Loughborough Women’s Group

E n g a g e

E d u c a t e

E m p o w e r


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Section Subject Page(s)

One Introduction 3 - 4

Two Planning Team 5

Three Activities - Facilitators - Achievements 6 - 7

Four Loughborough Women’s Group Road Show 8

Five Other Key Local Groups and Service Providers 9 - 12

Six Acknowledgements and Thanks 13

Appendices: (available separately)

1. ‘Women’s Talk’ Questionnaire and Membership Forms. 2. Event Sign in Sheets and Crèche Attendance Sheets. 3. Event Evaluation Feedback Forms. 4. Community Consultation Questionnaires. 5. LWG Road Show Booking Form.

2 | P a g e Building Communities in Coldharbour LOUGHBOROUGH WOMEN’S GROUP INFORMATION BOOKLET 2013

LOUGHBOROUGH WOMEN’S GROUP engage - educate - empower

Introduction The London Community Foundation (LCF) - formerly The Capital Community Foundation, is an independent charity focused on social action in London. Our aim is to make it easier for Londoners to bring about positive change. We do this by encouraging philanthropy and supporting community-based social action at the grassroots, primarily through grant funding and pathfinder initiatives.

The Foundation has been grant-making in for more than 15 years, and during this time we have established strong links with local organizations, groups and individuals. Building Communities in Coldharbour (BCC) is an innovative and exciting pathfinder initiative, funded mainly by J. P. Morgan as part of their ‘place based’ programme, focused on areas which experience high levels of social and economic disadvantage.

Background information This project has come out from a conversation between Cynthia Roomes - the BCC Community Development Manager and a local resident, and Segen Ghebrekidan, also a local resident. We were talking about the need for more connections between service providers and local women, and wanting to increase capacity building and communications which focus on the specific needs and aspirations women.

Several other women have mentioned that there is a need for women to get together more, and there are many women who would want to take part in women only projects and activities. So we decided and agreed to work together to create more opportunities for local women by founding Loughborough Women’s Group (LWG) which was launched in September 2012, funded by the BCC Community Challenge Fund. Based on the success of the pilot project, LWG was awarded with 6 months continuation funding in July 2013.

Our main aim To establish an exciting project focused on improving the educational social and economic prospects of local women, and raising their levels of confidence and self esteem.

Loughborough Women’s Group will provide opportunities:  to learn new skills and develop your abilities  to meet new people and local service providers  to improve your social and economic prospects  to create a vibrant women’s network. 3 | P a g e

Loughborough Women’s Group will enable service providers:  to find out what matters most to local women  to define and respond to local priorities  to deliver effective projects activities and services for local women  to create a vibrant women’s network.

Defining the LWG Ethos

We are passionate, we listen, we communicate, and we love how that connects us to our

heritage, our culture, and one another. We bring creative energy and commitment to help women achieve their potential. We are enthusiastic about making space for the happiness and contentment of women, and our vision for the future is to be sustainable in what we do. April 2013

The LWG Project We delivered a 3 month pilot project from February to May 2013 based on feedback from local women. We have learnt what their priorities are, and have provided a holistic programme of activities and support in response to their stated preferences and needs. The LWG project is on- going, having secured continuation funding from the BCC programme which will take us through to January 2014, and we are fundraising and looking at ways of generating income so that the LWG project is sustainable.

What Loughborough Women’s Group has delivered  Decoupatch Paper Craft  Needle Work and other Handicrafts  Jewellery Making  Basketry and Caning  Knitting and Crochet  Yoga For Well Being Classes  Listening Skills Workshop  Money Management Advice and Training  Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness Events  Physical Activity Support Group  Project Development and Fundraising  Advice on Enterprise and Self Employment  Access to free crèche and childcare.

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Loughborough Women’s Group Planning Team

Cynthia A. Roomes: Local resident and Community Development Manager Co-founder of Loughborough Women’s Group A local resident with more than 30 years experience in community and youth work, much of that experience was gained working in Lambeth, with grass roots groups, social enterprises and public sector organizations. Cynthia wrote the original LWG proposal in collaboration with Segen Ghebrekidan, and is responsible for project managing and overall coordination of LWG. E: [email protected] M: 07730 219 085

Segen Ghebrekidan: Local resident and member of LETRA Co-founder of Loughborough Women’s Group Segen is a local resident, and has been volunteering in the community for a number of years and has extensive experience in community outreach, connecting people organizations and services which address the needs of local people. She also provides translation service, and is an active member of a number of grass roots groups and organizations. E: [email protected] M: 07778 841 896

Jean Springer: Local resident and member of LETRA LWG Administrator Jean is a local resident, and has been active in the community for more than 30 years, including voluntary work with senior citizens, and decades of input to the Loughborough Community Centre. Jean has skills in ICT, research, community outreach, finance and book keeping, along with an array of skills and abilities in arts and crafts, and is responsible for the on-going administration of LWG. E: [email protected] M: 07538 822 096

Candice James: Pre School Manager Loughborough Community Centre Loughborough Community Centre (LCC) is a registered charity that puts community cohesion at the heart of its ethos, established by local Loughborough Estate tenants in response to the riots (1981) and the high concentration of poverty in the area.

LCC is the newly established provider of the One O’clock Club service, which sits alongside their existing Pre-school and early years provision. They successfully bid for the contract and the lease to manage the Max Roach site over the next 7 years.

LCC nurture two resident led proposals funded by a Community Challenge Fund grant: Arts & Crafts for Senior Citizens in the Loughborough Centre, and the Loughborough Women’s Group. LCC coordinates LWG childcare and crèche provision, and provides operational support to help underpin the running of the LWG project, including community engagement, partnership working, and collaborative approach to fundraising and income generation. E: [email protected] M: 07538 822088 T: 020 7737 2472

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Loughborough Women’s Group Activities - Facilitators - Achievements

Decoupatch Paper Craft Facilitated by Jean Springer, the Decoupatch Workshop is a paper based craft which can be used on furniture, glass, ornaments. Decoupatch can also be used to create greeting cards and calendars, recycling old and worn out household items, and encourages creativity. This activity is an extension of the Community Challenge Fund arts and craft sessions for Loughborough Senior Citizens Group, it is therapeutic, calming, and works well with older people, children and young people alike.

Needle Work and Handicrafts Facilitated by Paulette Houslin who has been delivering crafts workshops as part of the LWG Saturday Club, including project work which enables women to complete a craft item for themselves, their friends and family, or event their home. Paulette will be introducing sessions to repair items, making soft furnishings, curtains, and is also keen to involve girls and young women. She also specialises in health and well being activities.

Jewellery Making Facilitated by Segen Ghebrekidan who is the co-founder of LWG. This is a new activity in the second phase of the LWG project, involving making items of jewellery like bracelets, necklaces and earrings, for your self, or as gifts for friends and families. Segen is also working on food growing and cookery projects, and is looking to introduce a food share scheme to Loughborough estate.

Basketry and Caning Facilitated by Mitzi Fowlin as part of the Tuesday term time sessions, and the LWG Saturday Club. These practical workshops involve the traditional handicraft of caning and basketry to make useful household and decorative items such as place mats, book marks, linen baskets, plant pot holders etc. Mitzi also specialises in knitting and crochet, is an avid food grower, and keen on poetry and literature. Mitzi delivers basketry workshops on Mondays in Angell Town estate, and is a recipient of an enterprise start up grant from UnLtd’s Star People Programme. She believes that the LWG project is a much needed positive local initiative, which helps to break down barriers by providing an opportunity to meet people, to network, and exchange information and positive energy.

Yoga For Well Being Classes Facilitated by Maria Moran as part of the LWG Saturday Club an extension of the resident led Community Challenge Fund project she is delivering at The Loughborough Centre 7pm – 8pm on Friday evenings. Maria’s Yoga Classes involve gentle exercise, breathing, stretching, and relaxing, this activity is good for the overall well being of the mind body and soul.

Listening Skills Course Facilitated by Ceridwen Buckmaster who has delivered 2 courses of small group work around listening and communicating, she has a developed certificated 10 week formal course. Ceri has a passion for communication, training and teaching people to learn how to listen, to support each other as women, to access ones inner powers. She believes that the LWG can help us to generate positive energy, the power of connecting, and becoming a community. Please see page 8 for more information about Ceri’s approach to non-violent communication and effective listening skills. 6 | P a g e Summary of LWG achievements so far  We have worked in partnership and collaboration to establish friendly and inviting places for women to meet in a safe and welcoming environment.  More than 100 women attended our Launch Event and Open Day, and more that 250 attendances have been recorded at our Tuesday sessions and the LWG Saturday Club.  We have provided a free LCC crèche for children at all of the LWG events and activities.  We have created new part time employment and enterprise opportunities, 7 out of 9 LWG facilitators during the pilot project were local women.  We continue to provide a platform for women and organizations to introduce their services and deliver taster sessions as part of the LWG project.  Follow up events and activities are being scheduled, including the LWG Road Show where we will be taking our Ladies Day and Community Programme to venues in and around the Loughborough area, with ambitions to eventually expand across Lambeth.  Collaborations have occurred with a number of groups and organizations, including: Myatts Field Park Project, Women Like Us, Loughborough Junction Action Group, Paxton Green Time Bank, Sunshine International Arts, the Black Environmental Network, The Well Being Alliance, Loughborough Estate Tenants and Residents Association, Loughborough Estate Management Office, Lambeth Cooperative Council and many more…

Gathering Insight - what women have said about LWG activities and events We regularly gather feedback from women, facilitators and service providers during the course of the LWG project, using consultation forms, group work, questionnaires, and event evaluation. This helps us to make sure our service remains relevant and effective. We encourage dialogue and innovation, and aim to increase participation and the range of services available to local women.

A summary of highlights from the comments we have received:  The LWG event presented good networking, informative of what was going on in the

community or what is possible to be achieved.

 The genuine warmth, respect and friendship in the room, emotionally heart warming.

 Men can learn a lot from being in this space, open it out to male partners to see how women organize. It could benefit them to value women’s contribution more.

 Good day, good people, fun but with a serious side.

 Well done girls, excellent effort and achievement.

 I enjoyed myself, felt empowered, and left feeling fulfilled.

 I felt very tired this morning, and I am leaving completely energized!

 Just to say thank you for such an event in the area to bring communities together.

 This was a great experience.

 I have enjoyed every minute of it.

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Loughborough Women’s Group Road Show Ladies Day and Community Programme

Community engagement: We are keen to support other venues and community hubs by touring a Road Show which brings the LWG activities and events to grass roots groups and communities in local neighbourhoods, with a special focus on women as part of our Ladies Day initiative. We are also willing to deliver sessions and activities which are open to men, young people age 9 – 19yrs, and intergenerational groups as part of our community programme. We can usually accommodate children age 6 – 8yrs as part of a family group.

Range of sessions, activities and events: Subject to facilitator availability, we can host a Ladies Day, facilitate arts and craft activities, arrange women only personal and professional development, organise money management events which help people to reduce the stress of money, and introduce physical activities and wellness initiatives. It is also possible for you to book individual facilitators for one-off events and taster sessions.

Providing crèche workers and play activities: Our nurture organization - Loughborough Community Centre, can also provide crèche workers and play activities on site for children aged 0 - 5yrs if your venue has a suitable space. Places will usually need to be booked in advance. The crèche can be provided free of charge for LWG Road Show events, for other events a fee will be payable. Please contact Candice for more information: Email: [email protected] Phone: 020 7737 2472 Mobile: 07538 822088

Forms and reports: We can provide consultation forms, questionnaires, sign in sheets, and event feedback forms. We can also process information and provide you with an event report within an agreed timescale – this must be agreed in advance.

Open to ideas: We would welcome a conversation about how we can help you address the needs and aspiration of local women. We can also introduce to service providers, help you make connections, and bring a co-production and collaborative approach to they way you deliver services for local people, including advice on project development and fundraising.

Meeting the cost: We have a small budget, and can usually provide LWG facilitators, equipment, and materials free of charge. However – if you do have funding or a budget available, any contributions would be much appreciated, no matter how small. We can send you an invoice for an agreed amount which we will discuss with you in advance. Our nurture organization Loughborough Community Centre will issue the invoice and receive payment which will be put into the LWG pot to help us sustain and expand our service.

Generating income: any payments LWG receives will help us to extend the project and stretch the grant so that LWG is able to continue to host sessions and provide facilitators for a wider audience over a longer period of time.

Next steps: For more information, or to discuss your requirements, please contact Cynthia in the first instance. If you would like to book the LWG facilitators, or to bring a LWG Ladies Day or community programme event to your venue, please complete the LWG Road Show Booking Form and return it by email to Cynthia - Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07730 219 085. 8 | P a g e

Other Key Local Groups and Service Providers

Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) LJAG are focused on making Loughborough Junction and surrounding areas a better place to live, work, and enjoy a cohesive community in the spirit of good neighbourliness. LJAG have hosted the Big Lunch, are working on carnival and other arts initiatives, they have initiated and promoted events for young people, and are the lead resident group focused on bring the Loughborough Junction Master Plan to fruition.

LJAG have collaborated with the BCC programme on several initiatives over the past 2 years, including delivering a series of ‘Wellness’ Events: eat well, live well, be well, involving health practitioners, physical activity sessions, advice on healthy eating, information on budgeting, the great bean exchange, and a sustainable approach to they way we grow, buy, use, and store food. Anthea Masey – Chair and Director T: 020 7733 1744 Loughborough Junction Action Group M: 07799 621 582 E: [email protected] W: www.loughboroughjunction.org

Ceridwen Buckmaster Ceri has delivered structured courses as part of the LWG pilot project, enabling women to learn how to ‘Give a listening ear’. The course sessions also work if a woman wants a friend to be there to witness the conversation too.

The intention is for women to feel heard and hear herself speak so she can begin to resolve issues herself; e.g. a difficult relationship with a family member or work colleague, or friend, parenting issues, worry about money, trying to find a job, difficulties at work, feeling generally sad, stressed or anxious, trying to make a decision about something. Ceri also explores practical aspects of Nurturing Your Life and Self-Care.

The whole course has the overarching aim of giving an experience of a training style that is congruent with inclusive, empowering, restorative principles at all times (collaborative, respectful, giving ownership to the group for solving problems and answering their own questions).

In style and content the course enhances self-esteem, develops cooperation and enhances communication. Basic outline of course:  Introducing needs, what do we need for a good life?  Communication through the idea of human beings all sharing the same universal needs  How to care for yourself, connecting feelings to needs and connecting to self  Listening skills (how to listen without trying to ‘fix it’ for the speaker)  Speaking skills (expressing yourself and making sure you get heard)  Making requests so you are more likely to get what you want.  Transforming ‘enemy images’ we have of other people that make our lives miserable.  How to create a support network around yourself. E: [email protected] M: 07963 446 605 https://www.facebook.com/InvisibleFoodStreetFood W: www.ceribuckmaster.co.uk

9 | P a g e Sue Bell – Founder and Director of Life Journeys LIFE is an opening – understanding, working together, freedom from fear, sharing of celebration and culture. Sue delivered a six week course for two hours each week on money management to help local people develop a better relationship with their finances. After completing the course, candidates were given an opportunity and access to training as a debt adviser and money coach.

Sue is a local resident, and Chair of the newly established WellBeing Alliance, a consortium of organizations which includes Community Draught Busters, and Money A and E. They deliver direct interventions, 1:1s, and face to face services aimed at helping people to achieve energy efficiency in their homes, to improve their personal finances, and increase their employability. We are collaborating on co-producing a piece of work which employs a holistic approach to helping local people, by enabling them to give back to the community, whilst also improving how they manage their relationship with money. Sue has worked extensively with LWG from the outset.

E: [email protected] M: 07714 115 335

Women Like Us Women Like Us is a social enterprise recruitment firm which helps women find part time work they can fit alongside family commitments, and also gives them support when returning to work. Realizing that there was a gap in the recruitment market for professional part time roles they launched their own service. The organization offers women workshops on tackling CVs, interviews and career direction with a number of free places given to those from low income backgrounds.

Women Like Us have collaborated with LWG on delivering 2 sessions on an introduction to self employment, setting up your own business, and continue their focus on enterprise from Loughborough Children’s Centre, they also specialise in careers advice, personal development, confidence building, and opening up flexible part time employment opportunities for women. Women Like Us will bring the empathy and experience that comes from years of working with parents who’ve had a long break from work. For example, the benefits of our ICT courses include:  One computer per person, so no time is wasted in sharing  Small groups, so each person will get plenty of individual attention  Phone assessment to understand their current level of ability and learning priorities  Help-notes provided to guide participants through the tasks  Use of example documents to assist learning and allow skills to be practiced.

Rachael Bailey, Development Manager T: 020 7633 4425 E: [email protected] W: www.womenlikeus.org.uk

1-4-1 Time Bank Partnership Paxton Green Time Bank (PGTB) coordinate the 1-4-1 Time Bank Partnership. Time banking is a means for supporting healthy communities and sustainable local networks of support for local people. We believe that being able to give as well as receive increases self-confidence and wellbeing, as well as strengthening the local skills base. Time banking is a coproduction approach, and as such values people as assets rather than looking only towards their needs or problems, using the alternative currency of time instead of money. PGTB are delivering a series of time banking workshops in the Coldharbour area funded by the BCC programme, please contact PGTB direct to see if they can bring a time bank event to your group or venue.

Alison Paule, Development Manager T: 020 8670 0990 E: [email protected] W: www.pgtimebank.org

10 | P a g e Myatt’s Field Park Project Myatt’s Field Park is a beautiful listed Victorian park which has undergone a £3 million renovation, completed in 2010. As well as offering a place to play and relax, we believe the park can make a real difference to the lives of people who live near it. It has been proved that people who live near open spaces are happier and healthier, so we want to make the most of that.

Lambeth has seen an incredible growth in the number of community food growing projects over the past two years, with 140 new food growing projects at the last count. Myatt's Fields Park is playing its part in this - we are a charity run by local people, working with local volunteers who share their expertise and grow fruit and vegetables in the community greenhouse. We also work in partnership with Streetscape, and local re-use and recycle organizations.

Myatts Field Park is being developed into a centre of excellence in food growing, they support ten local growing projects, and grow many exotic edible plants from different parts of the world, and are about to start an exciting new world food history project. There is a volunteer programme, youth apprenticeships, work experience opportunities, and accredited training in horticulture with expert guidance and professional support.

Myatt’s Field Park Project will allow LWG to use the kitchen and the dining room, where we can provide a space where women prepare and cook together as a group, showcasing their cultural cuisine. The best way to engage and create human interactions - is through food. Victoria Sherwin, Education and Development T: 020 7926 0394 E: [email protected] W: www.myattsfieldspark.info https://myattsfoodgroup.wordpress.com/

Sunshine International Arts CAFÉ – carnival arts food empowerment SiA CAFÉ is a local community space delivering arts crafts and oral history workshops, and providing opportunities to explore carnival arts traditions, costumes, food and festivals. He designs and develops a range of educational community art projects working with a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, and is delivering a range of carnival arts and crafts activities from a gem of a venue near Loughborough Junction.

SiA has been providing 11 free 2 hour workshops from 6.30pm on Thursdays, and from 2.00pm on some Saturdays, you can train and develop your arts and crafts skills, and get help and advice on self employment and starting your own arts and crafts business. Women are invited to join local resident Janice Francis and SiA Founder and Artistic Director Ray Mahabir at C.A.F.E, they can bring an idea they would like to work on, and find out about:  Market and product research  Designing and specialising in your product  How to set up production  Material sourcing, pricing and product testing  Making workshop  Product display, packaging, labelling and sales pitch  Setting up market or craft stalls. Ray Mahabir – Founder and Artistic Director M: 07881 571 743 E: [email protected] W: www.sunshine-international-arts.co.uk http://www.facebook.com/sunshineiarts Studio5 – The Arches 209A Coldhabour Lane, London SW9 8RU

11 | P a g e The Baytree Centre The Baytree Centre is a charity in the heart of Brixton with a rich 20 year history of creating supportive pathways towards social inclusion for women and girls from inner city families. The vision of the Baytree Centre is to create supportive pathways towards social inclusion for inner city families. This happens through integrated educational and training programmes for women and girls that generate solutions which consider the unity of the whole person.

We offer training, education, skills and opportunities for professional and personal development to women and young people, through a rolling cycle of courses and special projects, including the following:

ESOL, Employability, Hair and Beauty with Nail Art: for 16 to 18 year old girls who live in Lambeth, and who are not in employment, education or training. The courses are fully accredited and funded by Lambeth College and are designed to develop essential skills and to provide a strong foundation for further learning and/or employment.

Employability: a 10 week back to work course equipping students with all the skills and confidence needed to renter the work place and achieve their potential. • Help find work that suit skills • Learn how to effectively communicate with employers • Interview techniques / CV writing • Get real work experience in The Baytree Charity Shop.

ESOL Entry level Speaking and Listening: a 10 week part time ESOL (English for speakers of other languages) course for students who would like to improve all their English language skills through, grammar practice, writing, reading, listening, speaking activities, and vocabulary development. The aim is that learners will be able to conduct conversations and fully understand spoken English in everyday situations such as going to the doctor or asking for directions.

‘Give to Gain’ at the Baytree Centre – volunteering opportunities with a European connection Give to Gain (G2G) is a European Commission funded project mainly aimed at enhancing cooperation across Europe within the volunteer-youth sector and increasing mutual knowledge and understanding. It is part of the very successful initiative Youth in Action that has brought together young people from all over Europe to study, volunteer and take action.

The five countries taking part in the G2G project are: Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ireland and the UK. In these countries, young volunteers are working to produce a meaningful change in their communities, achieve strong employability skills and share their experiences across Europe.

We welcome applications from young women (16-30) who are passionate about media, international cooperation, journalism and community action. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview at The Baytree Centre in September. For more information about G2G please email: [email protected]

Kate Haggerty T: 020 7733 5283 Marketing and Administrative Coordinator W: www.baytreecentre.org E: [email protected] The Baytree Centre 300 Brixton Road, London SW9 6AE

12 | P a g e The London Community Foundation – Building Communities in Coldharbour

Acknowledgements and thanks A special thank you and much appreciation to LCC for agreeing to nurture and fully adopting the LWG project with enthusiasm and commitment. Thanks also to the planning team, the facilitators, all the local women (and their children) who attended LWG activities and events, to local venues, service providers and the wider community (including men) who have supported what we are doing, and to LCF for supporting the project with grant funding, and bringing the BCC programme to Loughborough and surrounding areas.

More Information For information guidance and advice about funding and fundraising, to request to be added to the BCC mailing list for regular updates and useful news bulletins, or to have a general conversation about how to tap into local networks and resources, and find out how you can become involved, please contact Cynthia.

You can also find out more about how to work with us on co-producing a LWG Ladies Day event, booking facilitators, arranging crèche provision for your own events, or to discuss how to collaborate on bringing a LWG community programme event to your venue or your group.

Contact details Cynthia A. Roomes Community Development Manager Building Communities in Coldharbour E:[email protected] The London Community Foundation M: 07730 219 085 357 Lane T: 020 7582 5117 London SE11 5QY F: 020 7582 4020 www.londoncf.org.uk

CAR: August 2013

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