North-West and South-West Region, COVID-19 Update & Health Facilities Coverage Capacity: As of 03 June 2020 Last update at 14:00 PM NW SW 105 182 Total Confirmed Total Confirmed 20 09 Total Deaths Total Deaths !\ K Health Center (HC) Ako v® K District Hospital (DH) v® Regional Hospital (RH) Nkambe COVID-19 Testing Laboratory v® Benakuma Wum COVID-19 Screening Point v® v® v® Ndu Nwa Warning: The total COVID 19 Suspected, Confirmed v® v® Kumbo and Active Cases are subjective to change on a daily Oku basis in NWSW Regions of Cameroon. v® v®West® Fundong ® v Kumbo MAMFE: 21 Confirmed, 21 Active v !( Bafut Kumbo East

District Hospital: 01 Temp v® v®

Isolation Bed Njikwa v® Tubah

( Sample Collection: Yes Mbengwi ! v® Ndop v® !( v® Widekum v® Bamenda !( v® ® Bali Santa Mamfe v ! ( Batibo v®!!( Matazem v® BAMENDA: 105 Confirmed, 65 Active v®v® Eyumojock Regional Hospital: 16 Isolation Beds Quarantine Facility: 02 Hotels Fontem Testing Laboratory : Yes v® !(AmbulanceBafoussam : 03

v® Nguti

Mundemba v® v® v® Konye

v® v® !(Bafia

( Ekondo Titi v® ! : 52 Confirmed, 52 Active

Bakassi Kumbav®!( ( ® ! Mabonjiv District Hospital : 06 Isolation Bed v® ! Sample Collection: Yes

MUYUKA: 02 Confirmed, 02 Active

( ! District Hospital: 01 Isolation Bed (Temp)

v® Sample Collection: Yes

( !

( ! BUEA: 48 Confirmed, 33 Active Buea!( v®v® Regional Hospital : 23 Isolation Beds Limbe !( Douala v®!( !( Laboratory: Yes, Buea University v®v® Ambulance: 02

LIMBE: 59 Confirmed, 34 Active TIKO Regional Hospital: 06 Isolation Beds Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, District Hospital: 03 Temp Isolation Beds Total Population Treatment Center: 300 bed capacity, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Sample collection: Yes Under Construction Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the Sample Collection: Yes Health ClusterGIS:38 User Isolation Community Beds 0 430K

Data Source WHO, OCHA, MOH (! Major Towns Admin boundary Date Created 6/3/2020 Map Projection Geographic/WGS 84 Health District Contact [email protected] !\ National Capital Website Regional ± Major Road 0 12.5 25 50 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on National this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by Population Density km the United Nations.