2019 Reports & Accounts Book
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1 CONTENTS Payneham 79 St Peter's 80 Toorak Gardens 80 MEMBERS OF SYNOD 4 Gawler Deanery 81 The Barossa 81 Elizabeth 82 DIOCESAN REPORTS 12 Elizabeth Downs 83 Gawler 83 Diocesan Council 12 Golden Grove 84 Secretary of Synod's Report 34 Ingle Farm & Para Hills 85 Property, Finance and Resource Kapunda 85 Committee 36 Mallala / Two Wells 85 Mission & Evangelism Ministry Unit 36 Modbury 85 Education & Formation Ministry Unit 36 Parafield Gardens 86 Church in Society Ministry Unit 37 Salisbury 86 Professional Standards Committee 40 St Francis, Trinity College 87 Diocesan Risk & Audit Committee 41 Tea Tree Gully 87 The Guardian 42 Anglican Funds South Australia 42 South East Deanery 87 St Barnabas College 44 Belair 88 Discernment & Ministry Formation 46 Coromandel Valley 88 Financial Operations 48 Fullarton 89 ACNC - Annual Information Statement 68 Glen Osmond 90 Goodwood 90 PARISH & MINISTRY REPORTS 71 Hawthorn 91 Mitcham 91 Adelaide Deanery 71 Parkside 92 Broadview & Enfield 71 Stirling 92 Christ Church, North Adelaide 72 Unley 92 Holy Trinity 72 Prospect / Kilburn 72 South West Deanery 93 St Cyprians, North Adelaide 73 Brighton 94 St John's Halifax Street 73 Clarence Gardens 94 St Luke's Whitmore Square 74 Glenelg 95 St Mary Magdalene's 74 Kangaroo Island 96 St Peter's Cathedral 75 Plympton 96 Walkerville 76 Seacliff 97 Somerton Park 98 Eastern Suburbs Deanery 77 St Marys 99 Burnside 77 Warradale 100 Campbelltown 77 Kensington & Norwood 78 Magill 79 Norton Summit 79 Western Suburbs Deanery 101 City Bible Forum 152 Croydon 101 Converge International 154 Emmanuel Tamil Church 102 SparkLit 155 Henley & Grange 102 Kidman Park & Mile End 103 SYNOD 2018 157 Largs Bay 103 Lockleys 104 President’s Address 157 Port Adelaide 105 Minutes of the 164th Annual Session 166 Semaphore 105 Woodville 105 Report of the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group 183 ANGLICAN SOCIETIES 106 DIOCESAN COMMITTEES Evangelical Fellowship In The AS AT 30 JUNE 2019 185 Anglican Communion SA (EFAC) 106 Girls’ Friendly Society in SA Inc 107 Mothers’ Union Australia - Diocese Of Adelaide 108 ANGLICAN ENTITIES 109 Printed by Lane Print & Post, South Australia. AnglicareSA Ltd. & AnglicareSA Housing Ltd 109 FSC certified. Printed on FSC Certified Paper, manufactured under the Environmental Management St Mark's University College 110 System ISO 14001, using vegetable-based inks from Leigh Trust 111 renewable sources. ANGLICAN SCHOOLS 138 Liaison Officer’s Message 138 Schools Chaplaincy 139 Pedare Christian College 139 Pulteney Grammar School 140 St Andrew's School 141 St Colomba College 143 Walford Anglican School for Girls 144 PARTNER ORGANISATIONS 146 Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) 146 South Australian Council of Churches 146 Bush Church Aid Society 149 Schools Ministry Group 151 Church Missionary Society SA/NT 151 3 MEMBERS OF SYNOD President The Most Rev'd Geoffrey Smith Chancellor Mr Philip Adams Registrar & Secretary of Synod Mrs Amanda Harfield CLERGY All clergy eligible to attend are listed Rev’d David Amol Dinka Sudanese Community Rev’d Assoc Prof Matthew Anstey Belair Rev’d Dr Lynn Arnold AO St Peter’s Cathedral Rev’d Samson Asirvatham Woodville Rev’d July Ayuen Dinka Sudanese Community Rev’d Simon Bailey Gawler Rev’d Peter Balabanski St John's Halifax Venerable David Bassett Kensington & Norwood Rev'd Benjamin Bleby St Peter's College Rev’d Stephen Bloor Parafield Gardens & Salisbury Rev’d Keith Brice Christ Church North Adelaide Rev’d Craig Broman City Bible Forum Rev’d David Brown Tea Tree Gully Rev’d Grant Bullen Toorak Gardens Rev’d Sue Burgess Lockleys Rev'd Rachel Chapman St Andrew's School Rev’d Dr Joseph Chung Ingle Farm and Para Hills Rev’d Joan Claring-Bould Christ Church North Adelaide Rev’d Stephan Clark St Mary Magdalene’s Rev’d Ben Cosford Seacliff Rev’d David Covington-Groth Mitcham Rev’d Stephen Daughtry Belair & St John’s Grammar School Rev’d Piers Davey Elizabeth Downs Rev’d Steve Davis Golden Grove Rev'd Steven de Kleer The Barossa Rev’d William Deng St Marys Rev’d Julia Denny-Dimitriou St Peter's Rev’d Nic Denny-Dimitriou Coromandel Valley Rev'd Gethzi Devasagayam Queen Elizabeth Hospital Rev’d Mara Di Francesco Campbelltown Rev'd Shane Ellery Norwood MEMBERS OF SYNOD Right Rev’d Denise Ferguson Assistant Bishop Rev'd Karl Forsyth Holy Trinity Adelaide Venerable Bob George Anglican Diocese of Adelaide Rev'd Marian Giles AnglicareSA - All Hallows Residential Care Facility Rev'd Sam Goodes Walkerville Rev'd Trac e y Gracey Pulteney Grammar School Rev’d Zinkoo Han Kidman Park and Mile End Rev’d Paul Harrington Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d Paul Harris Burnside Right Rev’d Dr Tim Harris Assistant Bishop Rev’d Mark Hawkes Golden Grove Rev'd Graham Head AnglicareSA - Dutton Court Residential Care Facility Rev’d Brad Henley Kangaroo Island Rev'd Gwilym Henry-Edwards Port Adelaide Rev’d Dr Simon Hill Largs Bay Rev'd Michael Hillier Warradale Rev’d Dr Wa rren Huffa Hawthorn Rev’d Paul Hunt Kensington Rev'd Deborah Jeanes Mitcham Rev’d Chris Jolliffe Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d George Kirreh St Luke’s Adelaide 5 CLERGY Rev'd Dr Santhosh Kumar Broadview & Enfield Rev’d Michael Lane Plympton Rev'd Stuart Langshaw Chaplain Venerable Mee Ping Lau Unley Rev’d Matthew Lehmann Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d Bernie Leo Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d Geoff Lin Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d Dave MacGillivray Trinity College Gawler Rev’d John Magak Sudanese Congregation - St Luke’s, Whitmore Square Rev’d Dr Simon Marshman Holy Trinity Adelaide Rev’d Ruth Mathieson Semaphore Rev’d Rick Maude Tea Tree Gully Rev’d Dr Theo McCall St Peter’s College Rev'd Andrea McDougall Clarence Gardens Rev’d David McDougall Glen Osmond Rev'd Robert McEwin Magill Right Rev’d Chris McLeod Woodville & Assistant Bishop Venerable Lyn McRostie Prospect Rev’d Elizabeth McWhae Adelaide Clinic & Fullarton Private Hospital Rev’d Barbara Messner Stirling Rev’d John Miller Henley and Grange Venerable Andrew Mintern Glenelg Rev’d Scott Moncrieff Goodwood Rev’d Grant Moore St Cyprian’s North Adelaide Rev'd Wendy Morecroft St Peter's Cathedral Rev’d Cameron Munro Holy Trinity Adelaide Ver y Rev’d Frank Nelson St Peter’s Cathedral Rev’d To ny Nicholls Trinity College Gawler Rev'd Prue O’Donovan Anglicare SA Rev'd Steven Ogden Parkside Rev'd Dr Don Owers St Barnabas College Venerable Conrad Patterson Woodville Rev’d Barbara Paull-Hunt Somerton Park Rev’d Mark Peterson Unley Rev’d Janet Phillips Payneham Rev’d Dr Wayne Philp Woodville & Royal Adelaide Hospital Rev’d Hilary Reddrop Royal Adelaide Hospital Rev’d Sophie Relf-Christopher Brighton Rev'd Nat Reuss Norwood MEMBERS OF SYNOD Rev’d Dr Joan Riley Modbury Rev’d Yvonne Riley Ingle Farm and Para Hills & Modbury Rev'd Michael Rogers Hawthorn Rev’d Darren Russ Kensington & Diocesan Office Rev’d Michael Russell Magill Rev’d Prof Peter Sandeman Anglicare SA Ltd Rev’d Dianne Schaefer Women’s & Children’s Hospital Rev'd Mark Sibly Fullarton Rev’d Jo Smith Elizabeth & St Columba College Rev'd Dr Cathy Thomson St Barnabas' Theological College Archdeacon Emeritus Michael Whiting Anglican Diocese of Adelaide Rev’d Canon Jenny Wilson St Peter’s Cathedral Rev’d Ben Woodd Expermimental Congregation of St Barnabas Croydon Rev’d Andy Wurm St Peters Rev’d Michele Yuen Glenelg 7 LAITY List correct at time of printing. Holy Trinity Adelaide Broadview and Enfield No advice provided of the election or appoint- Nelson, Margaret ment of Lay Synod Representatives Simpson, Ajith St John’s Halifax Street Burnside Harding, Margaret Harch, Caroline Walker, Prue Kernick, Phil St Luke’s Adelaide Campbelltown Marini, Sharon Clifford, Una Savill, Stanley Greeneklee, Charles St Mary Magdalene’s Clarence Gardens Bright, Chris Heyer, Marilyn Freriks, Catherine Rogers, Tony Christ Church North Adelaide Coromandel Valley Woolman, Neil Bleby, Vivien Woolman, Rosemary Furness, Dianne St Cyprian’s North Adelaide Elizabeth Martin, Kevin Lees, Elizabeth Belair Elizabeth Downs Luks, Arndrae Fuller, Sally Tregenza, Jan Fullarton Brighton Daw, Nigel May, Natalie Wilson, Meriel Warren, Bevin Wenzel, John Gawler Ingle Farm and Para Hills Thorpe, Betty Burgess, Pat Withers, Suzanne Haynes, Peter Glen Osmond Kangaroo Island Bishop, Sue Cass, Roger Scrutton, Rosemary Gloyne, Jill Glenelg Kapunda Croser, Robert Shannon, Pam MEMBERS OF SYNOD Greaves, Anne Pittman-Lomas, Heather Kensington Riggs, Emma Bloor, Geoff Chapman, Grant Golden Grove Hoare, Wendy Burton, Brian Dewell, Dennis Kidman Park and Mile End Clay, James Goodwood Yuen, Andrew Brindal, Mark Hokin, Margaret Largs Bay Lawn, Hagen Hawthorn Jeffrey, Wendy Lockleys Leeder, Rob Harris, Susan Nadge, Ann Gill, Jeannie Henley and Grange Smith, Ken Smith, Liz 9 LAITY Magill Payneham Jaeschke, Samuel Dawe, Carol Mitchell, Sandy Purton, David Plympton Kerwin, Francine Mallala No Lay Synod Representatives elected or Port Adelaide appointed Goodwyn, Ruth Mitcham Prospect Evanson, Colin Dillon, Linda Ferguson, Elizabeth Paul, Melvin Wotton, The Hon. David AM Salisbury Modbury Condie-Drummond, Lesley Ho, Lyn Richmond, Tessa Seacliff Wright, Helen Stewart, Lynda Norton Summit Semaphore Blackwell, Ray Rogers, Cate Lehmann, Colin Norwood Somerton Park Bassett, Thomas Geekie, Robert Connell, John Hunt, Andrew Stapleton, Olivia St Francis’ Congregation Parafield Gardens Williamson, Andrew Asirvadham, Raja Parkside Conway, Clive Henning, Paul St Marys Two Wells Earl, Tim Gordon, Margaret Ozols, Nereda Unley St Peter’s Cathedral Palmer, Don Beal, Christine Wang, Kemble Evans, Angela Reuben, Jacob Walkerville Stracey, Kevin Edgar, Allan Thorp, Joe Gray, Ian Owen, Liz St Peters MEMBERS OF SYNOD Robinson, David Warradale Alderson, Aila Stirling O’Nyons, Chris Martin, Helen Shillabeer, Elizabeth Woodville Shillabeer, Paul Dellit, Katherine McEvoy, Margaret Tea Tree Gully Phillips, David Archbishop’s Appointment Pollitt, Andrew Burr, Cameron Salagaras, Estelle Cox QC, Tom Linn, Bruce The Barossa Morris, Oliver Adams, Sandra Bertie-Willoughby, Amanda Pennington, Tim Toorak Gardens Burke, Peter Jones, Angela 11 DIOCESAN REPORTS Church in so many ways, but also is encouraged by the high calibre of volunteers.