The Role of Fire in the Ecology of Leichhardt's Grasshopper (Petasida Ephippigera) and Its Food Plants, Pityrodia Spp
The role of fire in the ecology of Leichhardt's grasshopper (Petasida ephippigera) and its food plants, Pityrodia spp. Piers Hugh Barrow B. Sc. (University of Queensland) Hons. (Northern Territory University) A thesis submitted to satisfy the requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Institute of Advanced Studies, School for Environmental Research, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia. March 2009 I hereby declare that the work herein, now submitted as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy is the result of my own investigations, and all references to ideas and work of other researchers have been specifically acknowledged. I hereby certify that the work embodied in this thesis has not already been accepted in substance for any degree, and is not being currently submitted in candidature for any other degree. Piers Barrow March 2009 i Acknowledgements My partner Cate Lynch provided support and encouragement, field assistance, proof- reading and editing, and forewent much of what is expected in normal life for a such a long time through this project, and I am deeply grateful. My supervisors Peter Whitehead, Barry Brook, Jeremy Russell-Smith and Stephen Garnett provided valuable advice and discussion, and, despite typically huge workloads, never failed to make themselves available to help. I am particularly indebted to Peter Whitehead, who shouldered most of the work, way beyond expectations, and provided guidance and insight throughout, and to Jeremy Russell-Smith, who has encouraged and facilitated my interest in the ecology of the Top End in general, and of the sandstone country and fire in particular, for many years.
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