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Portico Semanal 1017 Historia Contemporanea 42 PÓRTICOSemanal Historia contemporánea 42 Nº 1017 — 21 noviembre 2011 Obras generales: 001 — 029 España: 030 — 184 Europa: 185 — 257 América: 258 — 279 África — Asia — Oceanía: 280 — 302 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PÓRTICO SEMANAL Año XXIV, Nº 1017 — 21 noviembre 2011 HISTORIA CONTEMPORÁNEA 42 Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo Responsable de la Sección: Concha Aguirre PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS, S.A. www.porticolibrerias.es Muñoz Seca, 6 HORARIO / OPEN HOURS: Tel. (+34) 976 55 70 39 50005 Zaragoza — España 976 35 03 03 Lunes a jueves / Monday to Thursday 976 35 70 07 Fundada en 1945 10–14 15–18 Fax (+34) 976 35 32 26 Viernes / Friday 10–14 OBRASOBRAS GENERALESGENERALES 001 Ash, T.G.: Los hechos son subversivos. Ideas y personajes para una década sin nombre 2011 – 487 pp. € 25,00 002 Bennett, B. M. / J. M. Hodge, eds.: Science and Empire. Knowledge and Networks of Science Across the British Empire, 1800-1970 2011 – 368 pp. € 77,74 ÍNDICE: Part I. Historiography and Overview: Science and Empire: An Overview of the Historical Scholarship; J. M. Hodge — The Consolidation and Reconfiguration of ‘British’ Networks of Science, 1800-1970; B. M. Bennett — Part II. Knowledge and Networks in the 19th And Early 20th Centuries: Science and the British Empire from its Beginning to 1850; J. Gascoigne — A Networked Approach to the Origins of Forestry Education in India, 1855- 1885; B. M. Bennett — Anatomy of Reception: Science, Nation and Religion in Hindi-Language Print Media of Colonial South Asia; R. Tiwari — ‘A Science of Our Own’: Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions, Australians and the History of Science; P. H. Hoffenberg — Between the Nation and the World: JT Wilson and Scientific Networks in the Early Twentieth-Century; T. Pietsch — Part III. Knowledge and Networks at the End of Empire: Albert Howard and the Decolonization of Science: From the Raj to Organic Farming; G. A. Barton — ‘The Chance to Send their First Class Men out to the Colonies’: The Making of the Colonial Research Service; S. Clarke — The Hybridity of Colonial Knowledge: British Tropical Agricultural Science and African Farming Practices at the End of Empire; J. M. Hodge — The Science of Decolonization: The Retention of ‘Environmental Authority’ in the Contest for Antarctic Sovereignty between Britain, Argentina, and Chile, 1939-59; A. Howkins — Unexploited Assets: Imperial Imagina- tion, Practical Limitations, and Marine Fisheries Research in East Africa, 1917-1953; C. Jennings PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 1017 — Historia contemporánea 42 3 — Thomas Adeoye Lambo and the Decolonization of Psychiatry in Nigeria; M. M. Heaton — The Reconfiguration of Scientific Career Networks in the Late Colonial Period: The Case of the Food and Agricultural Organization and the British Colonial Forestry Service; J. Gold — Epilogue; M.Worboys. 003 Bessel, R. / C. B. Haake, eds.: Removing Peoples. Forced Removal in the Modern World 2011 – 480 pp. € 24,00 ÍNDICE: Part I. Introductory Remarks: R. Bessel / C. B. Haake: Introduction — A. Lüdtke: Explaining Forced Migration — Part II. Forced Removal and Indigenous Peoples: T. A. Garrison: On the Trail of Tears: Daniel Butrick’s Record of the Removal of the Cherokees — C. B. Haake: Breaking the Bonds of People and Land — D. L. Fixico: The Federal Indian Relocation Programme of the 1950s and the Urbanization of Indian Identity — M. Copland: Calculating Lives: The Number and Narrative of Removals in Queensland, 1859-1972 — P. E. Lovejoy: The Slave Trade as Enforced Migration in the Central Sudan of West Africa — Part III. Forced Removal and War: D. Bloxham: The Great Unweaving: The Removal of Peoples in Europe, 1875-1949 — R. G. Suny: Explaining Genocide: The Fate of the Armenians in the Late Ottoman Empire — S. O’Rourke: Trial Run: The Deportation of the Terek Cossacks 1920 — D. Brandes: National and International Planning of the ‘Transfer’ of Germans from Czechoslovakia and Poland — G. Pandey: ‘Nobody’s People’: The Dalits of Punjab in the Forced Removal of 1947 — I. Talbot: The 1947 Partition of India and Migration: A Compara- tive Study of Punjab and Bengal — B. Morris: Explaining Transfer: Zionist Thinking and the Creation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem — Part IV. Forced Removal in Post-Colonial Times: C. Gerlach: Sustainable Violence: Mass Resettlement, Strategic Villages, and Militias in Anti-Guerrilla Warfare — A. Smith: Coerced or Free? Narrating the Reverse Migrations of Decolonization — Part V. Concluding Thoughts: J. de Groot: Removing Peoples in the ‘Mo- dern’ World: A Comparative Perspective. 004 Cayet, T.: Rationaliser le travail, organiser la production. Le Bureau international du travail et la modernisation économique durant l’entre-deux- guerres 2010 – 284 pp. € 19,00 005 Chapman, J.: Ultranationalism in German-Japanese Relations, 1930- 1945. From Wenneker to Sasakawa 2011 – 240 pp. € 83,20 006 Cruz, J. I., ed.: Masonería e ilustración. Del Siglo de las Luces a la actualidad 2011 – 203 pp., fig. € 15,00 ÍNDICE: J. I. Cruz: Presentación — F. Oncina Coves: Secreto y misterio: Las filosofías de la masonería en el tránsito de la ilustración al romanticismo — J. A. Ferrer Benimeli: El masón, PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 1017 — Historia contemporánea 42 4 hombre de la ilustración — C. Porset: Luces radicales y masonería francesa — D. Soucy: Ecos de la otra orilla. La mosonería francesa en su proyección hacia América — P. Sánchez Ferré: Fuentes iconográficas de la masonería moderna — F. López Casimiro: La mosonería española en el XIX. Orto y ocaso — J. I. Cruz: La mosonería española en el XX. Entre el mito y la realidad — V. Sampedro Ramo: La mosonería valenciana y su proyección en la sociedad: confrontación ideológica, redes de sociabilidad e interrelación política (1870-1939) — R. Madrid: Entre el estilo galante y el humanismo: una visión masónica de la música — E. Galdón Casanoves: Vigencia de los valores masónicos en el siglo XXI. 007 Eller, C.: Gentlemen and Amazons. The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory, 1861-1900 2011 – 290 pp., 27 fot. € 20,55 008 Falt, O. K. / J. Saunavaara, eds.: Nation-Building, National Identity and the Wider World. Japan and Finland in Transition, 1945-1990 2010 – 146 pp. € 58,00 009 Fellman, S. / A. Kuustera / E. Vaara, eds.: Historical Perspectives on Corporate Governance. Reflections on Ownership, Participation and Different Modes of Organizing 2008 – 284 pp. € 35,00 ÍNDICE: S. Fellman & al.: Introduction: Corporate governance structures through the centu- ries — Y. Cassis: Busines elites and business history — 1. Ownership and Corporate Governance: C. R. Hickson / J. D. Turner: The ownership and control of banks in nineteenth- century Ireland — C. Butler / J. Keary: Ownership, governance and entrepreneurship: inchcape group 1958-1998 — H. Bonin: Non-state and non-capitalist enterprises in France in the 19th- 20th centuries: the causes of a slow development — W. H. Becker: Finance, technology and governance: the recent ‘revolution’ in american corporate management — 2. Ownership and Management: J.-L. Lenhof: An example of the early separation of ownership and manage- ment: shipowners and master mariners in the last deep-sea sailing mercantile marine, 1840- 1940 — T. da S. Lopes: Corporate governance in the global alcoholic beverages industry — F. Amatori: Managers and owners in an italian department store: La Rinascente from 1920 to 1970 — 3. Family Business and Corporate Governance: R. Mackie: «To provide for the settlement of my affairs»: inheritance and ownership in family firms during the transition to limited liability — M. Sassi: Desmarais frères (1861-1965): a french paternalistic model — C. Vuillermot: A reinvented family capitalism? – an example of the french electric group durant in the first half of the 20rh century — M. Larsson / D. Nyberg: Long-term ownership and ownership strategies in family firms: the case of Bonniers, 1950-1990 — 4. Worker Participa- tion and Labour Management: H. G. Schröter: Participation: american and european ideas — A. Álvaro Moya: Changing patterns of ownership and labour management under changing institutional regimes: the case of Telefónica in Spain, 1924-1970 — J. Cushman: Rationalisa- tion and professionalisation on the shop floor: conflicts in the cultivation of employee loyalities in british and american department stores, 1939-1965. PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 1017 — Historia contemporánea 42 5 010 Gerlach, C.: Extremely Violent Societies. Mass Violence in the Twentieth-Century World 2010 – 502 pp. € 23,95 ÍNDICE: Introduction: extremely violent societies — Part I. Participatory Violence: A coali- tion for violence: mass slaughter in Indonesia, 1965–66 — Participating and profiteering: the destruction of the Armenians, 1915–23 — Part II. The Crisis of Society: From rivalries between elites to a crisis of society: mass violence and famine in Bangladesh (East Pakistan), 1971–77 — Sustainable violence: strategic resettlement, militias and ‘development’ in anti-guerrilla warfare — What connects the fate of different victim groups? The German occupation and Greek society in crisis — Part III. General Observations: The ethnization of history: the historiography of mass violence and national identity construction — Conclusions. 011 Gooday, G.: Domesticating Electricity: Technology, Uncertainty and Gender, 1880-1914 2008 – ix + 292 pp. € 71,80 012 Herberg-Rothe, A. / J. W. Honig / D. Morán, eds.: Clausewitz. The State and War 2011 – 163 pp. € 33,30 ÍNDICE: A. Herberg-Rothe & al.: Introduction — A. Herberg-Rothe: Clausewitz’s Concept of the State — J. W. Honig: Clausewitz and the Politics of Early Modern Warfare
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