BY: Andre J. Theriault Ipswich Ipswich, Massachusetts

An applied research project submitted to the National Fire Academy as part of the Executive Fire Officer Program

October 2001



Through the Massachusetts Firefighter Safety Equipment Program grant, the Ipswich Fire

Department (IFD) was able to purchase a Bullard (TIC). After initial

training was completed on all shifts, the TIC was placed into service. The problem was the IFD

does not have a procedure to evaluate its personnel on TIC proficiency.

The purpose of the applied research project (ARP) was to develop a written test and

practical skills checklist to evaluate TIC proficiency. Action research methodology was used to

answer the following three research questions:

1. What operational features of the TIC must a firefighter demonstrate proficiency


2. What TIC concepts and terminology must a firefighter comprehend?

3. What types of evaluation procedures do other fire departments use to measure TIC


The procedures that were used for this ARP included a literature review, internet search,

and a survey. The initial literature review was conducted at the Learning Resource Center at the

National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, . Applicable information was collected from trade journals, books, periodicals, and applied research projects. Additional information was

gathered from the IFD library, local library, manufacturer brochures, and an internet search. The second procedure was a survey sent to fire departments, across the country, which had a Bullard thermal imaging camera. The survey was used to determine what types of evaluation procedures were being used to evaluate firefighter TIC proficiency.

The results showed firefighters had to have a clear understanding of the technology that

was incorporated in the TIC. Firefighters needed to know the operational features of the camera. 3

The results showed that firefighters had to have a clear understanding of TIC terminology and concepts. The survey results indicated fire departments did not use a firefighter proficiency evaluation system to verify that their firefighters were competent in using a TIC.

The following recommendations were made with regard to firefighter proficiency evaluations for the TIC.

• Incorporate the written exam and practical skills checklists into the TIC training


• Choose and implement one type of search method.

• Train and evaluate members on the chosen search method.

• Develop practical skills checklists for the skills in the training opportunities list.

• Incorporate a firefighter proficiency evaluation into the monthly training and annual

refresher course.




TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………………..4



LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………….8






APPENDIX A (TIC Proficiency Evaluation Survey)………………………………………...30

APPENDIX B (Cover Letter)………………………………………………………………….32

APPENDIX C (Survey Results)………………………………………………………………..33

APPENDIX D (Written Test)………………………………………………………………….36

APPENDIX E (TIC Operation Practical Skills Checklist)……….………………………….42

APPENDIX F (TIC Battery Charging Practical Skills Checklist)…………………………..43

APPENDIX G (TIC Transmitter Set Up Practical Skills Checklist)………………………..44

APPENDIX H (Training Opportunities)……………………………………………………...45



On December 3, 1999 six Worcester firefighters lost their lives at the Worcester Cold

Storage and Warehouse Company (Eisner, 2000a). In part, due to this tragic fire, the state of

Massachusetts instituted a Firefighter Safety Equipment Program to provide fire departments

with the ability to purchase firefighter safety equipment and thermal imaging cameras. Through

this state grant, the Ipswich Fire Department (IFD) was able to purchase, outfit and train

department members with a Bullard TI and related equipment. Richardson and Scholer (2001) state, “As with any other training program, instructors must evaluate the progress of trainees through written tests and practical hands-on skill evaluations” (p.88). The problem is the IFD does not have a procedure to evaluate its personnel on thermal imaging camera (TIC) proficiency.

The purpose of the applied research project (ARP) is to develop a written test and

practical skills checklist to evaluate TIC proficiency. Action research methodology was used to

answer the following three research questions:

1. What operational features of the TIC must a firefighter demonstrate proficiency


2. What TIC concepts and terminology must a firefighter comprehend?

3. What types of evaluation procedures do other fire departments use to measure TIC



Ipswich, founded in 1633, is one of the oldest towns in the United States. The town is

situated along the Atlantic coast approximately 30 miles north of Boston, the state capital. The

town encompasses 33 square miles. Ipswich is well known for its 17th century homes. There are 6 over 40 homes built before 1725 that are standing and occupied. The town has a variety of industries and businesses, but is primarily a residential community (History, 2001).

The protection of the town and its 13,602 residents (Richards, 2000) is the responsibility of the IFD. The IFD protects $1,452,461,398 in real estate and personal property (Ragonese,

2000). In 2000, the IFD responded to 1,400 calls for assistance, conducted 903 inspections and completed 2,138 hours of training (Michalski, 2000). The IFD is a combination department organized as part of the Ipswich Department of Public Safety (Ipswich Fire Department, 1996).

The department consists of 18 career firefighters, 16 call firefighters and 4 recruit call firefighters.

The career force is comprised of a chief, 5 lieutenants and 12 firefighters. The career force is divided into 4 duty shifts designated as A, B, C, or D. Each shift is comprised of a lieutenant and three firefighters. The town receives 24-hour coverage with the shifts working a schedule of 24 on, 24 off, 24 on and 5 days off (Town Of Ipswich, 1999). The fifth lieutenant is assigned as the department’s staff lieutenant working a Monday through Friday schedule (Town of Ipswich, 1997). All career members, except for the chief, belong to the union represented by the Ipswich Fire Fighters Local 1913, an affiliate of the International Association of Fire Fighters


During the month of March 2000, a fundraising campaign was started by retired firefighter Robert Gambale to purchase at least one TIC for the IFD. In a news article by

Mehaffey (2000), Gambale states, “It’s a worthwhile cause. If everybody donated $1.41 we’d be there today” (p.3). The goal is to raise a minimum of $19,000 to purchase the TIC and the necessary equipment to connect the TIC to a monitor (Mehaffey, 2000). To date, this fundraising campaign has not achieved its objective and is continuing to raise the necessary funds. 7

During the latter portion of 2000 the state of Massachusetts, through Governor Argeo

Paul Cellucci and the Massachusetts State Legislature, approved and implemented the $10

million Firefighter Safety Equipment Program. The amount of the awards was based on

population estimates utilizing a seven-tier system. The program funds could be used to purchase

thermal imaging cameras and firefighter safety equipment (Executive Office of Public Safety,


During April of 2001 the IFD received its Bullard TI and commenced training for the

career personnel. A sales representative conducted a 2-hour training session for each of the duty

shifts. TIC training consisted of a lecture and videotape. The topics covered included TIC operation, dos and don’ts, TIC applications, terms, transmitter set up, and maintenance. The only practical portion was on TIC operation and the set up of the transmitting equipment (Theriault,

2001). The training did not include any type of evaluation of the personnel on TIC proficiency.

Richardson (2001a) states, “As with any other training program, instructors must evaluate the

progress of trainees through written tests and practical hands-on skill evaluations” (p. 4).

The past and present indicate that the TIC will be an invaluable asset for the IFD. Clearly,

an evaluation system needs to be established for the TIC. The IFD needs to evaluate the

competency and progress of the trained personnel and the personnel to be trained in the future.

The goal of this ARP is to develop a written test and practical skills checklist to evaluate TIC


This applied research project was completed to fulfill the course requirements for the Fire

Service Financial Management program. The planning model used for financial evaluation had

applications to this project. The control (input), efficiency (output), effectiveness (outcomes) and 8

feedback components utilized in the planning model is adaptable to training (Federal Emergency

Management Agency, 1997).


Research Question 1: The operational features of a TIC can be divided into two segments. The

technology behind how the TIC operates and the operational features that a firefighter should

understand. Eisner (2000b) states, “As technology changes, the fire service really needs to keep

abreast of it” (p.54). Richardson and Scholer (2001) stated,

Firefighters in a large metropolitan department in the East had several years of

experience with BST-based (brontium-strontium-titanium) thermal imagers when

they were given a new microbolometer-based unit to use. . . .They could see a faint white

image along the ceiling and a bright white image in the distance. Suddenly, the heat

conditions became unbearable and it became evident that the fire was racing over their

heads. These firefighters were not prepared to interpret the image on the thermal imager

screen because the microbolometer unit did not show the convected heat and flame front

in the same way as the BST units they had been using. (p. 88)

Since the inception of thermal imaging for the fire service, there have been a number of

changes in TIC technology. The Pyro Electric Vidicon (PEV) technology, known as first

generation (Bullard, 2001), has found limited use in the fire service in a handheld TIC

(Woodworth, 1996a). Woodworth (1996c) states, “. . .the Pyro Electric Vidicon (PEV), is known for a “whiteout” when pointed at a direct source. The unit must then be aimed away from the source to clear out” (p. 26).

With the advent of microengineering, the focal plane array chip (FPAC) was developed.

This technology has found widespread use in the fire service (Woodworth, 1996c). Woodworth 9

(1996c) states, “ This unit provides a virtual reality image instead of pictorial representation.

This operating principle offers the distinct advantage of being able to view a direct source

without the image “whiting out”” (p. 26). There are three types of FPAC thermal imaging

cameras available to the fire service.

The Barium Strotium Titanate (BST) units, second generation, work off circuits based on

changes in capacitance. The BST units have a proven track record in the fire service. The down

side to the BST units is the low update rate and limited dynamic range. Bullard (2001c) states,

“These 2 factors can produce “artifacts” (black & white shadowing) when viewing strong direct

source emitters such as fire. These “artifacts” do not make the images unusable, but it is not clear

as a Microbolometer picture can be” (p. 7).

The Microbolometer units, third generation, work off circuits based on changes in

resistance. The Microbolometer units provide a superior picture and have the ability to measure temperature through the lens. The units have an update rate twice that of BST units, meaning the units can display changes in what it views quicker. With a greater dynamic range, as much as four times that of the BST, a Microbolometer produces a much clearer and crisper image. A downside to the Microbolometer is thermal drift (Bullard, 2001c). Bullard (2001c) states, “When

viewing a low contrast scene a microbolometer can become “over sensitive” trying to produce a

detailed image. This will cause the display to turn white and the objects to blend together” (p. 8).

The newest technology is the Amorphous Silicon Microbolometer. In Bullard’s (n.d.)

brochure it states, “The heart of T3 incorporates Amorphous Silicon technology, the latest

advancement from Raytheon, enabling Bullard to create the first palm-size firefighting thermal

imager” (p. 3). 10

The Bullard (2001a) thermal imager instruction manual identifies the various features

that a firefighter needs to understand and be able to operate. This segment can be broken down into two parts; use and operation, and charging of the battery. The firefighter should be familiar

with the following:

• Power: To turn on the TIC depress the green “On/Off” button located on the left side

of the unit. The TIC takes about 45 seconds to become operational.

• Sleep mode: The purpose of the sleep mode is to conserve battery life. By pressing

the yellow button on the left side, the image disappears. The “sleep” indicator will

light up on the viewing screen. To regain the image, press the sleep button again.

• Thermal throttle: The thermal throttle dial is located on the front left of the TIC. By

adjusting the thermal throttle, a firefighter can get a clear picture. Turning the dial

clockwise closes the thermal throttle (high heat conditions). Turning the dial

counterclockwise opens the thermal throttle (low heat conditions).

• Battery charger: The battery can be charged in the charger using an AC or DC

adapter. Insert the battery into the charger making sure the metal connectors on the

battery align with the metal connectors in the charger. A charging battery is indicated

by the red light and turns green when charged.

• Direct charge system: A battery can be charged while inside the TIC. Connect the

gray connector cord to the outlet located on the front of the charger. Connect the other

end of the gray connector cord to the direct charge port located on the left side of the

TIC handle. The red light on the charger indicates the battery is charging and the

green light indicates charging is completed. At any given time two batteries can be

charged at the same time. 11

• Battery loading: The firefighter needs to turn the two thumb knobs outward and pull

open the door which is located under the viewing screen. The battery should be

inserted with the notch to the left, the type is right side up and the arrow is on the

right side pointing towards the viewing screen. If the door does not close the battery

has been installed wrong. For best performance, the batteries should be charged every

two weeks.

The Bullard (2000) user manual on accessories describes the components and set up of the transmitting equipment. A firefighter should follow the following steps in setting up and operating the transmitting equipment.

1. Attach the receiving antenna to the tripod.

2. Connect the receiving antenna to the receiving control unit (RCU) with the coaxial


3. Connect the RCU to the TV/VCR with the video cable.

4. Power the RCU. AC or DC power can be used.

5. Select the channel on the TV. The TV should be set to video input or auxiliary


6. Select the channel on the RCU to match the channel on the TIC. Both, the TIC and

RCU, have two channels, A or B.

7. Activate the transmitter. Press the black button located on the left side of the TIC.

Research Question 2: As with any new piece of equipment, a firefighter should have a clear understanding of the concepts and terminology behind a TIC. Richardson (2001b) states, “Every member of the department should receive training on operating procedures, the basics of thermal imaging and the application of the technology in various incidents” (p.24). 12

A TIC uses infrared technology to see and display a true heat picture (McLaughlin,

1992). Infrared energy is one of four regions within the electromagnetic spectrum. The infrared

region is further divided into three bands; near-infrared, midwave infrared and long-wave

infrared. TICs that operate within the long-wave infrared region are the most useful for fire

department operations (Woodworth, 1996b). The TIC converts the long-wave infrared into a

black and white picture of the object being viewed (McLaughlin, 1992). A TIC must be able to distinguish differences in temperatures. Woodworth (1996b) states, “The ability of a thermal imaging device to distinguish differences in temperature is known as the minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD)” (p. 24).

In Woodworth’s (1996c) third article, he states, “The image the firefighter using a

thermal imaging device sees obviously will be a representation of the infrared sources.

Understanding these sources will provide the firefighter with a distinct advantage in interpreting the image” (p.22). The article continues to describe three types of infrared emitters, active emitters, passive emitters and direct-source emitters.

Active emitters, such as the human body, emit infrared energy with little variation. A

firefighter must understand that heavy clothing and wet clothing will insulate the body masking

the image. Passive emitters are objects that have infrared emissions that can vary greatly. Steel,

for example, at room temperature would appear dark, but when heat is applied to the steel it will

appear white indicating an increased temperature in comparison with the surroundings. Direct-

source emitters produce large amounts of energy. Examples of direct-source emitters include

fire, chemical reactions, and the sun (Woodworth, 1996c).

In Woodworth’s (1997a) fourth article, he states, 13

The same basic principle applies to thermal imaging devices. The device gives a visual

representation of infrared energy. The firefighter operating the unit must be able to

interpret the image. . . .The firefighter must be able to recognize the image in the view of

a thermal imaging device quickly and accurately. (p. 16)

The article continues with the description of three terms with which a firefighter should

be aware; thermal contrast, thermal inversion and field of view. Thermal contrast makes it

possible for the TIC to present a picture. This is accomplished through changes in color. Black

indicates a lack of heat; white indicates the presence of heat. Thermal inversion is when the

image changes in color due to changes in ambient temperature. The field of view is the area of

the TIC through which the firefighter looks. A firefighter must understand that what they are

viewing is tunnel vision and must scan or pan with the TIC so as not to miss a victim

(Woodworth, 1997c). In an article in Fire Rescue Magazine (“Image Is Everything,” 1998) it

states, “Also, look for the thermal signatures on all chairs and beds, and report the numbers of recent users of each piece of furniture” (p. 70).

The literature review identified applications for which a TIC can be used. A Fire Rescue

Magazine (“Image Is Everything,” 1998) article identifies 12 applications in which a firefighter

can use a TIC. This includes response, size-up, attack, search, extension, command in the sky,

hazardous materials, water rescues, rapid intervention teams, wildland fires, overhaul, and

mutual aid. Of all of the applications, search has had a number of concepts developed.

In Woodworth’s (1997c) sixth article, he describes three techniques for searching. The

first is the six-sided approach. The firefighter enters a room and scans the room with the TIC.

Starting with the top right corner the TIC scans to the top left corner, the TIC is brought down

midway and the room is scanned from right to left and finally the TIC is brought to the floor 14 level and the room is again scanned from right to left. A second method is the IR-led search. The firefighter with the TIC leads the search team through the structure while passing on information to the search crew. The TIC operator determines the direction of travel and identifies obstacles and hazards to the crew. The third type of search is the point-to-point search. The TIC operator identifies a landmark and moves the crew to that point. The crew searches along the way. Once the crew reaches the landmark the TIC operator scans using the six-sided approach. The next landmark is identified and the crew moves on to that location.

In an article by Richardson (2000), he identifies two additional search methods, the directed search, and the lead line search. The directed search requires the incident commander to establish a directing team and a number of removal teams. Richardson (2000) states,

Equipped with a thermal imager, the directing team’s primary responsibility is to guide

searches and identify the exact locations of victims. The thermal imager operator on the

directing team will determine the safest and most efficient means of moving through the

structure, while their partner ensures that a rope tagline is deployed to lead members back

out of the structure” (p.26)

Once a victim is located, the removal teams are assigned to remove the victim by following the designated landmarks out of the structure.

The lead line search requires the incident commander to designate a lead team and multiple search and removal crews. Richardson (2000) states, “The lead team is responsible for identifying a central means of ingress and egress and deploying a primary lead line along this central travel route” (p. 26). The search team will then branch off from the primary lead line, at points determined by the lead team, to conduct search and rescues using a personal rope. 15

During a search and rescue the firefighter must remember that a TIC can not see through

water or glass. Additionally, the firefighter needs to remember that a mirror, glass surface or

polished metal surfaces will cause a reflection. A firefighter may mistake his or her own

reflection as that of a victim (Richardson & Scholer, 1999). A simple solution is to wave to see if

the image waves back.

Using incident triage, a TIC can be used to provide the best coverage for locating a fire

and searching for victims. The triage crew moves through the structure to identify fire location,

victims, and fire extension. The triage crew then directs the appropriate personnel to those

locations. Once the triage team locates the main body of fire the triage crew works its way out

reversing the process with the goal of triaging the entire building (Richardson, 2000).

Haloing is a dark ring around a door or window indicating the hottest area of fire.

Haloing is also visible around hot spots in a ceiling. This visual queue can be used during size up

and fire attack (Bullard, 2001b).

The concept with the greatest importance is that firefighters need to train continuously

with the TIC and remember the basics. In an article by Crickenberger and Sojka (2000) they state, “Every firefighter who will use a thermal imaging camera must be trained in its use, know how to interpret what is seen and be re-taught the basic firefighting fundamentals” (p. 67). This

sentiment is reinforced by Cook’s (2000) article in which he states, “The TIC is just a tool, and

you have to apply standard training and tactics to ensure continued safe operations in the event a

failure occurs. Lack of adequate personnel training can render a TIC useless” (p. 32).

Research Question 3: The literature review found an extraordinary amount of material on TICs

in general. The literature review found no substantial amount of information on firefighter

proficiency evaluation systems. In Carnegis’s (1999) ARP, Developing a Thermal Imaging 16

Training Program for the Fire Service, he provides a thermal imaging proficiency sheet that is a

self-assessment tool for fire departments to determine if the department needs TIC training.

Additional research was conducted on fire department websites such as Charlottesville,

VA, Virginia Beach, VA, Boston, Los Angeles City, and others to determine if standard

operating procedures (SOPs) or standard operating guidelines (SOGs) were available on TICs.

This avenue of research found limited information. Any SOPs or SOGs established pertained to

initial training and regular training requirements. No mention of firefighter proficiency

evaluations could be located.

As part of the survey, fire departments were requested to send copies of their firefighter

proficiency evaluations. A number of departments indicated that they used such a tool, but did

not forward the requested information.

Eisner (2000b) states, “They have to understand in the fire service today, NFPA, NIOSH

and OSHA aren’t involved. There are no standards” (p. 54). This same sentiment is echoed in the

Richardson and Scholer (2001) article, Thermal imaging training: Covering the basics, they state,

As with any other training, it is important that thermal imaging training is planned and

conducted in a professional and accurate manner. While most other fire service training

can follow standards or official references established by the National Fire Protection

Association (NFPA) or another national organization, this is not yet the case for thermal

imaging. (p. 86)

In the same article Richardson and Scholer (2001) go on to state, “As with any other training

program, instructors must evaluate the progress of trainees through written tests and practical

hands-on skill evaluations” (p. 88). 17

The manufacturers are setting the standards (Eisner, 2000b) for the fire service that they believe are important. The manufacturers are stepping up to fill the void in the evaluation process for firefighters on TIC. An advertisement in (“Thermal Imaging Training CD,” 2001) indicates there is a thermal imaging training CD available from Bullard. The advertisement states,

Designed to provide the user with a basic understanding of thermal imaging and thermal

imaging operations, this orientation CD can be used either for individual self-paced

training or group training. A self-test enables individuals to check their progress in each

section, while the comprehensive final exam allows training officers to determine a

firefighter’s overall knowledge of thermal imaging prior to authorizing the firefighter to

use the technology on the job. (p. 60)

In summary, the literature review has shown a strong need to develop firefighter proficiency evaluations on a TIC. Without standards or guidelines to follow, the department will have to set the priorities that need to be covered and tested. Initially, the development of the firefighter proficiency evaluation system has to concentrate on the TIC itself. Once accomplished, firefighter proficiency evaluations should be developed for the other types of applications. Although it may take a considerable amount of time to develop firefighter proficiency evaluations for all areas, it does not detract from the project.


Definition of Terms

Ambient Temperature. The temperature of the surrounding air and environment considered the baseline measurement for heat transfers around an object.

Combination Department. A career force supplemented by a call force. 18

Dynamic Range. The ability of the TIC to detect and display large differences in scene contrast or large temperature differences.

Electromagnetic Spectrum. The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, which

includes radio, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray radiation.

Haloing. The dark area around a door or window which indicates the hottest part of the


Infrared (IR). Electromagnetic radiation which occupies the band from 0.7 microns to

100 microns.

Long-wave infrared. A part of the infrared region which falls within the band from 8

microns to 14 microns.

Midwave infrared. A part of the infrared region which falls within the band from 2.5 microns to 7 microns.

Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference (MRTD). This number is used to express

the sensitivity of an infrared detector. It defines how minimal a temperature difference the

detector is able to sense. The lower the number, the more sensitive the unit is.

Near-infrared. A part of the infrared region which falls within the band from 0.9 microns

to 1.5 microns.

Panning. A means used to observe an object, which is larger than the field of view. The

operator moves the TIC back and forth across the target to discover thermal areas of interest.

Thermal Contrast. The difference in temperatures of the object being viewed. Black

indicates the absence of heat; white indicates the presence of heat, and shades of gray are

detected in between the range.

Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). A heat sensitive device that displays heat pictures. 19

Thermal Inversion. Occurs when images viewed change color due to a change in ambient temperatures.

Thermal Signature. The impression that is still visible through the TIC after a person touches an object or gets up from a piece of furniture.

Thermal Throttle. Is used to control the aperture of the TIC to provide a clearer picture.

Update Rate. The speed at which new data can be translated from the detector to the display measured in hertz.

White Out. The term used to describe the condition when an IR detector reaches saturation producing a completely white image on the screen.

Assumptions and Limitations

An assumption made during the research project was that fire departments would require a proficiency evaluation on a TIC. The literature review, internet search, and survey indicated this in fact was not correct.

There were a number of limitations found during the research project with regard to the literature review, internet search, and the survey. The literature review indicated an abundance of information on TICs, but no information on TIC proficiency evaluations. The internet search proved to be cumbersome and time consuming.

In regard to the survey, there were a number of factors limiting the survey results. The first factor influencing the survey results were the number of surveys that were returned. The assumption being that 100% of the surveys mailed would be returned. In this case, only 29% of the surveys were returned. The possible factors influencing the rate of return include the recipients ignored the survey, fire departments did not receive the survey, the recipients were not familiar with TICs, and the timing of the survey. The second factor was the referral list of fire 20

departments provided by Bullard. With less than 100 departments, this may not have been a

representative sample of all the fire departments with a Bullard TIC, therefore limiting the

success of the survey.

Research Methodology

Action research methodology was used to complete this research project. The first step

was to recheck the problem statement for clarity and comprehensiveness. The goal of the ARP

was to develop a written test and practical skills checklist to evaluate TIC proficiency. Action

research methodology used a literature review, an internet search and a survey sent to fire

departments from across the country with a Bullard TIC.

The initial literature review was conducted at the Learning Resource Center at the

National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Applied research projects, trade journals, books and periodicals were researched for pertinent information. An internet search was conducted to locate additional information on thermal imaging cameras, technology, and proficiency evaluations. Additional research was conducted at the IFD library and local libraries.

As part of the research project, a survey (Appendix A) was created. The survey consisted

of 12 questions based on department profile, type of TIC, knowledge of the recipient, and

proficiency evaluations. A cover letter (Appendix B) was included with the survey to explain the

survey, why it was being sent out and a due date to return the survey. Bullard provided referral

names and addresses of 95 fire departments from across the country that had a Bullard TIC. A

self-addressed envelope was included to facilitate a better return.


Research Question 1: The literature review has shown that a firefighter needs to understand the

technology and the operational features of the TIC. First, the firefighter needs to know the type 21

of technology the TIC uses. Does the TIC use PEV, BST, microbolometer, or amorphous silicon

microbolometer technology? Each type of technology has its own shortcomings and strengths.

This point is clearly stated in the Eisner (2000b) article, where he states, “As technology

changes, the fire service really needs to keep abreast of it” (p. 54). This became apparent in the

Richardson and Scholer (2001) article where a large metropolitan department had used BST-

based TICs for years and were not prepared to interpret the image at an incident, because the

department had switched to microbolometer technology.

The literature review identified the six operational features of the Bullard TI that a firefighter needs to understand. The Bullard (2001a) thermal imager instruction manual reviewed the operation of powering the TIC, sleep mode, thermal throttle dial, battery charger, the direct charge system and battery loading. Additionally, the Bullard (2000) accessories user manual provided the seven-step process for setting up and transmitting a picture with the transmitting equipment.

Research Question 2: The research has found a number of terms and concepts that a firefighter

needs to comprehend. A firefighter needs to understand that the TIC converts long-wave

infrared, a region of the electromagnetic spectrum, into a black and white picture for viewing.

Infrared sources include active emitters, passive emitters, and direct-source emitters

(McLaughlin, 1992; Woodworth, 1996c).

Woodworth (1997a) states, “The firefighter operating the unit must be able to interpret the image” (p. 16). With this in mind, the firefighter needs to be familiar with terms such as thermal contrast, thermal inversion, field of view and thermal signature; and how these concepts

affect the picture the firefighter is viewing (“Image Is Everything,”; 1998; Woodworth, 1997c). 22

The literature review also identified 12 applications for which the TIC can be used

(“Image Is Everything,” 1998). Within the search and size-up categories, a number of new

concepts were developed that are of interest to the firefighter. In articles by Woodworth (1997b) and Richardson (2000), they describe five different search techniques for firefighters. The six- sided approach, the IR-led search, the point-to-point search, the directed search, and the lead line search are all options for searching. During a search, a firefighter must be aware of reflections being viewed with the TIC. The TIC does not see through water or glass (Richardson & Scholer,


During fire ground operations, the TIC can be used for incident triage. By sending a

triage crew in a structure with the TIC, the crew has the ability to locate victims, locate the seat of the fire, and check for fire extension. The triage crew reports their findings to the incident commander who in turn assigns suppression and rescue crews to follow in behind the triage crew and complete the tasks (Richardson, 2000). By observing for haloing, interior and exterior, the hottest part of the fire and hot spots can be located (Bullard, 2001b).

Articles by Crickenberger and Sojka (2000) and Cook (2000) covered the most important

concepts that a firefighter should remember. All firefighters need training, know how to interpret

the image, follow basic firefighting skills and to remember a TIC is only a tool and can fail.

Research Question 3: The literature review did not locate information about firefighter

proficiency evaluations for TICs in the fire service. An internet search was also inconclusive.

Most departments had SOPs/SOGs on TIC training, but no mention of firefighter proficiency

evaluations. Research has found that the industry itself has provided such a tool. Bullard has

produced a thermal imaging training CD which includes tests to check progress and a final exam

to determine competency (“Thermal Imager Training CD,” 2001). 23

A survey was conducted to find out if fire departments used a firefighter proficiency

evaluation for the TIC. The results were tabulated by total number and by percentages for each

question and answer. The survey results can be found in Appendix C.

The survey was sent to 95 fire departments from across the country that had a Bullard

TIC. Of that total, 28 or 29% of the departments responded to the survey. All of the departments

surveyed had a Bullard TI, with one department also having a Bullard MX.

The results have shown that only 9 or 32% of the departments required a firefighter

proficiency evaluation on a TIC. Of that nine, not one department required a written test as part

of the evaluation process. All nine departments did require a practical skills exam. As for

training, 96% of the departments reported some type of training was conducted on the TIC.

What was astonishing about the survey were the results for the three questions on TIC terms considering 96% of the departments trained with the TIC. The vast majority of the respondents identified incorrectly the following terms: thermal contrast (82%), thermal inversion

(71%), and ambient temperature (52%). Although there are no national standards available for the TIC, only 50% of the departments indicated there should be standards adopted. This is a drop of 11% from a previous survey in which 61% of the departments indicated standards should be

adopted (Theriault, 2000).

The research has resulted in the development of a firefighter proficiency evaluation

system. The written test (Appendix D) consists of 18 questions testing the firefighter’s knowledge of the TIC. Three practical skills checklists have been developed for the TIC, which

includes TIC Operation Practical Skills Checklist (Appendix E), TIC Battery Charging Practical

Skills Checklist (Appendix F), and TIC Transmitter Set Up Practical Skills Checklist (Appendix

G). 24


The research has shown that there are a multitude of technologies and operational

features a firefighter needs to understand and to show proficiency in using a TIC correctly and

safely. Richardson and Scholer (2001) state, “…trainees should master all operating procedures

of the unit turning on and off, changing batteries, and inspection and maintenance procedures”

(p. 86). Woodworth (1997b) states, “This training should include classroom and practical sessions during which potential users are shown how to use the unit effectively” (p. 16).

With any new tool, a firefighter needs to understand the terminology and concepts that go

with that particular type of tool. Knowing how to turn it on does not make an expert, but being

able to interpret what is seen will make the firefighter with the TIC useful. Eisner (2000b) states,

“If you don’t know what you are looking at and how to interpret it and be reasonably proficient

at it, you are going to get into trouble” (p. 55). Richardson and Scholer (1999) state, “Ultimately,

a thermal imager is only as good as the operator using it, so continuous learning is critical to its

long-term effectiveness” (p. 30).

The survey results clearly demonstrated a lack of firefighter proficiency evaluations,

whether written or practical, on TICs in the fire service. There needs to be a way to evaluate a

firefighter's progress to determine competency. Richardson and Scholer (2001) state, “As with

any other training program, instructors must evaluate the progress of trainees through written

tests and practical hands-on skill evaluations” (p. 88).

The author’s interpretation is that there is a strong need for a firefighter proficiency

evaluation. This firefighter proficiency evaluation needs to include both a written test and

practical skills checklists. A 2-hour training session on the TIC from the manufacturer (Theriault,

2001) does not make the firefighter proficient or an expert. This is only a first step. Clearly, if I 25

give the full time personnel the same three questions in the survey about thermal contrast,

thermal inversion, and ambient temperature the results would be similar. Training needs to be

ongoing, but evaluated.

The implications are department members that have been trained initially in the TIC may

not be as capable of using the TIC as they think. Richardson and Scholer (2001) state,

“Firefighters who have only a partial competency with thermal imaging may be more likely to

place themselves in harm’s way than firefighters who are not using the technology at all” (p. 88).

Theriault (2000) states, “A worse case scenario would be inadequately trained firefighters that

work beyond the scope of training or abilities that could lead to injuries or even death” (p. 20).


The problem was the IFD does not have a procedure to evaluate its personnel on TIC

proficiency. The purpose of the ARP was to develop a written test and practical skills checklist to evaluate TIC proficiency. It is recommended the IFD incorporate the written test in Appendix

D and the practical skills checklists in Appendixes E, F and G into the TIC training program.

During the literature review and reviewing the survey results, a number of ideas and

concepts were raised. The following recommendations have been made to address these items:

1) It is recommended that the IFD officers choose and implement one type of search

method that is best suitable to the departments needs.

2) It is recommended that all members be trained and evaluated on the chosen search


3) It is recommended that practical skills checklists be developed, if applicable, for the

skills in the training opportunities list (Theriault, 2000) in Appendix H. 26

4) It is recommended that a firefighter proficiency evaluation be incorporated into the

monthly training and the annual refresher course.

In the future, this ARP may become a source for another Executive Fire Officer Program candidate. My recommendation to the future readers is to use it as a guideline. The written test and practical skills checklists were based on a Bullard TI. The reader may have to make adjustments to incorporate the material to the type of TIC they use.

The benefit to the IFD is the members and the training officer will be able to track progress with TIC training. As department members training increases, their confidence level will continue to build. This will result in the members using the TIC on a routine basis, instead as an afterthought.



Bullard. (2000). Accessories for Bullard thermal imagers. In, User manual (pp. 2-3).

Cythiana, KY: Author.

Bullard. (2001a). Bullard thermal imager. In, User manual (pp. 3-4). Cythiana, KY:


Bullard. (2001b). Introduction to Bullard thermal imaging. [Power Point]. Available:

Bullard. (2001c). TI vs. MX: A head-to-head comparison. Bullard [On-line]. Available:


Bullard. (n.d.). Introducing the Bullard T3 thermal imager. [Brochure]. Cynthiana, KY:


Carnegis, J. (1999). Developing a thermal imaging training program for the fire service

(NFA research paper 30460). Emmitsburg, MD: National Fire Academy.

Cook, S. (2000, October). A safer search. Fire Rescue Magazine, 18, 32-37.

Crickenberger, R., & Sojka, B. (2000, October). Thermal imaging cameras: Training &

awareness. Firehouse, 25, 66-67.

Eisner, H. (2000a, January). First report: Worcester, MA. Firehouse, 25, 8.

Eisner, H. (2000b, November). The ABCs of Thermal Imaging. Firehouse, 25, 54.

Executive Office of Public Safety. (2000). Firefighter safety equipment program

application. In, Executive Office of Public Safety programs division (p.2). Boston, MA: Author.

Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States Fire Administration, National

Fire Academy. (1997). Planning. In, Fire service financial management (p. 4-3). Emmitsburg,

MD: Author. 28

History. (2001, October). Ipswich Online [On-line]. Available:

Image is everything: Part 2. (1998, May). Fire Rescue Magazine, 16, 68-79.

Ipswich Fire Department. (1996). Ipswich fire Department organization (Policy No.

1.04). In, Ipswich Fire Department operations manual. Ipswich, MA: Author.

Mehaffey, M. (2000, March 16). Firefighters raise money for thermal camera. Ipswich

Chronicle, p. 3.

Michalski, H. (2000). Fire Department. In, Town of Ipswich Massachusetts 2000 annual report (p. 62). North Andover, MA: Flagship Press.

McLaughlin, J. (1992, February). Thermal cameras Q & A. Firehouse, 17, 37.

Ragonese, F. (2000). Assessor. In, Town of Ipswich Massachusetts 2000 annual report

(p. 91). North Andover, MA: Flagship Press.

Richards, F. (2000). Town Clerk. In, Town of Ipswich Massachusetts 2000 annual report

(p.93). North Andover, MA: Flagship Press.

Richardson, M. (2000, October). Thermal imaging-beyond the basics. Fire International,

180, 26-27.

Richardson, M. (2001a, June). Training & safety. Get the Picture, 3, 4.

Richardson, M. (2001b, September). Thermal triage. Fire Chief, 45, 24.

Richardson, M., & Scholer, R. (1999, November). The capabilities of thermal imagers.

Fire International, 171, 29-30.

Richardson, M., & Scholer, R. (2001, April). Thermal imaging training: Covering the basics. Firehouse, 26, 86-88. 29

Theriault, A. (2000). Training opportunities for the thermal imaging camera (NFA research paper 15990). Emmitsburg, MD: National Fire Academy.

Theriault, A. (2001). [Bullard TIC orientation]. IFD training report (p. 1). Unpublished

raw data.

Thermal imager training CD. (2001, September). Fire Chief, 45, 60.

Town of Ipswich (1997). Fire lieutenant-staff. In, Town of Ipswich personnel rules and

regulations. Ipswich, MA: Author.

Town of Ipswich. (1999). Twenty-four (24) hour schedule (Article 5, Section 4). In,

Agreement between Town of Ipswich and Ipswich fire fighters, local 1913 (p. 6). Ipswich, MA:


Woodworth, S. (1996a, July). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 1: The basics of

thermal imaging. Fire Engineering, 149, 22.

Woodworth, S. (1996b, August). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 2: The

electromagnetic spectrum. Fire Engineering, 149, 24.

Woodworth, S. (1996c, November). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 3: Thermal

characteristics. Fire Engineering, 149, 22-26.

Woodworth, S. (1997a, February). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 4: Thermal

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Woodworth, S. (1997b, March). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 5: Tactics for

fire attack. Fire Engineering, 150, 16.

Woodworth, S. (1997c, August). Thermal imaging for the fire service, part 6: The search.

Fire Engineering, 150, 24-27.


APPENDIX A TIC Proficiency Evaluation Survey

1) What is the make-up of the department? _____ Career _____ Combination _____ Call _____ Volunteer

2) What type of Bullard TIC does the department own? _____ Bullard TI _____ Bullard MX

3) How often do department members train on the TIC? _____ Daily _____ Weekly _____ Monthly ______Yearly ______No training

4) Does the department require a firefighter proficiency evaluation on the TIC? _____ Yes _____ No (go to 9)

5) Does the department require a written test as part of the proficiency evaluation? _____ Yes _____ No (go to 7)

6) Which of the following terms or concepts are included in the written test? (check all that apply) _____ Active emitters ______Panning _____ Ambient temperature ______Passive emitters _____ Direct-source emitters ______Point-to-point search _____ Emissivity ______Six-sided scanning _____ Field of view ______Thermal contrast _____ Haloing ______Thermal inversion _____ Infrared ______Thermal signature _____ Microbolometer ______Thermal throttle _____ Minimum resolvable temperature difference ______White out

7) Does the department require a practical skills exam as part of the proficiency evaluation? ______Yes ______No (go to 9)

8) Which of the following are parts of the practical skill evaluation? (check all that apply) _____ TIC operation _____ Locating holes in the floor _____ Changing a battery _____ Panning _____ Transmitter set up _____Water rescues _____ S&R-with victim _____ Recognizing own reflection _____ S&R-with concealed victim _____ Trouble shooting transmission _____ S&R-lost person in the woods failure of picture _____ S&R-with TIC failure ______S&R- point-to-point search ______Hazmat-product levels in tanks/cylinders ______Electrical-overheated electrical fixtures ______Structural components- determining trusses ______Structural components- determining studs ______


APPENDIX A TIC Proficiency Evaluation Survey

For questions 9 to 11, fill in the blank.

9) ______is the difference in temperatures of the object being viewed. Black indicates the absence of heat; white indicates the presence of heat, and shades of gray are detected in between the range.

10) ______occurs when images viewed, change in color due to a change in ambient temperatures.

11) ______is the temperature of the surrounding air and environment considered the baseline measurement for heat transfers around an object.

12) Should there be national standards adopted for training on the TIC? ______Yes ______No

Thank you for your time.

E-mail address:______(please print clearly)


APPENDIX B Cover Letter

June 19, 2001

«Title» «FirstName» «LastName» «Company» «Address1» «City», «State» «PostalCode»

Dear «Title» «LastName»,

As a lieutenant with the Ipswich Fire Department, I am enrolled in the Executive Fire Officers Program at the National Fire Academy in Emmittsburg, Maryland. One of the requirements of the EFO program is to complete an applied research project that relates to the Ipswich Fire Department. The purpose of my project is to develop a firefighter proficiency evaluation for the thermal imaging camera.

A portion of my research project includes sending a survey to fire departments that have a Bullard thermal imaging camera. Your department’s name was obtained from the Bullard referral list. Could you, or your designee, please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey and return it. For your convenience, a self-addressed stamped envelope has been included. Please return the survey by July 9, 2001.

If your department has an evaluation process in place for the TIC, could you please forward it with the survey or send it to my E-mail address at [email protected].

Thank you for your help in this endeavor. If you would like a copy of the survey results, please enclose a SASE or include an E-mail address with the returned survey.


Andre J. Theriault Lieutenant


APPENDIX C Survey Results

Surveys Sent: 95 Surveys Returned: 28 % Returned: 29

1) What is the make-up of the department?

Total Percentage Career 11 39 Combination 9 32 Call 1 4 Volunteer 7 25

2) What type of Bullard TIC does the department own?

Total Percentage Bullard TI 27 96 Bullard MX 0 Both 1 4

3) How often do department members train on the TIC?

Total Percentage Daily 1 4 Weekly 6 21 Monthly 11 39 Yearly 6 21 Semi-annual 2 7 As needed 1 4 No training 1 4

4) Does the department require a firefighter proficiency evaluation on the TIC?

Total Percentage Yes 9 32 No 19 68

5) Does the department require a written test as part of the proficiency evaluation?

Total Percentage Yes 0 0 No 9 100


APPENDIX C Survey Results

6) Which of the following terms or concepts are included in the written test? None, there were no departments that required a written test.

7) Does the department require a practical skills exam as part of the proficiency evaluation? Total Percentage Yes 9 100 No 0 0

8) Which of the following are parts of the practical skills evaluation? Total TIC Operation 9 Changing a battery 9 Transmitter set up 6 S&R-with victim 8 S&R-with concealed victim 8 S&R-lost person in the woods 6 S&R-with TIC failure 7 S&R-six-sided scanning 7 S&R-point-to-point search 6 Hazmat-product levels in tanks/cylinders 6 Electrical-overheated electrical fixtures 7 Structural components-determining trusses 7 Structural components-determining studs 7 Locating holes in the floor 7 Panning 8 Water rescues 2 Recognizing own reflection 8 Trouble shooting transmission failure of picture 4 Hazmat-spills on water 1 Carbon monoxide-heat from fossil fuel appliances 1 Recognize thermal layers 1 Search rope with TIC 1

9) Thermal contrast is the difference in temperatures of the object being viewed. Black indicates the absence of heat; white indicates the presence of heat, and shades of gray are detected in between the range.

Total Percentage Correct 5 18 Incorrect 23 82


APPENDIX C Survey Results

10) Thermal inversion occurs when images viewed, change in color due to a change in ambient temperatures.

Total Percentage Correct 8 29 Incorrect 20 71

11) Ambient temperature is the temperature of the surrounding air and environment considered the baseline measurement for heat transfers around an object.

Total Percentage Correct 12 43 Incorrect 16 52

12) Should there be national standards adopted for training on the TIC?

Total Percentage Yes 14 50 No 14 50


APPENDIX D Written Test

Name: ______Date: ______

1) Referring to Figure A, identify the following components. (3 points each)

______Lens ______Thermal throttle dial ______On/off button ______Viewing screen ______Battery compartment ______Sleep mode ______Direct charge port ______Transmit button

2) It is recommended that the batteries should be charged every ______, if the TIC has stored and not used.

A) Week B) Two weeks C) Three weeks D) Four weeks

3) I. Thermal contrast is the difference in temperatures of the object being viewed. Black indicates the absence of heat; white indicates the presence of heat, and shades of gray are detected in between the range.

II. Thermal inversion occurs when the temperature of the object being viewed changes.

A) Statement I is true B) Statement II is true C) Both statements are true D) Both statements are false

4) Match the type of infrared emitter to its source. (4 points each)

______Active emitter A) fire, sun or chemical reaction ______Passive emitter B) human body ______Direct-source emitter C) steel

5) It takes about 1-½ minutes for the Bullard TI to warm up and be fully functional.

A) True B) False


APPENDIX D Written Test

6) For transmitting purposes, there are ______channels in a Bullard TI with the switch being located in the ______.

A) 1, handle B) 2, battery compartment C) 3, battery compartment D) 4, handle

7) The ______is the temperature of the surrounding air and environment.

A) Thermal contrast B) Thermal inversion C) Ambient temperature A) Thermal signature

8) When an object being viewed changes from white to dark ______has occurred.

A) Thermal signature B) Thermal contrast C) Ambient temperature D) Thermal inversion

9) I. The fact that the TIC has restored the eyesight for firefighters, basic firefighting tactics no longer need to be followed.

II. Firefighters using the six-sided approach method for searching start the scanning process in the middle of the room.

A) Both statements are true B) Statement I is true C) Statement II is false D) Both statements are false

10) When a hot cup of coffee is picked up from the table, the impression that remains seen through the TIC is known as the objects ______.

A) Whiteout B) Thermal contrast C) Thermal signature D) Thermal inversion

11) A dark ring around a door, window or hot spots in a ceiling indicating the hottest area of fire is known as ______.

A) Haloing B) Cropping C) Donuting D) Circling


APPENDIX D Written Test

12) The primary function of the sleep mode is to ______.

A) Conserve batteries B) Turn the TIC off completely C) Transmit information D) Adjust the picture

13) The green button on the Bullard TI is the ______button.

A) Transmit B) Thermal throttle C) Sleep mode D) On/off

14) The ______button on the Bullard TI is the sleep mode.

A) Red B) Green C) Yellow D) Blue

15) The transmit button is located on the ______side of the Bullard TI directly below the ______button.

A) Right, on/off B) Right, sleep mode C) Left, sleep mode D) Left, on/off

16) Which of the following infrared bands is the most useful for fire department operations?

A) Near-infrared B) Midwave infrared C) Long-wave infrared

17) I. When loading the battery into the battery compartment the notch on the battery goes to the left.

II. The arrow on the battery points down towards the handle when the battery is loaded into the battery compartment.

A) Both statements are true. B) Both statements are false. C) Statement I is true. D) Statement II is true.


APPENDIX D Written Test

18) A crew, equipped with a TIC, that moves through a structure to identify potential victims, locate the seat of the fire and fire extension and direct the other crews to those locations is performing a(n)______of the structure.

A) Size-up B) Overhaul C) Incident triage D) Lead line search










APPENDIX D Answer Sheet

1) A – viewing screen Scoring: B - sleep mode Question 1, 3 points each x 8 = 24 C - battery compartment Question 4, 4 points each x 3= 12 D - on/off button Remaining questions, 4 points each x 16= 64 E - transmit button Total 100 F - direct charge port G- thermal throttle dial H - lens

2) B

3) A

4) B, C, A

5) B

6) B

7) C

8) D

9) D

10) C

11) A

12) A

13) D

14) C

15) D

16) C

17) C

18) C 42

APPENDIX E TIC Operation Practical Skills Checklist

Ipswich Fire Department Thermal Imaging Camera Skills Checklist Name: Date: Skill Sheet No.: TIC - 001 Skill Title: Thermal Imaging Camera Operation Minimum to pass: 9


1. Identifies the location of the transmitter channel switch. 2. Verifies the switch is on channel A as per department SOG. 3. Places battery into TIC, notch to the left, arrow pointed up towards the screen. 4. Closes and locks battery compartment door. 5. Upon direction of the examiner, turns on the TIC. 6. Upon direction of the examiner, identifies the power level. 7. Upon direction of the examiner, engages the sleep mode. 8. Upon direction of the examiner, disengages the sleep mode. 9. Upon direction of the examiner, engages the transmitter. 10. Upon direction of the examiner, disengages the transmitter. 11. Upon direction of the examiner, closes the thermal throttle, image disappears. 12. Upon direction of the examiner, opens the thermal throttle, image appears. 13. Upon direction of the examiner, turns off the TIC. 14. Completes the evolution.

Note: Prior to the start of the exam, the examiner makes sure the battery has been removed and the battery compartment is closed.

Failure of this critical portion is cause for entire skill failure.

Examiner Signature:


APPENDIX F TIC Battery Charging Practical Skills Checklist

Ipswich Fire Department Thermal Imaging Camera Skills Checklist Name: Date: Skill Sheet No.: TIC – 002 Skill Title: Thermal Imaging Camera Battery Charging Minimum to pass: 7


1. Removes the required equipment from the case to charge two batteries. 2. Attaches the 110 AC power supply to the charger. 3. Inserts battery into charger. 4. Checks for red light on charger, indicating the battery is charging. 5. Attaches the gray connector cord to the charger. 6. Attaches the gray connector cord to the direct charge port on the TIC. 7. Checks for second red light on charger, indicating the battery in the TIC is charging. 8. Indicates that charging is complete when both green lights are on. 9. Returns the equipment to the case. 10. Completes the evolution.

Failure of this critical portion is cause for the entire skill failure.

Examiner Signature:


APPENDIX G TIC Transmitter Set Up Practical Skills Checklist

Ipswich Fire Department Thermal Imaging Camera Skills Checklist Name: Date: Skill Sheet No.: TIC – 003 Skill Title: Thermal Imaging Camera Transmitter Setup Minimum to pass: 11


1. Attaches the receiving antenna to the tripod. 2. Attaches the coaxial cable to the back of the receiving antenna. 3. Attaches the coaxial cable to the antenna-input connector on top of the receiving control unit (RCU). 4. Attaches the video cable to the TV/VCR input ports. 5. Attaches the video cable to the video output connector on the RCU. 6. Connects the AC power adapter to the RCU. 7. Plugs the AC power adapter into an outlet. 8. Plugs TV into outlet. 9. Turns on TV. 10. Sets the TV channel to Line 2. 11. Turns on the TIC. 12. Presses transmitter button. 13. Verifies an image on the TV. 14. If no picture, corrects the problem. 15. Completes the evolution.

Failure of this critical portion is cause for the entire skill failure.

Examiner Signature:


APPENDIX H Training Opportunities

Thermal Imaging Camera Operation

• Overall unit operation – type of sensor, power supply, controls, warm-up time, options • Field of view – depth perception • Thermal contrast • Thermal inversion • Thermal signature • Reflection – glass, polished surfaces • Water


• Thermal layer • Fire location • Electrical – overheated electrical fixtures • Holes in the floors • Flashover – white out • Smell of smoke calls • Structural components – stability • Ventilation • Fire brands Search & Rescue

• Victims in a structure – not concealed, concealed • Victims in a structure – unit failure • Water rescues • Ice water rescues • Lost people – woods • Motor vehicle accidents – victims ejected • Amputations • Confined space rescue 46

APPENDIX H Training Opportunities


• Hot spots – structure & wildland fires • Structural integrity • Fire extension • Location of broken hot water or steam pipes

Rapid Intervention Team

• Firefighter accountability • Missing firefighter – not concealed • Missing firefighter – concealed

Hazardous Materials

• Vapors – location and travel • Tanks/cylinders – product levels • Fluid spills – location and travel • Fires – areas of impingement • Ignition sources