Compliance of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights An alternative NGO report to the 118th Session UN Human Rights Committee (17 October 2016 - 04 November 2016) Prepared by the Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan BAKU 2016 INTRODUCTION This alternative report on the implementation of the International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights (ICCPR) was prepared by HRCA and reviews the issues covered by the Fourth periodic report of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CCPR/C/AZE/4). HRCA is a non-governmental human rights organization (NGO) established in April 1993, registered in 1999 and engaged in monitoring human rights in Azerbaijan. Since 1998, it has submitted several NGO alternative reports to the UN Treaty Bodies and under the UPR. The HRCA is a member of SOS-Network of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT). This report presents article-by-article information on the observance by the Republic of Azerbaijan of the provisions of the ICCPR. _________________________________________________________________________________ Azərbaycan İnsan Hüquqları Müdafiə Mərkəzi (The Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan) P.O. Box 31, Main Post Office, Baku AZ1000, Azerbaijan, E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] General Comments 1. The situation with the implementation of ICCPR in Azerbaijan is seriously aggravated with the continuing conflict with neighboring Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, a former autonomy within the internationally recognized borders of Azerbaijan. The human rights situation at this area is fully out of the international monitoring due to reservation done by the Government of Azerbaijan during the ratification of the ICCPR and related to the occupation of about 20% of Azerbaijani territory by the armed forces of Armenia.