Air & Space Power Journal, Summer 2017, Volume 31, No. 2
SUMMER 2017 Volume 31, No. 2 AFRP 10-1 Features Improving Resource Management in the Afghan Air Force ❙ 4 Lt Col Jonathan D. Ritschel, USAF Ms. Tamiko L. Ritschel The Coming Close Air Support Fly-Off ❙ 17 Lessons from AIMVAL–ACEVAL Lt Col Steven Fino, PhD, USAF Break the Paradigm ❙ 39 Prepare Airpower for Enemies’ “Most Likely Course of Action” H. Mark Clawson Critical Thinking Skills in USAF Developmental Education ❙ 52 Col Adam J. Stone, USAF Departments 68 ❙ Views Toward a US Air Force Arctic Strategy ❙ 68 Col John L. Conway III, USAF, Retired The Last Prop Fighter ❙ 82 Sandys, Hobos, Fireflies, Zorros, and Spads Maj Gen Randy Jayne, USAF, Retired Data You Can Trust ❙ 91 Blockchain Technology Col Vincent Alcazar, USAF, Retired Defeating Small Civilian Unmanned Aerial Systems to Maintain Air Superiority ❙ 102 Lt Col Thomas S. Palmer, USAF Dr. John P. Geis II, Colonel, USAF, Retired 78 ❙ Commentary Social Media and the DOD ❙ 119 Benefits, Risks, and Mitigation Lt Col Dieter A. Waldvogel, USAF, PhD Editorial Advisors Dale L. Hayden, Director, Air Force Research Institute Lt Gen Bradley C. Hosmer, USAF, Retired Prof. Thomas B. Grassey, US Naval Academy Lt Col Dave Mets, PhD, USAF, Retired, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (professor emeritus) Reviewers Dr. Christian F. Anrig Col John Jogerst, USAF, Retired Swiss Air Force Navarre, Florida Dr. Bruce Bechtol Col Wray Johnson, USAF, Retired Angelo State University School of Advanced Warfighting Marine Corps University Dr. Kendall K. Brown NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Mr. Charles Tustin Kamps USAF Air Command and Staff College Col Steven E.
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