The State of What Art?


Psychological studies need to meet contemporary standards of research design and theoretical relevance within the mainstream of its behavioral science. The use of a clinical-scientist model for psycholo- gists with greater emphasis on clinician than on scientist results in an impoverishment of psychological research and a paucity of stimulat- ing theoretical speculation. Sporadic and pedestrian studies cannot ex- plain why a necessary and sufficient relationship should exist between the presence of a cleft and the dependent measures used. As a result, psychological studies about cleft palate have managed to achieve a state of invisibility as far as most psychologists are concerned. As long as the present status remains at the current level, real progress is impos- sible, and we will be content with mediocrity.

In this highly personal essay, I want to exa- chological time devoted to patients with cleft mine what has been accomplished by psycholo- palate. gists and what the future may hold for advancing Support must come from already strained cleft psychological knowledge about cleft lip and pa- palate center budgets or from external funding late. As a behavioral scientist, I believe I must in the form of grants. This, I believe, leads psy- be accountable to two general audiences. First chologists in most centers to exist in an at- of all, my psychological endeavors must have mosphere I characterize as casual neglect or meaning and value to my colleagues in other dis- benign indifference. Centers may believe in the ciplines concerned with cleft palate. Secondly, desirability of having psychological participation; and no less important, my work should be wi- they may even be interested in providing access thin the mainstream of my behavioral science, to their patients for psychological research, as- using contemporary standards of research design suming that psychologists should have a natural and theoretical relevance. Neither of these can and inherent interest in investigating cleft lip and be accomplished in a vacuum; appropriate sup- palate. However, centers may be unable or un- port and encouragement are needed. willing to provide the long-term financial sup- Psychologists working in cleft palate centers port necessary to mount research endeavors that accept for themselves, and are expected to ac- produce more than the sporadic and pedestrian cept, the clinician-scientist model. This model studies so often found in the literature. serves well for the primary disciplines of most I believe that almost exclusive reliance on the centers-audiology, orthodontics, plastic sur- clinical model, with greater emphasis on clini- gery, speech pathology-because the direct clin- cian than on scientist, actually results in an im- ical services provided to patients with clefts form poverishment of psychological research and a | a relatively secure base of operations. Regular, paucity of stimulating theoretical speculation. ongoing psychological services rarely are pro- Static application of the clinical psychologist vided (or needed?), nor are they viewed as cen- model resulted in a proliferation of reports about tral to the mission of the cleft palate team. This intelligence, personality, and psychopathology. deprives the psychologist of a secure foundation, These, by the way, have been examined by clin- and he or she must seek support elsewhere, fre- ical psychologists for almost every known clini- quently resulting in less, rather than more, psy- cal population. Such approaches frequently represent initial, and at times, conceptually naive attempts to describe a set of patients sharing the Dr. Clifford is Professor and Co-Director of the Facial same anomaly in familiar psychological terms. Rehabilitation Center at Duke University Medical Center, In other words, the psychologist-clinician does Durham, North Carolina. ‘ what he or she is used to doing-administers psy- 174 OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTARY 175 chological tests routinely used in clinical prac- relevance to other psychologists. Perhaps few tice. Unfortunately, this is what their nonpsycho- studies have been submitted to psychological logical colleagues on the cleft palate team expect journals because the investigator assumed the ef- them to do. While descriptive studies are neces- forts would be judged by a more critical psycho- sary and valuable, the empirical results cannot logical audience. Apparently psychological explain why a necessary and sufficient relation- studies about cleft palate have managed to ship should exist between the presence of a birth achieve a state of invisibility as far as most psy- defect (more specifically cleft lip and palate) and chologists are concerned. performance, based on these tests. In examining the "'state of the art,"" I am The cleft palate literature is replete with studies forced to conclude that the state is rudimentary overtly or covertly assuming that having a cleft and further that psychological research has results in a behavioral deficit; no one posits, for lagged behind developments in psychology. Only example, that having a cleft results in improved recently, for example, have psychologists begun interpersonal relationships or problem solving. to address issues of physical attractiveness that I find it fascinating that the accumulation of evi- have been the concern of social psychologists for dence forces us to reject the equation that cleft the past 15 years. Similarly, we may be con- equals behavioral deficit. Since we have demon- cerned with speech production, yet little or noth- strated, contrary to expectations, that the intel- ing appears in the cleft palate literature about ligence of our patients is within the normal range, interpersonal communication. Intelligence and that no specific personality patterns are exclu- perceptual-motor skills have been examined, yet sively associated with cleft lip and palate, and cognitive processes or the consideration of a that our patients are noted for absence, rather cognitive-development growth model largely are than presence, of psychopathology, where do we ignored. Considerable emphasis has been placed go from here? Nowhere. Nowhere-unless the on the effect on mothers of giving births to a baby role model of the investigator changes. with a cleft, yet studies related to mother-infant Nowhere-until an adequate support base is es- attachment are difficult to find. Some work has tablished for psychological research within cleft appeared on self-concept and body image, again palate centers. Nowhere-as long as the research examined for the negative effects of having a is produced almost exclusively for nonpsycho- cleft; no attention has been given to how a defect, logical audiences. and its sequelea, are incorporated into the self- I find it significant that few studies about cleft system. palate appear in psychological journals and at- The "state of the art'' is rudimentary. Unfor- tract psychological audiences. Because so few tunately, I see nothing on the horizon that would psychologists are active in research in this area, impel progress or facilitate change. As for ex- a lack of familiarity about cleft palate among psy- citement, creativity, vibrancy, and relevance, I chologists in general may be the result. Perhaps can only return to the title of this essay, the state the meager number of studies published has no of what art? 176 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

Tonsillectomy and Pharyngeal ing pharyngeal flap surgery (Kravath et al, 1980). Flap Operation Should not be By adding a tonsillectomy to the pharyngeal flap, Performed Simultaneously the potential for upper airway obstruction as a postoperative complication is increased. Two of We would like to express some concern regard- the Reath et al subjects had upper airway obstruc- ing the publication of a recent article (July 1987) tion as a postoperative complication. in Cleft Palate Journal, "Simultaneous Posterior The authors mention that both nasopharyn- Pharyngeal Flap and Tonsillectomy'' by Reath, goscopy and multiview videofluoroscopy were LaRossa, and Randall. We are of the firm opin- not done in the cases they have reported, but that ion that tonsillectomy should not be performed these techniques would have improved diagnostic in the same operation with a pharyngeal flap for efforts. But they go on to state that they have several reasons, each important. found nasopharyngoscopy to be almost imposs- The first objection relates to two recent reports ible to do in "2-, 3-, and 4-year-old children..." alluded to, but not cited by the authors. These This line of reasoning provides other concerns reports were presented at the annual meeting of for us. The first is the concept of doing pharyn- _ the American Cleft Palate Association and else- geal flaps in 2 year olds and most 3 year olds, where and were brought to the attention of Reath especially combined with tonsillectomy. Our et al in a verbal response to their presentation of preference would certainly be to avoid pharyn- this paper in New York. Both Shprintzen et al gel flap surgery until after speech and language (1988) and MacKenzie-Stepner et al (1988) have development was a bit more complete. The se- documented that hypernasal speech can be caused . ~ cond is the notion of performing pharyngeal flap by hypertrophic tonsils and relieved by tonsillec- surgery before adequate diagnoses can be ob- tomy alone. In such cases, hypertrophic tonsils tained by endoscopy and fluoroscopy. Finally, can impair the movements of the lateral pharyn- even though nasopharyngoscopy can be per- geal walls, the velum, or both. The 20 cases formed successfully in the majority of 4-year-old reported by Shprintzen et al (1988) show that this children, MacKenzie-Stepner et al (1988) illus- is not a rare phenomenon and may be underdiag- trated that the effects of tonsillar hypertrophy can nosed. In such cases, pharyngeal flap becomes be detected by multiview videofluoroscopy, which an unnecessary operative procedure. Of interest, can be easily performed even in very young four (20 percent) of the cases reported by Reath children. et al were noncleft and therefore might have The complication rate reported by Reath et al represented hypernasality solely related to tonsil- is far higher than one would expect from tonsil- lar hypertrophy. It must also be pointed out that lectomy alone or pharyngeal flap alone. It is the presence of a cleft palate or submucous cleft therefore difficult to understand how the authors palate does not rule out hypertrophied tonsils as can conclude that the procedures can be per- the etiology of velopharyngeal insufficiency, as formed together safely and why they do not supported by two of the cases reported by ascribe their high rate of complications to the Shprintzen et al (1988). combined procedure. The second objection deals with the proximity We appreciate the opportunity to share our con- of the two operative fields. Reath et al reported cerns with the readership of Cleft Palate Jour- an unusually high rate of bleeding complications nal and hope that this letter authored by in their series of 20 cases. Locating the source otolaryngologists, plastic surgeons, radiologists, of the bleeding problem could be potentially pediatricians, and speech pathologists from a difficult, but a more serious complication would number of institutions emphasizes that tonsillec- be the possible long-term complication of adher- tomy combined with pharyngeal flap is a con- ent scars in the areas of the tonsillar pillars, pa- traindicated procedure. late, and posterior pharyngeal wall. Although this Ravelo V. Argamaso, M.D. (plastic surgeon, type of complication was reported by the authors Bronx, New York) as "... intense and hypertrophic scarring of the pa- Maha Bassila, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Bronx, late and nasopharynx (p 251)" they stated, New York) without explanation, "This did not appear to be Glenn O. Bratcher, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Cin- precipitated by, or related to, the tonsillectomy cinnati, Ohio) (p 252)." This scarring complication could cause Linda Brodsky, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Buffa- significant airway obstruction after healing was lo, New York) ' completed, as reported by the authors in one of Robin T. Cotton, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Cin- their subjects. cinnati, Ohio) - Upper airway obstruction following pharyngeal Charles B. Croft, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Lon- flap alone is a major source of concern follow- don, England) ' OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTARY 177

Lyon M. Greenberg, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Al- faced with this problem, it is our feeling that the bany, New York) proper steps to take are to remove the hyper- Randy Laskin, M.A. (speech pathologist, Toron- tophied tonsils so as to provide an adequate air- to, Ontario, Canada) way. In 20 consecutive patients, this is just what Karen MacKenzie-Stepner, M.H.Sc. (speech we have done. pathologist, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) The impetus for this step arose years ago when Charles M. Meyer, III, M.D. (otolaryngologist, a child developed airway obstruction following Cincinnati, Ohio) a posterior pharyngeal flap. We took the child Saul J. Rakoff, M.D. (radiologist, Bronx, New back to the operating room intending to do a York) tracheostomy, but felt that his huge tonsils were Robert J. Ruben, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Bronx, the primary cause of the airway difficulty, so we New York) . did a tonsillectomy instead of a tracheostomy and Aaron E. Sher, M.D. (otolaryngologist, Albany, relieved the obstruction. At that time, tracheosto- New York) my was advocated in some circles (not ours) for Robert J. Shprintzen, Ph.D. (speech pathologist, all children having posterior pharyngeal flaps Bronx, New York) (Walden and Rubin, 1953). We don't believe we Eugene J. Sidoti, M.D. (pediatrician, Bronx, have ever done a tracheostomy for a child who New York) had a posterior pharyngeal flap. Lewis Singer, M.D. (pediatrician, Bronx, New We do not feel that bleeding from one tonsil York) bed in one patient 10 days postoperatively or in Berish Strauch, M.D. (plastic surgeon, Bronx, two patients from the palatal area is an "unusually New York) high rate of bleeding complication." Roughly 0.5 David Stringer, M.D. (radiologist, Toronto, On- to 1.0 percent of all patients having tonsillectomy tario, Canada) and adenoidectomy recently reported in two large Mary Anne Witzel, Ph.D. (speech pathologist, series have been found to have this complication, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) and it does not seem that it was caused because the other procedures were done at the same time REFERENCES (Capper and Randall, 1984; Carmody et al, 1982). KraAvATH RE, PoLLaKk CP, BorowIEcKkI B, WEITZMAN ED. The only patient who did have scarring had (1980). Obstructive sleep apnea and death associated with surgical correction of velopharyngeal incompetence. J Pedi- scar contraction well away from the tonsillar bed, atr 96:645. and although we still do not understand the etio- MACKENZIE-STEPNER K, STRINGER D, WITZEL MA. (1988). logy of the scarring in this one case, it did not Hypernasal speech relieved by tonsillectomy. Int J Pediatr seem to be due to the tonsillectomy. None of the Otorhinolaryngol, in press. other 19 patients had any significant scarring or SHPRINTZEN RJ, SHER AE, Crort CB. (1988). Hypernasal speech caused by tonsillar hypertrophy. Int J Pediatr adverse effects from scarring, so "the possible Otorhinolaryngol, in press. long-term complications of adherent scars in the area of the tonsillar pillars" did not materialize. Argamaso et al contend that pharyngoplasties should not be done before the age of 4 years (Shprintzen, 1987). We feel this is good advice for those many difficult borderline cases, but in Reply to Letter by Revelo Argamaso et al a 2 or 3 year old with a short, scarred, immo- We appreciate the letter written by Dr. Revelo bile palate, severe hypernasality, and virtually no Argamaso et al. We also have seen hypertrophied anterior articulation, we feel that postponing a tonsils "contribute" to velopharyngeal incompe- definitive step to improve the velopharyngeal tence in two cases, and we are grateful for the mechanism is wrong. It is unlikely that nasen- contributions that Dr. Argamaso and his col- doscopy under these conditions would contrib- leagues have made in this area. However, we do ute very much to the decision regarding the need feel that it is difficult to judge our results in light for a pharyngeal flap or its design. of references "to be published in 1988." Of Rather than complain about the possible or course, many of our patients were operated on potential problems that might occur, perhaps it before nasendoscopy and multiview fluoroscopy would be appropriate to note that when so few were in common use. problems and complications did occur with the The first sentence in our abstract reads that two procedures being done simultaneously, one "hypertrophy of tonsils raises a significant con- may not be able to justify two surgical proce- cern for adequate airway maintainence" when one dures, two general anesthetics, and two hospitali- is doing a posterior pharyngeal flap. This is a zations to do them separately. We wonder if Dr. major concern in the operating room, and when Argamaso et al have 40 consecutive operations 178 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2 or posterior pharyngeal flap or tonsillectomy Observation by CT Scan," Oesch, Louser, and without any bleeding problems, airway com- Bettex (October, 1987), state that early closure of promise, or other adverse complications. the soft palate results in a significant reduction Those who reviewed our manuscript and those of the interpterygoid distance and in the total cor- who have spoken to us since then seem to be rection of the divergence of the pterygoid divided into two groups: (1) those who think one processes. . operation in place of two is a good idea and have A similar finding had been reported by done it or plan to, and (2) those who have not Subtelny in 1955, Slaughter and Pruzansky in done it and probably will not. Surely, it was not 1954, and Pruzansky and Aduss in 1964 after very long ago that if one published a single arti- closure of the lip in complete clefts of the lip and cle suggesting anything less than a radical Halsted palate. Subsequent studies by many others have mastectomy for cancer of the breast, there would shown that uniting the lip in complete clefts of have been dozens of letters with at least 19 sig- the lip and palate will cause the laterally displaced natures saying that this should never be done. palatal segments to move medially bringing the Thank you for the opportunity of replying to pharyngeal skeleton into a more normal geomet- Dr. Argamaso and his colleagues. ric relationship. Obviously, the resulting narrow- ing of the pharyngeal aperture permits more David B. Reath, M.D. efficient velopharyngeal closure and enhances Don LaRossa, M.D. speech development. The authors need to be cau- Peter Randall, M.D. tious and not imply that the action of the soft pa- late closure on the pharyngeal architecture is unique and that the same results will not be at- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania tained after performing lip closure alone. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

REFERENCES Samuel Berkowitz, D.D.S., M.S. 6601 SW. 80 ST. CAPPER WR, RanpaALL C. (1984). Postoperative hemmorrhage South Miami, Florida 33143 in tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy in children. J Laryn- gol Otol 98:363-365. CaArRMoODY D, VamaApEvaAN T, CooPER SM. (1982). Post ton- sillectomy hemorrhage. J Laryngol Otol 96:635-638. SHPRINTZEN RJ. Presentation at University of Iowa "State REFERENCES of the Art'" Conference, October 1987. WALDEN RJ, RUBIN LR. (1953). A Technical aid in the pharyn- PruUuzAnsky S, Apuss H. (1964). Arch form and the decid- geal flap operation. Plast Reconstr Surg 12;:198. uous occlusion in complete unilateral clefts. Cleft Palate J 1:411-418. SLAUGHTER WB, PruzaAnsky S. (1954). The rationale for Effect of Lip Closure on the Pharyngeal velar closure as a primary procedure in the repair of the Skeleton cleft palate defects. Plast Reconstr Surg 13:541-357. SUBTELNY JD. (1955). Width of the nasopharynx and related In their article "Influence of Early Closures anatomic structures in normal and unoperated cleft palate of Soft Palate Clefts on the Pharyngeal Skeleton: children. Am J Orthod 41:889-909. ABSTRACTS |

BAKER MA. Dental and oral manifestations of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: report of case. J Dent Child 1987; 54:369-371.

Rubinstein-Tay bi syndrome is a rare disorder of unsubstantiated etiology, which was first described in 1963. Clinical features include mental and motor retardation, small stature, broad terminal phalanges of thumbs and great toes, ocular abnormalities, characteristic facies, and high arched palate, as well as cryptorchidism, heart murmur, gastrointestinal tract abnormalities, and recurrent respiratory infections. The author describes a 10-year-old Black American male with all of the above mentioned features. The patient's history contained additionally a short systolic murmur, a positive tine test, recurrent ear infections, and grand mal seizures. The author reports that the dental and oral manifestations consisted of a high arched constricted palate without clefting. The maxillary arch was in unilateral left crossbite. Talon cusps were present on the maxillary permanent incisors. Radiographic examination revealed a supernumerary mandibular left premolar and bilateral ectopic eruption of the maxillary permanent first molars. (Ranalli)

Reprints: Dr. Moorean A. Baker 1341 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Washington, DC 20003

BOMELBURG’T, LENZ W, EUsTERBROCK T. Median cleft face syndrome in association with hydrocepha- lus, agenesis of the corpus callosum, holoprosencephaly and choanal atresia. Eur J Pediatr 1987; 146: 301-302.

A premature female infant had the characteristic features of the median cleft face syndrome in association with holoprosencephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, hydrocephalus, and choanal atresia. Whereas the nervous system is rarely affected in patients with the median cleft face syndrome, severe mental retardation has been reported in three previously published cases and is suggested in our own patient. All had an associat- ed agenesis of the corpus callosum. (Authors' abstract - Beemer)

Reprints: Dr. T. Bomelburg Department of Pediatrics University of Munster Albert-Schweitzer-Strasse 33 D-4400 Munster Federal Republic of Germany

Coston GN, HacgERTY RF, JaAnNARoONE RJ, McDonaALD V, HAGERTY RC. Levator muscle recon- struction: resulting velopharyngeal competence - a preliminary report. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 77:.911-916.

Sixty patients underwent levator reconstruction between 1975 and 1982. The patients ranged in age from _ 5 months to 7 years. Eleven patients underwent levator reconstruction as a primary procedure between the ages of 5 and 12 months, and the remaining 48 patients underwent levator reconstruction as a secondary proce- dure. The levator muscles were dissected from the nasal mucous membrane. The latter was approximated and the muscles and overlying oral mucous membrane were rotated medially and approximated in order to approx- imate the muscular-mucous membrane flaps and at the same time lengthen the soft palate. A 55 percent suc- cess rate was achieved when levator reconstruction was carried out at or prior to 12 months of age, only a 45 percent success rate at 13 to 36 months of age, but the success rate was 73 percent between 37 and 60 months of age. The results were poorest in the patients with the most severe clefts. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. Gale Norman Coston Cleft Palate Laboratory College of Health University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208

179 180 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

CUTTING C, BoOOKsTEIN FL, Grayson B, FELLINGHAM L, McCARTHY JG. Three-dimensional computer-assisted design of craniofacial surgical procedures: optimization and interaction with cephalometric and CT-based models. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 77:877-885.

The authors note that the planning of craniofacial surgical procedures by evaluating cephalograms, photo- graphs, dental models, and clinical examination along with tabulated "normative standards" requires considerable experience and is accurate only for symmetric deformities. They report the use of two-dimensional cephalo- metric data to create a three-dimensional data structure supporting a morphometric analysis and surgical simu- lation program. The computer automatically positions osteotomy fragments so they "best-fit" the normal form, and results are displayed using synthetic images created from computerized tomographic data. The surgical design is modified using interactive computer graphic techniques. Three-dimensional landmark points are der- ived from the correlation of points found on conventional postural anterior and lateral cephalometric films. The optimized computer-generated surgical plans require modification by the clinician based upon experience with such variables as bone-graft resorption, relapse tendency, unique occlusal problems and certain soft-tissue considerations. Line drawings illustrate some of the steps in the process. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. Court B. Cutting Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery New York University Medical Center 550 First Avenue New York, 10016

DARAB DJ, MINKOFF R, ScIOTE J, SULIK KK. Pathogenesis of median facial clefts in mice treated with methotrexate. Teratology 1987; 36:77-86.

The authors studied the mechanism of action of the folic acid antagonist methotrexate in the induction of median facial clefts in C5781/6J mice treated on the 9th day of pregnancy. Methotrexate was highly terato- genic and the most frequent defect was median facial clefting associated with clefts of the secondary palate. Methotrexate inhibits the synthesis of DNA through competitive inhibition of folic acid reductase, but its ter- atogenic effects seem to be related not only to this inhibition but also to an immediate fluid imbalance after treatment. Within hours after treatment, dilated and congested blood vessels were observed in the frontonasal prominences, and these are believed to be primarily responsible for the observed malformations. The authors stress the importance of early examination of the embryos after treatment because within 48 hours the vascular pathogenesis in the frontonasal prominences had entirely disappeared. (Overman)

Reprints: Dr. D.J. Darab Dental Research Center The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514

FurRLOW LT. Cleft palate repair by double opposing Z-plasty. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 78:724-736.

Twenty-two infants with cleft palate consisting of eight with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, 8 with bilater- al cleft lip and palate and 6 with cleft palate alone underwent palatoplasty by means of double opposing Z- plasties. Of the 20 children reported who were old enough for speech evaluation, 18 had no velopharyngeal insufficiency and 2 had very mild insufficiency. Complications were reported in 4 patients. After surgery, one patient required buccal mucosal flaps to close large backeuts at the end of the oral Z-plasty flaps, one child had an elevated temperature, one fistula required subsequent repair, and one child had stridor. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. Leonard T. Furlow Jr. 1121 Northwest 64th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32605 ABSTRACTS 181

GrEGG JB, CLIFFORD S, STANAGE WF, Lockwoobp DD, Jounson W. Craniofacial anomalies in South Dakota: 1960 through 1984. SD J Med 1987; September: 7-12.

To evaluate craniofacial anomalies in South Dakota, statistics pertinent to 325,084 resident births with 637 facial clefts during 25 years were assembled. For 529 of 637 birth certificate data were supplemented by information from other sources. Of these, 156 had multiple anomalies or syndromes. Geographic patterns for clefts were recognizable; anomalies in counties ranged from none to six per 1,000 births during 25 years. The 25-year total and in most instances the annual rate of cleft births were highest on or near Indian reservations. Despite declining annual White births in the 1960s, clefts increased in number. Birth and cleft patterns were dissimilar in Whites and nonWhites. Differences in yearly patterns suggest influence by exogenous factors dur- ing embryogenesis. (Authors' Abstract)

Reprints: Dr. John B. Gregg Professor of Surgery University of South Dakota School of Medicine South Dakota Health Department Sioux Falls, SD

Hiramoto M, MatsUDA K, KimurA K. The folded pharyngeal flap as a secondary procedure for cleft palate. J Jpn Soc Plast Reconstr Surg 1987; 7:417-424.

The authors described a modified technique, based on the superiorly-based folded pharyngeal flap opera- tion (Isshiki, 1975), of creating a posterior pharyngeal flap without leaving a raw surface, attaining minimal shrinkage and scar contracture of the flap. The technique was performed on 82 patients with velopharyngeal incompetence after primary cleft palate closure. The authors found that more effective velopharyngeal closure was attained with reduction of nasality. (Wada)

Reprints: Dr. Michiaki Hiramoto Department of Plastic Surgery Kyoto University, School of Medicine Sakyou-ku, Kyoto City 606 Japan

HoLTGRAVE EA. Aplasia of primary canines and anlagen of permanent canines: a cleft-specific con- dition? J Dent Child 1987; 534:365-368.

Abberations of the primary dentition occur rarely in noncleft children. However, if a primary tooth is missing, development of the permanent tooth will also be affected. This is especially the case with ectodermal dysplasia and cleft lip and palate. The reverse event is very uncommon, that is, no evidence of development of primary teeth, but the primordia of permanent successors present. In such cases, the permanent successors are usually shaped conically and eruption is accelerated. This author describes a female child patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate. The patient had no evidence of development of primary canines, whereas the primordia of the permanent successors were present. Addi- tionally, the absence of a primary lateral incisor was followed by a successor with conical form. In the current case and in cases reported previously, only children with bilateral clefts have demonstrated this situation. Although maternal history was negative for ingestion of drugs during pregnancy, the author postulates a possible connec- tion with the teratogenic action of some drugs with dose and phase specificities. (Ranalli)

Reprints: Dr. Eva Holtgrave Fachbereich Kieferheilkunde Freie Universitat (Federal Republic of Germany) Assmanshauser Str. 4-6 1000 Berlin 33 182 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

IEsHima A, KoEDA T, INAGAKI M. Peculiar face, deafness, cleft palate, male pseudoher- maphroditism, and growth and psychomotor retardation, a new autosomal recessive syndrome? Clin Genet 1986; 30:136-141.

A new syndrome is suggested based on medical records of two siblings. The Smith-Lemli-Opitz (SLO) syndrome was ruled out because the siblings did not show dolichocephaly, wide maxillary alveolar ridge, or of the second and third toes. The siblings also had a different facial morphology, microtia, and deafness, symptoms not seen in the SLO syndrome. The G syndrome is eliminated because the siblings demon- strated cleft palate, deafness, and hand anomalies, symptoms which are not part of the G syndrome. The HMC syndrome (Bixler at al, 1969) is also ruled out, and the authors suggest that the two siblings have a new syn- drome with an autosomal recessive inheritance. (Sarnas)

Reprints: Dr. Atsushi Ieshima Division of Child Neurology Institute of Neurological Sciences Tottori University School of Medicine Yonago 683 Japan

JacksoN IT, ApHaM MN, Mars WR. Use of the galeal frontalis myofascial flap in craniofacial surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 77:905-910.

Skull-base tumor resection and craniofacial surgery for congenital anomalies may result in communica- tion between the anterior cranial fossa and the nasopharynx and the creation of dead space in the anterior cranial fossa. If a communication remains between the extra dural space and the nasopharynx in the presence of dural repair, severe life-threatening infections are likely to occur. The authors report the use of a galeal frontalis flap, dissected from the subcutaneous tissue of the scalp and based upon the supraorbital or supratrochlear vessels, that is brought into the anterior cranial fossa to seal off existing or potential defects. The flap is highly vascular and has been used to cover a bone graft used in nasal reconstruction. The flap has been of value in treating both acute and chronic cerebral spinal leaks. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. I. Jackson Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN 55905

Jackson IT, SomErRs PC, KJar JG. The use of champy miniplates for osteosynthesis in craniofacial deformities and trauma. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 77:729-736.

Osteosynthesis, the immobilization of bone segments has most commonly been performed using interosseous wires. Since 1886, plates of various kinds have been used, primarily for mandibular and maxillary fractures. The authors report the use of Champy miniplates in patients sustaining maxillofacial trauma, congenital craniofa- cial anomalies, and tumors and in patients in which vascularized bone grafts were used. In congenital craniofa- cial conditions, the miniplates were most frequently used for adolescent patients having frontosupraorbital advancement. Plates were applied after advancement of the supraorbital rims into the ideal preplanned posi- tion, with bone grafts placed into the defect between the bony segments. Three infections were reported in the 50 patients, and these occurred in patients with fractures. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. Ian T. Jackson Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN 55905 ABSTRACTS 183

KANKKUNEN A, THIRINGER K. Hearing impairment in connection with preauricular tags. Acta Paedi- atr Scand 1987; 76:143-146.

Between 1977 and 1984, 230 newborns (5.4/1,000 livebirths) were registered at the two maternity hospitals of Goteborg as having preauricular tags. Of these, 188 were available for hearing assessment. In 10 children (5 percent), the tag was associated with other malformations of the ear/face region. All these children had hearing impairment (HI): eight conductive, one sensorineural, and one mixed. In 178 neonates, the tag was the only defect. Of these, 23 (13 percent) were found to have HI, all sensorineural and of mild-to-moderate degree. In the total group of children a positive family history for HI was found in 29 percent and for malfor- mation in 24 percent. In the children were HI was found (33 cases in total), the figures for heredity rose to 67 percent (HI) and 30 percent (malformation). In the 23 cases with ear tag and HI, a hereditary tendency for HI was found in 78 percent. Accordingly, there is a clearly elevated risk for HI in connection with ear tags, and we therefore recommend routine hearing assessment in all children with preauricular tags. (Authors' Abstract - Beemer)

Reprints: A. Kankkunen Departments of Audiology and Otolaryngology Sahlgrenska Hospital S-41345 Goteborg Sweden

Kawamoto HK Jr. Elective osteotomies and bone grafting of irradiated midfacial bones. J Cranio- Max Fac Surg 1987; 15:199-206.

Elective osteotomies of post-irradiated midfacial bones to correct the resulting facial deformities can be safely performed. When there is an associated radiation-induced enophthalmos, improvement in appearance can be achieved, but the results often fall short of an ideal restoration. Transposing a temporalis flap into the orbit is an excellent means of freeing the irradiated, contracted, enucleated orbital socket. (Author's Abstract - Posnick)

Reprints: HK. Kawamoto Jr., M.D., D.D.S. 2001 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 680W Santa Monica, CA 90404

Kay ED. Craniofacial dysmorphogenesis following hypervitaminosis A in mice. Teratology 1987; 35:105-117.

Pregnant mice were treated with 10,000 IU retinol palmitate at day 8.7 of gestation to induce the effects of hypervitaminosis A in their offspring. Fetuses were examined for teratogenic effects on the temporoman- dibular joint (TMJ), zygomatic arch, middle ear ossicles, and mandibular musculature. The most common anomalies of the TMJ were loss of condylar cartilage and relocation or loss of the articulation. Major defects of the zygomatic arch were presence of ectopic cartilage and changes in shape or orientation. Middle ear ossi- cle defects included shape change and/or misorientation, fusion to non-ossicle structures, or absence. Muscu- lar anomalies were least frequently observed and varied from abnormal attachments to complete absence, most often involving the lateral pterygoid. The author attributes the defects seen to altered cellular differentiation due to retinoid treatment. (Overman)

Reprints: Dr. Elizabeth D. Kay Department of Oral Anatomy University of Illinois at Chicago Health Sciences Center 801 S. Paulina Chicago, IL 60612 184 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

KURITA K, KoMAKI K, KaAwaAI T. Early treatment for cleft lip and palate with Hotz type orthopedic plate. J Jpn Cleft Palate Assoc 1987; 12:50-61.

The authors report the results of the effects of presurgical orthopedic treatment on maxillary growth with the use of the Hotz plate. The collection of data was by measurements of serial maxillary cast models of 10 complete unilateral and six complete bilateral cleft lip and palate cases from 1 to 6 months (just prior to lip repair) of age. The authors report that the narrowing of the cleft, parallel running of medial edges of the cleft, flattening of the palatal shelves in both of the UCLP and BCLP patients, and the straightening or lowering of the vomer in BCLP patients were the characteristic findings. There was no mention of the effect after lip - repair. (Wada)

Reprints: Dr. K. Kurita Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Aichi Gakuin University, School of Dentistry Chigusa-ku, Nagoya 464, Japan.

MACKENZIE-STEPNER K, WITZEL MA, STRINGER DA, Linpsay WK, Munro IR, HuonxEs H. Ab- normal carotid arteries in the velocardiofacial syndrome: a report of three cases. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987; 80: 347-3351.

Internal carotid arteries of unusual size and tortuosity were found before or at the time of pharyngeal flap surgery in three children who had the velocardiofacial syndrome with velopharyngeal insufficiency. In two cases, medial displacement of the arteries prevented surgery, and in the other, hypernasality persisted because only a narrow, asymmetrical flap could be raised. Medial displacement of the internal carotid arteries inhibits surgical treatment of velopharyngeal insufficiency, necessitating treatment with a prosthetic speech device in such children. Since displacement and tortuosity may be associated findings in the velocardiofacial syndrome, the exact location of the internal carotids should be ascertained when pharyngeal flap surgery is planned. (Authors' Abstract - Lindsay)

Reprints: Mary Anne Witzel, Ph.D. Department of Speech Pathology The Hospital for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario MSG 1X8

McKInsTRY RE. Transverse relationships of the infraorbital foramina in cleft and noncleft individuals. Am J Phys Anthropol 1987; 74:109-115.

The location of infraorbital foramina was determined in a transverse plane in skulls and in radiographs of age- and sex-matched unrepaired cleft and noncleft individuals. Unusual position of the foramen in cleft individuals warrants caution in the use of local anesthetics. Infraorbital foramina on the affected side were significantly superior in cleft palate individuals. The more superiorly placed infraorbital foramen suggested vertical deficiency of the maxilla on the affected side. In P-A cephalograms the location of the infraorbital foramina is variable and the author suggests that three-dimensional CT scans may eliminate problems locating them in a transverse plane analysis. (Gregg)

Reprints: Dr. Robert E. McKinstry Department Removable Prosthodontics University of North Carolina School of Dentistry Chapel Hill, NC 27514 ABSTRACTS 185

MarsH J, CEN SE, VanniEr MW, Gopo M. The skeletal anatomy of mandibulofacial dysosto- sis (Treacher Collins Syndrome). Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 78:460-468.

Fourteen consecutive patients with mandibulofacial dysostosis were evaluated between 1981 and 1985 including CT scanning. Two father-daughter pairs were within the group. Coronal and longitudinal orbital paraxilla reformations were created as well as three dimensional surface reformations. In selected cases, elec- tronic disarticulation of the mandible from the glenoid fossa was carried out for independent study of the jaw and the cranial base. Findings included deformity of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone in the majority of patients and severe deformity of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone as the most consis- tently deformed feature of the skull. The zygomatic process of the temporal bone was absent in 89 percent of the arches examined. The external auditory meattus were absent bilaterally in 43 percent of the patients. The frontal process of the zygoma was deformed in most patients. The mandible varied in deformity and ranged from normal to severe dysplasia in an asymmetric manner. Only one orbit in one individual appeared normal with respect to both rim integrity and configuration. The medial pterygoid plates were abnormal in all 12 patients. The medial pterygoid muscles were hypoplastic in the 10 patients in whom they could be studied. (Trier) 1 Reprints: Dr. Jeffrey L. Marsh Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Deformities Institute Children's Hospital 400 South Kingshighway St. Louis, MO 63110

Monoson PK, Fox AW. Preliminary observation of speech disorder in obstructive and mixed sleep apnea. Chest 1987; 92:670-675.

Clinical observation suggested that disordered speech seemed to be associated with sleep apnea. We recorded a standard speech sample from 39 matched subjects in three groups, 13 sleep apnea individuals, 13 subjects with COPD, and 13 subjects without sleep apnea or COPD. Three speech pathologists in a single blind listen- | ing task of the recorded samples judged whether or not speech disorder was present. Eight of the sleep apnea subjects were judged to have disordered speech compared to three of the COPD group and one of the non-sleep apnea, non-COPD (normal) group. These results were statistically significant. This supports a clinical impres- sion that speech disorder is more common in individuals with sleep apnea than expected. There may be com- mon anatomic and physiologic disturbances present between the two conditions, and perhaps disordered speech is a sign of sleep apnea. (Authors' Abstract - Peterson-Falzone)

Reprints: Dr. A.W. Fox 225 South Oak Park Drive Peoria, IL 61614

MoRRIsoN G. The treatment of cleft lip and palate in the Republic of South Africa. S Afr J Con- tinuing Med Education 1987; V5:77-80.

In Johannesburg, delayed closure of the hard palate was practiced until recently, but the present protocol is closure of the lip at 3 months of age and closure of the entire palate at about 1 year of age. In Cape Town there are two units, one at the Red Cross Hospital and another at the Tygerberg Hospital. At the Red Cross Hospital, about 1,700 cases have been treated by repairing the palate as early as possible with simultaneous closure of the lip and palate in those cases with a cleft lip and palate. In this unit the emphasis is on speech. In the Tygerberg Hospital, the concentration has been more on the maxillofacial development and this unit has been using the delayed palate closure technique on selected cases, but has recently reverted to closure of the lip at about 3 to 6 months and then palatal closure at between 6 and 9 months. In Pretoria, the palate is closed between 6 and 12 months of age. In Pietermaritzburg, the lip is repaired at about 3 to 4 months and the isolated cleft palate at about 8 months. The unilateral cleft lip and palate are repaired as a one-stage procedure at about 4 months of age. In Durban the lip is repaired at about 3 months with the palate repair being completed before 1 year of age. (Fernandes)

Reprints: Dr. G. Morrison, M.B.Ch.B., EC.S. (S.A.) Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Wynberg Medical Centre Wynberg 7800 South Africa 186 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

NicoLAI JPA, RoBINsON PH. Static syndrome after cross-facial nerve transplantatlon Ann Plast Surg 1987; 19:337-342.

The authors describe two forms of abnormal function following nerve healing, cross-shunting and synki- nesis. A special form of synkinesis seen in patients recovering from Bell's palsy is autoparalytic syndrome. The authors prefer the term static syndrome for this latter condition when it occurs following cross-facial nerve transplantation. They define static syndrome as the contraction of a pedicle or free muscle flap simultaneous with voluntary contraction of the orbicularis muscle in a patient with longstanding unilateral facial paralysis in whom the muscle flap has been reinnervated by a cross-facial nerve graft. The simultaneous contraction of muscles in opposite directions leads to immobilization of the corner of the mouth. They suggest that the only solution to prevent this so-called static syndrome is to transplant smaller nerves connected at more peripheral levels to smaller facial nerve branches with more specific functions. (Lindsay)

Reprints: Dr. J. Nicolai Regional Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Eusebiusbuitensingel 3 6828 HS Arnhem The Netherlands

NoorpHOFF MS, Kuo J, Wang F, HuUaNc H, WiTzEL MA. Development of articulation before delayed hard-palate closure in children with cleft palate: a cross-sectional study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987; 80:518-524.

This is a study in Mandarin-speaking children from Taiwan. It is the first part of a comprehensive study that will later include reports on resonance and velopharyngeal function. The patients had soft palate closure before 18 months of age and the hard palate was to be closed at 6 to 7 years of age. The development of articu- lation before surgical closure of the hard palate was compared in 75 preschool children with cleft lip and palate and 40 preschool children born without clefts. The patients with cleft had significantly poorer articulation skills than the controls. Fistula size and the history of speech therapy were not significant factors in the articu- lation error scores for the majority of the age groups. (Lindsay)

Reprints: Dr. M. Samuel Noordhoff Department of Plastic Surgery Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 199, Tung Hwa North Road Taipei, Taiwan 105 Republic of China

OUsTERHOUT DK, VARGERVIK K. Aesthetic improvement resulting from craniofacial surgery in syndromes. J Cranio-Max Fac Surg 1987; 15:189-197.

A consecutive series of 21 patients with craniosynostosis syndrome (9 Crouzon, 6 Pfeiffer, 6 Apert) was evaluated for reconstructive postoperative esthetic improvement resulting from craniofacial surgery (Le Fort III, sliding genioplasty, nasal septal reconstruction, and cranioplasty). The same consecutive series of patients had been previously evaluated for stability of Le Fort III advancement. All the patients were assessed at least 1 year postoperatively. Stability of the advancement was confirmed. In the present study, various midline bony and soft tissue profile measurements were obtained from lateral cephalograms. These measurements were com- pared to similar measurements (standards) in normals. "Normal" standards and "normal" appearance imply harmonious and esthetically pleasing facial features. This study showed markedly abnormal positions of the selected bony and soft tissue landmarks preoperatively compared to the normal, but following surgery the meas- urements studied approached or were similar to the normal standards. Based on these measurements, the pa- tient's appearance improved significantly following reconstructive craniofacial surgery. Suggestions for additional surgery based on these studies were made. (Authors' Abstract - Posnick)

Reprints: Dr. D.K. Ousterhout Department of Surgery (Plastic) University of California San Francisco, CA 94143 ABSTRACTS 187

OUSTERHOUT DK, VARGERVIK K. Maxillary hypoplasia secondary to midfacial trauma in childhood. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987; 80:491-497. '

Three normal children who suffered midfacial trauma and developed midfacial retrusion requiring Le Fort III advancements for correction of the deformity were described. All patients had injury to the nasal septum. Reporting these cases is helpful because, in the young child, the relative importance of sutures and cartilaginous growth sites to facial growth is unclear. (Lindsay)

Reprints: Dr. Douglas K. Ousterhout 490 Post Street, Suite 910 San Francisco, CA 94102

PERsING JA, BABLER WJ, JaAnE JA, DucKkwortH PF. Experimental unilateral coronal synostosis in rabbits. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 77:369-376,.

Immobilization of the coronal suture with methylcyanocrylate adhesive was performed in 9-day-old rab- bits and the study group was compared with a control group in which exposure of the suture was made without topical application of the adhesive. Serial cephalometric radiography was used to study the effect of growth in the cranial vault base and facial skeleton. The treatment group showed decreased bone growth at the coronal suture (mean 0.95 mm plus or minus 0.35 SE) when compared to the control animals (mean 5.06 mm plus or minus 0.20 SE). Frontonasal suture bone growth on the contralateral side was significantly increased. The anterior cranial base became significantly shortened and orbital asymmetry developed. The abnormalities simu- lated unilateral coronal synostosis in humans. (Trier) A

Reprints: Dr. John A. Persing Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery University of Virginia Medical Center Box 376 Charlottesville, VA 22908

PERSING JA, BABLER WJ, NagorRrsKky MJ, EDGERTON MT, JANE JA. Skull expansion in experimental craniosynostosis. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 78:594-603.

Coronal suture immobilization was performed bilaterally using methylcyanoacrylate adhesive. A control group underwent the same operative procedure without treatment with the adhesive. At 60 days of age, animals within each group, were randomly assigned to a no-treatment group, a craniectomy group, and a craniectomy group with springs inserted into drill holes on either side of the frontal and parietal bones across the craniecto- my defect. Significantly greater separation of the coronal suture was observed in the group of animals follow- ing spring expander implantation than with linear craniectomy alone. No change was observed at the frontonasal suture. Cranial base lengthening was positively affected by the spring in addition to the linear craniectomy. The sham-treated animals who underwent craniectomy with insertion of the spring had greater expansion than those animals in which the spring was not inserted, but not as marked separation as the coronal suture immobi- lized animals. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. John A. Persing Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery University of Virginia Medical Center Box 376 Charlottesville, VA 22908 188 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

PFEIFFER RA, SINGER H, ZscHIESCHE S. Sagittal craniostenosis, congenital heart disease, mental deficiency and various dysmorphies in two sibs - a '"new'' syndrome? Eur J Pediatr 1987; 146:75-78. ' This is a report on two mentally retarded sibs with similar anomalies (sagittal craniosynostosis, complex cardiovascular malformations, mandibular ankylosis) and various dysmorphic features. They could represent a "new"" probably monogenic syndrome. (Authors' Abstract - Beemer)

Reprints: R.A. Pfeiffer Institut fur Humangenetik Schwabachanlage 10 D-8520 Erlangen Federal Republic of Germany

PFEIFFER RA, TIETZE U, WELITE W. An unusual, possibly "new" MA/MR syndrome with sagittal craniosynostosis. Eur J Pediatr 1987; 146:74-75.

This report is on a mentally retarded, male child with multiple anomalies: sagittal craniosynostosis, bilateral coloboma of the iris, craniofacial dysmorphy, asymmetrical split hand malformation, bilateral syndactyly of second to fourth toes, and perineoscrotal hypospadias. (Authors' Abstract - Beemer)

Reprints: R.A. Pfeiffer Institut fur Humangenetik Schwabachanlage 10 D-8520 Erlangen Federal Republic of Germany

PIGOTT RW. Objectives for cleft palate repair. Ann Plast Surg 1987; 19:247-259.

This long, comprehensive, and thoughtful article cannot adequately be summed up with an abstract. The anatomical and physiological considerations in this article can be summarized in the author's closing sentence, "it appears that over the last century we have spent overlong on lengthening and agonizing over the agonist of palatal closure and that we should spend more time synthesizing the synergist while not despising the depressor." the deep groove deformity of the palatal dorsum is well described as is the role of the musculus uvulae along with a clear description of operative procedures to prevent and/or reconstruct the dorsal groove deformity. (Lindsay)

Reprints: Mr. R, Pigott 2 Clifton Park Clifton, Bristol BS8-3BS England

PILLEMER FG, MaAsEL BJ, KaBAN LB. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction and facial pain in chil- dren: an approach to diagnosis and treatment. Pediatrics 1987; 80:565-570.

A model for the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction and facial pain in chil- dren is presented. Emphasis is placed on systematic assessment of physical, psychologic, and behavioral fac- tors when conservative medical therapy is inadequate for symptom relief. The model represents a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, which is described through case presentations. The results of research on the inci- dence of primary psychopathology in 53 children and 322 adults evaluated during a 3-year period for tem- poromandibular joint dysfunction and facial pain are also presented. It was found that children were more likely to be psychiatrically impaired (25 percent) than adults (7 percent). Children had a variety of psychiatric diagnoses including depression, conversion and adjustment disorders, overanxious behavior, and anorexia ner- vosa. The benefits of a multidisciplinary approach are discussed in terms of the efficacy of this coordinated treatment effort in ameliorating symptoms. (Glaser)

Reprints: Dr. Francine G. Pillemer Department of Psychiatry, Fegan 8 The Children's Hospital 303 Longwood Avenue Boston, MA 02115 ABSTRACTS 189

SCHULTZ RC. Management and timing of cleft palate fistula repair. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 78:739-145. '

One hundred and ninety-nine patients with clefts of the secondary palate excluding syndromic clefts and submucous clefts underwent repair with a Wardill-type pushback in 75 percent of cases and a von Langenbeck repair in the other 25 percent. Twenty-two percent of the patients developed a palatal fistula. Bilateral com- plete cleft palate was associated with fistulas four times more frequently than isolated cleft palate and twice as frequently as patients with a unilateral cleft palate. Forty-nine percent of the patients with fistulas had inter- ference with normal speech production and eustachian tube function. Twenty-one of the patients were treated, 7 by obturation alone and 14 by surgical repair. When treated conventionally by excision and closure of the fistula, turnover flaps, vomer flaps, and other soft tissue procedures, fistulas recurred in 65 percent of patients, but speech was improved in 68 percent. In another group of patients, cancellus bone grafting was added; the success of anterior fistula closure rose to 92 percent if orthodontic arch alignment, complete excision of all scar tissue, and raising of nasal and oral flaps was added. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. Richard C. Schultz - 1875 Dempster Street Suite 690 Park Ridge, IL 60068

Tocco DR, RENSKERS K, ZIMMERMAN EF. Diazepam-induced cleft palate in the mouse and lack of correlation with the H-2 locus. Teratology 1987; 35:439-445.

Since phenytoin and diazepam share the common properties of anticonvulsant activity and the induction of cleft palate in mice, and since phenytoin susceptibility has been shown to be influenced by genes in the H-2 region of chromosome 17, the authors designed an experiment to test whether diazepam susceptibility has the same locus. They used SW mice sensitive to the induction cleft palate by diazepam, insensitive AJ mice, and various strains for study of the involvement of the H-2 locus. The dosing regimen was designed to reduce maternal stress, thereby reducing the incidence of spontaneous cleft palate and maximizing the inci- dence of cleft palate owing to teratogen treatment. Results showed that diazepam induced a significantly higher incidence of cleft palate in the SW mice than in the AJ mice and that the defects were produced by diazepam directly and not through maternal toxicity. Differences in strain susceptibility to diazepam were found not to be caused by differences in critical periods of development at treatment. Comparison of the cleft palate inci- dence after diazepam treatment of strains of mice with different H-2 haplotypes indicated that diazepam-induced cleft palate is not regulated within the H-2 locus in the strains of mice used. (Overman)

Reprints: Dr. Donald R. Tocco Environmental Health Research and Testing, Inc, Cincinnati, OH 45245

TULASNE J-F. The overlapping bone flap genioplasty. J Cranio-Max Fac Surg 1987; 15:214-221.

The overlapping bone flap genioplasty is the transposition of the inferior part of the mandibular symphysis in front of the anterior mandibular cortex. The fragment remains attached to the medial fibers of the supra- hyoid muscles. A study of long-term results (minimum 6 months) in 29 adults and 17 adolescents has shown a mean bone resorption of 24 percent in the first group, and 40 percent in the second group, with some unpredictable variations. The maximum resorption occurs between the third and sixth postoperative months and there is minimal change afterwards. The soft-tissue-osseous advancement is close to 75 percent in the adult and is comparable to the result of the standard sliding genioplasty. (Authors' Abstract - Posnick)

Reprints: J.-F. Tulasne, M.D. 26 Avenue Kleber F-75 116 Paris, France 190 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2

VoGEL JE, MULLIKEN JB, KABAN LD. Macroglossia: a review of the condition and a new classifi- cation. Plast Reconstr Surg 1986; 78:715-723. '

The authors classify macroglossia as true macroglossia when there are histologic abnormalities present and include congenital macroglossia secondary to vascular malformations, muscular enlargement, systemic disorders, and congenital tumors such as dermoid cysts. True acquired macroglossia may consist of tumors such as lymphomas, systemic disorders such as amyloidosis and local reactive changes such as edema or vas- cular congestion. Relative macroglossia reveals no histologic abnormality of the tongue and includes congeni- tal disorders such as Down syndrome and acquired lesions such as functional disorders, elevation of the tongue due to Ludwig's angina and systemic disorders such as myxedema. (Trier)

Reprints: Dr. James E. Vogel Department of Surgery University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Wapa T, TacHImURA T, YakUsHII N, Kawamura M, IsmrwaraArI M. A new type nipple for cleft palate feeding. J Jpn Cleft Palate Assoc 1986; 11:213-220.

The authors have invented a new type of nipple based on the clinical experiments of sucking from the aspect of expression in cleft palate feeding. The nipple was designed as flat and hard on the top, hemispherical and soft on the bottom, and with crosscut opening for better adaptation to the palatal anatomy and for better tongue contact to encourage the practice of feeding skills. The physical properties of the nipple were compared with those of the conventional nipples on the market. The laboratory test showed that the nipple with these features may be more effective than conventional ones for clinical use with infants with poor sucking skills. (Wada)

Reprints: Dr. Takeshi Wada Center for Oral-Facial Disorders Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry 1-8, Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka 565 Japan

Wapa T, TacHimurRA T, YakKUsHIUI N, Kawamura M, IsurwaTarRI M. Clinical evaluation on the effect of a new type of nipple for cleft palate feeding. J Jpn Cleft Palate Assoc 1986; 11:221-228.

The clinical findings of feeding difficulties in subjects with complete cleft of the lip and palate at the first visit, and the feeding condition (i.e., intake volume, feeding time, and body weight gain) before and after the use of a new type of nipple for cleft palate were studied. The authors reported that the feeding difficulties were caused by ulcer formation on the nasal membrane owing to penetration of a round conventional nipple into the cleft (5 cases), combined use of tube feeding with a conventional nipple (7 cases), prolonged feeding time (3 cases), and drop feeding with the use of bulb syringe (11 cases). The mean intake volume was 424 ml and the feeding time was 215 minutes per day at the time of first visit; however, these showed significant im- provement 1 week after the use of the new nipple as measured by an increased intake amount (574 ml per day) and decreased time 146 min per day). The mean intake volume, feeding time, and body weight gain was within the normal standard range when tested 3 months after use of the nipple. Authors suggest that the use of the new nipple may contribute to stimulation of self-demand feeding and physical development of patients with cleft palate. (Wada) ' '

Reprints: Dr. Takeshi Wada Center for Oral-Facial Disorders Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry 1-8, Yamadaoka, Suita City, Osaka 565 Japan ABSTRACTS 191 Yantyv E, TraUs P, FucHs C. The anatomical relationship of the eustachian tubes with and without infection. S Afr Med J 1987; 72:263-266. '

In a study of 24 human temporal bones, 20 did not show any evidence of infection, whereas four showed signs of chronic otitis media (i.e., central perforations of the eardrum) and one had a cholesteatoma as well. The eustachian tubes were removed in toto and fixed in paraffin blocks. Serial sections were cut and the histo- logical and anatomical features studied. No significant (anatomical) differences were found between the tubes with or without infection. In addition, the isthmic lumen of each tube was compared with the mastoid pneu- matization of its temporal bone in an attempt to evaluate the functional status of eustachian tubes with and without infection. The isthmic tube was chosen for comparison since it is the part of the eustachian tube that offers the highest resistance to airflow. No correlation was found to exist between the isthmic lumen and mastoid pneumatization parameters of the groups. (Authors' Abstract - Fernandes)

Reprints: Dr. E. Yaniv Department of Statistics Tel Aviv University 28 Rambam Street Raanana, Israel REVIEWS

Journal of Childhood Communication Disorders CostOoN GALE N, Ep. 85 pp. Volume X, No. 1, 1986. $4.00.

The purpose of this issue of the Journal of Child- ed with seven compensatory patterns serves to give the hood Communication Disorders was to present cur- reader a standard for early intervention, minimizing rent information concerning the nature and causes of maladaptive articulatory patterns. velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI) and the effects of The article entitled "Evaluating Velopharyngeal VPI upon communication. This issue is comprised of Incompetence" by Robert Shprintzen discusses "state- seven articles authored by recognized authorities; the of-the-art'"' diagnosis of VPI. He describes the tools articles include methods of diagnosis and physical and and techniques used in diagnosis and how the results behavioral management of VPI. of this diagnostic information affects treatment plan- David Dickson presents a concise overview of the ning. Shprintzen is emphatic in stating his disbelief that anatomy, muscle biomechanics and physiology of the the majority of clinicians still do not rely upon readi- normal velopharyngeal mechanism. Dickson covers ly available state-of-the-art methods and procedures. this topic in his usual excellent manner. However, the I heartily agree with his position and endorse his fol- student or neophyte clinician might be confused when lowing statement, "We have found the frontal view Dickson states: "the lateral walls of the oropharynx videofluoroscopy to provide indispensible information, are not (my italics) involved in velopharyngeal closure especially for pharyngeal flap surgery." but are involved in articulatory gestures." Two state- Ravelo Ragamaso in his article "Physical Manage- ments precede the one just cited "*--the lateral walls ment of Velopharyngeal Incompentence'" presents an of the nasopharynx move medially, posteriorly, and su- approach for pharyngeal flap surgery that matches the periorly to complete closure of the lateral parts of the width of the pharyngeal flap to the gap. He describes velopharyngeal space." and *"*--the lateral pharyngeal his surgical approach, which does not split the velum walls move in concert to complete the closing motion." in the midline nor is it a palatal pushback procedure, Although the seasoned clinician/researcher might un- and reports a low morbidity and complication rate. His derstand what appear to be conflicting statements, they main thesis is simply that matching flap size with the might also take issue with them. David Kuehn presents gap offers predictable and better results. a very fine section entitled "Causes of Velopharyn- The last article by Gale Coston develops a ration- geal Incompetence," discussing the etiologies result- ale and presents a behavioral treatment protocol for ing in structural or functional aberrations of the velum, patients presenting with VPI. Seven conditions under pharynx, or both that underlie accompanying speech which behavioral management of speech disorders may disorders. He discusses the different terms that have vary are discussed, and she presents specific treatment been used to describe abnormal velopharyngeal func- techniques for each condition described. tion, but disposes of the terminological confusion by This special issue of the Journal of Childhood using the acronym VPI throughout his report. Judy Communication Disorders is a useful overview in un- Trost-Cardamone continues her fruitful work in ad- derstanding the nature and treatment of VPI and should dressing the issue of phonetically describing compen- be of great assistance for the readership of that Jour- satory substitutions. This discussion is preceded, nal. I believe it would also serve well as a concise however, by a presentation of taxonomy and a review review for those who regularly read the Cleft Palate of her classification of velopharyngeal disorders. I Journal. found her discussion of the speech consequences of VPI to be most pertinent; included was an indepth Donnell F. Johns, Ph.D presentation of compensatory articulation types and er- Professor of Surgery ror patterns, specific references to the type and tim- Assistant Dean of Surgery ing of initial palatoplasty, and the role of early speech University of Texas Southwestern Medical School intervention. The accompanying appendix describing Dallas, TX 75235 articulatory postures and substitution patterns associat-


FUTURE ACPA MEETINGS 1988 1991 Williamsburg, Virginia Hilton Head, South Carolina April 26-29 1989 1992 San Francisco, California Portland, Oregon April 23-28 1990 1993 St. Louis, Missouri Tampa, Florida May 14-17


The 45th Anniversary Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association will be held Tuesday April 26 to Saturday April 29 at the Conference Center, Williamsburg, Virginia. On April 24 and 25, a two-day seminar dealing with velopharyngeal incompetence will precede the general meeting. The welcoming reception is scheduled for Monday evening April 25, and the annual banquet is on Wednesday April 27. Other social activities and tours are planned, and those interested should contact James Carraway, M.D. (804-623-1090), the local arrangements chairperson. Suggestions and comments about the general conduct of the meeting are welcome and should be directed to the 1988 Program Chairperson, James Lehman Jr., M.D. (216-253-9161). Registration forms are available from the ACPA National Office, 1218 Grandview Avenue, University of Pitts- burgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15211 (412-481-1376).


The American Cleft Palate Association is sponsoring a State-of-the-Art Symposium on Velopharyngeal Incompetency April 24-25, 1988 at the Conference Center in Williamsburg, Virginia. The symposium will be comprehensive and state-of-the-art, with topics including anatomy, physiology, prevention, evaluation, and treatment. Individuals from the specialties of dentistry, plastic surgery, and speech pathology will be represented on the faculty. For further information contact the ACPA National Office, 1218 Grandview Avenue, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15211 (412-481-1376).

193 194 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1988, Vol. 25 No. 2


Two of the Cleft Palate Foundation's Committees, Hotline and Parent-Patient Liaison, and the National Cleft Palate Foundation are in the process of a telephone survey to identify support groups and update the current list of groups. Carol Cunningham, Pam Onyx, and Mary Pannbacker are doing the telephone survey. If you know of a parent-patient support group, it would help to have the information so it can be included in the updated list. Contact: Mary Pannbacker, Ph.D., Chairperson, Parent-Patient Liaison Committee, Loui- siana State University Medical Center, Department of Communication Disorders, School of Allied Health Profes- sions, P.O. Box 33932, Shreveport, LA 71130-3932; (318)227-5156.


At an advanced workshop entitled, "What is a Cleft Lip, Alveolus & Palate?" held in early May by the European Association of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery and the Craniofacial Society of Great Britain, par- ticipants agreed to start Initiatives on a variety of problems, under the auspices of the Craniofacial Society of Europe. These would initiate and pursue joint studies to be presented during the next Cleft Palate Congress in Amsterdam in 1991. Topics like Research Methodology, Inter-center Comparison, Clinical Trials and Varia- bility within groups of CLP children will be addressed at this future meeting. Anyone interested in joining one of the Initiatives of the Society should write to: Professor Otto Kriens, Marcussalles 22A, D-2800 Bre- men 33, German Federal Republic.


The Second International Symposium on Feeding and Dentofacial Development will be held at the Ameri- can Dental Association headquarters in Chicago, Illinois from May 5-7, 1988. This interdisciplinary symposium will address various aspects of child development including: dental, facial, cranial, psychological, and speech. The preventive and interceptive approach to the management of various developmental aberrations will be em- phasized. The symposium is sponsored by the Bureau of Maternal and Child Health and Resources Manage- ment, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the American Association of Orthodontics Foundation. It is endorsed by the American Cleft Palate Association. Co-presidents of the symposium are Drs. Samir Bishara and Mary Hayes. For information contact: Second International Symposium on Feeding and Dentofacial Development, 919 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-USA (312)266-8198.


The Center for Cranial Base Surgery, Eye and Ear Hospital, Presbyterian-University Hospital, and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Division of Continuing Education are sponsoring an International Symposium on Cranial Base Surgery at the Vista International Hotel in Pittsburgh, PA from September 13—17, 1988. Ivo P. Janecka, M.D., FA.C.S. and Laligam N. Sekhar, M.D. are the course directors for the sympost- um. For further information contact: Division of Continuing Education, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 1022 Scaife Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, phone: (412)648-9888. ANNOUNCEMENTS 195


The 6th International Congress on Cleft Palate and Related Craniofacial Anomalies will be held June 18-23, 1989 in Jerusalem. For information contact Mrs. Hana Shapiro, Kenes Limited, PO. Box 50006, Tel Aviv, 61500, Israel (O11-972-3-654571).


The Second World Dental Conference will be held in Jerusalem, Israel on June 26 to 30, 1988. For further information, contact Dr. A. Stabholz, Chairman, PO Box 983, Jerusalem 91009, Israel.

The Cleft Palate Journal Announcement Policy

The Cleft Palate Journal is pleased to publish announcements of meetings and educational programs sponsored by professional societies, universities, and hospitals. The meeting must pertain to cleft palate or to other cranio- facial anomalies. The information should be limited to the title of the conference, sponsoring group, location, date, a brief description of the meeting, and the name and address of a person to contact for further information. Send announcements to Nancy C. Smythe, Executive Director, American Cleft Palate Association, 1218 Grandview Avenue, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15211 at least 90 days prior to publication.


Recent conceptual and technological developments in molecular biology and genetics and the availability of excellent animal models for a number of common craniofacial malformations are rapidly advancing our understanding of embryonic craniofacial development. A conference to review these advances will be held at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, on April 20-22, 1988. The planning committee consists of John D. Townsley, NIDR; Malcolm C. Johnston, U.N. Carolina; and, John A. McLachlan, NIEHS. The conference will provide state-of-the-art reviews by recognized authorities to place in context the latest research findings presented by invited speakers. Discussions will focus on cellular events and cell and tissue interactions during _ embryonic development, regulatory mechanisms, abnormal development and molecular genetic aspects of craniofacial development. Attendees may present original findings at a poster session. For further information contact Patricia McAdams, Comprehensive Meeting Services, 2500 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 325, Raleigh, NC 27607, phone: 1-800-845-1054.



ABNORMALITIES, DRUG-INDUCED Abnormal carotid arteries in the velocardiofacial syndrome: a report of three cases. MacKenzie-Stepner K, et al. Association of congenital deficiency of multiple vitamin Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 Sep;80(3):347-51 K-dependent coagulation factors and the phenotype of the [Chronic malignant polyarthritis in a patient with Berndorf warfarin embryopathy: clues to the mechanism of syndrome] Haberhauer G, et al. Beitr Orthop Traumatol 1987. teratogenicity of coumarin derivatives. Pauli RM, et al. Jul;34(7):357-60 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Am J Hum Genet 1987 Oct;41(4):566-83 . [Holoprosencephaly. Presentation of a case and review of the Epilepsy among parents of children with cleft lip and palate. literature] Naccari-Carlizzi M, et al. Minerva Pediatr 1987 Gadoth N, et al. Brain Dev 1987;9(3):296-9 _ May 15;39(9):371-6 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Development of the mandibular skeleton in the embryonic [Coffin-Lowry syndrome. Description of 2 cases associated chick as evaluated. using the DNA-inhibiting agent with cardiovascular anomalies] Della Cella G, et al. 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine. Hall BK. Pediatr Med Chir 1987 Mar-Apr;9(2):229-32 (Eng. Abstr.) J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1987;7(2):145-59 (Ita) The phenotypic interdependence of the musculoskeletal [Oto-palato-digital syndrome. - Clinico-radiological study] characters of the mandibular arch in mice. Kay ED. Beluffi G, et al. Radiol Med (Torino) 1987 Sep; J Embryol Exp Morphol 1986 Nov;98:123-36 ¢ . 74(3):176-84 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Teratogenicity of three polychlorinated dibenzofurans in [Grieg's cephalopolysyndactylia syndrome in one family] C57BL/6N mice. Birnbaum LS, et al. ' Dadali EL. Klin Med (Mosk) 1987 Jun;65(6):129-31 (Rus) Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1987 Sep 15;90(2):206-16 [Simpson's syndrome and Golabi-Rosen syndrome: the same Aroclor 1254 as an antagonist of the teratogenicity of disease or 2 different but close forms?] Lur'e IV, et al. 2,3, 7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Haake JM, et al. Pediatriia 1987;(6):81-2 (Rus) Toxicol Lett 1987 Oct;38(3):299-306 [Waardenburg syndrome with hare-lip and complete palatal [Antiepileptic drugs and teratogenesis] Weber M. cleft] Fernandez-Lebrez J, et al. An Esp Pediatr 1987 Jul; Rev Neurol (Paris) 1987;143(5):413-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) 27(1): 77-8 (Spa) [Amniotic band syndrome and a 47, XYY karyotype] Hernando ABNORMALITIES, MULTIPLE I, et al. An Esp Pediatr 1987 Jul;27(1):75-6 (Spa)

The hypertelorism-hypospadias (BBB) syndrome in members ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLIA of two families. Horak I, et al. Acta Chir Plast 1987; 29(2):61-76 Aesthetic improvement resulting from craniofacial surgery in Walker-Warburg syndrome with cleft lip and cleft palate in craniosynostosis syndromes. Ousterhout DK, et al. two sibs. Burton BK, et al. Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul; J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1987 Aug;15(4):189-97 27(3):537-41 ' ' - [Apert's syndrome and intralobar pulmonary sequestration with Apparently new autosomal: recessive syndrome of mental fatal hemoptysis] Carratala Fernandez J, et al. retardation, distal limb deficiencies, oral involvement, and An Esp Pediatr 1987 Jun;26(6):470 (Spa) possible renal defect. Buttiens M, et al. Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul;27(3):651-60 ‘ ALVEOLAR PROCESS Delineation of the male phenotype in carniofrontonasal syndrome. Morris CA, et al. Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul; Effect of timing on long-term clinical success of alveolar cleft 27(3):623-31 bone grafts. Helms JA, et al. Duplication 7p in a family with t(7;11) association with Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Sep;92(3):232-40 - anomalies of the anterior cranial base. Odell JM, et al. Development of periodontal ligament and alveolar bone in Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul;27(3):687-92 homografted recombinations of enamel organs and papillary, New syndrome: mixed hearing loss, mental deficiency, growth pulpal and follicular mesenchyme in the mouse. Palmer RM, retardation, short clubbed digits, and EEG abnormalities in et al. Arch Oral Biol 1987;32(4):281-9 . monozygous female twins. Pfeiffer RA. Am J Med Genet Fetal cartilage graft in periodontal disease. Han JQ, et al. 1987 Jul;27(3):639-44 ‘ Chin Med J [Engl] 1987 May;100(5):429-30 - Amniotic bands as a cause of ocular anomalies. Miller MT, Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy (VII). Probing et al. Am J Ophthalmol 1987 Sep 15;104(3):270-9 attachment changes related - to clinical characteristics. Miller's syndrome. Anaesthetic management of postaxial Badersten A, et al. J Clin Periodontol 1987 Aug; acrofacial dysostosis. Richards M. Anaesthesia 1987 Aug; 14(7):425-32 ~ » 42(8):871-4 _ 3 different methods of quantifying alveolar bone levels [letter] Epidemiology of facial clefts. Womersley J, et al. Moskow BS. J Clin Periodontol 1987 Jul;14(6):373-5 , Arch Dis Child 1987 Jul;62(7):717-20 Ridge augmentation using solid and porous hydroxylapatite Type of facial cleft, associated congenital malformations, and particles with and without autogenous bone or plaster. Frame parents' ratings of school and conduct problems. Tobiasen JW, et al. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Sep;45(9):771-8 JM, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul;24(3):209-15 . Donor site for alveolar cleft bone grafts [letter] Turvey TA. An aminopterin-like syndrome without aminopterin (ASSAS). J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Oct;45(10):834, 878 Fraser FC, et al. Clin Genet 1987 Jul;32(1):28-34 Regional control by the dental follicle of alterations in alveolar Proximal duplication of the long arm of chromosome 10 bone metabolism during tooth eruption. Marks SC Jr, et al. (10q11.2----10gq22): a distinct clinical entity. Fryns JP, et J Oral Pathol 1987 Apr;16(4):164-9 al. Clin Genet 1987 Jul;32(1):61-5 A radiographic analysis of a mandibular anterior vestibuloplasty -otocephaly association: a new case of the most severe with free skin graft. Watson CJ. J Prosthet Dent 1987 Sep; variant of agnathia-holoprosencephaly complex. Carles D, 58(3):374-9 ' - et al. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1987;7(2):107-13 Application of computed tomography for diagnosis of alveolar Coffin-Lowry syndrome and schizophrenia: a family report. bony defects. Katagiri S, et al. Collacott RA, et al. J Ment Defic Res 1987 Jun; Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Sep;64(3):361-6 31 ( Pt 2):199-207 ' The use of allogeneic bone for alveolar cleft grafting. Kraut Unusual facies, arthrogryposis, advanced skeletal maturation RA. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Sep; and unique bone changes. A new congenital malformation 64(3):278-82 , syndrome. Jequier S, et al. Pediatr Radiol 1987; [Photoelastic analysis of stress on alveolar bone of abutment 17(5):405-8 - ' of a fixed bridge under oblique loading] Zhao YF, et al. Abnormal carotid arteries in the velocardiofacial syndrome Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao 1987 Mar;18(1):29-32 [letter] D'Antonio LD, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 Sep; ~ (Eng. Abstr.) (Chi) 80(3):471-2 [The bone dynamics of periodontal lesions] Saffar JL. J Parodontol 1987 May;6(2):123-31 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre)

B/27 BLOOM SYNDROME A radiographic analysis of a mandibular anterior vestibuloplasty with free skin graft. Watson CJ. J Prosthet Dent 1987 Sep; Bloom's syndrome with dimorphism of sister chromatid 58(3):374-9 , exchanges in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes Mandibular advancement combined with horizontal [letter] Oono T, et al. Arch Dermatol 1987 Aug; advancement genioplasty for the treatment of obstructive 123(8):988-90 sleep apnea in an edentulous patient. A case report. Alvarez Hypersensitivity of Bloom's syndrome fibroblasts to CM, et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Oct; N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea. Kurihara T, et al. Mutat Res 1987 64(4):402-6 . Sep;184(2):147-51 Application of computed tomography for diagnosis of alveolar bony defects. Katagiri S, et al. . BONE DEVELOPMENT Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1987 Sep;64(3):361-6 [Facial growth and development in children] Shieh TY, et al. An immunofluorescence study of chondrogenesis in murine Kao Hsiung I Hsueh Ko Hsueh Tsa Chih 1987 May; mandibular ectomesenchyme. Richman JM, et al. 3(5):326-37 (Eng. Abstr.) - (Chi) Cell Differ 1987 Aug;21(3):161-73 ‘ [Objective assessment of the potentials of therapeutic sagittal action on the maxilla) Courtois J, et al. ' CEPHALOMETRY Acta Stomatol Belg 1986 Dec;83(4):257-68 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Nonextraction orthodontic therapy: posttreatment dental and [Skeletal dysharmony resolved in 20 months] Casali A. skeletal stability. Glenn G, et al. Attual Dent 1987 Feb 1;3(4):36-8, 40-2 (Ita) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Oct;92(4):321-8 [The McNamara cephalometric analysis Evaluation of Treatment effect of combined maxillary protraction and orthopedic changes in Class II malocclusion] Pietrobattista chincap appliance in severe skeletal Class III cases. Ishii H, A, et al. Dent Cadmos 1987 Mar 31;55(5):69-72 (Ita) et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Oct; [The diagnosis of open bite] Kazmierczak D. Czas Stomatol ©92(4):304-12 1986 Dec;39(12):837-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Pol) Craniofacial characteristics of subjects with normal and postnormal occlusions--a longitudinal study. Kerr WJ, et al. CHOANAL ATRESIA Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Sep;92(3):207-12 The effects of Frankel II treatment on arch width and arch [Surgical treatment of choanal atresia) Jung H. HNO 1987 Aug; perimeter. McWade RA, et al. 35(8):334-41 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Oct;92(4):313-20 [Our experiences in the treatment of choanal atresia in children] Recording the dental cast in three dimensions. Richmond S. Brzezinska H, et al. Otolaryngol Pol 1987;41(1-2):85-90 (Eng. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Sep;92(3):199-206 Abstr.) (Pol) The effects of perennial allergic rhinitis on dental and skeletal development: a comparison of sibling pairs. Trask GM, et CINERADIOGRAPHY al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Oct; 92(4):286-93 . Dysphagia in post-polio patients. Buchholz D. The influence of functional appliance therapy on glenoid fossa Birth Defects 1987;23(4):55-62 remodeling. Woodside DG, et al. Dysfunction of the pharyngo-oesophageal segment in patients Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Sep;92(3):181-98 with normal opening of the upper oesophageal sphincter: a Craniofacial morphology and occlusal variation in monozygous cineradiographic study. Ekberg O. Br J Radiol 1987 Jul; and dizygous twins. Lobb WK. Angle Orthod 1987 Jul; 60(715):637-44 57(3):219-33 ' Application of cine computed tomography to the assessment Anatomy and development of the pterygopalatomaxillar of velopharyngeal form and function. Moon JB, et al. region, studied in relation to Le Fort osteotomies. Melsen Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul;24(3):226-32 . B, et al. Ann Plast Surg 1987 Jul;19(1):16-28 [Detection of a higher incidence of pathologic somatic findings The effects of spastic cerebral palsy on occlusion. Strodel BJ. in globus sensation by use of high frequency cinematography] ASDC J Dent Child 1987 Jul-Aug;54(4):255-60 Hannig C, et al. HNO 1987 Jul;35(7):296-301 (Eng. Abstr.) Craniofacial morphology in isolated cleft palate prior to , (Ger) palatoplasty. Smahel Z, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul; 24(3):200-8 CLEFT LIP Mandibular atrophy and metabolic bone loss. Mandibular ridge augmentation by combined sandwich-visor osteotomy and A study of the incidence, sex-ratio, laterality and clinical resorption related to metabolic bone state. A 5-year severity in 3,660 probands with facial clefts in follow-up. Habets LL, et al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Czechoslovakia. Tolarové@ M. Acta Chir Plast 1987; Oct; 29(2):77-87 . Tooth eruption and craniofacial development in congenital Walker-Warburg syndrome with cleft lip and cleft palate in hypothyroidism: report of case. Loevy HT, et al. two sibs. Burton BK, et al. Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul; J Am Dent Assoc 1987 Sep;115(3):429-31 27(3):537-41 ‘ A frontal asymmetry analysis. Grummons DC, et al. Primary surgery of the prolabium in bilateral cleft lip and palate--a comparative study of two methods. Larson O, et J Clin Orthod 1987 Jul;21(7):448-65 al. Ann Plast Surg 1987 Aug;19(2):141-5 Transmission of human craniofacial dimensions. Devor EJ. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1987;7(2):95-106 ~A history of the repair of cleft lip and palate in Britain before World War II. Wallace AF. Ann Plast Surg 1987 Sep; Aesthetic improvement resulting from craniofacial surgery'in' 19(3):266-75 craniosynostosis syndromes. Ousterhout DK, et al. Epidemiology of facial clefts. Womersley J, et al. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1987 Aug;15(4):189-97 Arch Dis Child 1987 Jul;62(7):717-20 _ , Changes in zygomatic arch position following experimental lateral displacement. Vargervik K, et al. ' A computer-based method of measuring facial asymmetry. Results from an assessment of the repair of cleft lip J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1987 Aug;15(4):208-12 deformities. Coghlan BA, et al. Br J Plast Surg 1987 Jul; A longitudinal study of anteroposterior growth changes in the 40(4):371-6 ‘ palatine rugae. Simmons JD, et al. J Dent Res 1987 Sep; Subtotal premaxillectomy; a salvage procedure in selected cases 66(9):1512-5 ' of bilateral cleft lip and palate. Saad MN, et al. ' Accuracy of cephalometric prediction in orthognathic surgery. Br J Plast Surg 1987 Jul;40(4):396-406 Friede H, et al. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Sep; Epilepsy among parents of children with cleft lip and palate. 45(9):754-60 ' Gadoth N, et al. Brain Dev 1987;9(3):296-9 . Head angulation and variations in the maxillomandibular Feeding infants with cleft lip, cleft palate, or cleft lip and palate. relationship. Part II: The effects on facial contour and lip Clarren SK, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul;24(3):244-9 support. Araki NG, et al. J Prosthet Dent 1987 Aug; 58(2):218-21 f . Craniofacial morphology in isolated cleft palate prior to palatoplasty. Smahel Z, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul; Magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint. 24(3):200-8 ‘ Part III: Use of a cephalostat for clinical imaging. Laurell Incidence of cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip and palate among KA, et al. J Prosthet Dent 1987 Sep;58(3):355-9 races: a review. Vanderas AP. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul;

B/28 24(3):216-25 (65 ref.) - _palatoplasty. Smahel Z, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul; Suggestion of linkage of a major locus for nonsyndromic 24(3):200-8 orofacial cleft with F13A and tentative assignment to Type of facial cleft, associated congenital malformations, and chromosome 6. Eiberg H, et al. Clin Genet 1987 Aug; parents' ratings of school and conduct problems. Tobiasen 32(2):129-32 JM, et al. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul;24(3):209-15 Management: of the cleft palate child. MacRae DL. Incidence of cleft lip, cleft palate, and cleft lip and palate among J Otolaryngol 1987 Aug;16(4):216-20 (21 ref.) races: a review. Vanderas AP. Cleft Palate J 1987 Jul; Unilateral cleft lip repair. Mohler LR. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 24(3):216-25 (65 ref.) ‘ Oct;80(4):511-7 ' Suggestion of linkage of a major locus for nonsyndromic [Antiepileptic drugs and teratogenesis] Weber M. orofacial cleft with F13A and tentative assignment to Rev Neurol (Paris) 1987;143(5):413-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) chromosome 6. Eiberg H, et al. Clin Genet 1987 Aug; [Visualization of the course of the mimetic musculature by 32(2):129-32 , magnetic resonance tomography] Joos U, et al. The stability of Le Fort I maxillary osteotomies in patients Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 1987;32:125-7 (Ger) with simultaneous alveolar cleft bone grafts. Garrison BT, [2-dimensional pictorial representation of jaw models based on et al. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Sep;45(9):761-6 planimetry] Schneider E, et al. Donor site for alveolar cleft bone grafts [letter] Turvey TA. Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 1987;32:203-6 - (Ger) J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1987 Oct;45(10):834, 878 [Bifid tongue associated with other maxillofacial pathology. Management of the cleft palate child. MacRae DL. Presentation of 2 clinical cases] Nocini PF, et al. > J Otolaryngol 1987 Aug;16(4):216-20 (21 ref.) Minerva Stomatol 1987 Jun;36(6):511-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Autologous versus homologous bone grafting in osteotomies, [Nursing of infants with cleft lips and palates under a system secondary cleft repairs and ridge augmentations: a clinical of mothers and infants sharing the hospital room] Tateishi study. Allard RH, et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol N. Josanpu Zasshi 1987 Aug;41(8):670-3 (Jpn) 1987 Sep;64(3):269-74 [Waardenburg syndrome with hare-lip and complete palatal Abnormal carotid arteries in the velocardiofacial syndrome: cleft] Fernandez-Lebrez J, et al. An Esp Pediatr 1987 Jul; a report of three cases. MacKenzie-Stepner K, et al. 27(1): 77-8 C (Spa) © ~ Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 Sep;80(3):347-51 Development of articulation before delayed hard-palate closure CLEFT PALATE in children with cleft palate: a cross-sectional study. Noordhoff MS, et al. Plast Reconstr Surg 1987 Oct; A study of the incidence, sex-ratio, laterality and clinical 80(4):518-24 severity in 3,660 probands with facial clefts in Diazepam-induced cleft palate in the mouse and lack of Czechoslovakia. Tolarova M. Acta Chir Plast 1987; correlation with the H-2 locus. Tocco DR, et al. 29(2):77-87 Teratology 1987 Jun;35(3):439-45 Lack of association of cleft uvula with otitis media in Apache Teratogenicity of three polychlorinated dibenzofurans in Indian children. Fischler RS, et al. Am J Dis Child 1987 Aug; C57BL/6N mice. Birnbaum LS, et al. _ 141(8):866-7 Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 1987 Sep 15;90(2):206-16 Walker-Warburg syndrome with cleft lip and cleft palate in Aroclor 1254 as an antagonist of the teratogenicity of two sibs. Burton BK, et al. Am J Med Genet 1987 Jul; 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Haake JM, et al. 27(3):537-41 OC ' Toxicol Lett 1987 Oct;38(3):299-306 Effect of timing on long-term clinical success of alveolar cleft [Prosthetic after-care of patients with clefts in the northern bone grafts. Helms JA, et al. = ' Moravian region] Maceéek J, et al. Prakt Zubn Lek 1987 Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 1987 Sep;92(3):232-40 May;35(4):101-6 (Eng. Abstr.) (Cze) Miller's syndrome. Anaesthetic management of postaxial [Structure, ultrastructure and microanalysis of the enamel of acrofacial dysostosis. Richards M. Anaesthesia 1987 Aug; teeth near maxillary clefts] Lagarde A, et al. Ann Pathol 1987; 42(8):871-4 7(2):113-21 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Some new aspects of dexamethasone-induced cleft palate in [Antiepileptic drugs and teratogenesis] Weber M. mice. Sauerbier I. Anat Anz 1987;163(4):319-22 Rev Neurol (Paris) 1987;143(5):413-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Fre) Primary surgery of the prolabium in bilateral cleft lip and [Visualization of the course of the mimetic musculature by palate--a comparative study of two methods. Larson O, et magnetic resonance tomography] Joos U, et al. al. Ann Plast Surg 1987 Aug;19(2):141-5 Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 1987;32:125-7 (Ger) Objectives for cleft palate repair. Pigott RW. [2-dimensional pictorial representation of jaw models based on Ann Plast Surg 1987 Sep;19(3):247-59 planimetry] Schneider E, et al. A history of the repair of cleft lip and palate in Britain before Fortschr Kiefer Gesichtschir 1987;32:203-6 (Ger) World War II. Wallace AF. Ann Plast Surg 1987 Sep; [Partial 3q trisomy. Description of a case and review of the 19(3):266-75 ‘ literature] Vianello MG, et al. Minerva Pediatr 1987 May Epidemiology of facial clefts. Womersley J, et al. 15;39(9):385-92 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Arch Dis Child 1987 Jul;62(7):717-20 [Bifid tongue associated with other maxillofacial pathology. Stickler's syndrome: a study of 12 families. Spallone A. Presentation of 2 clinical cases] Nocini PF, et al. Br J Ophthalmol 1987 Jul;71(7):504-9 Minerva Stomatol 1987 Jun;36(6):511-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) The free radial forearm flap with and without bone for closure [Oto-palato-digital syndrome. Clinico-radiological study] of large palatal fistulae. MacLeod AM, et al. Beluffi G, et al. Radiol Med (Torino) 1987 Sep; Br J Plast Surg 1987 Jul;40(4):391-5 74(3):176-84 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ita) Subtotal premaxillectomy; a salvage procedure in selected cases [Nursing of infants with cleft lips and palates under a system of bilateral cleft lip and palate. Saad MN, et al. of mothers and infants sharing the hospital room] Tateishi Br J Plast Surg 1987 Jul;40(4):396-406 N. Josanpu Zasshi 1987 Aug;41(8):670-3 (Jpn) The effect of tongue position on division of airflow in the [Development in children with primary and secondary cleft presence of velopharyngeal defects. Selley WG, et al. palate. 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