Final Report
Final Report New Opportunities for Inland Waterways Across the North Sea Interreg IIIB North Sea Region Final Report New Opportunities for Inland Waterways Across the North Sea Nieuwe mogelijkheden voor binnenwateren in het Noordzeegebied PAGE Neue Perspektiven für Inlandswasserwege im Nordseeraum 02 03 Nye muligheter for vannveier rundt Nordsjøen Nya möjligheter för inlands-vattenvägar i Nordsjöområdet May 2006 Iseghem, West Vlaanderen - Industrial past Revitalised - Peat Harbour, Findorff, Bremen New life - Leeds & Livepool Canal Background The North Sea region has a large network of bigger vessels. At Trollhättan in Sweden inland waterways connecting the sea with the for example, the modern fl ight of 4 locks is hinterland. Historically this network, consist- paralleled by two earlier smaller disused lock ing of man-made canals, navigable rivers and fl ights, tracing the history of navigation at this lakes, was the major transport system in the spectacular site. However other waterways region, facilitating the movement of people received little investment and in some cases and goods between the coast and inland areas fell into disuse – for example the Bradford and between towns and cities and nearby rural Canal in West Yorkshire, England was closed regions. Waterways formed important trade in 1921, due to water supply and quality prob- routes in both the Roman and Viking periods. lems, as well as declining freight traffi c caused by competition from the railways. Originally natural water courses were used. However over time rivers and lakes were im- Since the Second World War there has been proved and regulated to facilitate navigation. a growing interest in navigable inland wa- For example in Roman Britain the Fossdyke terways, fuelled by the tourism and recrea- was constructed to link the Rivers Witham and tion opportunities they provide as well as an Trent in eastern England.
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