Club Magazine Inc. Meetings held Second Monday of each November month at North Mackay Affiliated with the QLD Bowls Club ASSOCIATION 2011 of FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUBS Inc. Next meeting Member of the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL 7.30pm, FOUR WHEEL DRIVE Monday COUNCIL th Mackay & District 4WD Club Inc. 12 Dec 2011 PO Box 3469 Mackay North Qld 4740 E-Mail:
[email protected] Web Site: Committee Members and Office Bearers 2011-12 President Steve Johnson 0438 005 844 4959 3424 Vice -President Terry Devery 0428 554115 4942 0280 Secretary Alan Lovett 0428 719 105 49551513 Treasurer Fay Devery 4942 0280 Comm ittee Member Steve Whykes 0407 677 075 4969 6087 Driver Awareness & Environment Off Kable Gilliland 0427 371 700 4955 6657 Activities Co -ordinator Dennis Boland 0467 060 050 Ed itor Kathy Searle 4942 7457 Training Off icer #2 4959 3424 Glenis Vichie 49555809 Ass. Editor Michelle J Host Person 0438731822 Sandi Hardy 4969 6087 Ass. Act. Co -ord. Kelvin Nayler 0488549351 Greeter #1 Sherry Dennis 4955 6657 Insurance Off icer Bruce Wolsey 4954 6793 Greeter #2 Angie Brannan 4955 5305 PR Off icer Terry Devery 4942 0280 Ass. Comm. Member Michael WG 4955 2978 QAFWDC Ass Rep #1 Alan Lovett 4955 1513 QAFWDC Ass Rep # 2 Training Officer #1 Kable Gilliland 4955 6657 Web Page ed itor Dave Christensen 4969 5482 The views expressed in this magazine are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the Club. The Association cannot assume responsibility for the material presented by the magazine. Likewise we cannot guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising.