CLEARANCE Time Outfits to Wear from Hotel the Snoopy, Oirt of Portland, of Big Citias Are Experia!)Dng the King Would Eoeept the Resig Ernment During the Two Years
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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1966; A v a ru a D aily Net Prsaa Ran Fee ttiaWMk ilG B TWENTY 4tfdHT ^an tlffatfr lEnftttag l^praHi M y Sl, IBM 13,520 Joseph B. Bangaaaer of 68 Itontoee t i Em AoBIt Olenwood Bt, a trooper for 12th Qrcuit rnumm M OIrwIatleB Aijoiit^own the Connecticut State Police Manehm$t0r^AlEurnttig City of VtUago Charm Department Hartford, la at Court Cases HOM Oo. I'o f th« DliWct tending a five-day conference I lr t D«p*rtment will hold a ANNUAL AUGUST LAYAWAY on arson ahd fire Investigation VOL. LXXXIV. NO. 260 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST I, 1966 (OlaMifM ABrertMag m Page IS) BiMtlnf tonight at S at tte flra- at Rutgere University, New houaa, Main and MHlard 8ta. VERNON SEBUON Brunswick, N.J. A Vernon man charged with Xlohaol H«*fron of 66 Star^ Joseph F. CarllU, son of Mr. the fraudulent leaue of a check FUR TRIMMED COATS FOR FALL waathar 8t., Michael B a r t« X and Mrs. Migllo F. Caiillt of 42 of more than flOO waa given a Ig Doane St. and Kevin O'Neill Constance Dr.; and Daniel J. 90-day suspended sentence and of 191 Hen^ Bt. are camping Mtnlor, son of Mr. and Mra. •t Xahford Lake. placed on one year's probation NO DOWN PAYMENT Bdward Mlnlor of 478 E. Cen by Judge Max Relcher yester ter St. were on the dean's llet Attack on Viet Fuel Dump Mancheater Squara Dance at Rensselaer Polytechnic In day. O ub will aponeor an open -1 William A. Johnson, 26, of 6 atltute, Troy, N.Y. Both gradu Oak Bt., waa reported to be on CHARGE N O W dance Saturday at 6 p.m. at ated In June, Carilll with a Waddell School. All area probation from Bast Hartford B.D. In civil e i^ e e rln g and court for a larceny charge. Of •quare dance club meiHbere are Mlnlor with a B.S. degree In Invltad. Bari Johnaon o f Ver- ficials continued hie case for two NO PAYMENTS UNTIL bA will call equare dancea. physics. weeks, pending possible revoca- tlon of his probation. Mr. and Mra. Ruaaell White Mrs. Blenvenido Montalvo of Won’t Stop U.S. Air Strikes will call round dancea. Mr. and One condition of his probation OCH'OBER Mra. McCurry will be In 82 Wells St. will arrive home Is restitution of the money in tomorrow after spending a volved. Johnson said he Is pre charge of door duty. Mr. and week In San German, Puerto Mra. John McHugh will be re- jrRi)«>t |>hl>iO pared to make restitution. (reahment chairmen. They will Rico, as a guest of her hus William J. Bums, 48, of Wll- FREE STORAGE, TO O ! ba aaalated by Mr. and Mra. band's parents. Engaged llmantlc, was given a 60-day State News Barnard McKenna and Mr. and suspended Jail term and one One M illion Mra. Donald McLennon. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Skinner, The engagement of Miss Karel year probation for a similar their son, Michael, and daugh Lucretia Oobb of Manchester to charge of fraudulent Issue of a ter, Pamela, have returned to Two Courts their home at Lake Park, Fla., Albert Francis Banks of Balti check. The cases are unrelated. Gallons Lost after spending . three weeks more, Md., has been announced I Restitution In this case has been Penonal Notices with Mrs. Skinner’s parents, made. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Other dispositions; Dennis A. N O W ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Arihur McGow Richard Oobb of 216 Hlllstown Show Long At Da Nang an of 49 Wells St. Bergstrom, 18, Ellington, breach Card O f Thanks Rd. i of peace, reduced to making We wlah to tiiank aH of our Her fiance is the son of Mr. unnecessary noise with a motor SAIGON, South. Viet and Mrs. A. F. Banks of Balti Trial Delay aelabbon, frlenda and relativea for vehicle, »20: John W. Camnbell, i Nam (AP) —A Viet Ck>nff tie many acu of Mndnean and sym- more. pafhr ahown ua In our bereave Couple Observes Miss Oobb, a 1066 graduate of | 19, CrysUl Lake Rd„ Tolland, i HARTFORD (AP) — attack on a big aviation ment. We enpeclally thMk all those breach of peace, reduced to | fuel dump near the Da ate sent the beautiful floral trib Virginia State College. Peters making unnecessan' with ' Two of Connecticut’s eight utes. Wo also thank the Manchea- 25 Years Wed burg, Is studying at the Sor- r Wates, the Britlah^Ainertoan a motor vehicle, $20; Edward Superior Courts are among Nang Air Base will not ub and fftnarova Oountrr C3ub. bonne. University of Paris, seriously affect U.S. air Mr. and Mrs. Bdwln Remkte- S. Geer, 27, of 21 Burke Rd., the 16 courts in the nation S France, and plans to return to reckless driving, reduced to fail Kra. Alfred Bums wtca of Main St., Talcottville, the United States in the fall to with the longest delay in strikes, an American mili< Mrs. rranols MoOaufhey ure to drive In the established William Lockwood celebrated their 2Bth wedding teach French at Mosby Junior bringing personal injury tary spokesman said today. Walter Lockwood anniversary yesterday with an High School, Richmond, Va. lane, $20. 68 Military authorities said the Stephen Hermaszewskl, 30, i . cases to trial. open house at their home. About She is a member of Alpha Nu, hit-and-run guerrillas destroyed Meriden, speeding, $25; Curtis' It takes a Mrsonal injury suit Card Of Thanks 76 relatives and friends attended national foreign language honor Regularly 79.99 In Fairfield County 39.5 months two of the nine storage tanks In We wotdd Hke to take thle op the party. society; Kappa Delta PI, educa R. Mallory, 19, East Haven, ! the complex early today and portunity to exprw our deepest speeding, $25; Howard I. Rood, to move from the defendant's mtHude to our friends, relative The celebration was given by tion honor society, and Alpha heavily damaged two others 5 4 answer to the actual trial. The 58, Mansfield, Intoxication, for and nelghbora who Ihroush their Mrs. Remklewlcz’s mother. Kappa Alpha Society. She is with an estimated lose .of one vinH reaturee and expreeulM of Mrs. Wilhelmina Fleischer, and feited $25 bond; Jerome Yakcl, walUng period In Hartford Coun listed In “ Who's Who In Ameri ty is 34.8 months. million gallons of fuel. n-mpathy lent comfort to us In our her brother, Thomas Giglio, can Colleges and Universities.” 49, Westwood, Mass., speeding, You'll wonder how thi$ low Ewr*^ darkness. We would forfeited $36 bond. Busy Miu Ohio Takes Time to Inspect New Dress The nationwide average delay All fuel for jets and propeller^ olallr thank thoee who eent be^- both of 44 Bissell St. Mr. Banks is an accounting Is 19.9 months, according to tne driven planes operating from Ufut flowem and thoae who made Mrs. Rcmkiewica is employed major and will be a February Brian A. Volsdal, 18, of El memorial oootrlbuttona to the Ooor price i$_ po$$ible when you 13th annual survey m state the big Da Nang base comes In at the Hartford Insurance Co., 1966 graduate of Vlr^nla State lington, breach of peace, nolled tfUthenui Church. (not prosecuted); Robert M. court calendars Issued this week by ocean-going tanker and Is Hartford. Her husband la em College. As an advanced ROTC by the Institute of Judicial Ad transferred to the harbor-side Mr. Albert MBw ployed at Pratt and Whitney, student he will receive his com Bomsteln, 23, Newton, Mass., $ee thete luxuriout wool MUs Ohio Breathless ■n>e Wlnaler FamUy speeding, $25. New Torpedo ministration with headquarters storage complex operated by West Hartford. mission upon graduation. He Is In New York. Eos so Standard Eiast, It l8 The couple has two sons, Ekl- a member of Kappa Alpha Psl fabric$, . and the great EAST HARTFORD SESSION Discovered The national average has stored there until railroad cars wln Jr. and Eric, both at home. fraternity. transfer it to the base 10 mllea They received many gifts and Alfred C^, 28, of no cer Young Beauty. Queens risen from 18.4 months to 19.9 No date has been announced $election of new $tyle$. months since the 1964 survey. to the southwest. a t PINCHURST money. tain address, Manchester, was for the wedding. fined $5 this morning for in By Trawler (3ook (jounty (Chicago), lUI- Large fuel dumpe are located toxication. He waa arrested PORTSMOUTH, Vd. (AP) — nois, Circuit Court holds the at the air base, however. The early this morning sleeping in Constantly in Dither A deep sea trawler picked up a record for personal injury trial bmoke billows from aviation fuel storage area, attacked yesterday by Viet spokesman said it is believed Highway Items Town Notified a Pearl St. resident’s car. torpedo off the Virginia coast delay with an elapsed time of they contain enough for Imme SHURFINE 60.2 months between the filing Cong mortars. Undamaged railroad tank cars at right were empty at the SELECT FROM THESE FURS today in waters 60 miles north time. More than a million gallons of fuel were destroyed. (AP Photofax) diate fuel needs. Sought by Town Of Fall aaim NEW YORK (AP) — You’re wrong if you imagine of a point where the trawler of answer and trial. An eyewitness said Viet Oong roOZEN FOODS Public Records e Beaver e Fox e Mink! Mink colors that a potential “Miss America” wins her state crown Snoopy was blown to bits by a commandoe opened their attack Peas, Peaa and Carrshh .