Wednesday 14 July 2021 Order Paper No.33: Part 1


11.30am Prayers Afterwards Oral Questions: COP26 12 noon Oral Questions: Prime Minister 12.30pm Urgent Questions, including on: „„ Prevalence of racist abuse on social media (Secretary of State for the Home Depart- ment) Afterwards Ministerial Statements, including on: „„ Addressing the legacy of Northern Ireland’s past (Secretary of State for Northern Ireland) „„ Transport decarbonisation (Secretary of State for Transport) Up to 20 min- Ten Minute Rule Motion: Planning and Local utes Representation (Rachel Hopkins) Until 7.00pm Health and Care Bill: Second Reading Followed by Motions without separate debate:

„„ Programme „„ Money „„ Ways and Means No debate Statutory Instruments (Motions for approval)  Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 2

No debate Presentation of Public Petitions Until 7.30pm Adjournment Debate: Devolution for the East or for half an Midlands () hour Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1  3


9.25am Town Deals and post covid-19 recovery 11.00am Government efforts to end the global dog and cat meat trade (The sitting will be suspended from 11.30am to 2.30pm) 2.30pm Measures to combat climate change in Wales 4.05pm Developing a cross-Government strategy for improving outcomes for children and families 4.50pm Space debris 4 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Contents


PART 1: BUSINESS TODAY 5 Chamber 10 Westminster Hall 11 Written Statements 12 Committees Meeting Today 16 Committee Reports Published Today 17 Announcements 20 Further Information

PART 2: FUTURE BUSINESS 22 A. Calendar of Business 48 B. Remaining Orders and Notices

Notes: Item marked [R] indicates that a member has declared a rele- vant interest.

6 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

BUSINESS TODAY: CHAMBER Virtual participation in proceedings will commence after Prayers. 11.30am Prayers Followed by


1. COP26 2. Prime Minister The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.


Urgent Question: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, if she will make a statement on the prevalence of racist abuse on social media (Nick Thom- as-Symonds) Ministerial Statements, including: „„ Addressing the legacy of Northern Ireland’s past (Secretary of State for Northern Ireland) „„ Transport decarbonisation (Secretary of State for Transport) The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 7


1. PLANNING AND LOCAL REPRESENTATION: TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION Up to 20 minutes (Standing Order No. 23) Rachel Hopkins That leave be given to bring in a Bill to give people who have made representations about development plans the right to participate in associated exami- nation hearings; to require public consultation on development proposals; to grant local authorities power to apply local design standards for permitted development and to refuse permitted development proposals that would be detrimental to the health and wellbeing of an individual or community; to make planning permission for major housing schemes subject to associated works starting within two years; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes. 8 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

2. HEALTH AND CARE BILL: SECOND READING Until 7.00pm (Standing Order No. 9(3)) Zarah Sultana Bell Ribeiro-Addy Richard Burgon Apsana Begum John McDonnell Claudia Webbe Jeremy Corbyn Ms Diane Abbott Ian Byrne Mick Whitley Grahame Morris Kate Osborne Mary Kelly Foy Beth Winter Kate Osamor Dawn Butler Caroline Lucas Kim Johnson Rebecca Long Bailey Tahir Ali Kate Hollern That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Health and Care Bill because it allows private healthcare companies to sit on boards deciding how NHS funding is spent, opens the door for further outsourcing of contracts without proper scrutiny, transparency and accountability, introduces a model of healthcare that incentivises cuts and the closure of ser- vices, fails to reverse years of privatisation, under-fund- ing and unfair pay, and does not ensure that the NHS is a fully publicly funded, accountable and publicly delivered service providing free high quality care to everyone who needs it. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 9

Keir Starmer Angela Rayner Jonathan Ashworth Justin Madders Thangam Debbonaire Sir Alan Campbell That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Health and Care Bill, notwithstanding the need for a plan for greater integration between health services and social care services and for restrictions on junk food advertising to improve population health outcomes, because the Bill represents a top down reorganisation in a pandemic leading to a loss of local accountability, fails to reform social care, allows further outsourcing permitting the private sector to sit on local boards and fails to reinstate the NHS as the default provider, fails to introduce a plan to bring down waiting lists for routine NHS treatment or tackle the growing backlog of care, fails to put forward plans to increase the size of the NHS workforce and see them better supported, and fails to put forward a plan that would give the NHS the resources it needs to invest in modern equipment, repair the crumbling NHS estate or ensure comprehensive, quality healthcare. Munira Wilson Ed Davey Daisy Cooper Wendy Chamberlain Mr Alistair Carmichael Tim Farron Layla Moran Christine Jardine Jamie Stone Wera Hobhouse Sarah Olney Sarah Green 10 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Health and Care Bill because it does not solve any of the problems that have brought the social care sector into crisis, where 1.5 million people are missing out on the care they need; calls on the Government to fix the social care crisis, as it promised to do nearly two years ago, through cross-party talks before proceeding to reform the NHS in order to achieve meaningful and comprehensive integration that properly alleviates pressures facing the NHS staff and carers; is concerned that awarding more powers to the Secretary of State would lead to political interference in the day to day running of the NHS; notes that this is not the right time for a major reorganisation of the NHS in the middle of the pandemic, particularly given the unprecedented numbers of people waiting for treatment and the workforce burnout the NHS faces; and further notes the priority of the Government should be on recovery and ensuring the NHS is not overwhelmed as a third wave of covid-19 progresses. The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages.

3. HEALTH AND CARE BILL: PROGRAMME No debate (Standing Order No. 83A(7)) Secretary Sajid Javid That the following provisions shall apply to the Health and Care Bill: Committal (1) The Bill shall be committed to a Public Bill Commit- tee. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 11

Proceedings in Public Bill Committee (2) Proceedings in the Public Bill Committee shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclu- sion on Tuesday 2 November 2021. (3) The Public Bill Committee shall have leave to sit twice on the first day on which it meets. Proceedings on Consideration and Third Reading (4) Proceedings on Consideration shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion one hour before the moment of interruption on the day on which proceedings on Consideration are commenced. (5) Proceedings on Third Reading shall (so far as not previously concluded) be brought to a conclusion at the moment of interruption on that day. (6) Standing Order No. 83B (Programming committees) shall not apply to proceedings on Consideration and Third Reading. Other proceedings (7) Any other proceedings on the Bill may be pro- grammed.

4. HEALTH AND CARE BILL: MONEY No debate (Standing Order No. 52(1)(a)) Jesse Norman That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Health and Care Bill, it is expedient to authorise: 12 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber

(1) the payment out of money provided by Parliament of any expenditure incurred under or by virtue of the Act by the Secretary of State; and (2) any increase attributable to the Act in the sums pay- able under any other Act out of money so provided. Notes: Queen’s Recommendation signified.

5. HEALTH AND CARE BILL: WAYS AND MEANS No debate (Standing Order No. 52(1)(a)) Jesse Norman That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Health and Care Bill, it is expedient to authorise: (1) the making of provision under the Act in relation to income tax, corporation tax, capital gains tax, stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax in connection with a transfer of property, rights or liabilities by a scheme under the Act; and (2) the payment of sums into the Consolidated Fund.

6. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (ROAD TRAFFIC) No debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)) Secretary Grant Shapps That the draft Road Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emission Performance Standards (Cars and Vans) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

Notes: If this item is opposed after 7.00pm, the division will be deferred Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber 13

7. CHANNEL TUNNEL No debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)) Secretary Grant Shapps That the draft Railway (Licensing of Railway Undertak- ings) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 21 June, be approved.

Notes: If this item is opposed after 7.00pm, the division will be deferred

8. PUBLIC HEALTH No debate (Standing Order No. 118(6)) That the draft Health Security (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 7 June, be approved.

Notes: If this item is opposed after 7.00pm, the division will be deferred.


No debate or decision (Standing Order No. 153) „„ Santander Bath Road branch: Seema Malhotra „„ Sandbach Cemetery: Fiona Bruce „„ Rhyl Cut and Prestatyn Gutter: Dr James Davies 14 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Chamber


Until 7.30pm or for half an hour (whichever is later) (Standing Order No. 9(7)) „„ Devolution for the East Midlands: Ben Bradley Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Westminster Hall 15



The morning sitting will start at 9.25am and finish at 11.30am with a five minute suspension at 10.55am. The afternoon sitting will start at 2.30pm and finish at 5.50pm with a five minute suspension at 4.00pm and a 15 minute suspension at 4.35pm. (Standing Order No. 10(1) and Orders of 25 March and 16 June) The call list for Members participating is available on the House of Commons business papers pages. 9.25am „„ That this House has considered Town Deals and post covid-19 recovery: Damien Moore Notes: The debate at 9.25am will last for up to 90 minutes. 11.00am „„ That this House has considered Government efforts to end the global dog and cat meat trade: Andrea Jenkyns Notes: The debate at 11.00am will last for up to 30 minutes. The sitting will be suspended from 11.30am to 2.30pm. Relevant Documents: e-petition 555039, Make the consumption of dog and cat meat illegal, e-petition 308926, Urge the Chinese government to stop the annual Yulin Dog Eating Festival, and e-petition 318423, Pressure Chinese & Korean governments to end slaughter of cats & dogs for meat 16 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Business Today: Westminster Hall

2.30pm „„ That this House has considered measures to combat climate change in Wales: Tonia Antoniazzi Notes: The debate at 2.30pm will last for up to 90 minutes. 4.05pm „„ That this House has considered developing a cross-Government strategy for improving outcomes for children and families: David Simmonds Notes: The debate at 4.05pm will last for up to 30 minutes. 4.50pm „„ That this House has considered space debris: Chris Skidmore Notes: The debate at 4.50pm will last for up to an hour. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)). Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Written Statements 17



Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy 1. Business Update Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 2. Publication of the Online Media Literacy Strategy Secretary of State for Education 3. Level 3 Qualifications Reform Secretary of State for Transport 4. Transport Decarbonisation

Notes: Texts of Written Statements are available from the Vote Office and on the internet at https://questions-statements.parliament. uk/. 18 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today

COMMITTEES MEETING TODAY Broadcasts of proceedings can be found at https:// Some committee members and witnesses might now physically attend meetings, however, there is no public access at present.


„„ Work and Pensions Committee Subject: Pension stewardship and COP26 Witnesses: 9.30am: Guy Opperman MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Pensions and Financial Inclusion), Pete Searle, Director, Private Pen- sions and Arm’s Length Bodies, and Emma Varley, Head of DC and International Private Pensions Policy, Depart- ment for Work and Pensions Room 6 9.15am (private), 9.30am (public) „„ Home Affairs Committee Subject: Home Office preparedness for Covid-19 (Coro- navirus) Witnesses: 10.30am: Professor Adam Finn, University of Bristol, Member of the Joint Committee on Vacci- nation and Immunisation; Elizabeth Hegarty, Director of Services, Heathrow Airport; Professor Kelley Lee, Research Chair in Global Health Governance, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University and Chair of Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today 19

Pandemic Borders; Professor Christina Pagel, Director of Clinical Operational Research Unit, UCL and member of Independent SAGE The Grimond Room, Portcullis House 9.30am (private), 10.30am (public) „„ Petitions Committee Subject: Impact of Covid-19 on new parents: one year on Witnesses: 9.30am: Bethany Power, Petition signatory; Emily Tredget, Co-Founder, Happity; Dr Sarah McMul- len, Director of Impact & Engagement, NCT (National Childbirth Trust); Sue Armstrong Brown, Chief Execu- tive, Adoption UK; Sally Hogg, Head of Policy and Cam- paigning, Parent-Infant Foundation; Neil Leitch, Chief Executive, Early Years Alliance; Joeli Brearley, Founder, Pregnant Then Screwed; Rosalind Bragg, Director, Maternity Action Room 8 9.30am (public) 20 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today

„„ Housing, Communities and Local Government Com- mittee Virtual meeting 10.00am (private) „„ Transport Committee Subject: HS2: progress update Witnesses: 11.45am: Andy Street CBE, Mayor, West Midlands Combined Authority; Mark Thurston, Chief Executive Officer, High Speed Two Birmingham 11.45am (public) „„ European Scrutiny Committee Virtual meeting 1.45pm (private) „„ Environmental Audit Committee Subject: Sustainability of the built environment Witnesses: 2.30pm: The Rt Hon. the Lord Deben, Chair, Climate Change Committee; Emily Huynh, Technical Adviser for Advancing Net Zero, UK Green Building Council; Dr Tia Kansara, Entrepreneur and co-founder, Kansara Hackney Ltd 3.30pm: Jane Anderson, Board Member, The Alliance for Sustainable Building Products (ASBP); Dr Danielle Densley Tingley, Senior Lecturer in Architectural Engi- neering, The University of Sheffield; Ms Phoebe Mac- Donald, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Advisor, Royal Institute of British Architects Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 Committees Meeting Today 21

Virtual meeting 2.00pm (private), 2.30pm (public) „„ Treasury Committee Virtual meeting 2.00pm (private) „„ Virtual meeting 2.30pm (private) „„ Women and Equalities Committee Subject: Gender Sensitive Parliament Witnesses: 3.15pm: Rt Hon Karen Bradley MP, Chair, Procedure Committee; Chris Bryant MP, Chair, Stand- ards Committee (SP); Sir Charles Walker MP, Chair, Administration Committee 4.00pm: Rt Hon Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, Leader of the House, House of Commons 4.45pm: Thangam Debbonaire MP, Shadow Leader of the House, House of Commons Virtual meeting 3.15pm (public) „„ Statutory Instruments Virtual meeting 3.40pm (private) „„ Committee of Selection Virtual meeting 4.30pm (private)


„„ Human Rights Subject: Ministerial Scrutiny: Human Rights Witnesses: 3.00pm: Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC MP, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, Min- istry of Justice Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Committees Meeting Today 23

Virtual meeting 2.40pm (private), 3.00pm (public) „„ Statutory Instruments Virtual meeting As soon as convenient after 3.40pm (private)


„„ Sixth Delegated Legislation Committee To consider the draft Medical Devices (Coronavirus Test Device Approvals) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 Room 14 9.25am (public) „„ Seventh Delegated Legislation Committee To consider the draft Fisheries Act 2020 (Scheme for Financial Assistance) (England) Regulations 2021 Room 10 9.25am (public) „„ Eighth Delegated Legislation Committee To consider the draft Motor Fuel (Composition and Content) and the Biofuel (Labelling) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2021 Room 14 2.30pm (public) 24 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Committee Reports Published Today



„„ 3rd Report: Sovereignty for sale: the FCDO’s role in protecting strategic British assets HC 197 Time of publication: 00.01am


„„ 11th Report: Local auditor reporting on local gov- ernment in England HC 171 Time of publication: 00.01am


„„ 1st Report: Railway Infrastructure in Wales HC 438 Time of publication: 00.01am Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Announcements 25



On 30 December 2020 the House agreed an order extending virtual participation to debate and certain other proceedings in accordance with a scheme pre- pared by the Speaker. On 16 June the House extended these provisions until 22 July. The scheme for virtual participation in proceedings and the revised Members’ Guide to Chamber proceedings are available on the intranet. The Members’ Guide to Westminster Hall proceedings is available on the intranet.


On 25 February the House agreed a motion to resume sittings in Westminster Hall on Monday 8 March. The Order agreed on 16 June extends provision for Mem- bers to participate virtually until the House rises for summer recess. These sittings continue to take place in the Boothroyd Room in Portcullis House. Applying to speak Applications to speak should be made via email to the Speaker’s Office (speakersoffice@ The deadlines are as follows: 1.00pm on the previous Friday for debates on a Monday; and 1.00pm on the previous day for debates on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Call lists will be published at around 12.30pm on a Monday for debates that day and 6.30pm the 26 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Announcements

previous day for debates on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Participation Members are able to participate physically or virtually, but should note Mr Speaker’s request for Members to participate virtually in proceedings wherever possible. Members who wish to participate physically should note this when they contact the Speaker’s Office. For 60-minute and 90-minute debates, and debates sched- uled by the Petitions Committee, only Members who are on the call list are permitted to attend. Members will be called in the order they appear on the call list, unless there are technical problems which prevent this. For 30-minute debates, there will not be a call list. Members wishing to contribute should follow existing conventions about contacting the Member in charge of the debate, the Speaker’s Office and the Minister. Arrangements for social distancing On the horseshoe in the Boothroyd Room, there are a maximum of 16 seats. Of these seats, there are 9 avail- able from which backbenchers can speak (others are reserved for the frontbenchers, the PPS or Whip, the Member in charge, the Chair and the Clerk). There are 11 additional seats in the public gallery and a further 6 seats at the side table for Members in the latter part of the call list from which they can listen to debates and move onto the horseshoe when spaces become available. Members should clean the microphone and the desk around them before and after use. Cleaning materials will be available for this purpose. Guidance Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Announcements 27

for Members on hybrid arrangements in Westminster Hall can be found on the intranet.


Deadline Date of proceeding Proceeding 1.00pm Wednesday Thursday 15 July Backbench business 14 July (1): debate on a motion relating to the Northern Ire- land Protocol 1.00pm Wednesday Thursday 15 July Backbench business 14 July (2): debate on a motion relating to the Beijing Winter Olympics and Chi- nese Government sanctions 1.00pm Friday 16 Monday 19 July Nationality and July Borders Bill: Second Reading (first day) 1.00pm Monday 19 Tuesday 20 July Nationality and July Borders Bill: Second Reading (conclu- sion) 1.00pm Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 July Building Safety Bill: July Second Reading 28 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Announcements

1.00pm Wednesday Thursday 22 July Backench business 21 July (1): motion relat- ing to the Fifth Report of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee “A Public Inquiry into the Govern- ment’s response to the Covid-19 pan- demic” 1.00pm Wednesday Thursday 22 July Backbench business 21 July (2): matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment Members wishing to speak in substantive proceed- ings should apply to the Speaker’s Office by emailing [email protected] from their parliamentary email address.


„„ Tuesday 20 July to Thursday 22 July (deadline 14 July 7.00pm or the rise of the House, whichever is earlier) Applications should be made in writing to the Table Office. Members must submit their application from their own email account. Application forms are avail- able on the Table Office page on the Parliamentary intranet. The ballot will take place on Thursday 15 July. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Announcements 29

„„ Monday 6 September to Monday 13 September (deadline 21 July 7.00pm or the rise of the House, whichever is earlier) Applications should be made in writing to the Table Office. Members must submit their application from their own email account. Application forms are avail- able on the Table Office page on the Parliamentary intranet. The ballot will take place on Thursday 22 July.


„„ Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 September (deadline 19 July) The following Departments will answer: Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy; Cabinet Office; Defence; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office; Housing, Communities and Local Government; Justice; Northern Ireland; Wales; Women and Equalities 30 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Further Information



The Members’ Guide to Chamber proceedings is availa- ble on the Parliamentary website


Documents and reports relating to the business being held in the Chamber are available on the Commons Business Briefings - ness/publications/research/commons-business-briefings/


Text of today’s Written Statements: https://ques-


Select Committees Webpage: https://committees.parlia-


Text of Standing Orders relating to public business: uk/pa/cm201919/cmstords/341/body.html Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Further Information 31


European Business Referrals and Motion documents for consideration by European Committees or on the Floor of the House are available on the European Business webpage: tions/business-papers/commons/european-business11/


Information about digital engagement opportunities for debates is available on the parliamentary website: on-laws/digital-engagement/. All business papers are available via the HousePapers app on mobile devices 32 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Further Information Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 Further Information 33

Wednesday 14 July 2021 Order Paper No.33: Part 2


A. CALENDAR OF BUSINESS Business in either Chamber may be changed, and further business added, up to the rising of the House on the day before it is to be taken, and is therefore provisional. Government items of business in this section have nominally been set down for today, but are expected to be taken on the dates stated. B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES Business in this section has not yet been scheduled for a specific date. It has been nominally set down for today but is not expected to be taken today. 34 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

A. CALENDAR OF BUSINESS Business in either Chamber may be changed, and fur- ther business added, up to the rising of the House on the day before it is to be taken, and is therefore provi- sional.



„„ 9.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for International Trade

„„ 10.15am Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for International Trade Afterwards


„„ Tibet and Xinjiang (Reciprocal Access) Tim Loughton Bill to require the Secretary of State to report annually on restrictions on access by UK nationals to Tibet and Xinjiang in comparison with other regions of China; to make provision to deny persons involved in imposing such restrictions permission to enter the UK; and for connected purposes. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 35

„„ Children (Access to Treatment) Bambos Charalambous Bill to make provision about children’s access to medi- cal services; and for connected purposes.


„„ Northern Ireland Protocol Sir Bernard Jenkin That this House supports the stated aims of the North- ern Ireland Protocol of the EU Withdrawal Agreement, upholding the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement in all its dimensions and respecting the integrity of the EU and UK internal markets; recognises that new infra- structure and controls at the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic must be avoided to prevent dangers to peace and to encourage stabil- ity and trade; notes the far larger volume of trade between Great Britain and Northern Ireland; regards flexibility as being in the mutual interests of the EU and UK, given the unique constitutional and political circumstances of Northern Ireland; regrets EU threats of legal action; further notes the EU and UK mutual commitment to adopt measures with a view to avoid- ing controls at the ports and airports of Northern Ire- land to the extent possible; is conscious of the need to avoid separating the Unionist community from the rest of the UK, consistent with the Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement; and further notes that, whilst a minority of provisions of the Northern Ireland Protocol have not been applied to GB-NI trade during the various grace periods and no goods have entered the EU threatening 36 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

the EU internal market, also recognises that Article 13(8) of the Protocol provides for potentially superior arrangements to those currently in place.

Relevant Documents: First Report of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee, Session 2019–21, Unfettered Access: Customs Arrangements in Northern Ireland after , HC 161; and the Government Response, Session 2019–21, HC 783 Oral evidence taken before the Northern Ireland Affairs Com- mittee on 6 January, 10 February, 24 February, 17 March, 28 April, 26 May and 16 June 2021, on Brexit and the Northern Ireland Protocol, HC 767 Oral evidence taken before the Northern Ireland Affairs Com- mittee on 23 June 2021, on the Work of the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, HC 264 „„ Beijing winter Olympics and Chinese Government sanctions Tim Loughton That this House believes that the 2022 Winter Olympic games should not be hosted in a country whose Gov- ernment is credibly accused of mass atrocity crimes; and calls on the UK Government to decline invitations for its representatives to attend the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games unless the Government of the People’s Republic of China ends the atrocities taking place in the Xianjing region and lifts the sanctions imposed on UK Parliamentarians, citizens and entities.

Notes: The subjects for these debates were determined by the Back- bench Business Committee. ADJOURNMENT DEBATE „„ Alternative student finance: Stephen Timms Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 37


„„ 1.30pm That this House has considered the future of the planning system and the upcoming Planning Bill: Bob Seely „„ 3.15pm That this House has considered peace and human rights in Colombia: Kate Osborne, Ian Lavery Notes: The subjects for these debates were determined by the Back- bench Business Committee. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)).



„„ 2.30pm Questions to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Govern- ment

„„ 3.15pm Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Gov- ernment Afterwards

NATIONALITY AND BORDERS BILL: 38 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

SECOND READING (DAY 1) Caroline Lucas That this House declines to give a Second Reading to the Nationality and Borders Bill because it fails to meet the UK’s commitment to the Refugee Conven- tion, would create a discriminatory two-tier system of refugee rights, would criminalise asylum seekers for exercising their legal right to seek asylum, makes provi- sion for offshore processing of asylum-seekers, fails to outline the UK government’s statutory obligations on resettlement, would increase pressure on the judicial system through an accelerated appeals process that represents a deliberate attempt to reduce access to jus- tice, imposes medically unsound evidence requireents that would retraumatise victims, would increase delays within the Home Office and would leave many people in limbo as the backlog of asylum claims increases, does not include provision for a comprehensive data-sharing firewall between public services, labour inspectorates and immigration enforcement which is necessary to protect victims of trafficking, would leave people seeking protection at greater risk of exploitation and fails to address the need for faster, more efficient and humane decision-making within the Home Office.

NATIONALITY AND BORDERS BILL: WAYS AND MEANS Jesse Norman That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Nationality and Borders Bill, it is expedient to author- ise: Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 39

(1) the charging of sums of money under the Act; (2) any increase attributable to the Act in the sums chargable under any other Act; and (3) the payment of sums in to the Consolidated Fund. 40 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

NATIONALITY AND BORDERS BILL: MONEY Jesse Norman That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Nationality and Borders Bill, it is expedient to authorise the payment out of money provided by Parliament of: (1) any expenditure incurred under or by virtue of the Act by a Minister of the Crown, and (2) any increase attributable to the Act in the sums pay- able under any other Act out of money provided.

Notes: Queen’s recommendation signified. ADJOURNMENT DEBATE „„ A Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs office in Melton under the Places for Growth Programme:


„„ 4.30pm That this House has considered e-petition 317336, relating to cervical screening: Tonia Antoniazzi on behalf of the Petitions Com- mittee „„ 6.15pm That this House has considered e-peti- tion 567681, relating to an amnesty for Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 41

undocumented migrants: Tom Hunt on behalf of the Petitions Committee Notes: The subjects for these debates were determined by the Petitions Committee. The sitting will last for up to three hours. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)).



„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs

„„ 12.15pm Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs Afterwards

DOGS (PROTECTION OF LIVE- STOCK): TEN MINUTE RULE MO- 42 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

TION Virginia Crosbie That leave be given to bring in a Bill to amend the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953; and for con- nected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes NATIONALITY AND BORDERS BILL: SECOND READING (DAY 2)


„„ 9.25am That this House has considered progress towards the national ambition to reduce baby loss: Notes: The Chairman of Ways and Means appointed this debate on the recommendation of the Backbench Business Committee. The debate at 9.25am will last for up to 90 minutes.

„„ 11.00am That this House has considered rural banking services: Fay Jones Notes: The debate at 11.00am will last for up to 30 minutes. The sitting will be suspended from 11.30am to 2.30pm. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 43

„„ 2.30pm That this House has considered tackling knife crime: Sarah Owen Notes: The debate at 2.30pm will last for up to 90 minutes.

„„ 4.05pm That this House has considered the welfare system and child poverty in Wales: Liz Sav- ille Roberts Notes: The debate at 4.05pm will last for up to 30 minutes.

„„ 4.50pm That this House has considered reopening the Stoke-Leek line: Karen Bradley Notes: The debate at 4.50pm will last for up to an hour. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)).



„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

„„ 12 noon Questions to the Prime Minister Afterwards

UNITED KINGDOM ATOMIC ENER- 44 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

GY AUTHORITY PENSION TRANS- FERS (PARLIAMENTARY AND HEALTH SERVICE OMBUDSMAN IN- VESTIGATION): TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION David Johnston That leave be given to bring in a Bill to make provi- sion to enable the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to investigate advice and information given by the Secretary of State and the Government Actuary relating to transfers of pensions from the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority pension schemes to the AEA Technology pension scheme; and for connected purposes.

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes. BUILDING SAFETY BILL: SECOND READING

Notes: Queen’s consent to be signified on Third Reading. Prince of Wales’s consent to be signified on Third Reading. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 45


„„ 9.25am That this House has considered privatisation of Channel 4: Dame Angela Eagle Notes: The debate at 9.25am will last for up to 90 minutes.

„„ 11.00am That this House has considered early years education funding: Wera Hobhouse Notes: The debate at 11.00am will last for up to 30 minutes. The sitting will be suspended from 11.30am to 2.30pm.

„„ 2.30pm That this House has considered the role of the Trade and Agriculture Commission in international trade deals: Neil Parish Notes: The debate at 2.30pm will last for up to 90 minutes.

„„ 4.05pm That this House has considered guidelines for Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders: Martin Vickers Notes: The debate at 4.05pm will last for up to 30 minutes.

„„ 4.50pm That this House has considered the Social Justice and Fairness Commission and impli- cations for Government policy: Kirsten Oswald Notes: The debate at 4.50pm will last for up to an hour. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)). 46 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business



„„ 9.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

„„ 10.00am Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

„„ 10.10am Questions to Church Commissioners, House of Commons Commission, Parliamen- tary Works Sponsor Body, Public Accounts Commission and Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission Afterwards


„„ Fifth Report of the Public Administration and Con- stitutional Affairs Committee of Session 2019-21, A Public Inquiry into the Government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, HC 541; and the Govern- ment’s response, HC 995 Mr William Wragg Debate on a motion on the Fifth Report of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 47

of Session 2019-21, A Public Inquiry into the Govern- ment’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic, HC 541; and the Government’s response, HC 995.

Notes: The subject for this debate was determined by the Backbench Business Committee on the recommendation of the Liaison Committee. 48 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment Ian Mearns, , on behalf of the Backbench Business Committee That this House has considered matters to be raised before the forthcoming adjournment.

Notes: The subject for this debate was determined by the Backbench Business Committee


„„ 1.30pm That this House has considered the priorities for the COP26 conference: Mr Simon Clarke, Darren Jones, Wera Hobhouse „„ 3.15pm That this House has considered support for unpaid carers and Carers Week 2021: Ed Davey, Wera Hobhouse Notes: The subjects for these debates were determined by the Back- bench Business Committee. The sitting will be suspended and time added if divisions take place in the main Chamber (Standing Order No. 10(3)). Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 49



„„ 2.30pm Questions to the Secretary of State for Edu- cation

„„ 3.15pm Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Education



„„ 11.30am Questions to the Chancellor of the Exchequer

„„ 12.15pm Topical Questions to the Chancellor of the Exchequer 50 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business


TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION Charlotte Nichols That leave be given to bring in a Bill under SO No. 23 [details to be provided].

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.



„„ 11.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Scotland

„„ 12 noon Questions to the Prime Minister Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 51


TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION Jonathan Gullis That leave be given to bring in a Bill under SO No. 23 [details to be provided].

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.



„„ 9.30am Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport

„„ 10.15am Topical Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport 52 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business


CHAMBER „„ Education (Careers Guidance in Schools) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mark Jenkinson

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Safeguarding and Road Safety) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Peter Gibson

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Cultural Objects (Protection from Seizure) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mel Stride

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Miniature Mobile Phones (Prohibition of Sale) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sarah Atherton

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 53

„„ Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Employment Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Martin Docherty-Hughes

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Public Advocate Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Maria Eagle

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Wellbeing of Future Generations (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Simon Fell

Notes: A money resolution is required for this Bill to be proceeded with in Committee. „„ Climate and Ecology Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Caroline Lucas

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Tips Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Dean Russell

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 54 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Hospitals (Parking Charges and Business Rates) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Voter Registration Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Asylum Seekers (Return to Safe Countries) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Workers (Employment Security and Definition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Martin Docherty-Hughes

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 55

„„ Workers (Rights) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Anum Qaisar-Javed

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Automated External Defibrillators (Public Access) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jim Shannon

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Fire and Building Safety (Public Inquiry) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Daisy Cooper

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Israel Arms Trade (Prohibition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Richard Burgon

Notes: A money resolution is required for this Bill to be proceeded with in Committee. Queen’s consent to be signified on Third Reading. 56 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business


CHAMBER TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION Mrs Maria Miller That leave be given to bring in a Bill under SO No. 23 [details to be provided].

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes.


CHAMBER TEN MINUTE RULE MOTION Olivia Blake That leave be given to bring in a Bill under SO No. 23 [details to be provided].

Notes: The Member moving and a Member opposing this Motion may each speak for up to 10 minutes. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 2 A. Calendar of Business 57


CHAMBER „„ Employment and Trade Union Rights (Dismissal and Re-engagement) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Barry Gardiner

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Local Government (Disqualification) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Paul Beresford

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Corporate Homicide Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens „„ Education Employment (Accompaniment to Hear- ings) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Brendan Clarke-Smith

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Energy Pricing Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Martyn Day

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 58 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Electric Vehicle Charging Points (New Buildings) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Felicity Buchan

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ General Election (Leaders’ Debates) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Homeless People (Current Accounts) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Electoral Candidates (Age) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Workers (Rights and Definition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 59

„„ Immigration (Health and Social Care Staff) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Christine Jardine

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Channel 4 (Privatisation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ British Broadcasting Corporation (Privatisation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Public Sector Exit Payments (Limitation) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Workers (Rights) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Gavin Newlands

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 60 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Electric Vehicle Charging Points (New Buildings) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Felicity Buchan

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Menopause (Support and Services) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Carolyn Harris

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Childcare Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Matt Rodda

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Animals (Penalty Notices) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Andrew Rosindell

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 61

„„ Approved Premises (Substance Testing) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Rob Butler

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Paternity (Leave and Pay) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Gareth Davies

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Education (16 to 19 Academies) (Religious Charac- ter) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Scott Benton

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Crown Estate (Devolution to Wales) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Liz Saville Roberts

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ BBC Licence Fee (Abolition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 62 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 (Amend- ment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Caravan Site Licensing (Exemptions of Motor Homes) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ BBC Licence Fee Non-Payment (Decriminalisation for Over-75s) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Caravan Sites Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Green Belt (Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 63

„„ Bereavement (Leave and Pay) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Patricia Gibson

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mrs in place of Sec- retary Savid Javid

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Planning (Enforcement) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Dr Ben Spencer

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Glue Traps (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jane Stevenson

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Domestic Building Works (Consumer Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mark Garnier 64 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Pedicabs (London) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Nickie Aiken

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Leader of the House of Commons (Election) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ NHS England (Alternative Treatment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Children’s Clothing (Value Added Tax) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Flexible Working Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Tulip Siddiq

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 65


CHAMBER „„ Down Syndrome Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Dr Liam Fox

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Pension Schemes (Conversion of Guaranteed Mini- mum Pensions) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Margaret Ferrier

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Registers of Births and Deaths Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Saqib Bhatti

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Public Bodies (Representation from Devolved Nations) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Wendy Chamberlain

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Electoral Commission (Abolition) Bill: Second Read- ing Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 66 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Illegal Immigration (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Full Employment Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Health and Safety at Work Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Copyright (Rights and Remuneration of Musicians, Etc.) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Kevin Brennan [R]

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Acquired Brain Injury Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Bryant

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 67

„„ Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Carol Monaghan

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Non-Disclosure Agreements Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mrs Maria Miller

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Miscarriage Leave Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Angela Crawley

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Asylum Seekers (Accommodation Eviction Proce- dures) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Disability Benefit Assessments (Recording) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 68 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Intimate Images (Offences) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mrs Maria Miller

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Pregnancy and Maternity (Redundancy Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mrs Maria Miller

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Workers (Rights and Definition) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Angela Crawley

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Medical Cannabis (Access) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jeff Smith

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Climate Change Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Colum Eastwood

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 69

„„ British Goods (Public Sector Purchasing Duty) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Clean Air Targets (World Health Organization Guide- lines) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Christine Jardine

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Consumer Pricing Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Broadcasting (Listed Sporting Events) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Puppy Import (Prohibition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 70 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Employment (Application Requirements) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Public Sector Website Impersonation Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Hunting Trophy Import (Prohibition) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Armenian Genocide (Recognition) Bill: Second Read- ing Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) (Abolition of By-Elections) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: John Spellar

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 71

„„ Benefit Sanctions (Warnings) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Universal Credit Sanctions (Zero Hours Contracts) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (Disabled Persons) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jeremy Wright

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Prime Minister (Temporary Replacement) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 72 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Kinship Care (Parental Leave) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Katherine Fletcher

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Regulatory Impact Assessments Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (Powers) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Under-Occupancy Penalty (Report) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Social Security Benefits (Healthy Eating) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 73

„„ Planning (Proper Maintenance of Land) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jonathan Gullis

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Hare Coursing Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Richard Fuller

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Human Trafficking (Child Protection) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Barnett Formula (Replacement) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 74 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Housing Standards (Refugees and Asylum Seekers) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Asylum Seekers (Permission to Work) (No. 2) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ British Sign Language Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Rosie Cooper

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Business of the House Commission Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 75

„„ Mobile Homes Act 1983 (Amendment) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Evictions (Universal Credit) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Chris Stephens

Notes: Bill not yet printed.


CHAMBER „„ Unsolicited Explicit Images and Deepfake Pornogra- phy Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Angela Richardson

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Employment (Caring Leave) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jack Brereton

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 76 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business

„„ Prime Minister (Accountability to House of Com- mons) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ NHS (Prohibition of Data Transfer) Bill: Second Read- ing Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ National Health Service Co-Funding and Co-Payment Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Plastic Pollution Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Alistair Carmichael

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 77


CHAMBER „„ Local Authority Boundaries (Referendums) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Robbie Moore

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ City of Bradford (Referendum on Shipley and Keigh- ley) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Philip Davies

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Human Trafficking (Sentencing) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Rule of Law (Enforcement by Public Authorities) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sir Christopher Chope

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 78 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business


CHAMBER „„ Mental Health Provision (Children and Young People) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Munira Wilson

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Goods Delivery Services Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Jamie Stone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Commercial Rent (Prohibition of Upward-Only Reviews) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Sarah Olney

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Conversion Therapy (Prohibition) Bill: Second Read- ing Member in Charge: Wera Hobhouse

Notes: Bill not yet printed. Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 A. Calendar of Business 79

„„ Palestine Statehood (Recognition) Bill: Second Read- ing Member in Charge: Layla Moran

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ North (Urgent Care Facilities) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Mr Peter Bone

Notes: Bill not yet printed. „„ Dogs (DNA Databases) Bill: Second Reading Member in Charge: Andrew Griffith

Notes: Bill not yet printed. 80 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES Business in this section has not yet been scheduled for a specific date. It has therefore been set down formally to be taken in the Chamber today but is not expected to be taken today.

1. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (TRADE) Secretary Elizabeth Truss That the draft Cat and Dog Fur (Control of Movement etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 12 January, in the last Session of Parlia- ment, be approved.

Notes: The Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments has drawn the special attention of both Houses to the Instrument in its For- ty-Third report of 2019-21 (HC 75-xliii). The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

2. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (CUSTOMS) Secretary George Eustice That the draft International Waste Shipments (Amend- ment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 17 December, in the last Session of Parliament, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P) Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 81

3. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (CUSTOMS) Secretary George Eustice That the draft International Waste Shipments (Amend- ment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 17 December in the last Session of Parliament, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

4. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (CULTURAL OBJECTS) Caroline Dinenage That the draft Introduction and the Import of Cultural Goods (Revocation) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 19 May, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

5. ANIMAL WELFARE (KEPT ANIMALS) BILL: SECOND READING Notes: Queen’s consent to be signified on Third Reading. 82 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

6. LICENCES AND LICENSING Secretary Priti Patel That the draft Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regula- tory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

Notes: The Spaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

7. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Secretary Alister Jack That the draft Environmental Authorisations (Scotland) Regulation 2018 (Consequential Modifications) Order 2021, which was laid before this House on 8 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

8. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (CUSTOMS) Jesse Norman That the Customs Tariff (Establishment) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (S.I., 2021, No. 661), dated 9 June 2021, a copy of which was laid before this House on 9 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).


STAGES Not amended in Public Bill Committee, to be consid- ered.

Notes: The Northern Ireland Assembly has approved a Legislative Con- sent Resolution relating to this Bill. Copies of the Resolution are available in the Vote Office (also available on the documents webpage for the Bill).

10. AQUACULTURE Victoria Prentis That the draft Fisheries Act 2020 (Scheme for Financial Assistance) (England) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 15 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

11. EUROPEAN UNION Penny Mordaunt That the draft European Union (Future Relationship) Act 2020 (References to the Trade and Cooperation Agreement) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 16 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

12. INCOME TAX Jesse Norman That the draft Major Sporting Events (Income Tax Exemption) (2021 UEFA Super Cup) Regulations 2021, 84 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

which were laid before this House on 16 June, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Select Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

13. MEDICAL DEVICES Edward Argar That the draft Medical Devices (Northern Ireland Pro- tocol) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 16 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

14. MEDICAL DEVICES Jo Churchill That the draft Medical Devices (Coronavirus Test Device Approvals) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 17 June, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

15. PUBLIC HEALTH Secretary Grant Shapps That the draft Motor Fuel (Composition and Con- tent) and the Biofuel (Labelling) (Amendment) (No.2) Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 85

Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 21 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

16. PENSIONS Guy Opperman That the draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Adminis- tration, Investment, Charges and Governance) (Amend- ment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 21 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

17. INSOLVENCY Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng That the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (Coronavirus) (Extension of the Relevant Period) (No. 2) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021, No. 718), a copy of which was laid before this House on 21 June, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

18. NATIONAL INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS BILL: REMAINING STAGES Not amended in Public Bill Committee, to be consid- ered. 86 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

19. PENSIONS Guy Opperman That the draft Pensions Regulator (Employer Resources Test) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 28 June, be approved.

Notes: The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

20. EXITING THE EUROPEAN UNION (VALUE ADDED TAX) Jesse Norman That the Value Added Tax (Miscellaneous Amendments and Repeals) (EU Exit) Regulations 2021 (SI 2021, No. 714), a copy of which was laid before this House on 28 June, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

21. SUBSIDY CONTROL BILL: SECOND READING Notes: Queen’s consent to be signified on Third Reading.

22. ENERGY CONSERVATION Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng That the draft Ecodesign for Energy-Related Prod- ucts and Energy Information (Lighting Products) Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 87

Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 1 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

23. ENERGY CONSERVATION Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng That the draft Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 5 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).


25. ELECTIONS BILL: MONEY Jesse Norman That, for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Elections Bill, it is expedient to authorise— (1) the payment out of money provided by Parliament of— (a) any expenditure incurred by a Minister of the Crown under or by virtue of the Act, and 88 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

(b) any increase attributable to the Act in the sums payable under any other Act out of money so pro- vided, (2) the payment out of the Consolidated Fund of any increase attributable to the Act in the sums payable under any other Act out of that Fund, and (3) the payment of sums into the Consolidated Fund. Notes: Queen’s Recommendation signified.

26. MARINE POLLUTION Secretary Grant Shapps That the draft Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 6 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

27. AGRICULTURE Secretary George Eustice That the draft Organics (Equivalence and Control Bodies Listing) (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 6 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P). Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 89


29. DISSOLUTION AND CALLING OF PARLIAMENT BILL: COMMITTEE Notes: Remaining stages may also be taken (Order, 6 July). Queen’s consent to be signified on Third Reading.

30. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES Nigel Adams That the draft Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2021, which was laid before this House on 8 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).


Notes: The Northern Ireland Assembly has approved a Legislative Con- sent Resolution relating to this Bill. Copies of the Resolution are available in the Vote Office (also available on the documents webpage for the Bill). 90 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

32. ELECTORAL COMMISSION Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying that Her Majesty will appoint Dr Katy Radford as an Electoral Commissioner with effect from 1 Sep- tember 2021 for the period ending on 31 August 2025; and that Her Majesty will re-appoint Sarah Chambers as an Electoral Commissioner with effect from 31 March 2022 for the period ending on 30 March 2026.

Relevant Documents: Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission, Second Report of 2021, Appointment of an Electoral Commissioner with responsibility for Northern Ireland, HC 522 Speaker’s Committee on the Electoral Commission, Third Report of 2021, Re-appointment of an Electoral Commissioner, HC 523

33. FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS John Glen That the draft Capital Requirements Regulation (Amendment) Regulations 2021, which were laid before this House on 12 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

34. FINANCIAL SERVICES Jesse Norman That the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Amendment) (No. 2) (High-Risk Countries) Regulations 2021 (SI, 2021, No. 827), dated 12 July 2021, a copy Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 91

of which was laid before this House on 12 July, be approved.

Notes: The instrument has not yet been considered by the Joint Com- mittee on Statutory Instruments. The Speaker has not yet considered this instrument for certifica- tion (Standing Order No. 83P).

35. IEP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SANCTIONS AND THE RECALL OF MPS ACT 2015 Keir Starmer Thangam Debbonaire Sir Alan Campbell Angela Rayner Shabana Mahmood Anneliese Dodds That— (1) The following Standing Order be made: IEP recommendations for sanctions and the Recall of MPs Act 2015 (1) The Chair of the Independent Expert Panel shall send to the Chair and Members of the Committee on Standards and to the Clerk of that Commit- tee any report from a sub-panel of the IEP which he has referred to the Clerk of the House under sub-paragraph (5)(d) of Standing Order No. 150A (Independent Expert Panel) and which contains a determination for a sanction that would, if made by the Committee on Standards, engage the provisions of the Recall of MPs Act 2015. (2) Where a report has been sent to the Committee on Standards in accordance with paragraph (1) of 92 Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES

this Order the Committee on Standards shall make a report to the House in relation to the Member named in that report, setting out a recommendation for a suspension equal to that determined by the sub-panel to run concurrently with any sanction imposed as a result of the sub-panel’s determina- tion. (3) Reports under paragraph (2) must be made no later than on the third sitting day after the report of the IEP sub-panel is sent to members of the Com- mittee on Standards, save that the day on which the report is sent shall not be counted in calculating this period. (4) If the Committee on Standards is unable to meet within 3 sitting days, the Chair of that Com- mittee shall, if satisfied that the report from the IEP sub-panel has been sent to all members of the Committee, make the report to the House from the Committee required under paragraph (2). (2) The following amendments to Standing Orders be made: (a) In Standing Order No. 149 (Committee on Stand- ards), paragraph (1), at the end insert (c) in accordance with Standing Order No. (IEP rec- ommendations for sanctions and the Recall of MPs Act 2015) to report to the House recommendations for sanctions to run concurrently with sanctions determined by a sub-panel of the IEP and imple- mented by the House. (b) In Standing Order No. 150D (Motions consequent on the ICGS), paragraph (1), at the end, insert Wednesday 14 July 2021 OP No.33: Part 1 B. REMAINING ORDERS AND NOTICES 93

“() a motion under paragraph (1) of this Order includes a motion to implement a sanction recom- mended by the Committee on Standards under Standing Order No. (IEP recommendations for sanc- tions and the Recall of MPs Act 2015), or a motion to implement both such a sanction and a sanction determined by a sub-panel of the IEP”. (3) The provisions of Standing Order (IEP recommenda- tions for sanctions and the Recall of MPs Act 2015) shall be applied in respect of any report from the Independ- ent Expert Panel published before this Order is agreed which contains a determination for a sanction that, if it had been made by the Committee on Standards, would have engaged the provisions of the Recall of MPs Act 2015, save that, notwithstanding the provisions of that Standing Order, the sanction recommended by the Committee on Standards in such a case shall be limited to 14 days and the provisions of Standing Order No. 45A (Suspension of salary of Members suspended) shall not apply in respect of any suspension imposed in consequence of such a recommendation, and the pro- visions of the Standing Order shall be interpreted as if the day this Order is agreed had been the day on which the Report was sent to Members of the Committee on Standards in accordance with that Standing Order.