游览时,发现少了一个老年游客。 Circumstances: One of the senior tourists got lost when visiting Huacheng Square. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 了解情况,迅速寻找。一般是全陪、领队分头寻找,地陪带领其他游客继续游览。 In this case, the tour guides should first try to find out when and where he/she was missing and then the national guide and the tour escort should look for him/her separately, while the rest of the group should follow the local guide to proceed with their tour. 2. 向当地派出所和景点管理部门求助。 If they failed to find him/her, they should apply to the nearby police station and to the management of the tourist resort for help. 3. 与饭店联系,询问该游客是否已回饭店。 In the meantime, they should call up the hotel to find out if the man has been back there. 4. 向旅行社报告。 If not, they should phone to report the case to the local travel service and…. 5. 做好善后工作。 (They) should be prepared to deal with possible problems arising from the event. 6. 写出事故报告。 Finally, they should write out a report on the event.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White, the tour leader H: Huang Hong, the national guide T: tourist)

112 第四章 参观游览服务实训

T: Miss Zhang. I can’t find my father. He told me to go to the toilets. I waited for a long time, but he didn’t turn up. So I tried to look for him. However, it’s so big here, I can’t find him. Z: Don’t worry. We’ll help you to look for him. Mr. White, Miss Huang. Could you please go and look for Mr. Smith? I will apply to the nearby police station and to the management of the tourist resort for help. We will meet in front of the meeting point. W & H: OK. No problem. (After a while) W: I can’t find him. H: Neither can I. T: Oh, what should I do? Z: Don’t worry. I just called up the hotel. Mr. Smith has come back to hotel by himself. T: Really? Z: Yes. Mr. Smith told me that he couldn’t find us after he went to the toilets. Since it is too big here and there are too many people. He went back to hotel by taxi. T: Thank you very much.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 在游览越秀公园时,格林夫妇 8 岁的儿子走失了。你问清楚格林夫妇什么时候在 什么地方发现不见了儿子,然后让领队和全陪分头去寻找而你继续带领其他游客游览。 Task 1: Mr. and Mrs. Green’s eight-old-year son got lost when visiting Yuexiu Park. You asked Mr. and Ms Green when and where their son had been missing. Then you asked the tour leader and the national guide to look for the child while you led the rest of the group to continue their tour.

项目二 游客生病 Falling ill of a tourist

实训目标:让学生掌握游客生病/受伤的应变原则和技巧 Objectives: To grasp how to deal with the situation that one tourist suddenly falls ill or gets hurt. 实训情景:地陪张莉带领一英国旅游团前往陈家祠进行参观游览,有一位游客中暑 晕倒。 Circumstances: Zhang Li, the local guide, is leading a British group visiting Chen Clan Academy. Suddenly, one of the tourists loses consciousness because of heat stroke. 实训准备:麦克风、导游胸卡、导游旗 Preparations: microphone, tour guide IC card and flag. 113 中英文导游实训教程

实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 如果是一般病情,导游应劝说其及早就医,注意休息,如必要时,可以陪同其道 医院就医。行程中要关心其病情。向患病游客说明看病的费用自理,严禁导游擅自给患 者用药。 If it is not seriously, the guide should persuade the tourist to see the doctor as soon as possible and have a rest. If necessary, he or she should accompany the tourist to hospital. On the way, the guide should care for the tourist and tell the tourist that he or she is responsible of the medical costs. A guide should not give the tourist any medicine without the permission of doctors. 2. 若游客在旅游途中患上重病,要及时送到医院就医,应要求领队或者亲属在场, 患者住院的费用和医疗的费用自理,离团没有享受的服务由旅行社之间结算按规定退回。 导游员应该安排好其他旅游者的活动,全陪应继续随团旅游。要及时关心患病者的病情。 If a tourist suddenly becomes seriously ill, he or she must be sent to hospital in time. It would be better if the tour leader or the patient’s relative is present with the tourist at all time. The tourist is responsible of the medical costs. According to the contract, the travel agency should refund the money for the remaining items of the trip that the patient has not visited. The guide should also arrange the other tourists’ activities. The national guide should continue to serve the tour group and care for the patient in time.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide W: John White, the tour leader H: Huang Hong, the national guide T: tourist) T1: Oh, my God. My wife fainted. Z: What’s wrong with her, Mr. Green? T1: I think she has got heat stroke. It’s extremely hot today. She can’t bear the heat. Z: Quick, Ms Huang. Call an ambulance. Mr. White, help me to take Mrs. Green to the gate of Chen Clan Academy. It’s cooler there. Z: (To Mr. Green)Mr. Green, do you have any heatstroke preventive? T1: No. What should I do? Z: Don’t worry. The ambulance is coming. Give her some water, then. T1: Here you are. W: Look! She recovers consciousness. Are you better now, Mrs. Green? T2: Yes, a bit. H: Here comes the ambulance. Mr. Green. It’s better to send your wife to hospital though she is a bit better. T1: Yes. You’re right. Thank you very much. 114 第四章 参观游览服务实训


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 游客在西藏旅游途中忽然发烧感冒,病情很严重。你马上送病人到最近的医院并 通知旅行社派人协助。 Task 1: One of the tourists suddenly has a bad cold and a fever when he is travelling in Tibet. You send the patient to the nearest hospital at once and ask the local travel service to send someone to help.

Mind Map 4-4 运用思维导图复习处理“游客生病”时的相关实训要点。Review the main skills to deal with the problem of the falling ill of a tourist on this mind map.

项目三 治安事件 Security incidents

实训目标:使学生掌握突发性安全事故的应急处理方法;学会一些基本的安全救护 常识和逃生技巧;能做到遇到突发性安全事故临危不惧、不慌乱 Objectives: To master the skills to deal with security incidents, grasp some basic knowledge of first aid and escape; and to keep calm when there is security incident 实训情景:在去酒店途中,一撞车党故意碰撞旅游大巴,然后进行敲诈。 Circumstances: on the way to the hotel, one car hit the coach deliberately and blackmail the driver. 实训准备:模拟大巴 Preparations: mock coach 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue

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实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 保护旅游者的安全。遇到歹徒骚扰、行凶、抢劫,导游员要临危不惧,绝不能临 阵脱逃,可能时将旅游者转移到安全地点;导游员要勇敢,但不能鲁莽行事,要防备歹 徒的凶器,要保护旅游者的安全,也要保护好自己。 Protect the tourist from danger. When there are harassments or attack of criminals, or robbery, the guide should keep calm and always stay with the tourist. Take the tourist to a safe place when necessary. The guide should be brave, but not rash. The guide should try his/her best to protect the tourist as well as himself/herself from danger. 2. 组织抢救。若旅游者受伤,应立即做好必要的伤口处理,尽快送往附近医院;尽 可能保护现场。 If the tourists are wounded, the guide should dress the wound and send them to the nearest hospital and try his/her best to protect the scene. 3. 立即报警。立即拨打 110 报警,公安人员赶到后,导游员要积极配合、协助侦查。 Dial 110 immediately to report the case to the police. When the police come, the guide should cooperate with the police. 4. 报告接待旅行社。将案情报告接待社领导,情况严重时,请领导到现场指挥处理。 Report the case to the travel service and the superiors. If it is serious, the guide should ask the superiors to come to the scene. 5. 妥善处理。治安事故发生后,导游员要设法稳定旅游者的情绪,如果后果不是很 严重,就应设法继续进行旅游活动;在领导指导下准备好必要证明及相关资料,处理好 种种善后事宜;注意破案情况,一有结果,经领队向全团通报。 After the security incident, the guide should comfort the tourists. If it is not serious, the guide should take the tourists to continue the trip. With the advice of the superiors, the guide should prepare all necessary documents and deal with all the things in the aftermath. If the case is solved, the guide should ask the tour leader to tell the result to the group. 6. 书面报告。写出翔实的书面报告,对旅游者的重要反映,力争用原话并注明反映 者的身份。 Write out a report in details. The guide should write down the opinions of the tourists and note who says it.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide T: tourist D: Driver) Z: What’s wrong, Mr. Wang? D: Another car collided ours; they want compensation for the damage without reporting to the police. Z: We can’t do that. We must report to the police at once. In the meantime, we must keep the door closed to protect the tourists. 116 第四章 参观游览服务实训

D: Of course, I will report to the police at once. You comfort the tourists. Z: Ladies and gentlemen, attention, please. There is a car accident and our driver has reported to the police. For your safety, we stay inside the car. The police are coming. T: How long will we have to wait? Z: Don’t worry. The police are coming and will handle it soon.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 游客走失处理 20 应变处理 游客生病处理 20 交通事故的处理 20 实训心得 20 实训报告 回答问题 20

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118 第五章 送团服务实训



Chapter V Seeing Off a Tour Group


通过本章的实训,要求学生善始善终,把握好导游在本阶段工作的各个环节的质量 要求,保持工作的责任心和服务热情,扎扎实实的做好最后一站至欢送词等送站服务工 作;熟悉出入境各种手续、票务办理的基本流程和技巧。熟练掌握常用的中英文句型和 基本词汇。 When seeing tourists off, it means that the face-to-face communication between tour guide and tourists ends. No matter how long the journey is, after traveling, tourists are tired. The tourists are eager to go home because of tiredness. While the guides think that his work will finish soon and will be less careful about his work. It is easy to make mistakes at this moment. And any mistake means the failure of work.

模块一 送团流程实训 Module One: Seeing off a tour group

项目一 送团前流程实训 Training in services before seeing off a tour group

实训目标:掌握送客服务的工作内容,送客服务的工作流程 Objectives: To master the contents of departure service and its process 实训情景:广东国旅的地陪张莉正准备送一个英国旅游团离开广州。 Circumstances: A local guide from CITS (Guangdong Branch), Zhang Li, is going to see

119 中英文导游实训教程 off a British group. 实训准备:导游旗、旅游交通票据 Preparations: flag, transport tickets 实训形式:讨论 Form: discussion 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 核实交通票据 Check the transport tickets (旅游团队离开的前一天)核实旅游团队离开的飞机票、船票、火车票;核对团名和 代号,人数、全陪姓名、去向、航班号、起飞或者是开车、船的时间;核实计划表时间、 时刻表的时间、票面的时间;问询的时间、在哪个机场登机或车站上车,出发前询问航 班是否正常。如果交通有变动,立刻通知下一站接待方,妥善处理各项的衔接工作。若 是出境团队,应在 72 小时前和领队确认机票。 Before the departure of tour group, the local guide should check the plane tickets, boat tickets, or train tickets for the tour group. And he or she should check the name and code of tour group, number of the group, the name of national guide, where the group is going, the flight/train number, the departure time. And then check the time in the tour plan, the schedule of transport, time on the ticket. Inquire when and where to leave, and check if the flight is normal. If there is any change, inform the travel service in the next destination so that the group will travel smoothly. If the group is leaving China, confirm the plane tickets 72 hours in advance. 2. 商定出行李时间。 Discuss the time of transferring luggage for the group 2.1 和旅行社联系,核实旅行社和酒店之间行李交接状况,再和饭店行李部商定地 陪、全陪、领队与饭店四方交接行李的时间; Contact the travel service, confirm the transfer of luggage between the travel service and the hotel. Then discuss the time of transferring luggage among the local guide, the national guide, the tour leader and the hotel. 2.2 先与领队商定出行的时间,商定以后通知旅游者并向他们讲清楚行李托运的具 体时间和注意事项; Discuss the travel time with the tour leader, and then inform the tourists and tell them about the time of checking in luggage and things to pay attention to. 2.3 商定集中和出发时间:根据离开的交通的时间,商定出发时间,经得领队、全 陪同意后告知旅游者; Discuss the departure time with the national guide and the tour leader and inform the tourists. 2.4 全陪、领队商量叫早和用早餐的时间; Discuss the time for morning call and breakfast with the tour leader and national guide. 120 第五章 送团服务实训

2.5 结清账目:和酒店、餐厅、全陪结清费用,并保留单据; The local guide should settle all the expenses with the hotel, restaurant, and the national guide. Keep all the invoices. 2.6 归还领队、全陪、游客的证件; Return all the documents to the tour leader, national guide and tourists. 2.7 填写游客意见表。 Fill in the tourist’s feedback form.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

全面熟悉离站步骤 10

对住宿情况的分析 10

对餐饮情况的分析 10

操作内容 对交通情况的分析 10

对景区情况的分析 10

对其他情况的分析 10

落实相关事宜 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind-map 5-1 运用思维导图复习“送团前流程”实训要点 Sum up the main points of services before seeing off a tour group on this mind map

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项目二 离店服务实训 Checking out

实训目标:掌握离店的工作流程,结清各种费用 Objectives: To master the procedures of checking out, and settle all the expenses 实训情景:在酒店的大厅里,张莉正准备为团队办理离店手续。 Circumstances: Zhang Li is checking out for the group in the lobby. 实训准备:模拟酒店大堂 Preparations: mock hotel lobby 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 行李交接:离饭店前,旅游者将行李集中后,地陪要和领队、全陪共同确认以后、 检查行李、然后交付给行李员、填写行李托运卡。 Before leaving the hotel, collect the luggage from the tourists, which should be counted and confirmed by the local guide, national guide and the tour leader, and then transfer to the bell man and fill in the baggage card. 2. 退房:提醒游客在退房前先支付酒店的个人消费,包括酒水、饮料、一次性物品、 电话费等。和酒店结清账目。 Check out: Before checking out, remind tourists to settle accounts for incidental expenses with the hotel, including drinks, beverages, disposable items, telephone charges etc. And then clear with the hotel cashier. 3. 集合登车:和全陪领队商量集合时间,提醒游客是否有物品遗漏,检查随身物品 是否齐全。 Gather the tour members in the lobby and board the coach; discuss the time for meeting with national guide and tour leader; remind tourists of taking all their belongings.

Dialogue 1:

(After collecting all the room cards from the tourists, Zhang Li is checking out for the group) (R: Receptionist Z: Zhang Li W: John White B: Jenny Black) Z: We’d like to check out, please. R: Excellent. Could I have your room cards please? R: Seven standard rooms and a single room for three nights. Z: Yes, that’s right. R: Fine. That’s 32 000 yuan in total. I’ll just print up your bill. (COMPUTER PRINTING) Here is your bill. Do you need a minute to look over it? 122 第五章 送团服务实训

Z: Oh, this isn’t right. It shouldn’t include the laundry service. Could you please check which room used the laundry service? R: Let me check. Oh, it’s room 403. And the laundry bill is 200 yuan. Z: Thank you. Please wait a minute. (to John White, the tour leader) Who stayed in Room 403, please? W: Oh, it’s Jenny Black. What’s the matter? Z: She used laundry service which cost 200 yuan. She should pay for this. W: Really? I will tell her. B: I am terribly sorry for this. I totally forget this. Yes, I had my clothes washed the night before. I will pay for this. How much is it? Z: 200 yuan. B: Here is the money. I am sorry. Z: It’s all right. (to the receptionist) Here is money for laundry service. R: Thank you. Here are your invoices. Have a pleasant trip.


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 你在为一澳洲旅行团办理离店手续,前台服务员告诉你说 308 号房间的杯子不见 了,你去问住该房的客人是什么一回事。结果是客人昨晚把杯子打碎了,客人愿意赔偿。 Task 1: You are checking out for an Australian group. The receptionist tells you that there is a cup missing in Room 308. You ask the tourist who stayed in Room 308 and what happened. The tourist tells you that he/she broke the cup last night and he/she will pay for it.

Useful sentences:

Good morning. May I help you? I’d like to check out/settle my bill now. May I know your name and room number, please? How would you like to make the payment?


实训项目 要 求 得 分 程序安排合理 10 着装整洁得体 10 票据准备齐全 10 办理离店手续 时间落实准确 10 现场状况控制良好 10 酒店退房手续办理恰当 10

123 中英文导游实训教程


实训项目 要 求 得 分

办理手续时间控制恰当 10

组织等车及时 10 办理离店手续 账单填写正确 10

实训心得 10

总分 100

Mind Map 5-2 运用思维导图复习“离店服务”实训要点。Sum up the main points of Checking out on this mind map.

项目三 欢送词实训 Farewell speech

实训目标:掌握欢送词的编写和表达 Objectives: To master how to write a farewell speech 实训情景:在晚饭后,刘先生正给游客致欢送词。 Circumstances: Mr. Liu is making a farewell speech after dinner. 124 第五章 送团服务实训

实训准备:模拟餐厅 Preparations: mock restaurant 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 回顾旅游活动,感谢大家的合作。 Review the trip of the group and give your thanks to the tourists for their cooperation. 2. 表达友谊和惜别之情。 Express your friendliness to the tourists and your reluctance and regret to separate with them. 3. 诚恳征求游客对接待工作的意见和建议。 Invite suggestions and opinions from the tourists. 4. 若旅游活动中有不顺利或旅游服务有不尽如人意之处,导游员可借此机会再次向 游客赔礼道歉。 Offer apologies to the tourists if things on the tour were not going smoothly or if the tourists are not satisfied with the service they have received. 5. 表达美好的祝愿。 Express your good wishes to the tourists.

Dialogue 1:

(Mr: Liu, the Chinese tour guide for the Orient Tour Group, is going to make a farewell speech and a briefing on the departure arrangement for the group after their last dinner in China.) (A: Mr. Liu B: Mr. Smith, the American tour leader) B: Attention, please. Mr. Liu has something to say. Let’s listen carefully. A: Ladies and gentlemen: Your tour in China is drawing to a close. When I first met you eleven days ago, we were strangers. Now we are friends. As an old Chinese saying says: “There is no banquet without ending.” Thank you for your concern to my guide work. Thank you for your interest in China. Now I’d like to tell about tomorrow’s departure arrangement. First, we will count the luggage. Please place your checked luggage in front of your rooms by 7:00 tomorrow morning. The bellboy will collect them for you. Second, the morning call service has been set at 6:15. The breakfast will be provided from 7:00 to 7:30 at the western restaurant of the second floor. And the tour coach will leave for the airport at 7:45 tomorrow morning. I hope everyone will be in the coach by that time. Third, if you have any RMB with you, you can convert them back into US dollars at the bank at the airport. Considering we are leaving early tomorrow morning, I suggest that you check out for your incidentals tonight instead of tomorrow morning. Please be 125 中英文导游实训教程

prepared to pay for the overweight luggage. Please do not take any prohibited goods like knives and scissors on yourselves. You know, the airline is very strict on overweight luggage and security check. You don’t need to fill in any custom declaration forms if you have nothing to declare. The last but not least, please make sure that you have your passport and air ticket with you on hand. If you have any questions, please ask me. Thank you again. Hope you have a happy journey home. And we shall be happy to meet you again.

Dialogue 2:

Ladies and Gentlemen: Your visit to Guangdong is now coming to an end. In the last 10 days, you have visited the representative of southern-oriented construction—Chen Clan Academy, porcelain factories in Foshan, beautiful natural scenery in Zhaoqing; and you have just tasted the best Cantonese food in Guangzhou… However, I know it’s time for you to go home and rejoin your family. On this occasion of departure, I would say I have got a very nice trip with very nice people. And it’s been my pleasure staying with you over the last 10 days. We sincerely hope that you have enjoyed being here and that one day in the future you can return to visit us again. If there is anything that we can do to make this possible, please feel free to call on. I wish to thank you all for your cooperation and support that you have given us in the past 10 days, which made my work easier. Ten days ago, we met as strangers; today, we bid farewell to each other as friends. I hope you’ll take back happy memories of your trip to China and welcome back sometime in the future. Once again, thank you for your cooperation and support. Bon voyage!


1. 给一个即将结束 20 天中国之旅的加拿大旅游团致欢送词。 Task 1: Make a farewell speech to a Canadian tour group that has just finished their 20-days trip in China.

Useful sentences:

Your current visit to… is drawing to a close. Allow me to take this opportunity to say something by way of a farewell. You came strangers, but leave friends. I’m sorry that you’re leaving. I thank you for your patience and friendliness. 126 第五章 送团服务实训

I also appreciate your cooperation and your understanding. I wish you a pleasant journey back home.


实 训 项 目 要 求 得 分

至欢送词 语言编写流畅 10

语言的生动性 10

语言的特色性 10

语言的创意性 10

语言的灵活性 10

程序安排合理 10

着装整洁得体 10

语速适中 10

普通话标准 10

感情真切 10

总 分 100

Mind Map 5-3 运用思维导图复习“欢送词”实训要点。Sum up the main points of Farewell speech on this mind map.

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项目四 机场离境手续办理实训 Departure formalities at the airport.

实训目标:使学生熟悉掌握团队登机手续的办理以及行李的托运 Objectives: To be familiar with the procedures of group check-in and checking the luggage 实训情景:在机场,导游正帮游客办理离境的相关手续。 Circumstances: The guide is helping the tourists with their departure formalities at the airport. 实训准备:游客名单、身份证/护照、登记牌、火车票/飞机票、出境卡、出境旅客行 李物品申报单、出/入境健康检疫申明卡等 Preparations: name list of the tour group, ID card/passport, boarding pass, train tickets/ plane tickets, departure card, baggage declaration form for outgoing passengers, health and quarantine declaration form on entry/exit, etc. 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 提前到达飞机场(火车站、汽车站):乘坐国际航班飞机应该提前两个小时的到达 机场,国内航班提前 90 分钟到达飞机场,火车提前一个小时到达。 Arrive at the airport (railway station/bus terminal) in advance. If the flight is an international flight, the group must get to the airport 2 hours before departure time; for domestic flight, 90 minutes before departure time; for train, one hour before departure time. 2. 办理离站手续: Departure formalities: 2.1 国内航班(车、船)的离境手续:交接交通票据和行李票; For domestic flight (train or ship), the guide should transfer the transport tickets and luggage voucher. 2.2 国际航班(车、船)的出境手续:交接行李,地陪要向领队或者游客介绍办理 出境手续的程序,旅游团队进入隔离区后,全陪、地接才可离开; For international flight (train or ship), transfer the baggage, the local guide should inform the tour leader or the tourists of the departure procedures. The national guide and the local guide should not leave until the tourist group enters into the restricted area. 2.3 与司机结账:和司机结清各项的费用以后,要求司机签字确认后,保留好单据。 Settle the bills with the driver, ask the driver to sign and keep the receipts.

128 第五章 送团服务实训

Dialogue 1:

(C: Check-in clerk T: tourist) C: Your ticket and passport, please. T: Here you are. C: Which seat do you prefer, window seat or aisle seat? T: Window seat, please. C: How many pieces of luggage do you want to check, sir? T: Three. Can I keep this small beg as hand-luggage? C: Yes, you can. Sorry, sir. Your luggage is overweight. You have to pay for excess luggage. T: That’s all right. How much should I pay for overweight? C: 450 yuan. T: Ok, here you are. C: Thank you. Here are your flight ticket, boarding pass and your luggage tags. T: Thank you.

二十四节气的来历: 二十四节气起源于中国的黄河流域。远在春秋时代,就定出仲春、仲夏、仲秋和仲 冬等四个节气。以后不断地改进与完善,到秦汉年间,二十四节气已完全确立。公元前 104 年,《太初历》正式把二十四节气订于历法,明确了二十四节气的天文位置。太阳从 黄经零度起,沿黄经每运行 15 度所经历的时日称为“一个节气”。每年运行 360 度,共 经历 24 个节气,每月 2 个。其中,每月第一个节气为“节气”,即:立春、惊蛰、清明、 立夏、芒种、小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、立冬、大雪和小寒等 12 个节气;每月的第二个 节气为“中气”,即:雨水、春分、谷雨、小满、夏至、大暑、处暑、秋分、霜降、小雪、 冬至和大寒等 12 个节气。“节气”和“中气”交替出现,各历时 15 天,现在人们已经把 “节气”和“中气”统称为“节气”。为了便于记忆,人们还编出了二十四节气歌诀:“春 雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。”


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国际登机牌 国际登机牌


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Mind Map 5-4 运用思维导图复习“机场离境手续办理”实训要点。Sump up the main points of the departure formalities at the airport on this mind this mind map.

136 第五章 送团服务实训

模块二 后续工作处理实训 Module Two: Follow-up work

送完团队,并不等于所有工作的结束,导游还应继续处理好团队遗留的各种问题。 例如到旅行社报账,工作总结等。带团的过程中,要及时写导游日志,带团结束,同样 写好带团总结,有利于我们导游在日后的工作中吸取经验,提高自身的素质和工作能力。 After seeing off the group, it does not mean the end of all the work. The guide should deal with all the matters left by the group. For example, reimburse expenses in the travel service, write a summary of the trip, etc. During serving the tour group, the guide should write a diary about the trip. When finishing the trip, it is necessary for the guide to write a summary so that we can acquire experiences from it and improve ourselves and our abilities. 实训目标:掌握报账的基本表单填写 Objectives: To master how to fill out the form of reimbursement 实训情景:团队送完团以后,导游到旅行社报账实训。 Circumstances: After seeing off the tour group, the local guide submits the bill to the travel agency. 实训准备:各种报账单,模拟旅行社办公室 Preparations: all kinds of form of reimbursement, mock office of a travel service 实训形式:讨论 Form: discussion 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 处理遗留问题,包括旅游者的委托,应按照有关的规定来执行;处理旅游团在当 地旅游后的遗留问题。 Deal with any unfinished matters according to relevant regulations, including entrustment of the tourist; handle the matters left by the tour group. 2. 报账,包括填写有关的财务表单,整理票据,到财政部门结账。 Reimburse expenses in the travel service, including sorting out the receipts, fill out the forms and settle with the finance department. 3. 带团日志总结,包括经验、陪同的总结。 Write a summary of the trip, including experiences and summary of the national guide.

137 中英文导游实训教程


团号 单位 人数 成人 人 小孩 人

自 月 日起 日期 司机: 导游: 联系人: 到 月 日止

项目 单位(元) 备注 汇款或支票承付费用 沿线签单 金额

收款 应付 车费 用途 金额 用途 单位 单位
















小计 小计

签单 实报单据 张 合计金额大写 合计

全部成本合计 预交旅游费用 元 毛利 毛利率 % 元 主管核准: 复核: 结算人: 年 月 日 138 第五章 送团服务实训


1. 送团结束后,客人乘坐飞机返程,地陪小云收到酒店的电话,她带领的团队有人 遗留了一个笔记本电脑,小云该怎么做? After seeing the group off in the airport and making sure the plane has taken off, local guide Xiao Yun received a phone call from a hotel claiming that a portable computer left behind by one of tourists was just found there in the hotel. What should Xiao Yun do next? 2. 送团后,有游客打电话给地陪小云,希望她可以帮助他买一些中药材,然后帮他 邮寄过去,小云该怎么做? After seeing off a tourist group Xiao Yun received a phone call from one of the group members who asked her to buy some herbal medicine and mail to him/er. What should Xiao Yun do next? Mind Map 5-5 运用思维导图复习“后续工作处理”实训要点。Sum up the main points of follow-up work on this mind map.

模块三 特殊事件处理技巧 Module Three: The skills of handling special events

项目一 误机事件 Missing the flight


139 中英文导游实训教程

可抗拒因素引起的,旅行社不负主要责任;主观原因一般指由人的疏忽等原因造成的本 来可以避免的过失,一般由当事人及其旅行社承担。 There are subjective and objective reasons in an incident of missing the flight. The objective reason generally refers to the weather, earthquakes, typhoons, plagues, riots and other irresistible factors and travel service does not take the main responsibility. The subjective reasons generally refer to the negligence and other causes could have been avoided. Generally it is borne by the parties and their travel service. 实训目标:掌握误机事件处理的步骤和方法 Objectives: To master how to handle the matter of missing a flight 实训情景:旅游团在去机场的路上,前方高速路上发生交通意外导致交通堵塞,误 了飞机,地陪张莉正和怀特先生商量补救措施。 Circumstances: on the way to the airport, there are serious traffic jams because of car accident. The group misses the flight. The local guide, Zhang Li, is discussing with Mr. white what to do next. 实训准备:模拟酒店房间、书面旅游合同和变更计划 Preparations: mock hotel room, contract and the changed itinerary 实训形式:模拟对话 Form: dialogues 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 旅行社的工作。 What should the travel service do is: 1.1 立即通知下一站地接社有关旅游团耽误飞机的信息; Inform the travel service in the next destination that the group has missed the flight. 1.2 解决旅游团滞留广州的具体问题,例如住房、餐饮、市内交通车辆和离穗机票等。 Solve the problems of staying in Guangzhou for the group, e.g. hotel accommodations, meals, inner city transport and the plane tickets for next destination, etc. 2. 地陪提出应变计划:旅游团滞留广州,地陪应与计调人员联系,商量旅游团继续 游览的计划,计划一确定就带领旅游者游览,提供热情周到的导游服务。 The local guide should contact the coordinator of the local travel service and discuss the itinerary for the group. As long as the changed itinerary is confirmed, the local guide should provide warm service to the group.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li W: Mr. White) Z: I am terribly sorry, Mr. White. We missed the flight. I am afraid that you have to stay in Guangzhou for one more day. W: It’s not your fault, Miss Zhang. We can understand. 140 第五章 送团服务实训

Z: Thank you for your understanding. I have informed our travel service about it and they will arrange tomorrow’s itinerary and plane tickets for you all. W: Thanks for everything you’ve done for us. Z: You’re welcome. Shall we talk about tomorrow’s itinerary? W: OK. Z: We will visit…. Tomorrow morning…


要 求 得 分

程序安排合理 10

着装整洁得体 10

票据准备齐全 10

时间落实准确 10

实训项目 现场状况控制良好 10

误机手续办理恰当 10

办理手续时间控制恰当 10

准确带领游客进入安全门 10

账单填写正确 10

实训心得 10

总 分 100

Mind Map 5-6 运用思维导图复习“误机事件”实训要点。Sum up the main points of missing the flight on this mind map.

141 中英文导游实训教程

项目二 应对投诉 Responding to Complaints

导游在带团的过程中,尽本分将工作做到最好,但是,带团本来就是一项需要多个 部门协助的工作,受到投诉的情况也时有发生,有主观原因造成的也有客观原因,主观 上我们尽量避免。 When the tour guide serves the tour group, he/she should try his/her best to do so. However, serving a tour group is a job which needs the cooperation of different departments. Therefore complaints happen occasionally. There are some objective and subjective reasons. If it is subjective, we should try to avoid it. 实训目标:掌握应对投诉的处理 Objectives: To master how to handle complaints 实训情景:来自香港一行 30 人到丹霞山旅游,接待的旅游大巴的空调有些问题,制 冷效果很差。游客向导游投诉并要求换一辆车。 Circumstances: A tour group of 30 from Hong Kong traveled to Danxia Mountain. There was something wrong with the bus air-conditioner. It was hot and stuffy in the bus. The tourists complained to the guide and asked to change the car. 实训准备:出团计划,导游旗,导游证 Preparations: tour plan, the flag, Tour Guide ID Card 实训形式:对话 Form: dialogue 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 耐心倾听游客的投诉,了解事情的原委。 Listen to the tourist patiently, and learn what happens. 2. 分析产生的原因,如果情况属实,要立刻解决,真诚道歉,必要的时候经得旅行 社的同意给与一定的物质补偿。 The tour guide analysis the causes. If it is true, solve the problem immediately and apologize to the tourists sincerely. If necessary, after consultant with the travel service, compensate the tourists. 3. 导游要写导游带团日记,分析原因和处理办法。 The tour guide should write a diary on which he or she should analysis the causes and tell how to handle it.

Dialogue 1:

(Z: Zhang Li, the local guide Ts: tourists) Ts: Miss Zhang, we hate to disturb you. But we can’t stand anymore. 142 第五章 送团服务实训

Z: What’s wrong? Ts: As you know, it is August now. It’s extremely hot. But the air conditioner of our coach doesn’t work properly. We cannot breathe inside. We need to change another coach. Z: I am sorry to hear this. Let me check with the driver. (After a while) Z: I am terribly sorry. I do apologize. I have consult the travel service and they will send another coach tomorrow. Ts: The sooner, the better. Thanks anyway. Z: You’re welcome.


1. 游客向全陪投诉,投诉地陪在带团的过程中,没有经得他们的同意,擅自多加购 物点,没有按照旅游计划行事。 Task 1: Make a dialogue according to the following situation. The tourists complain to the national guide that the local guide let them visit more shopping places than scheduled without their approval.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

倾听投诉 20

应变处理 分析原因 30

处理办法 30

实训报告 实训心得 20

Mind Map 5-7 运用思维导图复习“应对投诉”实训要点。Sum up the main points of responding to complaints on this mind map.

143 中英文导游实训教程

144 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训



Chapter VI Psychological Training


导游员的任务持续时间长,耗损体力大,是一项超负荷的职业。导游员直接面对客 人,处理人与人之间的关系,面临着诸多的压力,容易造成身心的疲惫。通过本章节的 实训要求学生掌握必要的心理知识,认识压力产生的原因,学会调节自身心理的方法, 掌握必要的人际沟通技巧,处理好与游客的关系,努力维护身心理健康,以应对繁重的 导游活动的挑战。 Tour guiding is such a heavy time-and-energy-consuming job as well as a stressful one where a guide has to handle delicately well all the public relationships that it is highly likely for a guide to be both physically and psychologically exhausted unless they command adequate knowledge on psychology introduced in this chapter. It consists of stress recognition, methods for psychological adjustment, communicative skills of public relationships, psychological hygiene maintenance.

模块一 认 识 压 力 Module One: Realize pressure

实训目标:使学生正确认识导游工作面临的压力和自身目前存在的压力,会分析压 力源,并制定相应减压方案。 Objectives: To instruct students to realize the pressure of tour guiding and the present stress encountered, to learn to analyze the work stressors and work out alleviation strategy. 实训情景: 小王做导游已经有一段时间了,以前以为做导游能游山玩水所以走上这个职业的。 但做了导游之后发现,这个行业门槛低,做得好坏关键又并非通过书本就能学到,如处

145 中英文导游实训教程

事能力、执行能力、表达能力等,一切又要重新学起。导游行业工资偏低,烦心事又特 多,他举例说一次为了能让客户第二天按时送德国的 ADS 签证,当天必须准备好所有的 酒店确认单。他只好不停给境外的同事发邮件,打电话,一直干到凌晨的 3 点半。最后 的一张单子过来后,他才疲惫的倒在了椅子上,但后来还是出了问题,被领导罚款。小王 觉得身心交瘁,所以准备转行了。 Circumstances: Xiao Wang has been a tour guide for some time. He took the job because he had taken it for granted that to be a tour guide meant sightseeing all the time. But after he got started as a tour guide he found out that this industry has low threshold and what he learned from the textbooks can’t meet the requirements of tourists on competence, such as conduction, execution, expression. So he had to start from scratch. And what’s more, tour guides are underpaid with endless nuisance to confront. Xiao Wang illustrated that the other day he must come out with all the hotel confirmations as soon as possible to ensure the German ADS visa could be sent the next day by his clients punctually. So he kept sending emails and making phone calls to colleagues abroad. He didn’t stop till 3 o’clock a.m. After the last confirmation was made he then exhaustedly fell into a sofa. Yet he was eventually fined by his boss because of an error in his work. He is going to quit and find a new job in other industry for the fear of both physical and metal exhaustion he has been suffering as a tourist guide. 实训准备: Preparations: 1. 知识准备:Knowledge preparation 导游压力是由多种压力源引起的。不同的压力源作用于个体,激起不同的心理和生 理反应。强烈持久的压力最终将导致严重的结果。导游是旅游接待工作的主体,关乎旅 游接待质量的高低。导游直接面对客人,需处理好各种主体之间的复杂人际关系,所以 面临非常大的压力。 Pressure is caused by a variety of stressors. When different stressors act on an individual, various psychological and physiological reactions would be aroused. Strong and durable pressure will eventually lead to serious results. Tour guides are the major constituent of the reception business in tourism, which may affect the reception quality of the industry. Tour guides face with great pressure since they have to get along well with guests from all walks of life. 1.1 导游心理压力的来源 The stressors 1.1.1 工作负荷 The work loaded 工作负荷过重是一个常见的压力源。导游员的工作性质是脑力与体力的相结合,既需 要学习广博的知识为客人提供讲解,又需要东奔西走为顾客提供各种贴心服务。有时,导 游员又会出现工作负荷过轻的情况,如一直在同一个地方讲解,工作单调、重复、无挑战 性。在旅游季节性强的地区工作,淡季时无事可做也会使人产生厌倦与无聊; The overloaded work is a common stressor. A tour guide has to serve guests mentally and physically, who needs to be erudite to provide detailed explanations on one hand and offer help wholeheartedly on the other. It may be monotonous or unchallenging to guide visitors around the 146 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训 same place all year with too much repetition, which can be another kind of stressor. Especially in some areas with seasonality, it would be very weary and boring during the off season. 1.1.2 工作条件 The working situation 导游的工作环境主要是在室外,如飞机场、酒店、景区等,长期处于外面繁杂的环 境里。在生理上让一些导游感到不适而产生烦躁心理,失去工作兴趣。时间紧迫是一个 来自工作内部的压力源。导游员的工作必须严格按照行程安排的时间表来进行,稍有不 慎就可能造成误团、漏团、误机等情况。时间的压力常常使导游员处于尚未准备就绪便 仓促上阵的状态中而心理疲惫,出现烦躁等现象; Tour guides work mainly in such places as airports, hotels, scenic spots. They are likely to feel uncomfortable when staying long in these complicated work environments and become to lose patience and passion of the career. Time happens to be another interior stressor. A tour guide must strictly stick to the scheduled itinerary since even the slightest carelessness might lead to errors like plane missing, journey mistaken or journey missing. Because of the pressure of time, a tour guide usually has to haste to manage his/her work even without adequate preparation and consequently he/she feels tired and fretful. 1.1.3 人际关系 Interpersonal relationship 这里的人际关系压力源包括与客人的关系、与同事关系、与合作者之间的关系。良 好的人际关系不仅能有效地缓解工作压力,而且有助于提高工作满意度。不良的人际关 系容易形成人人自卫的防御性气氛,彼此缺乏信任。导游员对客人要有强烈的服务意识, 对同事要合作也存在竞争,对合作者要协调,这些方面的任何一个方面存在问题都会给 导游员带来很大的工作压力; The stressor here from interpersonal relation includes the relation with clients, colleagues and other co-workers. Harmonious interpersonal relationship can not only alleviate work stress but also improve your work to better satisfy your clients. On the contrary, unharmonious interpersonal relationship may cause a defensive atmosphere where everyone lacks of trust in each other. A tour guide should develop a strong sense of service to guests, cooperate and compete with his colleagues while coordinate with his partner in the business. Any problem from any of the above aspects may bring about huge stress for a tour guide. 1.1.4 角色冲突与模糊 Role ambiguity and conflict 不同的人对导游角色的认知不同。这种角色期待和要求与现实不符时会导致角色冲 突。而角色模糊是指导游不清楚自己的工作职责权力,这种不安定和不确定性使人产生 困惑; Different people hold different points of view on the role of tourist guide. There would be conflict when the reality doesn’t meet their expectation. The role ambiguity refers to the uncertainty of his/her own duties as a tour guide, which causes inevitably bewilderment. 1.1.5 导游员管理机制压力源 Stressor from the administration 目前导游员主要受旅行社管理。但现行很多旅行社的管理混乱,制度执行不力,挂

147 中英文导游实训教程

靠承包严重,导游的收入管理机制不完善。旅行社把风险转嫁到导游员的身上等这些因 素造成了导游的压力源; At present, the travel agency is the administrator of tour guides. But some agencies have poor management, some lack effective enforcement and some are in serious contracted situation so the guides’ salary can never be perfect. These factors become a source of stress after the travel agencies transfer all the risk to the guides. 1.1.6 攻击行为 Attacks 导游因工作的性质会遇到工作场所暴力、性骚扰之类的压力问题。有部分来自客人, 有的来自单位内部,有的来自同业竞争或合作人员; A tour guide is likely to encounter violence or sexual harassment when working. These attacks may come from his/her clients, colleagues or from his/her competitors or co-workers. 1.1.7 其他压力源 Other stressors 压力源还视个体情况具体分析。家庭、价值观差异也是常见的压力源。年龄、健康 状况、生活事件与经济状况等因素均可能影响到导游员个体对工作压力的感受。 Stressor may vary according to individual situation. The different view about family and value may cause stress. The health, age, economic situation and events in life all may have influence on tour guides as stress. 1.2 导游人员心理压力下的反应 Tour guide’s reaction to stress 导游员的心理压力反应有下面一些常见表现: Tour guides may react to the stress as follows: 1.2.1 自信心受损,工作中错误频出; Self-confidence hurts and makes mistakes frequently while working. 1.1.2 人际关系紧张。常与客人发生争吵,与同事、领导关系不融洽,孤独感增加; Interpersonal relation becomes tense. Argue or even quarrel against clients, get along poorly with colleagues and supervisors and feel increasingly isolated. 1.2.3 个人强烈的失落感。期望与现实的落差使心理感受不平衡,对导游行业的未 来发展感受不明朗,缺乏安全感; Feel depressed and very imbalanced for high expectations and disappointing realities, feel uncertain about the future of the industry with a great sense of insecurity. 1.2.4 出现不良个人品质。面对压力,有的导游员可能会出现退化行为或品质,如 自我中心、自卑、狭隘、悲观、宰客等; Develop bad personalities. Because of stress some tour guides may develop bad personal behaviors or personalities such as egocentricity, self-abasement, being narrow-minded, pessimism and overcharging clients, etc. 1.2.5 身体健康受损。压力不仅能使人精神衰竭,而且还会危害身体健康,如高血压、 冠心病、呼吸系统疾病等,压力是诱因之一。近年来的研究发现,癌症也与压力有关; Health damaged. Stress can not only exhaust mentally but also cause physical trouble, bring about diseases like hypertension, coronary disease, and respiratory disease, etc. According to 148 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训 recent medical research the stress turns out to be responsible for cancer to some degree. 2. 物资、场所准备:一间实训教室,环境较为幽静,A4 的白纸每人一张 Preparation of material and place: a quiet training room and a piece of size A4 blank paper for every participant 实训形式:压力症状测试、压力源分析 Form: Test of stress symptoms and analysis of stressors 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 压力征兆测试 Stress symptoms test 第一步:识别压力 Step 1 Realization of stress 下列症状和压力有关,请选出你有的症状。 The following symptoms are related with stress, please single out those you have got. 1.1 身体的症状 physical symptoms 免疫力低 low immunity○ 无力感 powerlessness○ 头晕 faint○ 偏头痛 hemicranias○ 高血压 hypertension○ 便秘 constipation○ 胃痛 stomach○ 口腔溃疡 oral ulcer○ 胃 溃疡 gastric ulcer○ 脱发(非遗传性)alopecia(non-inherited)○ 湿疹 eczema○ 气喘 asthma○ 肩颈痛 neck and shoulder pains○ 胸痛 chest pain○ 出汗过度 excessive sweating○ 心跳过快 over-speedy heart beats○ 失眠 insomnia○ 过敏症 anaphylaxis○ 结肠炎 colitis○ 厌食 anorexia○ 昏厥 asphyxia○ 1.2 认知上的症状 cognitive symptoms 记忆力差(短期)poor memory (short term)○ 无法集中精力思考问题 hard to be focused on thinking○ 强迫性地思考某些事情 forcefully contemplating○ 总觉得工作多得忙不完 constantly feeling too much work to be finished○ 多疑 skeptical○ 忧郁 melancholy○ 1.3 情绪上的症状 Emotional symptoms 易怒 irascibility○ 常有失落感 depression○ 常感觉恐慌 fear○ 常有焦虑感 anxiety○ 情绪不稳定 emotional instability○ 1.4 行为上的症状 behavioral symptoms 暴饮暴食 crapulent○ 嗜烟酒 addicted to alcohol and tobacco○ 拖延和逃避工作 delay or escape job duties○ 去医院的次数增加 visit doctors more often than usual○ 开始 出现古怪行为 have weird behaviors○ 语言组织能力下降 worsening of the linguistic organization○ 和同事关系疏远 isolated to colleagues○ 对待家人过于严厉 too strict with the family○ 凡事喜欢追求完美,喜挑剔 too fastidious○ 第二步:分析潜在的压力链 Step 2 Analyze the potential stress chains 1.5 分析选中的症状,哪些是和压力有关?(有些症状并非由压力引起,而是由其 他疾病或个人生活习惯等因素导致。) Analyze the chosen symptoms which are related with stress. (Some may not be caused by 149 中英文导游实训教程 stress though more probably caused by other diseases or factors like personal bad habits.)

1.6 试着分析这些可能的压力链。它们在什么时候出现的?在做什么事后或准备做 什么事前出现的? Try to analyze the potential stress chains and tell when they occur and in what situation?

2. 压力源分析 Analysis of stressors 2.1 找个舒服的空间坐下或躺下,闭上双眼。然后写出让你苦恼感到焦虑的事,或 者是很想忘记的事、不愿面对的事等; Sit down or lie down in a comfortable place and close your eyes before you write down whatever recently has wearied you or whatever you would like to forget but to no avail or whatever you are reluctant to confront with. 工作 Work:

家庭 Family:

朋友 Friends:

城市生活(财务、住房、交通、环境等)City life (finance, housing, traffics, environment, etc.):

自我预期/职业定位 self expectations/career orientation:

2.2 缩小压力源的范围 Reduce the range of the stress sources A. 每个类别中,压力源有无共同特点?如果有,请写下来。 In every category of the stress sources check whether there is any commonality among them. If so, please write them down.

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B. 不同类别之间的压力源是否有相关性?如果有,请写下来。 Is any relation among the different categories of stress? If so, please write them down.

C. 请写下你认为必须要改变的事情。 Please write down what should be changed in your point of view.

D. 如果有可能,你觉得你还要改变哪些事情? If possible what else do you suppose that should be changed?

案例思考 Case study:

小张有带团前恐惧症,总是担心游客是否好带,所以出团前晚上辗转难眠。但早上 又不想起床,最后只有硬着头皮去工作。在带团过程中,因为以前吃过亏,所以总是不 太相信别人说的话,比如司机、游客。他总是怀疑自己的团款数额不对,总是怀疑自己 少做一件事。在车上的时候,小张有时不由自主地产生出车祸的恐惧。 1. 小张的压力源有哪些? 2. 为小张提供一些建议。 Xiaozhang has a phobia for leading a tour group, always worrying that he himself might not carry out his duty well. He couldn’t sleep well the night before the journey starts, and he prefers to be lying in bed the next morning when he has to get up. Eventually he has to force himself to confront the reality and goes to work. In the process of his service, he doesn’t trust other people such as coach drivers, visitors because of his previous experience. He is always suspicious that he hasn’t received adequate amount of the tour fee or has left something important undone. While on the coach he couldn’t help fearing a traffic accident might happen soon. 1. What are the stress sources of Xiao Zhang? 2. What advice can you give to Xiao Zhang?


生活危机事件 LUC 生活危机事件 LUC

(1)配偶死亡 100 (2)离婚 78 (3)夫妻分居 65 (4)拘禁 63

151 中英文导游实训教程


生活危机事件 LUC 生活危机事件 LUC

(5)家庭成员死亡 63 (6)外伤或生病 53 (7)结婚 50 (8)解雇 47 (9)复婚 45 (10)退休 45 (11)家庭成员患病 44 (12)怀孕 40 (13)性生活问题 39 (14)家庭添员 39 (15)换工作岗位 39 (16)经济状况改变 38 (17)好友死亡 37 (18)工作性质改变 36 (19)夫妻不和 35 (20)中量借贷 31 (21)归还借贷 30 (22)职别改变 29 (23)子女离家 29 (24)司法纠纷 29 (25)个人突出成就 28 (26)妻子开始工作或离职 26 (27)上学或转业 26 (28)生活条件改变 25 (29)个人习惯改变 24 (30)与上级矛盾 23 (31)工作时间或条件改变 20 (32)搬家 20 (33)转学 20 (34)娱乐改变 19 (35)宗教活动改变 18 (36)小量借贷 17 (37)睡眠习惯改变 16 (38)家庭成员数量改变 15 (39)饮食习惯改变 15 (40)休假 13 (41)过圣诞节 12 (42)轻微的违法行为 11 一年内 LUC 不超过 150 分,来年一般健康无病;如果 LUC 在 150 分—300 分之间,来年患病的概率 为 50%;如果 LUC 超过 300 分,来年患病概率达 70%。

Knowledge links

The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (by American psychologist T.H. Holmes)

Crisis events in life LUC Crisis events in life LUC (1) death of a spouse 100 (2) divorce 78 (3) separation 65 (4) being detained 63 (5) death of a family member 63 (6) trauma or illness 53 (7) marriage 50 (8) unemployed 47 (9) remarry 45 (10) retire 45 (11) illness of a family member 44 (12) pregnancy 40 (13) sex problem 39 (14) a new family member 39 (15) job position change 39 (16) change of economic situation 38 (17) death of a friend 37 (18) career change 36 (19) spouse discord 35 (20) medium loan 31 (21) loan repay 30 (22) promotion or demotion 29

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continued Crisis events in life LUC Crisis events in life LUC (23) children’s departure 29 (24) law suits 29 (25) personal achievement 28 (26) beginning or ending of wife’s job 26 (27) college education or retiree from the army 26 (28) change of living situation 25 (29) change of personal habits 24 (30) conflict with boss 23 (31) job schedule or situation change 20 (32) house moving 20 (33) school transferring 20 (34) entertainment change 19 (35) change of religious activity 18 (36) small amount loan 17 (37) change of sleep habit 16 (38) change of family member 15 (39) change of diet 15 (40) vacation 13 (41) Christmas 12 (42) delinquency 11 If the LUC is within 150 points, the participant would not be ill during the next year; but if the LUC ranges anywhere between 150—300 points, then the probability for the questionnaire taker to get ill next year is 50%, while if the LUC exceeds 300 points the probability raises to 70%.

模块二 压 力 调 适 Module Two: Adaptation of stress

实训目标:使学生学会减压和维护心理健康的方法,以应付将来有挑战性的导游活动 Objectives: To shape the students by training them how to relieve the stress and maintain their mental health with appropriate methods so as to take on all the challenges from the tourism industry they are joining in the future. 实训情景:小王今天带团碰到一个百般刁难的司机,不知道是嫌小费收少了,还是 因为小王没同意司机宰客的建议。这位司机在需要详细讲解的景点,故意将车开得飞快; 当没有景点讲解,需要赶时间的时候,郑某却故意慢吞吞地开车。后来小王喝饮料时, 发现有一股怪味,原来是尿液。小王想起下车前将喝了一半的瓶子放在车上,后来游客 都下车参观了,钥匙只有司机有。小王越想越生气,真想冲过去揍司机一顿。 Circumstances: In a journey, tour guide Xiao Wang happens to have a tour coach driver who is always making trouble deliberately. So he wonders whether the driver is either feeling underpaid or angry about his earlier unwillingness to overcharge the visitors with the driver himself. Whenever they are driving through spots where details should be introduced, the bus would be zooming much more hastily while through places with little scenery and time should be saved, the bus moved just like a snail. But what turns bad to worse is that when Xiao Wang later continues to drink his beverage, he smells a weird flavor. It is urine. Then he suddenly realizes he left behind half a bottle of the unfinished drink there in the seat before getting off the coach, organizing the visitors for sightseeing and among all the people only the driver holds the key to the visiting coach. The more Xiao Wang recalls the more furious he feels and how he

153 中英文导游实训教程 wishes he could be punching the mean driver. 实训准备: Preparations: 1. 知识准备:面对压力,导游个体应积极应对,创建应付方式的认知,找到自己喜 欢的且容易采用的方式减压。 In order to handle stress, a tour guide should get prepared actively by enhancing awareness of the coping approaches of stress before figuring out his own favorite convenient way to relieve the stress. 1.1 正确认识压力。人生活在社会中,压力是正常的,没压力也就没动力。因此导 游员在参加工作之前就应该在心理上做好应付压力的准备,对来自正常的压力并不需要 全面排除,但是,应当有个尺度,太大的压力,太重的心理负担当然要想办法减轻。导 游员适应工作应该有个循序渐进的过程; Recognition of stress: It is common for whoever lives in a society to have some stress for without stress there would be no driving force. Thus, it is very necessary for a tour guide to have some preparation psychologically to deal with stress even before entering this business. While preparing, there should be a proper measurement, that is, the normal stress should not be overestimated but when it goes beyond the normal standard, corresponding measures should be resorted. And there should be a process for tour guides to accustom themselves to the industry gradually. 1.2 减轻工作过重压力感。建议方法:听十分钟流行歌曲;冥想静坐;小睡十分钟; 阅读漫画;散步十分钟;打半小时游戏;参加体育运动;周末出游;和亲朋好友聊天; 看场电影等; Relieve the stress from overload work: Suggestions: to enjoy popular music for 10 minutes; to have a short rest sitting; to have a nap for 10 minutes; to do some casual reading, comics or the like; to have a walk for 10 minutes; to play video games for 10 minutes; to have sports; to have a weekend excursion; to have a talk with friends or relatives; to see a movie, etc. 1.3 适应工作变化。努力转变在学校时的生活方式,以更好地融入导游工作。努力学 习新的技能,建立与领导、同事的良好关系,正确处理带团时各种行为主体的利益之争; Adapt to the transfer from school to work and change the schooling life style when necessary to be accustomed to the new work environment so as to cope with the tour guide business. Learn and develop new techniques, establish good relationship with boss and colleagues, deal appropriately with all the interest parties while leading a tour group for sightseeing. 1.4 接受心理咨询与心理治疗; Have psychological counseling and therapy. 1.5 保持积极的工作态度; Keep positive working attitude. 1.6 加强时间管理。导游工作的时间安排非常重要,如果没有很好的时间管理,既 会使自己工作更累,也会容易出差错,导致客人投诉。一个有效的时间管理,导游需做

154 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训

到,首先分清主次,重要的任务先安排;其次,了解自己的生物钟,尽量利用自己最高 效的时间来做事;第三,记住帕金森时间定律,时间会自动膨胀直至占满所有时间,所 以别以为自己时间充裕而随意安排;最后每天留出固定的一些时间办一些琐事,以便养 成习惯; Reinforce the management of time. Time schedule plays an important role in tour guiding so without scientific management of time it is very likely to make mistakes for a guide and visitors are more likely to make complaints. Without reasonable management of time it would be exhausting to be a guide. But how to manage time effectively? Above all, a tour guide needs to get focused on the priority. Second, he/she needs to be well aware of his/her own biological clock, making the best use of time available. Third, he/she needs to understand the Parkinson’s Law, which is the amount of time in which one has to perform a task is the amount of time it will take to complete said task. So never take it for granted that there is always plenty of time available and make arrangements at will. Instead, he/she should form a good habit to set aside some time daily for emergency. 1.7 注重个人养生。健康的机体能增加抗压的效果,每天可抽一定时间来锻炼身体, 学会一种放松技术并坚持,注意利用一切时间休息,平衡饮食等; Keep in good health. A healthy body may help battle against the stress so it is very advisable to have regular exercise everyday. Have adequate rest and a balanced diet. 1.8 对于旅行社来说,也可帮助导游减轻压力。首先帮助员工识别、改变或消除压力 源,如改善工作条件,提高人员待遇,工作再设计,加强企业文化建设等。其次提供一些 固定的项目帮助导游消除压力带来的不良后果。如提供健康项目(各种锻炼设备、健康咨 询等)、帮助计划(Employee Assistant Program, EAP)、放松训练、职业指导、行为塑造等; As far as the travel agency is concerned they may carry out the following to help its guides get relieved from stress. First of all, helping employees realize, change or eliminate the stress sources, improving the work environment, raising salaries, business redesigning, strengthening the structure of company culture and so on. Secondly, organizing regular activities or programs to help the tour guides relieve from stress, as may include sanative programs (for example, various exercise equipment, health consultation), Employee Assistant Program or EAP, relaxation training, vocational guidance, behavioral created, etc. 2. 物资、场所准备:一间多媒体教室,环境较为幽静,A4 的白纸每人一张。 Preparation of material and places: A multi-media classroom with quiet environment and a piece of blank paper for every participant are needed. 实训形式:压力思维训练、时间管理培训 Form: Training of stress thinking and time management 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 压力思维训练: Training of stress thinking: 155 中英文导游实训教程

过去的“你”: Your past history: 1.1 你最近一次感觉有压力是在什么时候?结果如何? When was the last time you had stress? And how’s the consequence?

1.2 你当时的思维习惯是怎样的? What was in your mind at that moment?

1.3 你觉得你的反应中有没有积极的成分? Was there anything positive in your reaction?

1.4 在应付压力的时候,你是否还有尚未利用的资源? Was there any resource you hadn’t used yet while handling the stress?

新的“你”: The reinvented you: 1.1 写下你准备要消除的消极思维; Please write down whatever negative thinking you would like to get rid of.

1.2 写下你已经具备的和准备树立的积极思维/信念; Write down the positive thinking or faith you have formed or would like to form.

1.3 坚持 3-4 个星期做下面的事情。 Keep doing as listed below for 3 to 4 weeks. 1.3.1 每天晚上睡觉前,记下今天发生的好事,至少三件; Write down at least 3 events of what has happened every evening before going to bed. 1.3.2 每天抽出一个小时来进行“想象”训练。 Practice the imagination training for an hour everyday. 2. 时间管理培训 Time management training 2.1 识别重要的任务: Recognize important tasks: 2.1.1 什么是你在工作和学习中乐意完成的? What are the duties you like in your work and study? 下个月内: In a month:

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未来 6 个月内: In 6 months:

未来 5 年内: In 5 years:

2.1.2 哪些行为是你生活中最主要的? What are the most important activities in your life?

2.2 了解你的时间管理方式: Understand your ways of time management: 2.2.1 你是否花太多时间在日常事务上?如果是,是哪些事情? Have you spent too much time on the daily trifles? If so, what are they?

2.2.2 你是否会花太多时间在临时发生的事情上(不在计划内),如果是,是哪些事情? Have you spent too much time on the impromptu (the unexpected)? If so, what are they?

2.2.3 你经常中断正在做的事情吗?如果有,是否是因为自己的不良习惯?(如摆 弄镜子、手机等身边物品,有事没事“煲电话”,上网聊天打游戏等) Do you always suspense what you have been doing? If so, is it because of your bad habits (e.g. playing with articles just as a mirror, cellphone,etc., having a marathon talk on insignificance, surfing, playing video games, etc.)?

2.2.4 你经常将事情留到“明天”做吗?是○ 否○ You often put duties off until tomorrow, yes or no? 2.2.5 重组你的生活 Rebuild your life A. 打开笔记本(或者便笺、电脑的记事软件等),在新的一页最上方写上今天(或 明天)的日期,在日期底下,画三条竖线,区分出三个栏位,接着由左至右分别填入“将 做的事”、“时间及地点”和“成果”。 Open your notebook (or memo pad or an electronic one) and write down on the new page the date before separating it into 3 columns namely items to carry out, time and venue, achievement. 157 中英文导游实训教程

B. 在第一栏“将做的事”里,大略记下今天你想完成的事,这个清单可长可短,只 需写下你觉得重要或非做不可的事,并确保它们的完成。接着在“时间及地点”一栏仔 细填入相关资料。 Put down in the first column what you are going to do of the day in brief. You just need to put down the most important items which you make sure to complete. Then put in specific information in the second column. C. 一天结束之前,用 10 分钟检视这张表并且记录在“成果”那一栏,欣赏自己一天中 完成的所有事,给自己一个爱的鼓励。接着,在新的一页做同样的记录,把明天的生活也规 划出来。若是今天的事情尚未完成,把它列在明日将做事项中的第一位,继续完成。 Spend 10 minutes to check the achievement column in the table before each day ends and appreciate what you have completed, seeking some inspiration there. And then, turn over to a new page and do the same recording, having a plan for tomorrow. Whatever hasn’t finished yet must be listed as the priority for tomorrow and make sure to complete it.

案例思考 Case study:

旅行社实行 EAP 是否会增加企业成本,不利于企业的发展壮大? Would it be unfavorable for the development of the travel agency when they conduct EAP and increase consequently the cost of the enterprise? 分析:不会,EAP 在促进员工心理健康、降低管理成本、提升组织文化、提高企业 绩效等方面的作用显著。一项研究表明,企业为 EAP 投入 1 美元,就可为企业节省运营 成本 5-16 美元。《财富》500 强企业中,80%以上的企业为员工提供了 EAP 服务。 Analysis: No. Because it is very effective to improve the efficiency of an enterprise where EAP is conducted, with staff mental health enhanced, management cost reduced, and enterprise culture improved. According to statistics whenever 1 dollar is invested in EAP of a company, the operating cost that company may cut down ranges anywhere from 5-16 dollars. And among the Fortune 500 top companies over 80% offer EAP for their staff.


人在遭受挫折之后,挫折情境对人心理上造成的压力会使人产生紧张、焦虑、不愉 快的情绪体验,并导致心理和生理活动的不平衡,影响人的正常行为和活动能力。面对 挫折,人们往往采取各种防御机制来减轻心理困惑。 人在受挫时常用的心理防御方式有: (1)压抑(repression):是把不能被意识所接受的念头、情感和行动在不知不觉中抑 制到潜意识里去的作用,这是心理防御机制最根本的方式。 (2)否认(denial):是把已发生的的痛苦与不快有目的的加以“否定”,就像它根本 没发生过一样。 158 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训

(3)退化(regression):当人们遇到挫折时,放弃已经习惯的成人方式不用。而恢复 使用早期幼稚的方式去应付事情,或者满足自己的欲望,这就是退化现象。 (4)幻想(fantasy):指个人遇到现实困难时,因无力处理这些问题,便以幻想的方 法使自己脱离现实,在幻想中处理心理上的困扰,使欲望得到满足。 (5)转移(displacement):因对某一对象的情绪、欲望和态度是不可能为自己的理智 和社会所接受的,便在潜意识之中把它转移到另一个可以替代者身上。 (6)合理化(rationalization):个人遭受挫折或无法达到所追求的目标及行为表现不 符合社会轨范时,给自己找一些有利的理由来解释,以避免精神上的苦恼。 (7)投射(projection):通常是指将自己所不喜欢,或不能接受的性格、态度、意念 或欲望,转移到别人身上或外部世界去。 (8)摄入(introjections):广泛地、毫无选择地吸收外界的事物,并将它们变为自己 内在的东西。 (9)反向(reaction):即以“矫枉过正”的形式处理一些不能被接受的欲望与行为。 (10)补偿(compensation):人们因生理上或心理上有缺陷,而感到不适时,企图用 种种方法来补偿这些缺陷,以减轻不适感。 (11)同一化(identification):一个人力图把自己变得跟他人相似,甚至以他人自居。 (12)隔离(isolation):是把部分事实从意识境界中加以隔离,不让自己意识到,以 免引起精神不愉快。 (13)抵消(undoing):是指以象征性的事情,来抵消已经发生了的不愉快事情,以 补偿心理上的不适与不安。 (14)升华(sublimation):人原有的行为或欲望,如果直接表现出来,可能会受到处 罚或产生不良后果,从而不能直接表现出来。但是如果能将这些行为和欲望引向比较崇 高的方向,具有建设性,有利于社会和本人时,这便是升华。 (15)幽默(humor):当一个人遇到挫折时,常可使用幽默来化解困境,维持自己的 心理平衡。 从以上介绍可以看出,人类抵御挫折的心理防御方式有积极的,也有消极的。就是 同一种方式,不同的挫折情境或不同的人,从不同的角度使用,也会产生完全不同的效 果。因此,我们要合理、巧妙地运用心理防御机制,努力使本能变成美德和教养。美国 的一批著名的精神病学、心理学、医学、社会学专家,曾对一所名牌大学 268 名身心健 康的学生进行了 50 年的跟踪访问。结果发现,凡是建立合理的成熟的心理防御机制的人, 保持心理健康的能力比一般人要强得多。

The Frustration-defense Mechanisms

The frustration one suffers will cause stress which in turn results in uncomfortableness nervousness and anxiety of the sufferer before his normal behavior and activity are both affected. So when confronting frustration, people prefer to take various defending mechanisms to fight against it and relieve. Introduced below are the common defending approaches people use when suffering 159 中英文导游实训教程 frustration: Repression: Repression is a an attempt by an individual to repel its own desires and impulses towards unconscionsness. It is the most basic approach. Denial: Denial is a popular approach in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence. Regression: When confronted by stressful events, people sometimes abandon coping strategies and revert to patterns of behavior used earlier in development. That’s regression. Fantasy: A fantasy is a situation imagined by an individual that has no basis in reality but expresses certain desire or aim on the part of its creator. Displacement: It is a way to avoid the risk associated with feeling unpleasant emotions by displacing them, or putting them somewhere other than where they belong. Rationalization: It is an approach where a person convinces himself that no wrong was done and that all is right through faulty and false reasoning. Projection: This approach attributes one’s own unacknowledged unaccepted/unwanted thoughts and emotions to another. Introjections: This approach refers that one identifies with some idea or object so deeply that it becomes a part of him. Reaction: This approach is to convert unconscious wishes or impulses that are perceived to be dangerous into their opposites. Compensation: People with physical or mental defectives feel uncomfortable about themselves and attempt to conceal their undesirable shortcomings by exaggerating desirable behaviors. Identification: It is an unconscious modeling of one’s self upon another person’s character and behavior. Isolation: It is a separation of feelings from ideas and events so as not to cause any unpleasant feelings. Undoing: A person tries to “undo” an unhealthy, destructive or otherwise threatening thought or action by engaging in contrary behavior. Sublimation: Sublimation is a transformation of an impulse into something socially constructive. Humor: When one encounter frustration, he could get relieved by means of humor to have some balance in psychology. From what’s introduced above it is clear that there are both positive and negative ways to defense frustration. Even with the same way, when used in different situations or by different individuals, there may have different effects. So it is very important for people to use the defense mechanism delicately and reasonably, turning the human instinct into virtue and educated quality. After a group of famous specialists in psychiatry, psychology and medical and socialist experts in the USA have a 50-year-long 160 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训 academic tracing investigation over 268 university students from prestigious universities. They find those who have established mature defense mechanism are better able to keep healthy psychologically than those who haven’t.

模块三 有效沟通与压力缓解 Module Three: Effective communication and stress relief

实训目标:提升学生的沟通水平,改善人际交往关系状态,通过高效沟通缓解压力 Objectives: To upgrade the students’ ability to communicate so as to improve their interpersonal relationship by alleviating stress effectively 实训情景: Circumstances: 情景一:小王带团到北京,团里的游客分成两派,为先去长城还是先去故宫发生了 争执,都不肯让步。小王不敢直接摆明立场,只是把当时故宫那一带容易堵车的情况介 绍了一下,向大家说明如果先去长城的话,整个行程更好安排。结果,另一派游客对小 王大为不满,以为他是想多要小费,并讥讽脸贴在某某的屁股上。小王觉得很尴尬,后 面不知如何安排是好。 Xiao Wang leads a tour group to Beijing. And the guests are divided into to two cliques, one preferring to visit the Great Wall first while the other preferring the Forbidden City first. Neither party gives in, they even quarrel against each other. So Xiao Wang dares not to make his own point clear and is just explaining that the traffic jam at the moment is serious around the Forbidden City vicinity and if the Great Wall is visited first, it would be more convenient for the itinerary. But no sooner had his words end than the opponent visitors show their disapproval, accusing Xiao Wang of the intention to benefit from more tips by doing so, of flattering his own favorite. Xiao Wang feels more embarrassed than wronged about the groundless accusation and bewildered about what to do next. 情景二:第二次小王带团去北京时,团里多数人提出要去吃涮羊肉,其他三派有的 想去逛街,有的想去看杂技,有的想回酒店,谁也说服不了谁。小王就说:这样吧,少 数服从多数,全团半数以上的人决定怎么样,就怎么样。谁知道这个先例一开。以后每 一次出现争议的时候,最大的那一派都打出这张牌。有时候“少数派”的意见是对的, 但是按照“少数服从多数”的原则,他们永远都吃亏。这样一来,这些“少数派”对小 王的意见就越来越大了,最后还告了他一状。 The next time when Xiao Wang shows another group around Beijing, the majority of which suggest to try some mutton hot pot while others preferring going shopping, some watching acrobatic performance, some staying in the hotel, anything but unanimity. At the end Xiao Wang has no choice but to advocate that the minority subordinate to the majority of over a half of the members. It’s an expedient. Since then whenever controversy occurs the majority

161 中英文导游实训教程 take the advantage of the expedient and win the dispute even when it is clear that the minority’s preference sounds more rational. The minority feel unfair and have more and more grievance and eventually an official complaint is made about Xiao Wang. 情景三:小王在另外一个团碰到类似的情况,“少数派”虽然没有投诉他,可他的时 间几乎全耗在他们身上了。每天晚上他们都以请他喝咖啡的名义把他叫去,除了谈他们 有什么特殊要求之外,还谈他们如何受“多数派”的欺负,还说做事公平合理是做人的 基本原则等等。小王的休息时间都被他们占了,更糟糕的是“多数派”认为小王跟“少 数派”搞在一起了,所以动不动就打出“少数服从多数”的旗号对他和地陪施加压力。 Xiao Wang has a very similar case with another travel group. Though nobody makes any official complaint about him this time, every second of his time has been run out of by the visitors. They ask him to have a coffee every evening but each time it turns out to be more of privilege demanding than a drink invitation. He is even told that they feel they are restrained by the majority in the group, and fair and just principles should be practiced. Thus every second of Xiao Wang’s spare time is taken by them. But what’s worse is that the majority restrain Xiao Wang and the local guide on purpose more often than not by resorting to the “minority subordinate to majority” principle because they suppose that Xiao Wang favors the minority. 情景四:小王有次遇到一个领队,每当客人出现意见分歧,她只有一个原则,就是 谁有钱,她就向着谁。她总是提出偏袒有钱客人的无理要求,想借他的手去压制其他游 客。小王想坚持原则,可想到她是境外旅游批发商代表的身份,有时不得不做些违心事。 客人自然就冲着小王来了。他只好找领队,告诉她说服务要公平合理,可她连理都不理。 后来她不仅不收敛,反而变本加厉,公开地偏袒小费给得多的那一部分客人,根本就不 怕其他客人投诉。小王觉得自己时两头受气,因为顾客和领队,谁都不好惹。 Xiao Wang receives a tour group whose tour leader is somehow snobbish and inclined to the rich. She is always making unreasonable demands in favor of the wealthy and attempting to restrain other visitors in the name of Xiao Wang, the tour guide. Although Xiao Wang would insist on principles, when taking into account that she is a wholesale dealer of the travelers abroad, he sometimes has to decide against his own will. As a result the tourists are of course angry about Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang has no choice but to tell the tour leader that every tourist should have service equally. But she seems arrogant and stubborn, turning deaf ears to his words. After that her favors becomes more serious and shows bias even publicly to those who have tipped her more, fearless of any complaint. Finally Xiao Wang understands that both the tour leader and the rest of the tourists are tough and he himself is like a punching bag for them. 实训准备: Preparations: 1. 知识准备:导游沟通技巧 Knowledge preparation: communicative techniques for a tour guide 1.1 微笑是人际交往中的桥,是感情沟通的渠道,是人际百科最精美的序言。古人 说,非笑莫开店。导游微笑面客,这是有效沟通的开始; 162 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训

Smile is a bridge of interpersonal relationship; Smile is the most elegant preface of the encyclopedia of public relations. Smile is the first step for truly understanding in communication. Even our ancestors believed that a shop prospers with smile. So the effective communication for a tour guide should begin with a smile. 1.2 讲究语言技巧:语言是思想感情及信息交流的工具。导游除了介绍景点之外, 仍有大量机会需要使用语言与游客交流,互通信息,互换意见。导游语言表达是否妥当 规范,对信息传递的准确性与游客的态度都有很大的影响。语言形象生动、风趣幽默有 助于导游化解矛盾,增进个人魅力; The art of linguistic application: language is the carrier of information, personal emotion and thoughts. Besides the scenery introduction a tour guide needs to communicate a lot with his clients to exchange information and points of views, etc. Whether the information can be conveyed accurately or not depends on the way how it is expressed by a tour guide, as would have a great influence on the visitors. Vivid and humorous words may help resolve conflicts as well as leave an attractive and favorable impression on his audience. 1.3 善于倾听游客表述:倾听也是一种有效的沟通方法。听是一门艺术,听,不仅 是要听懂、听清,而且要“听”出对方表述时未道出的真情实意。现代科学中的所谓“信 息分析法”,就是从对方“微不足道”“含糊其词”的谈话中,经分析研究,捕捉到对方 没有直言的信息; Ready to listen to the tourists: an other effective technique is to listen to others, which is an art. Because while listening, not only should the listener make sense of the words clearly but also understand their implication and context. What scientists of late have named as information analysis is a method to capture the untold information by researching and analyzing on what seems negligent and ambiguous of the words from your counterpart. 1.4 尊重与宽恕:尊重是人的一种较为高级的需求。尊重游客,就是要尊重游客的 人格与需求。如当要更改游程或计划时,地陪与全陪首先要协商取得一致意见,然后向 领队及旅游团中有影响的人物实事求是地进行说明,诚恳地道歉,以求他们的谅解;并提 出可行的方案意见,与他们商量,争取他们的认可与支持力争处理圆满。导游要学会换 位思考,多从游客的角度思考问题; Respect and tolerance: respect is a high level need for human beings. To respect the tourists, you need to respect their dignity and their needs. If any change has to be made to the itinerary, both the national guide and the local guide must reach an agreement first before they faithfully inform the tour leader or someone influential among all the tourists and apologize sincerely. Then a flexible proposal should be issued for consideration for the tourists before it earns their approval and support and comes into effect. As a tour guide, it is very important to think in the manner of exchanging positions, always in favor of the tourists. 1.5 善于利用肢体语言; Make good use of body language 美国传播学家艾伯特.梅拉比安曾提出一个公式: 信息的全部表达=7%语调+38%声 163 中英文导游实训教程

音+55%肢体语言。导游在与客人交流时,要多注意利用优雅的举止、恰当的手势、眼神、 面部表情等肢体语言增强语言表达效果。 American communication expert Albert Mehrabian invents a rule, in conveyance of a massage, words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38% and body language accounts for 55%. While communicating with tourists, a guide should make good use of the body language, including body posture, gesture, and facial expression and eye movements to guarantee effective communication. 1.6 超常服务:导游提供超常服务,既是行动沟通,又是情感沟通,是打动客人的 一种有效方式。如送些小礼品给客人,牺牲一点个人时间为客人提供生活服务等; Excessive service: it is an effective way to get the tourists feel moved by offering excess of normal service like volunteering your spare time to help them or presenting them with small gifts, which can achieve both behavioral and emotional communication. 1.7 学会谈判; Learn how to negotiate 在带团时发生矛盾纠纷,导游要学会谈判的艺术。可借鉴哈佛商学院的“原则谈判 法”:一要对事不对人,二要着眼于利益而非立场,三要制定双赢方案,四要引入客观评 判标准。 A tour guide should learn and know how to negotiate because during travelling, disputes and conflicts happen quite often. And while negotiating, reference could be taken from the negotiating principles of Harvard Business School as follows: First, focus on the issues not individuals; second, focus on interest not the stance; third, make a win-win proposal; fourth, introduce an objective evaluation standard. 1.8 了解文化差异:游客来自五湖四海,不可避免存在文化差异。导游带团前应认 真准备团队客人的文化背景、风俗禁忌、职业种类等,掌握跨文化交际; Understand cultural difference: tourists come from all around the world so there is inevitably cultural difference among them. It is very necessary for a guide to make preparation of the cultural background where his clients are from, understanding the custom, taboos, job classification, etc., fostering an adequate command of cross-culture communication. 1.9 建立信任:信任是沟通的基础,如果导游与游客之间缺乏信任,沟通注定要失 败。导游沟通时要带着真诚合作的态度,尽量发现与客人的共同点,多关心客人。遇到 难缠的客人,要保持耐心; Establish trust: trust is the basis of communication. And if there exists no trust between tour guides and tourists, communication then dooms to fail. A tour guide should adopt cooperative attitude earnestly in communication and should have as much as possible in common with the clients, showing them concerns as could be. When a fastidious client arises, stay calm and keep patient. 1.10 提升自我素质:有助于展示导游形象,也有利于容易找到与游客沟通的切入点。 如与诗人谈诗歌,与摄影师聊拍照,与球迷侃比赛,见到不同的客人都能找到聊天的话

164 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训

题,导游讲解也会游刃有余; Self-development: reading makes a gentleman. Positive self-development may help a tour guide to demonstrate his/her personal charm as well as to find a convenient access to successful communication, for example, to talk with a poet about poetry, with a photographer about photography, with a soccer fan about soccer games. When you meet clients from all walks of life and you may have various topics, it would make your tourist commentaries sound more proficient as a whole. 2. 物资、场所准备:导游模拟实验室一间以及多媒体设备,一块室外草地。 Preparation of material and places: a simulation laboratory and a piece of grassland are needed. 实训形式:导游现场模拟、沟通游戏 Form: communicative game 实训步骤: Procedures: 1. 个人形象设计(此项旨在通过个人形象设计实训,做好导游现场考试准备。指导 老师应创造压力面试情景,以发现和纠正学生在紧张情形下出现的各种不良肢体动作和 反应。) Personal image design (with the aim to prepare students for tourist spot exam, with a tutor setting up interview situations of stress so as to find out and correct the corresponding students’ various improper responses, limbs or body movements)


站姿 走姿 坐姿 态度 化妆 发型 服装 总评 姓名 最佳点 不足点 备注 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

165 中英文导游实训教程

2. 景点讲解—陈家祠 Scenery Commentary—Chen Clan Academy 2.1 学生熟练掌握导游词,做好应试的心理准备; Students know well the tourist commentary with psychological preparation made. 2.2 教师提出讲解要求和注意事项,讲解开始; The teacher points out requirements and attention points of the scenery presentation before it starts. 2.3 成绩结合学生点评与教师打分。 A combination results of students’ evaluations and teacher’s scores.


单位: 考号:

姓名: 报考类别

项目 分类 标准分 得分 题目

语音,语调 10 语 语法 10 言 表达能力 10 1 旅游景点题


旅游 正确 30 景点 生动 讲解 2 导游规范题 提问 10

操作 10 导游 规范 提问 10 3 应变能力题 应变能力 10

仪表,仪容 礼 7 仪 礼节,礼貌 3

合计 100


3. 沟通游戏—笑容可掬 Communicative game—radiating Smiling 本游戏以一个很热闹的形式,加强了团队之间的沟通与交流,同时能够增进彼此之 间的感情。 166 第六章 导游人员心理素质实训

It is a very boisterous game to reinforce the communication among the members of the group so as to improve their understanding and become more united. 程序和规则: Procedures and game rules: 3.1 让学生站成两排,两两相对; Participants stand in two lines, face to face. 3.2 各排派出一名代表,立于队伍的两端; Each line has a representative, standing in the front. 3.3 相互鞠躬,身体要弯腰成 90 度,高喊 XX 你好; Bow to each other in 90 degree angle, saying hello in a loud voice. 3.4 向前走交会于队伍中央,再相互鞠躬高喊一次; Walk forward and meet in the middle of the line, practice the bowing and greeting once again. 3.5 鞠躬者与其余成员均不可笑,笑出声者即被对方俘虏,需排至对方队伍最后入列; Neither the bower nor the rest members could laugh. Whoever laughs becomes the captive of the opponent team and should stand in the line end. 3.6 依次交换代表人选; Exchange representative in turn. 3.7 时间为 5 分钟,可视人数变化调整。 Time: Five minutes, and it may change upon the number of participants. 作用:A. 促进团队成员间的沟通与交流 B. 使大家尽快活跃起来 Function: A. improves the communication among participants; B. urges the participants to be active.

案例思考 Case study:


一个欧洲旅行团的领队非常狂傲,来中国的一路上十分挑剔,经常发脾气,有时还 强行代替地陪讲解,各分支旅行社的导游都与他无法配合。后来由一位老导游来接待, 大家都明确表示他能帮同行狠狠整一下这个领队。不过这位老导游并没有这样做,反而 在接待中主动去找领队热情攀谈,了解对方发怒、挑剔的原因。在接下来的工作中,他 将故宫讲解得非常精彩,在这个过程中他发现该领队对东方国家的历史和佛教史有一定 研究,于是在去碧云寺和卧佛寺的旅途中,主动邀请领队为全团讲解佛教史。领队很受 感动,当众感谢了导游,并谦虚地表示如果导游讲的话,会比他更生动更好。后来,整 个旅行团都很愉快,领队和老导游还成了朋友。该导游使用了什么样的沟通技巧?

How to silence an overbearing tour leader?

A tour leader of a European group appears to be very arrogant and on the way to China he 167 中英文导游实训教程 loses his temper from time to time, proving fastidious. Sometimes when the local guide introduces scenic spots, he breaks in and forcefully dominates the rest of introduction. In fact none of the guides of all the branch agencies could work compatibly with him. Later, a senior guide is sent to continue the trip, whose colleagues are all sure that he could teach the tour leader a lesson. But the colleagues’ expectation is not met; on the contrary, the senior guide has a talk initiatively with the tour leader, managing to figure out the reasons of the previous unpleasant experience. The guide has a fabulous introduction about the Forbidden City afterwards and in the mean time he happens to know that tour leader is quite well aware of the history about oriental countries and Buddhism research. So on their way to the Biyun Temple and Wofo Temple the guide invites him to make a presentation about Buddhism history. The tour leader is moved and thanks the guide. He admits humbly that the local guide’s presentation would be much better. And since then everyone has a good time for the rest of the journey. At last, the tour leader and the senior guide become friends. What communicative techniques has the senior guide applied?


伯恩博士创立的相互作用分析理论(Transactional Analysis)被推广为一种帮助人们 了解别人、了解自己、了解人与人之间关系的心理训练方法。国外旅游学界已经在教学 中使用此法帮助学生进行训练,如著名的洛桑饭店管理学院。在伯恩这个理论体系中, 提到人们经常玩的心理游戏。 心理游戏是通过扮演“惩罚者”、“受害者”、“拯救者”等心理角色而进行的一种特 殊的人际交往,通过和别人斗争获得“心理上的满足”,因而对人际交往有破坏作用。 “惩罚者”往往要让别人把自己视作有权惩罚他人的人对待,其发出的信息是:你服 不服?我能够惩罚你,说明“我比你行”,如果不听我的,等着瞧吧! “受害者”要让别人把自己当作一个无辜的受害人或应该被拯救的人来对待,其发出 的信息是:你害了我,我理所当然可以谴责你报复你!快来救救我吧,快为我伸张正义 吧,否则,你还能算好人吗? “拯救者”则要别人把自己当作一个能够拯救他人或者曾经拯救他人的人来对待,其 发出的信息是:你离不开我,你要依靠我,所以你应该对我感恩戴德,惟命是从! 在旅游行业中,有些游客扮演“受害者”,起初故意装可怜扮大度,后来谴责导游亏 待了他们,有些客人则百般挑剔无理取闹,扮演“迫害者”;有些导游扮演“受害者”, 整天向游客抱怨自己如何可怜,有时也扮演“拯救者”角色或“迫害者”角色;领队常 扮演“拯救者”,会故意挑拨客人与导游关系,好让自己能出面调解;经理扮演“惩罚者”, 以树立自己的“权威”。健康的人际关系不应玩心理游戏,导游应遵循不卑不亢、“双赢” 的原则处理人际关系。 145,147,149,151,153,155,157,159,161,163,165,167 168 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇



Chapter VII Words and Expressions for Tourism English


长城 The Great Wall 1987 Giant Buddha Scenic Area 峨嵋山风景名 明清皇宫(北京故宫、沈阳故宫)Imperial 胜区包括乐山大佛景区 1996 Palace 1987 Ancient City of Ping Yao 平遥古城 1997 Mount Taishan 泰山 1987 Classical Gardens of Suzhou 苏州古典园林 Mogao Caves 莫高窟 1987 1997 Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor 秦始皇 Old Town of Lijiang 1997 丽江古城 陵及兵马俑坑 1987 Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden in Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 周口店北 Beijing 颐和园 1998 京人遗址 1987 Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Mount Huangshan 黄山 1990 Altar in Beijing 北京天坛 1998 Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Mount Wuyi 武夷山 1999 Chengde 1994 承德避暑山庄及周围庙宇 Dazu Rock Carvings 大足石刻 1999 Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Kong Family Mansion in Qufu 曲阜孔庙 Irrigation System 青城山—都江堰灌溉系 孔林 1994 统 2000 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui-Xidi and Mountains 武当山古建筑群 1994 Hongcun 皖南古城:西递和宏村 2000 Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Longmen Grottoes 龙门石窟 2000 Lhasa 拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 1994 Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Lushan National Park 庐山国家公园 1996 Dynasties 明清皇家陵寝 2000 Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Yungang Grottoes 云冈石窟 2001

169 中英文导游实训教程

Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Dynasty, Henan 安阳殷墟(2006) Areas 云南保护区的「三江并流」2003 Kaiping Diaolou and Villages 开平碉楼与 Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient 村落 2007 Koguryo Kingdom 古代高句丽王国的王 South China Karst 华南卡斯特地质 2007 城及王陵 2004 Fujian Tulou 福建土楼 2008 Historic Centre of Macao 澳门历史城区 Mount Sanqingshan National Park 三清山自 (2005) 然公园 2008 Yin Xu, the ruins of the last capital of Shang


Ayers Rock 艾尔斯巨石 Asia 亚洲 Mount Cook 库克山 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Easter Island 复活节岛 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Europe 欧洲 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母院 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Borobudur Indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Kolner Dom, Koln, Germany 德国科隆大 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 教堂 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy 意大利比萨斜 塔 Africa 非洲 Colosseum in Rome, Italy 意大利古罗马斗 Suez Canal, Egypt 埃及苏伊士运河 兽场 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 埃及阿斯旺水坝 Venice, Italy 意大利威尼斯 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕 Parthenon, Greece 希腊巴台农神庙 国家公园 Red Square in Moscow, Russia 莫斯科红场 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望 Big Ben in London, England 英国伦敦大笨 角 钟 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Buckingham Palace, England 白金汉宫 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 Hyde Park, England 英国海德公园 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 London Tower Bridge, England 伦敦塔桥 WestminsterAbbey, England 威斯敏斯特大 Oceania 大洋洲 教堂 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 Monte Carlo, Monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗 Sydney Opera House, Australia 悉尼歌剧院 The Mediterranean 地中海 170 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇

Central Park, New York City, USA 美国纽约 The Americas 美洲 中央公园 Niagara Falls, New York State, USA 美国尼 59. Yosemite National Park, USA 美国尤塞 亚加拉大瀑布 米提国家公园 Bermuda 百慕大 60. Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA 美国亚利 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 美国夏威夷火奴鲁 桑那州大峡谷 鲁 61. Hollywood, California, USA 美国加利 Panama Canal 巴拿马大运河 佛尼亚好莱坞 Yellowstone National Park, USA 美国黄石 62. Disneyland, California, USA 加利佛尼 国家公园 亚迪斯尼乐园 Statue of Liberty, New York City, USA 美国 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 美国内华达拉斯 纽约自由女神像 威加斯 Times Square, New York City, USA 美国纽 Miami, Florida, USA 美国佛罗里达迈阿 约时代广场 密 The White House, Washington DC.,USA 美 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, 国华盛顿白宫 USA 纽约大都会艺术博物馆 World Trade Center, New York City, USA 美 Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科 国纽约世界贸易中心 Cuzco, Peru 秘鲁库斯科


Feast Day Advent(耶稣)降临节 日) Lady Day, Annunciation 天使报喜节(3 月 Easter Sunday, Easter 复活节 25 日) Epiphany, Twelfth Day 主显节(1 月 6 日) Ascension Day 耶稣升天节(复活节后第四 day of obligation 每人需停止工作参加礼 十日) 拜的日子 Assumption 圣母升天节(8 月 15 日) Maundy Thursday 濯足星期四(耶稣受难 Candlemass 圣烛节(2 月 2 日) 节) New Year, New Year’s Day 新年(1 月 1 日) Shrove Tuesday 忏悔节(四旬斋开始的前 Corpus Christi 圣体节 一天) Quadragesima 四旬节(四旬斋的第一个星 Ash Wednesday 复活节前的第七个星期三 期日) Christmas 圣诞节(12 月 25 日) Lent 四旬斋,大斋期(复活节前的第四十 Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 个星期日) New Year’s Eve 新年前夕 Low(或 Quasimodo)Sunday, 复活节后第 Easter 复活节 一个星期日 Whitsun, Whitsuntide 圣神降临周(复活节 All Souls’ Day(天主教)万灵节(11 月 2 后的第七周,尤指前三天) 日)(如遇星期日则顺延一天) Quinquagesima 四旬斋前的星期日 Palm Sunday 棕枝全日(复活节前的星期 Ramadan 斋月 171 中英文导游实训教程

Rogation Days 祈祷节(耶稣升天节的前三 Sexagesima 四旬斋前的第二个星期日 天) Ember Days 四季节 Sabbath 安息日 All Saints’ Day 万圣节 Feast of the Sacred Heart 圣心节 Trinity Sunday, Trinity 圣三主日(复活节后 Midsummer Day 施洗约翰节(6 月 24 日) 的第八个星期日) Passion Week 复活节前第二周 Good Friday 耶稣受难节 Holy Week 圣周(复活节前一周) Visitation 圣母往见节(7 月 2 日) Septuagesima 四旬斋前的第三个星期日


Christianity 基督教 Puritanism 清教主义 Christendom 基督教界 Quakerism 贵格会 Catholicism 天主教 Judaism 犹太教 Protestantism 新教,耶稣教 Islamism 伊斯兰教 Reformation 宗教改革 Brahmanism 婆罗门教 Lutheranism 路德宗,信义宗 Buddhism 佛教 Calvinism 加尔文宗,长老宗 Daoism 道教 Anabaptism 再洗礼派 paganism 异端 Methodism 卫斯理宗,卫理公会 fetishism 拜物教


New Year’s Day 元旦(1 月 1 日) paper-cuts 剪纸 the Spring Festival 春节(农历一月一日) stay up late on the New Year’s eve 守岁 the Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五 let off fire crackers 放鞭炮- 日) pay a New Year visit 拜年 Ching Ming Festival; Tomb-sweeping family reunion dinner 团圆饭- Festival 清明节(4 月 5 日) Lantern Festival 元宵节 the Mid Autumn Festival (the Moon Festival) sweet dumplings 元宵- 中秋节农历八月十五 festival lantern 花灯 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节(农历五月 lantern riddle 灯谜- 初五) dragon lantern 龙灯 Mid-autumn (Moon)Festival 中秋节(农历 sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved 八月十五) ones 扫墓 Double-ninth Day 重阳节(农历九月九日) offer sacrifices to the ancestors 祭祖宗 National Day 国庆节(10 月 1 日) go for an outing in spring 踏青 New Year’s Eve 除夕(农历十二月三十日) dragon-boat racing 赛龙舟 Spring Festival Couplets 春联 appreciate the glorious full moon 赏月 New Year pictures 年画 Double Ninth Day 九九重阳节- 172 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇

admire the beauty of chrysanthemum 赏菊


Year of the Rat 鼠年 Year of the Horse 马年 (Rat Charm 子鼠) (Horse popular 午马) Year of the Ox 牛年 Year of the Goat 羊年 (Ox patient 丑牛) (Goat elegant 末羊) Year of the Tiger 虎年 Year of the Monkey 猴年 (Tiger sensitive 寅虎) (Monkey clever 申猴) Year of the Rabbit 兔年 Year of the Rooster 鸡年 (Rabbit articulate 卯兔) (Rooster deep thinker 酉鸡) Year of the Dragon 龙年 Year of the Dog 狗年 (Dragon healthy 辰龙) (Dog loyalty 戌狗) Year of the Snake 蛇年 Year of the Boar 猪年 (Snake deep 已蛇) (Pig chivalrous 亥猪)


Spring begins 立春 Autumn begins 立秋 The rains 雨水 Stopping the heat 处暑 Insects awaken 惊蛰 White dews 白露 Vernal Equinox 春分 Autumn Equinox 秋分 Clear and bright 清明 Cold dews 寒露 Grain rain 谷雨 Hoar-frost falls 霜降 Summer begins 立夏 Winter begins 立冬 Grain buds 小满 Light snow 小雪 Grain in ear 芒种 Heavy snow 大雪 Summer solstice 夏至 Winter Solstice 冬至 Slight heat 小暑 Slight cold 小寒 Great heat 大暑 Great cold 大寒


Aquarius (the Water Carrier) 水瓶座 Leo (the Lion) 狮子座 Pisces (the Fishes) 双鱼座 Virgo (the Virgin) 处女座 Aries (the Ram) 白羊座 Libra (the Scales) 天秤座 Taurus (the Bull) 金牛座 Scorpio (the Scorpion) 天蝎座 Gemini (the Twins) 双子座 Sagittarius (the Archer) 射手座 Cancer (the Crab) 巨蟹座 Capricorn (the Goat) 山羊座

173 中英文导游实训教程

九、机场建筑标识及相关用语 airport fee 机场费 good for passage between 旅行经停地点 international airport 国际机场 status 订座情况 domestic airport 国内机场 ticket confirm 机票确认 airport terminal 机场候机楼 flight no. 航班号 international terminal 国际候机楼 class (fare basis) 座舱等级 international departure 国际航班出港 plane No. 机号 domestic departure 国内航班出站 seat No.机座号 satellite 卫星楼 smoking seat 吸烟坐位 arrivals 进站(进港、到达) non-smoking seat 非吸烟席 nothing to declare 不需报关 airport construction fee 机场建设费 customs 海关 security check 安全检查 gate; departure gate 登机口 economy class 普通舱 departure lounge 候机室 farewell speech 告别演说 FLT No (flight number) 航班号 free baggage allowance 免费行李限额 arriving from 来自…… excess baggage charge 超重费 scheduled time (SCHED) 预计时间 boarding gate 登机口 actual time 实际时间 customs officer 海关官员 landed 已降落 return ticket 返程票 departure to 前往…… hand luggage 手提行李 departure time 起飞时间 passenger coupon 旅客联 delayed 延误 passenger route 旅客通道 boarding card 登机牌 airline operation 航空业务 greeting arriving 迎宾处 alternate airfield 备用机场 up; upstairs 由此上楼 landing field 停机坪 down; downstairs 由此下楼 international terminal 国际航班候机楼 bank 银行 domestic terminal 国内航班候机楼 hotel reservation 订旅馆 control tower 控制台 luggage locker 行李暂存箱 jetway 登机道 departures 出站(出港、离开) air-bridge 旅客桥 check-in 登机手续办理 visitors terrace 迎送平台 boarding pass (card) 登机牌 concourse 中央大厅 passport control immigration 护照检查处 loading bridge 候机室至飞机的连接通路 luggage claim 行李领取处 airline coach service 航空公司大巴服务 name of passenger 旅客姓名 shuttle bus 机场内来往班车

174 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇

十、办理出入境手续 family name 姓 occupation 职业 first (given) name 名 professionals & technical 专业技术人员 sex 性别 legislators &administrators 行政管理人员 male 男 clerk 办事员 female 女 commerce (Business People) 商业人员 nationality 国籍 farmer 农民 country of citizenship 国籍 worker 工人 passport No.护照号 others 其他 Origin (Country where you live) 原住地 jobless 无业 destination country 前往目的地 signature 签名 city where you boarded 地国登机城市 official use only 官方填写 city where visa was issued 签证签发地 surname 姓 date issue 签发日期 control No. 编号 number and street 街道及门牌号 Issue At 签发地 city and state 城市及国家 Issue Date(或 On)签发日期 date of Birth 出生日期 expiry date(或 before)失效日期 accompanying number 偕行人数

十一、货币兑换 money changing 兑换货币 interest rate 利率 an exchange form 兑换单 simple interest 单利 bank note 钞票 compound interest 复利 note of large denomination 大票 legal interest 法定利息 note of small denomination 小票 prime rate 优待利率 small change 零钱 payable interest 应付利息 subsidiary money 辅币 lending rate 贷款利率 nickel piece 镍币 usury 高利贷 plastic currency notes 塑料钞票 the subsidy rate for value-preserved convertible money 可兑换(黄金)纸币 savings 保值储蓄补贴率

十二、入住酒店常用词汇 room rate 房价 double room 带一张双人床的房间 standard rate 标准价 advance deposit 定金 en-suite 套房 reservation 订房间 family suite 家庭套房 registration 登记 twin room you 带两张单人床的房间 rate sheets 房价表 175 中英文导游实训教程 tariff 价目表 luggage/baggage 行李 cancellation 取消预定 registered/checked luggage 托运行李 imperial suite 皇室套房 light luggage 轻便行李 presidential suite 总统套房 baggage elevator 行李电梯 suite deluxe 高级套房 baggage receipt 行李收据 junior suite 简单套房 trolley 手推车 mini suite 小型套房 storage room 行李仓 honeymoon suite 蜜月套房 briefcase 公文包 penthouse suite 楼顶套房 suit bag 衣服袋 unmade room 未清扫房 travelling bag 旅行袋 on change 待清扫房 shoulder bag 背包 valuables 贵重品 trunk 大衣箱 porter 行李员 suitcase 小提箱

十三、蔬菜类 bean 豆荚,蚕豆 leek 韭菜 beet 甜菜 legume 豆荚 cabbage 卷心菜 lentil 小扁豆 carrot 胡萝卜 lettuce 莴苣,生菜 cassava 木薯 lotus roots 藕 cauliflower 花菜 marrow 西葫芦 celery 芹菜 marrow bean 菜豆 Chinese cabbage 白菜,青菜 mushroom 蘑菇 Chinese eddo 芋艿 mustard 芥菜,芥末 chive 细香葱 onion 洋葱 coriander 香菜 pea 豌豆 cow pea 豇豆 pepper 胡椒,辣椒 cress 水芹 potato 土豆 cucumber 黄瓜 pumpkin 南瓜 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 radish 萝卜 eggplant 茄子 rape 油菜 garlic 蒜 red pepper 红辣椒 garlic sprout 蒜苗 romaine 莴苣,生菜 ginger 姜 salted vegetable 咸菜 green pea 嫩豌豆 scallion 葱 green pepper 青椒 shepherd’s purse 荠菜 hot pepper 辣椒 snake gourd 丝瓜 kale 甘蓝菜 soy 大豆 176 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇

Spanish potato 番薯 toon 香椿 spinach 菠菜 turnip 芜菁 straw mushroom 草菇 water chestnut 荸荠 string bean 青豆,四季豆 water shield 莼菜 sweet pepper 甜椒 wax gourd 冬瓜 taro 芋艿 yam 山药 tomato 番茄


Clay oven rolls 烧饼 Oily bean curd 油豆腐 Fried bread stick 油条 Plain white rice 白饭 Rice noodles 米粉 Shrimp balls 虾球 (Boiled) dumplings 水饺 Glutinous rice 糯米饭 Seaweed soup 紫菜汤 Spring rolls 春卷 steamed buns, steamed bread 馒头 Fried rice with egg 蛋炒饭 Oyster soup 牡蛎汤 Chicken rolls 蛋卷 Rice and vegetable roll 饭团 Sliced noodles 刀削面 Egg & vegetable soup 蛋花汤 Rice-meat dumplings 肉丸 100-year egg 皮蛋 Spicy hot noodles 麻辣面 Fish ball soup 鱼丸汤 Hot pot 火锅 Salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋 Seafood noodles 乌龙面 Tinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 臭豆腐 braised food 卤味 Rice porridge 稀饭

十五、各种颜色 pink 粉红色 moss green 苔绿色 salmon pink 橙红色 emerald green 鲜绿色 baby pink 浅粉红色 olive green 橄榄绿 shocking pink 鲜粉红色 blue 蓝色 brown 褐色,茶色 turquoise blue 土耳其玉色 beige 灰褐色 cobalt blue 钴蓝色,艳蓝色 chocolate 赭石色 navy blue 藏青色,深蓝色,天蓝色 sandy beige 浅褐色 aquamarine blue 蓝绿色 camel 驼色 red 红色 amber 琥珀色 scarlet 绯红,猩红 khaki 卡其色 mauve 淡紫色 maroon 褐红色 wine red 葡萄酒红 green 绿色 purple, violet 紫色 177 中英文导游实训教程 lavender 淡紫色 snowy white 雪白色 lilac 浅紫色 oyster white 乳白色 antique violet 古紫色 gray 灰色 pansy 紫罗兰色 charcoal gray 炭灰色 white 白色 smoky gray 烟灰色 off-white 灰白色 misty gray 雾灰色 ivory 象牙色

十六、家禽家畜、野生动物 horse 马 giraffe 长颈鹿 stallion 雄马 camel 骆驼 donkey, ass 驴 elephant 象 hinny 驴骡 rhinoceros 犀牛 mule 马骡 hippopotamus 河马 herd 牛的统称 cat 猫 cattle 牛 tomcat 雄猫,公猫 bull, ox 雄牛 kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫 cow 雌牛 lion 狮 water buffalo 水牛 panther, puma 美洲豹 yak 牦牛 leopard 豹 flock 绵羊的统称 tiger 虎 sheep 绵羊 wildcat 野猫 ram 雄绵羊 bison 美洲野牛 ewe 雌绵羊 badger 獾 lamb 年幼的绵羊 weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼 mutton 羊肉 otter 水獭 goat 山羊 fox 狐 pig 猪 hyena, hyena 鬣狗 boar 雄猪 wolf 狼 sow 雌猪 squirrel 松鼠 piglet, shoat 年幼的猪 dormouse 睡鼠 dog 狗 beaver 河狸 rabbit 兔 marmot 土拨鼠 goose 鹅 ferret 雪貂 zebra 斑马 bear 熊 antelope 羚羊 hare 野兔 deer 鹿 rat 鼠 reindeer 驯鹿 chinchilla 南美栗鼠 178 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇 gopher 囊地鼠 duckbill, platypus 鸭嘴兽 Guinea pig 豚鼠 kangaroo 袋鼠 mole 鼹鼠 koala 考拉,树袋熊 mouse 家鼠 hedgehog 刺猬 vole 田鼠 porcupine 箭猪,豪猪 monkey 猴子 bat 蝙蝠 chimpanzee 黑猩猩 whale 鲸 gorilla 大猩猩 dolphin 海豚 orangutan 猩猩 porpoise 大西洋鼠海豚 gibbon 长臂猿 seal 海豹 sloth 獭猴 walrus 海象 anteater 食蚁兽

十七、各种花卉 azalea 杜鹃花 lilac 丁香 begonia 秋海棠 lily 百合 Brazil 巴西木 magnolia 玉兰花 cactus 仙人掌 morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) camellia 山茶花 narcissus 水仙花 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨) oleander 夹竹桃 Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花 orchid 兰花 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 pansy 三色堇 chrysanthemum 菊花 peony 牡丹 dahlia 大丽花 peony 芍药 daisy 雏菊 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 datura 曼陀罗 rose 玫瑰 epiphyllum 昙花 rose 月季 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 setose asparagus 文竹 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花 gardenia 栀子 tulip 郁金香 India canna 美人蕉 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰 jasmine 茉莉 water hyacinth 凤眼兰

十八、各种服饰 clothes 衣服,服装 ready-made clothes, 成衣 wardrobe 服装 garments 外衣 clothing 服装 town clothes 外衣 habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装 double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣 179 中英文导游实训教程 suit 男外衣 muff 皮手筒 dress 女服 housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 tailored suit 女式西服 short dressing gown 短晨衣 everyday clothes 便服 bathrobe 浴衣 three-piece suit 三件套 nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣 trousseau 嫁妆 pajamas 睡衣裤 layette 婴儿的全套服装 pocket 衣袋 uniform 制服 lapel(上衣)翻领 overalls 工装裤 detachable collar 假领,活领 rompers 连背心的背带裤 wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领 formal dress 礼服 V-neck V 型领 tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服 sleeve 袖子 evening dress 夜礼服 cuff 袖口 dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服 buttonhole 钮扣孔 nightshirt 男式晚礼服 shirt 衬衫 dinner jacket 无尾礼服(美作:tuxedo) blouse 紧身女衫 full dress uniform 礼服制服 T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫 frock coat 双排扣常礼服 vest 汗衫(美作:undershirt) gown, robe 礼袍 polo shirt 球衣 tunic 长袍 middy blouse 水手衫 overcoat 男式大衣 sweater 运动衫 coat 女大衣 short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫 topcoat 夹大衣 roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫 fur coat 皮大衣 round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫 three-quarter coat 中长大衣 suit, outfit, ensemble 套服 dust coat 风衣 twinset 两件套,运动衫裤 mantle, cloak 斗篷 jerkin 猎装 poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷) kimono 和服 sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克 ulster 一种长而宽松的外套 pelisse 皮上衣 jellaba 带风帽的外衣 jacket 短外衣夹克 cardigan 开襟毛衣 anorak, duffel coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽 raincoat 橡胶雨衣 的粗呢大衣 trousers 裤子 hood 风帽 jeans 牛仔裤 scarf, muffler 围巾 short trousers 短裤 shawl 大披巾 knickers 儿童灯笼短裤 knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾 knickerbockers 灯笼裤 fur stole 毛皮长围巾 plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤 180 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇 braces 裤子背带(美作:suspenders) slippers 便鞋 turnip 裤角折边,挽脚 sandal 凉鞋 breeches 马裤 canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋 belt 裤带 clog 木拖鞋 skirt 裙子 galosh, overshoe 套鞋 divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤 glove 手套 underskirt 内衣 tie 领带(美作:necktie) underwear, underclothes 内衣裤 bow tie 蝶形领带 underpants, pants 内衣裤(美作:shorts) cravat 领巾 briefs 短内裤,三角裤 cap 便帽 panties 女短内裤 hat 带沿的帽子 knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤 bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽 brassiere, bra 乳罩 top hat 高顶丝质礼帽 corselet 紧身胸衣 Panama hat 巴拿马草帽 stays, corset 束腰,胸衣 beret 贝蕾帽 waistcoat 背心 peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽 slip, petticoat 衬裙 broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽 girdle 腰带 headdress 头饰 stockings 长袜 turban 头巾 suspenders 袜带(美作:garters) natural fabric 天然纤维 suspender belt 吊袜腰带 cotton 棉 socks 短袜 silk 丝 tights, leotard 紧身衣裤 wool 毛料 handkerchief 手帕 linen 麻 bathing trunks 游泳裤 synthetic fabric 混合纤维 bathing costume, swimsuit, 游泳衣 acryl 压克力 bikini 比基尼泳衣 polyester 涤纶 apron 围裙 nylon 尼龙 pinafore(带护胸)围裙 worsted 呢料 shoe 鞋 cashmere 羊毛 sole 鞋底 patterns 花样 heel 鞋后跟 tartan plaid 格子花(美作:tartan) lace 鞋带 dot 圆点花 moccasin 鹿皮鞋 stripe 条纹 patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋 flower pattern 花纹花样 boot 靴子 veil 面纱

181 中英文导游实训教程

十九、各类纺织品 fabrics 织品 drygoods 纺织品 fabric 织品 web 网织品 duvetyne 毛织品 duvetine 毛织品 knitwear 针织品 textile 纺织品 haircloth 毛织品 horsehair 马毛织品 knitting 编织品 woolen 毛织品的 knitwork 编织品 wool 毛纺织品 wool 毛织品 nylon 耐纶织品 hosiery 针织品 broadcloth 细毛织品 draper 织品商 flax 亚麻织品 duvetyn 毛织品


Crystal 水晶 Tourmaline 碧玺 Aquamarine 蓝水晶 Green jade 碧玉 Amethyst 紫水晶 Lapis lazuli 青金石 Citrine 黄水晶 Turquoise 绿松石 Smoke quarts 茶水晶 Malachite 孔雀石 Morion 墨水晶 Nam-yang jade 独山玉 Diamond 钻石 Rose Quarts 芙蓉石 Pearl 珍珠 Period 橄榄石 Emerald 祖母绿 Amber 琥珀 Ruby 红宝石 Moonstone 月光石 Sapphire 蓝宝石 Agate 玛瑙 Yellow Sapphire 黄宝石 Carol 珊瑚 Cat’ eye 金绿宝石 Ivory 象牙 Jadeite 翡翠

二十一、各种会议 conferences 会议 garden party 游园会 assembly 大会 dance (party), ball, fandango 舞会 convention 会议 reading party 读书会 party 晚会,社交性宴会 fishing party 钓鱼会 at-home party 家庭宴会 sketching party 观剧会 tea party 茶会 birthday party 生日宴会 dinner party 晚餐会 Christmas party 圣诞晚会 182 第七章 旅游英语常用词汇 luncheon party 午餐会 commemorative party 纪念宴会 fancy ball 化妆舞会 banquet 酒宴


Business Hours 营业时间 SOS 紧急求救信号 Office Hours 办公时间 Hands Wanted 招聘 Entrance 入口 Staff Only 本处职工专用 Exit 出口 No Litter 勿乱扔杂物 Shut 此路不通 Hands Off 请勿用手摸 Open 营业 Keep Silence 保持安静 Pause 暂停 On Sale 削价出售 Stop 关闭 No Bills 不准张贴 Closed 下班 Not for Sale 恕不出售 Menu 菜单 Pub 酒店 Fragile 易碎 Cafe 咖啡馆、小餐馆 This Side Up 此面向上 Bar 酒巴 Introductions 说明 Laundry 洗衣店 One Street 单行 Travel Agency 旅行社 Keep Right/Left 靠左/右 In Shade 置于阴凉处 Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 Keep in Dark Place 避光保存 Wet Paint 油漆未干 Poison 有毒/毒品 Danger 危险 Guard against Damp 防潮 Lost and Found 失物招领处 Beware of Pickpocket 谨防扒手 Give Way 快车先行 Complaint Box 意见箱 Safety First 安全第一 For Use Only in Case of Fire 灭火专用 Filling Station 加油站 Bakery 面包店 No Smoking 禁止吸烟 Keep Dry 保持干燥 No Photos 请勿拍照 Information 问讯处 No Visitors 游人止步 No Passing 禁止通行 No Entry 禁止入内 No Angling 不准垂钓 No Admittance 闲人免进 Shooting Prohibited 禁止打猎 No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 Seat by Number 对号入座 Parking 停车处 Ticket Office 售票处 Toll Free 免费通行 Visitors Please Register 来宾登记 Mechanical Help 车辆修理 Occupied(厕所)有人 Do Not Pass 禁止超车 Vacant(厕所)无人 No U Turn 禁止掉头 Commit No Nuisance 禁止小便 U Turn Ok 可以 U 形转弯 Admission Free 免费入场 183 中英文导游实训教程

Bike Park (ing) 自行车存车处 Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火 Save Food 节约粮食 Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶 Save Energy 节约能源 Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行 Handle with Care 小心轻放 Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立 Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内 Luggage Depository 行李存放处

184 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

第一章 接团准备实训 Chapter I Before Meeting a Tour Group

模块一 接团准备实训

项目一 熟悉并落实接待事宜 对话一: 张 莉:请问是李师傅吗?我是广东国旅的导游小张,我明天和您一起出团。 李司机:哦,您好!明天几点接团? 张 莉:明天上午 10 点半的飞机,麻烦您上午 9 点到公司门口接我行吗? 李司机:好的。 张 莉:李师傅,您的车是 33 坐没错吧? 李司机:对,33 座。 张 莉:我先简单跟您介绍一下行程吧,第一天去陈家祠、越秀公园;第二天去长 隆;第三天北京路。详细的等我们见面后我跟您说。另外,问一下您车上 的空调与麦克风都还好吧? 李司机:没有问题。 张 莉: 那行,我们明天见。我的手机号码是 13631441615,有什么问题随时给我电话。 李司机:嗯,行,明天见! 对话二: 张 莉:您好,请问是广州酒家陈经理吗? 陈经理:是的,请问有什么可以为您效劳? 张 莉:我是广东国旅的导游小张,明天中午我社在您那订了一桌团餐,请问,您 接到单了吗? 陈经理:有的,12+3 是吗? 张 莉:是的,我现在跟您对一下菜单好吗?我们订的是一桌 15 菜 1 汤,……(跟 经理对菜单)。客人用筷子就可以,可以摆几付刀叉备用。另外,因为这个 团队客人是有宗教信仰的,用餐的碗碟千万不要有破损,因为这样在他们 看来是不吉利的。就麻烦您落实一下。 陈经理:好的,请问你们大概几点到呢? 张 莉:估计中午 12 点半到,我出发去餐厅时会再给您电话确认一下。这个团拜托

185 中英文导游实训教程

您了。明天见,谢谢。 陈经理:不客气,明天见。 对话三: 销售部:白天鹅宾馆销售部。请问有什么可以帮到您? 张 莉:我是广东国旅导游小张,请问您接到我社明天 12+1 人入住的预订了吗? 销售部:请您稍等,我查一下。好,有的,明天入住,12+1 人,共 6 间标准间,1 个司陪房,每间房含 2 位自助早餐,对吗? 张 莉:是的,请问这 6 间房都安排在同一楼层吗? 销售部:这个我们不能保证,但我们尽量安排好吗?因为最近住房比较紧张,我们 得看今天的退房情况。 张 莉:好的,那就麻烦您尽量安排一下了。 销售部:行,你们大概明天几点到? 张 莉:嗯,客人是 10 点半到的飞机,大概 11 点半到酒店吧。我会在到之后半小 时再给你们电话确认一下,麻烦你们先提前准备好房卡,并通知行李服务 生做好准备。拜托了。 销售部:好的。明天见。


1. 导游员小张接了一个由加拿大入境的旅游团,请与各单位联系落实接待事宜。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇与句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目一 语言/知识准备

导游欢迎词的写作要点:(增加) 导游欢迎词好比一场戏的“序幕”,一篇乐章的“序曲”,一部作品的“序言”。致欢 迎词是给游客留下“第一印象”的极佳机会。导游员应努力展示自己的艺术风采,使“良 好开端”成为“成功的一半”。 欢迎词的风趣、自然,会缩短与游客的距离,使大家很 快成为朋友。规范的欢迎词应包括五大要素。 1. 表示欢迎,即代表接待社、组团社向客人表达欢迎之意。 2. 介绍人员,即介绍自己,介绍参加接待的领导、司机和所有人员。 3. 预告节目,即介绍一下城市的概况和在当地将游览的节目。  4. 表示态度,即愿意为大家热情服务、努力工作,确保大家满意。 5. 预祝成功,即希望得到游客支持与合作,努力使游览获得成功,祝大家愉快、健康。


1. 分别讨论接待以下游客集体时应准备哪些相应的话题: (1)游客为记者 186 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

(2)游客为教师 (3)游客为学生 (4)游客为老年人 (5)游客为律师 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目三 物品/形象准备

塑造导游良好形象的重要性 1. 有助于增强旅游者对导游人员的信任感。导游人员要在旅游者的心目确立有安全 感、可信赖、有能力带领旅游者顺利地开展旅游活动的形象。 2. 有助于缩短导游人员与旅游者间的心理距离。最大程度地满足旅游者的需求,是 实现优质服务的重要途径。 项目四 心理准备 实训情景:导游员接到某旅游接待计划后进行准备 实训准备:教师准备带团中可能遇到的困难给学生讨论上团前的心理准备 实训步骤: 1. 将学生分组,每组分发预设的情景。 2. 学生分组进行讨论面对带团过程中可能出现的问题,应该以怎样的心理面对。 2.1 面对高度体力劳动的心理准备; 2.2 面对用餐质量差、住宿条件差的心理准备; 2.3 面对游客挑剔的心理。

第二章 导游接团服务实训 Chapter II Meeting a Tour Group

模块一 迎接服务流程实训

项目一 旅游团抵达前服务实训


为一英国旅游团制定您所在城市的旅游路线。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。

187 中英文导游实训教程


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

出发前着装(工作服)、鞋子 10

接团前物质准备 20

确认交通工具到达时间 10 操作内容 联络旅游车司机 10

提前到达接团地点 10

接站牌内容 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目二 旅游团抵达后服务实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 劳驾,请问您是不是英国来的约翰·怀特先生? W: 是啊,您是国旅派来的导游吧? Z: 是的,怀特先生。见到您很高兴。我叫张莉,张是我的姓。 W: 您好,张小姐。谢谢您来接我们。 Z: 别客气。我们很高兴你们来到广州参观。一路上还好吗? W: 非常好,飞行旅程很顺利。 Z: 你们团一共 15 人,对吗? W: 是的,没错。 Z: 你们需要等行李吗? W: 不用,我们都取回我们的行李了。 Z: 那么所有人都到齐了吗? W: 噢,请稍等。是的,所有人都到齐了。 Z: 我们的旅游大巴正在机场外面。我们走吧。 W: 好的,走吧。 Z: 各位,请注意!请跟我走。


1. 中国旅行社地陪李永在白云机场迎接来自新西兰的一个 30 人的旅游团,领队是 Jane Green. 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成无参考答案。

188 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

认找旅行团 20

核对当地的活动安排 10

核实人数 10 操作内容 清点行李 10

集合登车 10

了解团队情况 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目三 首次沿途导游实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White T: 游客) (国旅的导游张莉正准备带领旅游团从机场往酒店去。一辆旅游车停在外面即将出发) Z: 怀特先生,人都到齐了吗? W: 到齐了。 Z: 我们可以走了吗? W: 噢,可以了。 Z: (对司机)既然大家都到齐了,我们可以走了。(对车上所有的游客)女士们, 先生们,欢迎各位来到广州。首先,请允许我作一下自我介绍。我叫张莉,张 是我的姓,我是广东省国旅的导游。你们参观广东期间,我将担任你们的地陪。 这是我们的司机王先生。他有超过 15 年的驾驶经验了,所以乘坐他的车你们尽 可放心。接下来几天,我们都坐同一辆车,所以我建议大家写下车牌号码,牌 号是 12345。我衷心祝愿你们在中国有个愉快的假期。如果你们有什么特别的要 求,尽管告诉我。我的任务就是为大家的旅程铺平道路,关心照顾您的利益, 尽力回答您的问题。衷心希望能得到各位的理解与合作。现在是下午 4 点半, 北京时间,广州和英国的时差是 8 小时,请把你们的手表调前 8 个小时。现在 我们前往您下榻的酒店白天鹅宾馆。 T 到酒店有多远: Z: 到那儿大约需要 45 分钟。白天鹅宾馆是广州最好的酒店之一。酒店位于珠江边 的沙面岛,服务热情周到,设施齐全,有中西餐厅、外币兑换点、商场、洗衣服务、 健身设施、游泳池等。酒店离市中心只需步行几分钟。希望诸位能过得愉快。 T: 太棒了。 Z: 我们去酒店途中,可以粗略地观赏一下广州的郊区和市区。广州是一座既古老 又年轻的城市。说它古老,广州有 2 200 多年的历史,作为华南最大的城市和广 东省省会,广州是一座富有活力的城市,是购物和美食的天堂。广州位于珠三 189 中英文导游实训教程

角的中部。面积约 7 434 平方公里,人口超过 1 千万。广州也是观光游览的好去 处,著名的景点有六榕寺、中山纪念堂、越秀公园、南越王墓、陈家祠等。2010 年亚洲运动会也将在广州举行。 Z: 女士们,先生们,请看你们的右边,这就是著名的沙面岛,沙面岛在鸦片战争 后成为英国和法国的租借地,岛上有很多英式和法式的古典建筑群,我们的 酒店也在岛上,面临美丽的珠江……宾馆到了,请拿好自己的手提行李。你 们的托运行李要迟点才能到达。到时,行李员会把你们的行李放在楼层的电 梯旁。


1. 你刚从机场接了一个来自美国纽约的旅游团,正坐车前往游客们下榻的酒店。你 需要介绍你的工作职责和要求,并简单介绍当地情况、酒店服务及设施等。 Tips for “On the Way to the Hotel”: (1)Address a welcome speech (2)Introduce time difference and ask the tourists to adjust the time. (3)Introduce the local circumstances. (4)Briefly introduce the scenes that the tourists can see along the way. (5)Announce the schedule after check-in. Key Points for a Welcome Speech: (1)On behalf of the travel agency, driver and yourself to welcome the tourists. (2)Tell the tourists your name and your travel agency. (3)Introduce the driver. (4)Express your sincere desire to serve the tourists. (5)Wish the tourists a good journey.


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

致欢迎词 20

介绍时差 10

介绍具体行程安排 10 操作内容 当地情况介绍 20

介绍将入住酒店 10

宣布集合时间、地点等 10

实训报告 实训心得 20

190 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

项目四 有关日程的核对与商定服务实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 晚上好,怀特先生。 W: 晚上好,张小姐。请进! Z: 谢谢。我来是想谈谈贵团的旅程安排,可以吗? W: 当然。我们来之前曾收到过一份贵社的旅程安排,希望没有什么变化。 Z: 没有,几乎没有变化。 W: 您能详细说说吗? Z: 好的。大概的旅程安排是贵团在广州观光四天。明天早上我们去参观南越王墓, 然后去越秀公园和中山纪念堂,午饭后我们将参观六榕寺和陈家祠;晚上我们 将去坐船游览珠江。 W: 我们的旅程是否会按最后收到的行程进行? Z: 没错。 W: 那么我就把一切交给你来安排了。 Z: 根据行程,我们还将去佛山,开平和肇庆。希望不要把大家累坏了。 W: 没问题,大家都健壮如牛。 Z: 那好,如果有什么变化,请事先通知我。 W: 好,谢谢您为我们所做的一切。 Z: 不客气。 对话二: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 你觉得这个旅程安排怎么样? W: 总的来说非常棒。今天晚上我们能增加一个节目吗? Z: 为什么? W: 因为明天就是中国的春节了,我们听说广州春节前的花市很出名,也很有特色, 我们想去看看花市,能不能请您安排一下? Z: 当然可以。今天晚饭后你们也没有什么节目。我陪你们去吧。 W: 太好了。谢谢,张小姐。 W: 张小姐,我们还有另外一个要求,因为我们在中国其他城市已经参观了很多公 园,我们就不想去越秀公园了,我们听说广州的清平市场很有当地的特色,我 们想去那里看看,可以吗? Z: 我要看你们有没有足够的时间,如果时间允许的话,我会尽量安排的。 W: 谢谢您。 Z: 不客气,希望你们在中国的每一天都过得愉快。 对话三: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 非常抱歉,怀特先生。我们的行程要做些修改。 191 中英文导游实训教程

W: 为什么? Z: 我们原定是明天晚上坐船游览珠江,由于明天是年初一,珠江上面将会有烟花 表演,所有的船只禁止通行。 W: 太可惜了。 Z: 经过和旅行社商量,我建议后天晚上才坐船游览珠江,明天晚上我们则留在酒 店里欣赏美丽的烟花表演,这样可以吗? W: 在酒店也能看到烟花表演?太棒了。没问题,我会向团友解析的。 Z: 谢谢。


1. 根据旅游计划,游客们明天参观完景点后,后天将会去当地的步行街购物;但游 客们提出上午想去动物园看熊猫,下午才去购物,让地陪张莉给他们安排参观事宜。 分析: (1)如果费用比原计划减少了,费用不退回旅游者。 (2)如果费用比原计划增加了,地陪要先报告公司领导及相关人员,公司同意后, 再让领队签名确认。 2. 小张担任一来穗旅游的东南亚旅游团的地陪。旅游团到达后,小张和领队核对日 程安排。在核对过程中,小张发现领队手中计划表上的游览点与自己接待任务书上所确 定的游览景点不一致,领队的计划表上多了两个景点,且坚持要按他手上的景点来安排 行程。分析: (1)地陪应与旅行社联系,告之情况,请求核实; (2)在征求旅行社的意见后,做出调整。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

寻找恰当的时机 10

核对、商定日期 30 操作内容 旅游者提出修改行程问题处理 30

协调各方面关系 10

实训报告 实训心得 20

模块二 特殊旅游形式迎接服务实训

项目一 校园文化游 对话一:(张莉正迎接来自澳洲的一个游学团)(Z: 张莉 H: 汉斯 Hans T: 游客) Z: 劳驾,请问您是不是澳洲的汉斯小姐? Z: Excuse me, are you Miss Hans from Australia?

192 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

H: 是啊,您是国旅派来的导游吧? H: Yes. Are you tour guide from CITS? Z: 是的,汉斯小姐。见到您很高兴。我叫张莉,张是我的姓。 Z: Yes. Miss Hans. Nice to meet you. My name is Zhang Li. Zhang is my family name. H: 您好,张小姐。谢谢您来接我们。 H: Nice to meet you, too. Miss Zhang. Thank you for coming to meet us. Z: 别客气。我们很高兴你们来到广州参观。一路上还好吗? Z: Not at all. We are very glad to have you here. How was your trip? H: 非常好,飞行旅程很顺利。 H: Very nice. We had a smooth flight. Z: 你们团一共 35 人,对吗? Z: You have a group of 35, right? H: 是的,没错。 H: Yes, that’s right. Z: 那么所有人都到齐了吗? Z: Well, is everyone here now? H: 是的,所有人都到齐了。 H: Yes, everybody is here. Z: 我们的旅游大巴正在机场外面。我们走吧。各位,请注意!请跟我走。(在车上, 张莉确认人数后,就让司机开车去酒店了) Z: Our coach is waiting for us outside the airport. Let’s go. Attention please! Everyone. Now please follow me.(Zhang Li makes sure the tourists are all on the coach. Then they leave for the hotel.) Z: (对司机)既然大家都到齐了,我们可以走了。(对车上所有的游客)女士们,先 生们,欢迎各位来到广州。首先,请允许我作一下自我介绍。我叫张莉,张是我 的姓,我是广东省国旅的导游。你们参观广东期间,我将担任你们的地陪。这是 我们的司机王先生。他有超过 15 年的驾驶经验了,所以乘坐他的车你们尽可放 心。接下来几天,我们都坐同一辆车,所以我建议大家写下车牌号码。车牌号是 12345。我衷心祝愿你们在中国有个愉快的假期。如果你们有什么特别的要求, 尽管告诉我。现在是下午 5 点,北京时间,广州和悉尼的时差是 2 小时,请把你 们的手表调后 2 个小时。现在我们前往您下榻的酒店中国大酒店。 Z: (To the driver) Now that all the people are here, we can go now. (To all the tourists in the coach) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. I will be your local guide during your stay in Guangzhou. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. We’ll always use the same bus in the following days. So I’ll recommend you to write down the number on the license tag. The number is 12345. I sincerely hope you’ll have a 193 中英文导游实训教程

wonderful stay in China. If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and Sydney is 2 hours, please adjust your time backward for 2 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, China Hotel. Z: 为了防止走失,我给你们每人做了个胸卡,上面写着你们的姓名、国籍、年龄、 团名、住的酒店、接待的旅行社、联系电话、坐的车的编号等,万一走失,你们 只需要把胸卡给别人看,他们就会帮你们找到我们。胸卡的背面写着你们餐桌号, 你们这就按这个号码就餐。同时,我也会给你们每人发一张行程表,好让你们了 解这几天的行程。 Z: In case of getting lost, I’ll give everyone a card, on which is your name, nationality, age, our tour number, the hotel where you stay, the name of our travel service, telephone number and the number of our coach. If getting lost, you just need to show this card to others, they will help you find us. On the back of the card is the number of table for meals. In the meantime, I will give each one an itinerary for your trip so that you know well what to do in the coming days. H: 谢谢,张小姐。你考虑得真周到。 H: Thanks. Miss Zhang. You’re so considerate. Z: 不客气。还有,我们已经为你们安排了足够的餐饮,为了你们这几天旅途的顺利, 请不要再购买其他食品和饮料,特别是路边的食品和饮料。 Z: You’re welcome. In addition, we have prepared enough food and beverage for you during your stay in Guangzhou. For a smooth and pleasant trip, please don’t buy other food or beverage, especially those on the roadside. OK? T: 知道了。 T: OK.


1. 广东国旅接待一个来自澳洲的 200 人的学生游学团,张莉是其中的一个地陪,带 领 48 个小学生。张莉要在最快的时间安排好学生们就餐。分析: (1)事先安排好餐桌,并告诉每人的编号; (2)一般情况下,每 12 人一桌,每张桌子一个编号。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

认找旅行团 10

核实人数 10 操作内容 清点行李 10

集合登车 10

194 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

续表 评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

派发卡片及行程表 20 操作内容 讲解注意事项 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目二 会展旅游 对话一: (Z: 张莉 H: 汉斯Hans T: 游客) (张莉要带一个跨国公司在广州的分公司的年度会议团) (Zhang Li is going to guide a group attending an annual meeting of a multinational company in Guangzhou Branch.) Z: 那么所有人都到齐了吗? Z: Well, is everyone here now? H: 是的,所有人都到齐了。 H: Yes, everybody is here. Z: 我们的旅游大巴正在机场外面。我们走吧。各位,请注意!请跟我走。 Z: Our coach is waiting for us outside the airport. Let’s go. Attention please! Everyone. Now please follow me. (在车上,张莉确认人数后,就让司机开车去酒店了) (Zhang Li makes sure the tourists are all on the coach. Then they leave for the hotel.) Z: 女士们,先生们,欢迎各位来到广州。首先,请允许我作一下自我介绍。我叫张 莉,张是我的姓,我是广东省国旅的导游。这是我们的司机王先生。他有超过 15 年的驾驶经验了,所以乘坐他的车你们尽可放心。如果你们有什么特别的要 求,尽管告诉我。现在是下午 5 点,北京时间,广州和澳洲的时差是 2 小时,请 把你们的手表调后 2 个小时。现在我们前往您下榻的酒店白天鹅宾馆。 Z: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and Sydney is 2 hours, please adjust your time backward for 2 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, Whit Swan Hotel. T: 到酒店有多远? T: How far is it? Z: 到那儿大约需要 45 分钟。白天鹅宾馆是广州最好的酒店之一。酒店位于珠江边 的沙面岛,服务热情周到,设施齐全,有中西餐厅、外币兑换点、商场、洗衣服 务、健身设施、游泳池等。酒店离市中心只需步行几分钟。

195 中英文导游实训教程

Z: It will take us about 45 minutes. It’s one of the best hotels in Guangzhou. It lies in Shamian Island by the Pearl River. Its service is warm and efficient, with extensive facilities, including Chinese and western restaurants, currency exchange, shops, laundry services, fitness facilities, swimming pool, etc. The hotel is within walking distance to downtown. T: 太棒了。 T: That’s great. Z: 会议的接待台就在酒店大堂的左面,到达后,你们先去那里报到,领取会议资料 及日程安排,然后根据你们的房间号,再办入住手续。 Z: The conference reception counter is on the left of the lobby. After arrival, you register at the counter first, get some materials for the conference and the schedule. Then you’ll get your room number and check in at the front desk of the hotel. T: 谢谢您的介绍。 T: Thanks for the introduction. Z: 不客气。 Z: You’re welcome.


1. 某一跨国公司要在广州召开年会,由广东国旅安排相关事宜。但实际参加人数比 原定的多出 40 人。分析: (1) 应多准备些与会资料、礼品;如果资料、礼品等不够,通知后勤人员马上补充 (2) 汇报给上级相关领导,做出相关的调整安排; (3) 如果人数超太多(例如超 30%),导致餐饮、住房、接待人员不足,马上要增加补充; 2. 某一跨国公司要在广州召开年会,由广东国旅安排相关事宜。但实际参加人数比 原定的少 30 人。分析: (1)把所订的餐饮、房间、车辆等做相应的调整,以减少损失; (2)汇报给上级相关领导,以便了解情况,做补救措施。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 10 核实人数 10 清点行李 10 操作内容 集合登车 10 介绍酒店位置及设施等 20 介绍会议接待情况 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

196 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

项目三 特种旅游 1. 强调安全问题及携带相关物品。 对话一: (Z: 张莉 T: 游客) (张莉要带十七个加拿大的年轻人去从化徒步游。在车上,张莉确认人数后,就让 司机开车去酒店了) Z: 女士们,先生们,欢迎各位来到广州。首先,请允许我作一下自我介绍。我叫张 莉,张是我的姓,我是广东省国旅的导游。你们参观广东期间,我将担任你们的 地陪。这是我们的司机王先生。他有超过 15 年的驾驶经验了,所以乘坐他的车 你们尽可放心。接下来几天,我们都坐同一辆车,所以我建议大家写下车牌号码。 车牌号是 12345。我衷心祝愿你们在中国有个愉快的假期。如果你们有什么特别 的要求,尽管告诉我。现在是下午 5 点,北京时间,广州和温哥华的时差是 16 小时,请把你们的手表调前 16 个小时。现在我们前往您下榻的酒店东方宾馆。 Z: (To the driver) Now that all the people are here, we can go now. (To all the tourists in the coach) Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Guangzhou. First, let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang Li, Zhang is my family name. I am a guide from CITS. I will be your local guide during your stay in Guangzhou. This is Mr. Wang, our driver. He has more than 15 years of driving experience, so you are in very safe hands. We’ll always use the same bus in the following days. So I’ll recommend you to write down the number on the license tag. The number is 12345. I sincerely hope you’ll have a wonderful stay in China. If you have any special request, please do tell me. Now, it is 17:00, Beijing time, the time difference between Guangzhou and Vancouver is 16 hours, please adjust your time forward for 16 hours. Now we are driving straight to the hotel, Dongfang Hotel. T1: 我从来没去过徒步旅行,我不知道要带哪些东西。 T1: Yes, you see I’ve never been trekking before so I don’t really know what to pack. Z: 我的建议是越简单越好。不要背大背囊,穿轻便的运动鞋,纯棉的衣服,短裤和 袜子,当然还有个人洗漱用品和简单的药箱、太阳油、帽子和太阳眼镜等。 Z: My advice to you is to keep it simple. The less you have to carry the better. Don't’ take a big rucksack. Wear a pair of trainers. Take cotton clothes, shorts and socks, of course, there are personal toiletries and simple medical kit, sun cream, a hat and sunglasses. T2: 晚上会冷吗? T2: Does it get cold at night? Z: 会的。现在是秋季,你需要准备一条长裤和保暖的长袖运动衣。带上一把手电筒, 有些小山村晚上会停电。 Z: Yes, it does. We’re in autumn now so you’ll need long trousers and a tracksuit at night because it gets chilly. Also take a torch because there might be no electricity in some small villages at night. T3: 我们需要带上雨衣吗? 197 中英文导游实训教程

T3: Do we need waterproofs? Z: 没必要,现在不是雨季。 Z: No, it isn’t the rainy season at the moment. T4: 这里有没有疟疾? T4: Is there a danger of malaria in the region? Z: 虽然风险很少,但最好还是要小心避免被蚊子叮。我建议你们喷驱蚊水,晚上穿 上长袖衣服。 Z: Well, it’s best to be careful and avoid mosquito bites as there might be a small risk. I recommend you use mosquito repellent at all times and wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers at night. Ts: 谢谢您的建议。 Ts: Thanks for your advice. Z: 不客气。 Z: You’re welcome.


1. 在爬山的过程中,由于山路崎岖不平,一位游客的脚闪了。你让全陪将伤者送往 最近医院,而你则带领其他游客继续行程。分析: (1)地陪继续带领其他游客继续行程 (2)全陪把伤者尽快送到附近的医院就医 (3)通知上级领导及保险公司,如果伤势严重,还要通知其家属


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 认找旅行团 10 核实人数 10 清点行李 10 操作内容 集合登车 10 提醒携带物品 20 强调安全问题 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

模块三 特殊事件处理技巧

项目一 漏接/空接/错接 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 真对不起,怀特先生,让你们久等了。 198 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

W: 哦,没什么,反正我们也到了酒店。 Z: 因为车在高速路上抛锚了,所以延误了时间。 W: 我理解。反正我们的商会也来接我们了。 Z: 我为此深感抱歉。为了表示我的歉意,今晚我们将去泮溪酒家吃晚饭,我为大家 加了点心。泮溪酒家因它的园林和点心而出名,而点心又是广州的特色食品之一。 W: 哦,是吗?太好了!我告诉大家这个好消息。我相信他们会爱上点心的。


1. 由于塞车,当你到达火车东站时,你要接的旅行团已在车站外等候多时,客人非 常不高兴,领队也埋怨你漏接。你向游客解析迟到原因并恳求他们原谅。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 对话二: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 喂,是怀特先生吗 W: 是的,请问是谁? Z: 我是广州的地陪张莉。我在到达大厅,旅客都出来了,我还是找不到你们,你们 在哪里? W: 很对不起,张小姐,我们还在桂林。我们去机场的路上,出了车祸,所以误机了, 改乘今天晚上 8 点的飞机飞广州。 Z: 团员都没事吧? W: 没事,我刚跟你们旅行社联系过。 Z: 没事就好了。我跟旅行社确认情况后再联系你。 W: 谢谢,张小姐。 Z: 没事,今晚见。 W: 今晚见。 对话三: (Z: 张莉 R: 接待员 T: 领队) R: 对不起,张小姐,你们这些团员没有在我们酒店预订房间。 Z: 不可能吧,我的旅游接待计划确实是写着你们酒店啊。 R: 很遗憾,真的没有这些团员的名字。你们旅行社倒是有预订房间,客人也是来自 美国的,但名字和您提供的完全不一样。 Z: 是吗?我得先与公司确认下。(一会儿之后,张莉打完电话,知道接错了团。她 马上跟这个团的领队解释,并立即赶往自己该接的团所在的酒店) Z: 真的不好意思,这次有很多团一起来参加客家恳亲大会,每个团的人数和团号都是 一样的,因为我的疏忽,我接错团了,给你们带来了不便。请接收我最真诚的道歉。 T: 我们也知道这么多人同时来,难免会出错的。 Z: 谢谢你们的理解。 199 中英文导游实训教程


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

漏接事故的预防 10

空接事故的预防 10

错接事故的预防 10 应变处理 漏接事故的处理 20

空接事故的处理 15

错接事故的处理 15

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目二 日程变更 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) W: 张小姐,很多团友说想多留一天在广州继续购物,这样可以吗? Z: 哦,我得先向旅行社咨询下,才能给您答复。(一会儿之后,张莉再次进来) W: 请进,张小姐。旅行社方面的答复怎样? Z: 非常抱歉,怀特先生。由于旅行社方面早已和佛山方面落实了酒店、餐厅等接待 事宜,现在已经不能更改了,所以我们还得按照我们的计划进行。 W: 我能理解,不过还是要谢谢您。张小姐。 对话二: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 怀特先生,由于你们迟了一天到达,我们的行程要做些修改。 W: 是的,我们都希望在有限的时间里尽量多的参观了解广州。 Z: 不用担心,我会尽量安排的。这是我们新的行程:明天早上我们去参观越秀公园、 中山纪念堂和六榕寺,午饭后去参观陈家祠,然后去北京路购物,晚上珠江夜游; 后天早上离开广州去肇庆。您的意见怎样? W: 听起来还不错,我们就按这行程吧。 对话三: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 非常抱歉,怀特先生。恐怕我们要取消明天在阳江的行程了。 W: 为什么? Z: 因为刚接到气象局和旅行社的通知,将会有强台风正面吹袭阳江,所有水上活动 要取消。 W: 是吗?太糟糕了。那么我们该怎样做? Z: 对此我也感到非常遗憾。我们现在就马上去参观海上丝绸博物馆,然后就回广州。 而明天我们则安排参观广州岭南印象园,在那里你们可以对岭南文化民俗有进一 200 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

步的了解。 W: 那也没有办法了,我试着跟团友解析下。 Z: 谢谢。为了感谢你们对我们工作的理解,今天中午我们将会为大家加菜,让大家 享受丰盛的海鲜大餐。 W: 谢谢。 对话四: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 非常抱歉,怀特先生。我们的行程要做些修改。 W: 为什么呢? Z: 由于珠江上游持续的降雨,现在肇庆已经被洪水包围了,我们因此也不能去那里 参观了。 W: 真倒霉! Z: 是啊,我们对此也深感遗憾。通过与旅行社商量,我们将改为去西樵山,西樵山 和肇庆的鼎湖山一样,都是非常出名的。您觉得这个行程怎么样? W: 听起来也不错。 Z: 那我们就按这路线走了。谢谢您的合作和理解。我们再次为此深感遗憾。 W: 哦,不要这样,这不是你们的问题。我会向团友解析的。 Z: 谢谢。


1. 一个旅行团原定于今天下午坐飞机回国,但由于台风,飞机停航了,被迫推迟一 天回国。你耐心倾听游客的抱怨并为旅游团安排剩余时间的食宿及行程。分析: (1)耐心听游客发牢骚; (2)不要跟游客在费用上纠缠,地陪不能向游客收取任何费用; (3)在餐饮或住宿方面可以适当提高档次; (4)报告旅行社,领导来赔礼道歉、赠送礼物等。 2. 由于亚运会开幕式要进行演练,旅游计划的珠江夜游要取消。地陪张莉向游客解 析原因。你向游客道歉、解析原因并建议今晚参观广州塔。 分析:向旅游团中有影响的人物说明情况,诚恳地赔礼道歉,详细介绍应变计划, 争取他们的谅解和支持,必要时经旅行社领导同意可加酒、加菜,赠送小纪念品。 3. 在上海的世博园的游览过程中,由于场馆非常多,表演也非常的多,短短的几个 小时根本不能游玩,因此向导游提出要延长游玩时间。你向游客解析说司机是按时间开 车的,不会等候。如果游客坚持,你则建议他们可以自行回酒店。你详细告诉他们酒店 地址并告诉他们如何坐车回酒店。 分析:和旅行社和有关的部门联系,根据组团社的决定,或接受变更要求,或婉言 拒绝。如果接受,安排行程变化后的用车、餐、房的安排。

201 中英文导游实训教程


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

旅游者要求改变行程的处理 20

因客观原因要延长活动日程的处理 15

应变处理 因客观原因缩短活动日程的处理 15

因当地原因游客被迫提前离开的处理 15

取消一地行程的处理 15

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目三 游客丢失证件/财物/行李 对话一: (Z: 张莉 B: 布朗 Brown) B: 噢,天啊!我的护照不见了!我该怎么办? Z: 布朗先生,请冷静。您再想想放哪里了? B: 我就放在衣服的口袋里,而且我一下飞机就乘坐旅游车来到酒店了。 Z: 会不会落在车上?我帮你去找找。 (一会儿之后,张莉回来了,但在车上没有找到护照) Z: 很遗憾,布朗先生,没找到您的护照。到酒店后,您还去了哪里? B: 我上了一趟洗手间。万一我真的找不到护照,我该怎样做? Z: 如果万一真的找不到,我会陪你去旅行社开具证件遗失证明,然后和你去公安局 出入境管理处报失,申请、领取《护照报失证明》;您拿着《护照报失证明》到 英国领馆申请新护照,邻取新护照后,再到公安局出入境管理处申请人境签证。 B: 那真是够麻烦的。 Z: 是的,您再仔细想想,在洗手间里有没有换衣服或做了什么? B: 啊,我想起了,因为广州这里的天气比英国暖和多了,我就把大衣脱了,放在行 李箱里。我再找找看。(布朗先生马上打开箱子找大衣)看!护照还在大衣的口 袋里。 Z: 真是太好了! B: 不好意思,张小姐,给您添麻烦了。 Z: 不客气。 对话二: (Z: 张莉 G: 格林 Green) G: 天啊!我的项链不见了! Z: 冷静点!格林小姐。你不见了什么项链? G: 是一条白金的项链,还有个钻石的坠子。是我未婚夫送我的礼物。 Z: 上一次你见到项链的时候,你放在哪里?

202 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

G: 我放在酒店的保险箱里。 Z: 你走的时候,把它取出来没有? G: 当然取出来了,它是我未婚夫送我的礼物啊。 Z: 你再看看有没有放在行李箱里,我打电话到桂林的酒店,看看你有没有忘了拿走。 请问你在桂林住几号房? G: 508。 (一会儿之后,张莉回来了) Z: 很遗憾,格林小姐。桂林的酒店说没有找到你的项链。在你的行李箱吗? G: 不在。我该怎么办呢?我入境的时候,还向海关申报了。 Z: 如果是这样的话,我要带你去公安局去报失,然后让我们旅行社给你开具遗失证 明,然后你再带上护照、入境时填的《中国海关行李申报单》,到广州市公安局 出入境管理处填写《失物经过证明》。 G: 那也没有办法了,谁让我这么粗心呢。 对话三: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White R: 罗斯·布莱克 Rose Black) Z: 怀特先生,所有人都到齐了吗? W: 还有一位叫罗斯·布莱克的团员在等行李。哦,她来了。 Z: 罗斯·布莱克女士,您拿到行李了吗? R: 我没有找到我的行李,希望不是丢失了。 Z: 您的行李是什么颜色的,布莱克女士? R: 黑色的。请叫我罗斯。称呼名字比称呼姓要更亲切一些。 Z: 好的,罗斯。不用担心,我们会找到它的。请把你的行李卡给我。 R: 给您。(张莉去丢失行李登记处联系。过了一会儿,她回来了) Z: 很抱歉,罗斯。桂林机场出了差错。他们把你的行李给漏掉了。 R: 噢,天哪!我该怎么办? Z: 我已经跟桂林机场联系过了,他们说他们非常抱歉,并说将把它装上飞往广州的 下一个航班。 R: 什么时候到这里呢? Z: 今晚 7 点左右。广州机场会把箱子送到您的酒店。 R: 谢谢,张小姐。 Z: 不客气。好了,各位,我们现在准备坐车到您下榻的酒店。请跟我走。 对话四: (Z: 张莉 S: 斯密斯 Smith) S: 噢,我的行李箱破损了。这可是我新买的行李箱。 Z: 别担心,斯密斯太太。请把您的行李卡给我,我们一起去行李查询处办理相关的 手续。 Z: 好了,斯密斯太太,现在您就不用担心了。他们会处理的。 S: 谢谢您,张小姐。 203 中英文导游实训教程


1. 游客在珠江夜游的船上游玩的时候,由于旅游旺季,旅游的人非常的多,游客李 某丢失了自己的相机。你安慰李某,同时让他详细描述相机并让船上的人员帮忙寻找。 2. 某旅行团在广州游览时,团内以为美籍华人不慎丢失了护照,地陪张莉正帮他处 理相关事宜。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 丢失证件的处理(护照、团体签证、通行证等) 30 应变处理 丢失财物的处理 25 丢失行李的处理 25 实训报告 实训心得 20

项目四 游客晕车/船 对话一: (Z: 张莉 R: 罗斯·布莱克 Rose Black) Z: 你没事吧,罗斯? R: 我想我晕车了,我有点想呕吐。 Z: 是吗?给你袋子,如果你想呕吐的话,可以吐在袋子里。你有没有带晕车药? R: 没有,我想我可能也有点累了。 Z: 这样吧,我帮你调整下座位,坐到车头那儿,比较平稳,感觉就会好些。 R: 好的,谢谢你了,张小姐。


1. 旅游团准备坐船离开广州去香港,一位游客告诉你他会晕船。你于是安排他做船 的前部并建议他吃些药。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分 提醒游客 30 应变处理 安排座位 30 请求乘务人员帮忙 20 实训报告 实训心得 20

204 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

项目五 交通事故 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 大家都没事吧? W: 有 2 位游客的头破了,正在流血,其他游客没什么。 Z: 我已经报警了,救护车也在途中;同时,我们旅行社也派来另外一辆旅游车,把 大家接回酒店。 W: 好的,谢谢。 Z: 车上药箱有药棉,我们先帮客人止血吧。 W: 好的。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

报警、组织抢救 20

安抚游客 20 应变处理 处理善后事宜 20

书面报告 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

第三章 住宿与餐饮服务实训 Chapter III Accommodation and F&B Services

模块一 入住服务实训

项目一 游客入住酒店前准备工作实训 对话一:导游打电话到餐厅订餐(A 为导游;B 为餐厅工作人员) A: 你好!请问是天龙餐厅吗? B: 是的,有什么能帮到您的吗? A: 我是广东国旅的导游,我下周一晚有个旅游团过来吃饭,有位置吗? B: 有的,请问怎么称呼您? A: 我姓李! B: 李先生,请问你们团有几位客人? A: 36 位! B: 那我帮你留四围台吧! A: 对了,你们的团餐最低标准是做多少钱一位?

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B: 我们最低是 30 元/位,有 10 个菜,一个老火汤,另外再送个果盘。 A: 如果是 50 元/位,有几个菜? B: 有 12 个菜,一个老火汤,送一个果盘。 A: 哦,那你帮我做 50 元/位。 B: 好的!请问客人是来自哪里的,有没有其他的要求? A: 我的客人都是来自中东的,他们信奉伊斯兰教,所以有猪肉的菜都不要,另外所 有的菜式都按你们餐厅的特色来做就可以了,客人主要想吃当地的口味! B: 好的。另外,李先生,请问你的手机号码是多少?你们下周一晚大概几点用餐? A: 我的手机号码是:18688996688,我们大概晚上 7 点左右到。 B: 好。如果团队情况有变动,请你提前一天告诉我们,多谢支持! A: 好的,谢谢!


1. 广东国旅的地陪张莉为一来自英国的 15 人旅游团打电话去白天鹅宾馆预定房间。 他们打算住 3 晚。 (R: Receptionist, Z: ZhangLi, local guide) R: Guangzhou White Swan Hotel, Reservations. May I help you? Z: Hello, I’d like to reserve some rooms for a tour group. I wonder if you have any vacancies. R: When do you plan to stay here? Z: From the 17th to 20th of this month. R: Wait a minute. Let me check. Z: OK. R: Yes, we have some rooms available. What kind of room would you like, miss? Z: Seven standard rooms and one single room for 15 people. R: OK. That’s seven standard rooms and one single room for 15 people. Z: That’s right. What’s the rate per night? R: RMB680 for a standard room and RMB450 for a single room. Z: Is the breakfast included? R: Oh, yes. May I have your name please? Z: This is Zhang Li, a local guide from CITS Guangdong branch. R: And what’s your phone number? Z: 1365436876. R: All right. So… 7 standard rooms and 1 single room from the 17th to 20th . Z: That’s right. R: Thank you very much. We look forward to see you. Z: Good. Thank you. Good-bye. 2. 到达酒店后,你让行李生把行李送到游客所住楼层。你先和行李生清点行李并签 206 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

名确认,行李生再把行李送到游客所住楼层。你清点无误后,与领队确认并通知所有客 人领取行李。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。

国际上,按照酒店的建筑设备、酒店规模、服务质量、管理水平,通行的旅游酒店 等级可分五等,即五星、四星、三星、二星、一星酒店。 根据酒店的客源分类,可分为商务型酒店,度假型酒店,长住型酒店,会议型酒店, 观光型酒店,经济型酒店,连锁酒店,公寓式酒店。 世界酒店之最: 最豪华的酒店:阿联酋迪拜的阿拉伯塔(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,七星级酒店。 最高的旋转式酒店:瑞士 Allalin 酒店。建在阿尔卑斯山上,海拔 3 500 米。整个酒 店每 1 小时旋转一周,顾客在用餐时,可欣赏阿尔卑斯山周围美景。 首家水下酒店:以色列 RedSeaStars 酒店,于 1993 年开业,顾客在这里就餐时可以 一边吃着新鲜的海鲜,一边观看海底世界。 最奇特的酒店:西班牙 ElBulli 酒店。在这里,顾客可品尝到世界上工艺最独特和最 古怪的丰盛可口食物。 最大的酒店:泰国曼谷 TumNukThai 酒店,其面积有 4 个足球场大,仅中央大厅一 次就可接待 5 000 多名客人。所有服务员都穿着轮滑鞋为顾客服务。 最古老的酒店:巴黎 LeGrandveyour 酒店,建于 1784 年,法国历史上几乎所有最著 名人士都曾经到这家酒店就餐。酒店中所有的饭菜一直保持法国最古老的特色,所有摆 设都是正宗的法国古董。 最小的酒店:芬兰 Kuappi 酒店。这家酒店只有一个单独的小餐厅,餐厅内仅设两个 座位,一次只招待两位顾客。 最漂亮和最雅致的酒店:莫斯科图兰多特酒店。该酒店由世界上数十家著名的设计 公司设计建造,完全是仿古建筑。



评价项目与内容项目 分数 评语 旅行团情况了解 10 客源地食宿习俗文化准备 10 本地食宿习俗文化准备 10 操作内容 与酒店提前沟通能力 10 与就餐地提前沟通能力 10 与旅游团提前沟通能力 10

207 中英文导游实训教程

续表 评价项目与内容项目 分数 评语 思维清晰 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

项目二 游客入住酒店服务实训 对话一: (R: 前台接待员 Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White, 领队) R: 下午好,欢迎入住白天鹅宾馆,我能为诸位做些什么吗? Z: 我叫张莉,是来自广东国旅的地陪。我订了 7 间标准房和 1 间单人房。 R: 请稍等,张小姐,我查看一下到客单。谢谢您的等候。是的,您在这儿预定了房 间。请您为贵团填一下登记表,好吗? Z: 好的。 R: 麻烦出示客人的护照,好吗?我要复印他们的护照。 W: 当然可以,这就是团员的护照。 R: 谢谢。请拿好护照。张小姐,请您确认一下离店日期,好吗? Z: 我们 20 号离店,总共 3 个晚上。 R: 好的。这是房卡和早餐券。 Z: 怀特先生,麻烦您将房卡和早餐券分给团友,好吗? W: 好的。 R: 请问叫醒服务安排在几点? Z: 18、19 和 20 号早上 7 点。 R: 明白了,18、19 和 20 号早上 7 点的叫醒服务。祝你们住店愉快。 Z: 谢谢。 Task 2 Oral practice: Act as Zhang Li, the local guide, to give instruction to the group guests. (Zhang Li, the local guide, gives instruction to the group guests.) Z: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Attention, please. Mr. White has delivered the envelopes to you. Please check whether the envelope bears your name and there is room card and breakfast vouchers in it. Your breakfast is buffet tomorrow. It will be served from 6:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the western restaurant on the first floor. You can hand your breakfast voucher to the waiter or waitress when you arrive there. The morning call is at 7:00 tomorrow morning. The room card is used as the room key. The door of your room locks automatically. Please take the room card with you when you leave your room. You may keep the room card with you until you check out. Please read the emergency instructions on the back of your room door. The nearest emergency exit is shown clearly. The bellman will deliver your luggage to your rooms soon. We 208 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

will meet in the lobby at 6:30 this evening and go by coach to one of the most famous restaurants in Guangzhou, Guangzhou Restaurant, for dinner. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need my help. Please take care of your valuables and your certificates. Enjoy your stay!



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 旅行团抵达酒店 5 办理入住手续 5 介绍酒店设施情况 10 通报当日或次日形成安排 10 操作内容 照顾客人进入房间 5 协助行李入房 5 第一次用餐服务 5 游客入住后各种问题处理 10 叫早时间的约定 5 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

模块二 餐饮服务实训

餐饮服务是导游服务的重要组成部分。游客在旅游目的地就餐过程中,导游员不仅 要能够按照接待计划的要求妥善安排用餐,还应熟练掌握各地方饮食文化,能够在游客 用餐时对菜品的文化内涵、制作方法等加以介绍,使游客既饱口福又饱耳福。此外,导 游员还要具备应付就餐时突发事故的能力,能够在游客的要求下合理安排风味餐、自助 餐等。 项目一 计划内用餐服务实训 对话一:(Z: 张莉,地陪 W: 约翰·怀特 John White, 领队 T: 游客) (18:20:张莉在酒店的大堂等候游客,游客将享用他们到达广州后的第一顿晚餐。 18:30:所有的游客都到了,张莉带领他们上旅游车出发去广州酒家。19:00 到达广州酒家 后,张莉安排游客就坐) Z: 晚上好,女士们,先生们。我们的晚餐马上开始了,请享用。 (游客们开始吃饭了) Z: 布朗先生,鸡肉合你口味吗?

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T1: 非常美味,谢谢张小姐。 Z: 布莱尔太太,饭菜可以吗? T2: 非常好,我特别喜欢蚝油牛肉和蜜汁叉烧。 Z: 太棒了,请继续享用。 T2: 谢谢。 Z: 格林小姐,您觉得饭菜怎么样? T3: 味道好极了,这次我终于吃到正宗的中国菜了。 Z: 哦,是吗?但您用筷子的技巧还挺好的。 T3: 哦,谢谢。我在英国经常吃中餐,所以也学会了使用筷子。 Z: 怀特先生,您对晚餐满意吗? W: 非常满意。谢谢,张小姐。 Z: 很高兴听到您喜欢。请慢用。


1. 游客们非常感兴趣怎样使用筷子,于是你教他们如何用筷子。 参考“知识链接”内容



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 用餐前准备工作 10 饮食、饮食文化介绍 10 操作内容 用餐时服务操作程序 10 处理用餐过程中出现问题能力 20 用餐结束后后续工作处理能力 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10

项目二 风味餐服务实训 对话一 (Z: 张莉,地陪 W: 约翰·怀特 John White,领队 T: 游客) Z: 好了,我们参观完具有岭南建筑特色陈家祠,在参观上下九步行街之前,我们中 午准备去泮溪酒家品尝久负盛名的点心宴。 T1: 什么是点心?

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Z: 点心就是小吃,品种繁多,但中国最好的点心在广州。广东人通常吃点心的时候, 都会喝中国茶。但现在点心除了早餐以外还普及到午餐,晚餐。广东的点心通常 都含有肉、 海鲜和蔬菜,当然也有甜品和水果,放在小盘子或小蒸笼里,由服 务员放在小推车里推到客人面前,由客人自己挑选。 T2: 是吗?太有意思了,我一定要尝尝。 Z: 在广东,老年人都喜欢晨运后,一起去边喝早茶边看报纸。而现在广东人所说的 饮茶,实际上指的是上茶楼饮茶,不仅饮茶,还要吃点心,被视作一种交际的方 式。周末或节假日亲朋好友都喜欢去餐馆饮茶聚会。 W: 我想一定很美味。 Z: 我们马上就到泮溪酒家了,这也是广州著名的餐馆之一,位于荔湾湖旁。好了, 各位,请下车,跟我走……


1. 游客想出去吃风味餐,于是你给他们介绍当地的风味菜。 (Z: Zhang Li, the local guide T: tourist) T: Miss Zhang, we want to try some Chinese delicacies. Could you recommend some? Z: Sure. Which style? Cantonese? Beijing? Sichuan or Shandong? T: I really don’t know much. Could you tell me something about Chinese food? Z: Certainly. Chinese food is divided into eight schools, or say, Famous Eight Cuisines, including Cantonese, Beijing, Sichuan, Hunan, Shandong cuisines and more. Cantonese cuisine is a little light, most Sichuan dishes have a strong and spicy taste, Shanghai food is rather oily and Beijing cooking prefers salty and spicy flavors. T: That’s great. I’d like to have a taste of all. But maybe I’ll try Cantonese food this time. Z: Cantonese cooking is popular for its lightly cooked dishes and their original flavors. I recommend you roast sucking pig, steamed chicken, salt-baked chicken, scallop balls, steamed perch, snake dishes and more. T: Thank you. I will have a try. Z: I hope you can enjoy it.


粤菜,即广东地方风味菜,是我国著名四大菜系之一,它以特有的菜式和韵味,独 树一帜,以“食在广州”的声誉驰名中外。 粤菜由广州菜、潮州菜、东江菜组成,而以广州菜为代表。粤菜食谱绚丽多姿, 烹调法技艺精良,并以其用料广博而著称。较为常见的广州菜色有白切鸡、白灼海 虾、明炉乳猪、挂炉烧鸭、蛇羹、油泡虾仁、红烧大裙翅、清蒸海鲜、虾籽扒婆参 等…… 211 中英文导游实训教程

“食在广州”还离不开广东饮茶。“饮茶”,实际上指的是上茶楼(习惯叫茶居)饮茶。 饮茶离不开茶、点心、粥、粉、面,还有一些小菜。不仅饮茶,还要吃点心(作为早餐); 不仅饮早茶,还要饮下午茶、夜茶;不仅填饱肚皮,还顺便传播新闻、叙说友情、洽谈 生意。可见,广州人的饮茶实际上是一种社会交际的方式。这些饮食风俗已经超出“吃” 的范畴,成为广东的饮食文化。 广州十大名点、小吃: 广州拉肠粉、干蒸烧卖仔、传统沙河粉、泮塘马蹄糕、荔湾艇仔粥、蚝皇叉烧包、 荷香糯米鸡、酥皮鸡蛋挞、鲜虾云吞面、薄皮鲜虾饺 广州十大名菜: 八宝冬瓜盅、广式烧乳猪、上汤焗龙虾、白切鸡、红烧乳鸽、老火靓汤、香滑鱼球、 脆皮烧鹅、清蒸海河鲜、糖醋咕噜肉



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语

风味餐餐前准备工作 10

特色菜肴、饮食文化介绍 10

操作内容 用餐时服务操作程序 10

处理用餐过程中出现问题能力 20

用餐结束后后续工作处理能力 10

实训心得 10

工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10

要点准确 10

模块三 入住就餐期间特殊事件处理实训

项目一 游客住宿特殊要求 对话一:对话练习(参考译文): (Z: 张莉 R: 罗斯·布莱克 Rose Black M: 经理) Z: 晚上好,罗斯,有什么问题吗? R: 我也不想打扰你,可我真的无法忍受了。 Z: 罗斯,究竟是怎么回事? R: 我需要换房间。我从没见过比这更恶心的房间! Z: 那么是房间没打扫? R: 当然没有。我刚到的时候,房间没有打扫,我以为他们很快会打扫干净,所以就 212 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

算了。结果,现在吃晚饭回来,还是乱七八糟的。 Z: 很抱歉听到这样的事。让我跟前台联系一下。(过了一会儿) Z: 罗斯,他们对于由此给你带来的不便深表歉意。他们会给你换个房间。噢,经理 来了。 M: 小姐,非常对不起,我向您深表歉意,我们准备把您安排到别的房间去。我派一 个行李生去帮您搬行李。 R: 谢谢。 M: 如果还需要什么别的东西,请告诉我们。 R: 谢谢。张小姐,也谢谢你。 Z: 不客气。


“十一”期间,广东国旅组织了一个去桂林地 4 日游的旅游团,合同约定住宿标准为 “二星级饭店、双人标准间、独立卫生间”。到达目的地后,地陪介绍此行将要下榻的是 评上二星级的一家老饭店,到达后李某安排客人入住,其中两位客人认为该饭店虽然 是原约定的,但是没有热水、空调,不符合二星级标准,因而拒绝入住,地陪耐心解 释,节日期间住房紧张,希望客人谅解并愿意对饭店未达到服务标准的部分给予补偿。 (提示): 1. 导游先介绍酒店的基本设施 2. 游客入住后不满意,投诉 3. 酒店经理解释说明,并同意提供其它免费服务作为补偿。



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 游客要求调换饭店处理 10 游客要求调换房间处理 10 游客要求住单间处理 10 操作内容 游客要求延长住店时间处理 10 游客要求购买饭店房中物品处理 10 游客未收到行李处理 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10 总分

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项目二 游客就餐特殊要求 对话一: (Z: 张莉,地陪 W: 约翰·怀特 John White, 领队 T: 游客) (晚餐后,张莉准备带客人回酒店休息) Z: 各位,晚上好。你们对晚餐满意吗? Ts: 非常好,谢谢你的安排。中餐非常美味。但我们想吃一顿西餐解解馋,安慰一下 我们的胃口。 Z: 这叫“文化撞击”。只要在中国呆上一个星期,很多游客都有这种感受。 W: 我也有同样的感受。张小姐,那么明天您能否安排我们吃一顿西餐呢? Z: 我尽量安排吧。但如果中西餐之间有差价,恐怕得由你们自己来支付。 W & Ts: 没问题。谢谢您,张小姐。


一旅游团在广州白云宾馆餐厅吃来华的第一顿饭。地陪张莉按照合同规定给游客上 了 8 菜 1 汤。这时,2 位游客向张莉投诉说他们是佛教徒不吃肉并要求张莉给他们另外安 排餐饮。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语 游客特殊饮食要求处理处理 20 游客要求换餐处理 10 操作内容 游客要求单独用餐处理 10 游客要求房内用餐处理 10 游客要求提前或延迟用餐处理 10 实训心得 10 工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10 要点准确 10 总分

项目三 安全事故 对话一: (Z: 张莉,地陪 A: 史密斯先生 Mr Smith B: 史密斯夫人 Mrs Smith) (一名游客焦急地打电话给地陪。) 214 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

A: 张小姐,你能帮帮我吗? Z: 当然。出什么事了? A: 我妻子在浴室内滑倒了。她现在站不起来。 那真是太不幸了!别担心,史密斯先生,我立刻找人过来帮忙。 A: 好的。 (张莉冲进了浴室。) Z: 史密斯女士,您现在感觉怎样? B: 哦,我的左膝真的很痛。 (史密斯先生和张莉将史密斯女士扶上床。) Z: 您觉得这样舒服一点吗? B: 感觉好些。 Z: 一切都会没事的,史密斯女士。我会找个医生过来。您放松些。 (医生证实这是一个轻微的损伤,没有骨折或脑震荡。) A: 我的妻子没有摔断腿,真是太幸运了。谢谢您的帮助。 Z: 您太客气了。我希望史密斯女士很快好起来。


Make a dialogue according to the following situation. 1. 某酒店中餐厅接待了一个旅游团用餐。客人用餐后不久,一些游客就开始出现腹 痛、恶心、呕吐、头晕等不良反应。导游知悉后立即将此情况反映给该酒店经理,并要 求将这些游客送往附近医院检查,经医院诊断为食物中毒。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。



评价项目与内容项目 分 数 评 语

酒店发生火灾处理 20

操作内容 游客进食后不适处理 20

游客住宿期间发生意外处理 20

实训心得 10

工作细则明确 10 实训报告 有条理性 10

要点准确 10


215 中英文导游实训教程

第四章 参观游览服务实训 Chapter IV Services of Visiting the Scenic Spot

模块一 参观游览服务实训

项目一 沿途讲解 对话一: (Z: 张莉 T: 游客) (张莉帮助游客上车并清点人数) Z: 各位团友,早安。我先介绍今天的行程。首先我们去参观越秀公园,然后去西汉 南粤王博物馆。午餐后,我们去参观中山纪念堂和陈家祠。18:30 分在泮溪吃晚 餐。之后我们去北京路购物,21 点 30 分左右回酒店。现在我们就出发去越秀公 园。 T1: 越秀公园在哪里? Z: 在广州的中心,广州火车站附近。从酒店到那里大约需要 20 分钟。 T1: 越秀公园有什么特色? Z: 在公园里面有广州的标志五羊石像,还有镇海楼,又名五层楼,和广州唯一的古 城墙等等。 T2: 那陈家祠又是什么呢? Z: 陈家祠,又名陈氏书院,是从前陈姓人家供奉祖先用的祠堂,又是陈氏子弟读书 求学的学堂。 T2: 太有意思了。 T3: 看!那边的建筑物是什么? Z: 这就是西汉南粤王博物馆。我们参观完越秀公园后就去那里。我们到了。


1. 来自加拿大的旅游团正坐车开始一天的行程,你在车上给他们做沿途导游介绍。 2. 简单介绍你所在城市,包括地理位置、城市概况(历史沿革、行政区划分、人口、 气候、社会生活、文化传统、土特产品等)、以及风光概况。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目二 景点讲解服务实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 Ts: 游客) Z: 各位团友,在广州的游览一定使大家感触很深,这会儿,也许有人还在惊叹中山 纪念堂独特的建筑;回味五羊城美丽的传说。现在,我将领各位去一座已有 100

216 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

多年历史的中华建筑精品——陈家祠。我们马上到达陈家祠了。请记住我们的旅 行车的型号、标志、车号。我们的车牌号码是 12345。我们的车会停在陈家祠后 面的停车场。5 点 45 分我们在这里上车去用晚餐。 Ts: 好的。 Z: 各位,陈家祠到了,请带上自己的贵重物品随我下车。我们将会参观陈家祠,大 约需 2 个小时。我们 5 点 45 分在停车场上车去用晚餐。由于花园很大,请照顾 好你们的小孩。好了,我们走吧。位于广州中山七路的陈家祠建成于 1894 年, 是从前陈姓人家供奉祖先用的祠堂。中国有句俗话:“同姓一家亲,五百年前是 一家”;所以,广东省 72 个县姓陈的人家集体捐资兴建了这座祠堂,以供奉他们 的共同祖先,并作为他们在喜庆或其他场合进行宗族活动的地方。陈家祠又名陈 氏书院,又是陈氏子弟读书求学的学堂。1959 年辟为广东民间艺术博物馆。 T: 为什么现在称“广东民间工艺博物馆”? Z: 因为在建筑装饰艺术上,陈家祠集广东民间工艺之大成,被誉为“岭南艺术建筑 明珠”,故 1959 年辟为广东民间艺术博物馆。现在请跟我继续参观。 对话二: (Z: 张莉 Ts: 游客) Z: 这里就是北京路了。 T1: 多漂亮的街道哦! Z: 是哦。北京路一直以来都是广州最古老和繁华的地区。在某种意义上,你可以 说广州就是从这里发展起来的。 T2: 北京路有什么特别? Z: 像我刚才所提到,北京路是广州的中心,同时也是一本你可以了解广州历史的 古书。在北京路下面是自南汉以来共五朝 11 层的路面和宋代拱北楼基址,如今 为展示千年古道的独特韵味,特敞开两个窗口浓缩再现广州古城商都的历史, 盖上玻璃罩,使之成为一个“开放的博物馆”。 T3: 北京路也是商业街,对吗? Z: 是的,没错。它是广州著名的商业街之一。北京路长 440 米,两边商铺林立。 从时装、皮具、小吃……应有仅有。 T3: 能和这里的小商贩砍价吗? Z: 当然可以。 T4: 我最好还是砍砍价。一般我们能砍多少钱? Z: 我不很清楚。我想价格一般是开价的四分之三左右吧。 T4: 太好了。


位于广州中山七路的陈家祠建成于 1894 年,是从前陈姓人家供奉祖先用的祠堂。中 国有句俗话:“同姓一家亲,五百年前是一家”;所以,广东省 72 个县姓陈的人家集体捐 资兴建了这座祠堂,以供奉他们共同的祖先,并作为他们在喜庆或其他场合进行宗族活

217 中英文导游实训教程

动的地方。 陈家祠又名陈氏书院,又是陈氏子弟读书求学的学堂,在建筑装饰艺术上,陈家祠 集广东民间工艺之大成,被誉为“岭南艺术建筑明珠”,故 1959 年辟为广东民间艺术博 物馆。 陈家祠是广东省现存的宗祠中最宏伟的建筑群,占地 15 000 平方米,主体建筑面积 6 400 平方米;其建筑风格为中国传统的廊院建筑,采用中轴对称的布局,即在中轴线上 建主要殿堂,两侧配以相互对称的厢房;各殿堂之间有庭院相隔,用回廊相连。除实体 砖墙外,各厅房采用大型落地屏风或格构板墙与庭院分隔,在艺术上收到大小、高低、 明暗、虚实的对比效果。 陈家祠的另一建筑特点是硬山墙结构,屋顶“双檐滴水”。这是过去民房及此类庙堂 的传统建筑形式。旧中国封建等级制度森严,房屋建筑的大小、高度、颜色甚至屋顶的 式样都必须与主人的社会地位相称;这就是为什么过去皇宫内两侧供卫兵和奴婢使用的 房子均为矮小灰暗的平房,而中间的则为红墙瓦高大雄伟的庑殿式建筑(“四檐滴水”)。 陈家祠在建筑装饰艺术上具有浓厚的广东地方色彩。该祠从上至下,从里到外,无 论是柱、檐、脊、台阶、门窗等都饰以木雕、砖雕、石雕、陶塑、灰塑或铁铸构件等工 艺品。这些工艺品不仅起到艺术装饰的作用,而且广罗各种历史、神话故事,一些花鸟 虫兽、鱼、飞禽走兽雕塑及其构成的图案隐寓各种意义:如牡丹代表富贵,莲花(并蒂 莲)代表夫妻恩爱,狮子代表权力与尊严等等。


简单介绍你所在城市的著名建筑物,着重介绍其位置、建筑风格、结构及特色等。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目三 购物实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 Ts: 游客 A: 售货员) Z: 各位游客,我们刚参观完南风古灶,也参与了玩陶、烧陶,想不想买点相关的纪 念品回家送给亲朋好友? Ts: 这正是我们想要的。我们在哪里能买到相关的纪念品呢? Z: 在这附近有一条街叫石湾公仔街,那里的商店售卖各种各样的陶艺品。其中最出 名的就是俗称为“石湾公仔”的陶塑人物了。“石湾公仔”以其色彩斑斓、别具 神韵而而独树一帜。 T1: 哦,那我一定要去看看。 (一游客来到其中一间商店) T1: 张小姐,下个月是我父母结婚 30 周年纪念,我想给他们送份礼物。 Z: 这对老夫妇的陶公仔怎样? T1: 我看看。哎呀,这太漂亮了,他们相互看着对方的眼神充满了爱。(对售货员) 请问这对夫妇公仔多少钱? 218 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

A: 200 元。 T1: 能打个折吗? A: 很抱歉,我们店不还价。 T1: 那好吧,给你钱。你能帮我把公仔包起来吗? A: 没问题。


1. 一对外国夫妇正在瓷器店里买花瓶。作为地陪,你给他们介绍茶具、一套蓝白餐 具和花瓶的特点。这些都是在中国的瓷都——景德镇制造的,被称为薄胎瓷器。它们不 但具有装饰性,而且实用,非常珍贵。但它们易碎,需要小心处理。

Dialogue 1

(A: Shop assistant B: Mr Bell C: Mrs Bell) A: You’ve made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. There are few others like it. C: It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I’ve been dreaming of. B: Jingdezhen?Oh I know it. Isn’t it called “the capital of porcelain”? A: Yes, sir. Is there anything else you want, sir and madam? B: (Points to a set of blue and white porcelain tableware) It’s of perfect Chinese traditional design, isn’t it? A: Yes, indeed. It is the best quality porcelain-the famous egg-shell china. It is not for use, but for show. It is also made in Jingdezhen. B: Oh, it must be most precious. Can I have a look? A: Yes, sir. It is known to be “as white as jade and as thin as paper” B: No wonder it’s so expensive. I’ll take it. A: Shall I wrap them together or separately? C: Separately, please. What do they come to in round figures? A: Altogether 356 yuan. C: Here is 360 yuan. A: (Counting money) Sir, there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan, so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it, sir? B: I’m awfully sorry. I’ve made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here’s another thirty yuan.

Dialogue 2

(A: shop assistant B: Mr Jones C: Mrs Jones) B: (to A) Where do these flower vases come from?What are they made of? A: They come from Jiangxi Province. The flower vases are made of porcelain and covered with tiny bamboo sticks. 219 中英文导游实训教程

B: Are they breakable? A: No, if you take some care when you use them. B: Oh, I see. (to C) Do you like such animals woven with bamboo sticks? C: Let me see. Lions, camels, elephants, deer… I like the camels best. (to A) Are they light in weight? A: Yes, they are. They are not only ornamental, but also useful. You can put things inside. You see, you can take the lid off. C: Well, we’ll buy a camel.

2. 一对外国夫妇正在工艺品店里选购纪念品。他们想买一块艺术挂毯装饰他们的房 间。作为地陪,你给客人介绍挂毯的特点。重点在挂毯的景色、新式竹子图案和完美的 手工刺绣。

Dialogue A:

(A: Shop assistant B: Mr Stone C: Mrs Stone) B: look, Maggie. These tapestries are beautiful!Don’t you think we could use one to decorate our room? C: All right. (Looking at the price tags) Oh, a bit too much! A: Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art, an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. Considering the fine craftsmanship they are worth much more. B: I agree. Is this the marvelous landscape in Guilin?What a lovely tapestry!We are going to Guilin in two days-this tapestry is really impressive. C: I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry. A: Which do you prefer, the linen one, the figured dacron or the brocade? C: The brocade, please. How much is one piece? A: Sixty yuan and sixty fen. C: Too expensive. You haven’t anything cheaper, have you? A: Yes, we have. Here, please have a look at the hand-embroidered one with a new design of bamboo. C: What fine needlework!What’s the price? A: Forty yuan and fifty fen. B: IS this the sale price? A: No, it isn’t, sir. They are all first-class goods. We have price tags on each of them. Our shop holds a one price policy. We are not allowed to change the price at will. C: I see. I’ll take two then. Henry, you like them? B: Yes, I do. Eh, could you send them to our room? A: Certainly, sir. Please write down your name and your room number. 220 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

Dialogue B:

(A: Shop assistant B: Tourist) A: Are you being served, sir? B: I’d like to buy a medium-sized cloisonné vase with a light blue background. A: I’m sorry, sir. They are sold out. We only have some big ones now, but we are expecting to have some tomorrow. B: Oh, I am leaving China tomorrow. I don’t think I have much time. A: Could you go to the Shanghai Friendship Store and get it there? B: Let me see. How much is the big one? A: One hundred and eighty yuan. B: That sounds reasonable. Will you show me some? A: Yes, sir. How would you like this one?The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds. B: It’s attractive. I’ll take a pair. I am sure my wife will like them. A: Yes. I’m sure she will, sir. B: Can you pack the vases and send them to New York by mail for me? A: Yes, sir. Please write your name and address on this slip. B: OK. How much should I pay then? A: Four hundred yuan altogether, including the postage and the charge for the packing. You know, we’ll have to make a special box. B: All right. Here’s the money. A: Thank you.

Dialogue C:

(A: Shop assistant B: Mr Smith C: Mrs Smith) C: (to B) Come here, John, do you like the eggs?(to A) Are they made of real eggs? A: They’re made of egg shells. The yolk and white are taken off. B: Let me see…. A pair of eggs is sold at two yuan and fifty fen. It’s not expensive, Is it, Joan? C: No, I think we’ll take two pairs. B: The small screens look lovely. (to A) What are they made from? A: They are made from different materials-dolomite, tough silk, organdie, etc. The frames are made of mahogany. The designs are painted by hand. B: (to C) Shall we take one? C: I think so. But shall we buy some fans? B: Yes. (to A) Are these all sandal fans? A: Not all of them. Some are made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with scent sprayed on. 221 中英文导游实训教程

Those made of real sandalwood are much more expensive. C: May I take a smell of them and compare which one I like better. A: Yes, please. Here you are. (After smelling them) C: This one smells better. I’ll take this and buy a feather fan. Please show me some. A: Yes, this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. C: I’ll take both of them. Please put all things I selected to-get her and tell me how much do I owe you? A: Just a moment, please. I’ll figure them out.

3. 一对外国夫妇正在丝绸店里选购丝绸产品。他们想买些中国绸缎做中式服装。作 为地陪,你给他们介绍中国绸缎的特点,重点在其颜色、洗涤方法;并帮助他们量身。

Dialogue A:

(A: Shop assistant B: Mr. Smith C: Mrs. Smith) B: (to C) You want to buy some Chinese silk and satin, don’t you? C: Yes, I do. Let’s have a look at the counter. Oh, they are very beautiful! B: (to A) IS it made of pure Chinese silk? A: Yes, it is. It’s velvety and the colour is brilliant. C: Is the colour fast? A: Yes, it is. C: Is it washable? A: Yes, it is. But you have to be careful. You can only wash it in lukewarm water. Don’t rub. Just use soapy water and rinse well. C: What’s the width? A: It’s two feet and four inches wide. C: I want to make a Chinese fashion coat. How many feet should I buy? A: Let me take a measurement and calculate. Seven feet will be enough. C: By the way, what is the brand? A: Double Horse. C: Oh, it, s a famous brand. A: Yes, it is well received the world over. C: How much would that come to? A: It costs you only twenty five yuan and fifty fen. C: All right. I’ll take this. B: (to C) Jone, there is the satin suitable for making cushion covers there. C: I think the pink one is quite good. Ask the shop assistant to cut a pair for us. B: Very well. (to A) Have you any fur coat on sale? A: Sorry, we don’t sell fur coats. You’d better visit the Shanghai Friendship Store and see 222 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

whether they sell Chinese fur coats. C: Do you sell lace? A: Yes. The counter is over there. Let me show you the way. C: Thanks a lot. A: Not at all. Dialogue B: (A: Shop assistant B: oustomer) A: Good afternoon, madam. Anything I can do for you? B: Good afternoon. Will you show me some silk fabrics, please? A: Yes, madam. We have many kinds of silk fabrics, There are Suzhou brocade and gauze… B: Do you have natural silk fabrics? A: Certainly, madam. We have brocade of natural silk and figured satin of natural silk. Which do you prefer, madam? B: I want brocade. Will you please let me have a look at the best you have? A: Yes, madam. Which color would like to have, dark or light? B: I like light colors. A: Here is a light one. It’s orange. Will this do? B: Oh, it seems a bit too loud. Will you show me something else? A: Yes, madam. What about this color? B: This one is fine. No wonder Chinese silk is so famous all over the world. A: Well, China is the cradle of silk fabrics. B: OK. Please give me two metres, if I’m not mistaken, that’s equal to six Chinese chi. Am I right?(laughs) A: Yes, madam. You’re very good at figures. B: Thank you. Er, I wonder if the silk piece’s color won’t go off. A: As a matter of fact, all the materials here are colorfast. But please wash it in lukewarm soap water and rinse well. Don’t rub or wring it.

项目四 参观返程实训 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White T: 游客) Z: 人都到齐了吗? W: 是的。 Z: 我们可以走了吗? W: 可以。 Z: (对司机)我们可以走了,王师傅。(对游客)各位团友,今天的行程怎样? T1: 太有趣,太令人兴奋了。陈家祠的建筑风格给我留下深刻的印象,尤其是那些装 223 中英文导游实训教程

饰。那叫什么? Z: 石雕、砖雕、灰塑、陶塑和木雕。 T1: 对了,就是这了。他们太宏伟了。你的解说也非常棒。 Z: 谢谢。能为你们解说是我的荣幸。(对其他游客) Z: 今天怎样,布莱尔小姐? T2: 我有点累了,但我真的很喜欢在北京路购物。 Z: 我能明白。谢谢。好了,女士们先生们,我现在跟大家讲讲明天的行程安排。明 天早上 7 点我们在一楼的西餐厅吃早餐,8 点出发。早餐后我会在大堂等你们。 明早我们去参观六榕寺和光孝寺,下午去参观广东省博物馆和花城广场。晚餐后 坐船夜游珠江。好了,现在你们可以稍稍休息下。


1. 一个新西兰旅游团结束一天的行程,正回酒店。你在车上给他们讲明天的安排。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。

模块二 特殊事件处理技巧

项目一 游客走失 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 Tohn White H: 黄宏 T: 游客) T: 张小姐,我找不到我的爸爸。他告诉我上洗手间,但我等了很久,不见他回来。 于是我尝试去找他,但是这里太大了,我找不到他。 Z: 别担心。我们帮你找。怀特先生,黄小姐,你们能帮忙找史密斯先生吗?我向当 地派出所和景点管理部门求助。我们在这集合点见。 W & H: 好的,没问题。 (一会儿之后) W: 我找不到他。 H: 我也找不到。 T: 噢,我该怎么办呢? Z: 别担心,我刚给酒店打过电话,史密斯先生自己回酒店了。 T: 真的吗? Z: 是真的。史密斯先生先生说他去完洗手间后,就找不到我们。由于这里太大,人 太多,他就自己坐出租车回酒店等我们了。 T: 真的谢谢你们。


1. 在游览越秀公园时,格林夫妇 8 岁的儿子走失了。你问清楚格林夫妇什么时候在 什么地方发现不见了儿子,然后让领队和全陪分头去寻找而你继续带领其他游客游览。 224 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目二 游客生病 对话一: (Z: 张莉,地陪 W: 约翰·怀特 John White,领队 H: 黄宏,全陪 T: 游客) T1: 啊!我的太太晕倒了。 Z: 她怎么啦,格林先生? T1: 我想她可能中暑了。今天非常热,她忍受不了炎热的天气。 Z: 快,黄小姐。叫救护车。怀特先生,帮我把她放在陈家祠的大门口前,那里凉快 些。 (对格林先生) Z: 格林先生,你有没有防暑药物? T1: 没有。我该怎么做? Z: 不用担心。救护车马上来。给她喝点水吧。 T1: 给你。 W: 看!她醒过来了。格林太太,你好点吗? T2: 好些了。 H: 救护车来了。格林先生,虽然格林太太好些了,但最好还是把她送去医院。 T1: 没错,谢谢你们。


1. 游客在西藏旅游途中忽然发烧感冒,病情很严重。你马上送病人到最近的医院并 通知旅行社派人协助。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。 项目三 治安事件 对话一: (Z: 张莉 T: 游客 D: 司机) Z: (对司机)师傅,发生什么事了? D: 一辆车碰到我们的车了,现在他们要我们赔偿,私了。 Z: 我们不能私了,要马上报警,同时也不能开车门,以保护游客的安全。 D: 是的,我马上报警,你去安抚游客。 Z: (对游客)各位游客,我们的车发生了些碰撞,现在师傅已经报警处理了,但为 了我们的安全,我们不要下车,警察会很快来处理事情的了。 T: 那我们要等多久? Z: 请放心。我们的警察马上就到,很快就会处理完的。

225 中英文导游实训教程

第五章 送团服务实训 Chapter V Seeing Off a Tour Group

模块一 送团流程实训

项目一 送团前流程实训

1. 航空客运 民航航班有三种:固定航班、加班飞行和包机。固定航班是按照班期时刻表固定日 期、时刻、航线和机型的飞行;加班飞行是根据实际需要在固定航班之外增加的航次; 包机飞行则是按照客户要求在现有航线上或现有航线以外进行的专用飞行。 乘坐飞机旅行应凭客人有效证件(如居民身份证、护照)购买机票。机票只限本人 使用,有效期一年。凡已订妥日期、航班和机座的机票叫 OK 票;未定日期、机座的机 票叫 OPEN 票,须提前办理订座手续。持往返机票和联程机票的团队,导游应在中转地 按照航空公司规定的期限办理机票的再确认手续,以免电脑自动清洗订票记录,造成团 队无法登机的后果。 游客乘机应缴纳机场建设费和燃油附加费。目前上述费用已包含在机票中,导游不 再单独收取。 2. 国际时差 统一时间、调整时差是导游带团的基本要求。国际上通常以经过英国格林威治天文 台的 0 经度线为标准,将地球划分为东西各 12 个时区,每个时区 15 个经度,为 1 小时, 两个时区间相差 1 小时,这就是各国的“地方时”。如果一个国家的地域横跨 2 个以上时 区,该国可以确定以某一个时区的时间为全国标准时间。譬如中国跨了 5 个时区,就以 北京所在的东八区时间作为全国的标准时间,叫北京时间。 当游客跨时区旅行时,为便于与当地时间同步,就涉及时差的调整问题。具体讲, 欧洲地区实际时间比中国晚,所以欧洲客人到中国旅行,应将时间向前拨,如巴黎、柏 林位于东一区,北京为东八区,相差 7 个小时,当巴黎、柏林客人到成都来,就必须将 时间向前拨 7 个小时;相反,时区比中国早的国家如日本、韩国、泰国客人到中国来旅 行,就应该将时间向后拨。如东京、汉城和曼谷时间 13 时,应是北京时间 12 时。导游 带团中还应注意,欧美游客入境时,由于时差相差太大,应安排客人倒时差;亚洲(如 各省市接待较多的泰国、马来西亚、日、韩客人)与我们只有 1、2 个小时的差别,就没 有必要倒时差了。 实训考核:考核旅游接待送团计划部分、导游旗、导游胸卡是否带齐;结账单是否 按要求填写好等。

226 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

全面熟悉离站步骤 10

对住宿情况的分析 10

对餐饮情况的分析 10

操作内容 对交通情况的分析 10

对景区情况的分析 10

对其他情况的分析 10

落实相关事宜 20

实训报告 实训心得 20

项目二 离店服务实训 对话一: (张莉收集齐游客的房卡后,正在办理离店手续) (R: 前台服务员 Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White B: 珍妮·布莱尔 Jenny Black) Z: 劳驾,我们想办理离店手续。 R: 好的。请给我房卡。 R: 七间标准房和一间单人房,住了三个晚上。 Z: 是的,没错。 R: 好的。总共 32 000 元。我把账单打印出来给您。这是您的账单,您需要检查下 吗? Z: 噢,这里错了。不应该有洗衣服的费用。麻烦您帮我查一下哪个房间洗过衣服? R: 我帮您查查。哦,是 403 房。洗衣服的费用是 200 元。 Z: 谢谢。麻烦稍等下。(对领队约翰·怀特说)请问谁住在 403 房? W: 哦,是珍妮·布莱尔,有什么事吗? Z: 她让酒店帮她洗衣服了,洗衣服的费用是 200 元。她应该付这个费用。 W: 是吗?我告诉她。 B: 不好意思,我完全把这事给忘了。是的,我前晚让酒店帮我洗过衣服。这费用应 该由我来付。一共多少钱? Z: 200 元。 B: 给你钱。真对不起。 Z: 没事。(对前台服务员说)这是洗衣服的钱。 R: 谢谢。这是您的发票。祝您旅途愉快。


1. 你在为一澳洲旅行团办理离店手续,前台服务员告诉你说 308 号房间的杯子不

227 中英文导游实训教程

见了,你去问住该房的客人是什么一回事。结果是客人昨晚把杯子打碎了,客人愿意 赔偿。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。



实训项目 要 求 得 分 程序安排合理 10 着装整洁得体 10 票据准备齐全 10 办理离店手续 时间落实准确 10 现场状况控制良好 10 酒店退房手续办理恰当 10 办理手续时间控制恰当 10 组织等车及时 10 办理离店手续 账单填写正确 10 实训心得 10 总 分 100

项目三 欢送词实训 对话一: (刘先生,东方旅游团的中国导游,晚饭后正准备发表欢送词和向团队介绍出境安排。) (A: 刘先生 B: 史密斯先生,美国领队) B: 各位,请注意,刘先生有话要跟我们说。请认真听。 A: 女士们,先生们: 你们的中国之旅即将结束了。11 天前我们第一次相遇时,还彼此陌生,然而今天当 我们要离别时却已成为朋友。正如中国的一句古语所说:“天下没有不散的宴席”。谢谢 你们对我工作的关心。谢谢你们对中国感兴趣。我现在跟大家讲一讲明天的出境安排。 首先,我们会清点行李。明天早上 7 点请将你们要托运的行李放在你们房间门口。行李 员会将它们收集好。其次,叫醒服务是在 6 点 15 分。早餐是 7 点到 7 点半在二楼的西餐 厅。明早 7 点 45 分开车去机场。我希望每个人都在开车前上车。如果您还有剩余的人民 币可以在机场银行换成美元。由于我们明早走的早,请在今晚结清其他费用。如果您的 托运行李超重,请准备好超重费,这家航空公司对行李超重和安检管理相当严格。如果 你没有物品申报就不用填写海关申报单。最后强调一下,请大家一定将护照和机票随身 带好。如果你还有任何问题,请咨询我。再次谢谢你们。祝你们回家途中一路顺风。希

228 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

望我们能再次相遇。 对话二: 女士们,先生们: 你们广东之旅很快就要结束了。在过去的 10 天里,你们参观了岭南建筑的代表陈家 祠,佛山的陶瓷工厂,肇庆美丽的自然风光,还在广州品尝了最好的广东菜…… 然而,现在是你们回家和家人团聚的时候了。在这离别的时刻,我想说我和一群很 好的团友度过了一个美好的旅程。过去 10 天,我很荣幸能和你们在一起。我衷心希望你 们在这里玩得开心,将来的一天你们会再来旅游观光。如果需要我们为你的旅程提供帮 助,请随时联系我们。我感谢你们在过去 10 天对我们工作的合作和支持,使我们的工作 得以顺利进行。 10 天前我们相遇时还彼此陌生,然而今天当我们要离别时却已成为朋友。我希望你 们把在中国快乐的旅游记忆带回家,欢迎再来中国旅游。 我再次感谢你们对我工作的合作和支持。 一路平安!


实训项目 要 求 得 分

至欢送词 语言编写流畅 10

语言的生动性 10

语言的特色性 10

语言的创意性 10

语言的灵活性 10

程序安排合理 10

着装整洁得体 10

语速适中 10

普通话标准 10

感情真切 10

总 分 100


给一个即将结束 20 天中国之旅的加拿大旅游团致欢送词。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。

229 中英文导游实训教程

项目四 机场离境手续办理实训 对话一: (C: 验票员 T: 游客) C: 请出示您的机票和护照。 T: 给您。 C: 请问您要靠窗座位还是过道位呢? T: 靠窗座位。 C: 先生您有几件行李要托运? T: 三件。这个小包能作为手提行李拿上飞机吗? C: 可以的。不好意思,先生。您的行李超重了,我得向你收超重费。 T: 没问题,我应该付多少钱? C: 450 元。 T: 好的,给您。 C: 谢谢。这是您的机票、登机牌和行李牌。 T: 谢谢。




项目 要 求 分数 得分 评语 着装 5 仪表 礼貌 5 仪容 面部表情 5 全面 5 切题 5 层次 5 欢送词 新颖 5 自然 5 正确 5 思维清晰 5 反应敏捷 5 突发事件处 要点准确 5 理能力流程 熟练程度 工作细则明确 5 有条理 5 账单清楚 5 总体 职业化 10 印象 有创新 10 总分

230 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文

模块二 后续工作处理实训


1. 送团结束后,客人乘坐飞机返程,地陪小云收到酒店的电话,她带领的团队有人 遗留了一个笔记本电脑,小云该怎么做? 2. 送团后,有游客打电话给地陪小云,希望她可以帮助他买一些中药材,然后帮他 邮寄过去,小云该怎么做? 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。

模块三 特殊事件处理技巧

项目一 误机事件 对话一: (Z: 张莉 W: 约翰·怀特 John White) Z: 很抱歉,怀特先生,我们误机了,恐怕你们要在广州多待一天。 W: 不是您的错误,张小姐。我们都能理解。 Z: 谢谢你们的理解。我已经通知了我们的旅行社,安排好你们明天的活动和机票。 W: 谢谢您为我们所做的一切。 Z: 不客气。我们来谈谈明天的行程,好吗? W: 好的。 Z: 明天早上我们去参观……


要 求 得 分

程序安排合理 10

着装整洁得体 10

票据准备齐全 10

时间落实准确 10

实训项目 现场状况控制良好 10

误机手续办理恰当 10

办理手续时间控制恰当 10

准确带领游客进入安全门 10

账单填写正确 10

实训心得 10

总 分 100

231 中英文导游实训教程

项目二 应对投诉 对话一: (Z: 张莉,地陪 Ts: 游客) Ts: 张小姐,我们也不想打扰你,但我们实在是忍受不了了。 Z: 有什么问题呢? Ts: 你也知道,现在是八月份,天气很热。但是我们的旅游大巴的空调不能制冷,我 们在里面几乎不能呼吸。我们要求换一辆车。 Z: 非常遗憾,我和司机检查下。 (一会儿之后) Z: 非常抱歉,请接受我的道歉。经过和旅行社商量,他们明天会派另一辆车过来。 Ts: 越快越好,不过还是要谢谢你。 Z: 不客气。


1. 游客向全陪投诉,投诉地陪在带团的过程中,没有经得他们的同意,擅自多加购 物点,没有按照旅游计划行事。 该项目的练习部分由学生结合实训项目所给的“中英文对话模板”及相关词汇和句 型,自由组合编写“英语对话”,然后在同学中展开口语训练来完成,无参考答案。


评价项目与内容 分 数 得 分

倾听投诉 20

应变处理 分析原因 30

处理办法 30

实训报告 实训心得 20

第六章 导游心理素质实训 Chapter Ⅵ Psychological Training


232 Appendix(附录) 参考答案及参考译文 参 考 书 目 [1] 马麦琪编著. 西餐厅&酒吧实用英语[M]. 广东科技出版社,2003 [2] 金惠康,罗向阳编著. 酒楼服务英语[M]. 广东旅游出版社,2007 [3] 卓美玲编著. 新餐馆英语会话[M]. 外文出版社,2004 [4] 杨淑惠编著. 旅游英语[M]. 天津外语音像出版社,2003 [5] 段开成等 编著 《导游英语听与说》[M] 南开大学出版社,2008 [6] 南凡,刘素花,克里斯延·海伦·卡迪 编著 《旅游英语》[M] 高等教育出版社 2005 [7] Peter Strutt 编著 《朗文旅游英语》(中级)[M] 南开大学出版社,2007 [8] Iwonna Dubicka, Margaret O’Keeffe 编著 《朗文旅游英语》(初级)[M] 南开大学出版 社,2007 [9] 黄若珍等 编著 《广东英语导游》[M] 广东省导游人员考评委员会办公室 [10] 张晓娟 程伟 主编 《导游服务实训教程》[M] 机械工业出版社 [11] 郭炎华 主编 《英语导游应试与带团指南》[M] 暨南大学出版社 [12] 赵保国 谭晓蓉 主编 《21 世纪实用旅游英语教程》[M] 学林出版社 [13] 教育部《旅游英语》教材编写组 编 《旅游英语》[M] 高等教育出版社


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