BELENCHIA P, MCCARDLE P. Goldenhar's syndrome: a case study. J Commun Disord 1985; 18:383-392. The authors very briefly review the etiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis, and management of Goldenhar's syndrome. They also present the case history of a 19-month-old male, the sole survivor of triplets, with Goldenhar's syndrome. The patient exhibited microtia and mild hemifacial microsomia, incomplete cleft , a submucous cleft , right-ear atresia, and vertebral anomalies. At 12 months of age the patient was tested as having a 6 month deficit in communication skills. Following 6 months of participation in a multidisciplinary, early intervention program that included speech-language therapy, the patient's language abilities were normal at 19 months of age. However, articulation errors, hyper- nasality, and audible nasal emission continued to contribute to reduced speech intelligibility. Belenchia and McCardle stress the value of an interdisciplinary team approach combined with parent-centered early inter- vention for children with Goldenhar's syndrome. (Cohn) ' Reprints: Peggy McCardle, Ph.D. Exceptional Family Member Program Department of Pediatrics Walter Reed Army Medical Center Washington, D.C. 2037-5001

BELL R, KIyAK HA, JoonNDEPH DR, McNEILL RW, WALLEN TR. Perceptions of facial profile and their influence on the decision to undergo orthognathic surgery. Am J Orthod 1985; 88:323-332. The facial profile of 80 patients was evaluated by 46 orthodontists, 37 oral surgeons, 43 lay persons, and the patients. The findings indicated that: (1) self perceptions of profile are more important in the patient's decision to elicit surgical correction than the recommendation of the dental specialists; (2) although oral sur- geons and orthodontists had similar perceptions of the profile, oral surgeons recommended surgery more fre- quently; (3) lay persons are more likely to rate a profile as '"normal'' than the dental specialists; (4) patients perceive their profile differently (less critically) than the other groups. (Bishara) Reprints: Dr. H.A. Kiyak Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery School of University of Washington Seattle, WA 98198

BLUEsTONE CD, DovyLE WJ, ARJONA SK, EDs. Eustachian tube function: physiology and role in otitis media. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol [Suppl] 1985; 94:6-60. This publication constitutes the report of a workshop at the Otitis Media Research Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, September 1984. Subject matter covered includes: anatomy, pathology, physiology, animal models, pathophysiology, and role of otitis media and certain related conditions. The only direct reference to craniofacial clefting is by W. J. Doyle in the section on pathophysiology, ''Eustachian Tube Function In Special Populations: Cleft Palate Children.'' The findings reported are from a prospective study started in 1981 to evaluate eustachian tube function longitudinally in palatal cleft children. Methodology and results are reported briefly. From limited data, the author indicates that tubal dilation was similar before and after palatal surgery. A beneficial effect resulting in an improved function of palatoplasty could not be demonstrat- ed, and palatal repair decreases the pressures that passively close the eustachian tube. To those treating pa- tients with craniofacial anomalies this publication should be of interest. (Gregg) Reprints: Charles D. Bluestone, M.D. 125 De Soto Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 159 160 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2

BooRMAN JG, SomMERLAD BC. Levator palati and palatal dimples: their anatomy, relationship and clinical significance. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:326-332. The significance of dimpling of the normally elevated palate when the patient says '""Ah'' was investigated by cadaveric dissection in which traction on the levator palati reproduced the palatal indentation. Further dis- section of the palati itself revealed not only that the dimpling corresponded to the fusion of the palatopharyn- geus muscle to the posterior border of the levator but that the latter muscle occupied the intermediate 40 percent of the soft palate. In the discussion it was recommended that the levator palati should be surgically positioned into this correct anatomical site and that absent dimpling in the presence of velopharyngeal incompetence indicated inadequate muscular correction. (Ward)

Reprints: Mr. B. C. Sommerlad, F.R.C.S. N. E. Thames Regional Plastic Surgery Centre St. Andrew's Hospital Billericay, Essex, England

BooRMAN JG, SOMMERLAD BC. Musculus uvulae and levator palati: their anatomical and func- tional relationship in velopharyngeal closure. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:333-338. The gross histology and dissection of the soft palate directed at the interrelationship of the musculus uvulae and levator palati showed that the uvular muscles form a convexity on the nasal aspect of the palate overlying the levator sling. From nasendoscopic studies in normal patients and patients with inadequate repair of the palate, it was concluded that a more efficient seal of the velopharynx is provided by the bulk of the uvular tissues acting as a central plug on elevation of the levator palati. In the course of palatal repair it follows that not only should the levator palati and musculus uvulae be correctly repaired but their innervation be care- fully protected. (Ward)

Reprints: Mr. B. C. Sommerlad, F.R.C.S. N. E. Thames Regional Plastic Surgery Centre St. Andrew's Hospital Billericay, Essex, England

BrRowN AS, SILVERMAN J, GREENBERG S, MALAMUD DF, AuBum M, RW, SarsHIK M. A team approach to drool control in cerebral palsy. Ann Plast Surg 1985; 15:423-430. This article from New Jersey and Pennsylvania is an analysis of the surgical reduction of in chil- dren with cerebral palsy. The surgical procedure used was that of bilateral submandibular gland excision and bilateral ligation of the parotid gland ducts. The amount of drooling was substantially reduced in the 10 chil- dren selected as candidates for this study by the team. Psychologically, all of the children benefitted. (Lindsay) Reprints: Arthur S. Brown, M.D. Suite 813 300 Broadway Camden, NJ 08103

Cappy CM, Rei CD. An atraumatic technique for harvesting cancellous bone for secondary al- veolar bone grafting in cleft palate. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:540-543. ' In this article from the Department of Plastic Surgery, Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, England, the authors note that secondary alveolar bone grafting has evolved as a method of choice in promoting total dental re- habilitation of patients with alveolar clefts. The authors note that the ilium, rib, and calvarium have their advocates as donar sites. The ilium has been criticized because of postoperative discomfort. They describe the operative technique for the use of the Craig bone biopsy set for obtaining bone from the ilium. This is done through a less than 1 cm incision in the skin below the level of the iliac crest, 5 cm posterior to it's anterior superior spine. Multiple cores of cancellous bone can be harvested through this hole by the technique described by the authors. They conclude that, in their experience, the esthetic and functional results of alveo- ABSTRACTS 161 lar bone grafting using this technique are superior to previously described methods. The reader must assume that this statement applies to the donor site only. (Lindsay) Reprints: Mr. C. D. Reid, F.R.C.S. Department of Plastic Surgery Frenchay Hospital Bristol, BS16 1LF, England

CHEN Y, FairHgoLm D. Fronto-Orbital-Sphenoidal Fibrous Dysplasia. Ann Plast Surg 1985; 15:190-203 . Eight patients with fronto-orbital-sphenoidal fibrous dysplasia between 9 and 37 years of age are reviewed. All had longstanding frontal bulging and proptosis. Decreased vision on the affected side was present in four patients and optic nerve compression present in three patients. They underwent radical or nearly radical excision with immediate bone graft reconstruction. Postoperative results were good with no further visual loss and some visual improvement in the patients who underwent optic nerve decompression. The experience of the authors shows early diagnosis of fronto-orbital-sphenoidal dysplasia is important, since this condition is progressive. Radical surgical excision of the affected bone is safe, may cure the dis- ease, and prevents the long-term effects of progression. (Snively) Reprints: Yu-Ray Chen, M.D. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Chang Gung Memorial Hospital 199 Tung-Hwa North Road Taipei, Taiwan

CHEPENIK KP, GEORGE M, GREENE RM. Effects of dexamethasone on phospholipase activities in palate mesenchyme cells in vitro. 1985; 32:119-123. These authors have previously reported a role for prostaglandins in regulating development of the palate. This paper reports on a study to test the effects of the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone, on the activity of phospholipase A, an enzyme necessary for prostaglandin synthesis, in palate mesenchyme cells from mouse strains differing in susceptibility to cleft palate induced by glucocorticoids. Cultured palate mesenchyme cells from the glucocorticoid-sensitive A/J strain and the less sensitive C57BL/6J strain at comparable develop- mental stages were exposed to 10-6 M dexamethasone. Phospholipase activity of the cells was determined by a chromatographic technique involving the release of radiolabeled fatty acids from prelabeled phospholipids. Dexamethasone significantly inhibited phospholipase activity in cells of the susceptible A/J strain at pH 7.5, but did not affect the activity of C57 cells. The authors conclude that dexamethasone alters specific cellular phospholipase activities in a strain-specific manner, and they postulate a phospholipase-mediated event in the mechanism of cleft palate induction by glucocorticoids. (Overman)

Reprints: K. P. Chepenik, M.D. Daniel Baugh Institute of Anatomy Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA 19107

DraAyNA D, WHITE R. The genetic linkage map of the human X chromosome. Science 1985; 230:753-758. - Using genotype characterizations at more than 20 DNA marker loci from a set of 38 selected families, a database useful for mapping the human X chromosome was established. A probable genetic map spanning the distance from the distal short arm to the digital long arm of the chromosome was obtained by multilocus linkage analysis. Evaluation of recombinational behavior of fully marked chromosomes suggests the number of recombination events may be nonrandom on the X chromosome. Linkage studies performed on six families with the mutation that causes Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy and a large number of normal families per- mitted mapping of the locus for this disease with greater precision and confidence than is possible through analysis of the genotypic database. The authors suggest that the normal linkage map of the human X chromo- some should provide a valuable map for rare X-linked diseases. Although inborn facial clefting is not men- 162 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2

tioned per se, this article should be of interest to all who are involved in treatment of potentially X-linked anomalies. (Gregg)

Reprints: D. Drayna Department of Molecular Biology Genentech South San Francisco, California 94080

EDwARD JRG, NEwALL DR. The Pierre Robin syndrome reassessed in the light of recent research. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:339-442. Through the National Institutes of Health in the United States, the Pierre Robin syndrome of retrognathia, cleft palate, and has recently been redefined as the Robin anomalad implying together with its subsequent desired structural changes."" From the mechanistic theory based on induced oligo- hydramnios in rodents, such a definition can be justified. However, no such phenomena have been proved to be causative in humans where a metabolic etiology prevails. The authors therefore argue that it is wrong to describe the Robin malformation as an ''anomalad'' and suggest that mandibular maxillary agenesis would be a more appropriate term. (Ward)

Reprints: Mr. J.R.G. Edwards, F.R.C.S. Nuffield Hospital Osborne Avenue Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE2 1JP England

FARKASs LG, Munro IR, Koras JC. Abnormal measurements and disproportions in the of Down's syndrome patients: preliminary report of an anthropometric study. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 75:159-167. Fifty-two Down's syndrome patients between 3 and 31 years of age were subjected to anthropometric meas- urements, and the data were analyzed by computer to determine the most frequent or striking defective sur- face measurements and the relationship of the measurements to each other. These measurements were compared to two sets of norms: one for children up to 6 years of age, and the other for older children and adults. Meas- urements were judged subnormal if they were smaller than the mean value minus 2 standard deviations of the controls and supernormal if they exceeded the value of the mean plus 2 standard deviations of the con- trols. The most common subnormal measurements were circumference of the head (59.6%), depth of the upper third of the face (71.5%), palpebral fissure length (68.8%), nasal root height (43.8%), mouth width (21.1%), and ear length (71.5%). The most frequent supernormal finding was inclination of the palpebral fissure (46.9%). Major epicanthi were present in 42 percent of the patients studied. The study also showed that some disproportions in the orbits and face decreased with age. (Trier) Reprints: Leslie G. Farkas, M.D., D.Sc. The Hospital for Sick Children 555 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada MSG 1X8

FEntoN OM, WaTT-SmitH SR. The spectrum of the oro-facial digital syndrome. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:532-539.

This article is from the Department of Plastic Surgery of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, England. The authors note that there are now 4 to 6 types of orofacial digital syndrome described and that there is no single clinical feature that distinguishes one type from the other. They recommend that this syndrome complex be recognized as a heterogeneous group rather than assigning a new subtype every time a new feature is described and that classification be restricted to Type I and Type II, subdivisions with ABSTRACTS 163 a known inheritance pattern, which permit more accurate genetic counseling. The authors add seven new cases to the literature. (Lindsay) Reprints: Mr. O. M. Fenton, F.R.C.S. Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street London W.C.1. England

HirosE T, Tomono T, Matsuo K, KatoupA S, TAKAHASHI N, Iwasawa M, SATOH R. Crypto- tia: our classification and treatment. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:352-360. The authors detail their classification of cryptotia, a rather rare Caucasian anomaly but an extremely fre- quent congenital head and neck malformation in the Oriental population. In Japan, the incidence is approxi- mately 1 in 400. The classification is based on abnormalities of the intrinsic ear muscles, the transverse and oblique muscles, which are felt to compress the helix and antihelix. Type I is defined as a transverse muscle type and Type II as an oblique muscle type based on the specific constriction defects. Nonsurgical correction can be attempted if the children are seen early, and the authors list their results with 60 ears treated nonsurgically. This method involves an external splint fabricated from malleable orthodontic wire covered with silicone catheter. This is bent into an external stent to mold the helix. Results were good in children less than 6 months of age; 92 percent of these children obtained good results, and none fell into the poor result category. Results were uniformly less successful when older children were treated; nearly 64 percent of children more than 2 years of age at treatment time were in the ""poor result'' category. A rotation flap from the inferior cephalo-auricular sulcus to the superior part of the helical rim is then described to augment skin cover in this area when surgical correction is needed. This new method would seem to have significant advantages. This auriculocephalic sulcus can be constructed with adequate depth. The cephalad cartilaginous deformity can be corrected with unrestricted access. The posterior hairline need not be dis- turbed, and additional skin grafting is not required nor is visible anterior scarring produced. (Snively) Reprints: Takeshi Hirose, M.D. - Director, Plastic Surgery Unit Shinshu University Hospital 3-1-1-, Ashai, Matsumoto, Japan

HowELLs DJ, SHaw WC. The validity and reliability of ratings of dental and facial attractiveness for epidemiologic use. Am J Orthod 1985; 88:402-408. The authors evaluated a method to obtain indices of dental and facial attractiveness that can be used for epidemiologic surveys. The ratings were made of colored intraoral photographic records by a two-person panel using a visual analogue recording scale. The authors found the method simple, valid, and reproducible. The method needs to be verified in an epidemiologic study on . (Bishara) Reprints: Professor W. C. Shaw Department of Turner Dental School Higher Cambridge Street Manchester, England

JURILOFF DM, HArRIs MJ. Thyroxine-induced differential mortality of cleft lip mouse embryos: dose- and time-response studies of the A/WySn strain. Teratology 1985; 31:319-329. Treatment of pregnant A/WySn mice with thyroxine results in a higher incidence of mortality among cleft lip embryos than among normal controls. Using this information, the authors attempted to identify the basic genetic defect that leads to cleft lip. They observed that there was no difference in the time of maximum sensitivity between normal and cleft lip embryos. The dose-response study showed the cleft lip embryos to be more sensitive to the drug, although cleft lip frequency was not increased by thyroxine treatment. The authors conclude that thyroxine does not act in the chain of events leading to cleft lip, but that the original 164 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2

defect leading to cleft lip also influences another unknown quantitative characteristic that controls liability to mortality induced by thyroxine. (Overman)

Reprints: D. M. Juriloff, M.D. Department of The University of British Columbia 6174 University Boulevard Vancouver, B.C., Canada VOT 1W5

KUumaAR PAV. The use of a vomerine flap for palatal lengthening: the modified Nagpur technique. Br J Plast Surg 1985; 38:343-346. The author points out that the short nasal mucosa is the most significant factor in preventing an effective lengthening of the repaired cleft palate. He recommends a technique whereby, in the course of a standard 4-flap Wardill-Kilner repair, a back cut is made in the mobilized nasal mucosa to leave a triangular defect that can be effectively filled with a local vomerine mucosal flap. He does not mention whether the greater lengthening is maintained or the subsequent effect on velopharyngeal function. (Ward) Reprints: Dr. P. A. Vinod Kumar Assistant Professor in Plastic Surgery Jipmer, Pondicherry, PIN 650006 India

KUsANAGI T. Epithelial changes of the nasal columella of the palatal slit and cleft palate defects in C57BL/6 mouse fetuses. Teratology 1985; 31:111-117. The author examined the epithelium in the region of the embryonic face where the columella is due to make contact with the secondary palate, the region where failure of fusion results in the palatal slit defect. He used C57BL/6 mice treated with triamcinolone acetonide (5 mg/kg, subcutaneously) to induce palatal slit and cleft palate and compared the epithelium under both conditions. Epithelial changes appeared after teratogen treat- ment, but these changes did not in themselves seem to be responsible for the appearance of cleft palate or palatal slit. The author concludes that the defect is the result of delayed contact between the primary and secondary and that fusion may occur even in the presence of triamcinolone-altered epithelium. (Overman) Reprints: Takao Kusanagi Biological Research Laboratories Central Research Division Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd. 2-17-85 Jusohonmachi Osaka, 532 Japan

KusaANaAcI T, MILLER JR. Genetic analysis of spontaneous and induced palatal slit in C57BL/6 mice. Teratology 1985; 32:125-132. The authors examined hundreds of mouse fetuses from crosses between strains of mice that differ in sus- ceptibility to spontaneous and induced palatal slit in order to elucidate the genetic factors involved with the defect. The mouse strains examined were C57BL/6J, in which palatal slit occurs spontaneously and following triamcinolone treatment, and SWV/BcTa, in which the defect does not appear spontaneously or after triam- cinolone treatment at doses which induce cleft palate. Based on the observation of fetuses from many genera- tions of crosses between the two strains, the authors conclude that the difference between the strains in susceptibility to the spontaneous defect is due to two loci in the female and four loci in the male. They also conclude that these loci are not the same ones that determine susceptibility to palatal slit after triamcinolone treatment and that palatal slit is a distinct morphological defect separate from cleft palate induced by triam- cinolone. (Overman) Reprints: Takao Kusanagi Biological Research Laboratories Central Research Division Takeda Chemical Industries, Ltd. 2-17-85 Jusohonmachi Osaka, 532 Japan ABSTRACTS 165

KustTER W, MaJEwskI F, MrinEckE P. EEC syndrome without . Clin Genet 1985; 28:130-135. Eight cases are presented from two families with a variable manifestation of the ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-clefting (EEC) syndrome. In the first family, only one of three affected persons suffers from limb defects. In the second family, all five affected have a different pattern of symptoms, and only two of them show limb defects. The described families as well as at least one literature report confirm that ectrodactyly is not an obligate symptom of the EEC syndrome. However, one patient refused to be examined, and of the remaining seven examined, five had cleft lip and palate (mostly bilateral), and two had no clefts. (Dronamraju) Reprints: Dr. W. Kuster Institut fur Humangenetik und Anthropologie der Universitat Dusseldorf, W. Germany

McMaAnammy DS, BARNETT JS. as a presentation of the Beckwith-Wiedemann syn- drome. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 75:170-175. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome consists of macroglossia, exomphalos, and often gigantism. Patients may also have other abdominal wall defects, hemihypertrophy, visceromegaly, earlobe creases, nevus flammeus of the forehead, and postnatal hypoglycemia. The authors stress that it is important in patients with macro- glossia to establish whether or not Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is present because of the significant inci- dence of malignancy. In the 30 patients with this syndrome that were studied, two or more of the major components of the syndrome were present. Tumors were present in four patients, and 16 of the patients un- derwent partial glossectomy. The authors state that the unsightly appearance of a large, protuberant tongue, effects on dentition, and speech defects (labiodental, linguadental, and alveolar fricatives) are indications for partial glossectomy; a central, full-thickness wedge of tissue including the tongue tip is excised. (Trier) Reprints: Douglas S. McManammy, F.R.A.C.S. 32 Celia Street Burwood 3125, Victoria Australia

MoRRISON G, ET AL. The incidence of cleft lip and palate in the Western Cape. S Afr Med J 1985; 68:576-577. The incidence of cleft lip and palate in South Africa has not been established. In the Western Cape area of South Africa (approximately the size of Belgium) cleft lip and palate is treated only by plastic surgeons, either at the Cleft Palate Units of Tygerberg and Red Cross Hospitals or in private practice. In one year (1983) 52 new cases were reported in the study area. There were 3 black, 43 coloured, and 6 white babies which gave an incidence of 1:3,000 live births for the black, 1:700 for the coloured, and 1:1,700 for the white populations. The low incidence in the black population accords well with figures from Nigeria, but surprisingly, the South African white population has a relatively low incidence compared to Eu- ropean figures. The incidence amongst the coloured population was the same as for the white population in Europe and America. (Fernandez) Reprints: Dr. G. Morrison Cleft Palate Unit Tygerberg Hospital Parow Vallei Cape Province Rep. of South Africa

ORTIZ-MONASTERIO F, RODRIGUEZ A. Lateral canthoplasty to change the eye slant. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 75:1-9. The authors state that the modern concept of beauty emphasizes a slightly mongoloid slanting and superior lateral inclination of the palpebral fissure. The nature of inclination is determined by the position of the medi- al and lateral canthi in relation to the horizontal plane. Normally the lateral canthus is higher. If not, in addi- 166 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2 tion to the incorrect inclination, sclera is also exposed laterally above the lower lid margin. The position of the lateral canthus is determined by the site of attachment of the lateral palpebral ligament to the zygoma, just within the orbital margin. Superior positioning of the lateral canthus is accomplished by exposure and division of the insertion of the ligament, freeing of the orbital septum from the lateral and inferior orbital rims, and reattachment of the ligament 4 to 7 mm superiorly. Eighty-nine patients underwent lateral can- thoplasty. (Trier) - Reprints: Fernando Ortiz-Monasterio, M.D. Durango 33 Mexico 7, D.F. Mexico

PERTSCHUK MJ, WHITAKER LA. Psychosocial adjustment and craniofacial malformations in child- hood. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 75:177-182. The authors, noting inconsistencies in reports of the effects of craniofacial anomalies on patients' emotional and social well-being, studied a group of children between the ages of 6 and 13 years who were being evaluat- ed for surgery. Children with intellectual impairment, additional major birth defects, and craniofacial defor- mity secondary to trauma were excluded from the study. Healthy children matched in age, sex, intelligence, and family income from two group pediatric practices formed a control group. All subjects were asked about interactions with parents and siblings, performance at school, participation in school activities, achievement level, hobbies and interests, and participation in sports, scouting organizations, and church activities. Chil- dren were asked to complete standardized questionnaires including the Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale, Spiel- berger State Trait Anxiety Scale for Children, Junior Eysenck Personality Inventory, and Raven's Progressive Matrices. The authors also used a Childhood Experience Questionnaire, developed to determine the extent of negative social encounters and social isolation experienced by the children. In comparison to controls, pa- tients with craniofacial anomalies demonstrated higher levels of anxiety, were significantly more introverted, showed a trend toward higher neuroticism, and had a poor self-concept. Parents reported more negative so- cial experiences for affected children and more hyperactivity. Their teachers reported poorer classroom be- havior. In spite of this, children with craniofacial anomalies did not perform in the psychosocially deviant range, but simply functioned less well than matched controls. (Trier) Reprints: Michael J. Pertschuk, M.D. 1140 Gates Pavilion Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104

PrEstoN CB, LoskEN HW, Evans WG. Restitution of facial form in a patient with hemifacial microsomia. Angle Orthod 1985; 55:197-205. The authors give a case report on a 6-year-old female. Surgery included the reconstruction of the mandibu- lar body, ascending ramus, condyle, and glenoid fossa. The was overcorrected in anticipation of future growth discrepancies. There was a significant improvement in function and appearance over the 2-year period of observation. (Bishara) Reprints: Professor C. B. Preston Department of Orthodontics School of Dentistry University of Witwatersand 1 Jan Smuts Avenue Johannesburg 2001 Republic of South Africa

REDENBAUGH MA, REicH AR. Correspondence between an accelerometric nasal/voice amplitude ratio and listeners' direct magnitude estimations of hypernasality. J Speech Hear Res 1985; 28:273-281. ' Miniature accelerometers were used to transduce nasal and anterior-neck tissue vibrations of 12 hypernasal and 3 normal children. The accelerometric voltages provided an analog implementation of Horii's (1980) ABSTRACTS 167 nasal/voice ratio. Simultaneous audio recordings were later evaluated for hypernasality by listeners. Listeners' direct magnitude estimations (DME) of hypernasality were highly correlated with the accelerometric nasal/voice ratio when the stimulus sentences contained obstruents, non-nasal semivowels and vowels. No correlation existed between DME and accelerometric values when the stimulus sentences contained primarily nasal semi- vowels and vowel. (Author's Abstract) (Cohn) Reprints: Alan R. Reich, Ph.D. Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences (JG-15) University of Washington Seattle, Washington 98195

RINTALA A, RANTA R. Nasomaxillary hypoplasia-Binder's syndrome. Morphology and treatment of two separate varieties. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 19:127-134. The publication is from the Finnish Red Cross Cleft Center, Helsinki, Finland. The article describes two varieties of nasomaxillary dysplasia in 13 patients: (1) when the nose is of normal length, (2) when the nose is short. Comparative cephalometric and soft tissue differences and similarities are described for these two types as well as compared with accounts reported in the literature. Treatment was entirely by orthodontia and nasal bone graft. The short nose type was the most difficult reconstructive problem because in these cases the nasal lining had to be lengthened with a composite ear graft. (Lindsay) Reprints: A. Rintala Finnish Red Cross Cleft Center Helsinki, Finland

VANDERMEULEN JCH. Oblique facial clefts: pathology, etiology, and reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 76:212-224. This extensive review of a rare category of facial clefts describes the morphology and morphogenesis using the previous classification described by VanDerMeulen (VanDerMeulen JC, et al. A morphogenetic classifi- cation of craniofacial malformations. Plast Reconstr Surg 1983; 71:560-572.). The thesis of the paper, however, deals with the reconstruction of these difficult patients and the frequent unacceptability of results utilizing conventional procedures. Hence, a more aggressive approach was taken in five of the nine patients reviewed utilizing cheek rotation advancement flaps and in some an additional median forehead flap to augment the deficient soft tissues in the nasal and maxillary regions. The skeletal deficiency is addressed with bone grafts and then the soft tissue augmented with the cheek advancement flap. The results pictured do show quite good results but at the expense of extensive, though symmetric, facial scarring. (Snively) Reprints: J.C.H. VanDerMeulen, M.D. Acad. Hospital Rotterdam-Dijkzigt Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Dr. Molewaterplein 40, 3015 GD Rotterdam, The Netherlands

YANAI A, FUKUDA O, NAGATA S, TANAKA H. A new method utilizing the bipedicle flap for recon- struction of the external auditory canal in microtia. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985; 76:464-468. Dr. Yanai, and colleagues, addressed the difficult problem of reconstructing the external ear in the presence of a previously created external auditory canal and tympanoplasty. For this situation, they have developed a new procedure utilizing a bipedicled flap of skin anterior to the previously created auditory canal and even at times encompassing the posterior margins of the microtic remnant. This bipedicle flap is elevated and trans- posed posteriorly to provide external skin coverage for the carved costal cartilage framework that is inserted for external ear reconstruction. The defect left by transposition of the bipedicle flap can be covered by under- mined and advanced preauricular and cheek skin in the upper third, with a skin graft often required for cover- age of the lower two-thirds of the defect. This additional amount of skin would appear to be extremely beneficial in augmenting the tight and often deficient area of the mastoid skin, especially if this is previously scarred or otherwise tight. Their method 168 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2 was utilized in seven cases, and favorable results with good reconstructions are shown in two of these patients with one-stage auricular reconstruction and lobule transposition. It would appear that this skin flap is helpful in solving the problem of a previous tympanoplasty during external ear reconstruction. (Snively) Reprints: Akira Yanai, M.D. Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery University of Tokyo Hospital 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113, Japan

YaAsUDA Y, DaTU AR, Hirata S, T. Characteristics of growth and palatal shelf de- velopment in ICR mice after exposure to methylmercury. Teratology 1985; 32:273-286. Pregnant ICR mice were treated with a single dose of 12.5 to 25 mg/kg methylmercuric chloride (MeHg) between 10 d&h and 12 d16h of gestation. Observation of day 18 fetuses showed a dose-dependent reduction in body weight and the presence of cleft palate in 100 percent of the fetuses receiving 25 mg/kg MeHg. The authors discuss techniques for determining the time required for specific developmental events in palate for- mation and conclude that MeHg toxicity differs according to the stage of fetal development at that time of treatment. It is suggested that cleft palate is due to a delay in fetal development necessary for the palatal shelves to acquire a potential to elevate, and that this delay may be related to morphogenetic movements of palatal tissue prior to shelf reorientation. (Overman) Reprints: Dr. Y. Yasuda Department of Anatomy Kumamoto University Medical School Kumamoto 860, Japan BOOK REVIEWS

Surgical Correction of Dentofacial Deformities: New Concepts BELL WH. 763 pp. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Co., 1985. $125.00

This book is the third volume in a series; volumes ments. The collateral interests of microvascular and I and II were edited by W.H. Bell, W.R. Proffitt, and microneurosurgery, and current concepts in facial pain R.P. White and were published by the same compa- therapy are also included. Six chapters are devoted _ny in 1980. If the first volumes can be considered to to secondary cleft deformity and craniofacial dys- have presented a comprehensive, state-of-the-art mes- morphia. sage on orthognathic surgery and related reconstruc- In addition to comprehensive coverage of the clini- tive endeavors for the maxillofacial skeleton, then cal problems, the reconstructive modes are support- Volume III should be viewed as a compendium for ed by an impressive, nicely applied, scientific data the second generation of diagnostic and treatment mo- base. The bibliography does not overwhelm; it is, dalities which have subsequently evolved as this mul- however, more than adequate to guide the interested tidisciplinary subspecialty matures. Review of the reader into a more in-depth literary search. The illus- chapter headings alone supports this statement; trations are clear, and the format chosen is one intend- Volumes I and II covered such topics as malforma- ed for easy reading. tion syndromes, development of dentofacial deformi- Much of the material has been reported in national ties, psychological evaluation of the surgical candidate, and international forums; it would, therefore, be patient description and treatment planning, maxillary known to those clinicians and researchers in their and midfacial deformity, mandibular deficiency and respective fields who can perhaps attend all meetings, excess, open bite, chin surgery, nasal deformities, soft afford unlimited reading time and unlimited subscrip- tissue corollaries, alveolar and palatal clefts, and fa- tions, and have unlimited library services at their com- cial asymmetries, to paraphrase but a few. Volume mand. For those individuals who are less fortunate, III delves further into total facial reconstruction by way however, this work contracts a range of recent, perti- of introducing more complex and more sophisticated nent material in a broad field from a number of recog- approaches. '""'Two-'' surgery is covered, as are nized authorities into one volume. As such, it is a technical considerations in LeFort I (maxillary) sur- welcome addition to this reviewer's shelf. gery, bimaxillary surgery, and genioplasty strategies. The considerations of postoperative stability, rehabili- Michael C. Kinnebrew, D.D.S., M.D. tation, and the kinetics of the masticatory and facial Associate Professor, Departments of Oral and muscles are addressed in separate chapters, in addi- Maxillofacial Surgery and Communication Disorders tion to skeletal scintigraphy for condylar hypoplasia, Director, Oral-Facial Anomalies Group costochondral grafting of the temporomandibular Louisiana State University joints, stable osteosynthesis of osteotomies, and spe- Medical Center cial orthodontic techniques for rapid dentofacial move- New Orleans, LA

Comprehensive Care for Craniofacial Deformities MaArsH JL, VanniEr MW. 339 pp. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby, 1985. $62.00

If you are interested in patients with craniofacial helpful and instructive information about embryolo- deformities, this book is right up your alley. It docu- gy, genetics, new diagnostic radiographic techniques, ments the experience at Washington University in St. anesthetic concerns, and associated medical, neuro- Louis with over 1,000 patients, who have been seen logical, and psychological problems. The second sec- since 1978. Dr. Jeffrey L. Marsh, the author and tion on clinical management presents the evaluation Director of the Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Defor- and treatment of specific craniofacial problems ar- mities Institute, has divided the book into two sections: ranged by major anatomic areas; calvaria, orbit, mid general concepts and clinical management. The face, unilateral major facial, bilateral major facial, ear, craniofacial team and the role of each member is dis- or cleft lip and palate. Specific cases are used to il- cussed in some detail in the first section. Included is lustrate each area with a heavy emphasis on visual 169 170 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2

presentation by the use of clinical photographs, radi- view of the field of craniofacial problems for any ographs, and CT images with 3D and coronal recon- primary health care professional. It avoids the pitfall structions. The abnormal is compared with normal, of too much surgical detail, but the before and after and preoperative is compared with postoperative in images speak for themselves. It should be required a most informative way. If your institution or refer- reading for anyone dealing with children with craniofa- -ral center does not have the latest CT technology with cial defects. 3D software capability or a craniofacial team, this book will convince you it is not only desirable, it is necessary. And one should remember that Magnetic Thomas H. Smith, M.D. Resonance Imaging with 3D is in the process of Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology development. University of Texas Southwestern Medical School If you were not aware of all the various aspects of Director of Pediatric Radiology care and concern these special patients and their fa- Childrens Medical Center milies require, this book will spell it out for you in Dallas, TX a highly readable style. The book is an excellent over- ANNOUNCEMENTS


The 44th Annual Meeting of the American Cleft Palate Association will be held at the Marriott Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio, Texas on March 11-14, 1987. The 1987 Program Committee requests abstracts for review. Submissions are invited for the following categories: traditional platform presentations, poster sessions, videotape or film forum, and scientific or clinical exhibits. Any topic relevant to the scientific or clinical mission of the American Cleft Palate Association is appropriate. Inquiries from persons who would like to present 90-minute Study Sessions are also invited. Official abstract forms are mailed to ACPA members for their submissions. Additional abstract forms may be obtained from Jane Graminski, Executive Director, American Cleft Palate Associa- tion, 331 Salk Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. Completed abstracts are to be mailed to the Program Chairman, David P. Kuehn, Ph.D., Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, 901 S. Sixth Street, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL 61820. Deadline for submitted abstracts is September 30, 1986.


1986 1989 New York, New York San Francisco, California May 16-19 1990 1987 St. Louis, Missouri San Antonio, Texas March 11-14 1991 Hilton Head, South Carolina 1988 Williamsburg, Virginia 1992 April 26-29 Portland, Oregon


Three state-of-the-art conferences will be held at the University of Iowa during 1986, 1987, and 1988 on topics concerning cleft lip and palate and related disorders. Invited and contributed papers presented will serve as a basis for identifying directions for future clinical and experimental research. Focus of the confer- ences will be on surgery (October 5-8, 1986), speech pathology (October 4-7, 1987), and dentistry (October 2-5, 1988). 1986 topics include bilateral cleft lip and palate, nasal deformities associated with unilateral and bilateral clefts, and palatoplasty. The organizing committee specifically invites papers that will present results of current clinical studies; vast experiences in a particular surgical technique; critical reviews of personal 171 172 Cleft Palate Journal, April 1986, Vol. 23 No. 2 eXperience the literature, or both; and experimental studies related to these three topics. For details contact: Janusz Bardach, M.D., Cleft Palate Center, Department of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Univer- sity Hospital, Iowa C1ty, Iowa 52242.


The Tidewater Orthodontic Society is sponsoring a symposium on Upper Airway Compromise and Den- tofacial Development on July 24-26, 1986. The symposium will be held in Virginia Beach. Registration fees are $350 and must be received by June 15, 1986. For details contact: George Meredith, M.D., Suite 206, 844 Kempsville Road, Norfolk, Virginia 23502 (804) 461-5051.


The Canadian Craniofacial Society will hold its Annual Meeting on September 20-21, 1986 at the Hospi- tal for Sick Children in Toronto. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 1, 1986. For details contact: Sharon Hundart, Department of Speech Pathology, University of Alberta Hospital, P.O. Box 307, Edmon- ton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2B7 (403) 432-8859.


The Departments of Oral Surgery and Oral Pathology of the Free University, Amsterdam are presenting a meeting on Oral Surgery & Oral Pathology on November 25-27, 1986. The preliminary program includes recent views in surgical orthodontics, secondary bone grafting in cleft lip and palate, and diseases of the ton- gue. For information contact: Mrs. I.C.G. Vroonland, Department of Oral Surgery, Free University 2.11.B3, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam (020-548-7121).


The Cleft Palate Center, University of Pittsburgh announces a two-week intensive academic and clinical experience in cleft palate July 8-14, 1986. Primarily for Speech Pathologists and Audiologists. Enrollment limited (three credits). For more information, write to Betty Jane McWilliams, Ph.D., Cleft Palate Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261.

The Cleft Palate Journal Announcement Policy

The Cleft Palate Journal is pleased to publish announcements of meetings and educational programs spon- sored by professional societies, universities, and hospitals. The meeting must pertain to Cleft Palate or to other craniofacial anomalies. The information should be limited to the title of conference, sponsoring group, location, date, a brief description of the meeting, and the name and address of a person to contact for further information. Send announcements to Jane Angelone Graminski, Executive Director, American Cleft Palate Association, 331 Salk Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 at least 90 days prior to publication.


ABNORMALITIES, DRUG-INDUCED translocation t(10qter---ql11::14p11----qter). Delaroche I, et al. Hely Paediatr Acta 1984 May;39(2):161-6 Debendox revisited. Elbourne D, et al. Delineation of a characteristic phenotype in distal trisomy 2q. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1985 Aug;92(8):780-5 Kyllerman M, et al. Hely Paediatr Acta 1984 Dec; H-2 histocompatibility region influences the inhibition of 39(5-6):499-508 arachidonic acid cascade by dexamethasone and phenytoin A possible clinical implication of homozygous inversions of in mouse embryonic palates. Gupta C, et al. I9qgh regions with Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CLS). Babu J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1985;5(3):277-85 KA, et al. Hum Hered 1985;35(4):265-7 | The ultrastructural effects of prednisolone on the mesenchyme Treacher-Collins syndrome with deviated nasal septum. Bhatia of the palatal shelf in the mouse. Innes PB. R, et al. Indian J Pediatr 1984 Nov-Dec;51(413):739-41 J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1985;5(3):287-97 Cryptophthalmos syndrome. Wiznitzer A, et al. Genetic variation in spontaneous and Isr J Med Sci 1985 Jul;21(7):636-7 diphenylhydantoin-induced craniofacial malformations in Velo-cardio-facial syndrome: language and psychological mice. Brown KS, et al. profiles. Golding-Kushner KJ, et al. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol [Suppl] 1985;1:305-12 J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol 1985;5(3):259-66 [Human genetic aspects of inborn ear, nose, and throat diseases] The : a retrospective. Moller KT, et al. Jorgensen G. HNO 1985 Jun;33(6):241-54 (50 ref.) (Eng. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol [Suppl] 1985;1:283-6 Abstr.) (Ger) Cornelia de Lange syndrome in several members of the same family. Kumar D, et al. J Med Genet 1985 Aug; ABNORMALITIES, MULTIPLE 22(4):296-300 Complex translocation in a boy with trichorhinophalangeal Craniocarpotarsal dystrophy--two case reports. Georgiev E, syndrome. Sanchez LM, et al. J Med Genet 1985 Aug; et al. Acta Chir Plast 1985;27(3):152-9 22(4):314-6 Urinary tract involvement in EEC syndrome. London R, et False median cleft. Takato T, et al. J Oral Maxillofac Surg al. Am J Dis Child 1985 Dec;139(12):1191-3 _ 1985 Nov;43(11):884-8 Partial duplication of distal 17q. Bridge J, et al. Congenital malformation: dental features of acardia--case Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct;22(2):229-35 report. Dean D, et al. J Oral Med 1985 Jul-Sep; Syndromes with lissencephaly. II:; Walker-Warburg and 40(3):106-7 cerebro-oculo-muscular syndromes and a new syndrome ~ Ectopia cordis thoracalis with craniofacial defects resulting with type II lissencephaly. Dobyns WB, et al. from early amnion rupture. Van Allen MI, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep;22(1):157-95 (53 ref.) Teratology 1985 Aug;32(1):19-24 Deficiency of chromosome 8p21.1----8pter: case report and [Papillon-Léage-Psaume type I oro-facio-digital syndrome. review of the literature. Dobyns WB, et al. Apropos of a case] Galabert J, et al. . Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep;22(1):125-34 (34 ref.) Actual Odontostomatol (Paris) 1984 Dec;38(148):745-54 (Eng. Further comments on the lissencephaly syndromes. Dobyns Abstr.) ' (Fre) WB, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep;22(1):197-211 (53 ref.) [Management of Pierre-Robin syndrome] Chassagne JF, et al. Trisomy 14 mosaicism with t(14;15)(qll;pl1) in offspring of Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1985;86(3):195-202 (Eng. a balanced translocation carrier mother. Fujimoto A, et al. - Abstr.) (Fre) Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct;22(2):333-42 [Human genetic aspects of inborn ear, nose, and throat diseases] The Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome: report of a family Jorgensen G. HNO 1985 Jun;33(6):241-54 (50 ref.) (Eng. and review of the literature. Gollop TR, et al. Abstr.) (Ger) Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep;22(1):59-68 (15 ref.) [Tetrasomy 9p] Foerster W, et al. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1985 An autosomal dominant syndrome of characteristic facial Sep;133(9):694-7 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) appearance, preauricular pits, fifth finger clinodactyly, and [Mechanism of a genetically conditioned failure to thrive shown tetralogy of Fallot. Jones MC, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 in a patient with ring chromosome 18] Heinz-Erian P, et 135-41 al. Padiatr Padol 1985;20(3):231-41 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Mosaic trisomy 9 syndrome with unusual phenotype. Kaminker [Pycnodysostosis: observations on a rare case] Schiavone Panni CP, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct;22(2):237-41 A, et al. Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov 1984;34:403-9 (Eng. Johanson-Blizzard syndrome with normal intelligence. Abstr.) (Ita) Moeschler JB, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep; [Polymorphism of the cleidocranial dysplasia syndrome. 22(1):69-73 Presentation of 2 cases] Della Morte MA, et al. Familial microtia, meatal atresia, and conductive deafness in Pediatr Med Chir 1983 Sep-Oct;5(5):407-11 (Eng. Abstr.) three siblings. Schmid M, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct; (Ita) 22(2):327-32 [Roberts' syndrome. Presentation of a case] Mayayo Artal E, Smith-Fineman-Myers syndrome: report of a third case. et al. An Esp Pediatr 1985 Jul;23(1):68-72 (Spa) Stephenson LD, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct; [Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (Siemens' syndrome) 22(2):301-4 ' associated with other abnormalities] Domenech P, et al. Report of a case and further delineation of the SHORT Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am 1985;13(2):175-81 (Eng. Absér.)) syndrome. Toriello HV, et al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Oct; - (Spa 22(2):311-4 Further delineation of the dup(3q) syndrome. Wilson GN, et ACROCEPHALOSYNDACTYLIA al. Am J Med Genet 1985 Sep;22(1):117-23 Congenital migratory ichthyosiform dermatosis with neurologic Ankylosed teeth as abutments for maxillary protraction: a case and ophthalmologic abnormalities. Zunich J, et al. report. Kokich VG, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct; Arch Dermatol 1985 Sep;121(9):1149-56 88(4): 303-7 Truncus arteriosus and facial dysmorphism. Radford DJ. Craniofacial disproportions in Apert's syndrome: an Aust Paediatr J 1985 May;21(2):131-3 anthropometric study. Farkas LG, et al. Cleft Palate J 1985 The effect of syndrome diagnosis on speech remediation. Oct;22(4):253-65 Meyerson MD. Birth Defects 1985;21(2):47-68 (80 ref.) Complete denture treatment for a patient with a craniofacial Retrospective diagnoses of previously missed syndromic anomaly. Miller VJ, et al. Quintessence Int 1985 Jul; disorders among 1,000 patients with cleft lip, cleft palate, 16(7):493-5 or both. Shprintzen RJ, et al. Birth Defects 1985; [Modern surgical possibilities in craniofacial malformations] 21(2):8 5-92 ' Kozak J, et al. Rozhl Chir 1985 Jul;64(7):511-8 (Eng. A?(sjtr.g The spectrum of the oro-facial digital syndrome. Fenton OM, ze et al. Br J Plast Surg 1985 Oct;38(4):532-9 [Anesthesia in craniofacial interventions in childhood] The cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome: third report of Jelen-Esselborn S, et al. Anasth Intensivther Notfallmed 1985 familial occurrence. Hennekam RC, et al. Clin Genet 1985 Jun;20(3):131-5 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) 18-21 > [Total one-stage fronto-facial advancement in early infancy EEC syndrome without ectrodactyly? Report of 8 cases. Kiister for the treatment of postnatal asphyxia in Apert's syndrome] W, et al. Clin Genet 1985 Aug;28(2):130-5 Voy ED, et al. Dtsch Z Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir 1985 Trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 10. Report of a new Mar-Apr;9(2):108-12 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) case resulting from segregation of a maternal balanced [Human genetic aspects of inborn ear, nose, and throat diseases]

B/35 Jorgensen G. HNO 1985 Jun;33(6):241454 (50 ref.) (Eng. Muscle activity and bone formation. Vargervik K. Abstr.) (Ger ) Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;187:269-79 [Acrocephalosyndactylia--Vogt syndrome] Fehlow P, et al. Psychiatr Neurol Med Psychol (Leipz) 1985 Jun; CEPHALOMETRY 37(6):323-9 (Eng. Abstr.) (Ger) Craniofacial growth in patients with . Lavelle ALVEOLAR PROCESS CL. Acta Anat (Basel) 1985;123(4):201-6 Basic cephalometric facial characteristics in cleft lip and/or Long-term periodontal status of teeth moved into extraction cleft palate prior to the first surgical repair. Smahel Z, et sites. Reed BE, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep;8$8(3):203-8 al. Acta Chir Plast 1985;27(3):131-44 Quantitative assessment of , alveolar-crest height Experimental nasal septoplasty; influence on nasomaxillary and continuing eruption in a Romano-British population. development. A roentgen cephalometric study in growing Whittaker DK, et al. Arch Oral Biol 1985;30(6):493-501 domestic cats. Freng A, et al. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 1985 Comparison between standardized periapical and bitewing Sep-Oct;100(3-4):309-15 radiographs in assessing alveolar bone loss. Albandar JM, Nonextraction treatment of Class II, Division 1 . et al. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1985 Aug; Arvystas MG. Am J Orthod 1985 Nov;88(5):380-95 13(4):222-5 ' Perceptions of facial profile and their influence on the decision An improved microdensitometric method to investigate to undergo orthognathic surgery. Bell R, et al. interdental bone pathology. Steen WH, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct;88(4):323-32 Dentomaxillofac Radiol 1985;14(1):53-8 Longitudinal soft-tissue profile changes: a study of three Comparative study of secondary and late secondary analyses. Bishara SE, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep; bone-grafting in patients with residual cleft defects. 88(3):209-23 Short-term evaluation. Sindet-Pedersen S, et al. Cephalometric comparisons of the dentofacial relationships of Int J Oral Surg 1985 Oct;14(5):389-98 two adolescent populations from Iowa and northern Mexico. Alveolar wound healing alteration under uranyl nitrate Bishara SE, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct;88(4):314-22 intoxication. Guglielmotti MB, et al. J Oral Pathol 1985 Aug; An acoustic-speech study of patients who received 14(7):565-72 orthognathic surgery. Bowers J, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 A comparison of combinations of clinical and radiographic Nov;88(5):373-9 examinations in evaluation of a dental clinic population. Galal Holographic and cephalometric study of the relationship A, et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Nov; between craniofacial morphology and the initial reactions to 60(5):553-61 high-pull headgear traction. Duterloo HS, et al. Ridge form in preprosthetic surgery. Mercier P. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct;88(4):297-302 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Sep;60(3):235-43 Posttreatment changes of skeletal morphology following The protruding premaxilla and minimal median alveolar cleft: treatment aimed at restriction of maxillary growth. Fotis V, an unusual problem with a 12-year follow-up. Okunski WJ, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct;88(4):288-96 et al. Plast Reconstr Surg 1985 Sep;76(3):449-50 Dentoskeletal and tongue soft-tissue correlates: a cephalometric Bone formation in the canine palate following partial resection. analysis of rest position. Lowe AA, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Bardach J, et al. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;187:365-77 (18 ref.) Oct;88(4):333-41 ~ Pathogenesis and treatment conceptualization of dentofacial Dentofacial orthopedics in relation to somatic maturation. An malrelations as related to the pattern of occlusal relationship. analysis of 70 consecutive cases treated with the Herbst Lavergne J, et al. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;187:393-402 appliance. Pancherz H, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Oct; The prevalence of osseous defects on the distal aspect of the 88(4):273-87 mandibular second molar in the absence of the third molar Cephalometric changes associated with treatment using the in a dental student population. Eslami A, et al. activator, the , and the fixed appliance. Quintessence Int 1985 May;16(5):363-6 Remmer KR, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Nov;88(5):363-72 [Absolute alveolar ridge augmentation in a retrospective Functions of condylar translation in human mandibular comparison of 2 methods] Emslander E. movement. Smith RJ. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep; Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 1985 Aug;95(8):656-63 (Eng. 88(3):191-202 Abstr.) (Ger) Re: The quadrilateral analysis [letter] Valinoti JR. [Radiographic study of vertical bone loss due to open Am J Orthod 1985 Sep;88(3):264-5 interproximal contacts and tooth mobility in periodontal Response to activator treatment in Class II malocclusions. disease] Tanaka K, et al. Nippon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi Vargervik K, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep;88(3):242-51 1985 Mar;27(1):168-78 (Eng. Abstr.) (Jpn) The control of condylar growth: an experimental evaluation of the role of the lateral pterygoid muscle. Whetten LL, et BECKWITH-WIEDEMANN SYNDROME al. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep;88(3):181-90 Linear evaluation of the development of sagittal jaw Trisomy 11p15 and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. Report relationship. Williams S, et al. Am J Orthod 1985 Sep; of two new cases. Journel H, et al. Ann Genet (Paris) 1985; 88(3):235-41 28(2):97-101 ' , Response of the midface to treatment with increased vertical Wiedemann-Beckwith syndrome and hypothyroidism [letter] occlusal forces. Treatment and posttreatment effects in Leung AK. Eur J Pediatr 1985 Sep;144(3):295 monkeys. Altuna G, et al. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul; The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome: a longitudinal study of 55(3):251-63 the macroglossia and dentofacial complex. Friede H, et al. Class II, division 2 treatment and mandibular growth. Erickson J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol [Suppl] 1985;1:179-87 LP, et al. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul;55(3):215-24 BLOOM SYNDROME Comparative study between Wits appraisal and I line. Galvao CA, et al. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul;55(3):181-9 Bloom's syndrome [letter] Jones SK, et al. Am J Dis Child Alveolar arch dimensions and occlusal traits. An epidemiologic 1985 Dec;139(12):1180 study. Laine T. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul; 55(3):234-41, 249-50 BONE DEVELOPMENT Alveolar arch dimensions, orthodontic treatment and absence of permanent teeth among Finnish students. An epidemiologic Bone-muscle interactions in the muscular dystrophic mouse. study. Laine T, et al. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul; Vilmann H, et al. Eur J Orthod 1985 Aug;7(3):185-92 55(3):225-33, 249-50 Dysmorphic growth and development and the study of Facial, dentoalveolar and dental morphology in serial or early craniofacial syndromes. Cohen MM Jr. extraction. Odenrick L, et al. Angle Orthod 1985 Jul; J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol [Suppl] 1985;1:43-55 55(3):206-14 Skeletal and functional craniofacial adaptations in Restitution of facial form in a patient with hemifacial plagiocephaly. Kreiborg S, et al. microsomia. A case report. Preston CB, et al. J Craniofac Genet Dev Biol [Suppl] 1985;1:199-210 Angle Orthod 1985 Jul;55(3):197-205 Bone morphology and growth potential: a perspective of Path analysis of family resemblance for cranio-facial traits in postnatal normal bone growth. van der Linden FP. Andhra Pradesh nuclear families and twins. Byard PJ, et al. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;187:181-200 Ann Hum Biol 1985 Jul-Aug;12(4):305-14

B/36 Testing for the presence of genetic variance in factors of face surgical intervention. Ellis E 3d. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1985 measurements of Belgian twins. Hauspie RC, et al. Oct;43(10):756-62 Ann Hum Biol 1985 Sep-Oct;12(5):429-40 Intraoperative measurement of maxillary repositioning: an Adaptations to craniofacial anomalies and dysfunctions. ancillary technique. Johnson DG. Chierici G. Birth Defects 1985;21(2):33-46 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Sep;60(3):266-8 Bimaxillary protrusion in the Caucasian: a cephalometric study Ridge form in preprosthetic surgery. Mercier P. of the morphological features. Keating PJ. Br J Orthod 1985 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Sep;60(3):235-43 Oct;12(4):193-201 Assessment of mandibular condyle position: a comparison of Craniofacial disproportions in Apert's syndrome: an transcranial radiographs and linear tomograms. Pullinger A, anthropometric study. Farkas LG, et al. Cleft Palate J 1985 et al. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Sep; Oct;22(4):253-65 60(3):329-34 Surface morphology in Treacher Collins syndrome: an Mandibular advancement surgery. A study of the lower border anthropometric study. Kolar JC, et al. Cleft Palate J 1985 wiring technique for osteosynthesis. Smith GC, et al. Oct;22(4):266-74 Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1985 Nov;60(5):467-75 A cephalometric evaluation of hard and soft tissue changes Cephalometric comparisons of the cranial base and face in during class III traction. Lin JX, et al. Eur J Orthod 1985 children with the Pierre Robin anomalad and isolated cleft Aug;7(3):201-4 palate. Ranta R, et al. Proc Finn Dent Soc 1985; Facial growth and lower premolar extraction space closure. 81(2):82-90 Stephens CD, et al. Eur J Orthod 1985 Aug;7(3):157-62 Pathogenesis and treatment conceptualization of dentofacial A statistical comparison of three sets of normative data from malrelations as related to the pattern of occlusal relationship. which to derive standards for craniofacial measurement. Lavergne J, et al. Prog Clin Biol Res 1985;187:393-402 Trenouth MJ, et al. Eur J Orthod 1985 Aug;7(3):193-200 [Determination method for the position of the 1st maxillary Mandibular asymmetry measuring technique. Williamson EH. molar in view of rehabilitation with removable complete Facial Orthop Temporomandibular Arthrol 1985 Aug; dentures] Matysiak M. Cah Prothese 1984 Dec; 2(8): 10-3 12(48):65-76 (Fre) The five keys to facial beauty and TMJ health. Bowbeer GR. [Experimental study of the vertical dimension at rest with the Funct Orthod 1985 May-Jun;2(3):12-21, 24-5, 29 combined use of teleradiography and electromyography] Occlusal therapy to correct apertognathia after mandibular Vivier M, et al. 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