Tim Francisco <
[email protected]> GOOD MORNING: 01/24/19 Farm Direction Van Trump Report 1 message The Van Trump Report <reply@vantrumpreportemail.com> Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 7:23 AM ReplyTo: Jordan <replyfec6167072610278314_HTML362509461000034501@vantrumpreportemail.com> To:
[email protected] "People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent." Bob Dylan 1871, Albert Erskine, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2019 Studebaker Chief On this Printable Copy or Audio Version day in 1871, Albert Russell Erskine, who headed up the Morning Summary: Stock indexes seem to be in a bit of a holding pattern. Traders on pioneering American both sides of the fence seem as if they want to know a bit more about the ongoing U.S. automaker Studebaker before it went government shutdown and Chinese trade negotiations before putting more money to bankrupt during the Great Depression, is work. Keep in mind, next week we had a scheduled State of the Union by President born in Huntsville, Alabama. During the Trump, but that has now been canceled and pushed back until after the shutdown. late 1800s and early 1900s, Erskine Which from my perspective means they are still no closer to a compromise. The Senate worked for such companies as American plans to vote on two measures this afternoon, one supported by President Trump and Cotton and Underwood Typewriter, before the other supported by Democrats, but neither is expected to advance. Next week we joining South Bend, Indianabased also have the highly anticipated meeting with the Chinese Vice Premier.