& GEOPHYSICS NEWS I Department of Geology and Geophysics Fall 2010

New Faculty in Geology & Geophysics effectively doubled in size. Moreover, the hiring of geochemists Hagit Affek and Zhengrong Wang, both of whom do work in atmospheric chemistry and/or paleoclimatology, the department’s footprint in the area of climate science has considerably expanded (also counting our eminent senior faculty working in this area as well). The expansion of these research areas has also prompted the building of a Geology & Geophysics supercomputer cluster dedicated to climatological and geophysical numerical modeling. In total, the Geology & Geophysics department has unequivocally become the nexus for climate science at Yale. Along the same lines, the department’s contribution to the ever-growing Yale Climate & Energy Institute (of which I’ve written previously; see also www.climate. yale.edu) remains substantial. In addition to providing scientific expertise and leadership roles on the Steering and Executive Committees of the Institute, a group of G&G faculty, led by Zhengrong Wang,

Seven new assistant professors have joined the Department in parlayed a YCEI seed grant on carbon sequestration the last three years. Here they are as a group in the Departmental into a $2.5 million grant from the Department of Lounge. From the left: Kanani Lee (geophysics), Zhengrong Energy, making Yale a major player in this arena. Wang (geochemistry), Mary-Louise Timmermans (oceanography), Maureen Long (seismology), Trude Storelvmo (climate), Bill Boos The project involves sequestration in mafic rocks, (climate), Hagit Affek (geochemistry). (Elias Loomis in portrait) like basalt and peridotite, which is considered one of the most promising methods of carbon dioxide Chairman’s Letter sequestration because it stores carbon stably by David Bercovici ([email protected]) creating carbonate minerals from siliceous ones. This project is considered one of the first major successes Dear Friends and Alumni of Yale Geology & of the YCEI. Geophysics, A future Yale Climate & Energy Institute activity of interest to G&G alumni is the Annual Conference, I’m happy once again to report on latest regarding energy transitions and security, being developments in our department. organized by G&G Professor Mark Pagani. This event This academic year saw the arrival of our latest continued on page 2 faculty addition, William Boos, who joins us as an Assistant Professor. Bill’s PhD is from and he recently completed a postdoctoral Inside this Issue fellowship at MIT. His research involves the effect of Alumni Advisory Panel...... 2 global climate change on regional circulation, such as the monsoonal cycles. Soon after Bill arrived he was Faculty Research ...... 3 awarded the James Holton Award for an outstanding New Analytical Facility ...... 8 junior scientist by the American Geophysical Visiting Faculty ...... 8 Union’s Atmospheric Science Division. With the addition of Bill Boos and two previous junior hires— Recent Awards and Honors ...... 9 arctic oceanographer Mary-Louise Timmermans Alumni News ...... 11 and atmospheric physicist Trude Storelvmo—our Student News ...... 18 atmosphere, ocean, and climate dynamics group has Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

Letter continued from page 1 reunion events. This committee is also discussing ways follows immediately after the Yale Alumni in Energy in which alumni can help department educational Conference, April 8, 2011, (with an overlap keynote activities, for example, field work (for both classes lecture by G&G alumnus Dr. David Lawrence G ’84 of and undergraduate research projects), which many Shell Corporation). We know many G&G alumni will G&G alumni found to be their most memorable and attend the YAE conference and we hope you will plan transformative experiences at Yale. to participate in the YCEI Annual Conference as well. Looking back on the last four years, the department In addition to growth in the area of climate science, has undergone significant expansion, with the hiring of the department has continued to make major impacts seven new faculty (see attached photo), the tenuring and strides in other areas. For example, there have of five faculty into the ranks of full professor, building been several major paleontological discoveries several new labs, renovating all of our classrooms and regarding dinosaur coloring and eating habits from lecture halls, and leading in the initiation of the new Derek Brigg’s and Jacques Gauthier’s groups, new Yale Climate & Energy Institute. The recent release of experiments on the nature of minerals near the the National Research Council’s report on graduate core-mantle boundary from Kanani Lee’s group, programs places our department in the very top revelations about glacial erosion of mountains by tier of programs in Earth sciences, with one of the Mark Brandon’s team, a new seismological field highest rankings of Yale science departments; and this program in Peru to study the Nazca subduction zone was only based on 2006 data. The recent economic by Maureen Long, a new theory for a crucial step in downturn will doubtless slow down further expansion solar system formation from John Wettlaufer, and the for a while, but we have managed to accomplish much discovery of enigmatic metamorphic rocks in eastern already and we are determined to make great strides Connecticut with probable micro-diamond inclusions in the future. by Jay Ague. Additionally, the department is building Once again, thank you for your support and up efforts in the field of extra-solar planetary research interest in the department and bearing with me in in collaboration with new Astronomy hire, Professor summarizing our activities. I hope this newsletter Debra Fischer, who has a joint appointment in finds you well, and I wish you all the best for the Geology & Geophysics. coming year. To explore future areas of geoscience, the department has been running exploratory symposia (starting last spring and going through Spring 2011), in preparation for considering where we are going in Alumni Advisory Panel the next ten to twenty years. Last May we held our Following the successful Alumni Reunion meeting first symposium on “Frontiers in and reported in the last Newsletter, it was decided Geobiology”, which was a great success and displayed that a panel of former G&G majors might help the new directions and talent in areas ranging from Department with some long-standing issues. to the latest discoveries in vertebrate The G&G Alumni Panel had its first meeting on paleontology. Earlier this Fall we held a symposia August 24th in KGL. Participating in the discussion on “Frontiers in Crustal Geoscience”, which was also were Dave Bercovici (Chairman of the Department) highly successful and covered areas from the origin of and alumni Julie Edwards ’80, Joe Greenberg ’83, continental crust to the dynamics of river networks. Tom Jantzen ‘85, and John de Neufville ’61. The This May (2011) we will have our third (and probably major goal of this group is to foster communications not our last) symposium on Earth system interactions, between the Department and the alumni across a concerning exchanges of volatiles like water and variety of initiatives, including: carbon between the atmosphere, ocean and solid • increasing the awareness and appeal of the G&G Earth. Information about past and future symposia major can be found at www.geology.yale.edu/seminars. • enhancing connections between the Department Finally, following the terrific G&G Alumni Reunion and the alumni of Fall 2009, which many of you attended, there • exploring cross-disciplinary opportunities with has been a new effort to form a G&G Alumni Liaison other departments Committee, spearheaded by Tom Jantzen ’85, who • facilitating relationships with the Development has kindly provided a brief summary in this newsletter. Office This committee is working to strengthen ties between Comments from interested alumni are welcome and the alumni and the department, with common can be sent to: [email protected] activities such as recruitment of majors and future

2 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

faculty research

Using Seismological Observations to Probe the Dynamics of Subducting Slabs

By Maureen Long ([email protected]) Maureen Long joined the Department in January 2009, following a postdoc time at the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Maureen is a seismologist.

The recycling of plates of oceanic lithosphere back into Earth’s mantle is perhaps the most important process that takes place involving the dynamics of our planet’s interior. Subducting slabs drive the movement of tectonic plates (and thus the mechanics of hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes) and their motions Fig. 2. Maureen Long and graduate student Erin Wirth discuss data from the Japan subduction zone. stir and cool the Earth’s mantle. However, our understanding of the way seismic waves behave the world demonstrates that how slabs sink from the surface as they pass through. Mantle this simple model almost never to (possibly) the base of the flow leads to seismic anisotropy, holds up. Rather, sinking slabs mantle is crude, and how slabs a property which refers to the sometimes collapse back on deform and interact with the directional dependence of seismic themselves, and the motion tends surrounding mantle during their wavespeeds. Seismologists can to push mantle material out to the descent remains an open question. determine the anisotropy and use side and around the slab (Fig. 1) My research group at Yale uses the information to analyze the rather than dragging it down. The a combination of seismic data patterns of flow in different parts discovery that mantle flow tends analysis and modeling as a way of the mantle. to be parallel to subducting slabs to study how slabs deform and My Yale group uses studies of has implications for understanding how they stir the mantle as they seismic anisotropy in subduction the generation and transport of sink from the surface to the core- regions to understand the pattern melt above subducting slabs, and mantle boundary. of mantle flow associated with for the dynamics of the mantle When the mantle flows and downgoing slabs, and the work is as a whole. Graduate student deforms as a consequence of turning up some surprising results. Erin Wirth ([email protected]) convection, the flow leaves It has long been thought that as (Fig. 2) is tackling the problem behind a telltale “fingerprint” in slabs descend, they tend to drag of anisotropy and mantle flow in the surrounding the Japan subduction system by mantle down with combining various seismological them, resulting in techniques, while graduate two-dimensional student Brad Foley (bradford. corner flow [email protected]) is studying the above the slab pattern of mantle flow beneath and entrained the Tonga slab. A new effort is flow beneath underway, in collaboration with the slab. But Chris Kincaid at the University of analysis of seismic Rhode Island and Laurent Montesi anisotropy in at the University of Maryland, subduction to create geodynamical models Fig. 1. A sketch of a proposed model for mantle flow in subduction zones around (both laboratory and numerical) systems.

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faculty research

of the subduction process, and voluminous volcanic activity over many slabs make it all the way to to compare their predictions to the past ~12 Myr that continues to the core-mantle boundary (CMB). seismological observations. the present day, but it is unclear The so-called D” region at the Another major enigma related whether the volcanism is related base of the mantle represents a to subduction is the sometimes to the putative Yellowstone plume major enigma for seismologists, circuitous route that slabs take to the east, subduction of the Juan geodynamicists, and mineral through the mantle as they de Fuca plate to the west, or some physicists—the region is associated descend.You are For warmly example, invited beneath to a specialother weekendprocess. The in HLP New Project Haven for withalumni a recently of the discovered mineral muchgraduate of Peru and the undergraduatesubducting Nazca programsis a major interdisciplinaryin Geology and effort Geophysics phase change, and aspects of slab descends to a depth of about geared toward understanding seismic wave behavior in D” have 100 km, then flattens and travels HLP volcanism and involved been puzzling seismologists for horizontally in the mantle for ~500 deployment of over 100 broadband decades. Observations of seismic km before resuming its descent. We seismometers in eastern Oregon, anisotropy in D” can help us unravel do not understand what controls Nevada, and Idaho. Graduate the pattern of flow and the base this process, but a similar regime of students Brad Foley, Jenny Hanna, of the mantle and tell us about the so-called “flat-slab” subduction may Duayne Rieger (duayne.rieger@ interaction between the remnants have been responsible of subducting slabs and for widespread mountain the CMB. Postdoctoral building (and subsequent researcher Xiaobo He unusual volcanism) during ([email protected]) has the Laramide orogeny in recently arrived at Yale western North America. from Yonsei University in In order to understand South Korea to work on the dynamics of flat-slab characterizing seismic subduction beneath Peru, anisotropy at the base we are deploying 40 of the mantle, trying broadband seismometers to tease out inferences across the Peruvian Andes; about mantle flow and the our collaborators are Lara dynamics of slabs as they Wagner at the University interact with the CMB. of North Carolina and There are still many Susan Beck at the Fig. 3. Graduate student Jenny Hanna services a seismic station in the unanswered questions . High Lava Plains of eastern Oregon. related to slab dynamics: Graduate student Jenny Hanna yale.edu), Erin Wirth, and Patrick How do slabs interact with the ([email protected]) Young ([email protected]) mantle around them as they sink? (Fig. 3) is spending most of the fall have participated in HLP field work What controls the path they take in Peru installing seismometers, and (Fig. 2), and data from the project through the mantle, and why don’t recent Yale College English major, are now starting to yield exciting they sink straight down? How do Laura Marris ’10 (lauramarris@ results. Analysis of the pattern of the remnants of slabs interact gmail.com) has written a field blog mantle flow beneath the HLP, and with the lowermost mantle, and relating her experiences doing field comparison with geodynamical what are the consequences of this work in Peru this September and models, indicates that volcanism is interaction? Sinking slabs represent October (http://singularsubduction. probably controlled by subduction- a crucial component of the solid wordpress.com). related processes, rather than by Earth system, but fundamental Closer to home, my group a mantle plume—an inference that aspects of their behavior continue has been involved in a major is helping the project’s scientific to challenge us. Using the tools seismological deployment in the team to unravel the mysteries of the of observational seismology High Lava Plains (HLP) region of origin of the HLP. and geodynamical modeling, eastern Oregon; the field work Subducting slabs start their my research group is striving drew to a close in late 2009. journey at the surface, but global to address these unanswered The HLP has been the locus of tomography models suggest that questions.

4 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

faculty research

Exceptionally Preserved Fossils

By Derek Briggs ([email protected]) Derek Briggs is the Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Geology and Geophysics, and Director of Peabody Museum

New fossil discoveries The 15 million years or so after the start of the Cambrian (542 m.y. ago) witnessed the emergence of almost all the major animal groups—the so-called Cambrian explosion. This was followed, about 35 million years later, by a dramatic diversification of marine life, the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. These events are recorded by the presence of shelly fossils, but only about 40 percent of marine animals have shells—the remainder are soft-bodied Fig. 2. Jakob Vinther, Peter Van Roy, and Derek Briggs in the field in and rarely fossilized. Clearly unusual deposits that Morocco. preserve evidence of soft tissues provide essential like the Maotianshan Shale near Chengjiang, China information about the evolutionary history of the and the Burgess Shale of British Columbia. Many majority of animals (e.g., jellyfish, worms, many of these remarkable animals, including the giant arthropods). predator Anomalocaris, lacked hard skeletons and Fortunately rocks of Cambrian age yield an are only preserved in these exceptional deposits. unusually high number of soft-bodied fossils Until recently these Burgess Shale-type creatures compared to younger sequences. This may reflect were unknown in younger rocks but this has changed the rarity of deep burrowers at this time—animals with discoveries of remarkable fossils (Fig. 1) near overcome by current-transported sediment ended Zagora in Morocco by postdoc Peter Van Roy (peter. up out of reach of scavengers. The early evolution [email protected]). of the major animal groups is recorded in deposits Van Roy has found a diversity of soft-bodied animals in rocks of Early Ordovician age (Fig. 2). These Moroccan fossils, from the Fezouata shales, provide a link between the products of the Cambrian Explosion in the Burgess Shale and elsewhere, and the subsequent Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Finding deposits that provide the right circumstances to preserve soft-bodied animals is essential to tracing the history of life. Apart from yielding unusual animals that would look perfectly at home in the Cambrian, the Fezouata shales are remarkable in how frequently soft-bodied fossils occur. Specimens have come from more than 40 small excavations over an area of 500 km2 in the Draa Valley north of Zagora where the productive sequence is over 700 m thick and spans some 8 m.y. Upstate New York is a less promising collecting ground than the deserts of the AntiAtlas, not least because of vegetation and overburden, but it provides a similar lesson. We have reexcavated Beecher’s Trilobite Bed (Upper Ordovician), which is famous for the preservation of trilobite limbs investigated by Yale paleontologist Charles Fig. 1. The arthropod Furca from the Ordovician Fezouata shales, Morocco. Emerson Beecher in the 1890s. Graduate student

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faculty research

FOSSILS continued from page 5 and evolutionary history of different groups of marine worms based on Una Farrell ([email protected]) other genes. They were able to show investigated how the trilobites that the order in which bristle worms became mineralized in pyrite, and and peanut worms (polychaetes discovered a number of new beds and sipunculans) appear in the fossil with pyritized soft-tissues in the record corresponds to the sequence process. Several other sites with in which they evolved. pyritized fossils (Fig. 3) have also Unfortunately the molecules that turned up across northwestern NY carry genetic information are very showing that, where conditions prone to decay—extensive DNA are favorable, soft-bodied fossils sequences are essentially unknown are much more widespread than in fossils more than 100,000 years previously realized. old even in settings like the Siberian permafrost. So insights about the Molecular paleontology early evolution of animal groups Although the records of Cambrian based on gene sequences can only soft-bodied fossils are patchy, they come from living organisms. Proteins provide important information within mollusk shells survive much about the ancestors of today’s longer. The isotopic composition of marine life, how they are related, nitrogen and carbon in these proteins and the sequence in which they can yield valuable information about evolved. Timing the origin of many the ecological role (e.g., predator, soft-bodied groups is difficult, grazer) of living and fossil animals. however, as they have a very Graduate student Michelle Casey sporadic fossil record. Recent Fig. 3. The trilobite Triarthrus, preserved in pyrite, from the Ordovician of Upstate New York. ([email protected]) has advances in sequencing the genome used this approach to examine the of living animals have provided a new and independent effects of pollution on clams and snails in Long Island approach to interpreting the Cambrian explosion. The Sound. Her analysis of shells accumulated by native surge of interest in biodiversity prompted evolutionary Americans hundreds of years ago provides a pristine biologists to use DNA sequences to determine the ecological baseline against which recent changes to relationships of major groups of modern organisms molluscan communities can be evaluated. and the order in which they branched from the tree Other kinds of organic molecules are much more of life. Calibrated with dates from the fossil record, decay resistant—otherwise there would be no fossil differences in the gene sequences from organisms fuels! The organic remains of the cuticles of shrimps on the tree can be used to calculate rates of genetic and leaves, for example, are common in the fossil change over time, and thus the timing of branching record. Their chemistry is altered, however, to longer- events—a kind of “molecular clock.” chain macromolecules similar in composition to Small highly conserved genes called microRNAs kerogen. Little of the original chemistry is evident in are particularly useful for determining relationships fossils predating the Tertiary, although postdoc Neal between major animal groups and are the subject of Gupta ([email protected]) (now at the Indian a collaboration between members of our group and Institute in Mohali) used synchrotron analyses to show Kevin Peterson’s lab at the University of Dartmouth. that traces of chitin, a major component of arthropod Graduate student Erik Sperling (sperling@fas. cuticles, can persist even in Paleozoic fossils. More harvard.edu) (now at Harvard) used microRNAs to striking perhaps was our laboratory demonstration investigate the relationships and divergence history that the aliphatic components that make up kerogen of sponges. He concluded that sponges originated in begin to form in decaying shrimps in less than the Neoproterozoic more than 100 m.y. ago before a year. Thus studies of fossilization can provide the first spicules are found in the fossil record in Early insights into the process involved in the formation of Cambrian rocks. Sperling and fellow graduate student hydrocarbons. Jakob Vinther ([email protected]) also used microRNAs to resolve debates about the relationships

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faculty research

Fossil preservation the result of mineral precipitation. Understanding decay and Contrasts in the appearance preservation is essential to of specimens of Naraoia from interpreting the significance of different localities are the result of fossils. The living notostracan later diagenesis and weathering. crustacean Triops cancriformis was There is also much to learn thought to range back 200 m.y. about the fossilization of shells. to the Late Triassic—making it a Postdoc Richard Krause (richard. classic “living fossil.” Observations [email protected]) is investigating of decaying specimens of this the replacement of original “tadpole shrimp” by graduate calcium carbonate by silica, a student Thomas Hegna (thomas. type of preservation that allows [email protected]) showed that spectacular specimens to be important differences between extracted from limestones by the fossils and the living dissolving them in acid. Through are real, and not just a result of laboratory experiments and degradation. No fossil examples can investigation of thousands of be identified confidently asTriops fossils in the collections of the cancriformis—the so-called living Yale Peabody Museum of Natural fossil has no fossil record! Hegna has History, Krause is finding that described beautifully preserved new Fig. 4. The notostracan (“tadpole shrimp”) silicification, like other modes of Chenops from the Cretaceous of China. notostracans from China (Fig. 4). preservation, offers a somewhat Postdoc Marc Laflamme (marc. biased view of ancient marine [email protected]), in contrast, communities because some types is investigating the preservation of of shells are simply not preserved. some of the oldest large organisms, Other research on fossil the enigmatic frond-like fossils that preservation led graduate student abound in some late Precambrian Jakob Vinther to observe that (Ediacaran) assemblages, notably structures on fossilized feathers at Mistaken Point in Newfoundland. and fur, previously interpreted He is the first to section specimens as preserved decay bacteria, are to establish their three-dimensional melanosomes, the organelles that form. Maps of the bulbous holdfast synthesize melanin. This led to that anchored the fronds in the our discovery, with Rick Prum, sediment show a concentration of Chair of Ecology and Evolutionary elements representing the position , of iridescent structures of a microbial film or mat that in a feather from the Eocene of enveloped the structure (microbial Messel, Germany, and, with a larger Fig. 5. A chrysomelid beetle from the Eocene of mats were common in the Ediacaran Eckfeld, Germany. The color is structural in origin. team of collaborators, to the color seas as grazing invertebrates had reconstruction of the plumage of yet to evolve). Intriguingly our analyses also reveal a feathered dinosaur, Anchiornis from the Jurassic of that the sediment within the holdfasts is distinctive in China. Postdoc Maria McNamara (maria.mcnamara@ composition indicating that the organism itself may yale.edu) is extending our research on color have incorporated sediment to provide ballast! preservation to encompass fossil insects, including In the meantime Alex Lin ([email protected]) the fabulously shiny jewel beetles from Messel and (now at the Nanjing Institute, China) analyzed the other Tertiary lake deposits (Fig. 5) and much rarer composition of specimens of the arthropod Naraoia, examples of fossil butterflies. Through exceptional which is found in Burgess Shale-type assemblages preservation, ancient animals can show their true from Lower to Middle Cambrian age in China and colors! British Columbia. All the fossils consist of the altered organic remains of the cuticle while the gut trace is

7 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

New Analytical Facility

Zhan Peng checking standards. Zhengrong Wang preparing samples for analysis.

Yale’s ICP-MS (inductively-coupled plasma mass (ppt) to 1 part per million (ppm) within a few minutes. spectrometer) facility (icpmalab.geology.yale.edu) The multicollector ICP-MS can measure isotope came on-line in April, 2010, in the Department of compositions of most stable and radiogenic isotopes, Geology and Geophysics, designed and built by the and the laser will facilitate all measurements in situ. Pico-trace Company from Germany and managed This facility will be used to investigate problems in by Babbidge. It is composed of two underclass-10 geology, environmental sciences, chemistry, material laminar flow clean rooms (“class-10” means that sciences, chemical engineering, archeology, and the maximum number of larger than 5-micron metallurgy, and is currently directed by Assist. Prof. particles allowed in one cubic feet of air is 10), one Zhengrong Wang ([email protected]). single collector ICP-MS, one multicollector ICP-MS, The key features of the facility are (1) computer- and one Excimer laser (193-nm wave length). This controlled air-handling system to automatically adjust facility is designed for analyzing both concentrations temperature, humidity, air-flow rate and hot-plate and isotope compositions of most elements on temperature; (2) laminar flow lab and work stations; the periodic table with great precision. The single (3) all plastic furniture, duct-work and ceiling; and (4) collector ICP-MS can measure multiple elements “state-of-the-art” ICP-MS instruments. with concentrations in the range of 1 part per trillion

Visiting Faculty From Other Institutions

Peter Siver is visiting from Peabody collections in order to better understand Connecticut College, where evolution of the diatom flora in North American lakes he is the Becker Professor of over the Cenozoic. Botany and Director of the Program in Environmental Professor Baojin Zhao Studies. Peter’s research, ([email protected]), Chair of in collaboration with Leo the Department of Geology, Hickey, focuses on the study University of Fort Hare, of freshwater algae, with South Africa, is visiting the an emphasis on the use of Department for the Fall diatoms and chrysophytes as Semester 2010. Professor Zhao Siver, visiting from indicators of environmental hails originally from Chengdu, Connecticut College. change. Currently, he is China, but earned his Ph.D. investigating the remains of siliceous microbiota from Witwatersrand University in three ancient kimberlite maar lakes from the in Johannesburg; he is now a Canadian Arctic that existed during the Cenozoic Zhao, visiting from the citizen of South Africa. Baojin is hot house. While at Yale, he hopes to use remains University of Fort Hare, working with Ruth Blake. of siliceous algae from specimens housed in the Republic of South Africa.

8 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010


Congratulations to William the award stressed the importance of Bob’s research R. Boos (William.Boos@ and his teaching. It also pointed out that “Bob’s yale.edu) for winning the experience as a surficial geologist, metallurgist, and 2010 James R. Holton historian have made him an almost unique historical Junior Scientist Award geographer and have inspired his articles, books, from the Atmospheric lectures, field guides for students and professionals, Sciences Section of the and course materials on landscape changes related American Geophysical to industrial history. His ability to present complex, Union. The citation for the long-term patterns in readily-accessible language has award quoted a letter of instructed large numbers of students, archaeologists, nomination, as follows: and historians in the origins of the landscapes they “contributed significantly see today, which are often deceptively bucolic.” Bill Boos to our understanding of the role of wind induced surface heat exchange Ronald Smith (ronald. on monsoon onset, both theoretically and [email protected]), Damon observationally, and reflected a deep and broad Wells Professor of understanding of monsoons and general aspects of Geology and Geophysics, tropical meteorology. “In addition, as documented is congratulated for in a paper in Nature this year, “Among other receiving the 2010 accomplishments, Bill showed that the conventional Mountain Meteorology view that the Asian monsoon is driven primarily by Award, presented heating of the Tibetan Plateau... is probably wrong; in “recognition of instead, it seems to be driven by surface fluxes your outstanding from the Bay of Bengal, aided by the prevention of contributions to mountain southward flow of low entropy air by the Himalayan meteorology.” Squaw range. This is a very fundamental contribution to our Ronald Smith Valley, CA 2010. understanding of the South Asian monsoon and will impact the field for many years to come.” Congratulations to Peter Lipman ’58 (plipman@ mojave.wr.usgs.gov) on receiving the first Distinguished Geologic Career Award of the MGPV Division of GSA. The Mineralogy-Geochemistry- Petrology-Volcanology (MGPV) Division selected Peter for the inaugural award in recognition of Peter Lipman “his seminal papers in volcanology and igneous petrology and for their significance to tectonics, economic geology, and volcanic hazards.” His citation reads, in part “Peter Lipman shaped our view of basaltic volcanism, particularly with regard to intraplate volcanism of the Bob Gordon Rio Grande Rift and Hawaii, through his remarkable Robert Gordon ([email protected]) is paper on the 1984 eruption of Mauna Loa volcano congratulated for the General Tools Award, for (Lipman and Banks, 1987). The paper stands as the Distinguished Service to Industrial Archeology. The most detailed and insightful investigation of an aa award is the highest honor bestowed by the Society flow emplacement that exists for any volcano. He for Industrial Archeology. The lengthy citation for and Jim Moore also put together the astounding

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story of giant landslides formed by partial collapse of individual Hawaiian volcanoes (e.g., Lipman et al., 1988). This work represents part of Peter’s long-term fascination with the growth of Hawaiian volcanoes, work that has led him to extensive exploration of the submarine, as well as subaerial records of volcanic history (e.g., Lipman et al., 2002).

Congratulations to Dana Royer G ’02(droyer@ wesleyan.edu) for the GSA’s Young Scientist’s Award for 2010. Also known as the Donath Medal for the generous couple, the Donaths, who funded it, the Young Scientist Award is for a scientist who is 35 years of age, or younger, in the year of the Award. The citation Erik Sperling in the field in southern Namibia investigating Ediacaran Dana Royer for the award reads, in part: Nama Group fossils (photo by Ian Rose). “Dana is best known for quantifying pCO2 through 2010 George Gaylord Simpson Prize time from many proxies, including his own major line of research estimating paleo-pCO2 from fossil The Yale Peabody Museum of (YPM) plant cuticles. Dana’s work on pCO2 through time awarded its George Gaylord Simpson Prize for 2010 connects the deep-time record to the present day in to Erik A. Sperling G ’10 ([email protected]) societally relevant ways. In a striking set of papers, and Jakob Vinther ([email protected]), past- Dana demonstrated more convincingly than anyone and current doctoral candidates, respectively, in the previously that pCO2 and temperature are well Yale Department of Geology & Geophysics. correlated on geologic time scales, and quantified Sperling received the prize for his 2010 paper the long-term sensitivity. His high-profile articles in “Where’s the glass? Biomarkers, molecular clocks, Science and Nature are widely cited in the modern and microRNAs suggest a 200-Myr missing climate-change literature, including several IPCC and Precambrian fossil record of siliceous sponge NRC reports.” spicules,” co-authored with Jeffrey M. Robinson, Davide Pisani and Kevin J. Peterson (Geobiology Congratulations to G. 8[1]:24–36). Sperling’s research encompassed Warfield (Skip) Hobbs both the earliest evidence for animal life in the IV, ’69 (skiphobbs@ fossil record and molecular analysis of modern ammoniteresources.com), demosponges to provide insights into the who was installed as Precambrian origins of multicellular animals more President of the American than 700 million years ago. Geological Institute on Vinther was recognized for his 2009 paper, November 2, 2010. The “The canal system in sclerites of lower Cambrian/ photo of Skip was taken Sinosachites (Halkieriidae: Sachitida): Significance at the departmental for the molluscan affinites of the sachitids” alumni reunion, September (Paleontology 52[4]:689–712). Vinther was also a 2009—he seems to be receipient of the 2008 Simpson Prize for a paper on Skip Hobbs IV polishing his oratorical machaeridians, palaeozoic armoured annelid worms, skills in anticipation of his published in Nature. forthcoming appointment. YPM’s George Gaylord Simpson Prize is awarded annually to a Yale University graduate student or

10 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

Alumni News

summer, both of us driving across the country (then largely without freeways) to Pasadena, CA, in his brand new Ford. At Cal Tech I joined the isotope geochemistry group, working with Claire Patterson, the discoverer of the age of the Earth. In a paper in 1962, Patterson and I coined and defined the word, “Geochron,” for the primary lead isochron that best defines the age of the Earth. This reference isochron is still used V. Rama Murthy today. It was an exhilarating time to Jakob Vinther (photo by Ryan Carney) be at Cal Tech in the early days of V. Rama Murthy G ’57 (vrmurthy@ isotope geochemistry and planetary recent doctoral candidate for umn.edu) writes, “I came to Yale sciences. a paper concerning evolution in 1954 from India, with the notion A chance meeting with Nobel and the fossil record. The prize of a graduate degree in economic laureate at Cal Tech is named for George Gaylord geology. Professor Bateman resulted in an invitation to join Simpson (1902–1984; Yale PhD was traveling in India the year his newly established isotope ’26), one of the most influential before and I had an opportunity laboratories at La Jolla, CA, on the paleontologist of the 20th century to meet him. But soon after my campus of Scripps Institution of and a major proponent of the arrival, Richard Foster Flint, then Oceanography. I worked there as a modern evolutionary synthesis. the Director of Graduate Studies Research Geochemist on meteorites firmly explained to me the need and planetary science problems to follow a core curriculum and using isotope techniques. In 1962, New Faculty Appointment the value of a broad education, I was appointed an Assistant etc., no matter what I wished to Professor of Geochemistry in specialize in. I followed his advice the newly formed University of to finish my Ph.D. dissertation in California now known as University 1957 “Bedrock Geology of the East of California, San Diego. In those Barre Quadrangle, Vermont” —an days there was much talk of the apprentice mixture of geology, possibility of lunar sample analysis petrology, and structural geology. and my ideas of returning to India My advisor was John Rodgers, a slowly vanished with the prospect remarkable intellect on the campus. of working on lunar samples. An event in my last year at Yale In 1965 I became an Associate profoundly changed my career. Mike Oristaglio in his office. Professor in the Department of Karl Turekian joined the faculty Geology and Geophysics at the When Mike Oristaglio left Yale that year, and there was a lot University of Minnesota. Most of my in 1974 he moved on to Oxford of talk of “geochemistry” in the professional and personal growth University as a Rhodes Scholar. corridors of Kirtland Hall. At the end occurred here, where I established He completed his Oxford D.Phil. in of that year, I had a postdoctoral state of the art isotope laboratories Geophysics in 1978. After 28 years fellowship at Cambridge, England. to analyze the Apollo-returned with oilfield services company, But Turekian who by this time lunar samples and do research Schlumberger, Mike is back at Yale had become a strong mentor to on mantle geochemistry using as Senior Research Scientist and a me persuasively recommended various isotopic systems, taught part-time independent consultant, that I go to Cal Tech instead. He various courses on geochemistry focusing on science, technology, called the department chair at and planetary sciences and and business strategies in energy Cal Tech and got me a fellowship advised students. Promoted and geophysical services. there. I have fond memories of that

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to a Professor in 1969, I served George Devries Klein G ’60 earthquakes were, and since I was as the Head of School of Earth ([email protected]), still works doing field-based instrumentation Sciences for thirteen years and in as a consulting petroleum geologist (looking for small precursory stress the following decade dabbled in in the greater Houston, TX, area. changes in rocks near the fault various administrative positions During the past 17 months, he zone), I moved to a senior position (Dean, Vice President for Academic has been under full-time contract with Leighton and Associates, a affairs, Vice Provost etc). After my working on international petroleum regional geotechnical consulting stint in administration, I returned exploration projects in East Africa firm in Irvine, California, in 1977. to my department and actively and Peru (all based in Houston). At Leighton, I learned about participated in undergraduate With economic uncertainty in the engineering geology, evaluating teaching, course development USA, the international arena is geological and seismic hazards, and advising. In recognition of where such work is available. and the complexities of mapping these activities, I was appointed George wrote and published geology at a scale of 1 inch to 40 the Mr. and Mrs. George W. Taylor his memoirs “ROCKNOCKER: feet. A few years later, I ended up Distinguished Professor in 1994. A Geologists Memoir” (CCB running the place as President and I retired from the University Publishing: http://www. CEO, and dealing with the growth of Minnesota as the C.S.E ccbpublishing.com/gdklein.html of an organization that peaked at Distinguished Professor of Geology ; amazon.com) in which a long about 400 employees in the late and Geophysics, in 2006. Currently chapter describes his three years 1980s. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I hold a position as Research at Yale and what happened to him we had as many geotechnical Professor in the Institute of after earning his PhD in 1960. engineers as we had geologists, Meteoritics in the Department of and my toughest job was to keep Earth and Planetary Sciences at the them talking to each other. We University of New Mexico. My wife had a good run though, working Janice and I live now in the bucolic on some of California’s biggest little Hispanic village, Corrales, and most challenging construction on the banks of Rio Grande projects. On the side, I also chaired with majestic views of Sandia the Advisory Committee for the Mountains, about 20 miles north new California Seismic Hazards of Albuquerque.” Mapping program for the California Division of Mines and Geology (now the California Geological Survey). The resulting maps and Bruce and Karen having breakfast on Avanti. methodology for evaluating seismic Bruce Clark ’63 (bruce-clark@ hazards became the guidelines cox.net) reports “On leaving Yale for the current generation of with my BS in Geology in hand geological and seismic evaluations in 1963, I headed off to Stanford for new construction around the where I earned a PhD under State. By 2002, I had had enough Ben Page, then to Michigan for of administration and retired a 9-year stint as Assistant and from that side of Leighton’s Associate Professor, working on business, although I am still a the deformation behavior of the senior consultant. But by then, the common sulfide ore minerals at California Governor had appointed high pressure and temperature in a me to the state’s Seismic Safety lab I set up in Ann Arbor to squeeze Commission, which I chaired from rocks and minerals. As my interests 2001-2003. The Commission made moved on to the mechanics of some good progress on improving earthquakes, I decided that a west the seismic safety of schools and George Devries Klein coast base of operations would other public buildings during my put me a lot closer to where the seven years of service, but to this

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day has not been able to get the enjoy wine tasting, including taking State’s critical-care hospitals to occasional “field trips” to wineries upgrade their buildings to even in the U.S., as well as abroad. the basic non-collapse level of Overall, post-Yale life has been, and earthquake safety standards. In continues to be, a great ride. recent years I have also become more involved in GSA leadership, Kathe Bertine G ’68 (kbertine@ chairing the Investments geology.sdsu.edu), writes “After Committee, serving on the Audit leaving Yale I spent a year doing a Committee, and last spring elected postdoc in Belgium at the Institute to Council. Royal des Sciences Naturelles de At about the time of my Belgique. Thoroughly enjoyed retirement from Leighton, my mussels, waffles and the beer— wife Karen and I decided that all of which one can buy on the since the kids were grown and street corners. Then off to Scripps off on their own, it was time for Institution of Oceanography for us to do something different. So Bob Tilling enjoying quality time with his another postdoc. Fell in love with we bought a 40-foot boat in the grandchildren on the Big Island of Hawaii in San Diego weather so decided to 2007. Mediterranean, and spent the next get a job in the region and accepted eight summers visiting several 1976-1981; and Chief Scientist, a faculty position in Geology at San hundred ports and harbors from Volcano Hazards Team, 1996-1999. I Diego State University. Got married Spain to Turkey and back. Last found it particularly satisfying that to Ed Goldberg and had two month we brought the boat back my efforts—in research as well as to Palma, Majorca, where we had management positions—had both begun the epic voyage in the spring scientific and societal relevance. of 2003. Our next plan is to do the Career apogees included working Great Loop (Intracoastal Waterway, at HVO and directing the USGS Atlantic, Hudson River, Great Lakes, scientific response to the 1980 Mississippi) in a new boat that we eruptions of Mount St. Helens will be looking for this coming Volcano. Although I retired in early winter. In the next few years we’ll 2004, I still remain active as a bring it out to the west coast and Scientist Emeritus with the USGS make it into a vacation getaway in Volcano Science Center in Menlo San Francisco Bay, close to where Park, California. During 2005- our first grandchild lives. 2008, I was a consultant in volcano Kathe Bertine white water kayaking. hazards for the Multinational daughters. Taught geochemistry Robert I. Tilling G ’63 (volkno@ Andean Project, a technical- and oceanography at levels from earthlink.net) writes “After assistance program managed by nonmajor to Masters. Research obtaining my Ph.D. in geology in the Geological Survey of Canada, was mainly in the field of inorganic 1963 from Yale, I worked for the U.S. involving numerous trips to Chile, geochemistry with an emphasis Geological Survey (USGS) for 42 Ecuador, and Peru. on historical records of metal years, first in the Boulder batholith, In 1962, I married Susan pollution. Traveled as much as southwestern Montana, and then Greenfield (Pomona College ‘59), possible and spent sabbaticals in afterward mostly on studies of and we have two daughters and Canada, New Zealand, Turkey, and volcanic eruptions and associated three grandchildren. Susan is still Croatia dragging kids along with hazards. I also served in several working as a realtor (Coldwell us. Became department chair for a USGS management positions: Banker office, Menlo Park); but, period of 3 years and discovered I Scientist-in-Charge of the USGS despite our work schedules, we really didn’t like all the bureaucratic Hawaiian Volcano Observatory squeeze in lots of pleasure travel hassles. Retired recently (SDSU (HVO), 1975-76; Chief of the Office and time with our children and offered a really good golden of Geochemistry and Geophysics, grandchildren. We also greatly handshake) and am now enjoying

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my grandchildren, taking art the Earth Sciences and Research driver for expanding our staff and classes, tutoring at the local grade Institute at the University of South technical capabilities, as well as school, bridge, pickleball (yes it is a Carolina. There, as ESRI’s first full- increasing external funding. As real game) and yoga. My husband time appointment, I was charged a consequence, in 1994 we were died a couple of years ago. Still with expanding the research scope invited to move our petroleum traveling extensively. Recent trips and funding of the organization. research group in its entirety to were to Morocco and Mongolia Within less than a decade we had the University of Utah. I used the (rode camels, and even a professional staff of over 20, move as an opportunity to apply yaks!). Have recently developed a were engaged in regional resource to the DOE for funding of a large love for white water kayaking. Took studies on all continents, except multi-year project for a steam- a trip down the San Juan River Antarctica, had attracted a large flood EOR project in southern in Utah and the spring weather number of international students California, which was funded and included snow and hail. Didn’t earning masters and doctorates proved to be very successful for discourage me as I leave this week in petroleum geology, and had expanding production to marginal for another kayaking white water become the university’s largest parts of existing heavy oil fields in trip in the Great Smokies. the southern San Joaquin Basin. Before that project ended I moved Steve Schamel G ’74 (s.schamel@ to the Department of Chemical comcast.net), writes, “After Engineering to retool in reservoir departing New Haven in summer engineering and unconventional of 1969 I have had three different gas and oil resources. Soon after, careers in the geosciences, each I took early retirement from the increasingly more challenging and university to devote full time to my rewarding. Although I very much company, GeoX Consulting Inc. enjoyed traditional classroom Life as an independent teaching and student advisement consultant has been a delight. in the decade after Yale, I had a The projects are varied and very growing urge to focus on practical challenging. Mainly they have applications of our science. While been a mix of shale gas and still at The Florida State University unconventional oil assessments this desire lead to developing in the Rocky Mountains, oil field a multidisciplinary program in renovation projects overseas, and Geology for Planning. In the mid- prospect evaluations in California 1970s timing was right, so our Baerbel, Steve, Lisa, and John Schamel and the Gulf Coast. In addition, I students, whether cross-trained earner of extramural funding. Our have found time to serve on boards geologists or regional planners, work was supported by industry of the SPE Salt Lake Petroleum were in high demand for the sponsors, national oil companies, Section (Chairman, 2002-2003), then newly created positions of the NSF and the DOE. However, the AAPG Rocky Mountain Section Environmental Planner/Managers when oil company support was (President, 2006-2007), and in the rapidly growing coastal slack in the late 1980s, I brought the Utah Geological Association counties of Florida. During a in sub-contracts for geoscience (President, 2010-2911). I have few years at Lafayette College I work on superfund sites in the been able to finish a book project spent the summers in NSF-funded Southeast that soon lead to a new and turn out papers and open structural studies in the Atlas Range environmental studies division in file reports on unconventional of Tunisia and the rest of the time, ESRI. In 1990, ESRI was the first gas and oil resources in the while not teaching, making frequent US research organization to have a Rockies. Thrustbelts: Structural trips to Houston to advise the protocol with the Soviet Academy Architecture, Thermal Regimes, and petroleum industry on exploration of Sciences for cooperative studies Petroleum Systems was released by in North Africa. of oil and gas resources in the Urals, Cambridge University Press in late In 1980 I jumped at the the Pechora Basin, West Siberia, 2005 and reprinted in paperback in opportunity to accept a fully- and the Caspian region. For more 2009. I am also proud to say that funded research professorship in than five years this was a major I am affiliated with Skip Hobb’s

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Ammonite Resources consultancy, to mention the side trips to the and spent a very enjoyable period mountains). working with him in Bogota earlier Leslie slid over to the this year. computational side of geology Baerbel and I are still together, when the boys were young after more than 42 years of before going back to get her marriage. While at FSU, Baerbel PhD in igneous petrology at the earned an MSW degree from the University of Texas at Dallas. She excellent College of Social Work, taught geology, , which was quite an achievement and oceanography at community for someone still having to learn colleges for several years in Dallas to write in English. We have two and Houston before getting wonderful children: John (Johann), involved in the boards of various born in Tallahassee and Lisa, born non-profit organizations in New in Columbia, SC. Both are happily Jersey. married to spouses we like very Texas’ proximity to the Rockies much. Johann is living in Myrtle and David’s plethora of frequent Beach, SC and Lisa is happily in Los flyer miles over the years have Angeles, making us a bi-coastal meant the opportunity to travel family. Although we have enjoyed Leslie and David Yale hiking up a frozen river extensively. Of course being every community in which we have in the Canadian Rockies earlier this year. geologists has had its drawbacks lived, for us Salt Lake City is very the coast made it tough. They left travel wise. Stopping at every road special. In addition to the very for the oil patch and spent 23 years cut and putting every mountain lively arts scene—music, dance, in Dallas and Houston. Along the scene into geologic context opera, theater, you name it—we way they had two sons who strayed sometimes got old for the boys but have easy access to spectacular from the path a bit (Chris is now breaking the Customs conveyer belt scenery for hiking and cross- a physicist, Yale 2009, and Nate a coming into the US from Canada country sking, blue-ribbon trout computer scientist, Carleton, 2011). with a duffle bag full of samples of streams, and wonderful places Despite not ending up geologists the Grenville gneiss was probably just to be alone with Nature. they actually admitted to enjoying the high point. Leslie’s passion for Wanting to be near the university all those geology lectures during photography allowed her to catalog and downtown Salt Lake City, we our myriad of road trips and our adventures, complete with ended up purchasing a charming, hikes throughout the West not to children artistically placed for scale. nearly 100-year old Arts and mention a certain pride in being the When the boys left home for Crafts bungalow on Yale Avenue. only ones in their classes to ace the college Leslie and David managed Where else? rocks and minerals identification to move back East to New Jersey exam in elementary schools. for a change of scenery at EM’s David Yale ’80 ([email protected]) David has stayed with Mobil lab in Clinton. David’s giant lab in and Leslie (Berlincourt) Yale ’80 (aka ExxonMobil now) for the Clinton (60 ton, 2 meter ID pressure ([email protected]) write “It has last 25 years and has managed vessel) helped swing them a trip to been 30 years since the Yales left to walk that fine line between Italy for David to present a paper Yale, so we thought we would engineering and geoscience. He on it at the Society of Petroleum let you know what we have been has specialized in geomechanics Engineers Annual Conference in up to. After leaving New Haven, (fracture mechanics, earth stresses, Florence this past September. Leslie and David found themselves stability of wellbores, compaction together again at Stanford’s School of reservoirs) and has managed Lisa (Earl) Castillo ’82 writes of Earth Science. During their four to stay in research throughout his from Brazil where she lives. I don’t years in California, they found career. He is currently leading a have children but in the 15 years enough time to get their degrees large project to develop a better since starting my PhD, I have (metamorphic petrology and way to get bitumen from oil sands been through a lot. In 1999 I was geophysics, respectively) but the (yes, it involves geomechanics diagnosed with breast cancer, a temptations of the mountains and and frequent trips to Calgary, not month after my 39th birthday.

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that made geological processes about stratigraphy in the course of come vividly alive. His class was my time in both the uranium and singlehandedly responsible for my oil businesses, and I value those becoming a geology major. It didn’t experiences tremendously. end up being the focus of my life, When I returned to graduate I loved everything I learned in the school at Princeton, I discovered geology major and wouldn’t do it through TA’ing that I really enjoyed differently if I had to do it over. teaching. I was able to do a thesis with Al Fischer, one of the grand Tim Herbert ’80 (timothy_herbert@ old men in paleontology and brown.edu), writes, “When I left paleoclimatology, in the Gubbio Lisa at a street festival in Lagos. Yale, I was quite sure I would never area of Italy. I still return to Italy end up in academia. Not because I today to carry on research—it’s My degree took a detour for didn’t enjoy my time in the Geology worth finding things left undone to over a year as I went through department, but because I was get back there. While at Princeton, I surgery, chemotherapy, and sure it was too far away from the had a really formative collaboration radiation. I did manage to work action of the real world. I’m now a with Jeff Park, then a postdoc, on a documentary film that year, Professor in Geological Sciences at now Yale faculty. Jeff brought my though, an ethnographic study of Brown and chair of my department, time series skills up considerably, Carnival in Bahia called “Festive so obviously things changed along and I helped show Jeff that the Land.” I finished my PhD in 2005 the way. sedimentary record has real signals and in 2008 it was published in I did take a formative time to it. We were able to convince Portuguese: “Entre a Oralidade away from the ivory tower in skeptics that 100 Myr-old sediment e a Escrita: a Etnografia nos Texas after leaving Yale. I worked records have strong periodicities of Candomblés da Bahia” [Between first as a Uranium exploration the same nature as the well-known Orality and Writing: Ethnography in geologist in south Texas and then Pleistocene ice age cycles. I’ve had Bahian Candomblé]. Since they only with a petroleum exploration a number of other fortunate path- printed 400 copies, after a year I company founded by G.W. (Skip) crossings with current Yale faculty, was able to brag that it was sold Hobbs ’69, through a connection including collaborations with Alexy out! I have been on postdoctoral facilitated by Brian Skinner. I Fedorov on Pliocene climate, a research grants since then, tracing arrived in Corpus Christi to start the shared interest with Mark Pagani in the life histories of Africans who uranium job and quickly realized the power of organic “biomarkers” were sold into the slave trade in that my blue button-down oxford preserved in sediments to tell us Brazil but eventually earned their shirts weren’t really in style the new things about the past, and freedom and traveled back and same way there as in New Haven. continued discussions with Karl forth between Brazil and West Driving around Jim Hogg County Turekian. Africa. I am writing from Nigeria, in a company Bronco was eye- I hope that I have retained where I have come to participate opening for a northeasterner like something of Brian Skinner’s in a colloquium. I had to make a me. I also learned a great deal attitude in my own teaching. Brian’s connection in South Africa and introductory class taught me that yesterday flew up the length of the you could make students satisfied continent, over the Kalahari Desert with a truly rigorous course if you and on up over Namibia, Angola, were well prepared and presented and the Congo. I had asked for a the material like it mattered. In window seat as it is my first trip to hindsight, I marvel at how far- Africa and I wanted to see as much sighted Brian was. I remember well as I could. Fortunately the day was his closing lecture on the “support clear and as I gazed down at the square” from the Earth that we earth I remembered my days as a depend on for everything from student in Brian Skinner’s G&G 110 Tim with current graduate students on the Woods Hole ship R.V. Knorr during a sediment energy to water to recreation. class, with the fabulous slide shows coring cruise off the Galapagos Islands in 2009. Ending a course in physical geology

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that way was far ahead of its time, and geologists, both planetary helping mold these girls’ futures, and certainly captures what many and terrestrial. My dissertation as teacher, math department chair, of us in the environmental side and other studies focused on and 9th grade class advisor. I am of earth sciences see as the most applying quantitative petrographic astonished and gratified to see the important message of our research. techniques to examining difference that I can make in the One last Yale connection that I’d emplacement and crystallization lives of these future leaders. And like to share: I’m engaged to marry processes in lava flows on Earth, with incredibly beautiful volcanoes Mara Lytle ’86, who is the niece the Moon, Mars, and Vesta. This all around, I’m pushing to introduce of the late Phil Orville. Many of gave me the opportunity to do field more geology at all levels of the you may also remember Phil’s wife work in both Canada and Hawaii, school to bring this important field Lise, who worked for many years plus remote “field work” studying to the next generation. Wish me to connect science at Yale with the lunar and martian meteorites and luck! New Haven schools. eucrites, and using remote sensing data. Along the way, I also managed to pick up a husband (Eric Lentz) from the US Navy at Pearl Harbor. After finishing the PhD, I took up a postdoc position in meteoritics working with Hap McSween at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. This time was mostly spent applying the quantitative petrographic techniques of my Bryan Woods dissertation on more meteorites, but also developing some Bryan Woods G 2010 (bryan. The Lentz family (Eric, Rebecca, Rachel and geochemical tools, all in the [email protected]; bwoods@aer. Miranda) after a warm hike near the Devil’s pursuit of elucidating the history com), reports that he started on Postpile at Mammoth Lakes (2008). of water in the martian meteorites, September 13 as a Staff Scientist Rachel (Friedman) Lentz ’91 as proxies for the martian mantle. at Atmospheric and Environmental ([email protected]) writes, Unfortunately, permanent Research (AER), Inc. in Lexington, “Wow, has it really been almost employment eluded me, and MA. His first assignment is in the 20 years since graduation?! despite the success of bearing two Numerical Weather Prediction And what have I accomplished? adorable and brilliant girls, it was (NWP) group working on a Well, let’s see. After leaving the time to move on. We decided we subcontract from the National hallowed halls of Yale, I worked missed the warm breezes (and Center for Atmospheric Research for a year at Scripps Institution of Bluer politics!) of Hawaii, and (NCAR) to develop a method to Oceanography to continue pursuing returned there for another postdoc. implement feature calibration paleomagnetism (which had been In an effort to follow available and alignment in the Air Force the topic of my senior thesis) money, I found myself working Weather Agency (AFWA) Couple with my mentor, Lisa Tauxe ’78. further from the topics I was truly Assimilation and Prediction Scheme Despite her wonderful tutelage, I interested in. I was also feeling a (ACAPS). Other projects include decided to go to graduate school greater desire to contribute more investigating the purchase of new in planetary geology and could not directly to the community around high-performance computing resist the opportunity presented me. So finally in 2008, I plunged resources and the development by the Planetary Geology Division from the ivory tower and took of an event definition and index (now part of the Hawaii Institute up the daunting task of teaching for the issue of a new severe for Geophysics and Planetology) math to teenage girls at a local weather catastrophe bond to offset at the University of Hawaii, Manoa. private girls’ school (St. Andrew’s insurance risk. I worked with Jeff Taylor and Priory School). As I begin my third a host of great meteoriticists year here, I am truly in the thick of

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Congratulations! Bryan Woods’ thesis was “Inferring Stratospheric Mountain Wave Breaking through Observations at To the seven graduate students who were the Tropopause;” his advisor was Ronald Smith. awarded their Ph.Ds within the past year. Bryan is a Staff Scientist at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER) in Lexington, MA. May 2010 Ph.D. graduates: To the two seniors who graduated the Zhicheng Jing’s thesis was “Equation of State class of 2010 this year: of Silicate Liquids;” his advisor was Shun-ichiro Karato. Zhicheng is a postdoc at Argonne National Lee Christoffersons’s senior thesis was “Strategic Laboratory of University of Chicago where he Metal for Green Technology: The Geologic Occurrence conducts high-pressure experiments to study the and Global Life Cycle of Lithium;” her advisor was properties of liquids using synchrotron X-ray facility. Jay Ague. Lee is now employed by the ARCADIS Group, in Denver, Colorado. She is working with Tatiana Lyubetskaya’s thesis was “New Models environmental engineers, geologists, hydrologists, and of Thermal Evolution and Fluid Flow in Collisional geochemists on abandoned mine sites. Orogens;” her advisor was Jay Ague. Tatiana is presently doing more post-graduate study in New Sarah Dewey’s senior thesis was “Observations of York City and is deciding what her future career Shear-Driven Mixing in Arctic Winter High-Wind will be. Events Using Ice-Tethered Profilers;” her adviser was Mary-Louise Timmermans. Sarah is working for December 2010 Ph.D. graduates: a microbrewery in Oregon. We are doubtful that her senior research will help improve the quality of Brian Andres’ thesis was “Systematics of the the beer. Pterosauria;” his advisor was Jacques Gauthier. Brian is looking for postdocs and university/ To the three students who were majors in physics museum jobs. and completed their senior research projects in geophysics with G&G advisors. Melissa Spannuth’s thesis was “Structure and Dynamics in Freezing and Frozen Colloidal Sophie Merrifield’s thesis was “El Niño Hindcast Suspensions from Direct Observation and X-ray with a Simple Dynamical Model;” her advisor was Scattering;” her advisor was John Wettlaufer. Alexey Fedorov. Sophie is in the Ph.D. program at Melissa is beginning a postdoc in the Chemical MIT-WHOI. Engineering Department at the University if Houston where she lives with her husband Garret Michele Trickey’s thesis was “Atmospheric Physics Leahy, also a graduate of the Department, who in Coastal Ecuador: Establishing a Daily Rainfall works at Exxon. Cycle in a Climatic Transition Zone;” her advisor was Ron Smith. Michele is currently serving Erik Sperling’s thesis was “Molecular Paleobiology as the President of the U.S. Branch of AIESEC and Early Animal Evolution;” his advisor was Derek (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Briggs. Erik is currently a postdoc at Harvard. Sciences Economiques et Commerciales), a global youth organization that develops leadership Erik Thomson’s thesis was “Through a Wetting- capabilities and engages students and graduates Film: An Optic and Thermodynamic Study of Grain in international student exchanges and internship Boundaries in Polycrystalline Ice;” his advisor programs. was John Wettlaufer. Erik is now in Sweden in the Department of Chemistry at University of Rebecca Jackson’s thesis was “Entrainment in Gothenburg where he has begun a postdoc with Turbulent Gravity Currents;” her advisor was John Jan Pettersson studying atmospheric ice. Wettlaufer. Rebecca has started a Ph.D. program at MIT-WHOI.

18 Geology & Geophysics News Fall 2010

New Undergraduate Research Support Gerry Olack Leaves for the University of Chicago In a previous issue of the G&G Resarch Scientist, Gerry Alumni Newsletter Olack, who has run the mass we published the spectrometer lab for several unfortunate news of years, is leaving for a similar the passing of Karen L. position at the University Von Damm ’77. Thanks of Chicago, where he will to her generosity and be associated with Albert to the executors of her Coleman G ’02. estate, we now honor Gerry’s background for her memory with a new his position is unusual, and fellowship program by way of explanation he for undergraduate writes, “My undergraduate research in the G&G department. Gerry Olack work was done at the In addition to Karen’s research accomplishments on University of Scranton where I majored in Chemistry the geochemistry of submarine hydrothermal vents, and Biochemistry and graduated in 1984. My Ph.D. which earned her recognition as a Fellow of the work was done at Purdue University with Dr. Harry American Geophysical Union, European Association Morrison where I looked at the photochemistry of Geochemistry, and the Geochemical Society, of tetracycline and I graduated in 1990. I then she was also deeply committed to undergraduate came to Yale Medical School where I post-doc’d education at the University of New Hampshire, in Dermatology studying the photochemistry of where she taught and inspired students for more psoralens with Dr. Frank Gasparro. I moved to than 15 years. In accordance with her wishes, Science Hill in 1993 and post-doc’d with Dr. Harold women are particularly encouraged to apply for the Wyckoff where I studied enzyme kinetics and helped fellowships, which we anticipate will fund several with small angle X-ray work. In 1996 I started working students’ research projects annually, commencing with Dr. Frederic M. Richards looking at protein in calendar year 2011. folding with a photoactivatable stable isotope label. From there, I moved to Geology and Geophysics to run the stable isotope mass spectrometer with Dr. Danny Rye, which then grew into the current large facility.


Larry Ashmead (1932–2010) ’60 Grad. Died on September 3, 2010. Larry spent two years as a graduate student at Yale before moving to an editing career where he became famous. At various times he worked for Doubleday, Simon and Schuster, and Harper Collins, from which he retired in 2003. GEOLOGY &

Jean H. Winchell died on June 3, 2010. Jean was the GEOPHYSICS NEWS wife of the late Horace Winchell. Jean was a very generous supporter of PCI-Media Impact, which Alumni Please Note: broadcasts storytelling programs to encourage We would especially like to hear from you. people in underserved communities to improve Please send your news to rebecca.pocock@ their health, to battle the root causes of poverty and yale.edu. educate people on how to protect their environment in a sustainable way.

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Recent Field Trips

Fieldwork at Sea, August 2010 Department Field Trip, October 2010

Graduate students Duayne Rieger (far left) and Tolulope Olugboji Graduate students in granite quarry, (far right) helping the deployment of a 6-km-long multichannel Rhode Island. streamer aboard R/V Marcus G. Langseth during a seismic reflection and refraction survey over a big oceanic plateau called the Shatsky Rise in the Northwest Pacific.