Oldham Families One Name Study


Robert F. and Janis 6325 Nightshade Drive Indianapolis, IN 46237 www.oldhamfamilies.net [email protected] ii

Table Of Contents

Origins of The Oldham Name 1 Coat of Arms 3 Earliest Known Oldham Family 5 Coming to America 7 Settlement of the New World 9 History of 19 The 21 Our New Families 29 Descendant Report for William & Phillpa Sowter OLDHAM 31 Descendant Report for Richard OLDHAM of Norfolk County, 159

iv 1 2 COAT OF ARMS A coat of arms is a distinctive heraldic design on a tunic used to cover and protect armor, but the term is more broadly applied to mean a full heraldic achievement which consists of a shield and certain accessories. In either sense, the design is a symbol unique to a person, family, corporation, or state.

Historically, armorial bearings were first used by feudal lords and knights in the mid-12th century on battlefields as a way to identify allies from the enemy soldiers. As the uses for heraldic designs expanded, other social classes began to assume arms for themselves, even though they would not be engaged in a battle. Initially, those closest to the lords and knights adopted arms, such as persons employed as squires that would be in common contact with the armorial devices. Then priests and other ecclesiastical dignities adopted coats of arms, usually to be used as seals and other such insignia, and then towns and cities to likewise seal and authenticate documents. Eventually by the mid-13th century, peasants, commoners and burghers were adopting heraldic devices. The widespread assumption of arms led some states to regulate heraldry within their borders. However, in most of continental Europe, citizens freely adopted armorial bearings.

Many Coat of Arms for Oldham families, cities and states have been included, although many do not have designations as to the original family origin.

3 These are the Coat of Arms Of Bishop Hugh Oldham

Oldham England Council Crest Oldham England Borough Crest


Adam de Eccles became Lord of Oldham and Wernith. (Wernith is a Celtic word meaning Scrubland or land of Alders). He was succeeded by Alwardus de Aldhame of Werneth in 1207-1372. His sons were William de Wernith and Robert. William's family was, Richard, living 1324, Eva, who married Richard de Tetlow of Chember Hall and Adam. Richard had two daughters, and when he died, Margery, the elder, was married to John Cudworth from Yorkshire.

Alwardus de Aldhame (Testa de Nevil. Fol.372) in the reign of Henry lll (1216-1272) held two bovates of land in Vemt for 19d and the moiety for one farthing. This Alwardus was the founder of the family of Oldham. In 1375 Margery sole heir of Richard de Oldhame (the last male heir in the line of succession) married John Cudworth of Yorkshire. At John's death this marriage conveyed Werneth Hall and its manor to the Cudworths.

The Coat of Arms of this Oldham family consisted of a Sable, a chevron between three owls argent, on a chief d'or three roses gules. Hugh Oldham claimed to be descended from this family, and wore a badge of an owl on his sleeve. This is it - his rebus. In the dialect Oldham is still pronounced "au'dm".

5 6 Coming to America

7 8 The Settlement of the New World

Emmigrant John “Mad Jack” Oldham

John Oldham (1592 -1636 ) was an early Puritan settler in Massachusetts . He was a ship captain, enterprising merchant and Indian trader. It is said he had more courage and enterprise than piety and proved to be a “disturber of the colony” and a rover. He purchased a grant of land between the Charles and Saugus rivers and carried on a large trading endeavor with the local Indian tribes. In 1628 he travelled back to England to present a commercial scheme to the Massachusetts Company. But the Company feared that he would interest others in his opinions and denied his title to the land he had purchased and forbid him to trade beaver with the Indians. He was active in the early government of Watertown and explored much of the area from to the River, using Indian trails and lodging in their cabins. His death at the hands of Indians was one of the causes of the Pequot War of 1637.

Oldham was believed to be born in Derbyshire, England in 1592, and was baptized at the Church of All Saints in Derby on July 14, 1592. A follower of the from an early age, he emigrated to with his wife, children, and sister in July 1623 aboard the ship Elizabeth & Anne. Captain John Oldham was the brother of Lucretia Oldham Brewster, who married Jonathon Brewster, son of William Brewster, a signer of the Compact. Oldham's company was granted ten acres in the assignment of lands in 1623 presumably for each person in Oldham's family and for the following: Conant, Roger, Penn, and Christian. Oldham grew wealthy from his coastal trade and trading with the Indians.

During 1623 Richard Vines and several others began a permanent settlement at Saco. John Oldham, a gentleman of property and high position, took up his residence there with his servants, and during the next six years he brought over many colonists at his own expense.

Upon their arrival the employees of the Laconia Company occupied the house built by David Thompson at Little Harbor in 1623. Obviously, this building was the meeting place selected by John Oldham and the Laconia pioneers, since it was called "Rendezvous" in later years. The structure was rebuilt of stone materials, fortified with cannon and styled the "Great House" and "Mason's Stone House."

By this time there were several settlers on Arrowsic island, near the mouth of the Sagadahock, and upon the mainland at the entrance of the river at Sheepscott, at Damariscotta, at Pemaquid, and at St. George's river.

Most were thought to be reckless adventurers, runaway seamen, fugitives from justice, and others who for various reasons sought security from all civil and religious restraints. This state of affairs caused the Council at Plymouth serious concern, and it determined to adopt vigorous measures to reduce society to some condition of law and order, and to this end Robert Gorges was sent over as Governor, Francis West as Admiral, and Rev. William Merrill, an Episcopal clergyman, who were invested with full authority to manage public affairs.

John Oldham associated with Reverend John Lyford, who plotted to overthrow this government

9 and replace it with Episcopal rule. John apparently wrote letters to persons in England critical of the church and Plantation. Rev John Lyford and John Oldham started exerting their Church of England views within the Plantation. They disagreed with the powers that be, and attempted to establish a separate manner of worship and to alter the form of Colonial Government. Oldham’s letters were intercepted in 1624, and Oldham and Lyford were tried and banished from Plymouth Colony. He was exiled for plotting against the government at Plymouth. He left the Plymouth Colony went to Nantasket and Cape Ann.

Nathaniel Morton notes in his New England’s Memorial that, though John was to leave the Plantation immediately, "his Wife and Family had liberty to stay all Winter, or longer, until he could make provision to remove them comfortably" [p. 58; cf. Plym. Ch.Rec., 1:56]. John was forcibly removed from the Plantation in 1625, having to run a gauntlet before being "conveyed to the Water-side, where a boat was ready to carry him away" [p. 59]. Morton reports that John afterwards took a voyage to Virginia, on which voyage his life and the lives of his fellow passengers were put in great danger. Oldham confessed the crimes he had committed, the ship was saved, and he was subsequently welcomed back into civil society.

The Western Adventurers of Dorchester, England sent John Oldham to Cape Ann, Massachusetts in 1625, but he accomplished nothing there. As a trader, Captain Oldham sailed to Virginia and England, but by 1630 he was back in the Massachusetts Bay. He took up residence on an island in the Charles River and was a member of the church at Watertown. Oldham represented Watertown in the colony's first General Court or assembly in 1634. He continued in the Indian trade, sailing the coast from Maine to .

According to the book, Pioneers on Maine Rivers, in 1626, John Oldham arrived in Maine in the ship Happy Entrance, from Canada. John Oldham may have been a transient resident at Pascataqua. Although Bradford asserted that his family remained in Massachusett. He had sojourned for a while at New Plymouth and Nantasket, but in 1626 he was in Virginia as passenger on board a vessel from "Canada," which then included Northern Maine. He was an active agent In the deportation of Thomas Morton took charge of the prisoner, from the time Morton was transferred from one of the uninhabited Isles of Shoals, near the mouth of Pascataqua River, until he was confined in an English jail.

Taking Morton back to England, meant he had to deliver him to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and this gave Oldham the opportunity to gain from the Council of New England (then controlled by Gorges and Captain John Mason) a grant for much of the land at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay which had just been granted by the King to the Massachusetts Bay Company. It is unknown exactly what Oldham had in mind, but he was apparently trying to trade this grant for some influence in the Massachusetts Bay Company. The progress of these negotiations can be followed in the court records and letters of the Company. Ultimately Oldham failed to obtain the land he wanted (although the mere existence of his patent seems to have forced the settlement of Charlestown in 1629 as a pre-emptive strike) [MBCR 1:28, 29, 34, 39, 388, 389, 398; Three Episodes 212-17].

He did, however, obtain a grant of 500 acres in Watertown, perhaps a token compensation for his forlorn grant from Gorges, and he did become a leading citizen of Watertown in his few years in residence there. In Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, Oldham had overreached himself and aroused the ire of the leaders, but eventually, in each instance, he regained their confidence and made a useful contribution to both settlements.

Early in 1629 an opportunity presented itself for Mr. Wheelwright to lay the foundation for his preconceived plan of establishing an English settlement in New England. He associated himself with John Oldham.

10 There must have been a common bond of interest and sympathy between these men which caused them to unite forces and "coast" towards the country of the hostile Tarratines, as an alternative to settling in Massachusetts, where Oldham previously had been subjected to court discipline and the religious beliefs of both are known to have been unpopular. Furthermore, Oldham, according to the terms of his Saco grant, had already lived in the country six years and was fully conversant with the entire coast from Maine to Virginia. The principal result of Wheelwright's activities at this time appears to have been the execution of a settlement treaty or option with the Indian sagamores of Southern New Hampshire, to which Oldham was a witness. The validity of this document has been questioned on the ground that the English participants were not present in America when it was dated.

Oldham was the first witness to the transaction. He had been in England for nearly a year. April 17, 1629, it was reported by the London Company that he with some others was "pvyding a vessell, and is mynded, as soone as hee can despatch, to come for New England, ptending to settle himselfe in Mattachusetts Bay." It was reported further that Oldham claimed the right to trade for beaver with the Indians, as an original planter, and that he was not "satisfyed to trade himselfe with his owne stock & meanes" which were known to be small, but had been able to "interest other men" who were "never likely to bee benefitiall to the planting of the country, their owne pticuler pfitts (though to the overthrowe of the genall plantacon) being their chiefe ayme and intent."

The letter from which the preceding though vaine ppositions."

Oldham may have arrived in the country before that letter or have crossed the Atlantic in the next month, which afforded ample time with favorable winds. At any rate, he was in New England in the spring of 1630, when his schedule of trading goods was made up and forwarded to Pascataqua in the Warwick by the secretary of the Laconia Company.

Another witness who signed the Wheelwright deed was Samuel Sharp. There were two men of this name. One was a capitalist who had loaned money to Plymouth Colony in 1626 and had later become associated with the London Company. The other was employed by the company March 3, 1628-9, at a salary of ten pounds a year. He was reported to have been ready to sail by March 25 "at ffurdest" and had sailed from England before the middle of April. The presence of his name with that of Oldham on the deed made at Squamscott indicated their early arrival in the same vessel.

The "other men" whom Oldham had interested in his New England project were clearly indicated in the events of the next twelve months. They were members of the Laconia and Saco companies, whose objects were common and whose relations were congenial. Both Saco companies must have been organized for some months before the issuance of their patents. This fact is evidenced in the language of both grants in the use of specific grantees and the additions "& Company."

In 1629, Massachusetts authorities were apprehensive lest Oldham might return and settle within their limits where he could create further dissensions. By that time he had secured an interest in the old patent of Robert Gorges and was engaged in obtaining a grant at Saco with Vines. Furthermore, his name appeared as a witness upon the Wheelwright deed of Pascataqua territory and his trading goods were forwarded to that port the following year in the Warwick.

John was a partner with Richard Vines, formerly of London, in the Patent of Saco, Maine in 1629; they engaged in trade along the coast of Maine with Isaac Allerton. John was a resident of Watertown, Massachusetts. He had a small house near the wear at Watertown, made all of clapboards. This house burned down due to someone making a fire in it eventhough there was

11 no chimney. On Apr. 1, 1634 he was granted 500 acres of land on the Charles River [Mass. Rec., 1:114].

The Biddeford patent to Richard Vines and John Oldham covered a tract on the south side of the Saco River, by sea four miles, and eight miles up into the mainland, or very nearly the present bounds of Biddeford.

February 12, 1629-30, the Council of Plymouth granted the locality about Winter Harbor to Oldham and Vines and described the tract as four miles in width along the seashore and eight miles in length toward the interior. Upon the same day another concession of the same dimensions, situated upon the easterly side of the Saco River and styled East Saco, was granted to Thomas Lewis and Richard Bonython.

Oldham had resided in the country about six years before the date of his grant and there was no mention of previous services performed for the council by either grantee. The subsequent home of Oldham was at Watertown.

Another patent of a similar tract on the other side of the river, covering rather more than the present area of Saco, was made to Thomas Lewis and Capt. Richard Bonython. These two grants were dated Feby. 12, 1629 O. S., and Vines took formal possession of his tract June 25, 1630, and Lewis of his June 28, 1631.

November 3, 1631, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain John Mason and their associates John Cotton, Henry Gardiner, George Griffith, Edwin Guy, Thomas Wannerton, Thomas and Eleazar Eyre, who then constituted the Laconia Company, obtained a grant of Pascataqua from the Council of Plymouth. Many of these grantees were gentlemen of wealth and influence. Thomas Eyre, secretary of that company, had been clerk of the Canada Company and was custodian of the original of the Grand Patent of New England.

The grant recited that the patentees had already sent more than £3000 and "much tyme in the discovering of the Countrie," alluding, probably, to their recent contributions to the "vew" taken by Oldham, Wheelwright, and their associates two years before.

Joseph Cheney, late of Medfield, owned a homestead with house and barn, and 52 1/2 acres of land, "bounded South, part on ye road leading to Newtown and part on John Oldham, Westerly, part on Nath. Oliver and part on Capt. Fuller, North on Josiah Bond and ye heard Prentice, on Amos Gates & a town highway, & East on ye town road leading from Cambridge to Newtown." He also h ad 24 1/2 acres of wood-land and pastureland, "lying between the barn and Watertown road" &c., 12 acres at "Weedy Hill," 9 acres of meadow at Weedy Hill, 2 acres and 130 rods of salt marsh on the south side of Charles river.

It’s probably that the proprietary share held by WILLIAM BRIDGES in the late 1630s in Watertown had earlier been held by Oldham, which would mean that he had been granted by the town a houselot and one or two other parcels of marsh or arable land.

According to Winthrop's journal, "History of New England," 1630-1649, Volume 1 edited by James Kendall Hosmer, Governor wrote in his journal:

[1July.] At a training at Watertown, a man of John Oldham's,{1} having a musket, which had been long charged with pistol bullets, not knowing of it, gave fire, and shot three men, two into their bodies, and one into his hands; but it was so far off, as the shot entered the skin and stayed there, and they all recovered.

12 The congregation at Boston wrote to the elders and brethren of the churches of Plymouth, Salem, etc., for their advice in three questions: 1. Whether one person might be a civil magistrate and a ruling elder at the same time? 2. If not, then which should be laid down? 3. Whether there might be divers pastors in the same church??The 1st was agreed by all negatively; the 2d doubtfully; the 3d doubtful also.

The strife in Watertown congregation continued still; but at length they gave the separatists a day to come in, or else to be proceeded against.

5.] At the day, all came in and submitted, except John Masters, who, though he were advised by divers ministers and others, that he had offended in turning his back upon the sacrament, and departing out of the assembly, etc., because they had then admitted a member whom he judged unfit, etc.; yet he persisted. So the congregation (being loath to proceed against him) gave him a further day; 8, at which time, he continuing obstinate, they excommunicated him; but, about a fortnight after, he submitted himself, and was received in again.

At Watertown there was (in the view of divers witnesses) a great combat between a mouse and a snake; and, after a long fight, the mouse prevailed and killed the snake. The pastor of Boston, Mr. Wilson, a very sincere, holy man, hearing of it, gave this interpretation: That the snake was the devil; the mouse was a poor contemptible people, which God had brought hither, which should overcome Satan here, and dispossess him of his kingdom. Upon the same occasion, he told the governor, that, before he was resolved to come into this country, he dreamed he was here, and that he saw a church arise out of the earth, which grew up and became a marvellous goodly church.

After being welcomed back to civilized society. John became a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts from Watertown during 1632 and was reelected in1634. He was the overseer of shot and powder for .

In 1633 John Oldham and three companions journeyed from Boston to the following Indian trails and lodging in the Indians homes. Governor Winthrop recorded that "John Oldham and three with him went to Connecticut (river) to trade. They brought back hemp which grows there in great abundance and is much better than the English," By 1647, flax-growing in Springfield had become so extensive that the retting of it in the town brook was judged so "noisome and offensive" that the practice was prohibited.(The Cooley Genealogy, Author: Mortimer E. Cooley, Call Number: CS71.C7725)

John Winthrop’s 1633 journal reveals:

The said 4th of September, came in also the ship called the Bird, (Mr. Yates master). She brought [blank] passengers, having lost [blank]; and [blank] cows, having lost [blank]; and four mares. She had been twelve weeks at sea, being, at her first coming out, driven northerly to fifty-three.

About ten days before this time, a bark was set forth to Connecticut and those parts, to trade.

John Oldham, and three with him, went over land to Connecticut, to trade. The sachem used them kindly, and gave them some beaver. They brought of the hemp, which grows there in great abundance, and is much better than the English. He accounted it to be about one hundred and sixty miles. He brought some black lead, whereof the Indians told him there was a whole rock. He lodged at Indian towns all the way .

Governor Winthrop also noted in 1634:

13 The Rebecka ame from Narigansett with five hundred bushels of corn given to Mr. John Oldham. The Indians had promised him one thousand bushels, but their store fell out less than they expected. They gave him also an island in the Narigansett Bay, called Chippacursett, containing about one thousand acres, six miles long, and two miles broad. This is a very fair bay, being above twelve leagues square, with divers great islands in it, a deep channel close to the shore, being rocky. Mr. Peirce took the height there, and found it fortyone degrees, forty-one minutes, being not above half a degree to the southward of us. In his voyage to and fro, he went over the shoals, having, most part, five or six fathom, within half a mile and less of the shore from the north part of Cape Cod to Natuckett1 Island, which is about twenty leagues?and, in the shallowest place, two and an half fathom. The country on the west of the Bay of Naragansett is all champaign for many miles, but very stony, and full of Indians. He saw there above one thousand men, women, and children, yet the men were many abroad on hunting. Natuckett is an island full of Indians, about ten leagues in length east and west.

John Oldham was a deputy to the first General Court (1634-5) and a member of the church in Watertown. He was propounded a freeman May 18, 1631

In 1633 or 1634, Oldham led a group of ten men (which included Captain ), along the Old Connecticut Path to establish Wethersfield, Connecticut, the first English settlement on the Connecticut River.

1 April 1634: "There is five hundred acres of land granted to Mr. Jo: Oldham, lying near Mount Feakes, on the northwest of Charles River" [MBCR 1:114]. This land was later laid out to Mr. Craddock, near "Mount Feake" [MBCR 1:330] and on 18 March 1647 Nicholas Davison of Charlestown, attorney to Mrs. Rebecca Craddock alias Glover, sole executrix of Matthew Craddock deceased, granted to Thomas Mayhew, merchant, this same five hundred acres of land [SLR 1:91].

In July 1636 he was on a voyage to trade with Indians on Block Island. John Oldham pursued most of his coastal trading around Sound and Narragansett Bay. About this time he obtained a grant of Prudence Island in Narragansett Bay from Canonicus.

On July 20 John Oldham, with two English boys and two Indians of Narragansett were near Block Island and Fisher’s Island when his boat was boarded by a band of 14 hostile Indians, presumed to be from the Narragensett and Pequot tribes. The attack was possibly due to a disagreement in the terms of a trade. He and five of his crew were brutally murdered, his ship was seized by the Indians and two young boys thought to be his sons were captured by the Indians and later rescued. The ship's cargo was looted.

A 20 ton (bark) fishing vessel belonging to Captain John Gallop was in the area and noticed Oldham’s vessel. Captain Gallop fired on the Indians, causing them to seek refuse under the hatches of Oldham’s vessel. Gallop then forcefully rammed his vessel into Oldham’s, nearly causing Oldham’s vessel to overturn. The Indians became so frightened that six of them jumped overboard and were drowned. Gallop continued to ram Oldham’s vessel until only the four Indians hidden under the hatches remained onboard.

Captain Gallop the boarded Oldham’s vessel and took two Indians captive. Galloped remembered that the Indians were quite adept at freeing each other, so he threw one of the Indians overboard to drown.

Searching the vessel he found John Oldham’s body still warm, with a cleft through his brains and his hands and feet cut off. Captain Gallop then removed the remaining goods and sails from Captain Oldham’s vessel and took it in tow behind his ship. Encountering strong winds,

14 Captain Gallop cast Oldham’s vessel off, where it drifted to the Narragansett shore and was later recovered. He rescued the two boys and brought the two boys home.

The Bay Colony was outraged at this latest incident, and sent John Endicott with a force to retaliate. This is thought of as the incident that caused the Pequot War and brought about the extinction of that tribe by the following year. The Massachusetts Court appointed a committee to oversee the settlement of his estate on Sep t. 6, 1636 [Mass. Rec., 1:177].

Governor Henry Vane also journalized an account of the death of Captain John Oldham as follows:

[1636 JUL 20.] John Gallop, with one man more, and two little boys, coming from Connecticut in a bark of twenty tons, intending to put in at Long Island to trade, and being at the mouth of the harbor, were forced, by a sudden change of the wind, to bear up for Block Island or Fisher's Island, lying before Naragansett, where they espied a small pinnace, which, drawing near unto, they found to be Mr. Oldham's (an old planter,{ John Gallopp and John Oldhamwere adventurous sailors and traders along the coast, stand now as the prominent figures at the outset of the Pequot war } and a member of Watertown congregation, who had been long out a trading, having with him only two English boys, and two Indians of Naragansett). So they hailed him, but had no answer; and the deck was full of Indians, (fourteen in all,) and a canoe was gone from her full of Indians and goods. Whereupon they suspected they had killed John Oldham, and the rather, because the Indians let slip and set up sail, being two miles from shore, and the wind and tide being off the shore of the island, whereby they drove towards the main at Naragansett. Whereupon they went ahead of them, and having but two pieces and two pistols, and nothing but duck shot, they bear up near the Indians, (who stood ready armed with guns, pikes, and swords,) and let fly among them, and so galled them as they all gate under hatches. Then they stood off again, and returning with a good gale, they stemmed her upon the quarter and almost overset her, which so frightened the Indians, as six of them leaped overboard and were drowned. Yet they durst not board her, but stood off again, and fitted their anchor, so as, stemming her the second time, they bored her bow through with their anchor, and so sticking fast to her, they made divers shot through her, (being but inch board,) and so raked her fore and aft, as they must needs kill or hurt some of the Indians; but, seeing none of them come forth, they gate loose from her and stood off again. Then four or five more of the Indians leaped into the sea, and were likewise drowned. So there being now but four left in her, they boarded her; whereupon one Indian came up and yielded; him they bound and put into hold. Then another yielded, whom they bound. But John Gallop, being well acquainted with their skill to untie themselves, if two of them be together, and having no place to keep them asunder, he threw him bound into [the] sea; and, looking about, they found John Oldham under an old seine, stark naked, his head cleft to the brains, and his hand and legs cut as if they had been cutting them off, and yet warm. So they put him into the sea; but could not get to the other two Indians, who were in a little room underneath, with their swords. So they took the goods which were left, and the sails, etc., and towed the boat away; but night coming on, and the wind rising, they were forced to turn her off, and the wind carried her to the Naragansett shore.

26.] The two Indians, which were with Mr. Oldham, and one other, came from Canonicus, the chief sachem of Naragansett, with a letter from Mr. Williams to the governor, to certify him what had befallen Mr. Oldham, and how grievously they were afflicted, and that Miantunnomoh was gone, with seventeen canoes and two hundred men, to take revenge, etc. But, upon examination of the Indian who was brought prisoner to us, we found that all the sachems of the Naragansett, except Canonicus and Miantunnomoh, were the contrivers of Mr. Oldham's death; and the occasion was, because he went to make peace, and trade with the Pekods last year, as is before related. The prisoner said also, that Mr. Oldham's two Indians were acquainted with it; but, because they were sent as messengers from Canonicus, we would not imprison them. But the

15 governor wrote back to Mr. Williams to let the Naragansetts know, that we expected they should send us the two boys, and take revenge upon the islanders; and withal gave Mr. Williams a caution to look to himself, if we should have occasion to make war upon the Naragansetts, for Block Island was under them. And the next day, 27, he wrote to Canonicus by one of those two Indians, and that he had suspicion of him, etc., yet he had sent him back, because he was a messenger, but did expect that, if he should send for the said two Indians, he should send them to us to clear themselves.

30.] Mr. Oldham's two boys were sent home by one of Miantunnomoh his men, with a letter from Mr. Williams, signifying that Miantunnomoh had caused the sachem of Niantick to send to Block Island for them; and that he had near one hundred fathom of wampom and other goods of Mr. Oldham's, which should be reserved for us; and that three of the seven, which were drowned, were sachems; and one of the two, which were hired by the sachem of Niantick, was dead also. So we wrote back to have the rest of those, which were accessory, to be sent to us, and the rest of the goods, and that he should tell Canonicus and Miantunnomoh, that we held them innocent; but that six other under-sachems were guilty, etc.

Mo. 6. (August) 3.] Samuel Maverick, who had been in Virginia near twelve months, now returned with two pinnaces, and brought some fourteen heifers, and about eighty goats, (having lost above twenty goats by the way). One of his pinnaces was about forty tons, of cedar, built at Bar bathes,{ Barbadoes} and brought to Virginia by Capt. Powell, who there dying, she was sold for a small matter. There died in Virginia, (by his relation,) this last year, above eighteen hundred, and corn was there at twenty shillings the bushel, the most of the people having lived a great time of nothing but purslain, etc. It is very strange, what was related by him and many others, that, above sixty miles up James River, they dig nowhere but they find the ground full of oyster shells, and fishes' bones, etc.; yea, he affirmed that he saw the bone of a whale taken out of the earth (where they digged for a well) eighteen feet deep.

8.] Lieutenant Edward Gibbons,{ Gibbons rose to the rank of assistant and major-general of the forces.} and John Higginson, with Cutshamekin, the sagamore of Massachusetts, were sent to Canonicus to treat with him about the murder of John Oldham. 13.] They returned, being very well accepted, and good success in their business. They observed in the sachem much state, great command over his men, and marvellous wisdom in his answers and the carriage of the whole treaty, clearing himself and his neighbors of the murder, and offering assistance for revenge of it, yet upon very safe and wary conditions.

25.] The governor and council, having lately assembled the rest of the magistrates and ministers, to advise with them about doing justice upon the Indians for the death of Mr. Oldham, and all agreeing that it should be attempted with expedition, did this day send forth ninety men, distributed to four commanders,?Capt. John Underhill, Capt. Nathaniel Turner, Ensign Jenyson, and Ensign Davenport; and over them all, as general, , Esq., one of the assistants, was sent. They were embarked in three pinnaces, and carried two shallops and two Indians with them. They had commission to put to death the men of Block Island, but to spare the women and children, and to bring them away, and to take possession of the island; and from thence to go to the Pequods to demand the murderers of Capt. Stone and other English, and one thousand fathom of wampom for damages, etc., and some of their children as hostages, which if they should refuse, they were to obtain it by force. No man was impressed for this service, but all went voluntaries.

26.] Miantunnomoh, sachem of Naragansett, sent a messenger to us, with a letter from Mr. Williams, to signify to us, that they had taken one of the Indians, who had broken prison and was escaped away, and had him safe for us, when we would send for him, (we had before sent to him to that end;) and the other (being also of Block Island) he had sent away, (not knowing, as it

16 seemed, that he had been our prisoner,) according to their promise, that they would not entertain any of that island, which should come to them. But we conceived it was rather in love to him; for he had been his servant formerly.

We sent for the two Indians. One was sent us; the other was dead before the messengers came.

A ship of one hundred and twenty tons was built at Marblehead, and called the Desire.

7ber, (September) 8.] At a general court, a levy was made of £1200 to pay the country's debts.

The trade of beaver and wampom was to be farmed, and all others restrained from trading.

23.] A new church was gathered at Dorchester, with approbation of the magistrates and elders, etc.

August 24.]{1*} John Endecott, Esq., and four captains under him, with twenty men a-piece, set sail. They arrived at Block Island the last of the same. The wind blowing hard at N. E. there went so great a surf, as they had much to do to land; and about forty Indians were ready upon the shore to entertain them with their arrows, which they shot oft at our men;' but, being armed with corslets, they had no hurt, only one was lightly hurt upon his neck, and another near his foot. So soon as one man leaped on shore, they all fled. The island is about ten miles long, and four broad, full of small hills, and all overgrown with brush-wood of oak, ’no good timber in it,’ so as they could not march but in one file and in the

{1*} This entry is put in by Winthrop out of course, a September entry having preceded: he no doubt desired to have in one narrative his account of Endicott's expedition, and goes back here to the outset of the undertaking.

On July 28, 1636, the Massachusetts Bay General Court issued orders to Watertown in Connecticut (i.e. Wethersfield) ] "to seize and inventory Mr. Oldham's goods for payment of his debts" [WJ 2:423]. John Oldham's was the first estate probated in Connecticut, where an unsatisfactory inventory was presented at the court of 10 September 1636. After much wrangling, a satisfactory inventory was delivered to the court on 6 February 1639/40, which showed £504 9s. 3d. in debts, and £136 66s. 21d. [sic] in assets. A year later, on 6 January 1640/1, the accounts had still not been settled; the suggestion was made that the paperwork be sent to the Bay in case anyone there wished to make a claim, and nothing more is heard of the matter [CCCR 1:43; Manwaring 1:25-28].


Block Island’s Indian name was Manisses, which means “Island of Little God”. Indians had been living there as early as 1524, as Verrazano noted in his journal that he could see small campfires burning along the coast. The Indian tribe was know as Manisseans and was under the authority of the Narragansett. In 1614 Adriaen Block, a Dutch trader, first visited the island and on 20 July 1636 Captain John Oldham of Boston came to the island with a small party to trade with the Indians. The Massachusetts Bay Colony claimed the island by right of conquest after they killed the warriors involved and burned all the tribe’s crops as punishment for the death of Captain Oldham and his crew.

The Massachusetts Bay Company, in 1658 entrusted the island to four people, who later sold it to 16 men and their families. These individuals became the first settlers of the island.

Block Island came under the jurisdiction of in 1672 and was renamed New Shoreham. Many fascinating legends of pirates and shipwrecks are part of the island’s tradition. It is still a popular summer resort and also has an airport for small planes. The northern most portion of t he island is still a great undeveloped natural area and is often visited by migratory birds using the Atlantic flyway. The Northernmost point of the island hosts the Sandy Point lighthouse, which was originally built in 1837, but was lost to the sea. A second lighthouse was built in 1857, which was also overtaken by the sea. You can still see the foundations of the first two lighthouses on the point.

19 20 The Pequot War – 1637 Lee Sultzman.. http://www.dickshovel.com/www.html

From the Algonquin word "pekawatawog or pequttoog" meaning "destroyers." A lso called: Pekoath, Pequant, Pequatoo (Dutch), Pequod, Pequin (Sequin), Pyquan, Sagimo, and Sickenames (Dutch).

At the time of their first contact with Europeans, southeastern Connecticut from the Nehantic River eastward to the border of Rhode Island. Both the Pequot and the Mohegan were originally a single tribe which migrated to eastern Connecticut from the upper Hudson River Valley in New York, probably the vicinity of Lake Champlain, sometime around 1500.

If the Mohegan are included, the Pequot probably numbered around 6,000 in 1620. After a major smallpox epidemic during the winter of 1633-34 and the separation of the Mohegan, there were still about 3,000 Pequot in 1637. Less than half are believed to have survived the Pequot War of that year. The terms of peace treaty afterwards systematically dismembered them in a manner designed to insure that the Pequot would no longer exist as a tribe. A few Pequot eluded capture and were given refuge by other New England Algonquin, but this was the exception. Most of the captured Pequot warriors were executed, and the English sold the remainder as slaves to the West Indies. Some of the women and children were distributed as "servants" to colonial households in New England. The Narragansett and Eastern Niantic accepted some Pequot, and one band of Pequot was exiled to Long Island and became subject to the . For the most part, these Pequot were absorbed by their "hosts" within a few years and disappeared.

The remaining tribe members were placed under the Mohegan, and it is from this group that the two current Pequot tribes have evolved. The Mohegan treated their Pequot so badly that by 1655 the English were forced to remove them. Two reservations were established for the Pequot in 1666 and 1683. By 1762 there were only 140 Pequot, and the decline continued until reaching a low-point of 66 in the 1910 census. At present, the State of Connecticut recognizes two Pequot tribes: Mashantucket and Paucatuck. The 600 Paucatuck (Eastern Pequot) have retained the Lantern Hill Reservation (226 acres) at North Stonington but are not federally recognized. The Mashantucket (Western Pequot) received federal recognition in 1983. Created from lands purchased from the profits of a bingo operation and successful land claim settlement, their Ledyard reservation has expanded to 1,800 acres. Dramatic changes occurred after a gambling casino began to generate enormous profits in 1992, and with 320 members, the Mashantucket have suddenly discovered that they have many "long-lost relatives."

Highly-organized, aggressive and warlike, the Pequot dominated Connecticut before 1637, a pattern continued later by the closely related Mohegan. As were their neighbors, the Pequot were an agricultural people who raised corn, beans, squash, and tobacco. Hunting, with an emphasis on fish and seafood because of their coastal location, provided the remainder of their diet.

21 Clothing and housing were also similar - buckskin and semi-permanent villages of medium-sized longhouses and wigwams. For this reason, it is difficult today to distinguish between the site of a Pequot village and that of another tribe. The main difference being that Pequot villages were almost always heavily fortified. The Pequot were not that much larger than the tribes surrounding them, but they differed from other Algonquin in their political structure. Highly organized, the strong central authority exercised by their tribal council and grand sachem gave the Pequot a considerable military advantage over their neighbors. In this way, the Pequot were more like the Narragansett of Rhode Island and the Mahican of New York's Hudson Valley (with whom they are frequently confused).

Situated behind Long Island, the Pequot and their neighbors had little contact with Europeans before 1600. However, the effects from the European presence in North American reached them soon afterwards. Warfare precipitated by the start of the French fur trade in the Canadian Maritimes swept south at the same time that a sickness left among the Wampanoag and Massachusetts by English sailors on a slave raid depopulated New England spawned three separate epidemics between 1614 and 1617. The Pequot and Narragansett emerged from the chaos as rivals for the honor of the most powerful tribe in the area. The first meeting of the Pequot with Europeans occurred in 1614, when the Dutch traders from the Hudson River Valley began expanding east along the northern shore of Long Island Sound beyond the Connecticut River. Although the Dutch also visited the Narragansett villages in Rhode Island, the Pequot's location in eastern Connecticut gave them an advantage over their rivals. They were not only closer to New Nether lands (New York), but they controlled the lower Connecticut River, the traditional native trade route to the beaver areas of the interior.

By 1622 the fur trade on the lower Connecticut River had grown enough that the Dutch established a permanent trading post near Hartford. Their intention was to trade with all of the tribes in the region, but, the Pequot had other ambitions and were determined to dominate the Connecticut trade. They first attacked the Narragansett, not so much to seize a disputed hunting territory in southwest Rhode Island, but to keep these powerful rivals away from the new Dutch post. The next step was for the Pequot to use a combination of intimidation and war to tighten their grip on the region's trade by subjugating the neighboring Nipmuc and Mattabesic. However, some Mattabesic chose to ignore them and tried to trade with the Dutch forcing the Pequot to attack several groups of Mattabesic who had gathered near the Dutch trading post for trade. The resident trader for the Dutch West India Company, Jacob Elekens, had grown annoyed with the Pequot efforts to monopolize the fur trade, and to retaliate, he seized Tatobem, a Pequot sachem, and threatened to kill him unless the Pequot ended their harassment and paid a ransom for his release.

The Pequot brought 140 fathoms of wampum to the post for Tatobem's release, which Elekens accepted, but having expected beaver rather than these strange little shell beads, he killed Tatobem, and all that the Pequot got in exchange for their wampum was his dead body. Understandably outraged, the Pequot attacked and burned the trading post, but fur trade was far too important for the Pequot and Dutch to permit a dead sachem and charred trading post to stand in the way of mutual prosperity. The Dutch replaced Elekens with Pieter Barentsen who spoke Algonquin and was trusted by the Pequot, and after a suitable round of apologies and gifts "to cover the dead," trade resumed. Two important changes resulting from this brief

22 confrontation which had lasting impacts. The Dutch never again attempted to prevent the Pequot from dominating the other tribes in area and in effect granted them a monopoly in the Connecticut fur trade. Unchallenged, the Pequot aggressively expanded their control over the Mattabesic tribes along the Connecticut River, either by forcing them to sell their furs to Pequot traders or exacting a heavy tribute for the privilege of trading directly with the Dutch.

The incident had also made the Dutch aware of the value which the natives placed on wampum, and they were quick to realize its potential as a rudimentary currency in the fur trade. Living near the coast, the Pequot did not really have that many beaver in their own homeland, and there was only so much profit to be gained from their role as middlemen in the fur trade. They did, however, have a great deal of wampum, either of their own manufacture or from tribute received from subject tribes. So they were pleased when the Dutch began to accept wampum as payment for goods in lieu of fur. The problem was the Pequot did not have nearly enough wampum to pay for everything they wanted, especially firearms. They solved this by crossing Long Island Sound in their canoes and conquering the Metoac. Since the Metoac were the source of the best wampum in the Northeast, the tribute the Pequot received annually afterwards from the Long Island tribes made them rich and powerful.

Meanwhile, a people which the Pequot would call the "Owanux" had made their first appearance. For the first years after 1620, it appeared the tiny English colony at Plymouth would fail. But somehow, against all odds, it survived, and by 1627 the Dutch had become concerned enough about the possibility of English competition in the fur trade that they sent a representative to Plymouth to negotiate a trade treaty. The resulting document guaranteed the Dutch a monopoly along the entire southern coast of New England including the Connecticut Valley. At most, the Dutch gained only a few years with this maneuver. After the Puritans began arriving in Massachusetts after 1630, Plymouth's agreement with the Dutch was generally ignored. By 1633 Boston traders had reached the Connecticut River and built a trading post at Windsor. A violation of their 1627 agreement, the English post intercepted furs from the interior before they could reach the Dutch downstream. The Dutch responded by purchasing land from the Pequot (actually the Pequot sold land belonging to the Mattabesic) and built a fortified trading post (House of Good Hope).

Native reaction to the English post was mixed. As a rule, the Mattabesic and Nipmuc who were forced to pay tribute welcomed the English seeing, not only an opportunity of better prices for their furs, but a chance to escape the Pequot. This, of course, was not something Sassacus, the Pequot grand sachem, favored. The Pequot were already annoyed by the English manufacture of wampum. The Dutch acceptance of wampum as a currency in their fur trade had not gone unnoticed in the English colonies, and within a few years a cottage industry sprang up in Massachusetts to manufacture wampum. Using steel drills, the English were soon flooding the market which caused a drop in value. Since wampum was the source of their wealth and power, the Pequot did not appreciate this competition. But rather than uniting to destroy the new English trading post on the Connecticut, the Pequot split into pro-Dutch and pro-English factions.

The division had its roots in the personal rivalry between Sassacus and his son-in-law Uncas.

23 Both had been sub-sachems and expected to succeed the grand sachem Wopigwooit when he died in 1631. However, the Pequot council selected Sassacus, and Uncas never accepted this. Their rivalry continued afterwards in bitter council debates over the fur trade. With Sassacus favoring the Dutch, a pro-English faction gathered around Uncas. The arguments grew increasingly heated which made trade along the Connecticut River dangerous for both Dutch and English with the different Pequot factions killing and robbing traders unfortunate enough to cross paths with the wrong group of them. Uncas was eventually forced to leave and form his own village. Other Pequot and Mattabesic soon joined him, and taking their name of Uncas' wolf clan, the Mohegan became a separate tribe hostile to the Pequot. Smallpox hit the Connecticut tribes during the winter of 1633-34. The timing of these events could not have been worse, because in 1634, the Pequot, or rather their western Niantic allies, murdered John Stone, a Boston trader.

In truth, neither "murdered," "Boston," or "trader" does true justice to the memory of this man. Stone was from the West Indies, an occasional trader but full-time pirate, and the Puritans had just banished him from Boston for lewd and immoral conduct. Contemplating his mistreatment by the Puritans, Stone stopped at the mouth of the Connecticut River on the way to Virginia to compensate himself by capturing Western Niantic women and children to sell as slaves in Jamestown. Unfortunately, he got himself killed in the process. Rather than concluding that perhaps Stone was a man who had reaped as he had sown, Boston's Puritan clergy suddenly forgot his many past transgressions and mounted their pulpits to condemn the Pequot as "demons from hell." As tension mounted, Sassacus put aside his personal distaste for the English and dutifully travelled to Massachusetts to keep the peace. The English, however, demanded that he surrender Stone's killers for execution, which Sassacus refused to do. The talks collapsed at this point, Sassacus went home with both sides still angry, and the matter simmered for another year.

In 1635 John Winthrop's Massachusetts Bay Company built Fort Saybrook at the mouth of the Connecticut River. Although isolated in the midst of hostile Pequot and Western Niantic, it effectively blocked Dutch access to the river and forced them to close the House of Good Hope at Hartford. The separation of the Mohegan and smallpox had cost the Pequot almost half of their people, and afterwards they could no longer count on the support of the Dutch. Taking advantage of their weakened condition, the Narragansett struck and reclaimed the lands in southeast Rhode Island they had surrendered in 1622. The following year Thomas Hooker and the first English settlers arrived in Connecticut and settled at Hartford. The Pequot saw themselves being overrun, and while the Mohegan and Mattabesic were welcoming the newcomers, there were numerous confrontations between the English and Pequot which stopped just short of open warfare. For the Pequot, the land being taken was not nearly as important as the loss of their control over subject tribes. After a great deal of harassment, the English in Connecticut learned to hate the Pequot.

The Pequot War (1637) actually began during the summer of 1636 when another Boston trader, John Oldham, was killed as the western Niantic captured his boat near Block Island. Richard Mather, in a sermon delivered in Boston, denounced the Pequot as the "accursed seeds of Canaan," in effect turning the confrontation in Connecticut into a "holy war" of the Puritans against the forces of darkness. With these fiery words urging them to action, Massachusetts,

24 without bothering to consult the colonists in Connecticut, sent a punitive expedition of 90 men under the command of John Endecott (Endicott) to Block Island in August with orders to kill every man and take the women and children prisoners. The English soldiers managed to kill 14 Niantic and an undetermined number of dogs before they escaped into the woods and then burned the village and crops. Endicott then loaded his men back into the boats and sailed over to Fort Saybrook to add some additional soldiers for the second part of his mission - a visit to the Pequot village at the mouth of the Thames river to demand 1,000 fathoms of wampum for the death of Oldham and several Pequot children as hostages.

His arrival at Saybrook was the first indication the Connecticut colonists had of what had happened and since they would bear the brunt of the Pequot and Niantic retaliation, they were very upset. However, the situation was already beyond repair, so they reluctantly provided Endicott with the few men they could spare. Endicott then sailed up the coast to the Pequot village and came ashore to make his demands. The Pequot were just as stunned to learn what had happened as the English had been at Saybrook but managed to stall while everyone escaped into the woods leaving Endicott with an empty village to destroy. Satisfied he had "chastised" enough heath en for one day, Endicott loaded his men into the boats and returned to Boston. The Pequot, however, had recognized some of the Saybrook soldiers, who expecting a siege afterwards, had stolen their corn. Their fears were soon realized. Saybrook was surrounded by Pequot and Niantic warriors who killed anyone trying to leave.

Rather than feeling chastised, the Pequot were furious. During the winter they plotted revenge and sent war belts to the Narragansett and Mohegan asking their help in a war against the English. However, because of their past actions, the Pequot had few friends, and the English found it fairly easy to isolate them. In Rhode Island, used his influence with the Narragansett to convince them not only to refuse the Pequot belt but to ally with the English. Uncas and the Mohegan also declined and chose instead to fight their former tribesmen. Despite this, the Pequot were still formidable and claimed the nominal allegiance of 26 subordinate sachems from other tribes. However, the loyalty of many of their allies was suspect, and when the war began, many of them remained neutral to see " which way the wind blew" before committing themselves.

Early in 1637, Sassacus ordered a series of raids against the Connecticut settlements to retaliate for Endecott's raid of the previous summer. Two hundred warriors attacked Wethersfield on April 12th and killed nine colonists (six men and three women). Other victims were twenty cows and a horse. Taking two teenage girls hostage, the war party loaded their loot into canoes and went home via the Connecticut River. Passing the fort at Saybrook, they taunted the garrison by waving the bloody clothes of their victims. In all, the colonists lost 30 people in these raids, and in May the General Court at Hartford formally declared war. Despite doubts about the loyalty of the Mohegan, a joint expedition of 90 English and 70 Mohegan warriors under Uncas assembled near Hartford to attack the main Pequot fort at Mystic. Commanded by Captain John Mason, an experienced soldier, this tiny army departed on what seemed a suicide mission. Passing down the Connecticut River, it stopped at Fort Saybrook to add a few soldiers and then proceeded up the coast only to discover the Pequot waiting for them at Mystic.

Seeing he was badly outnumbered, Mason prudently decided not to land and continued east to Rhode Island. The Pequot watched his departure and became convinced the English had abandoned the attack and were retreating to Boston. As it turned out, this was a terrible mistake. When Mason reached the Narragansett villages, 200 warriors joined his ranks, and he

25 received their permission to travel overland through Narragansett territory for a surprise attack on Mystic from the rear. With his force now numbering more than 400 men, Mason left the Narragansett villages and moved west across the hills of western Rhode Island. They had barely left before the Narragansett became alarmed by the clumsy manner in which the English soldiers moved through the forest and were certain their entire party would be discovered and ambushed. Only a fiery speech by Uncas challenging their courage kept the Narragansett from leaving the expedition. Despite becoming lost several times, the Mohegan finally located the Pequot fort on May 26th and guided Mason's army to it.

They had not only arrived undiscovered, but the Pequot warriors who normally would have defended Mystic were absent. Lulled into a sense of false security by the sight of the English retreat to the east, the Pequot had formed a war party and gone to raid the settlements near Hartford. Trapping 700 Pequot inside the fort (mostly women, children, and old people), Mason and his men set it afire. Those Pequot not burned to death were killed when they tried to escape. Following Mason's orders, the Narragansett and Mohegan finished any Pequot the English missed but were aghast when the English indiscriminately slaughtered Pequot women and children. Their grim work completed, Mason made a hasty retreat (actually, a headlong rush) to his boats waiting at a rendezvous on the Thames. Sassacus' village was only five miles away, and his warriors were in hot pursuit. During the race for the river, Mason almost stumbled into a returning 300-man war party, but the Pequot were distracted by the smoke from their burning village. The English reached their boats after suffering only two killed and 20 wounded and promptly left. Their native allies were not so fortunate. Abandoned to find their own way home, half of them never made it.

The massacre at Mystic broke the Pequot. Despite the obvious loss of life, the Pequot still had most of their warriors, but the attack demonstrated their fortified villages were vulnerable and deprived the Pequot of the support they needed from their allies. Starving and unable to plant their crops, the Pequot abandoned their villages, separated into small bands, and fled for their lives. As small groups, they were easy prey, and few escaped. After an abortive attempt to find refuge among the Metoac on Long Island, Sassacus in June led 400 of his people west paralleling the coast and its seafood because they were short of food. Slowed by their women and children, the Pequot crossed the Connecticut but killed three Englishmen they encountered near Saybrook. This was an unfortunate action, because it told the English exactly where they were. Hartford declared June 15th as a day of prayer and thanksgiving for the "victory" at Mystic. The English, however, were not satisfied with merely winning the war and had decided to destroy the Pequot.

More than anything else, the English wanted Sassacus. At the end of June, Thomas Staughton landed at Pequot Harbor with 120 men. Finding the Pequot forts abandoned, he started west in pursuit. Mason joined him at Saybrook with 40 men plus Uncas and his Mohegan scouts. With the Mohegan pointing the way, they followed the slow-moving band of Sassacus west. Intent on capturing Sassacus, any Pequot encountered enroute were automatically smashed if they offered the slightest resistance or refused to cooperate - one Pequot sachem near Guilford Harbor was beheaded and his head placed in a tree as a warning (the location is still known as Sachem Head). The English finally caught up with him at Sasqua, a Pequannock (Mattabesic) village near Fairfield, Connecticut. The Pequot retreated to a hidden fort in a nearby a swamp but were surrounded. After negotiations, 200 Pequannock (mostly women and children) were allowed to leave, but the Pequot were well-aware of the fate awaiting them and refused to surrender. During the battle which followed, Sassacus gathered 80 warriors and managed to break free, but 180 Pequot were captured. The others were killed.

Sassacus and his escort fled west to New York. His logical choice for refuge should have been the Mahican (Dutch allies and close relatives), but the Mahican were subject to the Mohawk at

26 the time, so Sassacus was forced to turn to his old enemies for help. The Mohawk, however, had never for gotten who the Pequot were, and they never stood a chance. The Pequot had no sooner reached the Mohawk village, than, without being allowed to speak in council, he and most of his warriors were killed. The few who escaped joined the Mahican at Schaghticoke. The Mohawk cut off Sassacus' head and sent it to Hartford as a gesture of their friendship with the English. Since the General Court in Hartford levied a heavy fine on any tribe providing refuge to the Pequot, there was no place for them to go. The remaining Pequot were hunted down by the English, Mohegan, and Narragansett, and the war ended in a series of small but deadly skirmishes. The remaining Pequot sachems asked for peace and surrendered. With the Pequot defeat, English settlement filled in Connecticut Valley and by 1641 had extended down the coast of western Connecticut as far as Stamford.

Less than half of the 3,000 Pequot alive in 1637 survived the war. Under the peace signed at Hartford in September, 1638, the Pequot were dismembered. The 180 Pequot captured near Fairfield were distributed as slaves: 80 to the Mohegan; 80 to the Narragansett; and 20 to the Eastern Niantic. Of the 80 Pequot which the English captured in other engagements, the 30 warriors were executed, and the women and children were sold as slaves to Bermuda and the West Indies. One Pequot band which surrendered was exiled to Long Island and made subject to the Metoac who by 1653 had become subject to the Narragansett. Other Pequot were distributed as "servants" to New England households where they remained until their deaths. The largest group of Pequot (perhaps as many as 1,000) were placed under the control of Uncas and the Mohegan. The additional manpower provided by the Pequot made the Mohegan the most powerful tribe in southern New England after they defeated the Narragansett in 1644.

Under the Mohegan, the lives of the Pequot were harsh. They were separated into small groups and forbidden to call themselves Pequot. This was bad enough, but the English demand of annual payments of wampum for sparing their lives made the Pequot a burden for the Mohegan who worked them like dogs. By 1655 the Pequot among the Mohegan were treated so badly that the English, who usually overlooked these things, were forced to remove them to separate locations in eastern Connecticut. These eventually became the Mashantucket (Western Pequot) reserve at Ledyard (1666) and the Pawcatuck (Eastern Pequot) reservation at Lantern Hill (1683). Separation from the Mohegan helped, but it did not change the obligation of the Pequot to support the Mohegan in times of war. Pequot warriors joined Mohegan war parties, one of which captured the Narragansett sachem Canonchet during the King Philip's War (1675-76).

Many of the Pequot gradually drifted away from the confines of their small reservations, and their numbers in Connecticut continued to decline until there were only 66 by the time of the 1910 census. Currently, there are almost 1,000 Pequot, but things have changed dramatically for the Mashantucket in recent years. Connecticut sold off 600 acres of their reservation without permission in 1856, and a lawsuit filed in 1976 to recover this land resulted in a $700,000 settlement. Federal recognition was received in 1983, and after a successful bingo operation, an incredibly profitable gambling casino was opened in 1992 which has made the Mashantucket Pequot the wealthiest group of Native Americans in the United States. After a 350 year truce, the Mashantucket may actually have won the Pequot War .

Lee Sultzman.. http://www.dickshovel.com/www.html

27 28 29

Descendants of William OLDHAM

Generation 1

1. WILLIAM 1 OLDHAM was born on 26 Jun 1568 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 1. He died on 26 Jun 1636 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1. He married PHILIPPA SOWTER on 17 Nov 1588 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 1, daughter of Thomas SOWTER and Alice TURNER. She was born on 06 Jul 1568 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 1. She died about 1602 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1.

Notes for William OLDHAM:

Pat Searight notes 10/96: Did they also have children Joseph, Christian a nd Margaret who married William Bassett 13 Aug 1611? There were several O ldhams in Scituate, Massachusetts

Jean Oldham Heuman: William Oldham (Ouldham) married Philippa Sowter, dau ghter of Thomas Souter, butcher and Alice Turnar, Derby, Derbyshire, Nov 1 7.1588, at the All Saints Church, Derby, Derbyshire, England. Although Phi lippa's family had been residents of Derby for three gnerations, the re is no previous record of William Oldham in Derby. William and Philip pa Oldham had the following children all of whom were christened at the A ll Saints Church, Derby, Derbyshire, England.

William OLDHAM and Philippa SOWTER had the following children: i. MARGARET 2 OLDHAM was born Y2. She died on 05 Jun 1667 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, . She married WILLIAM BASSETT on 13 Aug 1611 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands 3. He was born in 1572 in Sandwich, Kent County, England. He died Y.

Notes for Margaret OLDHAM:

Margaret and William (widower) betrothed 29 Jul 1611, married 13 Aug 16 11 in Leydon, Holland. Margaret died in Leydon, he married 3. Elizabet h. The Pilgrims were living in Holland before they set sail for America.

ii. MARY OLDHAM was born Y4.

iii. MARTHA OLDHAM was born Y4.

2. iv. THOMAS OLDHAM was born about 1590 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1. He died in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1. He married ELIZABETH RHODES on 26 Jan 1615 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 1. She was born in England 1. She died after 1631 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 2.

3. v. JOHN "MAD JACK" OLDHAM was born about 09 Apr 1592 in London, England (Lancashire) 2. He died on 20 Jul 1636 in Block Island, Narragasett Bay, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 2. He married JANE BISSELL . She died in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

vi. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born about 24 Feb 1594 5. She died Y.

vii. JACOBUS OLDHAM was born about 12 Jun 1597 5. He died Y.

4. viii. LUCRETIA OLDHAM was born on 14 Jan 1601 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2, 6. She died on 04 Mar 1679 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut (Norwich) 2. She married JONATHON BREWSTER on 10 Apr 1624 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, son of William BREWSTER PJr. and Mary WENTWORTH. He was born on 12 Aug 1593 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England 2. He died on 07 Aug 1659 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut (Norwich) 2. Generation 2

2. THOMAS 2 OLDHAM (William 1) was born about 1590 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1. He died in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 1. He married ELIZABETH RHODES on 26 Jan 1615 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Generation 2 (con't) Derbyshire, England, UK 1. She was born in England 1. She died after 1631 in Derby, Derbyshire, UK 2.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Pat Searight notes 10/96: After his wife died in childbirth, he sent h is sons John and Thomas to live with Uncle John in America. After John w as killed by Indians, the boys went to live with their Aunt Lucretia Oldh am Brewster. Thomas b. 1590 never left England. This information came fr om the All Saint's records. His son Joseph came to America later. Was Ri chard of Cambridge a son? Elizabeth: Marriage is listed in All Saint's re cords. Wasn't she the one who died when John and Thomas were small; so th ey were sent to America to live with uncle John?

Jean Oldham Heuman notes; Thomas Oldham (alias Oldman) lived in Philadelphia. It is rumored that t he fmaily originally came from Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, which is on t he Delaware River just south of Philadelphia and near the Delaware/Pennsyl vania state line. Other genealogists have found records to indicate th at they came from Flintshire, Clwyd/Calverton, Nottingham, England. He married Elizabeth Sykes, both members of the Friend's Society. The re is a record in England of a Thomas Oldham marrying a woman named Elizab eth Sykes, but no records have been found to indicate when they came to Am erica. The author believes there is a possibility that Thomas was a young er brother of John Oldham, who immigrated to New England at the age of twe lve years, May 14, 1635, with his younger brother,, Thomas Oldham, age 1 0. The boys lived with J,, their father's brother, in Bosto n. The boys had been sent to Plymouth, Massachusetts colony alone after t heir mother and younger brother, Jethro, died and their father wanted to r emarry. Thomas and John, the young boys, were with their uncle when he w as murdered by the Indians during (see history of the Pequot War). The t wo boys were captured by the Indians and the Governor of the Plymouth Colo ny got them back. After their uncle had been murdered, the boys lived wi th their father's sister, Lucretia Oldham Brewster, who was marred to Jona than Brewster and they were raised with their children in New England. T he younger brother Thomas, stayed in Masschusetts and after 200 years t he Oldham name died out in New England. Probably most of the Oldham descendents of the United States are desc ended from John Oldham who arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1635. Jo hn lived in Conneticut until the Brewsters moved back to Duxbury, Massachu setts. There is anman River in New Jersey near Easton, along t he Chesapeake Bay, but it is not clear whether he lived there before movi ng to Philadelphia where he died or whether the river is named for anoth er branch of the Oldham family. In 1698 a John Oldham died in Philadelph ia and left a will with John Oldham as Executor. His death is listed as " Not a Friend". This leads us to believe that since our Thomas, from Phila delphia, was a member of the Friends Society and possibly converted from t he Church of England when he married his wife who belonged to the Friend 's Society that the younger Thomas and John may have both been the so ns of John, the immigrant ancestor. It is possible about this time that t he John, probably his son, who was listed as the executor, settled in Virg inia. The Virginia records list John and Anne Oldham and they had slave s. There are records of a John Oldham living on a plantation along the Po tomac River in Northumberland (later Westmoreland) County, Virginia. The re is still a post office there labeled Oldhams, Virginia, where a descend ent, Dr. Richard Oldham lived. John married Anne ?. It is not certain h ow many children they had, but it is believed that there were other chldr en in addition to those described in this narrative, because other Oldham 's in the same age range lived in Virginia and in Pennsylvania at the sa me time.

Thomas OLDHAM and Elizabeth RHODES had the following children: i. JOHN (UNPROVEN) 3 OLDHAM was born about 1622 in Derbyshire, England.

Notes for John (Unproven) OLDHAM:

This might be the same John as the John who married Abigail Unknown - so me researchers feel this John left Massachusetts and went to Virginia, beg inning the Virginia line of Oldhams. Other researchers feel he must ha ve died in New England. Generation 2 (con't)

14 May, 1635.-

THEIS underwritten names are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in the ELIZABETH and ANN, ROGER COOPER, Mr., the pties. have brought Certificates from the Minister of the pari sh of his conformitie to the Orders and dlscipline of the Church of Engla nd.

Years. Years.

RICHARD SANPSON, a taylor...28 THO. OLDHAM...... 10 THO. ALSOPP ...... 20 ROBERT STANDY...... 22 JOHN OLDHAM ...... 12


ii. ANNA OLDHAM was born about 28 Apr 1621 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2. She died Y.

5. iii. THOMAS OLDHAM was born about 23 Aug 1624 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2. He died on 07 Mar 1711 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He married MARY WETHERALL on 20 Nov 1656 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 7, daughter of William WETHERELL and Mary FISHER. She was born between 1635-1639 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, 8. She died on 12 Dec 1710 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

iv. SARAH OLDHAM was born on 01 Jul 1630 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 1. She died Y.

6. v. JOSEPH OLDHAM was born on 11 Sep 1631 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2. He died in Massachusetts, USA 2.

vi. JETHRO OLDHAM was born about 04 Sep 1642 in England 5. He died Y.

3. JOHN "MAD JACK" 2 OLDHAM (William 1) was born about 09 Apr 1592 in London, England (Lancashire) 2. He died on 20 Jul 1636 in Block Island, Narragasett Bay, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 2. He married JANE BISSELL . She died in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

John "Mad Jack": John "Mad Jack" OLDHAM also went by the name of Mad Jack Oldham.

Notes for John "Mad Jack" OLDHAM: ***********

JOHN OLDHAM ORIGIN: Derby, Derbyshire MIGRATION: 1623 FIRST RESIDENCE: Plymouth REMOVES: Nantasket 1624, Watertown 1630 RETURN TRIPS: Returned to England 1628, and back to New England 1630 OCCUPATION: Trader. FREEMAN: 18 May 1631 (as "Mr. John Oldeham") [MBCR 1:366]. EDUCATION: Could certainly read and write, since he sent many letters to England at the time of his connivance with Reverend JOHN LYFORD, but Bradford attests "he was so bad a scribe as his hand was scarce legible" [Bradford 151]. OFFICES: "Mr. Oldeham" was one of two delegates sent by Watertown to the General Court to consult on raising money, 9 May 1632 [MBCR 1:95]; Watertown deputy to General Court, 14 May 1634 [MBCR 1:116]; on committee to survey land at Mount Wollaston for enlargement of Boston, 14 May 1634 [MBCR 1:119]; committee to oversee powder and shot, "Mr. Oldham for Waterton & Meadford," and committee to set out bounds of towns, 3 September 1634 [MBCR 1:125]; Generation 2 (con't) committee to examine defacing of colors by John Endicott, 6 May 1635 [MBCR 1:145].

ESTATE: In 1623 Plymouth land division "Mr. Ouldom & those joined with him" were granted ten acres as passengers on the Anne in 1623 [PCR 12:6]. Three of those "joined with him" were his sister Lucretia, his wife (unnamed) and his stepson, William Bridges. The other six remain unidentified, although there were probably some servants among them.

1 April 1634: "There is five hundred acres of land granted to Mr. Jo: Oldham, lying near Mount Feakes, on the northwest of Charles River" [MBCR 1:114]. This land was later laid out to Mr. Craddock, near "Mount Feake" [MBCR 1:330] and on 18 Mh 1647 Nicholas Davison of Charlestown, attorney to Mrs. Rebecca Craddock alias Glover, sole executrix of Matthew Craddock deceased, granted to Thomas Mayhew, merchant, this same five hundred acres of land [SLR 1:91].

Presumably the proprietary share held by WILLIAM BRIDGES in the late 1630s in Watertown had earlier been held by Oldham, which would mean that he had been granted by the town a houselot and one or two other parcels of marsh or arable land.

On 28 July 1636, the Massachusetts Bay General Court issued orders to Watertown in Connecticut [i.e. Wethersfield] "to seize and inventory Mr. Oldham's goods for payment of his debts" [WJ 2:423]. Oldham's was the first estate probated in Connicut, where an unsatisfactory inventory was presented at the court of 10 September 1636. After much wrangling, a satisfactory inventory was delivered to the court on 6 February 1639/40, which showed £504 9s. 3d. in debts, and £136 66s. 21d. [sic] in assets. A year later, on 6 January 1640/1, the accounts had still not been settled; the suggestion was made that the paperwork be sent to the Bay in case anyone there wished to make a claim, and nothing more is heard of the matter [CCCR 1:43; Manwaring 1:25-28]. BIRTH: Baptized All Saints, Derby, Derbyshire, 14 July 1592, son of William "Ouldam."

DEATH: July 1636 near Block Island [WP 1:225].

MARRIAGE: By 1623 _____ (_____) Bridges, mother of WILLIAM BRIDGES, later seen at Watertown and Charlestown; her date of death is unknown. "...his wife and family had liberty to stay all winter or longer" [Bradford 157]. She may have predeceased her husband, since no provision was made for her in his estate proceedings.

CHILDREN: None recorded.

ASSOCIATIONS: His sister Lucretia Oldham, bp. All Saints, Derby, Derbyshire, 14 January 1600/1, married at Plymouth (as "Lucretia Oldam of Darby") on 10 April 1624 Jonathan Brewster [MD 1:8]. John and Thomas Oldham, aged twelve and ten, passengers to New England in 1635 on the Elizabeth & Ann, were probably his kinsmen, perhaps nephews [Hotten 78].

COMMENTS: John Oldham was a fascinating personality, with many talents, and the ability to influence others, both favorably and unfavorably. During his time in New England, totalling not much more than a decade, he managed to involve himself in three important episodes in early Massachusetts history: the revolt of the Reverend JOHN LYFORD and others against the Pilgrims at Plymouth; conflict with the Massachusetts Bay Company over its patent; and his death at the hands of the Indians in 1636, which precipitated the Pequot War. Each of these incidents will be discussed briefly here, with references for further reading.

Not long after Oldham's arrival in Plymouth, Bradford tells us, he began to stir up trouble among the discontented [Bradford 148-57, 165-66]. This activity increased in 1624, with the arrival of Reverend John Lyford, who soon began to exerts Church of England views against the church established at Plymouth. For Oldham the upshot was that he was banished from Plymouth about the middle of 1624, perhaps in July or August. His movements between then and his return to England are shadowy, and have been described in various ways, not all accounts agreeing. Bradford at one point says that Oldham commenced a trip to Virginia, which failed, but later says Generation 2 (con't) that he travelled to Virginia and returned to New England by the time of the arrival of Winthrop, but says nothing about the return to England. Adams, writing more than two centuries later, places Oldham at Nantasket (Hull) for much of this time (and not at Cape Ann), but without providing documentation [Three Episodes 183-93]. At any rate, Oldham was soon back in the good graces of the leaders at Plymouth, and in June of 1628 he was assigned the task of escorting THOMAS MORTON back to England [Three Episodes 207-08].

This leads directly to the second of Oldham's major conflicts. Taking Morton back to England, he had to deliver him to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and this gave Oldham the opportunity to gain from the Council of New England (then controlled by Gos and Captain John Mason) a grant for much of the land at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay which had just been granted by the King to the Massachusetts Bay Company. Exactly what Oldham had in mind is not clear, but he was apparently trying to trade this grant for some influence in the Massachusetts Bay Company. The progress of these negotiations can be followed in the court records and letters of the Company, and ultimately Oldham failed in his larger purpose (although the mere existence of his patent apparently forced the settlement of Charlestown in 1629 as a pre-emptive strike) [MBCR 1:28, 29, 34, 39, 388, 389, 398; Three Episodes 212-17]. He did, however, obtain a grant of 500 acres in Watertown, perhaps a token compensation for his forlorn grant from Gorges, and he did become a leading citizen of Watertown in his few years in residence there. In Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay, Oldham had overreached himself and aroused the ire of the leaders, but eventually, in each instance, he regained their confidence and made a useful contribution to both settlements.

As may be seen in the correspondence of the Winthrop family, John Oldham was active in his business of coastal trading early in 1636, mostly about Long Island Sound and Narragansett Bay [WP 3:235, 244, 256, 258, 276], and about the same time had obtained a grant of Prudence Island in Narragansett Bay from Canonicus [WP 3:502]. On 20 July 1636 JOHN GALLOP, another coastal trader, was sailing in the vicinity of Block Island and Fisher's Island, and saw a shallop that he recognized as Oldham's, but he could see only Indians on board. Winthrop tells the story of Oldham's gruesome death in great detail [WJ 1:225ff.], but only one point need detain us here. Winthrop tells us that Oldham "had been long out a trading, having with him only two English boys, and two Indians of Narragansett." Bradford, in his much briefer account of this episode, says that "two little boys that were his kinsmen were saved, but had some hurt" [Bradford 166]. These two kinsmen were apparently Thomas and John Oldham, passengers to New England on the Elizabeth & Ann in 1635 (then 12 and 10 respectively), presumably nephews of John Oldham. But there may be some doubt whether the two boys who were with Oldham on his last trading voyage were John and Thomas Oldham. Winthrop, who is usually more reliable in matters of this sort, does not state a relationship; and in some notes which Winthrop took of some court actions which did not get recorded in the official records of the General Court, we find that on 11 August 1636 (less than a month after Oldham's death) the court dealt with "[Blank] a boy of Mr. Oldham's, whom he bought of [blank] for £8, we restored to his old master for £4, in regard he had no clothes, and had spent the most of the summer with Mr. Oldham, etc." [WJ 2:423]. This unnamed boy would not be one of Oldham's kinsmen, but it does seem that he was with Oldham on some of his trading missions, and perhaps on the last one.

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: Bond wrote at length about John Oldham, especially in his second edition [Bond 382, 861-64]. A recent treatment by Threlfall adds information on the maternal ancestry of the immigrant [GMC26 215-22].

Winthrop's journal, "History of New England," 1630-1649, Volume 1 edited by James Kendall Hosmer

1632 JOHN WINTHROP, GOVERNOR July.] At a training at Watertown, a man of John Oldham's,{1} having a musket, which had been long charged with pistol bullets, not knowing of it, gave fire, and shot three men, two into their bodies, and one into his hands; but it was so far off, as the shot entered the skin and stayed there, and they all recovered. Generation 2 (con't) The congregation at Boston wrote to the elders and brethren of the churches of Plymouth, Salem, etc., for their advice in three questions: 1. Whether one person might be a civil magistrate and a ruling elder at the same time? 2. If not, then which should be laid down? 3. Whether there might be divers pastors in the same church??The 1st was agreed by all negatively; the 2d doubtfully; the 3d doubtful also.

The strife in Watertown congregation continued still; but at length they gave the separatists a day to come in, or else to be proceeded against.

5.] At the day, all came in and submitted, except John Masters, who, though he were advised by divers ministers and others, that he had offended in turning his back upon the sacrament, and departing out of the assembly, etc., because they had then admitted a member whom he judged unfit, etc.; yet he persisted. So the congregation (being loath to proceed against him) gave him a further day; 8, at which time, he continuing obstinate, they excommunicated him; but, about a fortnight after, he submitted himself, and was received in again.

At Watertown there was (in the view of divers witnesses) a great combat between a mouse and a snake; and, after a long fight, the mouse prevailed and killed the snake. The pastor of Boston, Mr. Wilson, a very sincere, holy man, hearing of it, gave this interpretation: That the snake was the devil; the mouse was a poor contemptible people, which God had brought hither, which should overcome Satan here, and dispossess him of his kingdom. Upon the same occasion, he told the governor, that, before he was resolved to come into this country, he dreamed he was here, and that he saw a church arise out of the earth, which grew up and became a marvellous goodly church.

{1} John Oldham came to Plymouth in 1623, and proving to be a disturber of the colony, became a rover. He had more courage and enterprise than piety, settling at Nantasket, then at Cape Ann, then at Watertown. In 1633, with three companions he made his way through the woods to the Connecticut, becoming the pioneer of the English occupation there. In 1636, as we shall see, his murder by the Indians, in his shallop. near Block Island, brought on the Pequot war.

PG 90 Mr. Oldham had a small house near the wear at Watertown, made all of clapboards, burnt down by making a fire in it when it had no chimney.


Pg 108

The said 4th of September, came in also the ship called the Bird, (Mr. Yates master). She brought [blank] passengers, having lost [blank]; and [blank] cows, having lost [blank]; and four mares. She had been twelve weeks at sea, being, at her first coming out, driven northerly to fifty-three.

About ten days before this time, a bark was set forth to Connecticut and those parts, to trade.

John Oldham, and three with him, went over land to Connecticut, to trade. The sachem used them kindly, and gave them some beaver. They brought of the hemp, which grows there in great abundance, and is much better than the English. He accounted it to be about one hundred and sixty miles. He brought some black lead, whereof the Indians told him there was a whole rock. He lodged at Indian towns all the way.

1634 PG 138 The Rebecka came from Narigansett with five hundred bushels of corn given to Mr. John Oldham. The Indians had promised him one thousand bushels, but their store fell out less than they expected. They gave him also an island in the Narigansett Bay, called Chippacursett, containing Generation 2 (con't) about one thousand acres, six miles long, and two miles broad. This is a very fair bay, being above twelve leagues square, with divers great islands in it, a deep channel close to the shore, being rocky. Mr. Peirce took the height there, and found it fortyone degrees, forty-one minutes, being not above half a degree to the southward of us. In his voyage to and fro, he went over the shoals, having, most part, five or six fathom, within half a mile and less of the shore from the north part of Cape Cod to Natuckett1 Island, which is about twenty leagues?and, in the shallowest place, two and an half fathom. The country on the west of the Bay of Naragansett is all champaign for many miles, but very stony, and full of Indians. He saw there above one thousand men, women, and children, yet the men were many abroad on hunting. Natuckett is an island full of Indians, about ten leagues in length east and west.


PG 183

20.] John Gallop, with one man more, and two little boys, coming from Connecticut in a bark of twenty tons, intending to put in at Long Island to trade, and being at the mouth of the harbor, were forced, by a sudden change of the wind, to bear up for Block Island or Fisher's Island, lying before Naragansett, where they espied a small pinnace, which, drawing near unto, they found to be Mr. Oldham's (an old planter,{1} and a member of Watertown congregation, who had been long out a trading, having with him only two English boys, and two Indians of Naragansett). So they hailed him, but had no answer; and the deck was full of Indians, (fourteen in all,) and a canoe was gone from her full of Indians and goods. Whereupon they suspected they had killed John Oldham, and the rather, because the Indians let slip and set up sail, being two miles from shore, and the wind and tide being off the shore of the island, whereby they drove towards the main at Naragansett. Whereupon they went ahead of them, and having but two pieces and two pistols, and nothing but duck shot, they bear up near the Indians, (who stood ready armed with guns, pikes, and swords,) and let fly among them, and so galled them as they all gate under hatches. Then they stood off again, and returning with a good gale, they stemmed her upon the quarter and almost overset her, which so frightened the Indians, as six of them leaped overboard and were drowned. Yet they durst not board her, but stood off again, and fitted their anchor, so as, stemming her the second time, they bored her bow through with their anchor, and so sticking fast to her, they made divers shot through her, (being but inch board,) and so raked her fore and aft, as they must needs kill or hurt some of the Indians; but, seeing none of them come forth, they gate loose from her and stood off again. Then four or five more of the Indians leaped into the sea, and were likewise drowned. So there being now but four left in her, they boarded her; whereupon one Indian came up and yielded; him they bound and put into hold. Then another yielded, whom they bound. But John Gallop, being well acquainted with their skill to untie themselves, if two of them be together, and having no place to keep them asunder, he threw him bound into [the] sea; and, looking about, they found John Oldham under an old seine, stark naked, his head cleft to the brains, and his hand and legs cut as if they had been cutting them off, and yet warm. So they put him into the sea; but could not get to the other two Indians, who were in a little room underneath, with their swords. So they took the goods which were left, and the sails, etc., and towed the boat away; but night coming on, and the wind rising, they were forced to turn her off, and the wind carried her to the Naragansett shore.

{1}John Gallopp and John Oldham, heretofore described as adventurous sailors and traders along the coast, stand now as the prominent figures at the outset of the Pequot war.

26.] The two Indians, which were with Mr. Oldham, and one other, came from Canonicus, the chief sachem of Naragansett, with a letter from Mr. Williams to the governor, to certify him what had befallen Mr. Oldham, and how grievously they were afflicted, and that Miantunnomoh was gone, with seventeen canoes and two hundred men, to take revenge, etc. But, upon examination of the Indian who was brought prisoner to us, we found that all the sachems of the Naragansett, except Canonicus and Miantunnomoh, were the contrivers of Mr. Oldham's death; and the occasion was, because he went to make peace, and trade with the Pekods last year, as is before related. The prisoner said also, that Mr. Oldham's two Indians were acquainted with it; but, because they were Generation 2 (con't) sent as messengers from Canonicus, we would not imprison them. But the governor wrote back to Mr. Williams to let the Naragansetts know, that we expected they should send us the two boys, and take revenge upon the islanders; and withal gave Mr. Williams a caution to look to himself, if we should have occasion to make war upon the Naragansetts, for Block Island was under them. And the next day, 27, he wrote to Canonicus by one of those two Indians, and that he had suspicion of him, etc., yet he had sent him back, because he was a messenger, but did expect that, if he should send for the said two Indians, he should send them to us to clear themselves.

30.] Mr. Oldham's two boys were sent home by one of Miantunnomoh his men, with a letter from Mr. Williams, signifying that Miantunnomoh had caused the sachem of Niantick to send to Block Island for them; and that he had near one hundred fathom of wampom and other goods of Mr. Oldham's, which should be reserved for us; and that three of the seven, which were drowned, were sachems; and one of the two, which were hired by the sachem of Niantick, was dead also. So we wrote back to have the rest of those, which were accessory, to be sent to us, and the rest of the goods, and that he should tell Canonicus and Miantunnomoh, that we held them innocent; but that six other under-sachems were guilty, etc.

Mo. 6. (August) 3.] Samuel Maverick, who had been in Virginia near twelve months, now returned with two pinnaces, and brought some fourteen heifers, and about eighty goats, (having lost above twenty goats by the way). One of his pinnaces was about forty tons, of cedar, built at Bar bathes,{1} and brought to Virginia by Capt. Powell, who there dying, she was sold for a small matter. There died in Virginia, (by his relation,) this last year, above eighteen hundred, and corn was there at twenty shillings the bushel, the most of the people having lived a great time of nothing but purslain, etc. It is very strange, what was related by him and many others, that, above sixty miles up James River, they dig nowhere but they find the ground full of oyster shells, and fishes' bones, etc.; yea, he affirmed that he saw the bone of a whale taken out of the earth (where they digged for a well) eighteen feet deep.

{1} Barbadoes.

8.] Lieutenant Edward Gibbons,{1} and John Higginson, with Cutshamekin, the sagamore of Massachusetts, were sent to Canonicus to treat with him about the murder of John Oldham. 13. They returned, being very well accepted, and good success in their business. They observed in the sachem much state, great command over his men, and marvellous wisdom in his answers and the carriage of the whole treaty, clearing himself and his neighbors of the murder, and offering assistance for revenge of it, yet upon very safe and wary conditions.

25.] The governor and council, having lately assembled the rest of the magistrates and ministers, to advise with them about doing justice upon the Indians for the death of Mr. Oldham, and all agreeing that it should be attempted with expedition, did this day send forth ninety men, distributed to four commanders,?Capt. John Underhill, Capt. Nathaniel Turner, Ensign Jenyson, and Ensign Davenport; and over them all, as general, John Endecott, Esq., one of the assistants, was sent. They were embarked in three pinnaces, and carried two shallops and two Indians with them. They had commission to put to death the men of Block Island, but to spare the women and children, and to bring them away, and to take possession of the island; and from thence to go to the Pequods to demand the murderers of Capt. Stone and other English, and one thousand fathom of wampom for damages, etc., and some of their children as hostages, which if they should refuse, they were to obtain it by force. No man was impressed for this service, but all went voluntaries.

26.] Miantunnomoh, sachem of Naragansett, sent a messenger to us, with a letter from Mr. Williams, to signify to us, that they had taken one of the Indians, who had broken prison and was escaped away, and had him safe for us, when we would send for him, (we had before sent to him to that end;) and the other (being also of Block Island) he had sent away, (not knowing, as it seemed, that he had been our prisoner,) according to their promise, that they would not entertain any of that island, which should come to them. But we conceived it was rather in love to him; for he had been his servant formerly. Generation 2 (con't) {1} Gibbons rose to the rank of assistant and major-general of the forces.

We sent for the two Indians. One was sent us; the other was dead before the messengers came.

A ship of one hundred and twenty tons was built at Marblehead, and called the Desire.

7ber, (September) 8.] At a general court, a levy was made of £1200 to pay the country's debts.

The trade of beaver and wampom was to be farmed, and all others restrained from trading.

23.] A new church was gathered at Dorchester, with approbation of the magistrates and elders, etc.

August 24.]{1} John Endecott, Esq., and four captains under him, with twenty men a-piece, set sail. They arrived at Block Island the last of the same. The wind blowing hard at N. E. there went so great a surf, as they had much to do to land; and about forty Indians were ready upon the shore to entertain them with their arrows, which they shot oft at our men;' but, being armed with corslets, they had no hurt, only one was lightly hurt upon his neck, and another near his foot. So soon as one man leaped on shore, they all fled. The island is about ten miles long, and four broad, full of small hills, and all overgrown with brush-wood of oak,?no good timber in it,?so as they could not march but in one file and in the

{1} This entry is put in by Winthrop out of course, a September entry having preceded: he no doubt desired to have in one narrative his account of Endicott's expedition, and goes back here to the outset of the undertaking.


Block Island. Indian name was Manisses, which means "Island of Little God." Indians were apparently living there by 1524, for Verrazano noted small campfires burning all along the coast. The Indians were Manisseans, a tribe under the authority of the Narragansetts. The first recorded landing by a European was in 1614, when Adriaen Block. a Dutch trader, visited the island (it was named after him in 1876). In 1636, a Captain John Oldham of Boston came to Block Island with a small party to trade with the Indians and was killed. possibly during an argument over terms. The Massachusetts Bay Colony took advantage of the incident to claim the island by right of conquest (after killing the warriors involved and burning an crops as punishment). In 1658, the island was entrusted to four people, who sold it afterward to 16 men for £40, and the families of these men became the first settlers. The island came under Rhode Island jurisdiction in 1672 and was named New Shoreham. There are many fascinating legends of pirates and shipwrecks that are part of the island's tradition. Block Island is a popular summer resort, with ferries arriving daily in the summer from Galilee, Newport. Providence, and from New London, Conn. It also has an airport for small planes. The northern section of the island is a great undeveloped natural area. and is often visited by birds making a stop along the Atlantic flyway. The historic lighthouse at Sandy Point, the northernmost point of the island, was built in 1867. http://www.providenceri.com/narragansettbay/the_islands.html ******* Pilgrim and Brother-in-Law of Jonathan Brewster and brother of Lucretia Oldham, was born in London, England, in 1577, and murdered by Pequot Indians while aboard his ship on Block island, Rhode Island, on 20 July, 1636.

He came to Plymouth in 1623, with Lucretia Oldham on the ship Anne. In 1624, he disagreed with the powers that be, and attempted to establish a separate manner of worship and to alter the form of Colonial Government. His attempts were not appreciated. He left the Plymouth Colony went to Nantasket and Cape Ann. Generation 2 (con't) H e was engaged in trading between New England and Virginia. He was an enterprising merchant, purchasing a grant of the lands between the Charles and Saugus rivers, and carrying on a large trade with the Indians. He went to England in 1628 to lay a commercial scheme before the Massachusetts Company. However, the Company feared that he would interest others in his opinions and denied his title to the land that he had purchased, and forbade his trading for beaver with the Indians.

He subsequently made Watertown his residence, and was elected a representative in the General Court in 1632 and re-elected as representative from Watertown in 1634.

In 1633, with three companions, he journeyed from Boston to the Connecticut River, following the Indian trails and lodging in their cabins.

As a part of his business enterprise, Captain Oldham traded with the Narragansett Indians. During once such trading mission to Block Island, Rhode Island on 20 July 1636, his boat was boarded by 14 indians (Narragansetts and ). He was murdered and the Indians took possession of his vessel.

The Indians did not get far, however. Captain John Gallop was in the area aboard his 20 ton (bark) vessel. As he approached Oldham?s vessel, he fired on the Indians with such effect that they sought refuge under the hatches. He rammed his vessel into Oldham?s with such force that the boat was almost overturned. This frightened the Indians so much that six of them leaped over the side and were drowned. After repeating this action several times, only four Indians remained under the hatches.

He then ventured to board Oldham?s vessel, and took two as captives. Remembering their wonderful adroitness in untying each other, he threw one of his prisoners overboard.

He found the body of Oldham still warm, and cleft through the brains, with hands and feet cut off. After removing the goods and sails he took the vessel in tow, but was obliged to cast off Oldham's boat due to strong wind and she drifted to the Narragansett shore where she was later recovered.

The murder of Oldham was a chief incident in bringing on the Pequot War. This event was more than 17 years in the making.

****** Pioneers on Maine Rivers,

1626 - John Oldham, in the Happy Entrance, from Canada pg 45- John Oldham may have been a transient resident at Pascataqua. Although Bradford asserted that his family remained in Massachusetts, he had sojourned for a while at New Plymouth and Nantasket, but in 1626 he was in Virginia as passenger on board a vessel from "Canada," which then included Northern Maine. In the deportation of Thomas Morton he was an active agent and took charge of the prisoner, from the time he was transferred from one of the uninhabited Isles of Shoals, near the mouth of Pascataqua River, until he was confined in an English jail.

In 1629, Massachusetts authorities were apprehensive lest Generation 2 (con't) Oldham might return and settle within their limits where he could create further dissensions. By that time he had secured an interest in the old patent of Robert Gorges and was engaged in obtaining a grant at Saco with Vines. Furthermore, his name appeared as a witness upon the Wheelwright deed of Pascataqua territory and his trading goods were forwarded to that port the following year in the Warwick. pg 58 - The location of Pascataqua River had induced the belief that a feasible pinnace route could be found and maintained into the region of Laconia and the heart of Canada.

Upon arrival the employes of the Laconia Company occupied the house built by David Thompson at Little Harbor in 1623. Obviously, this building was the meeting place selected by John Oldham and the Laconia pioneers, since it was called "Rendezvous" in later years. The structure was rebuilt of stone materials, fortified with cannon and styled the "Great House" and "Mason's Stone House."*

Pg 65-66 Accordingly, November 3, 1631, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Captain John Mason and their associates John Cotton, Henry Gardiner, George Griffith, Edwin Guy, Thomas Wannerton, Thomas and Eleazar Eyre, who then constituted the Laconia Company, obtained a grant of Pascataqua from the Council of Plymouth. Many of these grantees were gentlemen of wealth and influence. Thomas Eyre, secretary of that company, had been clerk of the Canada Company and was custodian of the original of the Grand Patent of New England.

The grant recited that the patentees had already expended more than £3000 and "much tyme in the discovering of the Countrie," alluding, probably, to their recent contributions to the "vew" taken by Oldham, Wheelwright, and their associates two years before.


Early in 1629 an opportunity presented itself for Wheelwright to lay the foundation for his preconceived plan of establishing an English settlement in New England. He associated himself with John Oldham.

There must have been a common bond of interest and sympathy between these men which caused them to unite forces and "coast" towards the country of the hostile Tarratines, as an alternative to settling in Massachusetts, where Oldham previously had been subjected to court discipline and the religious beliefs of both are known to have been unpopular. Furthermore, Oldham, according to the terms of his Saco grant, had already lived in the country six years and was fully conversant with the entire coast from Maine to Virginia.

Furthermore, Oldham, according to the terms of his Saco grant, had already lived in the country six years and was fully conversant with the entire coast from Maine to Virginia. The principal result of Wheelwright's activities at this time appears to have been the execution of a settlement treaty or option with the Indian sagamores of Southern New Hampshire, to which Oldham was a witness. The validity of this document has been questioned on the ground that the English participants were not present in America when it was dated.

In the first place, reference to the document itself will show that it was an executory contract, possessing mutual advantages,that its orthography and phraseology were ancient, that its characters were real persons, that its considerations were reasonable and historically accurate, and that its execution was more significant than mere delivery. Generation 2 (con't) Oldham was the first witness to the transaction. He had been in England for nearly a year. April 17, 1629, it was reported by the London Company that he with some others was "pvyding a vessell, and is mynded, as soone as hee can despatch, to come for New England, ptending to settle himselfe in Mattachusetts Bay." It was reported further that Oldham claimed the right to trade for beaver with the Indians, as an original planter, and that he was not "satisfyed to trade himselfe with his owne stock & meanes" which were known to be small, but had been able to "interest other men" who were "never likely to bee benefitiall to the planting of the country, their owne pticuler pfitts (though to the overthrowe of the genall plantacon) being their chiefe ayme and intent."

The letter from which the preceding extracts were taken suggested that trouble might arise from the same source in New England. The words were these: "Wee feare * * * hee will psist and bee ready to drawe a partie to himselfe there, to the great hinderance of the comon quiett. Wee have therf ore thought fitt to give yow notice * * * to settle an agreemt wth the old planters, soe as they may not harken to Mr Oldhams dangerous though vaine ppositions."

Oldham may have arrived in the country before that letter or have crossed the Atlantic in the next month, which afforded ample time with favorable winds. At any rate, he was in New England in the spring of 1630, when his schedule of trading goods was made up and forwarded to Pascataqua in the Warwick by the secretary of the Laconia Company.

Another witness who signed the Wheelwright deed was Samuel Sharp. There were two men of this name. One was a capitalist who had loaned money to Plymouth Colony in 1626 and had later become associated with the London Company. The other was employed by the company March 3, 1628-9, at a salary of ten pounds a year. He was reported to have been ready to sail by March 25 "at ffurdest" and had sailed from England before the middle of April. The presence of his name with that of Oldham on the deed made at Squamscott indicated their early arrival in the same vessel.

The "other men" whom Oldham had interested in his New England project were clearly indicated in the events of the next twelve months. They were members of the Laconia and Saco companies, whose objects were common and whose relations were congenial. Both Saco companies must have been organized for some months before the issuance of their patents. This fact is evidenced in the language of both grants in the use of specific grantees and the additions "& Company."

Pg 171

Saco River

February 12, 1629-30, the Council of Plymouth granted the locality about Winter Harbor to Oldham and Vines and described the tract as four miles in width along the seashore and eight miles in length toward the interior. Upon the same day another concession of the same dimensions, situated upon the easterly side of Saco River and styled East Saco, was granted to Thomas Lewis and Richard Bonython.

Oldham had resided in the country about six years before the date of his grant and there was no mention of previous services performed for the council by either grantee. The subsequent home of Oldham was at Watertown.

The close association of Isaac Allerton and Sir Ferdinando Gorges in the first attempts to colonize Maine was accountable for the statement attributed to James Sherley, but dictated by Allerton himself, just one week after the Saco grants, to the effect that the latter had the "cheefe" of the council for a friend. Generation 2 (con't) himself, just one week after the Saco grants, to the effect that the latter had the "cheefe" of the council for a friend. Early in 1630 Allerton and Vines had made arrangements

******* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Oldham


Notes for Jane BISSELL:

The Pioneers of Massachusetts, p334, OLDHAM, OULDAM, Mr. John, came to Plymouth in 1623. Was associated with Lyfo rd in schemes to overthrow the government and substitute episcopal rule; w rote letters to persons in England who were hostile to the Colony; was det ected and banished. Thevf Dorchester, Eng., sent h im to Cape Ann in 1625, but he accomplished nought. He went to Eng., a nd came againin1630. Settledat Watertown. Frm. May 18, 1631. D eputy, 1634-5. Gen. Court granted him a farm at Wat.; this he mortg. to M r. Craddock. Was on important committees. Had grants from the Indians of i slands in Narragansett Bay. Was slain by Indians while on a trading voya ge at Block Island in July, 1636. [W. and B.]

John, ae. 12, came in the Elizabeth and Ann in May, 1635, res. at Duxbur y, atba. 1643; and Thomas, ae. 10, who came at the same time, res. at Sci tuate; m. Nov. 20, 1656, [1657] Mary Witherell; had ch. Mary b. 20 Aug. 16 58, Thomas b. 30 Oct. 1660; may both be children John, above.

John came to Plymouth in the Anne in 1623 with his wife and sister, Lucret ia who married Jonathan Brewster in 1624. John and his associate Lyford we re tried and banished in 1625 criticism of the church and Plantation. Lat er he travelled to Virginia and to England, and returned to New Engla nd in 1630. John was a partner with Richard Vines, formerly of Londo n, in the Patent of Saco, Maine in 1629; they engaged in trade along the c oast of Maine with Isaac Allerton. John was a resident of Watertown, Massa chusetts. On Apr. 1, 1634 he was granted 500 acres of land on the Charl es River [Mass. Rec., 1:114]. He was a deputy to the first General Court ( 1634-5) and a member of the church in Watertown. He was propounded a freem an May 18, 1631. In July, 1636 John embarked on a voyage to Block Island w here he planned to engage in some trade with the resident Indians. Whi le on this trip, his vessel was attacked by Pequot Indians and, on July 2 0, 1636, John was murdered. Two young boys who had accompanied John on h is trip were rescued and, although there was no proof, were assum ed to be his sons. His brutal death sparked the beginning of the Pequot W ar and brought about the extinction of that tribe by the following year. T he Massachusetts Court appointed a committee to oversee the settleme nt of his estate on Sept. 6, 1636 [Mass. Rec., 1:177]. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * This is a Message Board Post that is gatewayed to this mailing list. Classification: Query Message Board URL: http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/msg/rw/Vm3.2ACEB/596 Message Board Post: In 1633 two traders of Virginia, Stone and Norton, with six other men, we re murdered in their vessel as they were sailing up the river to the Dut ch fort at Hartford. Three years later occurred the murder of John Oldh am at Block Island, and the ill-advised attempt of Endicott from the Bay C olony to chastise without destroying the offenders called out the indigna nt protest of Gardiner: "You come hither to raise these wasps about my ea rs, and then you take wing and flee away." After the killing and tortu re of numerous men at Saybrook, and the roasting alive of a Wethersfield m an, the savages proceeded to the latter place, killed seven men, a woman a nd child, and carried away two girls. This was bringing the war too ne ar home, and so, in May, 1637, the General Court at Hartford "ordered th at there shall be an offensive war against the Pequot."

I am not related to these people, just passing on this information, whi ch comes from a webpage Generation 2 (con't) titled "Farmington Soldiers in the Colonial War ." The link for the site is listed below. Joyce http://colonialancestors.com/ct/farmington.htm ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * Immigration Library, Appendixes of the Real Founders of New Englad, Append ix A, page 158

OLDHAM, Mr. John, perhaps from Derby, England, came in Anne 1623 with wif e, sister, and seven associates, his sister Lucretia married, 1624, Joath an Brewster (whose older brother had returned to the Established church) a nd son of Elder William Brewster, Matascot, 1924; refused to go to Cape A nn in charge of trading witht he Indians 1624, to England in char ge of T. Morton, 1928; returned to N.E. 1629; delegate to court from Water town; patentee from Vines, 1630; in August 1632, his "small house near t he war at Watertown made all of clapboards, burnt down", killed 1636 havi ng with him John Odlham aged 13 and Thomas aged 11. "Less disposed to ove rlook this world, in his (p158) regard for the next, than most of his ear ly neighbors." -- Savage. See also William Bridges. The seven who came w ith Oldham were perhaps dau. Mary, one Richard Oldham (of Cambridge), a nd friends. p161) If the "Rev Mr Rogers" of Bradford;'s History was the same as "Mr Bu bble" of The New English Canaan we learn from a marginal note in the latt er work that his Christian name was John, and hence perhaps admitted to Cl are College 1616 B. A. 1620-21, M.A. 1624, ordained 1625-26. Morton sa ys that Mr Bubble was "Master of Ceremonies" and "house chaplain" at Plymo uth when Oldham was absent, namely in the winter of 1628-29, Rogers was mi nister there at that period. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** *+ http://www.holyokemass.com:80/nem/718.html

The first intelligence of this traffic and of the Connectic ut or "Long River" was borne to Governor Winthrop by three sachems from t he region of Springfield, or Agawam, April 4, 1631, the year after the est ablishment of the colony of. One of these Indians had f or a time been in the service of Sir Walter Raleigh, in England. The purpo se of the visit was to induce the Governor to send white settlers to pla nt the inviting fields of the valley; and seed corn and skins and other gi fts were promised to the settlers. Although the Governor sumptuously enter tained his guests, he, lacking faith in them, permitted no one to return w ith them. Nevertheless their story of abundant crops of corn and hemp a nd of the streams overstocked with bass, shad, sturgeon and salmon was n ot to be forgotten, and in the autumn of 1633, four persons, John Oldha m, Samuel Hall and two others, all of Dorchester, made their way through t he wilderness, hospitably entertained by the natives on their route, a nd at length viewed the river from the present site of Springfield, - doub tless the first white men who ever visited the region. These were prospect ors for the company organized by William Pynchon, soon to leave the east s hores and make the notable settlement in the valley of the Connecticu Less suspicions or more brave, a number of Plymouth men, led by Will iam Holmes, about October, 1633, had prepared the material for a house, and, loading it upon a suitable cra ft, sailed into the river, ignoring the protesting Dutchmen, to the present site of Windsor, where they built the first dwelling hou se ever erected by civilized hands in the Connecticut valley. The followi ng year, 1634, removal to the valley was still more seriously discuss ed by the eastern settlers, and in July six men from Cambridge visited t he river to select sites; but permission for removal was not granted unt il 1635, when permission was given to them, and likewise to companies fr om Dorchester, Watertown and Roxbury, on condition that they would n ot go beyond the jurisdiction of the colonial government. Under this perm it the Dorchester people went to Windsor; those of Cambridge to Hartfor d, those of Watertown to Wethersfield, and the Roxbury people to Agawam. T he last were preceded by two men, John Cable and John Woodcock, who bui lt a log house in Agawam. on a site since called "House meadow," which si te was probably selected by William Pynchon, Henry Smith, his son-in-la w, and Jehu Burr, in 1634. These pioneers planted nearly opposite the pres ent site of Springfield, and resided there during the summer, but return ed to Roxbury in the fall, probably to report conditions and progress to P ynchon, the chief projector of the new enterprise. Generation 2 (con't) This gentleman, founder of Roxbury and Springfield, a person of we alth and consequence in England, was connected with the affairs of the Mas sachusetts colony when it was organized in England, where he received t he appointment of magis en Governor Winthrop received his commissio n, and accompanied him on the voyage to America. Mr. Pynchon and his part y, sending their property by water, in Governor Winthrop's vessel, the Ble ssing of the Bay, started, April 26, 1636, on their wilderness journey f or their new home. The date of the arrival is not known, but by May 14 eight of the t welve original colonists of ancient Agawam had drawn up and signed the fam ous decree of distribution of the lands then purchased from the Indians, t he deed of which, registry of Deeds' office of Hampden Cou nty, was the first executed in western Massachusetts. The valley in this r egion was peopled by several tribes or parts of tribes from the more easte rn nations, one of which tribes, the Agawams or Springfield Indians, claim ed all of the territory along both sides of the Connecticut between the En field falls below and the South Hadley falls above; and this was the secti on purchased from the sachems and distributed under the above decree, whi ch provided that each person should have a home section on the east or Spr ingfield side of the river, and another section on the other side as near ly opposite as might be. We can imagine these home sections as stretching along parall el with and not far from the present Main street of the city; but it is n ot probable that the original boundaries, if definitely laid down, long re mained, for the pioneed by other settlers, who were do ubtless welcomed to equal rights, cordial fellowship and a fair share of l and. Here were set up their Puritan homes, their Puritan church, and the ir Puritan Sabbath. The territory conveyed to the original settlers in 16 36 is that now embracing the towns of Longmeadow, Springfield, Chicopee a nd Ludlow on the east side of the river, and Agawam, West Springfield a nd Holyoke on the west side

John "Mad Jack" OLDHAM and Jane BISSELL had the following children: i. CHRISTIAN 3 OLDHAM was born Y2.

ii. JOSEPH OLDHAM was born Y2.

7. iii. MARY OLDHAM was born in 1621 in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died in 1646 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She married WILLIAM BRIDGES about 1642 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1648 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

8. iv. RICHARD OLDHAM was born about 1622 in England 2. He died on 09 Dec 1655 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He married MARTHA EATON , daughter of William EATON and Martha JENKINS. She was born in 1636 in Staple, Kent, England 2. She died in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

4. LUCRETIA 2 OLDHAM (William 1) was born on 14 Jan 1601 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2, 6. She died on 04 Mar 1679 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut (Norwich) 2. She married JONATHON BREWSTER on 10 Apr 1624 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, son of William BREWSTER PJr. and Mary WENTWORTH. He was born on 12 Aug 1593 in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England 2. He died on 07 Aug 1659 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut (Norwich) 2.

Notes for Lucretia OLDHAM:

(src SAOK) is believed to the the sister of (1) John by some researcher s. She married Jonathon Brewster and came to America in 1621 on the sh ip Fortune. (Is shown on passenger list for ship "Mayflower" not "Fortune ") Jonathon Brewster's father William Brewster, his mother and 2 brother s, Love & Wresling came over on the Mayflower. Lucretia had one daught er (probably others) who married John Turner.

Notes for Jonathon BREWSTER:

Jonathon first settled in Duxbury, then Preston, CT. He had a trading po st for the Indians. He fought in the Pequot War and was in Miles Standish 's Company in 1643. Jonathon came to America in 1621 on the Fortun e. He had a ferry and shipping service from CT to Virginia as we ll Generation 2 (con't) as an Indian trading post. He spoke fluent Dutch and talked of going b ack to England. His sons William and Jonathan Jr did go back. He was ve ry active in the military and in politics in Duxbury, Massachusetts and Pr eston, CT where they moved in 1649. He was deputy of General Court in Du xbury and Preston. His trading post was at Brewster's Neck.

Jonathon BREWSTER and Lucretia OLDHAM had the following children: i. WILLIAM 3 BREWSTER was born on 09 Mar 1625 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died in England. He married MARY PEAME on 15 Oct 1651 in London, Middlesex, England 2. She was born in London, Middlesex, England.

9. ii. MARY BREWSTER was born on 16 Apr 1627 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 10 . She died on 23 Mar 1698. She married JOHN TURNER on 10 Nov 1645 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, son of Humphrey TURNER and Lydia GAMER. He was born in Essex, England 2. He died about 1695 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

iii. JONATHAN BREWSTER PJR was born on 17 Jul 1629 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died Y.

iv. RUTH BREWSTER was born on 03 Oct 1631 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died on 01 May 1677 in New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA 2. She married (1) JOHN PICKETT on 14 Mar 1651 in Massachusetts, USA 2. She married (2) CHARLES HILL on 02 Jul 1668 2. He was born in London, Middlesex, England 2.

v. BENJAMIN BREWSTER was born on 17 Nov 1633 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died on 14 Sep 1710 in Preston, New London County, Connecticut (Norwich) 2. He married ANNADDIS DARTE about 1659 2.

vi. ELIZABETH BREWSTER was born on 01 May 1637 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died in Feb 1708 in New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA 2. She married (1) PETER BRADLEY in 1654 2. He was born in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts 2. He died Y. She married (2) CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHERS in 1667 2.

vii. GRACE BREWSTER was born on 01 Nov 1639 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died on 22 Apr 1684 in New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA 2. She married DANIEL WETHERELL on 04 Aug 1659 2, son of William WETHERELL and Mary FISHER. He was born on 29 Nov 1630 in Maidenstone, Kent County, England 8. He died Y.

viii. HANNAH BREWSTER was born on 03 Nov 1641 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died on 25 Nov 1691 in New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA 2. She married SAMUEL STARR on 23 Dec 1664 in New London, New London County, Connecticut, USA 2. Generation 3

5. THOMAS 3 OLDHAM (Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 23 Aug 1624 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2. He died on 07 Mar 1711 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He married MARY WETHERALL on 20 Nov 1656 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 7, daughter of William WETHERELL and Mary FISHER. She was born between 1635-1639 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, 8. She died on 12 Dec 1710 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Lived in Duxbury, Massachusetts 1643 and was a member of the Duxbury Company under Capt. Miles Standish. He lived in Scituate by 1663 if not before. He was able to bear arms in 1643 in Plymouth, Massachusetts, listing himself as between the ages of 16 and 50 years. He and brother John came over in 1635 on "Elizabeth and Anne" Generation 3 (con't) Pat Searight Notes: Mary: They had 10 children. Did Mary have brothers Thomas and John in Rehoboth 1673? One Child was Mary, b 20 Aug 1658 and Thomas b 30 Oct 1660. Did he wed Mercy Sprost, daughter of Robert Sprost and Elizabeth Sampson? Mary came to America on "Herculese"

14 May, 1635.-

THEIS underwritten names are to be transported to New England, imbarqued in the ELIZABETH and ANN, ROGER COOPER, Mr., the pties. have brought Certificates from the Minister of the parish of his conformitie to the Orders and dlsciplinland.

Years. Years.

RICHARD SANPSON, a taylor...28 THO. OLDHAM...... 10 THO. ALSOPP ...... 20 ROBERT STANDY...... 22 JOHN OLDHAM ...... 12


Believed to have come to America on the Elizabeth and Ann in 1635, when he was 10 years old. Learned the trade of cooper. Left Duxbory before 1650 , for at that date he is in Scituate, plying his trade of cooper. On 4 Oct 1664 he appeared before the Court to give witness that he saw Thomas Bird sign a will dated 4 Feb 1663.

OLDHAM, Thomas ((perhaps) John), b. about 1625 (one source says Aug. 23, 1 624 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, England); travelled on the "Elizabe th and Ann" in 1635, aged ten years with his brother; member of Duxbury Company in Aug ., 1643 with Captain Miles Standish; constable in Duxbury, Massachusetts in 169 1; m. Nov. 20, 1656 in Scituate, Massachusetts Mary Witherle ((Reverend William and Mary Fisher) [Plym. Col. R ec., 8:49], b. (perhaps) in England (one source says she was b. 1635 in Scituate, Mass achusetts), d. Dec. 12, 1710 in Scituate; d. Mar. 7, 1712 in Scituate.

Notes for Mary WETHERALL:

Pat Searight notes: Did Mary have brothers Thomas and John in Rehoboth 1 673? One Child was Mary, b 20 Aug 1658 and Thomas b 30 Oct 1660. D id he wed Mercy Sprost, daughter of Robert Sprost and Elizabeth Sampson? M ary came to America on "Herculese"

Thomas OLDHAM and Mary WETHERALL had the following children: i. MARY 4 OLDHAM was born on 20 Aug 1658 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 11 . She died Y.

10. ii. THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 30 Oct 1660 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died about 21 Feb 1734 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He married MERCY SPROUT on 27 Jun 1683 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 , daughter of Robert SPROUT and Elizabeth SAMSON. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1725.

11. iii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 07 Mar 1665 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. She married JOSEPH STETSON on 06 Nov 1688 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , son of Joseph STETSON and Prudence UNKNOWN. He was born in 1667 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

iv. GRACE OLDHAM was born on 13 Feb 1667 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. Generation 3 (con't)

12. v. ISAAC OLDHAM was born on 09 Apr 1669 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died about 08 Jun 1736 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 14 . He married HANNA KEENE on 21 Nov 1695 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , daughter of Josiah KEENE and Hannah DINGLEY. She was born Y15 . She died Y.

vi. SARAH OLDHAM was born on 13 Mar 1671 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. She married (1) LENIX BEVERLY on 11 Jan 1715 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, 12 . He was born in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died Y. She married (2) DAVID NEWMAN on 03 Jan 1732 16 . He was born in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA.

vii. RUTH OLDHAM was born on 05 Dec 1674 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married ELIAS MAGOON on 30 Jan 1712 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, son of John MAGOON and Rebecka UNKNOWN. He was born on 17 Aug 1673 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 17 . He died in 1727.

13. viii. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born on 05 May 1677 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . She died before 27 Oct 1747 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She married SAMUEL HATCH on 07 Mar 1705 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Samuel HATCH and Mary DOTY. He was born on 10 Nov 1678 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died in 1766 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 20 .

ix. LYDIA OLDHAM was born on 11 Aug 1679 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . She died Y. She married SAMUEL GARDNER on 02 Jul 1707 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 .

6. JOSEPH 3 OLDHAM (Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 11 Sep 1631 in All Saint's Parish, Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK 2. He died in Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Joseph OLDHAM:

Came to America after 1635. Date of arrival unknown.

not known when he came to America but was here when son was baptised

Joseph OLDHAM had the following child: i. THOMAS 4 OLDHAM . He died Y.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

It is possible that this is the Thomas who married Susannah Few - but the re are no documents to prove the relationship.

7. MARY 3 OLDHAM (John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born in 1621 in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died in 1646 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She married WILLIAM BRIDGES about 1642 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1648 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Mary OLDHAM:

Did they have Samuel and James? Mary came to America on the Fortune Nov 1 621 with her father. Did she marry Wiliam Bassett? Was the name Bridg es or Bridge. William came to America with his father-in-law John Oldh am in 1644.

Pioneers in Massachusetts, p.68 Bridges, William, Watertown, propr. 1636; Boston, 164 3, Charlestown, 1643. Frm. May 26, 1647. He kept the ferr y, his bro. Peter Tufts helping him. Wife Mary, dau. of John Oldham, d. a bout 1646. He m. 2, Pd m. John Harriso n. She was adm. chh. 30 (9) 1643. Ch. Peter Generation 3 (con't) b. Jan. 1643-4, Rebecca b. and d. 1644, Samuel b. 19 (6) 1 647, Mary, (m. John Knight).

William BRIDGES and Mary OLDHAM had the following children: i. MARY 4 BRIDGES was born Y9. She died Y. She married JOHN KNIGHT PJR . He was born Y9. He died Y.

ii. PETER BRIDGES was born about Jan 1644 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

iii. REBECCA BRIDGES was born in 1644 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 22 . She died in 1644 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 23 .

8. RICHARD 3 OLDHAM (John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born about 1622 in England 2. He died on 09 Dec 1655 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He married MARTHA EATON , daughter of William EATON and Martha JENKINS. She was born in 1636 in Staple, Kent, England 2. She died in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Richard OLDHAM:

Pat Searight notes: Was supposedly one of 3 brothers who came to Americ a. He was in Cambridge by 1650. Was in Plymouth too. If he had son Joh n, he married Abigail Wood 22 Jul 1675, probably in Cambridge. Other Child ren were Samuel, who married Hannah? and others. Did he have a son Joh n, who was born 1652/53 and died Dec 1658? MArtha: Her father was WIlli am Easton/Eaton of Watertown, Massachusetts

Probably came to America with his father John on the "Anne" in 1623. Wh en John Ouldham moved to Watertown, Richard went with him and became a Fre eman in 1651. His will is dated 8 July 1658. His wife and Samuel Hyde we re named executors

SAVAGE, VOL 2 DICT FIRST SETTLERS OF NE 98 EATON THOMAS, Reading, had Joseph, b. 5 Jan. 1652. THOMAS, Haverhill, m. at And over 6 Jan. 1659, Unice Singletary of Salisbury; freem. 1666, was k. by t he Ind. 15 Mar. 1698. THOMAS, Dedham, fre, perhaps d. o f Richard Hubbard, had Thomas, b. 15 Sept. 1680; Hannah, 23 June 1682, pro b. d. soon; and Hannah, again, 10 Mar. 1684. WILLIAM, Watertown, ca me in 1635 or 6, from Staple in Kent, emb. at Sandwich, with w. Martha, th ree ch. and one serv. had Daniel, b. 20 Jan. 1639; and Mary, 8 Apr. 164 3; rem. to Reading; was freem. 1653, had John, wh. surv. f. and mo. d. 13 May 1673. H is d. Martha m. Richard Oldham, first, and next, Thomas Brown, prob. d. b ef. her f. whose will of 26 Sept. preced. names w. Martha, eldest s. Jo hn and his ch., Daniel and his ch., d. Mary, and two s.-in-law, Thomas Bro wn, Francis Moore. The wid. d. 1681. WILLIAM, Reading, pro b. s. of the preced. made freem. 1691. An Abigail E. aged 35, with Mar y, 4, and Thomas, 1, came 1635, in the Elizabeth and Ann, foll. no doubt t he h. and f. to us unkn.




Originally Published Boston, 1860-1862

Reprinted with, "Genealogical Notes and Errata," excerpted from The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. XXVII, No. 2, April, 1873, pp. 135-139.

BROWNE, THOMAS, Cambridge, married 7 Oct. 1656, Martha, widow of Richard Oldham, had Mary, b. 28 Apr. 1658, d. young; Mehitable, 13 May 1661; Mary, again, 1 Nov. 1663, probably d. young; Ebenezer, 15 June 1665; Ichabod, 5 Sept. 1666; and Martha, 19 Oct. 1668; and d. Dec. 1690. His will of 23 Nov. preced. ment. the wife and four ch. Thomas, Lynn (not, probably son of Nicholas, as Lewis inf. Farmer), by wife Mary had Mary, b. 10 Feb. 1656, d. young; Sarah, 20 Sept. 1657, d. young; Joseph, 16 Jan. 1659; Sarah, again, b. 13 Oct. 1660, d. young; Jonathan, wh. d. 12 Sept. 1666; Mary, again, b. 28 Aug. 1666; Jonathan, again, 24 Jan. 1669; Eleazer, 4 Aug. 1670; Ebenezer, 16 Apr. 1672; Daniel, 29 Nov. 1673; Ann, and Grace, tw. 4 Jan. 1675, d. in few days; and Daniel, again, 1 Feb. 1677; d 28 Aug. 1693. Mary married 24 Aug. 1685, Thomas Norwood.

b. before 19 September 1630, d. date unknown Martha Eaton was born before 19 September 1630 in Staple, Kent, England.2 She was baptized on 19 September 1630 in Staple, Kent, England.2 She was the daughter of William Eaton and Martha Jenkins.2 Martha Eaton married (1) Richard Oldham ofridge and (2) Thomas Browne 7 Oct. 1656 in Cambridge.2 Her death date has not been found. She died in Reading, Massachusetts Bay Colony.1 She immigrated, departing from Sandwich, Kent, England., arriving 9 June 1637 with her parents William Eaton and Martha Jenkins.2 Citations 1.[S480] Karen Hamilton's Data, online www.ancestry.com. 2.[S672] Eben Putnam, "Genealogical Research in England."

Richard OLDHAM and Martha EATON had the following children: 14. i. SAMUEL 4 OLDHAM was born about 1650. He died about 13 Jul 1727 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He married HANNAH (ANNE) DANA on 05 Jan 1670 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 , daughter of Richard DANA and Hanna (Anne) BULLARD. She was born on 08 Jul 1651 in Brighton, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 26, 27 . She died about 1728 26, 27 .

15. ii. JOHN OLDHAM was born about 1652 in Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died on 14 Oct 1719 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 28 . He married (1) ABIGAIL WOOD on 22 Jul 1675 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. He married (2) ELIZABETH HALL on 09 Aug 1694 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2, daughter of John HALL and Elizabeth GREEN. She was born on 18 Jul 1658 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 29, 30 . She died Y.

9. MARY 3 BREWSTER (Lucretia 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 16 Apr 1627 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 10 . She died on 23 Mar 1698. She married JOHN TURNER on 10 Nov 1645 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2, son of Humphrey TURNER and Lydia GAMER. He was born in Essex, England 2. He died about 1695 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Mary BREWSTER:

Granddaughter of Elder Brewster. There was also a Sarah, Grace, Samue l, Ruth and Anne Brewster, but some belonged to a John Brewster Jr. Were t hey related? Both in Scituate, Massachusetts

John TURNER and Mary BREWSTER had the following children: Generation 3 (con't)

16. i. LYDIA 4 TURNER was born Y31 . She married UNKNOWN JAMES .

ii. ISRAEL TURNER was born in Nov 1655 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died Y.

iii. ELISHA TURNER was born in 1657 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. He died Y.

iv. MARY TURNER was born in 1658 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. Generation 4

10. THOMAS 4 OLDHAM (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 30 Oct 1660 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died about 21 Feb 1734 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He married MERCY SPROUT on 27 Jun 1683 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 , daughter of Robert SPROUT and Elizabeth SAMSON. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1725.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Plymouth Court Records 1686-1859

(3:234) Warrants to warn persons from Hanover Constable Joseph Ramsdel reported that by warrant from selectmen Ezekiel Turner and Samuel Barstow he warned Thomas Oldham, his wife Jane and their children, Jane, Lidia, Desire, Eunice, Patience and Thomas "who came last from Scituate sometimelast summer andarenow resident ina house standing near the old saw mill pond dame", to depart town, 7 March 1768.


Hello Jan- My name is Floyd DeWitt, I am a descendant of Mary Oldham and Gideon Bisbee. I have done alot of research on the family. On Rootsweb you have the listings of mary Oldham's father as Thomas and mother as Mercy Sproat. Her name was Sprout. Her father was Robert Sprout and mother was Elizabeth Samson, not Sampson. Her father was Henry Samson "Mayflower" passenger. he married Ann Plummer. I can send you a copies of pages of the book Mayflower Families through five generations Vol. 20 part 2 Henry Samson through his daughter Elizabeth (Samson) Sprout, if you like.

There is some questions about a brother that Henry had that spelled the name Sampson instead of Samson. this has never been proven.

I am descended through the Bisbee/Curtis line, my grandmother was a Curtis.

Your site is very interesting, and I'll send along some family info that I have later. Thank you, Floyd James DeWitt

Notes for Mercy SPROUT:

Mercy is mentioned in the will of her father Robert Sproat, dated 23 N ov 1711 and probated 11 Dec 1712. She is called Mercy Oldham, my daugh er "to whom I give one of my South Purchase lots, conteyning as I rememb er about 45 acres."(M. D. 6, pg 6). On page 28 of Book 10 in the Plymou th Registry of Deeds is recorded the sale of land by Robert Sprout, Jr ., to Mary Oldham, wife of Thomas; Hanna Richmond, wife of Ebenizer and Ha nna Keen, wife of Ephraim; 80 acres in the South Purchase or the Purcha se called Thompsons Purchase, and my lot in Assawampsett Generation 4 (con't) and 2 1/4 acr es at the brook near Elders Pond." (Plym Deeds 19.152)-We Thomas Oldh am and Mercy, his wife "for 15 pounds sold to Nehemiah Bennett of Middlebu ry" our 1/3 part of the whole share of land which did belong to the rig ht of our honoured grandfather, Henry Sampson in the purchase of land call ed the South Purchase, belonging to the Proprietors of Middlebury and lie th partly in Middlebury and partly in the Township of Plympton," This de ed was dated 6 Sep 1725 and witnessed by Joshua Morse and Thomas Latham a nd is the sale of the land which Mercy received from her father by will, w hich had come to him through his marriage with Elizabeth Sampson, the daug hter of Henry Sampson mention in the deed. Thomas nad Mercy were livi ng in Scituate at the time of this deed 1725.

Thomas OLDHAM and Mercy SPROUT had the following children: 17. i. JOSHUA 5 OLDHAM was born on 20 Jun 1684 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died after 1758. He married (1) MEHITABLE GORHAM on 12 May 1715 in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 32 , daughter of James GORHAM and Hannah HUCKINS. She was born on 28 Apr 1683 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. He married (2) BATHAHEBA LE BROCKE on 25 Mar 1752. She was born in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

18. ii. MARY OLDHAM was born on 20 Jun 1684 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married JOHN BISBEE on 31 Jan 1710 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born on 15 Sep 1680 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 02 Aug 1772 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

19. iii. MERCY OLDHAM was born on 28 Jul 1689 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married ANDREW NEWCOMB on 04 Nov 1708 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 33 . He was born in 1680 33 . He died on 09 Dec 1748 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

iv. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born on 04 Oct 1691 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married JOHN DAMON on 12 Sep 1717 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born Y13 .

Notes for Elizabeth OLDHAM:

John was a cooper and they were living in Pembroke in 1742 when they join ed with Elizabeth's sisters sold their rights in the land which Elizabe th had inherited from her mother Mercy Oldham to her sister's husband, Jo hn Bisbee (Plym. Deeds. 37.178.179)

20. v. ABIGAIL OLDHAM was born on 24 Nov 1693 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married NATHANIEL EAMES on 02 Jan 1720 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 31 . He was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

21. vi. ANNE OLDHAM was born on 19 Mar 1696 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married JOSEPH YOUNG on 13 Oct 1718 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He was born on 05 Oct 1592 13 . He died Y.

22. vii. DESIRE OLDHAM was born on 26 Feb 1698 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married SAMIEL TILDEN PJR on 14 Nov 1717 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

23. viii. THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 30 Jan 1699 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died before 01 Aug 1735 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) GRACE WADSWORTH on 25 Dec 1723 in Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Deacon John WADSWORTH and Abigail WAIT. She died before 13 Jan 1748 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married (2) DESIRE WORMALL on 08 May 1727 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , daughter of Josiah WORMALL and Patience SHERMAN. Generation 4 (con't) She died Y.

24. ix. CALEB OLDHAM was born before 1703 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y. He married BETHIAH STEPHENS on 21 Oct 1724 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 34 , daughter of William STEVENS and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in Feb 1703. She died Y.

25. x. GRACE OLDHAM was born about 27 Feb 1704 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married ANTHONY EAMES on 11 Dec 1724 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

11. HANNAH 4 OLDHAM (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 07 Mar 1665 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. She married JOSEPH STETSON on 06 Nov 1688 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , son of Joseph STETSON and Prudence UNKNOWN. He was born in 1667 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

Joseph STETSON and Hannah OLDHAM had the following children: i. RUTH 5 STETSON was born on 11 Sep 1689 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . She died Y. She married WILLIAM BRYANT on 07 May 1712.

ii. LOIS STETSON was born on 10 Aug 1692 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

iii. BATHSHUA STETSON was born on 29 Sep 1693 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married SAMUEL GARDNER on 30 Jan 1722.

iv. NEHEMIAH STETSON was born on 25 Jun 1696 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died Y. He married SARAH UNKNOWN .

v. JOSEPH STETSON was born on 23 May 1698. He died Y. He married (1) ABIGAIL HATCH on 26 Dec 1727. He married (2) ELIZABETH BOURNE on 05 May 1757. She died Y.

vi. HANNAH STETSON was born on 01 Aug 1700 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married AUSTIN BEANE on 21 Oct 1736. He died Y.

vii. HESACIAH STETSON was born in Aug 1703 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died Y.

viii. ABTHIAH STETSON was born on 24 Apr 1706 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died in 1792 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married (1) MOSES WADE in 1738. She married (2) JONATHON CHANDLER in 1745.

ix. ABIGAIL STETSON was born on 17 Jan 1707 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

26. x. MARY STETSON was born on 01 Feb 1713 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married ISAAC OLDHAM on 11 Nov 1731 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 36 , son of Isaac OLDHAM and Hanna KEENE. He was born on 22 Sep 1708 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died after 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

12. ISAAC 4 OLDHAM (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 09 Apr 1669 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died about 08 Jun 1736 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 14 . He married HANNA KEENE on 21 Nov 1695 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , daughter of Josiah KEENE and Hannah DINGLEY. She was born Y15 . She died Y.

Notes for Isaac OLDHAM: Generation 4 (con't) The birth of three children was recorded in the Pembroke Records. It is possible there were other daughters, but there was no son to reach maturity, other than Isaac, for every male on the records in the various towns in Plymouth Colony is accounted for in the other families.

Isaac OLDHAM and Hanna KEENE had the following children: 27. i. HANNAH 5 OLDHAM was born on 23 Jun 1700 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . She died Y. She married HENRY JOSSELYN on 23 Sep 1718 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 .

28. ii. ALICE OLDHAM was born on 22 Jun 1703 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 31 Dec 1771 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married HENRY RICKARD on 13 Feb 1723 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Samuel RICKARD and Rebecca SNOW. He was born on 04 Feb 1700 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 37 . He died on 31 Dec 1771 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

iii. ISAAC OLDHAM was born on 22 Sep 1708 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died after 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married MARY STETSON on 11 Nov 1731 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 36 , daughter of Joseph STETSON and Hannah OLDHAM. She was born on 01 Feb 1713 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

13. ELIZABETH 4 OLDHAM (Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 May 1677 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . She died before 27 Oct 1747 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She married SAMUEL HATCH on 07 Mar 1705 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Samuel HATCH and Mary DOTY. He was born on 10 Nov 1678 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died in 1766 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 20 .

Samuel HATCH and Elizabeth OLDHAM had the following children: i. LYDIA 5 HATCH was born on 24 May 1706 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

ii. RUTH HATCH was born on 21 Oct 1709 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

iii. SAMUEL HATCH was born in 1723 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

14. SAMUEL 4 OLDHAM (Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born about 1650. He died about 13 Jul 1727 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He married HANNAH (ANNE) DANA on 05 Jan 1670 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 , daughter of Richard DANA and Hanna (Anne) BULLARD. She was born on 08 Jul 1651 in Brighton, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 26, 27 . She died about 1728 26, 27 .

Notes for Samuel OLDHAM:

Pat Searight notes: There was a Samuel Oldham that married Hannah Rich in 1679 in Lancaster Co, Virginia 1679 was he the same as #5689? They had five children who died in infancy,. Then they had three other daughters

Made Freeman 1690. His will dated 13 Jul 1727 mentions only three daughters, so he has left no male issue to carry on the name. - Cambridge Vital R ecords


CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS 1956 Call Number: CS71.D36x Children of Richard 1 and Anne Dana, born in Cambridge (now Brighton):

i. JOHN,2 b. Apr. 15, 1649; d. Oct. 12, 1649. ii. HANNAH (ANNE), b. July 8, 1651; bapt. as Anne, d. before 1728; m. Jan. 5, 1670/71, Samuel Oldham, son of Richard Oldham, an early settler in that part of Cambridge which is now Brighton. He d. between July 13, 1727, and June 10, 1728, at Cambridge. Children, born in Cambridge (now Brighton): 1. SAMUEL 3 OLDHAM, b. May 27, 1672; d. Jan. 16, 16 72/3. 2. SAMUEL OLDHAM, 2d, b. Jan. 15, 1673/4; d. Aug. 2 4, 1675. 3. HANNAH OLDHAM, b. Mar. 25, 1676; d. July 9, 1676 . 4. ANDREW OLDHAM, b. Apr. 22, 1677; d. July 12, 167 7. 5. NATHANIEL OLDHAM, d. May 3, 1678. 6. MARY OLDHAM, b. June 1, 1679; d. Apr. 20, 175 1; m. Apr. 3, 1722, as his second wife, James Read of Cambridge, who d. May 6, 1734, ‘. about 69. Child, born in Cambridge: (1) JAMES 4 READ, bapt. Jan. 27, 1722/23; d. J uly 31, 1770; m. Kingston, Sept. 27, 1744, H annah Stacey, b. Kingston, Jan. 21, 1722, d. S ept. 22, 1788, dau. of Rev. Joseph and Patience S tacey of Kingston. Seven children. 7. HANNAH OLDHAM, b. Oct. 10, 1681; m. May 19, 1703 , Amos Gates, b. about 1680; d. about 1754, s on of Simon and Margaret Gates of Cambridge. They removed to Brookline and then to Framingham. Children, born in Brookline: (1) HANNAH 4 GATES, b. Oct. 28, 1706; m. Ja n. 6, 1727, Jonathan Edmunds of Charlestown, N ewton and Framingham. (2) MARGARET GATES, b. Apr. 23, 1708; bapt. Ap r. 25, 1708; m. Dec. 31, 1729, Thomas Spri ng of Newton.

JACOB 3 DANA (Jacob,2 Richard 1), born and baptized Cambridge, Aug. 13, 16 99; died Ashford, Conn., Aug. 5, 1791, ‘. "91 y. 11 1/2m." Mar. 12, 1715/ 16, Samuel Oldham of Cambridge was made guardian of "Jacob Dana, a minor in his seventeenth yea r," son of the late Jacob Dana. He was admitted to the Charlesto wn church, June 21, 1719. He married (1) there, Nov. 17, 1720, ABIGAIL ADAMS, born Charlestown, July 3, 1702, died before 176 6, daughter of Samuel and Jane (Anderson) Adams. She was baptized in Charlestown, Apr. 1 7, 1720, and admitted to the church there, May 28, 1720. He married (2) Stafford, Conn., No v. 20, 1766, Mrs. MARTHA CARPENTER of Stafford, widow of John Carpenter; she was admitt ed to the Ashford church in 1770; died in 1801. She was Martha Smith, and this was her four th marriage. Generation 4 (con't) Children by first marriage, born in Pomfret, except the first o ne and the last three:

i. JACOB,4 b. Charlestown, Aug. 16, 1721; bapt. Aug. 2 0, 1721; probably d. young. ii. EXPERIENCE, b. Apr. 25, 1723; d. Pomfret, Nov. 30, 1731. iii. MARY, b. May 29, 1725; intentions, Nov. 4, 1743, wi th Ebenezer Phillips, Jr., of Woodstock, Conn.; b. there, Ju ly 4, 1721, son of Ebenezer and Mary Phillips. Children, born in Woodstock: 1. ELISHA 5 PHILLIPS, b. Oct. 14, 1744. 2. PHEBE PHILLIPS, b. Oct. 29, 1746. iv. ABIGAIL, b. Apr. 16, 1727. 10. v. JACOB, b. about 1729. vi. ZERUIAH (ZEVIAH), b. in 1731; d. Pomfret, Dec. 19, 17 31. vii. ZERUIAH (ZEVIAH),4 b. May 14, 1733; d. Leicester, M ay 25, 1797; m. Jan. 28, 1753, Dea. Samuel Green, b. Leice ster in 1726, d. there, Jan. 24, 1811, son of Rev. Thom as Green, M.D., and Martha (Lynde), his wife. He was commissi oned captain in Col. Samuel Denny's Regt. Apr. 5, 1776; representative, 1777; deacon in the Baptist Chur ch more than fifty years. He m. (2) 1799, Jemima Fisk of St urbridge, who d. July 2, 1810. Children, born in Leicester: 1. SAMUEL 5 GREEN, b. Nov. 22, 1757; d. Pembrok e, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1832; m. Leicester, Apr. 15, 1779, Han nah Kinney, b. Sutton, Oct. 8, 1753, d. Leiceste r, Dec. 22, 1845, dau. of William and Sarah (Stockwell) Ki nney; res. Leicester and Pembroke

Notes for Hannah (Anne) DANA: ****** fromJoanne Roth toJan Oldham dateSun, Jul 25, 2010 at 11:44 AM subjectDana's - Oldhams. mailed-bygmail.com signed-bygmail.com hide details 11:44 AM (2 hours ago)

See towards the bottom of this copy. This is our Richard DANA and is the Oldham at the bottom Bob's?

From Ancestry - Kathleen Saunders on 23 Nov 2007 In Prominent American Families, (P. 140) it states: ?Hatten?s Emigrants? also gives the name of a ?Ric. Danes? as sailing from Gravesend for the West Indies in 1635, age twenty. The surname in the manuscript list at Gravesend looks much like Dana or Danes, and an effort is now being made to discover what connection if any, between Richard Dana of Cambridge and these contemporaries. Richard Dana was the 10th child born of 11 children. He was believed to have come to Cambridge in 1640. Baptized in 1617. He was one of the earliest contributors to Harvard College. He was a land speculator and businessman. He and his wife Anne had 11 children. 3 of them died in infancy and two other died as children (ages 12 and 7). Presumable the other 6 lived to adulthood. Generation 4 (con't) Richard was chosen to act as Constable of Cambridge (including tax collection, agent in settling disputes, arresting law breakers, and enforcing the law, and reporting to the county court). He was also chose: Viewer of Fences, Surveyor of Highways, Tithingman (saw that all persons observed the Sabbath Day, attended public worship and paid attention to the sermon). Later in life, he was appointed to the Grand Jury in the Court of Assistants which excerised jurisdiction over the whole Massachusetts Bay Colony. He and 4 of his sons were in the militia and Richard was a trainer. He died falling from a scaffol in his barn at the age of 72 on 2 Apr 1690. He is buried in what is now Harvard Square. His wife outlived him by many years and with the help of her children, managed the estate and finances. There is a suggestion in the History of Middlesex County that the Danas were descended from the French Huguenots, but this is not substantiated. This source goes on to say that: ?Richard Dana appears to be the only immigrant of the seventeenth century bearing the name of Dana and from him the American branch of the family trace their descent. The year of his arrival in New England is not definitely fixed, but it is traditionally handed down as being 1640, and the place Cambridge or that part of the town located in the south side of the Charles river, and variously known as ?The Town on the South Side of the Charles River;? ?Little Cambridge;? ?Little Cambridge, a part of Cambridge founded in 1630;? ? South Cambridge;? ?South Side;? ?The Third Precinct of Cambridge;? ?Southerly Part of First Parish;? ?Inhabitants of the South Side of the River;? ?Third Church of Christ in Cambridge;? ?Town next to Cambridge Village.? His first recorded act on the town records of Cambridge is the transfer by deed to Edward Jackson, April 20, 1656, of a tract of fifty-eight acres of land on the south side of the Charles river, on the road leading from Newtowne Corner through Cambridge Village to Boston, and subsequently forming a part of the Hunnewell farm in Brighton. He was a member of the church at Cambridge, of which town he was a freeman, his place of residence on the south side of the Charles being part of the original town of Newtowne, afterward Cambridge. He married after his arrival in Massachusetts Colony, and probably about 1648, Ann BULLARD, of Cambridge, and both their names appear on the church records as members in 1660. He died suddenly as the result of a fall 2 April 1690, leaving no will, and his estate was settled by mutual consent signed April 15, 1695, by his widow, Ann Dana and his sons: Jacob, Joseph, Benjamin and Daniel, and his sons-in-law Samuel Oldham, Daniel Woodard, and Samuel Hyde, as recorded in the Middlesex probate records, vol. VIII, p. 331?

-- H: 770.307.5798

Samuel OLDHAM and Hannah (Anne) DANA had the following children: i. ANN 5 OLDHAM was born in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Ann OLDHAM:

Unmarried at time of her father's will. She might have been the Anne w ho married Benjamin Goddard of Charlestown whose intentions were publish ed 1737/38.

ii. SAMUEL OLDHAM PJR was born on 27 May 1672 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . He died on 16 Jan 1673 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 .

iii. SAMUEL OLDHAM was born on 24 Aug 1673 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . He died on 15 Jan 1674 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 .

iv. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 25 Mar 1676 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . She died on 09 Jul 1676 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 .

v. ANDREW OLDHAM was born on 22 Apr 1677 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . He died on 12 Jul 1677 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . Generation 4 (con't)

vi. NATHANIEL OLDHAM was born on 03 May 1678 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . He died Y.

vii. MARY OLDHAM was born on 01 Jun 1679 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . She died Y. She married JAMES REID on 03 Apr 1722 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He was born Y38 . He died on 06 May 1734 39 .

30. viii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 10 Oct 1681 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . She died before 24 Jan 1763 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She married AMOS GATES on 19 May 1703 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He was born in 1681 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 40 . He died in 1754 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 40 .

15. JOHN 4 OLDHAM (Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born about 1652 in Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died on 14 Oct 1719 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 28 . He married (1) ABIGAIL WOOD on 22 Jul 1675 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2. She died Y. He married (2) ELIZABETH HALL on 09 Aug 1694 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 2, daughter of John HALL and Elizabeth GREEN. She was born on 18 Jul 1658 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 29, 30 . She died Y.

Notes for John OLDHAM:

Proprieters' Record of the Town of Cambridge

May 17th: 1699

Complaint being made unto the Select Men by John Oldham with severall others that they were hindered & obstructed in their passage to their lands by Henry Smith, & earnestly desiring the select Men to Come over & to Settle the higheirordingly the Select Men on ye 17th: day of May 1699 went over & having there the Surveyors: Platt who laid out those lands & finding no highways Stated by the Surveyor: but an allowance of Two Rod broad between the Divisions, finding likewise the impossibility of passage between those Divisions by reason of Hills & Rocks, they saw a necessity of Stating of High ways where it was more convenient for passage, & least detriment to particular persons Therefore on the Considerations aforesaid on ye day abovesaid they have Determined & stated the highways as followeth

The Highway to begin at Daniel Dana's Lott from thence to run easterly through John Oldham's Land to the Southwest Corner of the land Enclosed by Henry Smith, between Two stakes pitch down without said Smiths fence & running through ho the land of Joshua Gardner running from thence through said Gardiners land coming out at the North East C orner of said land into the lane or highway that runs Northerly to Elder Champneys hundred Acres: Also another Highway was then Determined of & stated to run from Hammonds Line Northerly partly through John Winchesters land & partly through Holbrooks land till it Come into Gardiners & Smiths land & so into the high way before described

Entered May 18th: 1699 p ye Town Clerk

1711/12 Jno Oldham | Jno Dickson |Select Men. Jason Russel | ffrancis Bowman| Generation 4 (con't)


" Here Lyes ye Body of Mr. John Oldham Who Dec'd Octob'r 14th 1719 in ye 67th Year of His Age"

John Oldham was born about 1653.4 He was the son of Richard Oldham and Martha Eaton.1,2,3 On 22 July 1675 John, married Abigail Wood, in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. Gozzaldi (1930) also lists the marriage date as 23 July whichs an error.1,2,3 John Oldham became a freeman in 1690. John, married Elizabeth Hall, daughter of John Hall and Elizabeth Green.1,2,3 John Oldham served between 1695 and 1714 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, as a Selectman.1,2 He died on Saturday, 14 October 1719 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. 1,2,3 Children of John Oldham and Abigail Wood ?John Oldham1,2,3,5 (20 Jul 1676 - bt 7 Mar 1732 - 9 Jul 1732) ?Abigail Oldham1,2,3,5 (28 Nov 1679 - 18 Nov 1755) Citations 1.Paige, Lucius R. History of Cambridge, Massachusetts 1630-1877 with a Genealogical Register. 1877. Reprint Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, 1986. 2.Gozzaldi, Mary Isabella. History of Cambridge, Massachusetts 1630-1877 with a Genealogical Register - Supplement and Index. 1930. Reprint Bowie, Maryland: Heritage Books, 1986. 3.Wyman, Thomas Bellows. The Genealogies and Estates of Charlestown, Massachusetts 1629-1818. 1879. Reprint Somersworth, New Hampshire: New England History Press, 1982. 4.Assumptions of the Author. 5.Baldwin, Thomas W.. The Vital Records of Cambridge, Massachusetts to the Year 1850. Boston: Wright and Potter, 1914.

John OLDHAM and Abigail WOOD had the following children: 31. i. JOHN 5 OLDHAM was born on 20 Jul 1676 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died about 1730 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married MINDWELL PARKER on 01 Nov 1720 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 41 . She was born Y9.

32. ii. ABIGAIL OLDHAM was born on 28 Nov 1679 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 42 . She died Y. She married CAPT. SAMUEL FROTHINGHAM on 23 Nov 1708 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 43 . He was born in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA43 . He died on 15 Nov 1762 in Massachusetts, USA.

16. LYDIA 4 TURNER (Mary 3 BREWSTER, Lucretia 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y31 . She married UNKNOWN JAMES .

Unknown JAMES and Lydia TURNER had the following child: 33. i. JOHN 5 JAMES was born Y31 . Generation 5

17. JOSHUA 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 20 Jun 1684 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died after 1758. He married (1) MEHITABLE GORHAM on 12 May 1715 in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 32 , daughter of James GORHAM and Hannah HUCKINS. She was born on 28 Apr 1683 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. He married (2) BATHAHEBA LE BROCKE on 25 Mar 1752. She was born in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

Notes for Joshua OLDHAM:

In the will of his father, Joshua is called the eldest son, and likewise in a deed from his father (Plym. Deeds 21.80) Because in this deed Thomas gives to his son Joshua his share of land, Joshua receives from his father by will only 8 shillings "he having had his share already." This deed Generation 5 (con't) is found in Plymouth Deeds Bk 24, pg 190, wherein Thomas "for the goodwill and fatherly love and natural affection I have and do bear towards my eldest son Joshua Oldham of Scituate, labourer . . . .convey land in Scituate with a dwelling house" thereon, which land was formly the land of Daniel Hicks.

Plym. Deed 21.80 - Dated 4 Feb 1724, Joshua Oldham , husbandman, sold to Stephen Clapp of Scituate for 25 pounds, interest in the common or undivided upland and swamp land that shall belong to me or be laid out to me in my right or share upon a division. No wife signed this deed, so it is possible that by this time Mehitable had died.

Deed 37.178 - We, Joshua Oldham, Thomas Oldham,Jun'r, and Caleb Oldham, husbandmen, give up all claims which they might have in the lands given by our honored mother to her seven daughters by will upon her deathbed, the said lands being in Middleborough. Dated 8 Oct 1728 (Note: No record of this will can be found in the books of Plymouth Colony Probate. It may be that it was an oral will and to confirm it the sons made this record of their renunciation of any rights which they would inherit from Mercy) Though acknowledged on 3 Nov 1738 by Joshua and Caleb, Thomas, having died in the meanwhile, this deed was not recorded until 25 Oct 1745, twenty five years after it was made and signed by the three brothers.

Deed 39.163 - On 12 Aug 1742 Joshua Oldham of Scituate, Husbandman, for 50 L to Issac Hatch of Pembroke, yeoman, 1-1/1 acres in Scituate . . . at a creek called Wanton's Creek and to extend south on one side of said Oldham's meadow and on other side by heirs of Michal Wanton and said Hatch's meadow. No wife signed this deed.

Joshua's daughter Mehitable married Job Nichols. Just before Joshua's second marriage we find him deeding the Job Nichols a piece of land, on which Job has already built a house. (Deed 41.198) "I Joshua Oldham, of Scituate, yeoman, for 19L to Job Nichols of Scitaute, cordwainer, all my land to the eastward of the highway that leads by my house to Pembroke". Bounds north on Benjamin Hatch's line; east on land of Thomas Oldham, south on Samel Hatch's land, west on Isaac Hatch's land . . . except 1 acre and a house on same which now belongs to said Job Nichols. Dated Mar. 1, 1 752 and no wife signed.

Joshua Oldham, Isrea Hatch and John Magoon took the inventory on the estate of Samel Hatch of Scituate on July 7, 1735. His name does not appear as holding office.

Twin of Mary

Marriage Notes:

The records of Barstable as printed in the Mayflower Descendant (Vol 1 4, pg 87) gives the marriage of Mehitable Gorham to John Oldham. This must be an error in transcribing or an incorrect interpretation of the writing, for there was no John Oldham to be married at this date and there was a Joshua Oldham, who two years later was in Scituate with a wife Mehitable, who is the mother of his daughter Mehitable. Joshua's later transactions with a John Gorham, show that he was on friendly relations with the Gorham family.

Joshua OLDHAM and Mehitable GORHAM had the following child: 34. i. MEHITABLE 6 OLDHAM was born about 01 Dec 1717 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died on 03 Mar 1804 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . She married JOB NICHOLS , son of Joseph NICHOLS and Bathsheba UNKNOWN. He was born on 02 May 1716 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 24 Aug 1770 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . Notes for Bathaheba LE BROCKE: name appears as Bathahua;Bathseba/Bathaheba Generation 5 (con't) Joshua OLDHAM and Bathaheba LE BROCKE had the following child: 35. ii. SARAH OLDHAM was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married SAMUEL SPRAGUE on 08 Jul 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He was born in 1706 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 26 Mar 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

18. MARY 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 20 Jun 1684 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married JOHN BISBEE on 31 Jan 1710 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born on 15 Sep 1680 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 02 Aug 1772 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Mary OLDHAM:

They were living in Pembroke, Massachusetts when he purchased on 28 Feb 17 42 from four of his wife's sisters their shares in the estate of their mother Mercy Oldham (Deed 37, pg 178 and 179).

Notes for John BISBEE:

Early records show he was of Marshfield, Massachusetts

John BISBEE and Mary OLDHAM had the following children: i. CHILD 6 BISBEE was born between 1710-1711 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

ii. JONAH BISBEE was born on 14 Mar 1717 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

36. iii. GIDEON BISBEE was born on 23 May 1719 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 06 Sep 1760 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married REBECCA TURNER on 07 Sep 1742 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 46 . She was born on 24 Mar 1725 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died before 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

iv. ELIZABETH BISBEE was born on 14 Apr 1720 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. MARY BISBEE was born on 06 Feb 1727 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

19. MERCY 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 28 Jul 1689 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married ANDREW NEWCOMB on 04 Nov 1708 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 33 . He was born in 1680 33 . He died on 09 Dec 1748 in Eastham, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA9.

Notes for Mercy OLDHAM:

As there are no records in scituate of Andrew and Mercy, it is likely th at Mercy went to Eastham with her husband soonn after their marriage. T he records of the Church at Truro contain several baptisms of the famil y. "On May 2, 1730 baptised Andrew Newcomb an adult and on the same day A ndrew and his wife Mercy were admitted to full communion. On the 21st d ay of June in the same year, 1730, the children of Andrew were baptised.

Andrew NEWCOMB and Mercy OLDHAM had the following children: i. ANDREW 6 NEWCOMB was born Y47 .

ii. JESSE NEWCOMB was born Y47 .

iii. LEMUEL NEWCOMB was born Y47 . Generation 5 (con't)

iv. MARY NEWCOMB was born Y47 .

v. SARAH NEWCOMB was born Y47 .

vi. ABIGAIL NEWCOMB was born Y31 . She died Y. She married EBENEZER BOURNE . He was born Y31 . He died Y.

vii. MERCY NEWCOMB was born Y31 . She married JOHN BROWN on 30 Nov 1732 31 .

viii. ROBERT NEWCOMB was born on 21 Jun 1722 in Truro County, Massachusetts, USA 48 . He died Y. He married MARY YOUNG on 30 Nov 1744 in Truro County, Massachusetts, USA 49, 50 . She died Y.

20. ABIGAIL 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 24 Nov 1693 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married NATHANIEL EAMES on 02 Jan 1720 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 31 . He was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

Notes for Abigail OLDHAM:

They were living in Marshfield when Abigail and her husband joined with h er sisters in sellling to their brother in law the land inherited from the ir mother, Mercy Oldham

Nathaniel EAMES and Abigail OLDHAM had the following children: i. EZRA 6 EAMES was born about 02 Apr 1721 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

ii. SILVANUS EAMES was born about 09 Mar 1724 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

21. ANNE 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 19 Mar 1696 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married JOSEPH YOUNG on 13 Oct 1718 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He was born on 05 Oct 1592 13 . He died Y.

Notes for Anne OLDHAM:

1720 living at Truro on the Cape. Joseph was admitted to full communi on in the Church at Truro on 13 Mar 1725/26 and on o29 Nov 1727 his daught er Anna was baptised there.

Joseph YOUNG and Anne OLDHAM had the following children: i. ISAAC 6 YOUNG was born about 07 Aug 1720 47 . He died Y.

ii. JOSEPH YOUNG was born about 04 Aug 1723 47 . He died Y.

iii. ANNA YOUNG was born about 19 Nov 1727 47 . She died Y.

22. DESIRE 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Feb 1698 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married SAMIEL TILDEN PJR on 14 Nov 1717 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

Samiel TILDEN PJr and Desire OLDHAM had the following children: i. SARAH 6 TILDEN was born Y31 . She married JOHN JAMES on 03 Dec 1755 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He was born Y31 .

ii. ABIGAIL TILDEN was born about 23 Aug 1719 in Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

iii. DESIRE TILDEN was born about 18 Sep 1720 in Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

37. iv. MERCY TILDEN was born about 09 Sep 1722 in Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married THOMAS MACOMBER on 09 May 1745 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Thomas MACOMBER and Joanna TINKHAM. He was born on 28 Apr 1710 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 08 Jan 1749 in Massachusetts, USA 9.

v. RUTH TILDEN was born about 04 Oct 1724 in Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. Generation 5 (con't)

She married NORTH EELLS . He was born Y31 .

23. THOMAS 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 30 Jan 1699 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . He died before 01 Aug 1735 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) GRACE WADSWORTH on 25 Dec 1723 in Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Deacon John WADSWORTH and Abigail WAIT. She died before 13 Jan 1748 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married (2) DESIRE WORMALL on 08 May 1727 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 , daughter of Josiah WORMALL and Patience SHERMAN. She died Y.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Desire died before Thomas. The latter in 1735 left a non-cupative will (P ly Prob 7.155). Thomas Oldham died 23, July 1735 and in the hearing of Sa muel Tilden, Jr., Rebekah Lapham and Elisabeth Taylor expressed his desir e. The "Abovesaid Samuel Tilden being at the house of Thomas Oldham, desi red by one of said Oldham sisters to ask him whether he did not inte nd to give Mercy Thomas his housekeeper something beside her wages answer ed Yes and said I'll clear up my throat and then I;e speak. Rebekah and El izabeth being called and bid us to take notice he gave 20 L to Mercy Thoma s." This bequest was recognized by the Court. The Inventory of his esta te showed that he had a house and lands on the Westerly side of the highwa y, 3 acres on the eastern side, 16 ares of woodland at the head of Josh ua Oldham's lot and 2 acres of Cedar Swamp. There were debts due from t he estate to twenty five different people. Among them were his sister Gra ce Eames, his brother Joshua, and brother Caleb and his two brothers in la w, Samuel Tilden and Nathaniel Eames, and his sister Elizabeth Damo n. On 5 Jan 1735/6, Josiah Wormall, the father of his deceased wife was m ade the administrator of the estate, he sold on 9 Feb 1737 to Isreal Hatc h, clothier, "by liberty granted by the Court held at Plymouth on Tuesd ay preceeding the last Tuesday of April 1737" land in Scituate being pa rt of the homestead of said Thomas Oldham, dec'd," on the southerly side t hereof and on the east side of the road; the bounds mention Samuel Lapha m, Israel Hatch and Joseph Hatch. On 1 Aug 1735 the Court made Josiah Wormall the guardian of the two o rphans, children of Thomas Oldham (Plym Prob 7.150) "To Josiah Worma ll of Duxbury, your son in law Thomas Oldham, late of Scituate, dec'd" le ft a son Thomas, who is arr 14 years, you are appointed guardi an of your grandson, Thomas Oldham, and the following document makes him g uardian of Patience, daughter of Thomas Oldham dec'd, under 14 years. B ut Josiah did not live to fullfil all the duties. At his decease his wid ow Grace collected his papers and gave an account to the Court of his stew ardship. From this we learn that most of the debts had been paid, that Me rcy Thomas "now married to Joseph Oyser" received her bequest, and that t he grandchild Patience, lived but two years and that Thomas was still liv ing. Soon after this account was accepted by the Court Samuel Tilden w as appointed guardian of Thomas Oldham, who will be 21 in 1751.

Thomas OLDHAM and Grace WADSWORTH had the following children: 38. i. THOMAS 6 OLDHAM was born in 1730 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 51 . He died Y. He married JANE ROGERS on 10 Dec 1752 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Timothy ROGERS and Lydia HATCH. She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 52 . She died Y.

ii. PATIENCE OLDHAM was born about 1732 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died between 1737-1738 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. Thomas OLDHAM and Desire WORMALL had the following children: iii. PATIENCE OLDHAM was born after 1727 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1739 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

iv. THOMAS OLDHAM was born in 1730. He died Y.

24. CALEB 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born before 1703 in Scituate, Generation 5 (con't)

Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y. He married BETHIAH STEPHENS on 21 Oct 1724 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 34 , daughter of William STEVENS and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in Feb 1703. She died Y.

Caleb OLDHAM and Bethiah STEPHENS had the following children: 39. i. JOHN 6 OLDHAM was born Y9. He died before 1757 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married HANNA SOULE on 08 Nov 1750 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 53 . She died Y.

ii. OLIVER OLDHAM was born in Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in Oct 1759 in Canada 45 .

Notes for Oliver OLDHAM:

25 May 1752 Boston Evening Post

Deserted onthe 18th Instant, from the Snow Molly, Eleazer DorbyMaster, now inthe Harbour of Boston, the two followi8ng Seamen, viz. Oliver Oldham and James Finney. If they will return to their Duty on board the said Snow, they shall be kindly received,butif not,theywill bedeemed Deserters. Boston, May 25, 1752.

Oliver died on return from the fleet from Canada expedition of the Yellow Fever

40. iii. PELEG OLDHAM was born Y9. He died after 1820 in Waldoboro, Lincoln County, Maine, USA. He married ANNA SIMMONS on 29 Nov 1764 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

iv. HANNAH OLDHAM was born Y9.

41. v. BETHIAH OLDHAM was born about 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married MICAH WESTON on 03 Dec 1761 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Abner WESTON and Sarah STANDISH. He was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

42. vi. BETTY OLDHAM was born about 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 11 Jun 1774 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married JUDAH HUNT on 18 Dec 1764 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

25. GRACE 5 OLDHAM (Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 27 Feb 1704 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died Y. She married ANTHONY EAMES on 11 Dec 1724 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

Anthony EAMES and Grace OLDHAM had the following children: i. LEMUEL 6 EAMES was born on 01 Jul 1725 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He died Y.

ii. MEROY EAMES was born on 02 Jul 1727 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He died Y.

iii. ELISHA EAMES was born on 22 Sep 1729 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He died Y.

iv. ABNER EAMES was born about 28 Jul 1734 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . He died Y.

v. LYDIA EAMES was born about 28 Jul 1734 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 . She died Y. Generation 5 (con't)

26. MARY 5 STETSON (Hannah 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 01 Feb 1713 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married ISAAC OLDHAM on 11 Nov 1731 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 36 , son of Isaac OLDHAM and Hanna KEENE. He was born on 22 Sep 1708 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died after 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Isaac OLDHAM and Mary STETSON had the following children: i. RUTH 6 OLDHAM was born Y54 . She died Y. She married JOSHUA WINSLOW . He was born Y54 . He died Y.

43. ii. MARY OLDHAM was born Y54 . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN TOMSON .

iii. JOHN OLDHAM was born Y54 . He died Y.

44. iv. ABEL OLDHAM was born Y54 . He died Y. He married AMY HAWKINS . She died Y.

45. v. ISAAC OLDHAM was born about 1736 11 . He died before 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married DEBORAH BOWKER on 12 Feb 1756 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

46. vi. DEBORAH OLDHAM was born about 08 May 1737 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married CALEB HOWLAND on 02 May 1762 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Samuel HOWLAND and Sarah JOY. He was born about 02 Aug 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

47. vii. DAVID OLDHAM was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 17 Apr 1834 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 . He married REBECCA CHANDLER on 18 Jul 1792 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born on 13 Dec 1749 57 . She died on 18 Mar 1825 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 56 .

48. viii. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Sep 1812 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married PATIENCE BROOKS on 07 May 1780 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1826 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

49. ix. DANIEL OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1746 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Oct 1799 in Buckfield, Cumberland County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DESIRE RANSOME on 15 Jun 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of John RANSOME and Desire BISHOP. She was born on 31 Jul 1749 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 15 Oct 1827 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

x. LYDIA OLDHAM was born about 1755 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married BARNABAS JACKSON on 10 Oct 1775 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born Y54 .

27. HANNAH 5 OLDHAM (Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 23 Jun 1700 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . She died Y. She married HENRY JOSSELYN on 23 Sep 1718 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 .

Henry JOSSELYN and Hannah OLDHAM had the following children: i. HANNAH 6 JOSSELYN was born on 01 Oct 1719 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

ii. HENRY JOSSELYN was born on 11 Jun 1727 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Generation 5 (con't) Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

iii. MARGARET JOSSELYN was born on 09 Dec 1729 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

iv. JOSEPH JOSSELYN was born on 22 Jun 1734 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

v. LUCY JOSSELYN was born on 05 Oct 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

vi. ISAAC JOSSELYN was born on 04 Nov 1743 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

28. ALICE 5 OLDHAM (Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 22 Jun 1703 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 31 Dec 1771 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married HENRY RICKARD on 13 Feb 1723 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Samuel RICKARD and Rebecca SNOW. He was born on 04 Feb 1700 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 37 . He died on 31 Dec 1771 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Henry RICKARD and Alice OLDHAM had the following children: 50. i. SAMUEL 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD was born on 26 Sep 1725 9. He died in 1815 58 . He married ZERAVIAH BUMPUS . She was born in 1729 58 . She died in 1792 58 .

ii. JUDAH RICKARD was born on 01 Mar 1727 9. He died Y.

iii. ISSAC RICKARD was born on 06 Feb 1729 9. He died Y.

29. ISAAC OLDHAM (Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 22 Sep 1708 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died after 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married MARY STETSON on 11 Nov 1731 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 36 , daughter of Joseph STETSON and Hannah OLDHAM. She was born on 01 Feb 1713 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y.

Isaac OLDHAM and Mary STETSON had the following children: i. RUTH 6 OLDHAM was born Y54 . She died Y. She married JOSHUA WINSLOW . He was born Y54 . He died Y.

43. ii. MARY OLDHAM was born Y54 . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN TOMSON .

iii. JOHN OLDHAM was born Y54 . He died Y.

44. iv. ABEL OLDHAM was born Y54 . He died Y. He married AMY HAWKINS . She died Y.

45. v. ISAAC OLDHAM was born about 1736 11 . He died before 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married DEBORAH BOWKER on 12 Feb 1756 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

46. vi. DEBORAH OLDHAM was born about 08 May 1737 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married CALEB HOWLAND on 02 May 1762 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Samuel HOWLAND and Sarah JOY. He was born about 02 Aug 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

47. vii. DAVID OLDHAM was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 17 Apr 1834 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 . He married REBECCA CHANDLER on 18 Jul 1792 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born on 13 Dec 1749 57 . She died on 18 Mar 1825 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 56 .

48. viii. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Sep 1812 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married PATIENCE BROOKS on 07 May 1780 in Generation 5 (con't) Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1826 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

49. ix. DANIEL OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1746 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Oct 1799 in Buckfield, Cumberland County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DESIRE RANSOME on 15 Jun 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of John RANSOME and Desire BISHOP. She was born on 31 Jul 1749 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 15 Oct 1827 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

x. LYDIA OLDHAM was born about 1755 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married BARNABAS JACKSON on 10 Oct 1775 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born Y54 .

30. HANNAH 5 OLDHAM (Samuel 4, Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born on 10 Oct 1681 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 25 . She died before 24 Jan 1763 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She married AMOS GATES on 19 May 1703 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He was born in 1681 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 40 . He died in 1754 in Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 40 .

Notes for Hannah OLDHAM: Genealogies of Connecticut Families, Volume 1, page 686

Amos Gates (Simon, Stephen) born presumably in Cambridge probably about 1680, died probably shortly before July 1754.

He married there, 19 May 1703, Hannah Oldham, born 10 Oct. 1681, died before 24 Jan. 1763, when administration on her estate was granted to her son Amos Gates.

After the birth of their firstchild they became residents of Brookline, Mass. They returned to Cambridge before 4 Nov. 1729, when he bought one hundred acres of land in Framingham, Mass. of Edward Wilson. He settled on this farm. He was a tithingman in 1735, overseer of the poor in 1741, and selectman in 1740, and probably two years more, later. Amos Gates is described as weaver and yeoman in deeds.

His will, dated in Framingham 26 Dec 1743, was proved 22 July 1754. He mentioned wife Hannah; sons Amos, Oldham and Samuel; daughters Hannah Edmunds of Newton, Margaret Spring of Weston, Abigail Pierson of Andover, Mary Wright of Framingham, and Sarah Gates.


Notes for Amos GATES:

Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worchester County vol1

Author: Ellery Bicknell Crane Call Number: F72.W9C8vol.1

This book contains a history of Worchester County Massachusett s. Volume 1 of 2.

Bibliographic Information: Crane, Ellery Bicknell. Genealogic al and Personal Memoirs of Worchester County vol.1. The Lewis Publishing Company. New York. 1907.

II) Simon Gates, son of Stephen Gates (1), was born in 1645, died April 2 1, 1693, at Brockton, Massachusetts. He married Margaret (???), of Cambridge, Massachu setts. They resided in Generation 5 (con't) Cambridge, Lancaster and Brookline, Massachusetts. He inherit ed his father's estate at Cambridge. The children of Simon and Margaret Gates were: 1. Abigail, bo rn August 14, 1671, died 1771, aged one hundred years, at Brighton, Massachusetts; married (first) N athaniel Sparhawk, Jr., who died November 8, 1734; married (second), 1735, Josiah Mayo, of Roxbur y, Massachusetts. 2. Simon, born September 1, 1673, died January 2, 1675-76. 3. Simon, bo rn January 5, 1675-76, died March 10, 1735, aged sixty years; married, May 29, 1710, Sarah Wood, d aughter of John and Lydia Wood, of Marlboro, Massachusetts; they settled in Marlboro, whe re she died in 1751. 4. George, born April 6, 1678, died May 23, 1679. 5. Amos, born 1681, di ed 1754; married, May 19, 1703, Hannah Oldham, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Dana) Oldham, who se birth occurred October 10, 1681. 6. Jonathan, born June 22, 1683, died February 7. 1755 -56, at Worcester, Massachusetts; married Persis Shepard, daughter of John and Pers is (Pierce) Shepard, of Charlestown, Massachusetts, and granddaughter of Thomas and Hann ah (Ensign) Shepard, of Malden. Massachusetts. She was born 1691, died July 12, 177 6. 7. Samuel, born August 11, 1685, said to have settled somewhere in Connecticut, but no descendan ts known. 8. Margaret, born August 13, 1689, married James How or John How.

Amos GATES and Hannah OLDHAM had the following children: i. HANNAH 6 GATES was born on 28 Oct 1706 in Massachusetts, USA.

ii. MARGARET GATES was born on 23 Apr 1708 in Massachusetts, USA.

58. iii. ABIGAIL GATES was born on 25 Jun 1710 in Massachusetts, USA 59 . She married JONATHON PEARSON . He was born in 1704 59 . He died about 1798.

iv. MARY GATES was born on 20 Jul 1712 in Massachusetts, USA.

v. AMOS GATES was born on 28 Sep 1714 in Massachusetts, USA.

59. vi. OLDHAM GATES was born on 03 Sep 1716 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 40 . He died in 1785 40 . He married (1) MEHITABLE TROWBRIDGE on 05 May 1745 in Leicester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 60, 61 . She died Y. He married (2) PATIENCE BERTLETT on 20 Nov 1754 in Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. He married (3) THANKFUL ADAMS on 05 Sep 1759 in Brookfield, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

vii. GEORGE GATES was born on 09 Nov 1718 in Massachusetts, USA.

viii. SARAH GATES was born on 10 Aug 1722 in Massachusetts, USA.

ix. SAMUEL TORRY GATES was born on 21 Aug 1725 in Massachusetts, USA.

31. JOHN 5 OLDHAM (John 4, Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born on 20 Jul 1676 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died about 1730 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married MINDWELL PARKER on 01 Nov 1720 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 41 . She was born Y9.

Notes for John OLDHAM:

On 14 Oct 1733 his three youngest children were baptized as children of t eh widow of John Oldham. Generation 5 (con't)

John OLDHAM and Mindwell PARKER had the following children: 60. i. JOHN 6 OLDHAM was born on 18 Dec 1720 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died before 1757 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married SARAH (MARY) CHADWICK on 02 Jun 1743 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 62 . She was born Y24 . She died Y.

ii. SAMUEL OLDHAM was born on 26 Aug 1722 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died Y. He married ELIZABETH UNKNOWN .

iii. MARY OLDHAM was born on 10 Mar 1728 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died Y.

iv. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born about 14 Oct 1733 24 . She died Y.

v. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born about 14 Oct 1733 24 . He died Y.

Notes for Jonathan OLDHAM:

Had his taxes abated

32. ABIGAIL 5 OLDHAM (John 4, Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born on 28 Nov 1679 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 42 . She died Y. She married CAPT. SAMUEL FROTHINGHAM on 23 Nov 1708 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 43 . He was born in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA43 . He died on 15 Nov 1762 in Massachusetts, USA.

Capt. Samuel FROTHINGHAM and Abigail OLDHAM had the following children: i. HEPHZIBAH 6 FROTHINGHAM . She died on 17 Jan 1706 in Massachusetts, USA.

ii. EBENEZER FROTHINGHAM was born in 1717. He died on 30 Nov 1798.

Notes for Ebenezer FROTHINGHAM:

Ordained At Wethersfield 1747, Middleton 1754

iii. OLDHAM FROTHINGHAM . He died on 11 Nov 1740.

Notes for Oldham FROTHINGHAM:

Died 20y 7m

iv. ABIGAIL FROTHINGHAM was born in Sep 1709. She died before 1750. She married SAMUEL SUMNER .

v. SAMUEL FROTHINGHAM was born on 08 Jan 1711 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died before 1783. He married LYDIA UNKNOWN .

vi. JOHN FROTHINGHAM was born on 05 Aug 1712 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1788. He married ESTHER CALL on 19 Aug 1736.

33. JOHN 5 JAMES (Lydia 4 TURNER, Mary 3 BREWSTER, Lucretia 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y31 .

John JAMES had the following child: 61. i. JOHN 6 JAMES was born Y31 . Generation 6

34. MEHITABLE 6 OLDHAM (Joshua 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 01 Dec 1717 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 12 . She died on 03 Mar 1804 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . She married JOB NICHOLS , son of Joseph NICHOLS and Bathsheba UNKNOWN. He was born on 02 May 1716 in Scituate, Plymouth Generation 6 (con't) County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 24 Aug 1770 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

Notes for Mehitable OLDHAM:

Admitted to the church in Chesterfield, Massachusetts 1 Sep 1793.

Notes for Job NICHOLS:

They built a house on the farm of Joshua, Mehitable's father, as is sho wn by the deed (41,196) in which Joshua sold to Job Nichols land which su rrounded his house already built. This was on the east side of the highw ay which leads to Pembroke and adjoined the land of Thomas Oldham on the e ast. From this deed we learn also that Job was a cordwainder, or shoemake r.

Job NICHOLS and Mehitable OLDHAM had the following child: 62. i. JOSEPH 7 NICHOLS was born Y63 . He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 63 . He married LYDIA BRISBEE on 12 Jul 1772 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died Y.

35. SARAH 6 OLDHAM (Joshua 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married SAMUEL SPRAGUE on 08 Jul 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He was born in 1706 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 26 Mar 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

Notes for Sarah OLDHAM:

No record of Sarah's birth. She must be the daughter of either Josh ua or his brother Ca leb. Fortwo reasons it would seem that she belong ed to Joshua. First, because Caleb wa not married until 1724 and so cou ld not have had a daughter over 17 years of age in 1742, when Sarah marri ed Samuel Sprague, who at that time was 36 years of age; and second becau se Sarah named a son Joshua and did not name a son Caleb.

Samuel SPRAGUE and Sarah OLDHAM had the following children: i. URIAH 7 SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ii. SARAH SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

iii. LUCY SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

iv. REBECCA SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

v. MARY SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

vi. LYDIA SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

vii. HANNAH SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

viii. THOMAS SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ix. JOSHUA SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

x. SAMUEL SPRAGUE was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

36. GIDEON 6 BISBEE (Mary 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 23 May 1719 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 06 Sep 1760 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married REBECCA TURNER on 07 Sep 1742 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 46 . She was born on 24 Mar 1725 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died before 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Gideon BISBEE: Generation 6 (con't) NEHGR 136:34 175. Gideon Bisbee5, son of John Bisbee and his wife Mary Oldham [43], was born 23 May 1719 at Pembroke (I/R 36). His death "of small pox in the army" during the French and Indian War was recorded by the Rev. Gad Hitchcock of the Second Church, Pembroke (now Hanson), next to the death of his brother Deacon John Bisbee on 6 September 1760 (NEHGR 136:34)

He married 7 September 1742 at Pembroke (VR 238, 368), Rebecca Turner, perhaps the daugher of Joshua and Mary (______) Turner who was born 24 March 1724/5 at Pembroke (VR 214). "The Widow Bisbee" was living in March 1772 when her son Jonathan's death was recorded. She died probably before 1797 when two of her daughters and their husbands sold land. Chesterfield Famlies (p.48) relates that Gideon ...... came to chesterfield in 1755, cleared land near Kidd's Lookout, returned to Pembroke for his family; ...he joined in the French and Indian War, where he died of smallpox. His widow and four children came to Chesterfield but apparently not to any grant of land on Kidd's Lookout. They settled west of the Westfield River near what is now know as Windy Lane. [Rebecca] is supposed to have been buried in the Gate Cemetery.

Gideon BISBEE and Rebecca TURNER had the following child: i. LYDIA 7 BISBEE was born on 19 Feb 1746 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 46 . She died on 21 Nov 1840 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 46 . She married BENJAMIN BEARCE on 16 Feb 1784 in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 46 . He died Y.

37. MERCY 6 TILDEN (Desire 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born about 09 Sep 1722 in Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died Y. She married THOMAS MACOMBER on 09 May 1745 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Thomas MACOMBER and Joanna TINKHAM. He was born on 28 Apr 1710 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 08 Jan 1749 in Massachusetts, USA 9.

Thomas MACOMBER and Mercy TILDEN had the following children: i. WILLIAM 7 MACOMBER was born on 01 May 1746 9. He died Y.

ii. THOMAS MACOMBER was born on 02 Aug 1748 9. He died Y.

38. THOMAS 6 OLDHAM (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1730 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 51 . He died Y. He married JANE ROGERS on 10 Dec 1752 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Timothy ROGERS and Lydia HATCH. She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 52 . She died Y.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Thomas Oldham lived only a short time after Samuel Tilden was appoint h is guardian. On 6 Nov 1724 William Stetson, Jr and Thomas Oldham, Jr. Bla cksmith, both of Scituate sold to Caleb Torry of Scituate all their righ ts in the Common or undivided lands. Thomas signs his name as Thoma s, Jr and Robert Stetson and William Moore witness the deed. This was n ot reported until 15 Sep 1740, after his death.

Deed dated May 1787 is last deed record of either Thomas or Jane Oldham f ound in the Plymouth Registry of Deeds. Their deaths are not recorded a nd it is possible that they left this section and went elsewhere. In t he U.S. Census there is a Thomas Oldham recorded as a resident of Lunenbur g, Massachusetts, with a household consisting of one male over 16 and o ne female over 16. This would exactly correspond with Thomas and Jane. F urther research would be necessary to prove that they were and at the da te of this compilation, such has not been made (The first 200 years of t he Oldham Family in America)

Thomas OLDHAM and Jane ROGERS had the following children: 63. i. BETTY OR BETSEY 7 OLDHAM was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64 . She died on 10 Aug 1834 in Lynn, Essex County, Generation 6 (con't)

Massachusetts, USA 9. She married EBENEZER WING PJR on 04 Apr 1776 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64 , son of Ebenezer WING and Mary STODDARD. He was born on 01 Apr 1752 9. He died Y.

ii. LYDIA OLDHAM was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She died Y. She married JOSEPH CURTIS on 24 Dec 1778 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

64. iii. DESIRE OLDHAM was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She married EPHRAIM PALMER on 15 Jul 1779 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, son of Joseph PALMER and Jane TOBY. He was born about 29 Apr 1750 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

iv. PATIENCE OLDHAM was born Y65 . She married JOSEPH TURNER on 25 Dec 1782 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 .

v. EUNICE OLDHAM was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She died Y. She married JOSEPH NEAL BATES on 20 Mar 1783 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died Y.

39. JOHN 6 OLDHAM (Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y9. He died before 1757 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married HANNA SOULE on 08 Nov 1750 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 53 . She died Y.

John OLDHAM and Hanna SOULE had the following child: 65. i. JOHN 7 OLDHAM was born in Jul 1754 in Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died on 19 Jun 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He married ELIZABETH CHANDLER on 19 Jan 1779 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died on 30 Nov 1827 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 .

40. PELEG 6 OLDHAM (Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y9. He died after 1820 in Waldoboro, Lincoln County, Maine, USA. He married ANNA SIMMONS on 29 Nov 1764 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

Notes for Peleg OLDHAM:

Was a Revolutionary War Verteran

Peleg OLDHAM and Anna SIMMONS had the following children: i. MERCY 7 OLDHAM was born about 21 Aug 1768 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

ii. JOSIAH OLDHAM was born about 10 Sep 1769 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y. He married ZERUJAH SIMMONS on 23 Jul 1794 in Waldoboro, Lincoln County, Maine, USA 67 , daughter of Isaac SIMMONS PJr. and Lydia CUSHING. She was born on 20 Sep 1740 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Josiah OLDHAM: The Genealogical Advertiser A Quarterly Magazine of Family History, Vol I-IV

Vol. IV. June, 1901. No. 2. United States Direct Tax, 1798. Twenty-Third District of the First Division of Massachusetts. Continued from Vol. III, page 117.

Waldoborough, Maine.

Name: Josiah Oldham House Value: 99 Generation 6 (con't) Acres: 17 Acres Value: 68

iii. CALEB OLDHAM was born about 03 Jan 1772 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

iv. ANNA OLDHAM was born about 13 Jun 1773 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

41. BETHIAH 6 OLDHAM (Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married MICAH WESTON on 03 Dec 1761 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Abner WESTON and Sarah STANDISH. He was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

Notes for Micah WESTON:

Micah Weston, husband of Bethiah Oldham, was the son of Abner and Sarah ( Standish) Weston and grandson of Myles and Experience (Sherman) Standis h. This was the son of Alexander and Sarah (Alden) Standi sh and a grandson of Myles Standish, and also of John and Priscilla (Mulli ns) Alden. Experience Sherman was the daughter of William Sherman and h is wife Desire Doty, who was the daugher of Edward Doty of the Mayflower.

Subject: Oldham/Weston Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 11:33:28 -0700 From: "rhettjr1" To: Additional information for you if you do not have it.

Bethia Oldham who married Micah Weston is my husband's ancestor. She di ed Nov. 3. 1818. She and Micah had seven children: James (b. 1762) Seth (b. 1764) who married Lucy White Dec. 4, 1788 Sarah(b. 1766) John (b. 1769) Benjamin(b. 1771) Bethia (b. 1773) Desire (b. 1777)

Seth and Lucy had Daniel Weston in 1790. Daniel married Phebe Spooner Gib bs Nov. 25, 1813 and they had Daniel J. Weston Dec. 9, 1823. I have the descendants of this line s hould you or anyone else be interested......

Wendy Simpson

Micah WESTON and Bethiah OLDHAM had the following children: i. JAMES 7 WESTON was born in 1762 68 . He died Y.

Notes for James WESTON:


66. ii. SETH WESTON was born in 1764 68 . He died Y. He married LUCY WHITE on 04 Dec 1788 68 .

iii. SARAH WESTON was born in 1766 68 . She died Y.

iv. JOHN WESTON was born in 1769 68 . He died Y.

v. BENJAMIN WESTON was born in 1771 68 . He died Y.

vi. BETHIA WESTON was born on 02 Nov 1773 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 68 . She died on 13 Nov 1866 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 69 . She married DANIEL PETERSON on 07 Jan 1801 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 69 . He was born on 09 Oct 1775 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 69 . He died on 28 Nov 1869 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

vii. DESIRE WESTON was born in 1777 68 . She died Y. Generation 6 (con't)

42. BETTY 6 OLDHAM (Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1742 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 11 Jun 1774 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married JUDAH HUNT on 18 Dec 1764 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

Judah HUNT and Betty OLDHAM had the following children: i. ESTHER 7 HUNT was born Y9.

ii. JUDAH HUNT was born on 13 Jul 1771 9. He died Y.

43. MARY 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y54 . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN TOMSON .

Unknown TOMSON and Mary OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISAAC 7 TOMSON was born Y54 .

44. ABEL 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y54 . He died Y. He married AMY HAWKINS . She died Y.

Notes for Abel OLDHAM:

Probably the youngest in the family, was a soldier in the Revolutionary W ar and served from Pembroke, Massachusetts. No record of his wife and chi ldren. 1789 he went to Winchester New Hampshire and was there in ti me to be enumerated in the census of 1790, as a resident of Winchester wi th a household consisting of 1 male over 16 and two females. In 1772 he w itnessed a deed given by his father. He appears with his brother Jonath an as a grantor several times and with his three brothers, David, John a nd Jonathan, in an agreement as to the division of the property which the ir father had left them in his will. In deed (Plym. Deeds 68.254) dat ed 12 May 1789 Abel calls himself a yeoman of Pembroke and the next ye ar a yeoman of Winchester, New Hampshire

Oak Oaks Oakes Family Register Nathaniel Oak Oak, Henry Lebbeus. Oak Oaks Oakes Family Register Nathaniel Oa k. This book contains the family register, Nathaniel Oak and three generation of his desce ndants.

Bibliographic Information: New England Historic Genealogical Soc iety of Boston, Mass. Ora Oak, Cucamonga, California, 1906.

IV. CHILDREN OF JOHN AND HANNAH3 OAK (19). All Born Winchester, N. H.

186. John. Winchester, N. H.; farmer; born, June 9, 1784; marri ed June 30 (or June 28), 1810; died, July 27, 1816. Wife, Lydia Oldham, daughter of Abel and A my (Hawkins); born April 29, 1790; married second, Timothy Smith, 1824; died, January 19, 186 8; 4 children: Nancy, Eliphalet, Abel, Stutson.

Abel OLDHAM and Amy HAWKINS had the following child: 67. i. LYDIA 7 OLDHAM was born on 29 Apr 1790 70 . She died on 19 Jan 1868 70 . She married (1) JOHN OAKS on 28 Jun 1810. He was born on 09 Jun 1784 in Winchester, New Hampshire 70 . He died on 27 Jul 1816 70 . She married (2) TIMOTHY SMITH in 1824 70 .

45. ISAAC 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1736 11 . He died before 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married DEBORAH BOWKER on 12 Feb 1756 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. Generation 6 (con't)

Notes for Deborah BOWKER:

**Pembroke Records, 1711-1735, p. 119, and 1735-1791,p. 402.

A fragment of the first record book of this church, in the handwriting of Rev. Daniel Lewis is preserved. Not paged. Gen. Reg, Vol. L., p. 287. Abington Records, Vol. I., p. 260. He m. (2) Pembroke, Oct.17,1790 Deborah oldham, born Deborah Bowker, widow of Isaac Oldham;she outlived him,and m(3) Nathaniel Stetson, Feb. 18, 1810.

Isaac OLDHAM and Deborah BOWKER had the following child: 68. i. SARAH 7 OLDHAM was born on 11 Nov 1761 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ABEL STETSON on 01 Dec 1782 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Abel STETSON and Lydia UNKNOWN. He was born Y54 .

46. DEBORAH 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 08 May 1737 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married CALEB HOWLAND on 02 May 1762 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Samuel HOWLAND and Sarah JOY. He was born about 02 Aug 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

Caleb HOWLAND and Deborah OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISSACHAR 7 HOWLAND was born about 25 Sep 1763 19 . He died Y.

47. DAVID 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 17 Apr 1834 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 . He married REBECCA CHANDLER on 18 Jul 1792 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born on 13 Dec 1749 57 . She died on 18 Mar 1825 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 56 .

Notes for David OLDHAM:

David married Rebecca Chandler daughter of John and Sarah (Weston) Chandle r, granddaughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Delano) Chandler, Elizabeth Dela no was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Standish) Delano and Elizabe th Standish was daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Alden) Standish and grand daughter of Myles Standish and of John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden. David and Rebecca are associated with John Oldham in a deed, which Da vid Oldham, Jr witnesses and also his son-in-law, Allen Howland is a witne ss of the deed (84.214) John's wife Lydia signs as does Rebecca wife of D avid. In 1785 Davis a deed given by his father (56.39). When t he Census of 1790 was taken he was a resident of Pembroke, with a househo ld of one male over 16, one under and 5 females.

Pembroke Births [p.21] PEMBROKE BIRTHS TO THE YEAR 1850

CHANDLER, Rebecca, w. David Oldham, Dec. 13, 1749. P.R.139. (This wou ld have to be a different David & Rebecca)

Hansen Deaths List OLDHAM, David, Apr. 17, 1834, a. 93. P.R.10.

Notes for Rebecca CHANDLER:

Vital Records, Hansen, Massachusetts Rebecca, Mar. 18, 1825, a. 77. P.R.10.

David OLDHAM and Rebecca CHANDLER had the following children: Generation 6 (con't)

69. i. DAVID S.7 OLDHAM PJR was born on 17 Aug 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DEBORAH B. BARKER on 24 Sep 1798 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of Ebenezer BARKER and Priscilla LORING. She was born on 18 Aug 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died after 12 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

70. ii. SARAH OLDHAM was born on 29 Aug 1778 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married ALLEN HOWLAND on 23 Oct 1796 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER. He was born on 12 Nov 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

71. iii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 23 Feb 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married LUTHER HOWLAND on 27 Dec 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER.

72. iv. REBECCA CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 18 Sep 1785 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . She died in Jan 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married DAVID MANN PJR on 24 Jan 1805 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of David MANN and Elizabeth BATES. He was born on 29 Nov 1782 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 57 . He died Y.

73. v. LUCY OLDHAM was born on 26 Nov 1786 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . She died in Feb 1860 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married SAMUEL PERRY PJR on 27 Nov 1807 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 26 Sep 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He died Y.

48. JONATHAN 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Sep 1812 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married PATIENCE BROOKS on 07 May 1780 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1826 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

Notes for Jonathan OLDHAM:

Served in the Revolutionary War. 1790 Census was a resident of Scituate with a houshold of 1 male over 16 and one under 16, but this does not agree with the record, for Patience was living in 1792 when she signed a deed with Jonathan, and her grave stone is still legible which states that she died in 1826

Jonathan OLDHAM and Patience BROOKS had the following child: 74. i. JOSEPH 7 OLDHAM was born on 01 Sep 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 17 Apr 1825 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) RUTH BAILEY on 14 Dec 1815 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She was born about 1791 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married (2) GRACEY TILDEN on 23 May 1819 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

49. DANIEL 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Sep 1746 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Oct 1799 in Buckfield, Cumberland County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DESIRE RANSOME on 15 Jun 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of John RANSOME and Desire BISHOP. She was born on 31 Jul 1749 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 15 Oct 1827 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. Generation 6 (con't)

Notes for Daniel OLDHAM: *******



BY SHARON ROBINSON. (Condensed from Lewiston Evening Journal of June 11, i888.)

Barney Jackson and wife were the first white couple that spent the night in what is now the town of Sumner, and they pitched their camp near the present residence of Capt. Lewis Bisbee. They did not, however, locate permanently in town. Michael Kinley made the first clearing, but was not a per- manent resident. The first permanent family was Noah Bosworth's, who moved from Plympton, Mass., probably about 1782. This place is now occupied by H. S. Palmer. The second family was Daniel Oldham's from Pembroke, Mass., who located on the place so long known as the Russell farm, and now occupied by H. B. Cobb. The third family was Charles Ford's, also from Pembroke, and is the farm now occupied by Thomas Stephens. As to the fourth family it is not certain.

Daniel OLDHAM and Desire RANSOME had the following children: i. ABIGAIL 7 OLDHAM was born on 16 Nov 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 72 . She died Y.

ii. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born on 11 Apr 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

iii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 23 Aug 1773 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

iv. ALICE OLDHAM was born on 25 Dec 1775 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. RUTH OLDHAM was born on 16 Nov 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

vi. ISAAC OLDHAM was born on 17 Apr 1779 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

75. vii. DANIEL G. OLDHAM was born in 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1879 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 73 . He married PRISCILLA KEENE in 1814 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born in 1787 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

76. viii. DESIRE OLDHAM was born about 1788 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 31 Oct 1869 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. She married SAMUEL ALEXANDER NOYES after 09 Jun 1810 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1782 in New Hampshire, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1861 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA.

77. ix. THADDEUS OLDHAM was born on 09 Mar 1790 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1872 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Generation 6 (con't)

Maine, USA. He married CELIA FORD . She was born on 25 Apr 1791 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

50. SAMUEL 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD (Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 26 Sep 1725 9. He died in 1815 58 . He married ZERAVIAH BUMPUS . She was born in 1729 58 . She died in 1792 58 .

Samuel RICHARDS\RICKARD and Zeraviah BUMPUS had the following child: 78. i. CHLOE 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD was born on 16 Sep 1754 58 . She died on 20 Sep 1822 58 . She married ZADOCK THOMAS on 15 Nov 1798 58 . He was born on 20 Sep 1772 58 . He died on 24 Apr 1848 58 .

51. MARY 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y54 . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN TOMSON .

Unknown TOMSON and Mary OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISAAC 7 TOMSON was born Y54 .

52. ABEL 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born Y54 . He died Y. He married AMY HAWKINS . She died Y.

Notes for Abel OLDHAM:

Probably the youngest in the family, was a soldier in the Revolutionary W ar and served from Pembroke, Massachusetts. No record of his wife and chi ldren. 1789 he went to Winchester New Hampshire and was there in ti me to be enumerated in the census of 1790, as a resident of Winchester wi th a household consisting of 1 male over 16 and two females. In 1772 he w itnessed a deed given by his father. He appears with his brother Jonath an as a grantor several times and with his three brothers, David, John a nd Jonathan, in an agreement as to the division of the property which the ir father had left them in his will. In deed (Plym. Deeds 68.254) dat ed 12 May 1789 Abel calls himself a yeoman of Pembroke and the next ye ar a yeoman of Winchester, New Hampshire

Oak Oaks Oakes Family Register Nathaniel Oak Oak, Henry Lebbeus. Oak Oaks Oakes Family Register Nathaniel Oa k. This book contains the family register, Nathaniel Oak and three generation of his desce ndants.

Bibliographic Information: New England Historic Genealogical Soc iety of Boston, Mass. Ora Oak, Cucamonga, California, 1906.

IV. CHILDREN OF JOHN AND HANNAH3 OAK (19). All Born Winchester, N. H.

186. John. Winchester, N. H.; farmer; born, June 9, 1784; marri ed June 30 (or June 28), 1810; died, July 27, 1816. Wife, Lydia Oldham, daughter of Abel and A my (Hawkins); born April 29, 1790; married second, Timothy Smith, 1824; died, January 19, 186 8; 4 children: Nancy, Eliphalet, Abel, Stutson.

Abel OLDHAM and Amy HAWKINS had the following child: 67. i. LYDIA 7 OLDHAM was born on 29 Apr 1790 70 . She died on 19 Jan 1868 70 . She married (1) JOHN OAKS on 28 Jun 1810. He was born on 09 Jun 1784 in Winchester, New Hampshire 70 . He died on 27 Jul 1816 70 . She married (2) TIMOTHY SMITH in 1824 70 .

53. ISAAC 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1736 11 . He died before 06 Jan 1789 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married DEBORAH Generation 6 (con't)

BOWKER on 12 Feb 1756 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

Notes for Deborah BOWKER:

**Pembroke Records, 1711-1735, p. 119, and 1735-1791,p. 402.

A fragment of the first record book of this church, in the handwriting of Rev. Daniel Lewis is preserved. Not paged. Gen. Reg, Vol. L., p. 287. Abington Records, Vol. I., p. 260. He m. (2) Pembroke, Oct.17,1790 Deborah oldham, born Deborah Bowker, widow of Isaac Oldham;she outlived him,and m(3) Nathaniel Stetson, Feb. 18, 1810.

Isaac OLDHAM and Deborah BOWKER had the following child: 68. i. SARAH 7 OLDHAM was born on 11 Nov 1761 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ABEL STETSON on 01 Dec 1782 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Abel STETSON and Lydia UNKNOWN. He was born Y54 .

54. DEBORAH 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 08 May 1737 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . She died Y. She married CALEB HOWLAND on 02 May 1762 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Samuel HOWLAND and Sarah JOY. He was born about 02 Aug 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

Caleb HOWLAND and Deborah OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISSACHAR 7 HOWLAND was born about 25 Sep 1763 19 . He died Y.

55. DAVID 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 17 Apr 1834 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 . He married REBECCA CHANDLER on 18 Jul 1792 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born on 13 Dec 1749 57 . She died on 18 Mar 1825 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 56 .

Notes for David OLDHAM:

David married Rebecca Chandler daughter of John and Sarah (Weston) Chandle r, granddaughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Delano) Chandler, Elizabeth Dela no was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Standish) Delano and Elizabe th Standish was daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Alden) Standish and grand daughter of Myles Standish and of John and Priscilla (Mullins) Alden. David and Rebecca are associated with John Oldham in a deed, which Da vid Oldham, Jr witnesses and also his son-in-law, Allen Howland is a witne ss of the deed (84.214) John's wife Lydia signs as does Rebecca wife of D avid. In 1785 Davis a deed given by his father (56.39). When t he Census of 1790 was taken he was a resident of Pembroke, with a househo ld of one male over 16, one under and 5 females.

Pembroke Births [p.21] PEMBROKE BIRTHS TO THE YEAR 1850

CHANDLER, Rebecca, w. David Oldham, Dec. 13, 1749. P.R.139. (This wou ld have to be a different David & Rebecca)

Hansen Deaths List OLDHAM, David, Apr. 17, 1834, a. 93. P.R.10.

Notes for Rebecca CHANDLER:

Vital Records, Hansen, Massachusetts Rebecca, Mar. 18, 1825, a. 77. P.R.10. Generation 6 (con't) David OLDHAM and Rebecca CHANDLER had the following children: 69. i. DAVID S.7 OLDHAM PJR was born on 17 Aug 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DEBORAH B. BARKER on 24 Sep 1798 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of Ebenezer BARKER and Priscilla LORING. She was born on 18 Aug 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died after 12 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

70. ii. SARAH OLDHAM was born on 29 Aug 1778 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married ALLEN HOWLAND on 23 Oct 1796 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER. He was born on 12 Nov 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

71. iii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 23 Feb 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married LUTHER HOWLAND on 27 Dec 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER.

72. iv. REBECCA CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 18 Sep 1785 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . She died in Jan 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married DAVID MANN PJR on 24 Jan 1805 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of David MANN and Elizabeth BATES. He was born on 29 Nov 1782 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 57 . He died Y.

73. v. LUCY OLDHAM was born on 26 Nov 1786 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . She died in Feb 1860 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married SAMUEL PERRY PJR on 27 Nov 1807 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 26 Sep 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He died Y.

56. JONATHAN 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 01 Nov 1741 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Sep 1812 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He married PATIENCE BROOKS on 07 May 1780 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 23 Apr 1826 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

Notes for Jonathan OLDHAM:

Served in the Revolutionary War. 1790 Census was a resident of Scituate with a houshold of 1 male over 16 and one under 16, but this does not agree with the record, for Patience was living in 1792 when she signed a deed with Jonathan, and her grave stone is still legible which states that she died in 1826

Jonathan OLDHAM and Patience BROOKS had the following child: 74. i. JOSEPH 7 OLDHAM was born on 01 Sep 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 17 Apr 1825 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) RUTH BAILEY on 14 Dec 1815 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She was born about 1791 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married (2) GRACEY TILDEN on 23 May 1819 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

57. DANIEL 6 OLDHAM (Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Sep 1746 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 54 . He died on 30 Oct 1799 in Buckfield, Cumberland County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DESIRE RANSOME on 15 Jun 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of John RANSOME and Desire Generation 6 (con't) BISHOP. She was born on 31 Jul 1749 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 15 Oct 1827 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

Notes for Daniel OLDHAM: *******



BY SHARON ROBINSON. (Condensed from Lewiston Evening Journal of June 11, i888.)

Barney Jackson and wife were the first white couple that spent the night in what is now the town of Sumner, and they pitched their camp near the present residence of Capt. Lewis Bisbee. They did not, however, locate permanently in town. Michael Kinley made the first clearing, but was not a per- manent resident. The first permanent family was Noah Bosworth's, who moved from Plympton, Mass., probably about 1782. This place is now occupied by H. S. Palmer. The second family was Daniel Oldham's from Pembroke, Mass., who located on the place so long known as the Russell farm, and now occupied by H. B. Cobb. The third family was Charles Ford's, also from Pembroke, and is the farm now occupied by Thomas Stephens. As to the fourth family it is not certain.

Daniel OLDHAM and Desire RANSOME had the following children: i. ABIGAIL 7 OLDHAM was born on 16 Nov 1769 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 72 . She died Y.

ii. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born on 11 Apr 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

iii. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 23 Aug 1773 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

iv. ALICE OLDHAM was born on 25 Dec 1775 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. RUTH OLDHAM was born on 16 Nov 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

vi. ISAAC OLDHAM was born on 17 Apr 1779 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

75. vii. DANIEL G. OLDHAM was born in 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1879 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 73 . He married PRISCILLA KEENE in 1814 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born in 1787 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

76. viii. DESIRE OLDHAM was born about 1788 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 31 Oct 1869 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. She married SAMUEL ALEXANDER NOYES after 09 Jun 1810 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1782 in New Hampshire, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1861 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. Generation 6 (con't)

77. ix. THADDEUS OLDHAM was born on 09 Mar 1790 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1872 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married CELIA FORD . She was born on 25 Apr 1791 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

58. ABIGAIL 6 GATES (Hannah 5 OLDHAM, Samuel 4 OLDHAM, Richard 3 OLDHAM, John "Mad Jack" 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 25 Jun 1710 in Massachusetts, USA 59 . She married JONATHON PEARSON . He was born in 1704 59 . He died about 1798.

Notes for Abigail GATES:

Descendent of Sir Geoffrey Gates, who m. Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Willi am Clapton, Knight, of Kentwell, Sussex, England

Jonathan was a resident of Andover, Massachusetts. After Revolutionary W ar moved to Lyndeborough, New Hampshire

Notes for Jonathon PEARSON:

Resident of Andover, Massachusetts; at the close of the Revolutionary War, he removed to Lyndeborough, New Hampshire. H m. Abigail Gates, dau. of Amos and Hannah (Oldham) Gates. She was a descendant of Sir Geoffrey Gates, who m. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Clapton, Knight, of Kentwell, Sussex, England.

Jonathon PEARSON and Abigail GATES had the following child: 90. i. AMOS 7 PEARSON was born in 1734 in Lyndeborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA. He died about 1783. He married ALICE BARRON , daughter of Joshua BARRON and Lavina DERBY. She died Y.

59. OLDHAM 6 GATES (Hannah 5 OLDHAM, Samuel 4 OLDHAM, Richard 3 OLDHAM, John "Mad Jack" 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 03 Sep 1716 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 40 . He died in 1785 40 . He married (1) MEHITABLE TROWBRIDGE on 05 May 1745 in Leicester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 60, 61 . She died Y. He married (2) PATIENCE BERTLETT on 20 Nov 1754 in Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. He married (3) THANKFUL ADAMS on 05 Sep 1759 in Brookfield, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Oldham GATES:

1835 List of Pensioners of Revolutionary War County: Albany County, New York Name: Oldham Gates Rank: Private & corporal Annual Allowance: 47 00 Sums Received: - Description of service: Massachusetts militia When placed on the pension roll: May 27, 1833 Commencement of pension: March 4, 1831 Age: 74

Served with Capt. John Newhall's company 1759

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 7 0 page 161

Mrs. Edna Brazee Lewis. DAR ID Number: 69452 Born in Middleburg, N. Y. Wife of Harold A. Lewis. Descendant of Oldham Gates. Daughter of Jehiel Brazee (b. 1838) and Lucretia Gardiner (b. 1858), h is wife, m. 1878. Granddaughter of Richardrzee (1801-73) and Martha Gates (1800-87), h is wife, m. 1824. [p.161] Gr-granddaughter of Oldham Gates and Deborah Winch (1765-1852), h is wife, m. 1783. Oldham Gates (1759-1843) served, 1777-81, as private in Capt. Joseph Winc h's company, Colonel Bullard's regiment; Captain Trowbridge's company, Co lonel Leland's regiment. In 1832 he was placed on the pension roll of Midd leburg, N. Y. He was born in Massachusetts; died in Broome County, N. Y. Generation 6 (con't) The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 8 4 page 103

Mrs. Katharine Wagoner Bender. DAR ID Number: 83276 Born in Albany, N. Y. Wife of Melvin Thomas Bender. Descendant of Corp. Oldham Gates and of Corp. David Read, Jr., as follows : 1. Martin D. B. Wagoner (b. 1836), m. 1865, Elsie Read (b.85). [p.103] 2. Levi Wagoner (1807-60), m. 1827, Murilla Gates (1807-83); Jo el Read (1803-82), m. Mary Ann Burns (d. 1852). 3. Oldham Gates, m. 1783, Deborah Winch (b. 1765); Rufus Read (1778-1844 ), m. 1800, Keziah Ware (d. 1859). 4. David Read, Jr., m. 1797, Lydia Sabin (d. 1805). Oldham Gates (1759-1843) served, 1777-81, as private in Capt. Joseph Winc h's company, Colonel Leland's regiment. In 1832 he was placed on the pens ion roll of Middleburg, N. Y. He was born in Massachusetts; died in Broo me County, N. Y. Also No. 69452. David Read, Jr. (1744-1827), served as corporal in Captain Wyman's compan y, Colonel Patterson's Massachusetts regiment, 1775. He was born in Uxbri dge, Mass.

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 98

Mrs. Emma F. Hughson Heath. DAR ID Number: 97208 Born in Albany County, N. Y. Wife of Nathan Brown Heath. Descendant of Corp. Oldham Gates, as follows: 1. George Lyman Hughson (b. 1824) m. 1851 Ruth Gates (1829-1906). 2. John Gates (1803-) m. 1826 Malinda Carley (1805-91). 3. Oldham Gates m. 1783 Deborah Winch (1761-1840). Oldham Gates (1759-1843) served, 1777-81, as private and corporal in Cap t. Joseph Winch's company, Col. Leland's regiment. In 1832 he was plac ed on the pension roll from Middleburgh, N. Y. He was born in Framingha m, Mass.; died in Schoharie County, N. Y.

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 98

Mrs. Fidelia Anna Heath Schneider. DAR ID Number: 97209 Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Descendant of Capt. Oldham Gates, as follows: 1. Nathan Brown Heath (b. 1855) m. 1881 Emma F. Hughson (b. 1857). See No. 97208.

Relationship Notes for Oldham GATES and Mehitable TROWBRIDGE: Vital records of Leicester, Worcester, Massachusetts, page 154, GATES, Oldham and Mahitible Strobridg of Framingham, int. May 5, 1745.

Oldham GATES and Mehitable TROWBRIDGE had the following child: 91. i. JAMES 7 GATES was born in 1753 60 . He died about 1830. He married RACHEL FALES in 1775. She died Y. Relationship Notes for Oldham GATES and Patience BERTLETT: SECOND MARRIAGE: Vital records of Spencer, Worcester, Massachusetts, page 137, BERTLETT, Patience and Oldham Gates, Nov. 20, 1754.*Intention not recorded.

Relationship Notes for Oldham GATES and Thankful ADAMS: THIRD MARRIAGE: Vital records of Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts, page 137, GATES, Oldham and Thankful Addams, Sept. 5, 1759.

60. JOHN 6 OLDHAM (John 5, John 4, Richard 3, John "Mad Jack" 2, William 1) was born on 18 Dec 1720 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died before 1757 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He married SARAH (MARY) CHADWICK on 02 Jun 1743 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 62 . She was born Y24 . She died Y.

John OLDHAM and Sarah (Mary) CHADWICK had the following children: i. ABIGAIL 7 OLDHAM was born on 18 Mar 1744 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Generation 6 (con't) Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died on 26 May 1744 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 .

ii. SARAH OLDHAM was born on 30 Jul 1746 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died Y.

iii. SUSANNAH OLDHAM was born on 11 Mar 1749 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died Y.

iv. ABIGAIL OLDHAM was born on 03 Apr 1752 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died Y.

v. JOHN OLDHAM was born on 01 Nov 1754 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . He died Y.

vi. ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born about 22 May 1757 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 24 . She died Y.

61. JOHN 6 JAMES (John 5, Lydia 4 TURNER, Mary 3 BREWSTER, Lucretia 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y31 .

John JAMES had the following child: i. JOHN JAMES was born Y31 . He married SARAH TILDEN on 03 Dec 1755 in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 35 , daughter of Samiel TILDEN PJr and Desire OLDHAM. She was born Y31 . Generation 7

62. JOSEPH 7 NICHOLS (Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y63 . He died on 03 Sep 1828 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 63 . He married LYDIA BRISBEE on 12 Jul 1772 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died Y.

Notes for Joseph NICHOLS:

Moved to Chesterfield, Massachusetts in 1793 with his wife, children and m other.

Joseph NICHOLS and Lydia BRISBEE had the following children: 92. i. JOSHUA 8 NICHOLS was born on 01 Apr 1773 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He died on 15 Aug 1853 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married REBECCA WITHERELL on 06 Jan 1803. She died on 10 Aug 1828 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 63 .

ii. MARCY NICHOLS was born on 17 Oct 1774 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died Y. She married WILLIAM WHITACRE .

iii. JONATHAN NICHOLS was born on 22 Sep 1777 44, 63 . He died Y.

Notes for Jonathan NICHOLS:

removed to N. Y. about 1800 and about 1804, removed to Pittsfield, Michig an. He d. 1834.

63. BETTY OR BETSEY 7 OLDHAM (Thomas 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64 . She died on 10 Aug 1834 in Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married EBENEZER WING PJR on 04 Apr 1776 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64 , son of Ebenezer WING and Mary STODDARD. He was born on 01 Apr 1752 9. He died Y.

Ebenezer WING PJr and Betty Or Betsey OLDHAM had the following children: i. INFANT 8 WING was born Y75 . He died on 28 Apr 1778 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 76 . Generation 7 (con't)

ii. PHILA (TWIN) WING was born Y75 .

iii. DELPHIA (TWIN) WING was born Y75 . She married AMOS JILLSON . He was born in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA 76 .

Notes for Delphia (Twin) WING:

Genealogy of the Gillson and Jillson Family

Author: David Jillson Call Number: R929.2 J61

A record of the descendants of James Gilson of Rehoboth, Mass. A nd of Joseph Gilson of Groton, Mass.

Bibliographic Information: Jillson, David. Genealogy of the Gill son and Jillson Family. Central Falls: E. L. Freeman & County, 1876.

281. Amos,5 (a cooper). He was drafted for thirty days in the war of 1812, afterwards enlisted in the navy, and served to the end of the war. He was on board the sloop-of-war Hornet when the British sloop-of-war Peacock was captured. He was also at the battle of New Orleans. After the close of the war he enlisted in the Privateer (???), which vessel sailed from New Orleans for the purpose of capturing the pirates that infested the coast of Florida and the Bahama Islands. They captured a heavy pirate schooner off the Island of Cuba, and carried their prize to New Orleans, where the pirate crew were tried and hung. After passing through many dangers, he returned to his native town, where he resided till April, 1831, then removed to Providence, R. I., and worked for one and the same establishment till his death. He m. in Attleboro, April 2, 1822, Delphia, daughter of Ebenezer and Betsey (Oldham) Wing, who was born in Hanover, Mass., June 29, 1790. Mrs. Jillson resides with her daughter, Mrs. Clarke, in Providence, R. I.

iv. BETSEY WING was born Y75 .

v. MARTHA WING was born Y75 .

Notes for Martha WING:

Went to Lynn, Massachusetts

vi. SENECA WING was born Y75 . He died Y. He married LYDIA ALLEY . She died Y.

Notes for Seneca WING:

Went to Lynn, Massachusetts

93. vii. JOHN WING was born on 01 Nov 1779 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64, 75 . He died in At Sea 9. He married FANNIE FLORENCE GREENE on 08 Apr 1802 in Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island, USA 77 , daughter of Stephen GREENE and Patience WALL. She died Y. Generation 7 (con't)

64. DESIRE 7 OLDHAM (Thomas 6, Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She married EPHRAIM PALMER on 15 Jul 1779 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, son of Joseph PALMER and Jane TOBY. He was born about 29 Apr 1750 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

Ephraim PALMER and Desire OLDHAM had the following children: i. NATHANIEL 8 PALMER was born on 07 Nov 1780 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

ii. JOSEPH PALMER was born on 03 Aug 1782 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

iii. MARTIN PALMER was born on 23 Nov 1787 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y. He married RACHEL UNKNOWN . She died Y.

iv. PATIENCE PALMER was born on 11 Oct 1789 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She died Y.

v. AMASA PALMER was born on 22 Feb 1793 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . He died Y.

65. JOHN 7 OLDHAM (John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Jul 1754 in Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died on 19 Jun 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He married ELIZABETH CHANDLER on 19 Jan 1779 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died on 30 Nov 1827 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 .

Notes for John OLDHAM:

Served in Revolutionary War, from Duxbury Massachusetts, enlisted 1 January 1776 for 1 year in Col. Baileys Regiment; states in pension file, wife Elizabeth is 64 years old, daughters Betsey, age 40 and Hannah, age 29, unable to support themselves, living at home.

1790 Census in Duxbury with household consisting of one male over 16, three under 16 and three females.

Found no land transactions in the Registry of Deeds. One land transaction found in pension file. John Oldham deed 14 acres and small house to Thomas Oldham

Copy of Revolutionary War Pension documents in file.

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 77 page 238

[p.238] Mrs. Elizabeth Howland Marston. DAR ID Number: 76632 Born in Boston, Mass. Wife of Herbert E. Marston. Descendant of Sergt. John Oldham, Thomas Fish, and Sergt. Robert Howland. Daughter of Willard Howland (b. 1852) and Lottie A. S. Barry (b. 1850), his wife, m. 1874. Granddaughter of Jarius Howland (1817-80) and Deborah Little Fish (1820-97), his wife, m. 1839. Gr-granddaughter of Luther Howland (b. 1774) and Hannah Oldham (b. 1780 ), his wife; Job Fish (1784-1868) and Lydia Thomas Cook (1786-1858), h is wife. Gr-gr-granddaughter of Robert Howland and Ruth Crooker (Crocker), his wife; John Oldham and Elizabeth Chandler (d. 1832), his wife, m. 1779; Thomas Fish and Ursula Crooker (b. 1763), his wife, m. 1782. John Oldham (1754-1832) enlisted, 1775, under Capt. Samuel Bradford, Col. Theophilus Cotton's regiment, and, 1777, served as sergeant, same regiment. He was born and died in Duxbury, Mass. Thomas Fish (1759-1828) was a private in Capt. Joseph Stetson's company, Colonel Dyke's regiment, 1776, and served several other enlistments under different commands, Massachusetts troops. He was born and died in Pembroke, Mass. Robert Howland (1742-1821) served as sergeant in Capt. Thomas Turner's company under Col. Anthony Thomas' Generation 7 (con't) regiment of Massachusetts militia, which marched on the Lexington Alarm. He was born in Duxbury; died in Pembroke, Mass.

John OLDHAM and Elizabeth CHANDLER had the following children: i. ELIZABETH 8 OLDHAM was born on 06 Jan 1780 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died Y.

94. ii. JOHN T. OLDHAM was born on 01 Mar 1782 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died Y.

95. iii. CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 28 Jun 1784 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died Y. He married (1) RUTH SOUTHWORTH on 21 Oct 1818 in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 78 , daughter of Nathaniel SOUTHWORTH and Deborah HATCH. She was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 78 . He married (2) SALLY SOUTHWORTH on 31 Dec 1812 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, daughter of Nathaniel SOUTHWORTH and Deborah HATCH. She was born about 1791 9. She died in 1817 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He married (3) REBECCA UNKNOWN about 1805. She was born about 1783 9. She died on 27 Jul 1808 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

96. iv. THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 25 Apr 1786 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died on 17 Feb 1844 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . He married BETSEY BREWSTER before 1818 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Job BREWSTER and Betsey PAULDING. She was born on 17 Jun 1801 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. ANNA OLDHAM was born on 15 Mar 1789 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died Y. She married LEVI HOLMES , son of Levi HOLMES and Lydia BRADFORD. He was born on 08 Feb 1784 45 . He died Y.

vi. HANNAH OLDHAM was born on 14 Feb 1792 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died Y.

Notes for Hannah OLDHAM:

DAR # The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Vol ume 77 page 238

[p.238] Mrs. Elizabeth Howland Marston. DAR ID Number: 76632 Born in Boston, Mass. Wife of Herbert E. Marston. Descendant of Sergt. John Oldham, Thomas Fish, and Sergt. Robert Howland. Daughter of Willard Howland (b. 1852) and Lottie A.. Brry (b. 1850), h is wife, m. 1874. Granddaughter of Jarius Howland (1817-80) and Deborah Little Fish (1820-9 7), his wife, m. 1839. Gr-granddaughter of Luther Howland (b. 1774) and Hannah Oldham (b. 1780 ), his wife; Job Fish (1784-1868) and Lydia Thomas Cook (1786-1858), h is wife. Gr-gr-granddaughter of Robert Howland and Ruth Crooker (Crocker), his wif e; John Oldham and Elizabeth Chandler (d. 1832), his wife, m. 1779; Thom as Fish and Ursula Crooker (b. 1763), his wife, m. 1782. John Oldham (175 4-1832) enlisted, 1775, under Capt. Samuel Bradford, Col. Theophilus Cotto n's regiment, and, 1777, served as sergeant, same regiment. He was born a nd died in Duxbury, Mass. Thomas Fish (1759-1828) was a private in Capt. Joseph Stetson's compan y, Colonel Dyke's regiment, 1776, and served several other enlistments un der different commands, Massachusetts troops. He was born and died in Pemb roke, Mass. Robert Howland (1742-1821) served as sergeant in Capt. Thom as Turner's company under Col. Anthony Thomas' regiment of Massachuset ts militia, which marched on the Lexington Alarm. He was born in Duxbur y; died in Pembroke, Mass.

97. vii. SALLY OLDHAM was born on 17 Jun 1794 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died Y. She married JAMES FREEMAN in Oct 1819 in Generation 7 (con't) Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

66. SETH 7 WESTON (Bethiah 6 OLDHAM, Caleb 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1764 68 . He died Y. He married LUCY WHITE on 04 Dec 1788 68 .

Seth WESTON and Lucy WHITE had the following child: 98. i. DANIEL 8 WESTON was born in 1790 68 . He died Y. He married PHEOBE SPOONER GIBBS on 25 Nov 1813 68 .

67. LYDIA 7 OLDHAM (Abel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Apr 1790 70 . She died on 19 Jan 1868 70 . She married (1) JOHN OAKS on 28 Jun 1810. He was born on 09 Jun 1784 in Winchester, New Hampshire 70 . He died on 27 Jul 1816 70 . She married (2) TIMOTHY SMITH in 1824 70 .

Notes for Lydia OLDHAM:

Subject: Oldham Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:09:44 -0700 From: Sharon Wirt To: joldham@@indy.net

I saw on your World Connect page that Lydia Oldham was married to John Oaks and Timothy Smith. Do you know if she was married three times? I read on the Oaks Oaks that she married Timothy Smith and John Follett. Could this be the same Lydia Oldham? We have the same birth date and same parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Sharon frogger@@pacbell.net

John OAKS and Lydia OLDHAM had the following children: i. NANCY 8 OAKS was born Y70 .

ii. ELIPHALET OAKS was born Y70 .

iii. ABEL OAKS was born Y70 .

iv. STUTSON OAKS was born Y70 .

68. SARAH 7 OLDHAM (Isaac 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 11 Nov 1761 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ABEL STETSON on 01 Dec 1782 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Abel STETSON and Lydia UNKNOWN. He was born Y54 .

Notes for Sarah OLDHAM:

Mentioned in her grandfather's will as the wife of Abel Stetson and the da ugher of his son Isaac , dec'd

Abel STETSON and Sarah OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISAAC OLDHAM 8 STETSON was born on 08 Mar 1792 9. He died Y. He married EMILY JOSSLYN on 06 May 1821 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 .

69. DAVID S.7 OLDHAM PJR (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Aug 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DEBORAH B. BARKER on 24 Sep 1798 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of Ebenezer BARKER and Priscilla LORING. She was born on 18 Aug 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died after 12 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

Notes for David S. OLDHAM PJr: Genealogies of the different families bearing the name of Kent in the United States, together with their possible English ancestors, page 83 Generation 7 (con't) David Oldham of Pembroke, Esq. in considers of $182.79 paud b Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, shipwright, conveyed 25 acres 34 rods of woodland in Marshfield & is part of lot sold by Polly Phillips to Aurora W. Oldham & bounded by land of Joshua Loring &c. Dated January 15, 1839

Jabez Hatch of Marshfield, blacksmith, in consideration of $41.12 paid by Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, Shipwright, conveyed 7 acres of woodland in Marshfield, being a part I purchased of David Oldham & bounded by land of George Bailey, Asa Sherman &land of said Kent. Dated May 1st 1839

David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER had the following children: 99. i. AURORA WILLIAMS 8 OLDHAM 79 was born on 24 Jan 1799 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 05 Mar 1865 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married JANE M. SMITH on 03 Nov 1824 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born in 1804 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 26 Jun 1879 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 81 .

100. ii. SOPHRONIA OLDHAM was born on 09 Mar 1800 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married CHARLES DYER on 21 Oct 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

iii. PRISCILLA LORING OLDHAM was born on 30 Jun 1803 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married FREEMAN L. JOSSELYN on 11 Dec 1820 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Jonathan JOSSELYN and Jane UNKNOWN. He was born on 03 Aug 1798 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

iv. REBECCA CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 02 Nov 1804 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married PELHAM WINSLOW BONNEY on 12 Oct 1828 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 82 , son of Jonathan BONNEY and Margaret TORREY. He was born on 13 Jul 1798 19 . He died Y.

101. v. JULIA ANN OLDHAM was born on 14 Apr 1806 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 18 Feb 1891 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married ISAIAH STETSON PERRY on 05 May 1831 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 23 Mar 1809 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 08 Jun 1883 9.

102. vi. JOHN OLDHAM PII was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9. He married ADELINE MANN on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA 9, daughter of David MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM. She was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9.

vii. DEBORAH BARKER OLDHAM was born on 03 Mar 1810 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 17 Mar 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

viii. MARY BARKER OLDHAM was born on 20 Nov 1814 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married EDWARD YOUNG PERRY , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 04 Oct 1812 19 . He died Y.

70. SARAH 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Aug 1778 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married ALLEN HOWLAND on 23 Oct 1796 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER. He was born on 12 Nov 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. Generation 7 (con't)

Notes for Allen HOWLAND:

Descendant of Arthur HOWLAND

Allen HOWLAND and Sarah OLDHAM had the following children: i. JAIRUS 8 HOWLAND was born on 11 Nov 1794 9. He died on 30 Oct 1799 9.

ii. ALLEN HOWLAND was born on 14 Oct 1799 9. He died Y. He married RUTH ELLIS on 21 Mar 1827 9.

iii. MICHAEL HOWLAND was born on 31 Dec 1800 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA BARTLETT on 28 Nov 1828 9. She died Y.

iv. MAHALA HOWLAND was born on 05 May 1803 9. She died Y. She married AMBROSE PARRIS on 28 Oct 1832 9.

v. LUCY HOWLAND was born on 06 May 1805 9. She died Y. She married (1) NATHAN STEVENS . She married (2) JARED SHURLEFF .

vi. CANDACE HOWLAND was born on 14 Sep 1807 9. She died on 22 Apr 1826 9.

vii. SALLY O. HOWLAND was born on 08 May 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 83, 84 . She died on 20 Oct 1836 in North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 84 . She married AMASA EDSON on 18 Oct 1829 in North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 83 . He was born on 03 Feb 1804 in North Parish, Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 83 . He died Y.

Notes for Sally O. HOWLAND:

282-7 AMASA6 Edson, son of William5 Edson (#282) and Mary Randall, born ab out Feb. 3, 1804, North Parish, Bridgewater, Mass., married, 1st, Oct. 18, 1 829, North Bridgewater, Mass., Sally O. Howland, born May 8, 1809, Pembroke, Mass., daught er of Allen Howland and Sally Oldham. She died Oct. 20, 1836, North Bridgewat, 2nd, his first cousin once removed, Mary7 Edson (#279-13), born June 18, 1815, Dorcheste r, Mass., daughter of Jacob6 Edson (#279-2) and Hannah Bird. She died July 31, 1873, North Bridgewater, Mass. He married, 3rd, Dec. 10, 1874, North Bridgewater, Mass., as her second husb and, his own cousin, Melinda6 Edson (#279-9), born Mar. 12, 1804, Bridgewater, Mass., daughter of Seth5 Edson (#279) and Theodora Howard, widow of Enos Talbot, and aunt of his second wi fe. Shedied Mar. 31,1883, Stoughton, Mass.

viii. DAVID OLDHAM HOWLAND was born on 08 Nov 1811 9. He died Y. He married (1) MARY H. FORD . He married (2) MRS. MARTHA MASON .

ix. MIRAM HOWLAND was born on 17 Mar 1814 9. She died on 28 Apr 1834 9.

x. URANIA HOWLAND was born in 1817 9. She died Y. She married JOHN POLDEN .

xi. REBECCA HOWLAND was born on 27 Jan 1820 9. She died on 14 Aug 1834 9.

71. HANNAH 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 23 Feb 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married LUTHER HOWLAND on 27 Dec 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER.

Luther HOWLAND and Hannah OLDHAM had the following child: 103. i. JARIUS 8 HOWLAND was born in 1817 85 . He died in 1880. He married DEBORAH LITTLE FISH in 1839 85 . She was born in 1820. She died in 1897.

72. REBECCA CHANDLER 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Sep 1785 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . She died in Jan 1855 in Generation 7 (con't)

Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married DAVID MANN PJR on 24 Jan 1805 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of David MANN and Elizabeth BATES. He was born on 29 Nov 1782 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 57 . He died Y.

David MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM had the following children: 104. i. JOHN C.8 MANN was born Y9. He died Y. He married SYLVIA L. UNKNOWN .

ii. DAVID OLDHAM MANN was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y.

105. iii. JONATHAN OLDHAM OR C. MANN was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA ANN SEARS on 04 Nov 1834 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born on 17 Aug 1810 9. She died Y.

iv. ALMIRA MANN was born on 02 Apr 1811 9. She died Y. She married GEORGE TABOR on 20 Sep 1835 9.

v. ADELINE MANN was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9. She married JOHN OLDHAM PII on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA 9, son of David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER. He was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9.

vi. ELIZABETH BATES MANN was born on 16 Dec 1815 9. She died Y. She married ROBERT RAMSDELL on 20 Sep 1835 9.

vii. MARY T. MANN was born on 15 Jul 1820 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 86 . She died Y. She married SETH WHITMAN on 23 Sep 1846 9. He died Y.

Notes for Mary T. MANN:

john whitman of plymouth pg 328

4618. 3. Dea. Seth Whitman, b. jan 31, 1811; m. 1 apr 1839, Sarah Chipman, daughter of David and Charlotte (Thomas) Goodspeed, b. Duxbury, 1814; d. feb 8 1841; m.2. Sept 23, 1846, Mary T. daughter of David and Rebecca (Oldham) Mann, b. jul 15, 1820; a carpenter; residence, Pembroke; has been Town Clerk, Treasurer, and represented the town in the Legislature, 1850, was deacon of the First Parish Church; 4 children

viii. LUCY P. MANN was born on 03 Sep 1822 9. She died Y. She married HOYACE J. FOSTER .

73. LUCY 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Nov 1786 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . She died in Feb 1860 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married SAMUEL PERRY PJR on 27 Nov 1807 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 26 Sep 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He died Y.

Samuel PERRY PJr and Lucy OLDHAM had the following children: i. OTIS 8 PERRY was born on 18 Apr 1808 19 . He died Y.

ii. ALMIRA PERRY was born on 01 Apr 1811 19 . She died Y.

iii. HORATIO PERRY was born on 04 May 1814 19 . He died Y.

74. JOSEPH 7 OLDHAM (Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Sep 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 17 Apr 1825 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) RUTH BAILEY on 14 Dec 1815 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She was born about 1791 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married Generation 7 (con't)

(2) GRACEY TILDEN on 23 May 1819 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

Joseph OLDHAM and Ruth BAILEY had the following child: i. RUTH BAILEY 8 OLDHAM was born on 24 Jan 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died on 23 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . Notes for Gracey TILDEN: from Elizabeth Tilden hide details 6/21/ to Oldham.jan@@gmail.com date Jun 21, 2006 1:51 PM subject Oldham/Tilden genealogy mailed-by hotmail.com

Hello Jan--

Thank you for your listing of Joseph Oldham/Grace Tilden on WorldConnect.

My husband is descended from Nathan Tilden, the twin of Grace Tilden who m . Capt Joseph Oldham. I did not know who her children were.

During 40 years of Tilden research I have found most are confused about Grace's mother. Her mother was Grace Hatch the 2nd wife of Deacon Samuel Tilden. He was 1st married to Mercy Hatch (Grace's sister) who was the mother of all but 2 of his children. SEE ATTACHMENT (last entries Grace a nd Nathan)

My source for this Tilden research is the 1930 Emma A. Smith bound hand written manucripts Vol I and Vol III. I found them in the New York City Public Library in the 1960's. She did her research at the request of Samue l J. Tilden (Gov. of New York, etc). Since we now have Xerox, I went back about 5 years ago to examine them again and most volumes were missing including I and III.

Since Grace was a twin, it would not be surprising to find that her childr en Grace and Jonathan Oldham were twins. The dates you have suggest this.

Elizabeth Tilden Berkeley Heights, NJ j. Samuel5 (Samuel4TILDEN, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. Sept 4, 173 9; d. South Coventry CN May 29, 1834; m.(1) Nov 10, 1764/5 Mercy Hat ch b. March 17, 1744, d. March 6, 1781/2. 10 children; m.(2) 1784 Grace Ha tch, d. Marshfield, MA July 23, 1824; 2 children. Grace was the sist er of Mercy. Samuel was a church Deacon. From his father's estate prov ed March 31, 1774 he received his father's clock, all of his farming tool s, his desk, his cane, his guns swords and pistols, one bed and furnitur e, his clothes, his pew in the meeting house in the north society in Marsh field, one horse and one pair of oxen. 12 children (TILDEN).

10 children of Deacon Samuel Tilden and (1) Mercy Hatch (TILDEN):

(1) Capt. Samuel6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. April 15, 1765; d. March 1844; m. bef 1791 Peggy Foster, b.ca 17 72 d. Marshfield MA June 1824 This Capt. Samuel Tilden was the maternal gr eat grandfather of Horace T. Fogg, lawyer, and treasurer of So Scituate Sa vings Bank. children (TILDEN):

(a) Mary7 (Samuel6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1).

(b) Amos H.7 (Samuel6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1) .

(2) Capt. Jotham6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Jan 10, 1767; d. Dec 18, 1843; m. Betsey Brooks. Generation 7 (con't) (a) Horatio N.7 (Jotham6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan 'l1). i H. Atwood8 (Horatio N.7TILDEN, Jotham6, Samuel5,Samuel4, Samuel3, Josep h2, Nathn'l1).

(3) Charles6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. D ec 22, 1768; d. Nov 25, 1851; m. Isabella Kirk. res Maine.

(4) Elisha6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. N ov 27, 1770; d. May 13, 1852; m. Grace Lovice. one child (TILDEN)

(a) Charlotte7 (Elisha6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nat hn'l1); m. Harvey Hall.

i Elisha W. HALL8 (Charlotte7TILDEN Hall, Elisha6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel 4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1).

(5) Benjamin6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Oct 31, 1772; d. May 13, 1829; m. Polly Wentworth.

(6) Dr. Calvin6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Sept 29, 1774; d. Jan 28, 1832; m. Catherine Hitchcock.

(7) Capt. Luther6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Jan 2, 1777; d. March 6, 1857; m. bef 1802 Philenda Brooks.

(a) Philenda7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn' l1), b. Boston MA Mar 1, 1802.

(b) Luther Albert7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, N athn'l1), b.Scituate, MA June 24, 1804.

(c) Julia7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn’l1) ,b. Scituate MA Dec 30, 1806.

(d) Sarah7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn’l1 ), b. Scituate MA Apr 24, 1809.

(e) William Phillips7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph 2, Nathn’l1), b. Scituate, MA May 9,1811. Eminent clergyman in Bost on MA whose birthplace was near the house occupied by Dr. Brownell of Norw ell.

(f) Lucy Brooks7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nat hn'l1), b. Scituate MA Aug 16, 1818.

(g) Caroline7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn' l1), b. Scituate MA Sept 4, 1820.

(8) Mercy6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. F eb 6,1778; d. March 17, 1817; m. Doty Little. res Maine.

(9) Huldah6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b.17 79.

(10) Hatch6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. F eb 18, 1781; d. Sept 10, 1861; m.(1) 1808 Hannah Hatch.

(a) Hannah P.7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ), b. 1809; d. 1833; m. 1828 Charles W. Macomber. Generation 7 (con't) (b) Henry7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Nathn'l1), b. 181 3; d. 1886.

(c) Edward7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ).

(d) (girl)7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ), m. Granville Damon.

Children of Deacon Samuel Tilden and (2) Grace Hatch (TILDEN):

(11) Grace6(twin) (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph 2, Nathan'l1), b. Dec 7, 1784; m. Capt. Joseph Oldham.

(12) Nathan6(twin) (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Dec 7, 1784; d. Apr 2, 1836; m. Apr 5, 1812 Narcissa Hatch b. ca 179 4. 8 children (TILDEN).

Joseph OLDHAM and Gracey TILDEN had the following children: ii. JOSEPH OLDHAM was born on 26 Jan 1820 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 08 Jul 1841 in At Sea 9.

iii. CHILD OLDHAM was born on 21 Jan 1822 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 25 Apr 1822 13 .

iv. GRACE OLDHAM was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died on 02 Sep 1826 9.

107. v. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . He died Y. He married EUNICE A. FAXSON on 02 Jun 1844 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87, 88 . She was born on 16 Nov 1823 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

75. DANIEL G.7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1879 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 73 . He married PRISCILLA KEENE in 1814 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born in 1787 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Daniel G. OLDHAM:

Came from Pembroke, Massachusetts with brother Thaddeus Oldham, Sr., first to Buckfield, then to Sumner where 7 of his children were born.

After 1830 Federal Census, he followed Thaddeus to Peru. He settled and built on a flat just below that of Thaddeus, whose farm was up the hillside, on the New County Road at Worthley Pond, known then as Silver Lake.

Daniel G. OLDHAM and Priscilla KEENE had the following children: i. ANNIE 8 OLDHAM was born in 1814 in Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

108. ii. DANIEL G. OLDHAM 89 was born on 11 Feb 1815 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Dec 1890 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) SOPHRONIA PIPER . She was born on 28 Sep 1826 in Otisfield, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died before 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (2) DIANTHA M. ALLEN on 14 Sep 1873 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of James UNKNOWN and Tabathy UNKNOWN. She was born on 05 Dec 1831 in Maine, USA. She died on 02 Apr 1921 in Phillips, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

109. iii. AXEL S. OLDHAM was born on 15 Mar 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1898 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) LYDIA MERRILL on 31 Oct 1867. She was born on 10 Jan 1844 in Maine, Generation 7 (con't)

USA. She died Y. He married (2) PRISCILLA KEENE LIBBY . She was born on 08 Sep 1816 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 08 Feb 1863 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

iv. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born in 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 15 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

v. MARINDA OLDHAM was born about 1824 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married ROSWELL BRIGGS . He was born about 1821 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

110. vi. PELEG F. OLDHAM was born on 18 Apr 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1911 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) MARY J. STARBIRD on 28 Mar 1861 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Jan 1840 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) LYDIA A. MERRILL . She was born on 10 Jan 1844. She died Y.

111. vii. HIRAM OLDHAM was born on 25 Dec 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 73 . He died on 17 Jul 1916 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELEANOR IRISH on 27 Nov 1846 in Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 91 , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 14 Jan 1829 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1898 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

112. viii. COLUMBUS OLDHAM 74 was born on 22 Mar 1830 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1914 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH ELIZABETH TRASK on 19 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Sep 1837 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

76. DESIRE 7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1788 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 31 Oct 1869 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. She married SAMUEL ALEXANDER NOYES after 09 Jun 1810 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1782 in New Hampshire, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1861 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA.

Notes for Desire OLDHAM: Sources Book-VR Gardiner, ME, 2:621.

2.[S2654] Book-Maine Families in 1790, Vol. 9, p.357.

3.[S972] Book-VR Gardiner, ME, 2:411.

4.[S1348] Census-1850-ME-Kennebec-Gardiner, 257:265.

Samuel Alexander NOYES and Desire OLDHAM had the following children: i. WILLIAM 8 NOYES was born about 1815 in Canada.

ii. ELIZABETH A. NOYES was born about 1821. She died on 09 Jun 1840 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA.

77. THADDEUS 7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 09 Mar 1790 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1872 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married CELIA FORD . She was born on 25 Apr 1791 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Thaddeus OLDHAM: Generation 7 (con't)

He and brother Daniel, came from Pembroke, Ma. to Buckfield prior to 1812, to Sumner prior to the 1820 USC, and than to Peru in the fall of 1827. He settled on the hillside on the New County Road as it left Worthley Pond up over the mountain to the valley of Peru Center. Here he cleared himself a lot and build himself a log cabin, where his last 4 sons were born.

Event: Military Service War Of 1812 Note: Served under Capt. David Bryant of Buckfield, in 1813, and for his service, he was granted a land grant.

Thaddeus OLDHAM and Celia FORD had the following children: i. HIRAM 8 OLDHAM was born on 10 May 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Aug 1900 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Hiram OLDHAM:

1850, living with his aunt Polly Churchill at Worthley Pond

ii. ISAAC OLDHAM was born in 1810 in Maine, USA. He died on 13 Apr 1897 in Caribou, Aroostook County, Maine, USA 90 .

113. iii. SIDNEY OLDHAM was born on 01 Jul 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1905 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married JOANNA RUSSELL on 22 Nov 1833 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 12 May 1813 in Maine, USA. She died in Dec 1886 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

114. iv. THADDEUS M. OLDHAM was born on 25 Nov 1812 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1900 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) SARAH P. DYER on 26 Jul 1855 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of Thomas DYER and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in May 1815 in Raymond, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died on 27 Feb 1901 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (2) SUSAN FLETCHER about 1839 in Maine, USA. She was born in 1814 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

v. JOANNA F. OLDHAM was born on 18 Sep 1814 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) CHANDLER RUSSELL on 17 Nov 1833 in Maine, USA. He was born about 1812. He died Y. She married (2) SIMEON BUTLER . He was born in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 74 .

vi. LEWIS OLDHAM was born in 1816 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 09 Nov 1840 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

vii. LUCY OLDHAM was born on 15 Dec 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died in 1899. She married DAVID KENNY about 1836 in Massachusetts, USA. He was born about 1815. He died Y.

115. viii. LOUISE A. OLDHAM was born on 29 Jan 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 18 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married HERMAN BRAWN POLAND . He was born on 16 May 1817 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74, 92 . He died on 08 Oct 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

ix. ELIAS S. OLDHAM was born on 28 Nov 1823 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 29 Oct 1844 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

x. BETSEY OLDHAM was born on 05 Dec 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 02 Dec 1899. She married EBENEZER BRIGGS about 1843 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1822. He died Y.

116. xi. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN OLDHAM was born on 17 Jun 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Jun 1918 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, Generation 7 (con't)

USA 90 . He married SARAH JANE IRISH , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 20 Aug 1832 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . She died on 19 May 1921 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

117. xii. JOHN OLDHAM was born on 27 Jan 1830 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1894 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA90 . He married ELLURA MELISSA HOWARD on 26 Aug 1854 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of John HOWARD and Eliza UNKNOWN. She was born on 13 Jan 1836 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 28 May 1908 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

xiii. HOSEA BALLOU OLDHAM was born on 27 Mar 1832 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 11 Jan 1853 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

78. CHLOE 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD (Samuel 6, Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 16 Sep 1754 58 . She died on 20 Sep 1822 58 . She married ZADOCK THOMAS on 15 Nov 1798 58 . He was born on 20 Sep 1772 58 . He died on 24 Apr 1848 58 .

Zadock THOMAS and Chloe RICHARDS\RICKARD had the following child: 118. i. ANDREW 8 THOMAS was born on 14 Oct 1806 58 . He died on 29 Dec 1888 58 . He married ELVIRA BROWN on 25 Sep 1833 58 . She was born on 04 Oct 1813 58 . She died on 10 May 1907 58 .

79. LYDIA 7 OLDHAM (Abel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Apr 1790 70 . She died on 19 Jan 1868 70 . She married (1) JOHN OAKS on 28 Jun 1810. He was born on 09 Jun 1784 in Winchester, New Hampshire 70 . He died on 27 Jul 1816 70 . She married (2) TIMOTHY SMITH in 1824 70 .

Notes for Lydia OLDHAM:

Subject: Oldham Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 17:09:44 -0700 From: Sharon Wirt To: joldham@@indy.net

I saw on your World Connect page that Lydia Oldham was married to John Oaks and Timothy Smith. Do you know if she was married three times? I read on the Oaks Oaks that she married Timothy Smith and John Follett. Could this be the same Lydia Oldham? We have the same birth date and same parents. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Sharon frogger@@pacbell.net

John OAKS and Lydia OLDHAM had the following children: i. NANCY 8 OAKS was born Y70 .

ii. ELIPHALET OAKS was born Y70 .

iii. ABEL OAKS was born Y70 .

iv. STUTSON OAKS was born Y70 .

80. SARAH 7 OLDHAM (Isaac 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 11 Nov 1761 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ABEL STETSON on 01 Dec 1782 in Massachusetts, USA 9, son of Abel STETSON and Lydia UNKNOWN. He was born Y54 .

Notes for Sarah OLDHAM:

Mentioned in her grandfather's will as the wife of Abel Stetson and the da ugher of his son Isaac , dec'd Generation 7 (con't) Abel STETSON and Sarah OLDHAM had the following child: i. ISAAC OLDHAM 8 STETSON was born on 08 Mar 1792 9. He died Y. He married EMILY JOSSLYN on 06 May 1821 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 .

81. DAVID S.7 OLDHAM PJR (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Aug 1776 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married DEBORAH B. BARKER on 24 Sep 1798 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , daughter of Ebenezer BARKER and Priscilla LORING. She was born on 18 Aug 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died after 12 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

Notes for David S. OLDHAM PJr: Genealogies of the different families bearing the name of Kent in the United States, together with their possible English ancestors, page 83

David Oldham of Pembroke, Esq. in considers of $182.79 paud b Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, shipwright, conveyed 25 acres 34 rods of woodland in Marshfield & is part of lot sold by Polly Phillips to Aurora W. Oldham & bounded by land of Joshua Loring &c. Dated January 15, 1839

Jabez Hatch of Marshfield, blacksmith, in consideration of $41.12 paid by Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, Shipwright, conveyed 7 acres of woodland in Marshfield, being a part I purchased of David Oldham & bounded by land of George Bailey, Asa Sherman &land of said Kent. Dated May 1st 1839

David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER had the following children: 99. i. AURORA WILLIAMS 8 OLDHAM 79 was born on 24 Jan 1799 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 05 Mar 1865 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married JANE M. SMITH on 03 Nov 1824 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born in 1804 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 26 Jun 1879 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 81 .

100. ii. SOPHRONIA OLDHAM was born on 09 Mar 1800 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married CHARLES DYER on 21 Oct 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

iii. PRISCILLA LORING OLDHAM was born on 30 Jun 1803 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married FREEMAN L. JOSSELYN on 11 Dec 1820 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Jonathan JOSSELYN and Jane UNKNOWN. He was born on 03 Aug 1798 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

iv. REBECCA CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 02 Nov 1804 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married PELHAM WINSLOW BONNEY on 12 Oct 1828 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 82 , son of Jonathan BONNEY and Margaret TORREY. He was born on 13 Jul 1798 19 . He died Y.

101. v. JULIA ANN OLDHAM was born on 14 Apr 1806 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 18 Feb 1891 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married ISAIAH STETSON PERRY on 05 May 1831 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 23 Mar 1809 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 08 Jun 1883 9.

102. vi. JOHN OLDHAM PII was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9. He married ADELINE MANN on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA 9, daughter of David Generation 7 (con't) MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM. She was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9.

vii. DEBORAH BARKER OLDHAM was born on 03 Mar 1810 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 17 Mar 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

viii. MARY BARKER OLDHAM was born on 20 Nov 1814 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married EDWARD YOUNG PERRY , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 04 Oct 1812 19 . He died Y.

82. SARAH 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Aug 1778 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married ALLEN HOWLAND on 23 Oct 1796 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER. He was born on 12 Nov 1771 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

Notes for Allen HOWLAND:

Descendant of Arthur HOWLAND

Allen HOWLAND and Sarah OLDHAM had the following children: i. JAIRUS 8 HOWLAND was born on 11 Nov 1794 9. He died on 30 Oct 1799 9.

ii. ALLEN HOWLAND was born on 14 Oct 1799 9. He died Y. He married RUTH ELLIS on 21 Mar 1827 9.

iii. MICHAEL HOWLAND was born on 31 Dec 1800 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA BARTLETT on 28 Nov 1828 9. She died Y.

iv. MAHALA HOWLAND was born on 05 May 1803 9. She died Y. She married AMBROSE PARRIS on 28 Oct 1832 9.

v. LUCY HOWLAND was born on 06 May 1805 9. She died Y. She married (1) NATHAN STEVENS . She married (2) JARED SHURLEFF .

vi. CANDACE HOWLAND was born on 14 Sep 1807 9. She died on 22 Apr 1826 9.

vii. SALLY O. HOWLAND was born on 08 May 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 83, 84 . She died on 20 Oct 1836 in North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 84 . She married AMASA EDSON on 18 Oct 1829 in North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 83 . He was born on 03 Feb 1804 in North Parish, Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 83 . He died Y.

Notes for Sally O. HOWLAND:

282-7 AMASA6 Edson, son of William5 Edson (#282) and Mary Randall, born ab out Feb. 3, 1804, North Parish, Bridgewater, Mass., married, 1st, Oct. 18, 1 829, North Bridgewater, Mass., Sally O. Howland, born May 8, 1809, Pembroke, Mass., daught er of Allen Howland and Sally Oldham. She died Oct. 20, 1836, North Bridgewat, 2nd, his first cousin once removed, Mary7 Edson (#279-13), born June 18, 1815, Dorcheste r, Mass., daughter of Jacob6 Edson (#279-2) and Hannah Bird. She died July 31, 1873, North Bridgewater, Mass. He married, 3rd, Dec. 10, 1874, North Bridgewater, Mass., as her second husb and, his own cousin, Melinda6 Edson (#279-9), born Mar. 12, 1804, Bridgewater, Mass., daughter of Seth5 Edson (#279) and Theodora Howard, widow of Enos Talbot, and aunt of his second wi fe. Shedied Mar. 31,1883, Stoughton, Mass.

viii. DAVID OLDHAM HOWLAND was born on 08 Nov 1811 9. He died Y. He married (1) MARY H. FORD . He married (2) MRS. MARTHA MASON . Generation 7 (con't)

ix. MIRAM HOWLAND was born on 17 Mar 1814 9. She died on 28 Apr 1834 9.

x. URANIA HOWLAND was born in 1817 9. She died Y. She married JOHN POLDEN .

xi. REBECCA HOWLAND was born on 27 Jan 1820 9. She died on 14 Aug 1834 9.

83. HANNAH 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 23 Feb 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y. She married LUTHER HOWLAND on 27 Dec 1797 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 , son of Robert HOWLAND and Ruth CROOKER\CROCKER.

Luther HOWLAND and Hannah OLDHAM had the following child: 103. i. JARIUS 8 HOWLAND was born in 1817 85 . He died in 1880. He married DEBORAH LITTLE FISH in 1839 85 . She was born in 1820. She died in 1897.

84. REBECCA CHANDLER 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Sep 1785 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . She died in Jan 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married DAVID MANN PJR on 24 Jan 1805 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of David MANN and Elizabeth BATES. He was born on 29 Nov 1782 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 57 . He died Y.

David MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM had the following children: 104. i. JOHN C.8 MANN was born Y9. He died Y. He married SYLVIA L. UNKNOWN .

ii. DAVID OLDHAM MANN was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y.

105. iii. JONATHAN OLDHAM OR C. MANN was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA ANN SEARS on 04 Nov 1834 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born on 17 Aug 1810 9. She died Y.

iv. ALMIRA MANN was born on 02 Apr 1811 9. She died Y. She married GEORGE TABOR on 20 Sep 1835 9.

v. ADELINE MANN was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9. She married JOHN OLDHAM PII on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA 9, son of David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER. He was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9.

vi. ELIZABETH BATES MANN was born on 16 Dec 1815 9. She died Y. She married ROBERT RAMSDELL on 20 Sep 1835 9.

vii. MARY T. MANN was born on 15 Jul 1820 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 86 . She died Y. She married SETH WHITMAN on 23 Sep 1846 9. He died Y.

Notes for Mary T. MANN:

john whitman of plymouth pg 328

4618. 3. Dea. Seth Whitman, b. jan 31, 1811; m. 1 apr 1839, Sarah Chipman, daughter of David and Charlotte (Thomas) Goodspeed, b. Duxbury, 1814; d. feb 8 1841; m.2. Sept 23, 1846, Mary T. daughter of David and Rebecca (Oldham) Mann, b. jul 15, 1820; a carpenter; residence, Pembroke; has been Town Clerk, Treasurer, and represented the town in the Legislature, 1850, was deacon of the First Parish Church; 4 children

viii. LUCY P. MANN was born on 03 Sep 1822 9. She died Y. She married HOYACE J. FOSTER .

85. LUCY 7 OLDHAM (David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Nov 1786 in Generation 7 (con't) Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . She died in Feb 1860 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She married SAMUEL PERRY PJR on 27 Nov 1807 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 26 Sep 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 18 . He died Y.

Samuel PERRY PJr and Lucy OLDHAM had the following children: i. OTIS 8 PERRY was born on 18 Apr 1808 19 . He died Y.

ii. ALMIRA PERRY was born on 01 Apr 1811 19 . She died Y.

iii. HORATIO PERRY was born on 04 May 1814 19 . He died Y.

86. JOSEPH 7 OLDHAM (Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Sep 1780 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 17 Apr 1825 in Massachusetts, USA 9. He married (1) RUTH BAILEY on 14 Dec 1815 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She was born about 1791 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He married (2) GRACEY TILDEN on 23 May 1819 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 65 . She was born in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

Joseph OLDHAM and Ruth BAILEY had the following child: i. RUTH BAILEY 8 OLDHAM was born on 24 Jan 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . She died on 23 Jun 1817 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . Notes for Gracey TILDEN:

from Elizabeth Tilden hide details 6/21/ to Oldham.jan@@gmail.com date Jun 21, 2006 1:51 PM subject Oldham/Tilden genealogy mailed-by hotmail.com

Hello Jan--

Thank you for your listing of Joseph Oldham/Grace Tilden on WorldConnect.

My husband is descended from Nathan Tilden, the twin of Grace Tilden who m . Capt Joseph Oldham. I did not know who her children were.

During 40 years of Tilden research I have found most are confused about Grace's mother. Her mother was Grace Hatch the 2nd wife of Deacon Samuel Tilden. He was 1st married to Mercy Hatch (Grace's sister) who was the mother of all but 2 of his children. SEE ATTACHMENT (last entries Grace a nd Nathan)

My source for this Tilden research is the 1930 Emma A. Smith bound hand written manucripts Vol I and Vol III. I found them in the New York City Public Library in the 1960's. She did her research at the request of Samue l J. Tilden (Gov. of New York, etc). Since we now have Xerox, I went back about 5 years ago to examine them again and most volumes were missing including I and III.

Since Grace was a twin, it would not be surprising to find that her childr en Grace and Jonathan Oldham were twins. The dates you have suggest this.

Elizabeth Tilden Berkeley Heights, NJ

j. Samuel5 (Samuel4TILDEN, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. Sept 4, 173 9; d. South Coventry CN May 29, 1834; m.(1) Nov 10, 1764/5 Mercy Hat ch b. March 17, 1744, d. March 6, 1781/2. 10 children; m.(2) 1784 Grace Ha tch, d. Marshfield, MA July 23, 1824; 2 children. Grace was the sist er of Mercy. Samuel was a church Deacon. From his father's estate prov ed March 31, 1774 he received his father's clock, all of his farming tool s, his desk, his cane, his guns swords and pistols, one bed and furnitur e, his clothes, his pew in the meeting house in the north society in Marsh field, Generation 7 (con't) one horse and one pair of oxen. 12 children (TILDEN).

10 children of Deacon Samuel Tilden and (1) Mercy Hatch (TILDEN):

(1) Capt. Samuel6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. April 15, 1765; d. March 1844; m. bef 1791 Peggy Foster, b.ca 17 72 d. Marshfield MA June 1824 This Capt. Samuel Tilden was the maternal gr eat grandfather of Horace T. Fogg, lawyer, and treasurer of So Scituate Sa vings Bank. children (TILDEN):

(a) Mary7 (Samuel6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1).

(b) Amos H.7 (Samuel6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1) .

(2) Capt. Jotham6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Jan 10, 1767; d. Dec 18, 1843; m. Betsey Brooks.

(a) Horatio N.7 (Jotham6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan 'l1). i H. Atwood8 (Horatio N.7TILDEN, Jotham6, Samuel5,Samuel4, Samuel3, Josep h2, Nathn'l1).

(3) Charles6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. D ec 22, 1768; d. Nov 25, 1851; m. Isabella Kirk. res Maine.

(4) Elisha6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. N ov 27, 1770; d. May 13, 1852; m. Grace Lovice. one child (TILDEN)

(a) Charlotte7 (Elisha6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nat hn'l1); m. Harvey Hall.

i Elisha W. HALL8 (Charlotte7TILDEN Hall, Elisha6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel 4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1).

(5) Benjamin6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Oct 31, 1772; d. May 13, 1829; m. Polly Wentworth.

(6) Dr. Calvin6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Sept 29, 1774; d. Jan 28, 1832; m. Catherine Hitchcock.

(7) Capt. Luther6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Jan 2, 1777; d. March 6, 1857; m. bef 1802 Philenda Brooks.

(a) Philenda7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn' l1), b. Boston MA Mar 1, 1802.

(b) Luther Albert7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, N athn'l1), b.Scituate, MA June 24, 1804.

(c) Julia7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn’l1) ,b. Scituate MA Dec 30, 1806.

(d) Sarah7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn’l1 ), b. Scituate MA Apr 24, 1809.

(e) William Phillips7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph 2, Nathn’l1), b. Scituate, MA May 9,1811. Eminent clergyman in Bost on MA whose birthplace was near the house occupied by Dr. Brownell of Norw ell. Generation 7 (con't) (f) Lucy Brooks7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nat hn'l1), b. Scituate MA Aug 16, 1818.

(g) Caroline7 (Luther6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn' l1), b. Scituate MA Sept 4, 1820.

(8) Mercy6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. F eb 6,1778; d. March 17, 1817; m. Doty Little. res Maine.

(9) Huldah6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b.17 79.

(10) Hatch6 (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1), b. F eb 18, 1781; d. Sept 10, 1861; m.(1) 1808 Hannah Hatch.

(a) Hannah P.7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ), b. 1809; d. 1833; m. 1828 Charles W. Macomber.

(b) Henry7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Nathn'l1), b. 181 3; d. 1886.

(c) Edward7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ).

(d) (girl)7 (Hatch6TILDEN, Samuel5, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathn'l1 ), m. Granville Damon.

Children of Deacon Samuel Tilden and (2) Grace Hatch (TILDEN):

(11) Grace6(twin) (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph 2, Nathan'l1), b. Dec 7, 1784; m. Capt. Joseph Oldham.

(12) Nathan6(twin) (Samuel5TILDEN, Samuel4, Samuel3, Joseph2, Nathan'l1 ), b. Dec 7, 1784; d. Apr 2, 1836; m. Apr 5, 1812 Narcissa Hatch b. ca 179 4. 8 children (TILDEN).

Joseph OLDHAM and Gracey TILDEN had the following children: ii. JOSEPH OLDHAM was born on 26 Jan 1820 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 08 Jul 1841 in At Sea 9.

iii. CHILD OLDHAM was born on 21 Jan 1822 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 13 . He died on 25 Apr 1822 13 .

iv. GRACE OLDHAM was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died on 02 Sep 1826 9.

107. v. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . He died Y. He married EUNICE A. FAXSON on 02 Jun 1844 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87, 88 . She was born on 16 Nov 1823 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

87. DANIEL G.7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1783 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1879 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 73 . He married PRISCILLA KEENE in 1814 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born in 1787 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Daniel G. OLDHAM:

Came from Pembroke, Massachusetts with brother Thaddeus Oldham, Sr., first to Buckfield, then to Sumner where 7 of his children were born.

After 1830 Federal Census, he followed Thaddeus to Peru. He settled and built on a flat just below that of Thaddeus, whose farm was up the hillside, on the New County Road at Worthley Pond, Generation 7 (con't) known then as Silver Lake.

Daniel G. OLDHAM and Priscilla KEENE had the following children: i. ANNIE 8 OLDHAM was born in 1814 in Buckfield, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

108. ii. DANIEL G. OLDHAM 89 was born on 11 Feb 1815 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Dec 1890 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) SOPHRONIA PIPER . She was born on 28 Sep 1826 in Otisfield, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died before 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (2) DIANTHA M. ALLEN on 14 Sep 1873 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of James UNKNOWN and Tabathy UNKNOWN. She was born on 05 Dec 1831 in Maine, USA. She died on 02 Apr 1921 in Phillips, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

109. iii. AXEL S. OLDHAM was born on 15 Mar 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1898 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) LYDIA MERRILL on 31 Oct 1867. She was born on 10 Jan 1844 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) PRISCILLA KEENE LIBBY . She was born on 08 Sep 1816 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 08 Feb 1863 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

iv. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born in 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 15 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

v. MARINDA OLDHAM was born about 1824 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married ROSWELL BRIGGS . He was born about 1821 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

110. vi. PELEG F. OLDHAM was born on 18 Apr 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1911 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) MARY J. STARBIRD on 28 Mar 1861 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Jan 1840 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) LYDIA A. MERRILL . She was born on 10 Jan 1844. She died Y.

111. vii. HIRAM OLDHAM was born on 25 Dec 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 73 . He died on 17 Jul 1916 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELEANOR IRISH on 27 Nov 1846 in Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 91 , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 14 Jan 1829 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1898 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

112. viii. COLUMBUS OLDHAM 74 was born on 22 Mar 1830 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1914 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH ELIZABETH TRASK on 19 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Sep 1837 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

88. DESIRE 7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born about 1788 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 31 Oct 1869 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. She married SAMUEL ALEXANDER NOYES after 09 Jun 1810 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1782 in New Hampshire, USA. He died on 11 Jul 1861 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA.

Notes for Desire OLDHAM: Sources Book-VR Gardiner, ME, 2:621.

2.[S2654] Book-Maine Families in 1790, Vol. 9, p.357. Generation 7 (con't) 3.[S972] Book-VR Gardiner, ME, 2:411.

4.[S1348] Census-1850-ME-Kennebec-Gardiner, 257:265.

Samuel Alexander NOYES and Desire OLDHAM had the following children: i. WILLIAM 8 NOYES was born about 1815 in Canada.

ii. ELIZABETH A. NOYES was born about 1821. She died on 09 Jun 1840 in Gardiner, Kennebec County, Maine, USA.

89. THADDEUS 7 OLDHAM (Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 09 Mar 1790 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1872 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married CELIA FORD . She was born on 25 Apr 1791 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Thaddeus OLDHAM:

He and brother Daniel, came from Pembroke, Ma. to Buckfield prior to 1812, to Sumner prior to the 1820 USC, and than to Peru in the fall of 1827. He settled on the hillside on the New County Road as it left Worthley Pond up over the mountain to the valley of Peru Center. Here he cleared himself a lot and build himself a log cabin, where his last 4 sons were born.

Event: Military Service War Of 1812 Note: Served under Capt. David Bryant of Buckfield, in 1813, and for his service, he was granted a land grant.

Thaddeus OLDHAM and Celia FORD had the following children: i. HIRAM 8 OLDHAM was born on 10 May 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . He died on 26 Aug 1900 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Hiram OLDHAM:

1850, living with his aunt Polly Churchill at Worthley Pond

ii. ISAAC OLDHAM was born in 1810 in Maine, USA. He died on 13 Apr 1897 in Caribou, Aroostook County, Maine, USA 90 .

113. iii. SIDNEY OLDHAM was born on 01 Jul 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1905 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married JOANNA RUSSELL on 22 Nov 1833 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 12 May 1813 in Maine, USA. She died in Dec 1886 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

114. iv. THADDEUS M. OLDHAM was born on 25 Nov 1812 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1900 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) SARAH P. DYER on 26 Jul 1855 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of Thomas DYER and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in May 1815 in Raymond, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died on 27 Feb 1901 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (2) SUSAN FLETCHER about 1839 in Maine, USA. She was born in 1814 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

v. JOANNA F. OLDHAM was born on 18 Sep 1814 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) CHANDLER RUSSELL on 17 Nov 1833 in Maine, USA. He was born about 1812. He died Y. She married (2) SIMEON BUTLER . He was born in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA 74 .

vi. LEWIS OLDHAM was born in 1816 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 09 Nov 1840 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. Generation 7 (con't)

vii. LUCY OLDHAM was born on 15 Dec 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died in 1899. She married DAVID KENNY about 1836 in Massachusetts, USA. He was born about 1815. He died Y.

115. viii. LOUISE A. OLDHAM was born on 29 Jan 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 18 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married HERMAN BRAWN POLAND . He was born on 16 May 1817 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74, 92 . He died on 08 Oct 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

ix. ELIAS S. OLDHAM was born on 28 Nov 1823 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 29 Oct 1844 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

x. BETSEY OLDHAM was born on 05 Dec 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 02 Dec 1899. She married EBENEZER BRIGGS about 1843 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1822. He died Y.

116. xi. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN OLDHAM was born on 17 Jun 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Jun 1918 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH JANE IRISH , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 20 Aug 1832 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . She died on 19 May 1921 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

117. xii. JOHN OLDHAM was born on 27 Jan 1830 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1894 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA90 . He married ELLURA MELISSA HOWARD on 26 Aug 1854 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of John HOWARD and Eliza UNKNOWN. She was born on 13 Jan 1836 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 28 May 1908 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

xiii. HOSEA BALLOU OLDHAM was born on 27 Mar 1832 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 11 Jan 1853 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

90. AMOS 7 PEARSON (Abigail 6 GATES, Hannah 5 OLDHAM, Samuel 4 OLDHAM, Richard 3 OLDHAM, John "Mad Jack" 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1734 in Lyndeborough, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA. He died about 1783. He married ALICE BARRON , daughter of Joshua BARRON and Lavina DERBY. She died Y.

Notes for Amos PEARSON:

Was Sergeant of the Reading Miitary Company and answered the call at Lexington on 19 Apr 1775. He m. Elizabeth Nichols, a gd dau. of Capt. Thomas Nichols of the Reading Military Company, a soldier in King Phillip's War and a Selectman of Reading for thirty-one consecutive years. The son of Amos and Elizabeth Nichols Pearson.

Amos PEARSON and Alice BARRON had the following child: i. HIRAM 8 PEARSON was born in 1770 in Bradford, Orange County, Vermont, USA. He died in 1856.

Notes for Hiram PEARSON:

Lived in Bradford, Vermont, where his house is still standing. He removed to the nearby town of Oxford, New Hampshire. He m. Alice Barron, dau. of Ensign Joshua Barron (a Revolutionary soldier, and later under arms as a Green Mountain Boy) and Lavina Derby, his wife.

91. JAMES 7 GATES (Oldham 6, Hannah 5 OLDHAM, Samuel 4 OLDHAM, Richard 3 OLDHAM, John "Mad Jack" 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1753 60 . He died about 1830. He married RACHEL FALES in 1775. She died Y.

James GATES and Rachel FALES had the following child: Generation 7 (con't)

138. i. OLDHAM 8 GATES was born in 1800 in Canada 60 . He died in 1865. He married LAVINA MCNEIL . She was born in 1799 71 . She died on 27 Aug 1848 in Wilmot 1 Cemetery, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia 71 . Generation 8

92. JOSHUA 8 NICHOLS (Joseph 7, Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 01 Apr 1773 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He died on 15 Aug 1853 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married REBECCA WITHERELL on 06 Jan 1803. She died on 10 Aug 1828 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 63 .

Joshua NICHOLS and Rebecca WITHERELL had the following children: i. OLIVE 9 NICHOLS was born on 05 Apr 1804 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died Y. She married ROYAL COLUMBUS FAIRFIELD .

ii. HERVEY NICHOLS was born on 01 Jun 1806 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died Y. He married WEALTHY WILLIAMS .

139. iii. VARNUM NICHOLS was born on 23 Mar 1808 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 06 Nov 1856 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married ELIZA LITCHFIELD CUDWORTH about 11 Dec 1830 44 .

iv. LUCY NICHOLS was born on 19 Jan 1810 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died on 18 Mar 1826 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 .

140. v. ALBERT NICHOLS was born on 05 Jan 1812 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 01 Feb 1901 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married CLARINDA B. JOHNSON .

vi. MARY NICHOLS was born on 04 Nov 1813 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 63 . She died Y. She married ORRIN CHILSON on 06 Dec 1844 44 .

vii. JOHN NICHOLS was born on 08 Jan 1816 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died Y. He married MARY E. MERRILL .

viii. ASAHEL NICHOLS was born on 30 Sep 1818 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He died Y.

ix. THERON NICHOLS was born on 23 Jan 1822 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died in Ohio, USA.

93. JOHN 8 WING (Betty Or Betsey 7 OLDHAM, Thomas 6 OLDHAM, Thomas 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 01 Nov 1779 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 64, 75 . He died in At Sea 9. He married FANNIE FLORENCE GREENE on 08 Apr 1802 in Warwick, Kent County, Rhode Island, USA 77 , daughter of Stephen GREENE and Patience WALL. She died Y.

Notes for John WING:

Died in the Shipwreck of the "Susan and Clarissa" off Watch Hill on a tr ip between Providence and New York.

John WING and Fannie Florence GREENE had the following children: i. PATIENCE GREENE 9 WING was born Y75 . She died Y. She married CALEB MATTHEWS . He was born Y9.

ii. PATIENCE WING was born Y75 . She died Y.

Notes for Patience WING:

Died in Infancy Generation 8 (con't)

iii. MARY GREENE WING was born Y75 . She died Y.

Notes for Mary Greene WING:

Never Married

iv. SAMUEL WING was born Y75 . He died Y. He married (1) EVALINE KENT . She was born Y75 . She died Y. He married (2) ANN MARIA WALKER . She was born Y75 . She died Y.

v. SALLY WING was born Y75 . She died Y.

vi. JOHN WING was born Y75 . He died Y. He married ABBY WALKER . She was born Y75 .

vii. FANNY WING was born Y75 . She died Y.

Notes for Fanny WING:

Never Married

viii. BETSEY OLDHAM WING was born Y75 . She died Y. She married OTIS MARTIN . He was born Y75 . He died Y.

ix. HANNAH HALL WING was born on 16 Nov 1808 75 . She died Y.

94. JOHN T. OLDHAM (John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Mar 1782 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died Y.

Notes for John T. OLDHAM:

No record of his marriage or children, but it is possible that he is the father of the John Oldham, Jr. who has a son born in 1834, a son born in 1836 and a daughter in 1839 in Duxbury, Massachusetts

John T. OLDHAM had the following child: i. JOHN 9 OLDHAM was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

95. CHANDLER 8 OLDHAM (John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 28 Jun 1784 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA66 . He died Y. He married (1) RUTH SOUTHWORTH on 21 Oct 1818 in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 78 , daughter of Nathaniel SOUTHWORTH and Deborah HATCH. She was born in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 78 . He married (2) SALLY SOUTHWORTH on 31 Dec 1812 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA, daughter of Nathaniel SOUTHWORTH and Deborah HATCH. She was born about 1791 9. She died in 1817 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He married (3) REBECCA UNKNOWN about 1805. She was born about 1783 9. She died on 27 Jul 1808 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

Chandler OLDHAM and Ruth SOUTHWORTH had the following children: 141. i. MARTIN 9 OLDHAM was born on 20 Jul 1819 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y. He married MERCY SWIFT on 12 Dec 1841 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , daughter of Lot SWIFT and Mercy WESTON. She was born about 1822 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

142. ii. SARAH W. OLDHAM was born on 04 Jul 1821 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married BENJAMIN LEWIS on 04 Jun 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 .

iii. ABEL OLDHAM was born on 15 Oct 1823 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 17 Nov 1841 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

iv. CHILD OLDHAM was born on 30 Jun 1826 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Generation 8 (con't) Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 31 Dec 1826 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

v. CHANDLER OLDHAM was born on 11 Sep 1828 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

vi. THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 12 Apr 1831 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

vii. HORACE OLDHAM was born in Jun 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 93 . He died Y. Chandler OLDHAM and Sally SOUTHWORTH had the following child: viii. MARTIN OLDHAM was born on 04 Nov 1815 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 30 Apr 1816 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . Chandler OLDHAM and Rebecca UNKNOWN had the following child: 143. ix. MARY OLDHAM was born on 19 Oct 1806 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married JOB BREWSTER on 18 Nov 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Job BREWSTER and Betsey PAULDING. He died Y.

96. THOMAS 8 OLDHAM (John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 25 Apr 1786 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . He died on 17 Feb 1844 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 71 . He married BETSEY BREWSTER before 1818 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, daughter of Job BREWSTER and Betsey PAULDING. She was born on 17 Jun 1801 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

Notes for Thomas OLDHAM:

Was a ships carpenter, like his father and there are several deeds on reco rd in which both father and son are so designated. (Ply Deed 123.135) J ohn Oldham of Duxbury, shipwright to Thomas Oldham of Duxbury shipwrigh t, the whole of my homestead and farm where I live in Duxbury, beingn 18 a cres ---bounding east by the road leading from the cross path to Isaac Win slow; north by the road from Isaac Winslows to Nathaniel Simmons and sou th and west on the road from NAthanieel Simmons to the first bound. Dat ed 10 May 1814. No wife signed this deed. Thomas was married before 1818, and from that time Betsey as wi fe of Thomas signs off her dower rights in various deeds. This was tr ue of the land and in deed 195.148 when Thomas Oldham of Duxbury sold to J ames Ford, land, house and bnry owned formerly by Mr. John Oldh am, my father, dated 16 Nov 1839 and witnessed by Gershom Bradford and Han nah Oldham.

Thomas OLDHAM and Betsey BREWSTER had the following children: i. ELIZABETH E.9 OLDHAM was born on 20 Dec 1819 in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45, 94 . She died Y. She married NELSON THOMAS on 15 Oct 1842 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

144. ii. HANNAH T. OLDHAM was born on 14 Jul 1821 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married LOT SWIFT PJR on 15 Nov 1840 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Lot SWIFT and Mercy WESTON. He was born on 20 Dec 1814 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

iii. MARTHA OLDHAM was born on 18 Jul 1824 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married WILLIAM SAUNDERS on 30 Nov 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He was born in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

iv. WILLIAM T. OLDHAM was born on 25 Dec 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 15 Jul 1841 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. Generation 8 (con't) Notes for William T. OLDHAM:


145. v. JOB BREWSTER OLDHAM was born on 17 Nov 1828 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y. He married MARIA LOUISA UNKNOWN . She was born about 1826 in Massachusetts, USA 65 . She died Y.

vi. JOHN S. OLDHAM was born on 17 Sep 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 12 Jan 1863 in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, USA 95 . He married ALMIRA UNKNOWN . She was born about 1834 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Notes for John S. OLDHAM:

Claimed Residence in Plymouth. Worked as a Stevedore Enlist Date 29 September 1861 Enlist Rank Priv EnlistAge 30S erved Massachusetts B Co. 24th Inf Reg. Massachusetts

Craven County New Bern, N.C. National Cemetery Page 89, LDS #0882937

John S. Oldham Died: Jan. 12, 1863

Co. B. 24th Mass. Regiment Section 9, Grave 65

146. vii. ROSELLA OLDHAM was born on 17 Sep 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married EDMUND ROBBINS . He was born about 1831 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

97. SALLY 8 OLDHAM (John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Jun 1794 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 . She died Y. She married JAMES FREEMAN in Oct 1819 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA45 .

James FREEMAN and Sally OLDHAM had the following children: i. ALLEN T.9 FREEMAN was born on 31 Dec 1821 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

ii. HENRY A. FREEMAN was born on 17 Mar 1823 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

iii. LEMUEL D. FREEMAN was born on 20 Jan 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

iv. ELIZABETH OLDHAM FREEMAN was born on 20 Mar 1828 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

v. SON FREEMAN was born on 08 Jan 1833 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

98. DANIEL 8 WESTON (Seth 7, Bethiah 6 OLDHAM, Caleb 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1790 68 . He died Y. He married PHEOBE SPOONER GIBBS on 25 Nov 1813 68 .

Daniel WESTON and Pheobe Spooner GIBBS had the following child: 147. i. DANIEL J.9 WESTON was born on 09 Dec 1823 68 . He died Y. He married MARY VOR WGLEESON .

99. AURORA WILLIAMS 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)79 was born on 24 Jan 1799 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 05 Generation 8 (con't)

Mar 1865 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married JANE M. SMITH on 03 Nov 1824 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born in 1804 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 26 Jun 1879 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 81 .

Notes for Aurora Williams OLDHAM: Genealogies of the different families bearing the name of Kent in the United States, together with their possible English ancestors, page 83

David Oldham of Pembroke, Esq. in considers of $182.79 paud b Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, shipwright, conveyed 25 acres 34 rods of woodland in Marshfield & is part of lot sold by Polly Phillips to Aurora W. Oldham & bounded by land of Joshua Loring &c. Dated January 15, 1839

Aurora Williams OLDHAM and Jane M. SMITH had the following children: i. JANE REID W.9 OLDHAM was born on 31 Oct 1825 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ISSAC GILMAN STETSON on 25 Oct 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 07 Aug 1826 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

148. ii. MILLER SMITH OLDHAM was born in Dec 1827 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married LUCRETIA M. UNKNOWN . She was born in 1827 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

iii. GEORGIANA M.W. OLDHAM was born on 20 Aug 1830 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married JULIUS JOSSELYN on 08 Apr 1848 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 , son of Eleazer JOSSELYN and Alice UNKNOWN. He was born on 02 Jul 1813 9. He died Y.

149. iv. HENRY WILLIAMS OLDHAM was born in Aug 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in 1875 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married HELEN M. UNKNOWN . She was born about 1838 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

v. MARY BARKER OLDHAM was born in Nov 1834 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y.

150. vi. ELLEN SMITH OLDHAM was born in Nov 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y. She married JAMES BARRETT WOOD on 28 Jun 1856 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA 97 . He was born on 23 Sep 1824 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

151. vii. GEORGE BARKER OLDHAM was born on 10 Jul 1839 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 27 Jul 1879 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (1) LUCY P. STOCKBRIDGE on 30 Apr 1871 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died on 08 Sep 1872 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (2) ELLEN MARIA BENSON on 16 Aug 1874, daughter of Henry F. BENSON and Christiana KEITH. She was born on 12 Feb 1849 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

152. viii. CHARLES J. OLDHAM was born in Oct 1841 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died before 1913. He married SARAH WALES MANN , daughter of Charles D. MANN and Mary LORTHROP. She was born on 02 Mar 1848 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 07 Mar 1913 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

ix. EMMA FRANCES OLDHAM was born on 06 Dec 1843 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died in Dec 1844 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

x. DAVID STOCKBRIDGE OLDHAM was born on 21 Aug 1845 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 23 Aug 1845 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . Generation 8 (con't)

xi. JULIA ANN OLDHAM was born on 16 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y.

100. SOPHRONIA 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 09 Mar 1800 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married CHARLES DYER on 21 Oct 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

Charles DYER and Sophronia OLDHAM had the following child: i. THEODORE 9 DYER was born on 19 Sep 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

101. JULIA ANN 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 14 Apr 1806 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 18 Feb 1891 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married ISAIAH STETSON PERRY on 05 May 1831 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 23 Mar 1809 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 08 Jun 1883 9.

Isaiah Stetson PERRY and Julia Ann OLDHAM had the following child: i. CHLOE STETSON 9 PERRY was born in 1833 9. She died on 28 Jun 1873.

102. JOHN 8 OLDHAM PII (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9. He married ADELINE MANN on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA9, daughter of David MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM. She was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9.

John OLDHAM PII and Adeline MANN had the following children: i. JOSIAH BARKER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . He died on 16 Sep 1849 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ii. JOHN WALDO OLDHAM was born on 04 Jun 1848 9. He died on 12 Sep 1849 9.

153. iii. WENDELL E. OLDHAM was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

iv. MARY A. OLDHAM was born about 1853 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. ABBIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

103. JARIUS 8 HOWLAND (Hannah 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1817 85 . He died in 1880. He married DEBORAH LITTLE FISH in 1839 85 . She was born in 1820. She died in 1897.

Jarius HOWLAND and Deborah Little FISH had the following child: 154. i. WILLIARD 9 HOWLAND was born in 1852 85 . He died Y. He married LOTTIE A. S. BARRY in 1874 85 . She was born in 1850. She died Y.

104. JOHN C.8 MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y9. He died Y. He married SYLVIA L. UNKNOWN .

John C. MANN and Sylvia L. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. JULIA A.9 MANN was born Y9. Generation 8 (con't)

ii. MARIA H. MANN was born Y9.

iii. JOHN H. MANN was born Y9.

iv. PRISCILLA J. MANN was born Y9.

105. JONATHAN OLDHAM OR C.8 MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA ANN SEARS on 04 Nov 1834 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born on 17 Aug 1810 9. She died Y.

Jonathan Oldham Or C. MANN and Eliza Ann SEARS had the following children: i. ELIZA ELLEN 9 MANN was born on 24 Aug 1837 9. She died Y.

ii. GEORGE HARRISON MANN was born on 22 Jan 1839 9. He died Y.

iii. MARY EMMA MANN 99 was born on 27 Sep 1842 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 100 . She died Y. She married EBEN G. RHODES .

Notes for Mary Emma MANN:

DAR ID Number: 18503

106. ADELINE MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9. She married JOHN OLDHAM PII on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA9, son of David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER. He was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9.

John OLDHAM PII and Adeline MANN had the following children: i. JOSIAH BARKER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . He died on 16 Sep 1849 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ii. JOHN WALDO OLDHAM was born on 04 Jun 1848 9. He died on 12 Sep 1849 9.

153. iii. WENDELL E. OLDHAM was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

iv. MARY A. OLDHAM was born about 1853 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. ABBIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

107. JONATHAN 8 OLDHAM (Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . He died Y. He married EUNICE A. FAXSON on 02 Jun 1844 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87, 88 . She was born on 16 Nov 1823 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Jonathan OLDHAM:

Was a resident of Medford, Massachusetts when he made a deed (285.40) in which as ship joiner he sold to Horace Hall, "the homestead formerly owned and occupied by my father Joseph Oldham and now occupied by said Horace Hall". At the time of the birth of his second daughter, Clara, he is listed as a sawyer.

They now reside in Charlestown (Boston), Mass., and he is a deputy sheriff. He formerly resided in Medford, Mass., and represented that town in the legislature. Generation 8 (con't)

EUNICE ALLEN FAXON8, (Asaph7, Asaph6, Elijah5, Eliashib4, Josiah3, Richard 2, Thomas1,) b. in Braintree, Nov. 16, 1823, daughter of Asaph7 and Eunice (Alle n) Faxon, m. June 2, 1844, Jonathan Oldham, b. May 13, 1823, son of Joseph and Grace (Tilden) Oldha m, of Scituate, Mass. They now reside in Charlestown (Boston), Mass., and he is a deputy sherif f. He formerly resided in Medford, Mass., and represented that town in the legislature.

Children born in Medford, Mass.:

1546. Eunice Adelaide9, b. April 7, 1845; d. Aug. 26, 1845. 1547. Clara Tilden9, b. July 1, 1847; m. Jan. 16, 1868, Josep h H. Knox, b. Aug. 27, 1842, son of Moses E. and Abby (Walker) Knox of Medford, Mass. They have one daughter , Grace Amanda10, b. Nov. 27, 1868. He is a state detective. Residence, Charlestown, Boston. 1548. Loring Joseph9, b. June 1, 1851; by profession an actor ; residence, Charlestown; unmarried. 1549. Eunice Allen9, b. Feb. 8, 1855; m. Nov. 21, 1873, Frede rick D. Gallupe, b. April 6, 1851, son of William Henry and Elizabeth Jane (Mears) Gallupe. They have one daughter Clara Elizabeth10, b. Sept. 10, 1874. He is a clerk; r esidence, Charlestown, Boston.

Jonathan OLDHAM and Eunice A. FAXSON had the following children: i. ADELADE EUNICE 9 OLDHAM was born on 07 Apr 1845 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died on 26 Aug 1845 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 21 .

156. ii. CLARA TILDEN OLDHAM was born on 01 Jul 1847 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died on 14 Apr 1886. She married JOSEPH HENRY KNOX , son of Moses E. KNOX and Abbey WALKER. He was born on 27 Aug 1842 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 .

iii. LORING JOSEPH OLDHAM was born on 01 Jun 1851 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . He died Y.

157. iv. EUNICE ALLEN OLDHAM was born on 08 Feb 1855 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y. She married FREDERICK D. GALLUPE on 21 Nov 1873 in Massachusetts, USA 87 , son of William Henry GALLUPE and Elizabeth Jane MEARS.

108. DANIEL G.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)89 was born on 11 Feb 1815 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Dec 1890 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) SOPHRONIA PIPER . She was born on 28 Sep 1826 in Otisfield, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died before 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (2) DIANTHA M. ALLEN on 14 Sep 1873 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of James UNKNOWN and Tabathy UNKNOWN. She was born on 05 Dec 1831 in Maine, USA. She died on 02 Apr 1921 in Phillips, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Daniel G. OLDHAM:

LDS site gives his birthplace as Otisfield, Maine

Daniel G. OLDHAM and Sophronia PIPER had the following children: i. DANIEL WILSON 9 OLDHAM was born on 24 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

158. ii. MERRITT HARTWELL OLDHAM was born on 03 Mar 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1944 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) ELLA E. ALLEN about 1881 in Maine, USA, daughter of Unknown ALLEN and Diantha M. ALLEN. She was born about 1855 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) CINDERELLA AGNES "DELLA" POLAND in Aug 1894. She was born on 25 Jan 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Feb 1945 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 92 .

iii. FLORELLA OLDHAM was born about 1861 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iv. ERNEST L. OLDHAM was born about 1863 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

v. CLARA E. OLDHAM was born about 1864 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. THOMAS C. OLDHAM was born about 1868 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married EDITH M. CHILD on 30 Sep 1893 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y. Marriage Notes:

Source: William Berry Lapham, History of Rumford, Oxford County, Maine: from its first settlement in 1779 to the present time (Augusta Me.: Press of the Maine Farmer, 1890).

109. AXEL S.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 15 Mar 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1898 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) LYDIA MERRILL on 31 Oct 1867. She was born on 10 Jan 1844 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) PRISCILLA KEENE LIBBY . She was born on 08 Sep 1816 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 08 Feb 1863 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Axel S. OLDHAM and Lydia MERRILL had the following children: i. CHARLES WILSON 9 OLDHAM was born on 21 Dec 1864 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died Y.

ii. HARIETT L. OLDHAM was born about 1868 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CLARA OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 103 . She died Y.

iv. SON OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y.

v. EVA M. OLDHAM was born about 1874 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. HATTIE EVELYN OLDHAM was born on 05 Jan 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 103 . Axel S. OLDHAM and Priscilla Keene LIBBY had the following children: vii. REUBEN L. OLDHAM was born on 31 Aug 1846 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 13 Aug 1879.

viii. WILSON OLDHAM was born on 05 Jun 1849 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 17 Sep 1852 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

ix. WALTER H. OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1852 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 21 Nov 1875 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

110. PELEG F.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Apr 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1911 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) MARY J. STARBIRD on 28 Mar 1861 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Jan 1840 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) LYDIA A. MERRILL . She was born on 10 Jan 1844. She died Y. Generation 8 (con't) Peleg F. OLDHAM and Mary J. STARBIRD had the following children: i. ANNIE E.9 OLDHAM 74 was born on 09 Dec 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 26 Oct 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married JAMES M. SHANNANHAN . He was born on 17 Jun 1860 74 . He died Y.

ii. JOANNA E. OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

159. iii. CALISTA J. OLDHAM was born on 20 Oct 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Dec 1926 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married RAMSOM D. WYMAN on 12 Mar 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 21 Jan 1858 in Wyman Hill, Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iv. MINNIE OLDHAM was born in 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married FRANK M. OLIVER on 20 Aug 1897 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

160. v. JOHN C. OLDHAM was born on 01 Dec 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 05 Oct 1946 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married SOPHIA A. REED on 25 Aug 1902 in Maine, USA. She was born on 26 Sep 1867 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born on 05 Jan 1868 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

vii. ANGIE OLDHAM was born about 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA74 . She died Y. She married ISAAC FARRINGTON . He was born about 1866 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

161. viii. EMERSON C. OLDHAM was born on 21 Jan 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1935 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MAUDE L. YORK on 27 Jan 1898 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 25 Oct 1877 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ix. IDA M. OLDHAM was born about 1873 in Maine, USA. She died Y. Peleg F. OLDHAM and Lydia A. MERRILL had the following child: x. CLARENCE L. OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Dec 1871 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

111. HIRAM 8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 25 Dec 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 73 . He died on 17 Jul 1916 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELEANOR IRISH on 27 Nov 1846 in Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 91 , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 14 Jan 1829 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1898 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Hiram OLDHAM:

Marriage records - int. Nov. 8, 1846. [m. Nov. 27, P.R.46.]

Lived at Worthly Pond, on the Scammopn Starbird Farm for a term of years. Wife died there.

1900 Federal Census, he is boarding with Mrs. Mary Randell

Hiram OLDHAM and Eleanor IRISH had the following children: i. MARY ELLEN 9 OLDHAM was born in 1848 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. EDWIN OLDHAM was born on 29 Oct 1850 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

162. iii. MARY ELLEN OLDHAM 104 was born on 18 Oct 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married FREELAND STARBIRD about 1863 in Maine, Generation 8 (con't) USA. He was born about 1842 in Woodstock, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

163. iv. HIRAM ROELLO OLDHAM 104 was born on 08 Aug 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) MARY E. EARL about 1873 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1845 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) NELLIE KERBY . She was born about 1855 in Alton, Penobscot County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

164. v. FRANCIS ATWOOD OLDHAM was born on 18 Mar 1854 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) EMILY UNKNOWN . She was born about 1858 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) ARDELIA UNKNOWN . She died Y.

vi. FREEMAN I. OLDHAM was born on 26 Apr 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

vii. CORA ANN OLDHAM 104 was born on 09 Apr 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married EDMUND B. HUTCHINS . He was born on 19 Aug 1852 in Paris, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

165. viii. BENJAMIN F. OLDHAM was born on 08 Sep 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1910 in Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90, 105 . He married HESTER A. RANDALL on 17 May 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1870. She died Y.

ix. ADDIE OLDHAM was born on 28 Feb 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

166. x. CHARLES L. OLDHAM was born on 26 Feb 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 07 Apr 1947 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married GRACE ARVILLA PARKER , daughter of Elbridge PARKER and Adaliza T. UNKNOWN. She was born about 1869 in Maine, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1902.

xi. ANNIE M. OLDHAM was born on 02 Nov 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

xii. LILLIAN OLDHAM was born in May 1873 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

112. COLUMBUS 8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 22 Mar 1830 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1914 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH ELIZABETH TRASK on 19 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Sep 1837 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Columbus OLDHAM and Sarah Elizabeth TRASK had the following children: 167. i. EUNICE TRASK OLDHAM was born on 06 Sep 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 12 Oct 1938 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married EDGAR MONTVILLE HOWARD . He was born on 08 Feb 1844 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

ii. ROSWELL B. OLDHAM was born about 1859 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

iii. LEONA S. OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iv. DELIA OLDHAM was born in 1865 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

v. GEORGE W. OLDHAM was born about 1867 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

vi. COLUMBUS A. OLDHAM was born about 1870 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

vii. MINNIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1874 in Maine, USA. She died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

viii. LOVELLE F. OLDHAM was born about 1877 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ROSE A. ROWE on 21 Mar 1914 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y.

113. SIDNEY 8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Jul 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1905 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married JOANNA RUSSELL on 22 Nov 1833 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 12 May 1813 in Maine, USA. She died in Dec 1886 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

Notes for Sidney OLDHAM:

Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Nason

has it that Sidney, when about the age of 20, walked all the way from Peru to Boston, found work at $12.00 per month, stayed about a year, then walked all the way back to Peru.

Sidney OLDHAM and Joanna RUSSELL had the following children: 168. i. SUSAN FLETCHER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1834 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ISAAC GLEASON WHITMAN on 20 Nov 1852 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 28 Sep 1824. He died Y.

ii. CORDAINE OLDHAM was born on 08 May 1836 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married DAVID A. CORLISS on 09 Sep 1854 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1833. He died Y.

169. iii. JOSEPH R. OLDHAM was born on 08 Jul 1838 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married SARAH T. STEVENS on 05 Aug 1860 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1842 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 18 Jun 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 .

170. iv. SARAH THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 02 Mar 1841 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1911. She married JOHN H. BARTLETT on 29 Jan 1859 in Maine, USA. He was born on 25 Jun 1835 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 26 Oct 1910.

v. MARIAM R. OLDHAM was born on 11 Apr 1842 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 10 May 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 107 .

vi. SIDNEY AUGUSTUS OLDHAM was born on 12 Apr 1844 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 21 Nov 1910 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Sidney Augustus OLDHAM also went by the name of Augustus.

Notes for Sidney Augustus OLDHAM:

Died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lucy Nason

never married, lived and cared for his parents at East Sumner from about 1865 to 1900, when he and father went to live with his sister, Mrs. Lucy Nason at Livermore Falls, where both he and father died.

vii. CHARLES F. OLDHAM was born on 08 Jan 1846 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1910 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA 107 . He married EUNICE S. RUSSELL on 06 Dec 1868 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1850. She died Y.

viii. STEPHEN B. OLDHAM was born on 09 Sep 1848 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Generation 8 (con't) Maine, USA. He died in 1910 in California, USA.

171. ix. LUCY M. OLDHAM was born on 05 Jul 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1928 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She married WILLIAM ALBERT NASON . He was born on 22 Oct 1848. He died Y.

x. DAVID K. OLDHAM was born in 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 May 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

xi. CELIA F. OLDHAM was born about 1857 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

xii. ADDIE G. OLDHAM was born in 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 28 Mar 1877 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

xiii. LILLIAN OLDHAM was born in 1873 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Jul 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

114. THADDEUS M. OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 25 Nov 1812 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1900 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) SARAH P. DYER on 26 Jul 1855 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of Thomas DYER and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in May 1815 in Raymond, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died on 27 Feb 1901 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (2) SUSAN FLETCHER about 1839 in Maine, USA. She was born in 1814 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Thaddeus M. OLDHAM and Sarah P. DYER had the following children: i. GEORGETTA 9 OLDHAM was born about 1852 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. LOVELL F. OLDHAM was born in 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y. Thaddeus M. OLDHAM and Susan FLETCHER had the following children: iii. DAVID GREEN OLDHAM was born on 21 Feb 1840 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 24 Feb 1901 in Worthley Pond, Peru County Maine, USA 90 .

David Green OLDHAM died on 24 Feb 1901 (LaGrippe). He also went by the name of Daniel G. Oldham.

Notes for David Green OLDHAM: Never married, lived and died on the home farm at Worthley Pond

iv. ELIAS S. OLDHAM was born on 10 Aug 1846 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 28 Dec 1910 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Elias S. OLDHAM died on 28 Dec 1910 (Vascular Disease of the heart).

Notes for Elias S. OLDHAM: Death Certificate states he is single.

115. LOUISE A.8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Jan 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 18 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married HERMAN BRAWN POLAND . He was born on 16 May 1817 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74, 92 . He died on 08 Oct 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

Herman Brawn POLAND and Louise A. OLDHAM had the following children: i. CAROLINE B.9 POLAND was born on 15 Jan 1842 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. LEWIS O. POLAND was born on 06 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

116. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Jun 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Jun 1918 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH JANE IRISH , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 20 Aug 1832 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . She died on 19 May 1921 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Benjamin Franklin OLDHAM and Sarah Jane IRISH had the following children: i. SIMEON L. B.9 OLDHAM was born on 04 Dec 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

ii. JOANNA FRANCES B. OLDHAM was born on 20 Oct 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married SANFORD P. PROCTOR on 31 Aug 1878 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born about 1849 in Massachusetts, USA.

iii. SAMUEL C. OLDHAM was born on 07 Oct 1862 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iv. ALONZO J. OLDHAM was born on 25 Oct 1864 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

117. JOHN OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 27 Jan 1830 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1894 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELLURA MELISSA HOWARD on 26 Aug 1854 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of John HOWARD and Eliza UNKNOWN. She was born on 13 Jan 1836 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 28 May 1908 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for John OLDHAM:

1880 Federal Census - Eliza Parlin age 78 also living in household, bn New Hampshire

Event: Military Service Civil War Note: Mustered 10/1/1861, age 31, married, of Peru, Pvt. Co H., 10th Maine Volunteers. Residence: 1860 Worthley Pond, Peru, Oxford Co., ME Note:John served during the Civil War and after coming home to Peru, he removed his family to Hartford Center, where he died. Wife Ellura was still alive in 1910.

John OLDHAM and Ellura Melissa HOWARD had the following children: 172. i. HARRIET ELIZA OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) HERBERT HAINES in Sep 1882 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1852. He died Y. She married (2) JAMES S. WIDBER on 01 Dec 1870. He was born about 1852. He died Y.

ii. JULIA L. OLDHAM was born on 29 Apr 1859 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

118. ANDREW 8 THOMAS (Chloe 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Samuel 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 14 Oct 1806 58 . He died on 29 Dec 1888 58 . He married ELVIRA BROWN on 25 Sep 1833 58 . She was born on 04 Oct 1813 58 . She died on 10 May 1907 58 .

Andrew THOMAS and Elvira BROWN had the following child: 173. i. ANDREW WALLACE 9 THOMAS was born on 09 Jan 1835 58 . He died on 15 Dec 1899 58 . He married SARAH ANN BALCOM on 01 Jan 1863 58 . She was born in 1845 58 . She died on 17 Jan 1921 58 .

119. AURORA WILLIAMS 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)79 was born on 24 Jan 1799 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 05 Mar 1865 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married JANE M. SMITH on 03 Nov 1824 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She was born in 1804 in Generation 8 (con't) Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 26 Jun 1879 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 81 .

Notes for Aurora Williams OLDHAM: Genealogies of the different families bearing the name of Kent in the United States, together with their possible English ancestors, page 83

David Oldham of Pembroke, Esq. in considers of $182.79 paud b Peleg S. Kent of Marshfield, shipwright, conveyed 25 acres 34 rods of woodland in Marshfield & is part of lot sold by Polly Phillips to Aurora W. Oldham & bounded by land of Joshua Loring &c. Dated January 15, 1839

Aurora Williams OLDHAM and Jane M. SMITH had the following children: i. JANE REID W.9 OLDHAM was born on 31 Oct 1825 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married ISSAC GILMAN STETSON on 25 Oct 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born on 07 Aug 1826 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

148. ii. MILLER SMITH OLDHAM was born in Dec 1827 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married LUCRETIA M. UNKNOWN . She was born in 1827 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

iii. GEORGIANA M.W. OLDHAM was born on 20 Aug 1830 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married JULIUS JOSSELYN on 08 Apr 1848 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55, 56 , son of Eleazer JOSSELYN and Alice UNKNOWN. He was born on 02 Jul 1813 9. He died Y.

149. iv. HENRY WILLIAMS OLDHAM was born in Aug 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in 1875 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married HELEN M. UNKNOWN . She was born about 1838 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

v. MARY BARKER OLDHAM was born in Nov 1834 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y.

150. vi. ELLEN SMITH OLDHAM was born in Nov 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y. She married JAMES BARRETT WOOD on 28 Jun 1856 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA 97 . He was born on 23 Sep 1824 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

151. vii. GEORGE BARKER OLDHAM was born on 10 Jul 1839 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 27 Jul 1879 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (1) LUCY P. STOCKBRIDGE on 30 Apr 1871 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died on 08 Sep 1872 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (2) ELLEN MARIA BENSON on 16 Aug 1874, daughter of Henry F. BENSON and Christiana KEITH. She was born on 12 Feb 1849 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

152. viii. CHARLES J. OLDHAM was born in Oct 1841 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died before 1913. He married SARAH WALES MANN , daughter of Charles D. MANN and Mary LORTHROP. She was born on 02 Mar 1848 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 07 Mar 1913 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

ix. EMMA FRANCES OLDHAM was born on 06 Dec 1843 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died in Dec 1844 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

x. DAVID STOCKBRIDGE OLDHAM was born on 21 Aug 1845 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 23 Aug 1845 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

xi. JULIA ANN OLDHAM was born on 16 Feb 1847 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

120. SOPHRONIA 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 09 Mar 1800 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died Y. She married CHARLES DYER on 21 Oct 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He was born in Hanson, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 .

Charles DYER and Sophronia OLDHAM had the following child: i. THEODORE 9 DYER was born on 19 Sep 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died Y.

121. JULIA ANN 8 OLDHAM (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 14 Apr 1806 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . She died on 18 Feb 1891 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She married ISAIAH STETSON PERRY on 05 May 1831 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 , son of Elijah PERRY and Chloe STETSON. He was born on 23 Mar 1809 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 19 . He died on 08 Jun 1883 9.

Isaiah Stetson PERRY and Julia Ann OLDHAM had the following child: i. CHLOE STETSON 9 PERRY was born in 1833 9. She died on 28 Jun 1873.

122. JOHN 8 OLDHAM PII (David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9. He married ADELINE MANN on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA9, daughter of David MANN PJr and Rebecca Chandler OLDHAM. She was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9.

John OLDHAM PII and Adeline MANN had the following children: i. JOSIAH BARKER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . He died on 16 Sep 1849 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ii. JOHN WALDO OLDHAM was born on 04 Jun 1848 9. He died on 12 Sep 1849 9.

153. iii. WENDELL E. OLDHAM was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

iv. MARY A. OLDHAM was born about 1853 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. ABBIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

123. JARIUS 8 HOWLAND (Hannah 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1817 85 . He died in 1880. He married DEBORAH LITTLE FISH in 1839 85 . She was born in 1820. She died in 1897.

Jarius HOWLAND and Deborah Little FISH had the following child: 154. i. WILLIARD 9 HOWLAND was born in 1852 85 . He died Y. He married LOTTIE A. S. BARRY in 1874 85 . She was born in 1850. She died Y.

124. JOHN C.8 MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born Y9. He died Y. He married SYLVIA L. UNKNOWN .

John C. MANN and Sylvia L. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. JULIA A.9 MANN was born Y9.

ii. MARIA H. MANN was born Y9.

iii. JOHN H. MANN was born Y9. Generation 8 (con't)

iv. PRISCILLA J. MANN was born Y9.

125. JONATHAN OLDHAM OR C.8 MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 13 Dec 1808 9. He died Y. He married ELIZA ANN SEARS on 04 Nov 1834 in Massachusetts, USA 9. She was born on 17 Aug 1810 9. She died Y.

Jonathan Oldham Or C. MANN and Eliza Ann SEARS had the following children: i. ELIZA ELLEN 9 MANN was born on 24 Aug 1837 9. She died Y.

ii. GEORGE HARRISON MANN was born on 22 Jan 1839 9. He died Y.

iii. MARY EMMA MANN 99 was born on 27 Sep 1842 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 100 . She died Y. She married EBEN G. RHODES .

Notes for Mary Emma MANN:

DAR ID Number: 18503

126. ADELINE MANN (Rebecca Chandler 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 13 Feb 1813 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died on 06 Feb 1897 9. She married JOHN OLDHAM PII on 06 Sep 1843 in Brooklyn, Kings, New York City, New York, USA9, son of David S. OLDHAM PJr and Deborah B. BARKER. He was born on 26 Feb 1809 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 55 . He died on 06 Jul 1871 9.

John OLDHAM PII and Adeline MANN had the following children: i. JOSIAH BARKER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1846 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9, 18 . He died on 16 Sep 1849 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9.

ii. JOHN WALDO OLDHAM was born on 04 Jun 1848 9. He died on 12 Sep 1849 9.

153. iii. WENDELL E. OLDHAM was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

iv. MARY A. OLDHAM was born about 1853 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

v. ABBIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1855 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

127. JONATHAN 8 OLDHAM (Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 28 Dec 1825 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 21 . He died Y. He married EUNICE A. FAXSON on 02 Jun 1844 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87, 88 . She was born on 16 Nov 1823 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Jonathan OLDHAM:

Was a resident of Medford, Massachusetts when he made a deed (285.40) in which as ship joiner he sold to Horace Hall, "the homestead formerly owned and occupied by my father Joseph Oldham and now occupied by said Horace Hall". At the time of the birth of his second daughter, Clara, he is listed as a sawyer.

They now reside in Charlestown (Boston), Mass., and he is a deputy sheriff. He formerly resided in Medford, Mass., and represented that town in the legislature.

EUNICE ALLEN FAXON8, (Asaph7, Asaph6, Elijah5, Eliashib4, Josiah3, Richard 2, Thomas1,) b. in Generation 8 (con't) Braintree, Nov. 16, 1823, daughter of Asaph7 and Eunice (Alle n) Faxon, m. June 2, 1844, Jonathan Oldham, b. May 13, 1823, son of Joseph and Grace (Tilden) Oldha m, of Scituate, Mass. They now reside in Charlestown (Boston), Mass., and he is a deputy sherif f. He formerly resided in Medford, Mass., and represented that town in the legislature.

Children born in Medford, Mass.:

1546. Eunice Adelaide9, b. April 7, 1845; d. Aug. 26, 1845. 1547. Clara Tilden9, b. July 1, 1847; m. Jan. 16, 1868, Josep h H. Knox, b. Aug. 27, 1842, son of Moses E. and Abby (Walker) Knox of Medford, Mass. They have one daughter , Grace Amanda10, b. Nov. 27, 1868. He is a state detective. Residence, Charlestown, Boston. 1548. Loring Joseph9, b. June 1, 1851; by profession an actor ; residence, Charlestown; unmarried. 1549. Eunice Allen9, b. Feb. 8, 1855; m. Nov. 21, 1873, Frede rick D. Gallupe, b. April 6, 1851, son of William Henry and Elizabeth Jane (Mears) Gallupe. They have one daughter Clara Elizabeth10, b. Sept. 10, 1874. He is a clerk; r esidence, Charlestown, Boston.

Jonathan OLDHAM and Eunice A. FAXSON had the following children: i. ADELADE EUNICE 9 OLDHAM was born on 07 Apr 1845 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died on 26 Aug 1845 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 21 .

156. ii. CLARA TILDEN OLDHAM was born on 01 Jul 1847 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died on 14 Apr 1886. She married JOSEPH HENRY KNOX , son of Moses E. KNOX and Abbey WALKER. He was born on 27 Aug 1842 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 .

iii. LORING JOSEPH OLDHAM was born on 01 Jun 1851 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . He died Y.

157. iv. EUNICE ALLEN OLDHAM was born on 08 Feb 1855 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y. She married FREDERICK D. GALLUPE on 21 Nov 1873 in Massachusetts, USA 87 , son of William Henry GALLUPE and Elizabeth Jane MEARS.

128. DANIEL G.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)89 was born on 11 Feb 1815 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Dec 1890 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) SOPHRONIA PIPER . She was born on 28 Sep 1826 in Otisfield, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died before 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (2) DIANTHA M. ALLEN on 14 Sep 1873 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of James UNKNOWN and Tabathy UNKNOWN. She was born on 05 Dec 1831 in Maine, USA. She died on 02 Apr 1921 in Phillips, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Daniel G. OLDHAM:

LDS site gives his birthplace as Otisfield, Maine

Daniel G. OLDHAM and Sophronia PIPER had the following children: i. DANIEL WILSON 9 OLDHAM was born on 24 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

158. ii. MERRITT HARTWELL OLDHAM was born on 03 Mar 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1944 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Generation 8 (con't)

Maine, USA. He married (1) ELLA E. ALLEN about 1881 in Maine, USA, daughter of Unknown ALLEN and Diantha M. ALLEN. She was born about 1855 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) CINDERELLA AGNES "DELLA" POLAND in Aug 1894. She was born on 25 Jan 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Feb 1945 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 92 .

iii. FLORELLA OLDHAM was born about 1861 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iv. ERNEST L. OLDHAM was born about 1863 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

v. CLARA E. OLDHAM was born about 1864 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. THOMAS C. OLDHAM was born about 1868 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married EDITH M. CHILD on 30 Sep 1893 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y. Marriage Notes:

Source: William Berry Lapham, History of Rumford, Oxford County, Maine: from its first settlement in 1779 to the present time (Augusta Me.: Press of the Maine Farmer, 1890).

129. AXEL S.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 15 Mar 1818 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1898 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) LYDIA MERRILL on 31 Oct 1867. She was born on 10 Jan 1844 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) PRISCILLA KEENE LIBBY . She was born on 08 Sep 1816 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 08 Feb 1863 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Axel S. OLDHAM and Lydia MERRILL had the following children: i. CHARLES WILSON 9 OLDHAM was born on 21 Dec 1864 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died Y.

ii. HARIETT L. OLDHAM was born about 1868 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CLARA OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 103 . She died Y.

iv. SON OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y.

v. EVA M. OLDHAM was born about 1874 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. HATTIE EVELYN OLDHAM was born on 05 Jan 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 103 . Axel S. OLDHAM and Priscilla Keene LIBBY had the following children: vii. REUBEN L. OLDHAM was born on 31 Aug 1846 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 13 Aug 1879.

viii. WILSON OLDHAM was born on 05 Jun 1849 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 17 Sep 1852 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

ix. WALTER H. OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1852 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 102 . He died on 21 Nov 1875 in Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

130. PELEG F.8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Apr 1825 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1911 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) MARY J. STARBIRD on 28 Mar 1861 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Jan 1840 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) LYDIA A. MERRILL . She was born on 10 Jan 1844. She died Y.

Peleg F. OLDHAM and Mary J. STARBIRD had the following children: i. ANNIE E.9 OLDHAM 74 was born on 09 Dec 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Generation 8 (con't) Maine, USA. She died on 26 Oct 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married JAMES M. SHANNANHAN . He was born on 17 Jun 1860 74 . He died Y.

ii. JOANNA E. OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

159. iii. CALISTA J. OLDHAM was born on 20 Oct 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Dec 1926 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married RAMSOM D. WYMAN on 12 Mar 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 21 Jan 1858 in Wyman Hill, Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iv. MINNIE OLDHAM was born in 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married FRANK M. OLIVER on 20 Aug 1897 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

160. v. JOHN C. OLDHAM was born on 01 Dec 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 05 Oct 1946 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married SOPHIA A. REED on 25 Aug 1902 in Maine, USA. She was born on 26 Sep 1867 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. JONATHAN OLDHAM was born on 05 Jan 1868 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

vii. ANGIE OLDHAM was born about 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA74 . She died Y. She married ISAAC FARRINGTON . He was born about 1866 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

161. viii. EMERSON C. OLDHAM was born on 21 Jan 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1935 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MAUDE L. YORK on 27 Jan 1898 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 25 Oct 1877 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ix. IDA M. OLDHAM was born about 1873 in Maine, USA. She died Y. Peleg F. OLDHAM and Lydia A. MERRILL had the following child: x. CLARENCE L. OLDHAM was born on 22 Aug 1871 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 09 Dec 1871 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

131. HIRAM 8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 25 Dec 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 73 . He died on 17 Jul 1916 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELEANOR IRISH on 27 Nov 1846 in Abington, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 91 , daughter of Freeman IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 14 Jan 1829 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died on 03 Sep 1898 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for Hiram OLDHAM:

Marriage records - int. Nov. 8, 1846. [m. Nov. 27, P.R.46.]

Lived at Worthly Pond, on the Scammopn Starbird Farm for a term of years. Wife died there.

1900 Federal Census, he is boarding with Mrs. Mary Randell

Hiram OLDHAM and Eleanor IRISH had the following children: i. MARY ELLEN 9 OLDHAM was born in 1848 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. EDWIN OLDHAM was born on 29 Oct 1850 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

162. iii. MARY ELLEN OLDHAM 104 was born on 18 Oct 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married FREELAND STARBIRD about 1863 in Maine, USA. He was born about 1842 in Woodstock, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

163. iv. HIRAM ROELLO OLDHAM 104 was born on 08 Aug 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) MARY E. EARL about 1873 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1845 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) NELLIE KERBY . She was born about 1855 in Alton, Penobscot County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

164. v. FRANCIS ATWOOD OLDHAM was born on 18 Mar 1854 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) EMILY UNKNOWN . She was born about 1858 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) ARDELIA UNKNOWN . She died Y.

vi. FREEMAN I. OLDHAM was born on 26 Apr 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

vii. CORA ANN OLDHAM 104 was born on 09 Apr 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married EDMUND B. HUTCHINS . He was born on 19 Aug 1852 in Paris, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

165. viii. BENJAMIN F. OLDHAM was born on 08 Sep 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1910 in Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90, 105 . He married HESTER A. RANDALL on 17 May 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1870. She died Y.

ix. ADDIE OLDHAM was born on 28 Feb 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

166. x. CHARLES L. OLDHAM was born on 26 Feb 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 07 Apr 1947 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married GRACE ARVILLA PARKER , daughter of Elbridge PARKER and Adaliza T. UNKNOWN. She was born about 1869 in Maine, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1902.

xi. ANNIE M. OLDHAM was born on 02 Nov 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

xii. LILLIAN OLDHAM was born in May 1873 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

132. COLUMBUS 8 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 22 Mar 1830 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 06 Mar 1914 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH ELIZABETH TRASK on 19 Mar 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She was born on 18 Sep 1837 in North Turner, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Columbus OLDHAM and Sarah Elizabeth TRASK had the following children: 167. i. EUNICE TRASK OLDHAM was born on 06 Sep 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 12 Oct 1938 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married EDGAR MONTVILLE HOWARD . He was born on 08 Feb 1844 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

ii. ROSWELL B. OLDHAM was born about 1859 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

iii. LEONA S. OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

iv. DELIA OLDHAM was born in 1865 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

v. GEORGE W. OLDHAM was born about 1867 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

vi. COLUMBUS A. OLDHAM was born about 1870 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

vii. MINNIE M. OLDHAM was born about 1874 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

viii. LOVELLE F. OLDHAM was born about 1877 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ROSE A. ROWE on 21 Mar 1914 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y. Generation 8 (con't)

133. SIDNEY 8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Jul 1811 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 24 Jun 1905 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 . He married JOANNA RUSSELL on 22 Nov 1833 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 12 May 1813 in Maine, USA. She died in Dec 1886 in East Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

Notes for Sidney OLDHAM:

Died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lucy Nason

has it that Sidney, when about the age of 20, walked all the way from Peru to Boston, found work at $12.00 per month, stayed about a year, then walked all the way back to Peru.

Sidney OLDHAM and Joanna RUSSELL had the following children: 168. i. SUSAN FLETCHER 9 OLDHAM was born on 05 Sep 1834 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ISAAC GLEASON WHITMAN on 20 Nov 1852 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 28 Sep 1824. He died Y.

ii. CORDAINE OLDHAM was born on 08 May 1836 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married DAVID A. CORLISS on 09 Sep 1854 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1833. He died Y.

169. iii. JOSEPH R. OLDHAM was born on 08 Jul 1838 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married SARAH T. STEVENS on 05 Aug 1860 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1842 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 18 Jun 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 .

170. iv. SARAH THOMAS OLDHAM was born on 02 Mar 1841 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1911. She married JOHN H. BARTLETT on 29 Jan 1859 in Maine, USA. He was born on 25 Jun 1835 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 26 Oct 1910.

v. MARIAM R. OLDHAM was born on 11 Apr 1842 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 10 May 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 107 .

vi. SIDNEY AUGUSTUS OLDHAM was born on 12 Apr 1844 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 21 Nov 1910 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90 .

Sidney Augustus OLDHAM also went by the name of Augustus.

Notes for Sidney Augustus OLDHAM:

Died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lucy Nason

never married, lived and cared for his parents at East Sumner from about 1865 to 1900, when he and father went to live with his sister, Mrs. Lucy Nason at Livermore Falls, where both he and father died.

vii. CHARLES F. OLDHAM was born on 08 Jan 1846 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1910 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA 107 . He married EUNICE S. RUSSELL on 06 Dec 1868 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1850. She died Y.

viii. STEPHEN B. OLDHAM was born on 09 Sep 1848 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1910 in California, USA.

171. ix. LUCY M. OLDHAM was born on 05 Jul 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1928 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She Generation 8 (con't)

married WILLIAM ALBERT NASON . He was born on 22 Oct 1848. He died Y.

x. DAVID K. OLDHAM was born in 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 May 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

xi. CELIA F. OLDHAM was born about 1857 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

xii. ADDIE G. OLDHAM was born in 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 28 Mar 1877 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

xiii. LILLIAN OLDHAM was born in 1873 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Jul 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

134. THADDEUS M. OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 25 Nov 1812 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Aug 1900 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (1) SARAH P. DYER on 26 Jul 1855 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of Thomas DYER and Hannah UNKNOWN. She was born in May 1815 in Raymond, Cumberland County, Maine, USA. She died on 27 Feb 1901 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married (2) SUSAN FLETCHER about 1839 in Maine, USA. She was born in 1814 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Thaddeus M. OLDHAM and Sarah P. DYER had the following children: i. GEORGETTA 9 OLDHAM was born about 1852 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. LOVELL F. OLDHAM was born in 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y. Thaddeus M. OLDHAM and Susan FLETCHER had the following children: iii. DAVID GREEN OLDHAM was born on 21 Feb 1840 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 24 Feb 1901 in Worthley Pond, Peru County Maine, USA 90 .

David Green OLDHAM died on 24 Feb 1901 (LaGrippe). He also went by the name of Daniel G. Oldham.

Notes for David Green OLDHAM: Never married, lived and died on the home farm at Worthley Pond

iv. ELIAS S. OLDHAM was born on 10 Aug 1846 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 28 Dec 1910 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Elias S. OLDHAM died on 28 Dec 1910 (Vascular Disease of the heart).

Notes for Elias S. OLDHAM: Death Certificate states he is single.

135. LOUISE A.8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 29 Jan 1821 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 18 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She married HERMAN BRAWN POLAND . He was born on 16 May 1817 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74, 92 . He died on 08 Oct 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

Herman Brawn POLAND and Louise A. OLDHAM had the following children: i. CAROLINE B.9 POLAND was born on 15 Jan 1842 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. LEWIS O. POLAND was born on 06 Oct 1843 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

136. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 8 OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Jun 1828 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Jun 1918 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 90 . He married SARAH JANE IRISH , daughter of Freeman Generation 8 (con't) IRISH and Almeda UNKNOWN. She was born on 20 Aug 1832 in Sumner, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . She died on 19 May 1921 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Benjamin Franklin OLDHAM and Sarah Jane IRISH had the following children: i. SIMEON L. B.9 OLDHAM was born on 04 Dec 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

ii. JOANNA FRANCES B. OLDHAM was born on 20 Oct 1856 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married SANFORD P. PROCTOR on 31 Aug 1878 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born about 1849 in Massachusetts, USA.

iii. SAMUEL C. OLDHAM was born on 07 Oct 1862 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iv. ALONZO J. OLDHAM was born on 25 Oct 1864 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

137. JOHN OLDHAM (Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 27 Jan 1830 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 26 Mar 1894 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 . He married ELLURA MELISSA HOWARD on 26 Aug 1854 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA, daughter of John HOWARD and Eliza UNKNOWN. She was born on 13 Jan 1836 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 28 May 1908 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 90 .

Notes for John OLDHAM:

1880 Federal Census - Eliza Parlin age 78 also living in household, bn New Hampshire

Event: Military Service Civil War Note: Mustered 10/1/1861, age 31, married, of Peru, Pvt. Co H., 10th Maine Volunteers. Residence: 1860 Worthley Pond, Peru, Oxford Co., ME Note:John served during the Civil War and after coming home to Peru, he removed his family to Hartford Center, where he died. Wife Ellura was still alive in 1910.

John OLDHAM and Ellura Melissa HOWARD had the following children: 172. i. HARRIET ELIZA OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) HERBERT HAINES in Sep 1882 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1852. He died Y. She married (2) JAMES S. WIDBER on 01 Dec 1870. He was born about 1852. He died Y.

ii. JULIA L. OLDHAM was born on 29 Apr 1859 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

138. OLDHAM 8 GATES (James 7, Oldham 6, Hannah 5 OLDHAM, Samuel 4 OLDHAM, Richard 3 OLDHAM, John "Mad Jack" 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1800 in Canada 60 . He died in 1865. He married LAVINA MCNEIL . She was born in 1799 71 . She died on 27 Aug 1848 in Wilmot 1 Cemetery, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia 71 .

Oldham GATES and Lavina McNEIL had the following child: i. ELKANAH 9 GATES was born in 1826 60 . He died in 1900. He married MARGARET PETRIE . She was born in Scotland 60 . Generation 9

139. VARNUM 9 NICHOLS (Joshua 8, Joseph 7, Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 23 Mar 1808 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 06 Nov 1856 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married ELIZA LITCHFIELD CUDWORTH about 11 Dec 1830 44 .

Varnum NICHOLS and Eliza Litchfield CUDWORTH had the following children: Generation 9 (con't)

i. JANE 10 NICHOLS was born about 1834 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died on 25 Feb 1838 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 .

ii. DAVID NICHOLS was born about 1837 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 01 Mar 1838 44 .

iii. ELIZA JANE NICHOLS was born on 27 Jun 1838 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . She died on 25 May 1868 in Oneonta, Otsego County, New York, USA 44 . She married ELIJAH M. VOSBURG on 07 Oct 1860 44 .

199. iv. LAURA SUSAN NICHOLS was born on 30 Sep 1840 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . She died on 18 May 1901 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She married CALVIN BRYANT on 14 Jun 1865 44 , son of Patrick BRYANT and Bricea DUMBOLTON. He was born on 31 May 1839 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He died on 04 Jul 1914 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 .

v. DAVID M. NICHOLS was born on 12 May 1846 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died Y.

140. ALBERT 9 NICHOLS (Joshua 8, Joseph 7, Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 05 Jan 1812 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 01 Feb 1901 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He married CLARINDA B. JOHNSON .

Notes for Albert NICHOLS:

Selectman and assessor; went to Geauga County, Ohio in 1834, where he tau ght school and farmed; returned to Chesterfield in 1837; was Town Clerk a nd Treasurer for 20 years; served in the State Legislature.

Albert NICHOLS and Clarinda B. JOHNSON had the following children: i. WARNER B.10 NICHOLS was born on 21 Dec 1838 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died about 1865.

ii. WILLIAM J. NICHOLS was born on 01 Jan 1842 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44, 63 . He died on 30 May 1864 44 .

iii. JOHN HARVEY NICHOLS was born on 23 Jul 1850 44, 63 . He died Y. He married (1) SALLIE MUSE . He married (2) EMMA ROBBINS .

141. MARTIN 9 OLDHAM (Chandler 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 20 Jul 1819 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y. He married MERCY SWIFT on 12 Dec 1841 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , daughter of Lot SWIFT and Mercy WESTON. She was born about 1822 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

Martin OLDHAM and Mercy SWIFT had the following children: i. REBECCA 10 OLDHAM was born on 25 Jan 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

ii. ANGELINE OLDHAM was born on 25 Jan 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

iii. MERCY E. OLDHAM was born on 18 Jan 1846 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married WILLIAM T. REED . He was born in 1835 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

iv. FRANCIS JAMES OLDHAM was born on 01 Nov 1847 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died on 25 Sep 1848 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 .

v. LYDIA L. OLDHAM was born on 18 Nov 1848 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Generation 9 (con't) Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

vi. HENRY OLDHAM was born about 1851 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

vii. FRANK P. OLDHAM was born about 1854 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

viii. WILSON OLDHAM was born about 1856 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

142. SARAH W.9 OLDHAM (Chandler 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 04 Jul 1821 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married BENJAMIN LEWIS on 04 Jun 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 66 .

Marriage Notes:

Marriage also listed in Hansen, Massachusetts records: Sarah W. of Duxbury, and Benj[amin] Lewis of Duxbury, June 4, 1843.Intention not recorded.

Benjamin LEWIS and Sarah W. OLDHAM had the following children: i. ABEL T.10 LEWIS was born on 17 Dec 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

ii. GEORGIANA LEWIS was born on 07 Feb 1846 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

iii. RUTH ANN LEWIS was born on 30 Oct 1848 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y.

143. MARY 9 OLDHAM (Chandler 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 19 Oct 1806 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married JOB BREWSTER on 18 Nov 1825 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Job BREWSTER and Betsey PAULDING. He died Y.

Notes for Mary OLDHAM:

Believed to be the mother of three children shown under the name Oldham, y et after the birth of Mary is added in parenthesis "Daughter of Ma ry O l. Bruster, P.R.) i.e. Mary Oldham Bruster. Suggested that these thr ee should have been recorded as Brewsters and not as Oldham, even though t hey were recorded among records of Oldhams in the private record number ed 105.

Job BREWSTER and Mary OLDHAM had the following children: i. JULIA ANN 10 BREWSTER was born on 08 Jun 1829 9. She died Y.

ii. MARY B. BREWSTER was born on 26 Dec 1830 9. She died Y.

iii. GEORGE B. BREWSTER was born on 11 Nov 1832 9. He died Y.

144. HANNAH T.9 OLDHAM (Thomas 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 14 Jul 1821 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married LOT SWIFT PJR on 15 Nov 1840 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 , son of Lot SWIFT and Mercy WESTON. He was born on 20 Dec 1814 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y.

Lot SWIFT PJr and Hannah T. OLDHAM had the following children: i. WILLIAM T.10 SWIFT was born on 08 Mar 1843 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

ii. EDWARD D. SWIFT was born on 09 Aug 1845 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

iii. RAY SWIFT was born on 14 Dec 1848 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Generation 9 (con't) USA 9. He died Y.

145. JOB BREWSTER 9 OLDHAM (Thomas 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Nov 1828 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . He died Y. He married MARIA LOUISA UNKNOWN . She was born about 1826 in Massachusetts, USA 65 . She died Y.

Notes for Job Brewster OLDHAM:

Minute Men of'61

(Standish Guards.)

Organized in 1818, and reorganized in 1851. Atthree a.m., Apr il 16, 1861, Captain Doten received his orders by a special courier from N ew Bedford. At 9.30 o'clock the same morning the company left Plymouth, ar riving in Boston at nod at the Old Colony depot whe re other members joined them in the aftetnoon.

Captain, CHARLES C. DOTEN, Plymouth. (*)First Lieut., OTIS ROGERS, Plymouth. (*)2d. Lieutenant, WILLIAM B. ALEXANDER, Boston (*)First Sergt., Charles H. Drew, Plymouth. (*)Sergt., Leander L. Sherman, Plymouth. (*)Sergeant, Frank C. Goodrich, Boston. (*)Sergt., Jacob W. Southworth, Plymouth. Corporal, Job B. Oldham, Plymouth. Corporal, Augustus H. Fuller, Plymouth. Corporal, James H. Robbins, Plymouth. (*)Corporal, Thomas B. Atwood, Abington.

Claimed Residence in Plymouth Worked as a Painter & Glazier Enlist Date 16 April 1861, 29 September 1862 Enlist Place Enlist Rank Corpl Sgt. Enlist Age 29 ServedMassachusetts: B Co. 3d Inf Reg. Massachusetts

Job Brewster OLDHAM and Maria Louisa UNKNOWN had the following children: i. NELLIE M.10 OLDHAM was born about 1858 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. She died Y.

ii. CHARLES M. OLDHAM was born about 1861 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died Y.

146. ROSELLA 9 OLDHAM (Thomas 8, John 7, John 6, Caleb 5, Thomas 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 17 Sep 1832 in Duxbury, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 45 . She died Y. She married EDMUND ROBBINS . He was born about 1831 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

Edmund ROBBINS and Rosella OLDHAM had the following children: i. EUGENE 10 ROBBINS was born about 1858 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

ii. ARHTUR ROBBINS was born about 1861 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

147. DANIEL J.9 WESTON (Daniel 8, Seth 7, Bethiah 6 OLDHAM, Caleb 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 09 Dec 1823 68 . He died Y. He married MARY VOR WGLEESON .

Notes for Daniel J. WESTON:

to oldham.jan@@gmail.com date Jun 2, 2006 4:35 PM subject WorldConnect: Post-em posted mailed-by rootsweb.com

Database: oldham Individual: I31202 Link: http Generation 9 (con't)

Daniel J. WESTON and Mary V Or W GLEESON had the following children: i. JOHN THOMAS 10 WESTON was born Y108 .

ii. WILLIAM A. WESTON was born Y108 .

iii. BENJAMIN D. WESTON was born Y108 .

iv. ELIZABETH M. WESTON was born Y108 .

v. ELLEN WESTON was born Y108 .

vi. MARY A. WESTON was born Y108 .

148. MILLER SMITH 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Dec 1827 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married LUCRETIA M. UNKNOWN . She was born in 1827 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Miller Smith OLDHAM and Lucretia M. UNKNOWN had the following child: 200. i. GEORGE E.10 OLDHAM was born in Jun 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married KATHERINE L. UNKNOWN about 1880.

149. HENRY WILLIAMS 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Aug 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in 1875 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married HELEN M. UNKNOWN . She was born about 1838 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Henry Williams OLDHAM and Helen M. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. LOTTIE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Lottie OLDHAM also went by the name of Katie Oldham.

ii. ADA OLDHAM was born about 1867 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

150. ELLEN SMITH 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Nov 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y. She married JAMES BARRETT WOOD on 28 Jun 1856 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA 97 . He was born on 23 Sep 1824 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

Ellen Smith: Ellen Smith OLDHAM also went by the name of Ella Smith Oldham.

Notes for James Barrett WOOD:

"For some years he lived in East Dorset, Vt., engaged in the lumber trade, but later returned to Concord, where he has since carried on a prosperous lumber business. He is one of Concord's most substantial and respected citizens, a man of wealth and influence in the church and community. He is the oldest of the Wood clan now in Concord. He has a charming family and lovely home and is proud of the fact that he is a Wood."

James Barrett WOOD and Ellen Smith OLDHAM had the following children: i. CAROLINE PRESCOTT 10 WOOD was born on 02 Oct 1860 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . She died Y.

ii. GEORGE MILLER WOOD was born on 17 Aug 1862 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . He died on 20 Oct 1863 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA.

iii. JULIA SMITH WOOD was born on 19 Sep 1864 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . She died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

iv. RICHARD FARMER WOOD was born on 06 Jun 1870 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . He died Y.

v. ISABEL RISPAH WOOD was born on 01 Apr 1872 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . She died on 10 Jul 1879 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA.

vi. WINTHROP BARRETT WOOD was born on 07 Nov 1875 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . He died Y.

151. GEORGE BARKER 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 10 Jul 1839 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 27 Jul 1879 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (1) LUCY P. STOCKBRIDGE on 30 Apr 1871 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died on 08 Sep 1872 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (2) ELLEN MARIA BENSON on 16 Aug 1874, daughter of Henry F. BENSON and Christiana KEITH. She was born on 12 Feb 1849 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

Notes for George Barker OLDHAM:

He resided on Broadway at South Hanover, Massachusetts. Worked as a Marb le Worker. Served in the Civil War. He enlisted 12 Aug 1862, age 23, rank Corporal.

George Barker OLDHAM and Lucy P. STOCKBRIDGE had the following child: 201. i. ARTHUR P.10 OLDHAM was born on 18 Aug 1872 in South Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y. He married AMY S. JOHNSON in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. George Barker OLDHAM and Ellen Maria BENSON had the following children: ii. LURA E. OLDHAM was born on 03 Jul 1875 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

iii. RALPH W. OLDHAM was born on 25 Feb 1879 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y.

152. CHARLES J.9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Oct 1841 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died before 1913. He married SARAH WALES MANN , daughter of Charles D. MANN and Mary LORTHROP. She was born on 02 Mar 1848 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 07 Mar 1913 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Charles J. OLDHAM:

Served Massachusetts D Co. 42nd Inf. Reg. Massachusetts and E Co. 1st I nf Reg. Massachusetts

Claimed Residence in Dorchester, Worked as a Painter

EnlistDate 26August1862EnlistRank CorplEnlistAge 21Served Massachusetts E Co. 1st Inf Reg. Massachusetts D Co. 42nd Inf Reg. Massachusetts

Notes for Sarah Wales MANN: Death Notes: Name: Sarah Wales Oldham Death date: 07 Mar 1913 Death place: Quincy,,Massachusetts Gender: Female Race or color (expanded): White Age in years: 65 Estimated birth year: Generation 9 (con't) Birthdate: 02 Mar 1848 Birthplace: Scituate, Massachusetts Marital status: Widowed Spouse's name: Charles Father's name: Charles D Mann Mother's name: Mary Lorthrop Film number: 2401908 Digital GS number: 4284178 Image number: 01005 Reference number: 456 Collection: Massachusetts, Death Records, 1841 - 1915

Charles J. OLDHAM and Sarah Wales MANN had the following child: i. FRANK G.10 OLDHAM was born about 1869 in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

153. WENDELL E.9 OLDHAM (Adeline MANN, Rebecca Chandler 7, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

Wendell E. OLDHAM and Theresa WHITE had the following children: i. GEORGE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1864 9. He died before 1880 in San Mateo County, California, USA.

Notes for George OLDHAM:

Died at age 16, The First 200 Years of the Oldham family shows this as a son, but there is a Georgie Oldham living with the Hartley Family in San Mateo County, California in 1880. Theresa is living with another family in San Mateo County, California in the same census.

ii. GEORGIE OLDHAM was born about 1873 in California, USA. She died about 1889 9.

154. WILLIARD 9 HOWLAND (Jarius 8, Hannah 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1852 85 . He died Y. He married LOTTIE A. S. BARRY in 1874 85 . She was born in 1850. She died Y.

Williard HOWLAND and Lottie A. S. BARRY had the following child: i. ELIZABETH 10 HOWLAND was born in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 109 . She married HERBERT E. MARSTON .

155. WENDELL E.9 OLDHAM (Adeline MANN, Rebecca Chandler 7, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

Wendell E. OLDHAM and Theresa WHITE had the following children: i. GEORGE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1864 9. He died before 1880 in San Mateo County, California, USA.

Notes for George OLDHAM:

Died at age 16, The First 200 Years of the Oldham family shows this as a son, but there is a Georgie Oldham living with the Hartley Family in San Mateo County, California in 1880. Theresa is living with another family in San Mateo County, California in the same census. Generation 9 (con't)

ii. GEORGIE OLDHAM was born about 1873 in California, USA. She died about 1889 9.

156. CLARA TILDEN 9 OLDHAM (Jonathan 8, Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Jul 1847 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died on 14 Apr 1886. She married JOSEPH HENRY KNOX , son of Moses E. KNOX and Abbey WALKER. He was born on 27 Aug 1842 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 .

Joseph Henry KNOX and Clara Tilden OLDHAM had the following children: i. GRACE AMANDA 10 KNOX was born on 27 Nov 1868 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y.

ii. JOSEPH OLDHAM KNOX was born on 28 May 1878. He died on 05 Aug 1940.

Notes for Joseph Oldham KNOX: Nancy Knox Griffin Date: 2011-02-21 Comments: Great site! Would like to add my grandfather's name. Joseph Oldham Knox b. 28 May 1878 d. 5 Aug 1940

Son of Joseph Henry Knox and CLARA TILDEN OLDHAM b. 1 July 1847 d. 14 April 1886

Thank you. Nancy

157. EUNICE ALLEN 9 OLDHAM (Jonathan 8, Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Feb 1855 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y. She married FREDERICK D. GALLUPE on 21 Nov 1873 in Massachusetts, USA 87 , son of William Henry GALLUPE and Elizabeth Jane MEARS.

Frederick D. GALLUPE and Eunice Allen OLDHAM had the following child: i. CLARA ELIZABETH 10 GALLUPE was born on 10 Sep 1874 87 . She died Y.

158. MERRITT HARTWELL 9 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 03 Mar 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1944 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) ELLA E. ALLEN about 1881 in Maine, USA, daughter of Unknown ALLEN and Diantha M. ALLEN. She was born about 1855 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) CINDERELLA AGNES "DELLA" POLAND in Aug 1894. She was born on 25 Jan 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Feb 1945 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 92 .

Notes for Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM:

Died at the Cole Nursing Home, Dixfield, Maine

Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM and Ella E. ALLEN had the following children: i. FRANK ALLEN 10 OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

ii. HENRY CHESTER OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ELLA UNKNOWN .

iii. BURT OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

202. iv. CLARENCE H. OLDHAM was born on 01 Apr 1882 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1911 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married JOSEPHINE A. "JOSIE" CONANT on 25 Nov 1903 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She was born in 1866 in Maine, USA. She died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

v. JENNIE ELIZA OLDHAM was born in 1887 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. WILLIAM A. OLDHAM was born on 25 Sep 1889 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y.

vii. HARRY MERRITT OLDHAM was born on 20 Feb 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y. Cinderella Agnes "Della" (2): Cinderella Agnes "Della" POLAND also went by the name of Della Poland. She also went by the name of Della. She also went by the name of Della.

Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM and Cinderella Agnes "Della" POLAND had the following children: viii. EMMA OLDHAM 74 was born in 1894 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

203. ix. MAURICE B. OLDHAM 74 was born on 21 Jul 1899 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1984 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married ELVA C. CUNNINGHAM on 11 May 1925 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 23 Apr 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

x. MARJORIE BELLE OLDHAM 74 was born on 04 Jan 1906 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

159. CALISTA J.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 20 Oct 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Dec 1926 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married RAMSOM D. WYMAN on 12 Mar 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 21 Jan 1858 in Wyman Hill, Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

Ramsom D. WYMAN and Calista J. OLDHAM had the following children: i. EDNA K.10 WYMAN was born on 23 Mar 1884 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. EARL OTIS WYMAN was born on 20 Apr 1887 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iii. MARY ELIZABETH WYMAN was born on 14 Jun 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

iv. GEORGIA WYMAN was born about 1890 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

160. JOHN C.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Dec 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 05 Oct 1946 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married SOPHIA A. REED on 25 Aug 1902 in Maine, USA. She was born on 26 Sep 1867 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

John C. OLDHAM and Sophia A. REED had the following children: 204. i. JOHN RALPH 10 OLDHAM 74 was born on 09 Nov 1902 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1993 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married LUCINA BRYANT on 05 Jan 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 01 Jan 1900 in Milton Plantation, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. WILMA R. OLDHAM was born on 07 Dec 1906 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1921 105 .

161. EMERSON C.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 21 Jan 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1935 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MAUDE L. YORK on 27 Jan 1898 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 25 Oct 1877 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She Generation 9 (con't) died Y.

Notes for Maude L. YORK:

Maude was of Andover, Oxford County, Maine at time of marriage

Emerson C. OLDHAM and Maude L. YORK had the following children: i. LEROY F. "ROY" 10 OLDHAM was born on 19 Oct 1897 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA 111 . He died on 19 Nov 1978 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married UNKNOWN GOGAN .

Leroy F. "Roy": Leroy F. "Roy" OLDHAM also went by the name of Roy. He also went by the name of Roy Oldham. He also went by the name of Roy.

205. ii. DURWARD E. OLDHAM was born in 1902 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 23 Oct 1983 in West Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married (1) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN . She died Y. He married (2) ELSIE MARIE DOLLOFF on 21 Aug 1964. She was born on 25 Feb 1910 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CARROLL A. OLDHAM 74 was born on 15 Feb 1905 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Mar 1967 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

iv. ANGIE M. OLDHAM was born on 14 Jun 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died in 1994. She married UNKNOWN GIFFORD . He was born in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

162. MARY ELLEN OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)104 was born on 18 Oct 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married FREELAND STARBIRD about 1863 in Maine, USA. He was born about 1842 in Woodstock, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

Freeland STARBIRD and Mary Ellen OLDHAM had the following children: i. MABEL 10 STARBIRD . She died Y.

ii. A. T. STARBIRD . He died Y.

iii. UNKNOWN STARBIRD . He died Y.

163. HIRAM ROELLO 9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)104 was born on 08 Aug 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) MARY E. EARL about 1873 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1845 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) NELLIE KERBY . She was born about 1855 in Alton, Penobscot County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Hiram Roello OLDHAM:

After marriage he lived on the Daniel Oldham farm at Worthley Pond, where he carried on the trade of Blacksmithing. He and his wife divorced and he gave up the farm, moving to Rumford, where he remarried in the late 1890's and worked as a Blacksmith for a period of time. Later, he moved to Alton, Maine to take care of his new wife's parents on their farm.

Hiram Roello OLDHAM and Mary E. EARL had the following children: i. EARLE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1878 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

ii. ADDIE OLDHAM was born about 1880 in Pine Twp., Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

164. FRANCIS ATWOOD 9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Mar 1854 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) EMILY UNKNOWN . She was born about 1858 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) ARDELIA UNKNOWN . She died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

Francis Atwood: Francis Atwood OLDHAM also went by the name of Frank Oldham.

Francis Atwood OLDHAM and Ardelia UNKNOWN had the following child: i. EDITH MAY 10 OLDHAM was born on 24 Aug 1894 in Hebron, Oxford County, Maine, USA 111 . She died Y.

165. BENJAMIN F.9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Sep 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1910 in Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90, 105 . He married HESTER A. RANDALL on 17 May 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1870. She died Y.

Benjamin F. OLDHAM and Hester A. RANDALL had the following child: i. GERALD RANDALL 10 OLDHAM was born on 02 May 1892 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 103 . He married (1) ROSAMOND MABELLE LUNT on 08 Oct 1915 in South Paris, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born in 1895 in Maine, USA. He married (2) MARTHA M. UNKNOWN after 1926. She died Y.

166. CHARLES L.9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Feb 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 07 Apr 1947 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married GRACE ARVILLA PARKER , daughter of Elbridge PARKER and Adaliza T. UNKNOWN. She was born about 1869 in Maine, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1902.

Charles L. OLDHAM and Grace Arvilla PARKER had the following child: i. ELIZA ALZADA 10 OLDHAM was born on 01 May 1891 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 103 . She died Y.

167. EUNICE TRASK OLDHAM (Columbus 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 06 Sep 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 12 Oct 1938 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married EDGAR MONTVILLE HOWARD . He was born on 08 Feb 1844 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

Eunice Trask: Eunice Trask OLDHAM also went by the name of Eugenia Oldham.

Edgar Montville HOWARD and Eunice Trask OLDHAM had the following children: i. JULIA T. HOWARD was born on 14 Nov 1875 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. LILLIAN S. HOWARD was born about 1878 in Pine Twp., Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. SARAH LILLA HOWARD was born about 1882 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

206. iv. EARLE E. HOWARD was born in Feb 1885 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1958 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married MABEL L. MILLER . She was born in Oct 1886 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

207. v. EDNA E. HOWARD 74 was born in Aug 1891 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ORLESTUS C. FULLER . He was born in 1889 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

168. SUSAN FLETCHER 9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Sep 1834 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ISAAC GLEASON WHITMAN on 20 Nov 1852 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 28 Sep 1824. He died Y.

Isaac Gleason WHITMAN and Susan Fletcher OLDHAM had the following children: i. FLAVILLA ANN 10 WHITMAN was born on 05 Feb 1857 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. HOSEA BALLOU WHITMAN was born on 04 May 1854 in Maine, USA. He died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

iii. EVELINA AUGUSTA WHITMAN was born on 19 Nov 1859 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

169. JOSEPH R.9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Jul 1838 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married SARAH T. STEVENS on 05 Aug 1860 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1842 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 18 Jun 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 .

Joseph R. OLDHAM and Sarah T. STEVENS had the following children: i. ROSCOE 10 OLDHAM was born in Oct 1860 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. He died on 18 Dec 1860 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

ii. ANGIE OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iii. PERRY S. OLDHAM was born about 1876 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ELIZABETH BURNS I on 21 Feb 1905 in Rumford Fall, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y.

170. SARAH THOMAS 9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 02 Mar 1841 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1911. She married JOHN H. BARTLETT on 29 Jan 1859 in Maine, USA. He was born on 25 Jun 1835 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 26 Oct 1910.

Marriage Notes:

At time of marriage, he was the pastor of the Free Baptist Church at Canton.

John H. BARTLETT and Sarah Thomas OLDHAM had the following child: i. ALBERTUS A.10 BARTLETT was born in Jan 1877 in Maine, USA.

171. LUCY M.9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Jul 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1928 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She married WILLIAM ALBERT NASON . He was born on 22 Oct 1848. He died Y.

William Albert NASON and Lucy M. OLDHAM had the following children: i. BERTHA M.10 NASON was born on 16 May 1881 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 12 Jul 1945.

ii. SIDNEY E. NASON was born in May 1884 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iii. MARJORY H. NASON was born in Sep 1887 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iv. ALBERT W. NASON was born on 19 Oct 1899 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. He died on 14 Jun 1962.

172. HARRIET ELIZA OLDHAM (John, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 06 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) HERBERT HAINES in Sep 1882 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1852. He died Y. She married (2) JAMES S. WIDBER on 01 Dec 1870. He was born about 1852. He died Y.

James S. WIDBER and Harriet Eliza OLDHAM had the following children: i. JOHN O. WIDBER was born about 1876 in Maine, USA. He died Y.


173. ANDREW WALLACE 9 THOMAS (Andrew 8, Chloe 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Samuel 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 09 Jan 1835 58 . He died on 15 Dec 1899 58 . He married Generation 9 (con't)

SARAH ANN BALCOM on 01 Jan 1863 58 . She was born in 1845 58 . She died on 17 Jan 1921 58 .

Andrew Wallace THOMAS and Sarah Ann BALCOM had the following child: 208. i. CORA 10 THOMAS was born on 18 Sep 1875 58 . She died on 13 Aug 1944 58 . She married JAMES H. PUGH in Illinois, USA. He was born on 31 Aug 1875 58 . He died on 10 Apr 1938 58 .

174. MILLER SMITH 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Dec 1827 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married LUCRETIA M. UNKNOWN . She was born in 1827 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Miller Smith OLDHAM and Lucretia M. UNKNOWN had the following child: 200. i. GEORGE E.10 OLDHAM was born in Jun 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married KATHERINE L. UNKNOWN about 1880.

175. HENRY WILLIAMS 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Aug 1832 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died in 1875 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He married HELEN M. UNKNOWN . She was born about 1838 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Henry Williams OLDHAM and Helen M. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. LOTTIE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Lottie OLDHAM also went by the name of Katie Oldham.

ii. ADA OLDHAM was born about 1867 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

176. ELLEN SMITH 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Nov 1836 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 96 . She died Y. She married JAMES BARRETT WOOD on 28 Jun 1856 in Concord, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, USA 97 . He was born on 23 Sep 1824 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

Ellen Smith: Ellen Smith OLDHAM also went by the name of Ella Smith Oldham.

Notes for James Barrett WOOD:

"For some years he lived in East Dorset, Vt., engaged in the lumber trade, but later returned to Concord, where he has since carried on a prosperous lumber business. He is one of Concord's most substantial and respected citizens, a man of wealth and influence in the church and community. He is the oldest of the Wood clan now in Concord. He has a charming family and lovely home and is proud of the fact that he is a Wood."

James Barrett WOOD and Ellen Smith OLDHAM had the following children: i. CAROLINE PRESCOTT 10 WOOD was born on 02 Oct 1860 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . She died Y.

ii. GEORGE MILLER WOOD was born on 17 Aug 1862 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . He died on 20 Oct 1863 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA.

iii. JULIA SMITH WOOD was born on 19 Sep 1864 in East Dorset, Bennington County, Vermont, USA 97 . She died Y.

iv. RICHARD FARMER WOOD was born on 06 Jun 1870 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . He died Y.

v. ISABEL RISPAH WOOD was born on 01 Apr 1872 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . She died on 10 Jul 1879 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA. Generation 9 (con't)

vi. WINTHROP BARRETT WOOD was born on 07 Nov 1875 in Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 97 . He died Y.

177. GEORGE BARKER 9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 10 Jul 1839 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 27 Jul 1879 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (1) LUCY P. STOCKBRIDGE on 30 Apr 1871 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died on 08 Sep 1872 in Massachusetts, USA 80 . He married (2) ELLEN MARIA BENSON on 16 Aug 1874, daughter of Henry F. BENSON and Christiana KEITH. She was born on 12 Feb 1849 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

Notes for George Barker OLDHAM:

He resided on Broadway at South Hanover, Massachusetts. Worked as a Marb le Worker. Served in the Civil War. He enlisted 12 Aug 1862, age 23, rank Corporal.

George Barker OLDHAM and Lucy P. STOCKBRIDGE had the following child: 201. i. ARTHUR P.10 OLDHAM was born on 18 Aug 1872 in South Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y. He married AMY S. JOHNSON in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. George Barker OLDHAM and Ellen Maria BENSON had the following children: ii. LURA E. OLDHAM was born on 03 Jul 1875 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

iii. RALPH W. OLDHAM was born on 25 Feb 1879 in Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y.

178. CHARLES J.9 OLDHAM (Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Oct 1841 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. He died before 1913. He married SARAH WALES MANN , daughter of Charles D. MANN and Mary LORTHROP. She was born on 02 Mar 1848 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 07 Mar 1913 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Charles J. OLDHAM:

Served Massachusetts D Co. 42nd Inf. Reg. Massachusetts and E Co. 1st I nf Reg. Massachusetts

Claimed Residence in Dorchester, Worked as a Painter

EnlistDate 26August1862EnlistRank CorplEnlistAge 21Served Massachusetts E Co. 1st Inf Reg. Massachusetts D Co. 42nd Inf Reg. Massachusetts

Notes for Sarah Wales MANN: Death Notes: Name: Sarah Wales Oldham Death date: 07 Mar 1913 Death place: Quincy,,Massachusetts Gender: Female Race or color (expanded): White Age in years: 65 Estimated birth year: Birthdate: 02 Mar 1848 Birthplace: Scituate, Massachusetts Marital status: Widowed Spouse's name: Charles Father's name: Charles D Mann Generation 9 (con't) Mother's name: Mary Lorthrop Film number: 2401908 Digital GS number: 4284178 Image number: 01005 Reference number: 456 Collection: Massachusetts, Death Records, 1841 - 1915

Charles J. OLDHAM and Sarah Wales MANN had the following child: i. FRANK G.10 OLDHAM was born about 1869 in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died Y.

179. WENDELL E.9 OLDHAM (Adeline MANN, Rebecca Chandler 7, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

Wendell E. OLDHAM and Theresa WHITE had the following children: i. GEORGE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1864 9. He died before 1880 in San Mateo County, California, USA.

Notes for George OLDHAM:

Died at age 16, The First 200 Years of the Oldham family shows this as a son, but there is a Georgie Oldham living with the Hartley Family in San Mateo County, California in 1880. Theresa is living with another family in San Mateo County, California in the same census.

ii. GEORGIE OLDHAM was born about 1873 in California, USA. She died about 1889 9.

180. WILLIARD 9 HOWLAND (Jarius 8, Hannah 7 OLDHAM, David 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1852 85 . He died Y. He married LOTTIE A. S. BARRY in 1874 85 . She was born in 1850. She died Y.

Williard HOWLAND and Lottie A. S. BARRY had the following child: i. ELIZABETH 10 HOWLAND was born in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 109 . She married HERBERT E. MARSTON .

181. WENDELL E.9 OLDHAM (Adeline MANN, Rebecca Chandler 7, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1850 in Pembroke, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 9. He died on 26 Jul 1876 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, USA 9. He married THERESA WHITE on 23 May 1872 in San Mateo County, California, USA 98 . She was born about 1854 in Ohio, USA. She died Y.

Wendell E. OLDHAM and Theresa WHITE had the following children: i. GEORGE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1864 9. He died before 1880 in San Mateo County, California, USA.

Notes for George OLDHAM:

Died at age 16, The First 200 Years of the Oldham family shows this as a son, but there is a Georgie Oldham living with the Hartley Family in San Mateo County, California in 1880. Theresa is living with another family in San Mateo County, California in the same census.

ii. GEORGIE OLDHAM was born about 1873 in California, USA. She died about 1889 9.

182. CLARA TILDEN 9 OLDHAM (Jonathan 8, Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Jul 1847 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 57 . She died Generation 9 (con't)

on 14 Apr 1886. She married JOSEPH HENRY KNOX , son of Moses E. KNOX and Abbey WALKER. He was born on 27 Aug 1842 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 .

Joseph Henry KNOX and Clara Tilden OLDHAM had the following children: i. GRACE AMANDA 10 KNOX was born on 27 Nov 1868 in Charlestown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y.

ii. JOSEPH OLDHAM KNOX was born on 28 May 1878. He died on 05 Aug 1940.

Notes for Joseph Oldham KNOX: Nancy Knox Griffin Date: 2011-02-21 Comments: Great site! Would like to add my grandfather's name. Joseph Oldham Knox b. 28 May 1878 d. 5 Aug 1940

Son of Joseph Henry Knox and CLARA TILDEN OLDHAM b. 1 July 1847 d. 14 April 1886

Thank you. Nancy

183. EUNICE ALLEN 9 OLDHAM (Jonathan 8, Joseph 7, Jonathan 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Feb 1855 in Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA 87 . She died Y. She married FREDERICK D. GALLUPE on 21 Nov 1873 in Massachusetts, USA 87 , son of William Henry GALLUPE and Elizabeth Jane MEARS.

Frederick D. GALLUPE and Eunice Allen OLDHAM had the following child: i. CLARA ELIZABETH 10 GALLUPE was born on 10 Sep 1874 87 . She died Y.

184. MERRITT HARTWELL 9 OLDHAM (Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 03 Mar 1858 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 25 Mar 1944 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married (1) ELLA E. ALLEN about 1881 in Maine, USA, daughter of Unknown ALLEN and Diantha M. ALLEN. She was born about 1855 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) CINDERELLA AGNES "DELLA" POLAND in Aug 1894. She was born on 25 Jan 1869 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Feb 1945 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 92 .

Notes for Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM:

Died at the Cole Nursing Home, Dixfield, Maine

Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM and Ella E. ALLEN had the following children: i. FRANK ALLEN 10 OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

ii. HENRY CHESTER OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ELLA UNKNOWN .

iii. BURT OLDHAM was born in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

202. iv. CLARENCE H. OLDHAM was born on 01 Apr 1882 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1911 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married JOSEPHINE A. "JOSIE" CONANT on 25 Nov 1903 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She was born in 1866 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

v. JENNIE ELIZA OLDHAM was born in 1887 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

vi. WILLIAM A. OLDHAM was born on 25 Sep 1889 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

vii. HARRY MERRITT OLDHAM was born on 20 Feb 1892 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 103 . He died Y. Cinderella Agnes "Della" (2): Cinderella Agnes "Della" POLAND also went by the name of Della Poland. She also went by the name of Della. She also went by the name of Della.

Merritt Hartwell OLDHAM and Cinderella Agnes "Della" POLAND had the following children: viii. EMMA OLDHAM 74 was born in 1894 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

203. ix. MAURICE B. OLDHAM 74 was born on 21 Jul 1899 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1984 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married ELVA C. CUNNINGHAM on 11 May 1925 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 23 Apr 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

x. MARJORIE BELLE OLDHAM 74 was born on 04 Jan 1906 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

185. CALISTA J.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 20 Oct 1863 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 04 Dec 1926 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married RAMSOM D. WYMAN on 12 Mar 1880 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 21 Jan 1858 in Wyman Hill, Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

Ramsom D. WYMAN and Calista J. OLDHAM had the following children: i. EDNA K.10 WYMAN was born on 23 Mar 1884 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. EARL OTIS WYMAN was born on 20 Apr 1887 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

iii. MARY ELIZABETH WYMAN was born on 14 Jun 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

iv. GEORGIA WYMAN was born about 1890 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

186. JOHN C.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Dec 1867 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 05 Oct 1946 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married SOPHIA A. REED on 25 Aug 1902 in Maine, USA. She was born on 26 Sep 1867 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

John C. OLDHAM and Sophia A. REED had the following children: 204. i. JOHN RALPH 10 OLDHAM 74 was born on 09 Nov 1902 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1993 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married LUCINA BRYANT on 05 Jan 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 01 Jan 1900 in Milton Plantation, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

ii. WILMA R. OLDHAM was born on 07 Dec 1906 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1921 105 .

187. EMERSON C.9 OLDHAM (Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 21 Jan 1870 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 22 Jun 1935 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MAUDE L. YORK on 27 Jan 1898 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born on 25 Oct 1877 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

Notes for Maude L. YORK:

Maude was of Andover, Oxford County, Maine at time of marriage Generation 9 (con't) Emerson C. OLDHAM and Maude L. YORK had the following children: i. LEROY F. "ROY" 10 OLDHAM was born on 19 Oct 1897 in Andover, Oxford County, Maine, USA 111 . He died on 19 Nov 1978 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married UNKNOWN GOGAN .

Leroy F. "Roy": Leroy F. "Roy" OLDHAM also went by the name of Roy. He also went by the name of Roy Oldham. He also went by the name of Roy.

205. ii. DURWARD E. OLDHAM was born in 1902 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 23 Oct 1983 in West Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married (1) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN . She died Y. He married (2) ELSIE MARIE DOLLOFF on 21 Aug 1964. She was born on 25 Feb 1910 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CARROLL A. OLDHAM 74 was born on 15 Feb 1905 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 01 Mar 1967 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA.

iv. ANGIE M. OLDHAM was born on 14 Jun 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died in 1994. She married UNKNOWN GIFFORD . He was born in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

188. MARY ELLEN OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)104 was born on 18 Oct 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married FREELAND STARBIRD about 1863 in Maine, USA. He was born about 1842 in Woodstock, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

Freeland STARBIRD and Mary Ellen OLDHAM had the following children: i. MABEL 10 STARBIRD . She died Y.

ii. A. T. STARBIRD . He died Y.

iii. UNKNOWN STARBIRD . He died Y.

189. HIRAM ROELLO 9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)104 was born on 08 Aug 1852 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) MARY E. EARL about 1873 in Maine, USA. She was born about 1845 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) NELLIE KERBY . She was born about 1855 in Alton, Penobscot County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Hiram Roello OLDHAM:

After marriage he lived on the Daniel Oldham farm at Worthley Pond, where he carried on the trade of Blacksmithing. He and his wife divorced and he gave up the farm, moving to Rumford, where he remarried in the late 1890's and worked as a Blacksmith for a period of time. Later, he moved to Alton, Maine to take care of his new wife's parents on their farm.

Hiram Roello OLDHAM and Mary E. EARL had the following children: i. EARLE 10 OLDHAM was born about 1878 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

ii. ADDIE OLDHAM was born about 1880 in Pine Twp., Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

190. FRANCIS ATWOOD 9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Mar 1854 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died Y. He married (1) EMILY UNKNOWN . She was born about 1858 in Maine, USA. She died Y. He married (2) ARDELIA UNKNOWN . She died Y.

Francis Atwood: Francis Atwood OLDHAM also went by the name of Frank Oldham.

Francis Atwood OLDHAM and Ardelia UNKNOWN had the following child: i. EDITH MAY 10 OLDHAM was born on 24 Aug 1894 in Hebron, Oxford County, Maine, USA 111 . She died Y. Generation 9 (con't)

191. BENJAMIN F.9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Sep 1861 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Jun 1910 in Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 90, 105 . He married HESTER A. RANDALL on 17 May 1888 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1870. She died Y.

Benjamin F. OLDHAM and Hester A. RANDALL had the following child: i. GERALD RANDALL 10 OLDHAM was born on 02 May 1892 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 103 . He married (1) ROSAMOND MABELLE LUNT on 08 Oct 1915 in South Paris, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born in 1895 in Maine, USA. He married (2) MARTHA M. UNKNOWN after 1926. She died Y.

192. CHARLES L.9 OLDHAM (Hiram 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 26 Feb 1865 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 07 Apr 1947 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married GRACE ARVILLA PARKER , daughter of Elbridge PARKER and Adaliza T. UNKNOWN. She was born about 1869 in Maine, USA. She died on 28 Sep 1902.

Charles L. OLDHAM and Grace Arvilla PARKER had the following child: i. ELIZA ALZADA 10 OLDHAM was born on 01 May 1891 in Farmington, Franklin County, Maine, USA 103 . She died Y.

193. EUNICE TRASK OLDHAM (Columbus 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 06 Sep 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died on 12 Oct 1938 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married EDGAR MONTVILLE HOWARD . He was born on 08 Feb 1844 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died Y.

Eunice Trask: Eunice Trask OLDHAM also went by the name of Eugenia Oldham.

Edgar Montville HOWARD and Eunice Trask OLDHAM had the following children: i. JULIA T. HOWARD was born on 14 Nov 1875 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. LILLIAN S. HOWARD was born about 1878 in Pine Twp., Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. SARAH LILLA HOWARD was born about 1882 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

206. iv. EARLE E. HOWARD was born in Feb 1885 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1958 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married MABEL L. MILLER . She was born in Oct 1886 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

207. v. EDNA E. HOWARD 74 was born in Aug 1891 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ORLESTUS C. FULLER . He was born in 1889 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

194. SUSAN FLETCHER 9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Sep 1834 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ISAAC GLEASON WHITMAN on 20 Nov 1852 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born on 28 Sep 1824. He died Y.

Isaac Gleason WHITMAN and Susan Fletcher OLDHAM had the following children: i. FLAVILLA ANN 10 WHITMAN was born on 05 Feb 1857 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. HOSEA BALLOU WHITMAN was born on 04 May 1854 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

iii. EVELINA AUGUSTA WHITMAN was born on 19 Nov 1859 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

195. JOSEPH R.9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 08 Jul 1838 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 10 Jan 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 . He married SARAH T. STEVENS on 05 Aug 1860 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She was born about 1842 in Livermore Generation 9 (con't) Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 18 Jun 1885 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA 106 .

Joseph R. OLDHAM and Sarah T. STEVENS had the following children: i. ROSCOE 10 OLDHAM was born in Oct 1860 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. He died on 18 Dec 1860 in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

ii. ANGIE OLDHAM was born about 1862 in Maine, USA. She died in Livermore, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iii. PERRY S. OLDHAM was born about 1876 in Maine, USA. He died Y. He married ELIZABETH BURNS I on 21 Feb 1905 in Rumford Fall, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She died Y.

196. SARAH THOMAS 9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 02 Mar 1841 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died on 05 Nov 1911. She married JOHN H. BARTLETT on 29 Jan 1859 in Maine, USA. He was born on 25 Jun 1835 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 26 Oct 1910.

Marriage Notes:

At time of marriage, he was the pastor of the Free Baptist Church at Canton.

John H. BARTLETT and Sarah Thomas OLDHAM had the following child: i. ALBERTUS A.10 BARTLETT was born in Jan 1877 in Maine, USA.

197. LUCY M.9 OLDHAM (Sidney 8, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 05 Jul 1851 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in 1928 in Livermore Falls, Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She married WILLIAM ALBERT NASON . He was born on 22 Oct 1848. He died Y.

William Albert NASON and Lucy M. OLDHAM had the following children: i. BERTHA M.10 NASON was born on 16 May 1881 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. She died on 12 Jul 1945.

ii. SIDNEY E. NASON was born in May 1884 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iii. MARJORY H. NASON was born in Sep 1887 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA.

iv. ALBERT W. NASON was born on 19 Oct 1899 in Androscoggin County, Maine, USA. He died on 14 Jun 1962.

198. HARRIET ELIZA OLDHAM (John, Thaddeus 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 06 Jul 1855 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y. She married (1) HERBERT HAINES in Sep 1882 in Hartford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He was born about 1852. He died Y. She married (2) JAMES S. WIDBER on 01 Dec 1870. He was born about 1852. He died Y.

James S. WIDBER and Harriet Eliza OLDHAM had the following children: i. JOHN O. WIDBER was born about 1876 in Maine, USA. He died Y.

ii. WILLIAM WIDBER . Generation 10

199. LAURA SUSAN 10 NICHOLS (Varnum 9, Joshua 8, Joseph 7, Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 30 Sep 1840 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . She died on 18 May 1901 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She married CALVIN BRYANT on 14 Jun 1865 44 , son of Patrick BRYANT and Bricea DUMBOLTON. He was born on 31 May 1839 in Chesterfield, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, USA 44 . He died on 04 Jul 1914 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . Generation 10 (con't)

Calvin BRYANT and Laura Susan NICHOLS had the following children: i. GRACE TWIN 11 BRYANT was born in 1875 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She died in 1965.

ii. JENNIE TWIN BRYANT was born in 1875 44 . She died in 1931.

217. iii. ROYAL VARNUM BRYANT was born in 1877 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . He died in 1957 44 . He married MARY JANE BRADBURY in 1904 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She was born in 1879 in Hednesford, Cannock, England 44 . She died in 1938.

200. GEORGE E.10 OLDHAM (Miller Smith 9, Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Jun 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married KATHERINE L. UNKNOWN about 1880.

George E. OLDHAM and Katherine L. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. WILLIAM S.11 OLDHAM .



201. ARTHUR P.10 OLDHAM (George Barker 9, Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Aug 1872 in South Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y. He married AMY S. JOHNSON in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Arthur P. OLDHAM and Amy S. JOHNSON had the following children: i. BERNICE P.11 OLDHAM was born on 05 Jun 1893 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

ii. RAYMOND B. OLDHAM was born on 27 Jul 1895 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y.

iii. GEORGE S. OLDHAM was born on 17 Nov 1897 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 21 Nov 1897 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 .

iv. IRMA L. OLDHAM was born on 29 May 1899 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

202. CLARENCE H.10 OLDHAM (Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Apr 1882 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1911 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married JOSEPHINE A. "JOSIE" CONANT on 25 Nov 1903 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She was born in 1866 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Josephine A. "Josie": Josephine A. "Josie" CONANT also went by the name of Josie.

Marriage Notes:

Bride:Conant, Josephine A Residence:Mexico, Maine Groom:Oldham,Clarence H Residence:Rumford, Maine Marriage Date: November 25 1903 Place of Marriage: Maine Certificate: 0

Clarence H. OLDHAM and Josephine A. "Josie" CONANT had the following children: i. BEATRICE J.11 OLDHAM was born in 1907 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. Generation 10 (con't)

ii. GERALDINE V. OLDHAM was born on 18 May 1909 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CARROLL DWIGHT OLDHAM was born on 05 May 1911 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

203. MAURICE B.10 OLDHAM (Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 21 Jul 1899 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1984 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married ELVA C. CUNNINGHAM on 11 May 1925 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 23 Apr 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Maurice B. OLDHAM:

Successor to home farm at the outlet of Worthley Pond

Maurice B. OLDHAM and Elva C. CUNNINGHAM had the following children: 218. i. WARREN 11 OLDHAM 74 was born on 25 May 1937 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1999 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

ii. MARTHA OLDHAM was born on 23 Apr 1941 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married JOSEPH ELLIOT . He was born in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

204. JOHN RALPH 10 OLDHAM (John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 09 Nov 1902 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1993 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married LUCINA BRYANT on 05 Jan 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 01 Jan 1900 in Milton Plantation, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

John Ralph OLDHAM and Lucina BRYANT had the following children: 219. i. JOHN BRYANT 11 OLDHAM 74 was born on 08 May 1926 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1995 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married HARRIET NANCY COOMBS on 03 Jul 1949 in Solon, Somerset County, Maine, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1928 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine, USA.

220. ii. RALPH W. OLDHAM was born in 1929 in Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MILDRED J. MERCIER on 10 Apr 1951 in Maine, USA. She was born on 08 Jan 1930 in Oswego, Oswego County, New York, USA.

205. DURWARD E.10 OLDHAM (Emerson C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1902 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 23 Oct 1983 in West Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married (1) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN . She died Y. He married (2) ELSIE MARIE DOLLOFF on 21 Aug 1964. She was born on 25 Feb 1910 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Durward E. OLDHAM and Unknown UNKNOWN had the following child: i. AGNES M.11 OLDHAM was born on 22 Jun 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 .

206. EARLE E. HOWARD (Eunice Trask OLDHAM, Columbus 8 OLDHAM, Daniel G. 7 OLDHAM, Daniel 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in Feb 1885 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1958 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married MABEL L. MILLER . She was born in Oct 1886 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Earle E. HOWARD:

Successor in 1910 to home farm at Worthley Pond. Son Allied E. succeeded him. Generation 10 (con't) Earle E. HOWARD and Mabel L. MILLER had the following child: i. ALIED EARLE HOWARD was born on 11 Feb 1908 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1979 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married ESTHER M. WEBBER . She was born in 1905. She died Y.

207. EDNA E. HOWARD (Eunice Trask OLDHAM, Columbus 8 OLDHAM, Daniel G. 7 OLDHAM, Daniel 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) 74 was born in Aug 1891 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ORLESTUS C. FULLER . He was born in 1889 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

Orlestus C. FULLER and Edna E. HOWARD had the following child: i. RACHAEL LYNDORA FULLER was born on 28 Apr 1930 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 .

208. CORA 10 THOMAS (Andrew Wallace 9, Andrew 8, Chloe 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Samuel 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 18 Sep 1875 58 . She died on 13 Aug 1944 58 . She married JAMES H. PUGH in Illinois, USA. He was born on 31 Aug 1875 58 . He died on 10 Apr 1938 58 .

James H. PUGH and Cora THOMAS had the following child: 221. i. MARY E.11 PUGH was born on 01 Oct 1909 58 . She died on 25 Oct 1988 58 . She married JULIUS BARTZ on 22 Dec 1926 58 . He was born on 08 Feb 1900 58 . He died on 26 Sep 1996 in Columbus, Columbia County, Wisconsin, USA 58 .

209. GEORGE E.10 OLDHAM (Miller Smith 9, Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in Jun 1857 in Massachusetts, USA. He died Y. He married KATHERINE L. UNKNOWN about 1880.

George E. OLDHAM and Katherine L. UNKNOWN had the following children: i. WILLIAM S.11 OLDHAM .



210. ARTHUR P.10 OLDHAM (George Barker 9, Aurora Williams 8, David S. 7 PJr, David 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 18 Aug 1872 in South Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y. He married AMY S. JOHNSON in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA.

Arthur P. OLDHAM and Amy S. JOHNSON had the following children: i. BERNICE P.11 OLDHAM was born on 05 Jun 1893 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

ii. RAYMOND B. OLDHAM was born on 27 Jul 1895 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died Y.

iii. GEORGE S. OLDHAM was born on 17 Nov 1897 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . He died on 21 Nov 1897 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 .

iv. IRMA L. OLDHAM was born on 29 May 1899 in Hanover, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA 80 . She died Y.

211. CLARENCE H.10 OLDHAM (Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born on 01 Apr 1882 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 03 Jul 1911 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married JOSEPHINE A. "JOSIE" CONANT on 25 Nov 1903 in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA 101 . She was born in 1866 in Maine, USA. She died Y. Generation 10 (con't) Josephine A. "Josie": Josephine A. "Josie" CONANT also went by the name of Josie.

Marriage Notes:

Bride:Conant, Josephine A Residence:Mexico, Maine Groom:Oldham,Clarence H Residence:Rumford, Maine Marriage Date: November 25 1903 Place of Marriage: Maine Certificate: 0

Clarence H. OLDHAM and Josephine A. "Josie" CONANT had the following children: i. BEATRICE J.11 OLDHAM was born in 1907 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

ii. GERALDINE V. OLDHAM was born on 18 May 1909 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

iii. CARROLL DWIGHT OLDHAM was born on 05 May 1911 in Dickvale,Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

212. MAURICE B.10 OLDHAM (Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 21 Jul 1899 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 15 Mar 1984 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married ELVA C. CUNNINGHAM on 11 May 1925 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 23 Apr 1908 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Maurice B. OLDHAM:

Successor to home farm at the outlet of Worthley Pond

Maurice B. OLDHAM and Elva C. CUNNINGHAM had the following children: 218. i. WARREN 11 OLDHAM 74 was born on 25 May 1937 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1999 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

ii. MARTHA OLDHAM was born on 23 Apr 1941 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. She died in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She married JOSEPH ELLIOT . He was born in Rumford, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

213. JOHN RALPH 10 OLDHAM (John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 09 Nov 1902 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1993 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married LUCINA BRYANT on 05 Jan 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 110 . She was born on 01 Jan 1900 in Milton Plantation, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . She died Y.

John Ralph OLDHAM and Lucina BRYANT had the following children: 219. i. JOHN BRYANT 11 OLDHAM 74 was born on 08 May 1926 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1995 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married HARRIET NANCY COOMBS on 03 Jul 1949 in Solon, Somerset County, Maine, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1928 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine, USA.

220. ii. RALPH W. OLDHAM was born in 1929 in Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MILDRED J. MERCIER on 10 Apr 1951 in Maine, USA. She was born on 08 Jan 1930 in Oswego, Oswego County, New York, USA.

214. DURWARD E.10 OLDHAM (Emerson C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1902 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died on 23 Oct 1983 in West Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married (1) UNKNOWN UNKNOWN . She died Y. He married (2) ELSIE MARIE DOLLOFF on 21 Aug 1964. She was born on 25 Feb 1910 in Rumford, Generation 10 (con't) Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y.

Durward E. OLDHAM and Unknown UNKNOWN had the following child: i. AGNES M.11 OLDHAM was born on 22 Jun 1924 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 .

215. EARLE E. HOWARD (Eunice Trask OLDHAM, Columbus 8 OLDHAM, Daniel G. 7 OLDHAM, Daniel 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in Feb 1885 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1958 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married MABEL L. MILLER . She was born in Oct 1886 in Maine, USA. She died Y.

Notes for Earle E. HOWARD:

Successor in 1910 to home farm at Worthley Pond. Son Allied E. succeeded him.

Earle E. HOWARD and Mabel L. MILLER had the following child: i. ALIED EARLE HOWARD was born on 11 Feb 1908 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA 74 . He died in 1979 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married ESTHER M. WEBBER . She was born in 1905. She died Y.

216. EDNA E. HOWARD (Eunice Trask OLDHAM, Columbus 8 OLDHAM, Daniel G. 7 OLDHAM, Daniel 6 OLDHAM, Isaac OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) 74 was born in Aug 1891 in East Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. She died Y. She married ORLESTUS C. FULLER . He was born in 1889 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died Y.

Orlestus C. FULLER and Edna E. HOWARD had the following child: i. RACHAEL LYNDORA FULLER was born on 28 Apr 1930 in Canton, Oxford County, Maine, USA 74 . Generation 11

217. ROYAL VARNUM 11 BRYANT (Laura Susan 10 NICHOLS, Varnum 9 NICHOLS, Joshua 8 NICHOLS, Joseph 7 NICHOLS, Mehitable 6 OLDHAM, Joshua 5 OLDHAM, Thomas 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born in 1877 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . He died in 1957 44 . He married MARY JANE BRADBURY in 1904 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She was born in 1879 in Hednesford, Cannock, England 44 . She died in 1938.

Royal Varnum BRYANT and Mary Jane BRADBURY had the following children: i. ROYAL CALVIN 12 BRYANT was born in 1907 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . He died in 1962. He married MARTHA PREBLE JONES in 1938.

ii. LAURA IMOGENE BRYANT was born on 08 Dec 1908 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She married HOLLIS P. WYMAN in 1968 44 . He died Y.

iii. LYNWOOD SILVESTER BRYANT was born on 08 Dec 1908 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . He married LOUISE SNELLING GRAHAM on 05 Sep 1939 in West Roxbury, Massacnhusetts 44 , daughter of John Hilliar GRAHAM and Myrtle Louise BELYEA. She was born on 24 Mar 1914 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA 44 .

iv. ELINOR BRADBURY BRYANT was born in 1912 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA 44 . She died in 1978. She married (1) GERARD HARRIGAN in 1942 44 . She married (2) DANIEL DOYLE in 1946 44 .

218. WARREN 11 OLDHAM (Maurice B. 10 , Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 25 May 1937 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1999 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. Generation 11 (con't) Warren OLDHAM had the following child: i. FOUR CHILDREN 12 OLDHAM .

219. JOHN BRYANT 11 OLDHAM (John Ralph 10 , John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 08 May 1926 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1995 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married HARRIET NANCY COOMBS on 03 Jul 1949 in Solon, Somerset County, Maine, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1928 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine, USA.

John Bryant OLDHAM and Harriet Nancy COOMBS had the following children: i. SHERIDAN 12 OLDHAM . He died Y.

ii. JULIE OLDHAM . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN SILTON .

iii. NANCY O. OLDHAM . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN DEMILNER .

220. RALPH W.11 OLDHAM (John Ralph 10 , John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1929 in Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married MILDRED J. MERCIER on 10 Apr 1951 in Maine, USA. She was born on 08 Jan 1930 in Oswego, Oswego County, New York, USA.

Ralph W. OLDHAM and Mildred J. MERCIER had the following children: i. TANYA 12 OLDHAM .


iii. GARY R. OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1955 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1985 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married SHARON UNKNOWN .

221. MARY E.11 PUGH (Cora 10 THOMAS, Andrew Wallace 9 THOMAS, Andrew 8 THOMAS, Chloe 7 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Samuel 6 RICHARDS\RICKARD, Alice 5 OLDHAM, Isaac 4 OLDHAM, Thomas 3 OLDHAM, Thomas 2 OLDHAM, William 1 OLDHAM) was born on 01 Oct 1909 58 . She died on 25 Oct 1988 58 . She married JULIUS BARTZ on 22 Dec 1926 58 . He was born on 08 Feb 1900 58 . He died on 26 Sep 1996 in Columbus, Columbia County, Wisconsin, USA 58 .

Julius BARTZ and Mary E. PUGH had the following child: i. ARDEN A.12 BARTZ was born on 21 Jan 1933 58 .

222. WARREN 11 OLDHAM (Maurice B. 10 , Merritt Hartwell 9, Daniel G. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 25 May 1937 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died in 1999 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA.

Warren OLDHAM had the following child: i. FOUR CHILDREN 12 OLDHAM .

223. JOHN BRYANT 11 OLDHAM (John Ralph 10 , John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1)74 was born on 08 May 1926 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He died on 27 Sep 1995 in Worthley Pond, Peru County, Maine, USA. He married HARRIET NANCY COOMBS on 03 Jul 1949 in Solon, Somerset County, Maine, USA. She was born on 23 Jan 1928 in Topsham, Sagadahoc County, Maine, USA.

John Bryant OLDHAM and Harriet Nancy COOMBS had the following children: i. SHERIDAN 12 OLDHAM . He died Y.

ii. JULIE OLDHAM . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN SILTON .

iii. NANCY O. OLDHAM . She died Y. She married UNKNOWN DEMILNER .

224. RALPH W.11 OLDHAM (John Ralph 10 , John C. 9, Peleg F. 8, Daniel G. 7, Daniel 6, Isaac, Isaac 4, Thomas 3, Thomas 2, William 1) was born in 1929 in Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married Generation 11 (con't)

MILDRED J. MERCIER on 10 Apr 1951 in Maine, USA. She was born on 08 Jan 1930 in Oswego, Oswego County, New York, USA.

Ralph W. OLDHAM and Mildred J. MERCIER had the following children: i. TANYA 12 OLDHAM .


iii. GARY R. OLDHAM was born on 06 Jul 1955 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He died on 08 Feb 1985 in Peru, Oxford County, Maine, USA. He married SHARON UNKNOWN . Sources

1 Huel Jay Oldham [email protected]. 2 Pat Searight [email protected]@nts-online.net 6117 Calumet, Amarillo, Texas 79106. 3 Records of Leiden, Holland (FHL974 B2ne V15). 4 Jean Oldham Heuman ([email protected] Nov-Apr / 978 Vincent Ave., East, Venice, Florida 34292 (914) 488-7177/fax 941 483-3064: May-Oct; 12 Newcomb Rd., Stoneham, Massachusetts 02180-4200 (781) 665-5577: [email protected]). 5 J. L. Crawford, Whence We Came. 6 American Genealogical Biographical Index, Vol 18, Pg 277. 7 Early American Marriages. 8 Tom Wetherell [email protected]. 9 Ruth Eddy, The First 200 Years of the Oldham Family in America. 10 Susan E. Roser, Mayflower Marriages, 247. 11 Sharon Akin Oldham Kountz (9/96). 12 Vital Records, Scituate, Massachusetts. 13 Scituate Vital Records. 14 Plymouth Probate. Bk 7 pg 214. 15 Diary of Hezekiah Keen, Mayflower Desc. Vol 28, pg 5 & 6. 16 John William Linzee, The History of Peter Parker and Sarah Ruggles (Privately Published, Boston 1913.), 198. 17 Joanne Roth [email protected]. 18 Vital Records, Pembroke, Massachusetts. 19 Pembroke Vital Records. 20 Susan Roser, Mayflower Increasings. 21 Vital Records Scituate County, Massachusetts. 22 Charles Henry Pope, Pioneers of Massachusetts (1900. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing County, Inc., 1965.), 68. 23 Charles Henry Pope, Pioneers of Massachusetts (1900. Reprint, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing County, Inc., 1965.). 24 Cambridge Vital Records. 25 Vital Records, Middlesex County, Massachusetts. 26 Elizabeth E. Dana, The Dana Family in America (1956), 48. 27 Edward Bernard. 28 Wyman's History of Charlestown, Cambridge Vital Records. 29 Margaret Snowden. 30 Savage, Dictionary of Settlers of the Northeast, Vol 2. 31 Mayflower Marriages, by Susan E. Roser, pg 247. 32 Vital Records, Barnstable, Massachusetts. 33 Walter Edwin Newcomb III. 34 Vital Records, Marshfield, Massachusetts. 35 Marshfield Vital Records. Sources (con't)

36 Early Massachusetts Marriages prior to 1800. 37 Hugh A. Zorger [email protected]. 38 Will of Thomas Oldham, d 1727. 39 Jerry Harris. 40 Charles Oliver>[email protected]. 41 Vital Records, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0496864. 42 International Genealogical Index / North America, IGI. 43 Vital Records, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 44 Katherine Bryant [email protected]. 45 Duxbury Vital Records. 46 Chris - [email protected] / [email protected] e-mail message dated 31 Jul 1997. 47 Truro Vital Records. 48 Vital Records, Truro County, Massachusetts, 49. 49 Adrian Card . 50 Vital Records, Truro County, Massachusetts, 50. 51 Probate Records Scituate, Massachusetts. 52 Will of Timothy Rogers. 53 Vital Records, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0481072. 54 Will of Isaac Oldham 6 Jan 1789. 55 Vital Records Pembroke, Massachusetts. 56 Vital Records, Hansen, Massachusetts. 57 Massachusetts Vital Records. 58 Arden A. Bartz . 59 Colonial Families, Vol II. 60 Compendium of American Genealogy, first Families of America. 61 Marriage Records, Worcester County, Massachusetts, USA, Page 154. 62 Vital Records, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Ut, Film # 0496864. 63 Ruth A. Baker, History and Genealogy of Chesterfield (Gazette Printing County, Northampton 1962.). 64 Vital Records of Hanover, Massachusetts. 65 Hanover Vital Records. 66 Vital Records, Duxbury, Massachusetts. 67 L. Simmons lsimmons@midcoast,com. 68 Wendy Simpson e-mail address provided on request. 69 Peterson Family of Duxbury, Massachusetts. 70 Oaks National Register. 71 Tombstone. 72 Birth Records, Pembroke, Massachusetts, [p.21] PEMBROKE BIRTHS TO THE YEAR 1850. 73 Hollis Turner (1912), History of the Town of Peru, Oxford, Maine - 1789 to 1911, Page 216. 74 Hollis Turner (1912), History of the Town of Peru, Oxford, Maine - 1789 to 1911. 75 Wing Family Records. 76 Family Records. 77 Rhode Island Vital Records. 78 Kingston Vital Record. 79 Wm. Miller, Histories and Genealogies of the Families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh and Brown, 1904 (http://www.archive.org/details/historygenealogie00mill), Page. 80 Clement, A History of Massachusetts. 81 Clement, A History of Massachusetts, 292. Sources (con't)

82 Vital Records. 83 Carroll A. Edson, Edson Family History and Genealogy: Descendants of Samuel Edson of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass., Volume II: Post Colonial Period - Descendants of Joseph Edson Including Those Using the Name Etson (Volumes 1-2)., 2 (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Bros., Inc, 1969.). 84 Carroll A. Edson, Edson Family History and Genealogy: Descendants of Samuel Edson of Salem and Bridgewater, Mass., Volume II: Post Colonial Period - Descendants of Joseph Edson Including Those Using the Name Etson (Volumes 1-2)., 2 (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Bros., Inc, 1969.), 1008. 85 DAR Records DAR Certificate #418504. 86 C. H. Farnam, History of the Descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass. (New Haven, Connecticut: Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1889.), Page 328. 87 The History of the Faxon Family. 88 Vital Records, Medford, Massachusetts. 89 Hollis Turner (1912), History of the Town of Peru, Oxford, Maine - 1789 to 1911, Page 215. 90 Death Certificate, Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1892-1907 Vital Records; Roll #:42. 91 Marriage Records, Abbington, Massachusetts, 147. 92 Lloyd Orville Poland, PhD, Chester Harrison Poland, Big Rapids, Michigan, The Polands from Essex County, Massachusetts, Page 418. 93 DDu. 94 Birth Records, Hanson, Massachusetts. 95 LDS Film #7702107 - 9. 96 Wm. Miller, Histories and Genealogies of the Families of Miller, Woods, Harris, Wallace, Maupin, Oldham, Kavanaugh and Brown, 1904 (http://www.archive.org/details/historygenealogie00mill), Page 566. 97 Clayton Wood (1848-1901) Holmes, A Genealogy of the Lineal Descendants of William Wood Who Settled in Concord, Mass., in 1638 (N.p.: n.p., n.d.), 163. 98 Overland Monthly and OutWest Magazine, Vol 9, Issue 1, July 1872. 99 DAR Records DAR Certificate #418504, #18503. 100 DAR Records DAR Certificate #418504, DAR #18503. 101 8 february 2001Maine Department of Human Services, "Maine State Archives, Marriage Records, 1892-1966," database, World Vital Records ((http://www.worldvitalrecords.com : 10 jun 2008)), ). 102 Birth Certificate, Maine Birth Records, 1621-1922. 103 Birth Certificate, Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; Pre 1892 Delayed Returns; Roll #:81. 104 Hollis Turner (1912), History of the Town of Peru, Oxford, Maine - 1789 to 1911, Page 217. 105 Town of Peru, Oxford County, Maine - Vital Statistics. 106 Cemetery Records. 107 Hollis Turner (1912), History of the Town of Peru, Oxford, Maine 1789-1911. 108 Mary W. Simpson [email protected]. 109 DAR Records DAR Certificate #418504, DAR ID Number: 76632. 110 Marriage Records, Maine State Archives, 1892-1966, February 8, 2001. 111 Birth Certificate, Maine State Archives; Cultural Building, 84 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0084; 1892-1907 Vital Records; Roll #:42. Descendants of Richard OLDHAM

Generation 1

1. RICHARD 1 OLDHAM was born in Ireland. He married NANCY BUSTED . She was born in Ireland. She died on 04 Jan 1870.

Richard OLDHAM and Nancy BUSTED had the following children: 2. i. RICHARD 2 OLDHAM was born in 1822 in Ireland. He died on 07 Mar 1899 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married ABELA "ABBY "LENIHAN in 1854 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA, daughter of John LENIHAN and Mary MURPHY. She was born in 1826 in Ireland. She died on 08 Sep 1899 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

ii. BRIDGET OLDHAM was born in 1827 in Ireland. She died Y.

Bridget OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1.

Notes for Bridget OLDHAM: Census Notes:

Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B

3. iii. ROBERT OLDHAM was born in 1828 in Ireland. He died on 20 Jan 1897 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married MARY LEARY . She was born in 1825 in Ireland. She died Y. Generation 2

2. RICHARD 2 OLDHAM (Richard 1) was born in 1822 in Ireland. He died on 07 Mar 1899 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married ABELA "ABBY "LENIHAN in 1854 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA, daughter of John LENIHAN and Mary MURPHY. She was born in 1826 in Ireland. She died on 08 Sep 1899 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Richard: Richard OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. He was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Richard OLDHAM: Census Notes:

Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE Generation 2 (con't) Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5

Abela "Abby ": Abela "Abby " LENIHAN was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. She was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Abela "Abby " LENIHAN: Abela Lenihan marriage to Richard Oldham. her father not named, her mother is Margaret Lenihan. Abbie is 29, Richard 30. both born Ireland, both live in Dedham Census Notes:

Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5

Relationship Notes for Richard OLDHAM and Abela "Abby " LENIHAN: Abela Lenihan marriage to Richard Oldham. her father not named, her mother is Margaret Lenihan. Abbie is 29, Richard 30. both born Ireland, both live in Dedham

Richard OLDHAM and Abela "Abby " LENIHAN had the following children: i. RICHARD E.3 OLDHAM was born in Sep 1855 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1938 in Massachusetts, USA.

Richard E. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1910 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. Generation 2 (con't) Notes for Richard E. OLDHAM: Census Notes: Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5 Raymond Oldham 44 Annie V Oldham 42 Sister Timothy Oldham 39 Brother Robert B Oldham 37 Brother Mary Oldham 35 Sister

Anna V Oldham 52 Richard E Oldham 54 Timothy J Oldham 49 Mary E Oldham 46

ii. ANN VINCENT OLDHAM was born on 25 Jul 1857 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 15 Oct 1915 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Ann Vincent OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 3. She was counted in the census in 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1910 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Ann Vincent OLDHAM: Census Notes: Living in household of Francis M. Baker as servant Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5 Raymond Oldham 44 Annie V Oldham 42 Sister Timothy Oldham 39 Brother Robert B Oldham 37 Brother Mary Oldham 35 Sister

Anna V Oldham 52 Richard E Oldham 54 Timothy J Oldham 49 Mary E Oldham 46

4. iii. JOHN P. OLDHAM was born on 21 May 1859 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Jan 1946. He married SARAH A. EDEL . She Generation 2 (con't) was born in 1862. She died in 1930. iv. TIMOTHY J. OLDHAM was born on 21 Nov 1860 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1922 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Timothy J. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1910 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Timothy J. OLDHAM: Census Notes: Raymond Oldham 44 Annie V Oldham 42 Sister Timothy Oldham 39 Brother Robert B Oldham 37 Brother Mary Oldham 35 Sister

Anna V Oldham 52 Richard E Oldham 54 Timothy J Oldham 49 Mary E Oldham 46

Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5 v. ROBERT BERNARD OLDHAM was born in 1862 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1947 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married MARY JOSEPHINE WELCH on 24 Oct 1900 in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She was born in 1865. She died in 1937 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Robert Bernard: Robert Bernard OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. He was counted in the census in 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1920 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1930 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Robert Bernard OLDHAM: Census Notes: Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5 Generation 2 (con't) Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B Raymond Oldham 44 Annie V Oldham 42 Sister Timothy Oldham 39 Brother Robert B Oldham 37 Brother Mary Oldham 35 Sister

Robert P Oldham 56 Mary J Oldham 54 Mary A Welch 75 Mary E Richards 19

Robert Oldham 67 Mary J Oldham 65 vi. MARY E. OLDHAM was born on 25 Jul 1864 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1955 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Mary E. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. She was counted in the census in 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1910 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Mary E. OLDHAM: Census Notes:

Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 Generation 2 (con't) John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5 Raymond Oldham 44 Annie V Oldham 42 Sister Timothy Oldham 39 Brother Robert B Oldham 37 Brother Mary Oldham 35 Sister

Anna V Oldham 52 Richard E Oldham 54 Timothy J Oldham 49 Mary E Oldham 46

vii. DAUGHTER OLDHAM was born in 1866 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

viii. SON OLDHAM was born in 1869 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1869 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

3. ROBERT 2 OLDHAM (Richard 1) was born in 1828 in Ireland. He died on 20 Jan 1897 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He married MARY LEARY . She was born in 1825 in Ireland. She died Y.

Robert: Robert OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1860 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1.

Notes for Robert OLDHAM: Census Notes: RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4 RobertOldham 32 Mary Oldham 32 Anna Oldham 2 Mary Oldham 3.12

Robert OLDHAM Self M Male W 52 IRE Laborer IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Wife M Female W 55 IRE Keeping House IRE IRE JaneOLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Dau S Female W 17 MA IRE IRE Mary BARRY Other S Female W 20 IRE IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B

Mary: Mary LEARY was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. Generation 2 (con't) Notes for Mary LEARY: Census Notes: RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4

Robert OLDHAM Self M Male W 52 IRE Laborer IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Wife M Female W 55 IRE Keeping House IRE IRE JaneOLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Dau S Female W 17 MA IRE IRE Mary BARRY Other S Female W 20 IRE IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B

Robert OLDHAM and Mary LEARY had the following children: i. HANNAH 3 OLDHAM was born in 1858 in Massachusetts, USA.

ii. ANNA OLDHAM was born about 1858 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Anna OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1860 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal).

Notes for Anna OLDHAM: Census Notes: RobertOldham 32 Mary Oldham 32 Anna Oldham 2 Mary Oldham 3.12 RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4

iii. MARY A. OLDHAM was born on 01 Jan 1860 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1914 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married PATRICK DRUMMEY on 01 Jun 1886 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born in 1858. He died in 1945.

Mary A.: Mary A. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1860 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for Mary A. OLDHAM: Census Notes: RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 Generation 2 (con't) MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4 RobertOldham 32 Mary Oldham 32 Anna Oldham 2 Mary Oldham 3.12 iv. RICHARD OLDHAM was born in 1861 in Massachusetts, USA. He died in 1861 in Massachusetts, USA. v. BRIDGET OLDHAM was born in 1863 in Massachusetts, USA. She died Y.

Bridget OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1.

Notes for Bridget OLDHAM: Census Notes: RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4

Robert OLDHAM Self M Male W 52 IRE Laborer IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Wife M Female W 55 IRE Keeping House IRE IRE JaneOLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Dau S Female W 17 MA IRE IRE Mary BARRY Other S Female W 20 IRE IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B vi. JANE E. OLDHAM was born on 29 Sep 1864 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 14 Feb 1908 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Jane E. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). She was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1.

Notes for Jane E. OLDHAM: Census Notes: RobertOldham 43 Mary Oldham 45 Ann Oldham 11 MaryOldham 9 Bridget Oldham 7 Jennie Oldham 4

Robert OLDHAM Self M Male W 52 IRE Laborer IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Wife M Female W 55 IRE Keeping House IRE IRE JaneOLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Dau S Female W 17 MA IRE IRE Mary BARRY Other S Female W 20 IRE IRE IRE Generation 2 (con't)

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B

vii. SON OLDHAM was born in 1866 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. Generation 3

4. JOHN P.3 OLDHAM (Richard 2, Richard 1) was born on 21 May 1859 in South Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 16 Jan 1946. He married SARAH A. EDEL . She was born in 1862. She died in 1930.

John P.: John P. OLDHAM was counted in the census in 1870 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal). He was counted in the census in 1880 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA (Federal) 1. He was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Notes for John P. OLDHAM: Census Notes:

Richard OLDHAM Self M Male W 58 IRE Works In IronFoundry IRE IRE Abby OLDHAM Wife M Female W 54 IRE KeepingHouse IRE IRE JohnOLDHAM Son S Male W 21 MA Grocer IRE IRE Robert OLDHAM Son S Male W 18 MA Works In Iron Foundry IRE IRE Mary OLDHAM Dau S Female W 15 MA AtSchool IRE IRE Bridget OLDHAM Sister S Female W 53 IRE Nurse IRE IRE

Source Information: Census Place Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts Family History Library Film 1254547 NA Film Number T9-0547 Page Number 211B Richard Oldham 48 Abbie Oldham 42 Richard Oldham 14 Ann Oldham 12 John Oldham 11 TimothyOldham 9 Robert Oldham 8 MaryOldham 5

Sarah A.: Sarah A. EDEL was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

John P. OLDHAM and Sarah A. EDEL had the following children: i. ABBIE VINCENT 4 OLDHAM was born in 1881 in Massachusetts, USA. She died on 09 Aug 1966 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married JAMES CORNELIOUS MURPHY on 13 Nov 1910 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born in 1881. He died in 1912.

Abbie Vincent: Abbie Vincent OLDHAM was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA 2.

Notes for Abbie Vincent OLDHAM: Norwood Messenger: lived 125 Pleasant Street. wife of late Dr. James C. Murphy, Jr. survived by one daughter Mrs. Marion M. McDonald of Pennsylvania, three Generation 3 (con't) grandchildren, Robert, Rosemary, and Stephen O'Connell, and one great-grandchild. ii. THERESA G. OLDHAM was born on 19 Jul 1883 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1885 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Theresa G. OLDHAM was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. iii. SARAH AGNES OLDHAM was born on 27 Sep 1886 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died in 1962 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Sarah Agnes OLDHAM was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. iv. JANE OLDHAM was born in Sep 1886 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. v. MARY ELIZABETH OLDHAM was born on 27 Mar 1885 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died before 1898 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. vi. MARIAN C. OLDHAM was born in Feb 1889 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. vii. ELIZABETH CONSTANCE OLDHAM was born on 25 Nov 1890 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 06 Mar 1983 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married PATRICK CHARLES COSTELLO on 30 Jun 1914 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He was born in 1885. He died in 1918 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Elizabeth Constance: Elizabeth Constance OLDHAM was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. viii. ANNIE JOSEPHINE OLDHAM was born on 23 Nov 1892 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 08 Apr 1984 in Dedham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She married JOHN JOSEPH COAKLEY . He was born in 1892. He died in 1968. ix. HELEN EULALIA OLDHAM was born on 11 Dec 1893 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 24 Nov 1985 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA.

Helen Eulalia OLDHAM was buried in Highland Cemetery, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. x. MARY L. OLDHAM was born on 21 May 1898 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 01 Nov 1999 in Darby, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, USA. She married SIGMUND LASCHENSKI . He was born in 1891. He died in 1980. xi. MARGARET E. OLDHAM was born on 05 Nov 1900 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. She died on 08 Sep 1999 in Trumbull, Fairfield County, Connecticut, USA. She married HORACE MINEAR HUMPHREY on 14 Jun 1932 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, USA. He was born in 1892. He died in 1972.

Margaret E.: Margaret E. OLDHAM was buried Y2. xii. JOHN F. OLDHAM was born on 12 Dec 1902 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. He died on 28 Jul 1903 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. xiii. LOUISE OLDHAM was born in Jul 1906 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, Generation 3 (con't) USA. She died on 06 Aug 1906 in Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, USA. Sources

1 1880 Federal Census, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, Page 211B. 2 Cemetery Records. 3 1880 Federal Census, Norwood, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, PAge 195A.