Own Production. Source: UNDP. Source: Production. Own MAP A.1 MAP S ta li ndar 1 2 3 4 ving | 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 Co Population inMultidimensionalPoverty(%) D d Multidimensional Poverty im Population livingbelowincomepovertyline(%) n

F F M F o t r r e r f r o o o ib o n r m m m s u e io t

io Education 5% to10% 10% to15% th 3% to5% n n

an t

o o

f O

15% D v e e p r a r iv l

a pov National povertyline t io PPP $1.90aday Health n e

r in t y

Data unavailable Less than1% F F r r o o m m

1% to2% 2% to3% Mon Mon B P B P Mor o FY Mor a t o FY A Tun a ene s t A J A Tun S l ene A s J e lba S n l o E lge lba e L R n o E S e lge s L o R ia r S e g s iby o ia r dan r g y OM t iby c is g dan r ine OM n y t b y c is g r r n ine c b y … r Population VulnerabletoMultidimensionalPoverty(%) r p r c ia ia ia i i … r a a a o p o ia ia ia i i a a a o t o t 0 Population inseveremultidimensionalpoverty(%) 0 1 2 2 4 3 6 4 8 1 5 0 1 6 2 1 7 4

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 331 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 332 Maps Appendices Own production. Sources: , Robert Schuman Foundation; Interior Ministries and Electoral Commissions of the 28 EU Member States; Georgiadou, V.; Georgiadou, States; Member EU 28 the of Commissions (2017). S.S. Electoral and Deole, L.; (2018); Ministries Davis, Interior Roumanias L.; Rori, Foundation; Schuman Robert Parliament, European Sources: production. Own MAP A.2a MAP 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 15-20% 20-30% 30-40% >40% total numberofseatspercountry total Vote for Far-right Parties in the European Elections 2019 Elections European the in Vote Parties Far-right for % ofvote 5-10% 1-5% 10-15% 0-1% Seat s

obt ained in eac h EU seats obtained byfar-rightparties seats obtained

M em ber S t at e in t he European Elec t ion 2019 seats obtained byFdI inItaly seats obtained Own production. Sources: IFES Election Guide, NSSDS European Election Database; Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), OSCE. Interior Ministries (2017). S.S. Ministries Deole, Interior L.; (2018); OSCE. Davis, (ODIHR), Roumanias L.; Rights V.; Rori, Human and Georgiadou, States; Institutions Member EU 28 the Democratic of for Office Commissions Database; Electoral and Election European NSSDS Guide, Election IFES Sources: production. Own MAP A.2b MAP Party (UKIP). Spain: National Party(SNS). Slovakia: Romania Party(PRM). Portugal:League ofPolish Families (LPR). Forum Poland: forDemocracy(FvD).Party forFreedom(PVV). PimFortuyn List(PFL). (NA VL-TB/LNNK). All For Latvia! – For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK Tricolour NewForce (FN). (CPI). (FdI). Italia CasaPound BrothersofItaly Flame(FT).Latvia: NationalAlliance / League(LN/Lega). (XA). Popular Orthodox Rally (LAOS). Germany: Front /NationalRally(FN/RN). : Party (EIP). EstonianIndependence Estonia: ConservativePeople's PartyofEstonia(EKRE). HardLine(SK). Danish People's Party(DF). Denmark: Dawn-NationalCoalition(USVIT). Worker'sFreedom andDirectDemocracy(SPD). PartyofSocial Justice(DSSS). Will (Volya). Cyprus: Bulgaria (NFSB). Croatia:CroatianPartyofRights(HSP). National Front / National Democracy (FN/DN). Austria: | FlemishBlock/ FlemishInterest (VB). Belgium: AlliancefortheFutureofAustria (BZÖ). Freedom PartyofAustria(FPÖ), Far-right Performance in National Parliamentary Elections since 2001 (% since votes) of Elections Parliamentary National in Performance Far-right True Finns / (PERUS). Finnish People First (SKE). Blue and White FinnishPeople Front First (SKE). (VP). France: True Finns /Party(PERUS). Vox. Brexit Party (BP). UK Independence UK United Kingdom:BrexitParty(BP). Sweden: SwedishDemocrats(SD). Slovak National Party (SNS). People's Party - Our Slovakia (L'SNS). Slovenia: Slovenian People's Party-OurSlovakia(L'SNS). Slovak NationalParty(SNS). Alternative for Germany (AfD). National- of Germany (NPD). Greece: Alternative forGermany(AfD).National-DemocraticPartyof(NPD). United Romania Party (PRU). Greater Romania:UnitedRomaniaParty(PRU). National RenovatorParty(PNG). Bulgaria: Hungary: National Union Attack (ATTAKA).National Union Attack of National Front for the Salvation Movement for a Better Hungary (). Movement for a Better Hungary (JOBBIK). Maltese Patriots Movement (MPM). Netherlands: Malta: Maltese Patriots Movement (MPM). National People's Front (ELAM). Czechia: National People's Front(ELAM). Kukiz'15 - National Movement (K15 – RN). Kukiz'15 -NationalMovement(K15–RN). : Northern League National

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 333 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 334 Maps Appendices Source: IMF. MAP A.3 MAP Gross DomesticProductBasedonPurchasing-power-parity(PPP) Gross DomesticProductpercapita,currentprices M F F F | (purchasing powerparity;internationaldollars) r r r o o o o r m m m Gross Domestic Product in Mediterranean Countries (2017) Countries Mediterranean in Product Domestic Gross e

30,000 to35,000 35,000 to40,000 th 25,000 to30,000 an Share fromMediterraneancountriesofwordtotal t R he 40,000 e s w t

o o f r

ld Data unavailable Med Countries Less than10,000 From F F r r o o m m

10,000 to15,000 15,000 to20,000 20,000 to25,000 From Tur (purchasing powerparity;inbillionsofinternationaldollars) From k From 500 to1,000 e More than y Ita 100 to250 ly 20 to50 S pain Gross DomesticProduct,currentprices 2,000 E g y p Franc t e Algeria Israel Portugal From Greece Morocco From Less than20 From 1,000 to2,000 250 to500 Rest ofMed 50 to100 Libya Slovenia Serbia Lebanon Croatia Tunisia Jordan Countries MAP A.4 | Government Debt in Mediterranean Countries (2017)

-131 -113 -43

General Goverment Gross Debt General Goverment Net Lending Borrowing

5 More than 150% From 60% to 80% 0 From 100% to 150% From 40% to 60% -5

From 80% to 100% Less than 40% -10

Data unavailable -15 2015 2016 2017 2018

Source: IMF.

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 335 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 336 Maps Appendices Own Production. Source: ILOStat, ILO modelled estimates. modelled ILO ILOStat, Source: Production. Own MAP A.5 1990 2017 2030 Median | F F M Labour force in Mediterranean Countries by Age and Sex, 2017 Sex, and by Age Countries Mediterranean in force Labour r r o o o r m m e

40 to42.5 42.5 to45 th Age of an 45 the Labour Force (inyears) Less than35 F F r r o o m m

35 to37.5 37.5 to40 Age of Evolution ofMedian Force 8 the . 0 Labour 6 A . 0 L Persons (age15-65) F BA M e a m NI l e Labour a O 4 A le . 0 u O tside 2 3 4 u 5 5 5 tside La 1 2 9 L . Force, bysexandage(%) 0 a 9 bour 0 1 b our 9

0 Fo 9 . 0 9 F r ce o 2 r 0 ce 0 Inside/Outside the 2 8 . 0 2 0 A 1 F M LGERIA 7 e 4 a m l . e 0 a L le abour L abour 6 . 0 F o F r F M ce o e a 8 r m ce le . 0 a le 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 Own Production. Source: ILOStat, ILO modelled estimates. modelled ILO ILOStat, Source: Production. Own MAP A.5 BOS | NI Labour force in Mediterranean Countries by Age and Sex, 2017 Sex, and by Age Countries Mediterranean in force Labour M PORTUGAL ONT A F J T


M Unemployed inMediterraneanCountries,bysexandage edit 11. e 73 rranean NORT m il li on CY S I H L L S C I OV P RA BY M ount RU A E E A CE NI L S r 25+ Male 15-24 Male A ies DONI A South andEast 25+ Female 15-24 Female 12.28 Mediterranean million P A E M IT SPAIN L GY A A EST L L T P Y A T I NE Countries

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 337 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 338 Maps Appendices Own Production. Source: UNCTAD. Source: Production. Own MAP A.6 MAP Percentage ofTotalTradeinServices | F F M F r r r International Trade in Digitally-deliverable (2016-2017) Services o o o o r m m m e

45% to55% 35% to45% th 25% to35% an 55% F F Data unavailable Less than10% r r o o m m

15% to25% 10% to15% <20 0 US dollarsatCurrentPricesinmillions 2 ,0 0 0 6 ,0 0 0 30,0 0 0 Source: UNCTAD. MAP A.7 MAP IM EXPO PO M F F F F r r r r | o o o o o r m m m m e RTS Indian Trade with Mediterranean Countries (2017) Countries Trade Mediterranean with Indian RTS

1,000,000 to3,000,000 3,000,000 to5,000,000 th 500,000 to750,000 750,000 to1,000,000 an 5,000,000 Indian TradewithMediterraneanCountries (in thousandsofdollars)2017 Less than20,000 F F F F r r r r o o o o m m m m

20,000 to50,000 50,000 to100,000 100,000 to250,000 250,000 to500,000 Data unavailable Evolution ofIndianTradewithMed

1996 Countries (1996-2017)






IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 339 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 340 Maps Appendices Source: UNICEF. MAP A.8 MAP MCV 2nddose( HepB 3rddose( B RCV ( CG Percentage ofvac | ( Rubella) T 99% 95%-98% Vaccination and Immunization in Mediterranean Countries (2018) Countries Mediterranean in Immunization and Vaccination ub erc ul os Measles) Hepatitis B) i

s ) 90%-94% 85%-89%

cinat ed children 75%-79% 80%-84% 60%-69% 70%-74% Hib 3rddose( PCV 3rddose( DTP 3rddose( Pol 3rddose( <50% 50%-59% Haemophilus influenzae) Poliomielitis) Diphteria, Tetanus,Pertussis) Streptococcus pneumoniae)

Data notavailable vaccine notadministered-noestimatemade MAP A.9 | Suicide Rates in Mediterranean Countries 2000-2016

Total Suicide Rates, 2016 per 100,000 inhabitants Suicide Rates 2000-2016, per gender and 100,000 inhabitants 40 More than 13 From 5 to 7 30 male

From 10 to 13 From 3 to 5 20 female

From 7 to 10 Less than 3 10 0 2000 2010 2016

Own Production. Source: WHO.

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 341 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 342 Maps Appendices Source: FAO. MAP A.10 MAP No Food Supply:OilcropsOil(kcal/capita/day)bytype r th Bosnia and... | M M º From 3,350to3,450 From 3,450to3,550 More than3,550 From 3,250to3,350 o a Food Supply in Mediterranean Countries (2013) Countries Mediterranean in Supply Food n L S M P ce te e A Gr T Cr Cyp lov F A o Jo T o S b lba u n S E r r Isr don r lge M u Sunflowerseed Oil Olive Oil Food Supply(kcal/capita/day) a e a tu e oat o n r e r p g enia It r d n e n a cco ke isi g r g a y a b n a o a r u ce ce lta r p e ia a ia ia ia in ia ly n o n a y s t l l 0 2 0 0 4 0 Data unavailable Less than3,050 From 3,050to3,150 From 3,150to3,250 0 Oilcrops OilOther Soyabean Oil 6 0 0 8 0 0 M B P P o igm oult u v tton ine r eat y Kcal ineachCountry Food Supply:Meat.TypeofMeatthatProvidesmore

M & M Food Supply(kcal/capita/day)byTypeofProducts

eat eat Go

a t

M Animal eat Vegetal

3 Products 0 Products - 40% 4 0 - 50% 5 0 - 60% M o r e

t han 60% Source: FAO. MAP A.10 MAP | Animal fats Eggs Milk Meat Fish Seafood Food Supply in Mediterranean Countries (2013) Countries Mediterranean in Supply Food An - i Excluding Butter m a l

Produc ts Gr S C B A A Cyp Franc Isr N S M Lebanon J Ita P E S Tun Tur M M o e lge lba o g o r o lov pain a o ont r eec oat ael ly r s r r y dan lt b r k t t p is n r o ugal h a enia n r e ia u ia t ia enegr cco ia

e ia ia y s e M and a c edonia o … Cereals Alcoholic Beverages Pulses Fruits Vegetables Food Supply(kcal/capita/day) Vegeta - Excluding Wine l

- Produc Excluding Beer ts Starchy Roots Other Vegetalproducts Sugar, Sweeteners&SugarCrops Vegetable Oils & Oilcrops

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 343 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 344 Maps Appendices Source: United Nations Population Division. PA.11 A AP M TR; 6,588 12,922 EG; | From 2.5to3 From 3to3.5 More than3.5 From 2.2to2.5 Fertility in Mediterranean Countries Countries Mediterranean in Fertility Number ofbirthsinMediterraneanCountries(thousands) Total FertilityRate(livebirthsperwoman) ES; 1,989 ES; SY; 2,130 MA; 3,409 5,159 DZ; From 1.4to1.5 From 1.5to1.75 From 1.75to2 From 2to2.2 PS; 708 PS; Rest; 829 1,073JO; IT; 2,308 3,644 FR; Less than1.3 From 1.3to1.4 TN; 1,018 421 RS; LY; 631 413 GR; LB; 587 IL; 849 IL; 403 PT; B o M 100 150 200 s 50 n onte P i Leban 0 S M a P F a A

G Cr T Cy l F A and … o Y T J o l o S e uni l negr o r Net ReproductionRate(surviving E S r u bani r

r 15-19 l M Is RO v L S ger s tu a e oati o r eec r e p gy p Age-specific FertilityRates i It dan t r n r b k a c y i n r gal s ael b a a o n (births per1,000women) c e r l c y u M i i pt ta i i i i l e o n a a e a y a a a a n y a e o s

daughters perwoman) 20-24 0



35-39 1


45-49 2 Own Production. Source: FAO Fisheries. FAO Source: Production. Own MAP A.12 MAP A C L lba S | y iby p y 50000-100000 100000-200000 >200000 20000-50000 r r n u ia Mollusc Production (Captures Production andMollusc aquaculture), 2017 a ia s Global Production Tun Al E M g ger a y lt is p a ia t ia <100 100-1000 1000-3000 8000-12000 M ont Franc C Tur r oat enegr k e ia e y o M Gr o r eec o cco e Squids Miscellaneous Mussels Clams , , cockles cuttlefishes Production intheMediterranean P a Ita lestine marine , ly arkshells , octopuses molluscs S I s lov r ael enia Scallops Abalones Oysters 20000-50000 10000-20000 1000-3000 4000-7000 100-1000 <100 >100000 , , pectens winkles Lebanon S pain , conchs

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 345 Maps Appendices IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 346 Maps Appendices Own Production. Source: IEA. Source: Production. Own MAP A.13 MAP CO Y Ge C USSR; ugosl Fra P Japan; U Gre C S T E a 2 ol I rm urkey S UK; pain t hi nada Emissions fromFuelCombustion(millionsoftonnesCO 1971 gy | a nce a A l na; ece; a Mediterranean CountrieswithHighestCO y nd; ; F F M pt F avi

; ny CO

r r r 4 Countries withHighestCO

751 ; o o o 1 o ; ; 289


, ;

119 780 r

751 m m 289

; , m

423 2

287 a e 340 942

4 2 978 0


2 5 100 to200 200 to300 th

50 to100 2 6 Combustion (millionsoftonnesCO an 2 Emissions in Mediterranean Countries 2016 300 from FuelCombustion Data unavailable Ge R Japan; C U C Fra T Gre U S uss I a k E hi urkey I ndi rm UK; S pain t nada ra gy a 1995 na; nce A l ece; i i a y ; a a ne; pt

; ny

; ; 5 514


; 2 1 ; 401 ;

; 703 1 ,



; , ,

344 154

8 2 , 449 900 112 395

7 548 857 Emissions fromFuel 2 7 From 5to20 F F Less than5 r r o o m m

20 to30 30 to50 2 Emissions Ge R Japan; C C 2 T Fra I K U E ) uss S ndi a hi urkey I I rm gy UK; t orea; S pain ra nada a na; nce A 2016 l a n; i pt y a ; a ; ;


; 4

514 ;



563 ; 326 9 1 ;

1 , ; ,


239 589 833 ; ,

077 , 339 293 , 057 541

147 439 732 2 )

Million tonnes CO 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Evolution ofMediterraneanCountriesCO 2 500 Emissions fromFuelCombustionbySource and ShareoverTotalWorldEmissions Coal 0 Emissions fromFuelCombustion CO

2 1971 emissions 1975 Oil 1980 1985

1990 Natural gas 1995 2000 % overWolrdtotal 2005 2010 2015 Other 2016 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

% Own Production. Source: IEA. Source: Production. Own MAP A.13 MAP Luxe C Y Ge D z B B C K ech ugosl e Fra e a Qa a U uw S rm I nm | l m hra s I nada 1971 gi S t pain ra a Mediterranean CountrieswithHighestCO t bourg; nce A

CO a a a um l a CO R F F M F y e i ny i ; r avi rk n; r r t r Countries withHighestCO ;

e l o o o ; o 20.

18. ; ; ; p. Combustion percapita(tonnesofCO

; 2 5 ; r ;

m m ;

m 17.


e 3

15. 13. a

Emissions fromFuelCombustionpercapita . 12. 8 12. 11. ; 4 .


; 7 8 2

5 . 5 to6 6 to7 4 th 4 to5

15. 1 5 3 15. Emissions in Mediterranean Countries 2016 5 2 2 an 5 2 . 1 6 5 from FuelCombustionpercapita 7 (tonnes ofCO Luxe C A z B C K S B ust ech C Qa Gre a a U U l uw I runei; m ove s hra I y nada S t A 1995 prus; ra ra a t bourg; A E a ece; a l R y e r; lia i

i ; ; ni n; e t ;

l 2 ;

19. 28.

; ; /capita) p. 32, a

7 ;

15. 20. 2 8 15.


; . 15. ; 7 7

1 Emissions fromFuel . 0 1

7 1 . . 15. 8

8 2 2 7 20. . 3 8 1 7 Data unavailable Less than2 F F 6 r r 1 o o m m

2 to3 3 to4 2 2 /capita) S Emissions T a A ri B udi K C S B ust ni C Qa a S U uw U a l I Li runei; ove s hra y nada dad… e S A

prus; ra A 2016 by ra t rbi A E a a ra e i r; i lia ; ; ni a t n;

a l ; bi 15. 20.

; ; ;

; 30, a

22. ;


7 6

14. 20. a ; 6 ; 7 16.

. .

0 7 ; . 6 5 9 15. . 8

4 2 4 9 . 16. 9 8 6 º 0 5 3 North Macedonia Share ofElectricityOutputfromNonFossilSources(%) CO Bosnia and… Montenegro 2 Emissions fromFuelCombustionbySesctor Lebanon Morocco Slovenia Portugal Albania Greece Tunisia Croatia Cyprus Algeria France Jordan Turkey Serbia Egypt Spain Israel Malta Syria Italy 0 20 40 Residential andComercial Transport Industries andConstruction Manufacturing Energy industry Electricity, Heatand 60 80 100

IEMed. Mediterranean Yearbook 2019 347 Maps Appendices