Minutes of the Meeting of Parish Council Held on Wednesday 12th July 2017 at Ancroft Memorial Hall Ancroft at 7.00p.m.

Present: Chairman G Britain, Vice-Chairman S Greenwood Parish Councillors J Greenwood K Henriques J Turner B Greenall R Henriques & C Greenall County Councillor R Lawrie Clerk I Hunter John Cooper & Sylvia Pringle iNorthumberland Rev M Knox 1 member of the public.

Public Question Time: - A Member of the public raised the following concerns:

1- What has happened about the installation of a flower box at the end of the C8/B6525, he went on to say he had made a box which is no longer available. The Chairman replied various organisation have been undertaking works in that area over the last 3-6 months. However. the Parish Council will revisit this subject in the future. 2- The trees on U59 Scremerston are there any updates. The Chairman said this is Agenda Item No 7 3- The Scremerston bus shelters require painting The Chairman said this is Agenda Item No 8 Parish Councillor C Greenall raised the following issue on behalf of a resident: There is an issue of pavement parking on Prince Charles Road which is means residents must walk on the road. It was agreed there is a problem with pavement parking in Scremerston, it was also agreed the Clerk report the issue to the Police stating the problems appears to be at a peak at evenings & on Sunday mornings.

Community Police- The Clerk read the following update: a vehicle has been stolen from the Borewell area and there has been a burglary form an unoccupied property in the Unthank area. The Police asked residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

Apologies for Absence: None

Declaration of Interest: None

Request for Dispensation- None

Parish Councillors R & K Henriques joined the meeting at this point.

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 10th May 2017 previously circulated were agreed as a true record then signed by the Chairman.

The Chairman welcomed John Cooper & Sylvia Pringle from iNorthumberland to give an update on the rollout of superfast broadband in Ancroft Parish. John Cooper tabled a map and explained: • That if fibre is to the BT cabinet you can expect speeds between 24-80mgb,

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• If fibre goes to premises you can expect speeds up to 300mgb • There are some other areas of the Parish which will received faster than normal speeds but will only receive up to 24mgb • The BT cabinet at Springhill Lane which feeds part of Scremerston is scheduled to be upgraded in September 2017. • There are some other areas identified to be upgraded in 2018. • There are areas which currently are not in the plan for fibre, however, iNorthumberland are looking at funding to deliver alternative schemes. • The areas that currently have no plans to upgrade mean they are areas which are not easy to complete. • When superfast broadband comes to your area you need to apply for an upgrade it does not happen automatically. • You can receive broadband from any provider but all providers must access the service from BT Openreach network. • If you register with iNorthumberland you will be advised when superfast broadband is available in your area. Sylvia Pringle stated iNorthumberland has a price comparison checker on the website so you can see what is the best deal available to you

John Cooper & Sylvia Pringle left the meeting at this point

The Chairman welcomed Rev M Knox and invited him to give an update on the developments at St Peter’s Church. Rev Knox informed the meeting: • The annual tax for the church is approx. £1000 • Currently applying for grants, to undertake works, purchase moveable furniture and improve the heating system. • The church to be used as a meeting place and to connect with the community. • Pews at the rear of the church have been removed to provide a toilet and kitchette, so it is now an open space with facilities. • The organ and pews at the front of the church have been removed to extend the stage. • Currently in talks to possibly provide a Post Office, Credit Union etc. • Trying to develop services and open to any suggestions of what groups could meet or what events could take place in the church. Parish Councillors suggested Rev Knox should have a conversation with the Scremerston Events Group. The Rev Knox asked if the Parish Council could agree to a 12 noon Service on Remembrance Sunday which Linda Chapman will lead. This was agreed.

Rev Knox left the meeting at this point.

Min 1292- Scremerston Trees- The Chairman informed the meeting that Barry Wilson the Tree Officer from County Council has agreed to undertake another walkabout to look at any outstanding issues the Parish Council may have. The Chairman suggested as many Parish Councillors as possible should attend especially the Scremerston Parish Councillors and invite 2 members of the public. This was agreed the Chairman invited Mr. Morrison to be one of the members of the public. Mr Morrison accepted the invite.

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Min 1293- Scremerston Bus Shelters- The Clerk informed the meeting that she had sent out 8 letters of invite to tender for the repainting of the bus shelters and only A.P. Morgan replied to say they were not available to undertake the work. Parish Councillors asked the Clerk to write to Paul Mumberson, Keith Morgan, Ian Grieve (again) and SWD asking them to quote for the work.

Min 1294 (Min 1281)- Donations- Parish Councillors considered donating to Northumberland CVA, this was deferred from the May Meeting for further information which has now been received. The Vice-Chairman proposed and Parish Councillor C Greenall seconded a donation of £50 this was agreed.

Min 1295 (Min 1282)- Website- Parish Councillors considered the photographs supplied by SVP and agreed to use No’s 4, 7 & 2 for the website and asked the Clerk to contact SVP and see if there will be an additional cost for him to take some photographs of the Main Street in Scremerston. Parish Councillors agreed their contact details for the website.

Min 1296- Financial Statement:

Barclays Community Account £ 12061.02

Barclays Premium Account £ 403.02

Barclays Cemetery Account £ 32050.55

Min 1297- Accounts For Payment:

• M & M Contractors £ 86.40 Grass Cutting • Mrs E I Hunter £ 148.49 Salary 19.75 hours @ £9.392 per hr • HMRC £ 37.00 PAYE • Mrs E I Hunter £ 20.00 Petty Cash • SVP £ 127.50 Ariel photographs- website • St Anne’s Church £ 150.00 Annual donation for grass cutting • St Peter’s Church £ 150.00 Annual donation for grass cutting • M & M Contractors £ 84.00 Grass Cutting • Northumberland CC £ 175.07 Annual Insurance premium • Northumberland CVA £ 50.00 Donation • Ancroft Memorial Hall £ 20.00 Room hire

Min 1298- Planning Applications: Observations

17/01371/FUL- Change of use of East House Farm to five dwellings with amenity space, demolition of two portal sheds and construction of two new garage blocks- East Farm Barns Cheswick Berwick-upon-Tweed TD15 2RW Parish Councillors agreed to raise concerns regarding the access on to the A1.

Parish Councillors agreed there is a need for planning training and it was agreed to Clerk contact the Chairman of NIPCA to see if this rolled out to members of the Association.

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The member of the public left the meeting at this point.

Min 1299- Planning Approval:

17/00237/ADE- Advertisement consent for signage in hedgerow either side of turning to Broomhouse to give fair warning to turning onto an unadopted road- Verge North West and South West of Bolams Lodge Berwick-upon- Tweed Northumberland

Min 1300- Planning Refusals-

16/02246/FUL- Proposed first floor rear bedroom and bathroom extension- 2 Deputy Row Scremerston TD15 2QX.

17/00893/FUL- Proposal to install 3no. static caravans and prefabricated reception unit within existing licences touring caravan site (part retrospective) Raglan Cottage Caravan Park Ancroft Berwick-upon-Tweed Northumberland TD15 2TB

Min 1301 (Min 1289) - Litter Cocklawburn Beach Parish Councillor R Henriques again raised concerns about the level of litter next to the bins at Cocklawburn beach and requested the Parish Council purchase additional litter bins. He concluded by saying the AONB are going to undertake improvement works to the road and car parks in this area which could encourage more visitors. The Vice-Chairman stated that when the Parish Council paid for the 2 bins which are in situ Mr. Whiteford agreed to pay for an additional 2 bins if required. Parish Councillor R Henriques responded to say he had approached Mr. Whiteford and the answer is no. The meeting debated the level of litter in the area and the fact that people are not clearing up after themselves. County Councillor R Lawrie said he would approach Peregrini to see if they would fund 2 litter bins. The meeting also agreed the Clerk contact Northumberland County Council & AONB and ask for signage to be erected in all car parks asking visitors to take their litter home. It was also agreed to reconsider this issue at a future meeting.

Min 1302 (Min 1283)- Annual Insurance Premium- Parish Councillors agreed to pay Northumberland County Council £175.07 for the Annual Insurance premium

Min 1303 -Wickety Footpath- The Vice-Chairman informed the meeting that the area had flooded again, suggesting if the brambles and vegetation was cut back the problem may be identified. Also, Northumberland County Council did not cut the area when they cut Scremerston this week so the footpath is getting narrower and narrower. The Parish Council considered the quote from M & M Contractors of £175 + VAT to cut the vegetation at the Restoration end of the footpath, the Vice- Chairman proposed & Parish Councillor K Henriques seconded to accept the quote from M & M Contractors this was agreed. The meeting also agreed the Clerk contact Northumberland County Council and ask them to come back and cut the footpath and ask them to ensure it is included within the regular cutting schedule in future.

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Min 1304- Bus Services- Parish Councillors considered the information received from Northumberland County Council regarding the changes to the 464-bus service.

Min 1305- Local Transport Plan 2018/19- It was agreed to defer this to the October meeting as no information has been received to date.

Min 1306- Clerk’s pension provision- The Clerk informed the meeting that this is something that the Parish Council needs to consider, and it is statutory for all employees earning over £112 per week. The Clerk concluded by saying this is of no value to her as she does not earn over £112 per week and she is not interested. Parish Councillors supported the Clerk’s recommendation.


Min 1307- Berwick CAB- The Chairman raised concerns about the proposed change to the face to face service in the Berwick office, going on to say it is a much-needed service. Parish Councillors agreed the Clerk write a letter to CAB asking for the face to face service to remain in Berwick Officer as it is a vital service to the local area.

Min 1308- Pot holes- Parish Councillors reported pot holes at the following locations: • Main Street near Kingdom Hall. • Junction at Smithy Cottages • Between Berwick Rugby Club & Restoration Cottages It was agreed the Clerk report these on the Northumberland County Council website.

Min 1309- Street Lighting- Parish Councillor B Greenall raised concerns that all but one street light has been replaced at the Restoration Cottage area. It was agreed to monitor the situation until all the street lights have been replaced in Scremerston.

The next Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th October 2017 at 7pm In Scremerston First School Scremerston

Parish Clerk Mrs Isabel Hunter Tel: 306365 or e-mail [email protected] Agenda Items for next Meeting to be received by 2nd October



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