
Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs Weekly Newsletter / 26th March 2021



Venezuela celebrates this year the 200th an- niversary of the Battle of . On June 24th, 1821, the patriots led by the Liberator Simón Bolívar defeated the , thus sealing our Independence. Today, in the midst of a global pandemic, it is our turn to victoriously confront the empires of this time, thanks to the resistance of a people determi- strengthens ned to be free. The Bolivarian Revolution, since its begin - nings with Commander Hugo Chávez and shield against Covid-19 currently with President Nicolás Maduro, has faced the cruelest and fiercest multi- fter a year of successfully battling against mediately taking measures such as quarantine form war by the government of the United the pandemic, which already amounted to and all the recommendations by World Health States and its allies, which has had in the A 2.7 million deaths in the world, Venezuela Organization, the Venezuelan government has media one of its main battle fronts. The reinforces measures to combat Covid-19 in the face prioritized the protection of the people. narrative that is constructed and dissemi- of a second wave of infections. nated from the centers of economic and This is due to the arrival of the P.1 and P.2 variants political power, to which the mass media from , a country with which it shares a bor- D a t a : invariably respond, seeks to pave the way der and which also occupies the second place in Mass distribution of the Venezuelan antiviral Car- for the world public opinion to justify even the list of deaths from Covid-19 with 295 thou - vativir was launched, for prophylactic and thera - the most atrocious aggressions. sand deaths. peutic use against Covid-19. Venezuela Reports, which as of this first The first wave of contagion in Venezuela was issue begins to circulate weekly, intends registered in September 2020, brought about to project a truthful and counter-hege - Information of interest: by the massive entry of people through illegal monic view of Venezuela and its people, routes on the border with Colombia, recalled the • The immunization of health and by showing the actions, experiences and President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, who education personnel is underway, with proposals that are promoted in the coun - took stock of the evolution of the pandemic, the vaccines Sputnik V, from Russia, try in the midst of the siege and blockade. which has claimed the lives of about 1,500 peo - and Sinopharm, from China We invite everyone to read it, discuss it and ple in the country. disseminate it, so that more and more peo - Venezuela has one of the lowest infection and • In April, the Cuban vaccines Soberana ple get to know the real Venezuela and the death rates in the region. And it is that since the 02 and Abdala will arrive in the country truth of Venezuela. first cases appeared in March 2020 by installing for phase III trials the Presidential Commission for the Prevention, People’s Power Minister for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza. Containment and Control of Coronavirus and im - P h o t o : P r e n s a P residencial IN THIS EDITION DIPLOMACY HUMANITY ON THE MOVE BEATS OF OUR PEOPLE • Venezuela and Russia: relationship • Return to the Homeland: an example • Workers against the blockade for the benefit of the people UNBLOCK • Solidarity with Equatorial Guinea HEROIC ROOTS • Venezuela demands the release • Defense of the UN Charter • Slavery Never Again! • 50 years of Venezuela-Algeria relations of its resources to fight Covid-19 VENEZUELA IN IMAGES CAPSULES OF IDEAS UNCOVERING FAKE NEWS • 3,500,000 houses for the people • “... what the United States could not ...” • For the right to the truth 26th March 2021 / Page 2


DIPLOMACY Venezuela and Russia: a strengthened Solidarity with relationship for the benefit of the people Equatorial Guinea

he Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Russia and Venezuela have strengthened their resident Nicolas Maduro delivered sup - T Russian Federation celebrate the 76th anni- d ip lo m atic, friendship and bilateral cooperation P plies through a Conviasa airplane to versary of the establishment of their diplomatic agreements since the arrival of Commander Hugo Equatorial Guinea in solidarity with this relations, that are increasingly solid due to their Chávez and the Bolivarian Government. They nation due to the explosions occurred on coincidences in the multilateral sphere and their maintain alliances in areas such as health and the March 7 in the city of Bata.Yuri Pimentel, cooperation agenda. economy, among others. In particular, important Venezuela’s Foreign Viceminister for Africa, “Thanks to Presidents Vladimir Putin and Nicolás cooperation is maintained to fight Covid-19. assured that this humanitarian aid is a ges - Maduro, we have developed an exemplary model Faced with the intensification of the aggressions of ture of support to this brother nation. of cooperation and promotion of the principles of the United States and its allies against Venezuela, P h o t o : M PP r e International Law,” the Minister for People’s Pow- Russia has extended its support to help overcome er for Foreign Relations, Jorge Arreaza, said on his the criminal and illegal blockade Twitter account. | W it h information f r o m t h e M PP r e P r e s s / P h o t o : M PP r e In defense of the U N C h a r t e r enezuela promotes the call to all States V that recognize the principles and purposes of the UN to join the Group of Friends in De- fense of the United Nations Charter. “Strength- ening multilateralism is essential”, ratified the Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza.

50 years of Venezuela-Algeria diplomatic VENEZUELA IN IMAGES r e la t io n s arch 22nd marked the 50th anniversary Historic milestone: 3,500,000 houses for the people M of the establishment of diplomatic rela- tions between Venezuela and Algeria. Althou- aría Piña and José Echeverría, along with the middle western State of Yaracuy. “It is heroic gh they began in 1971, the ties became more M their three children, are the owners of to reach 3,500,000 homes in the middle of this dynamic with Commander Hugo Chávez, star- the 3,500,000th home delivered by the Great cruel war, that shows that the Socialist Revolution ting from 2000, when conditions to deepen Venezuelan Housing Mission. The milestone of is the only way,” said President Nicolás Maduro. cultural exchange and energy cooperation this housing policy, about to turn ten years old, among others, were created. is located in the Villa Ester urban development, in P h o t o : P r e n s a P residencial

Year 1 / Number 1 26th March 2021 / Page 3

HUMANITY ON THE MOVE UNBLOCK Venezuela demands the release of its r e s o u r c e s t o fi g h t C o v id -1 9

enezuela is carrying out judicial measures V seeking to liberate it’s resources located over- seas, which are illegally blocked and are necessary to face the Covid-19 pandemic. Delcy Rodriguez, Venezuela’s Executive Vice- President, assured that there are 7 billion dollars ready for payment Return to the Homeland: transactions. “The plundering of Venezuela exceeds 30 billion dollars. We don’t need alms, Venezuela has its Example of return migration own assets to attend this emergency”, Rodriguez stated after recalling that those funds were enezuela, which has historically been a seized by decision of foreign actors allied to for - nation that receives migrants with an mer deputy Juan Guaidó, who was denounced V before the Prosecutor’s Office for this attack egalitarian treatment, has registered an overseas K e y s : migration in recent years due to the multi-factor against the health of Venezuelans. war phenomena that affects the economy and Rodriguez denounced that City Bank from the the life conditions of the population. Why do they return? USA informed that by order of Juan Guaido, 346 To face this reality the Venezuelan government million dollars were transferred to the Federal implements attention policies for migrants and - They allege economic problems Reserve. The money was used in the failed mer - has set up an exemplary model of return migra- and the impossibility of finding jobs cenary action against Venezuela known as Oper - tion: the Return to the Homeland Plan, created in the countries they migrate to. ation Gedeon. by President Nicolas Maduro. The plan has estab- She explained that US and European entities lished airlifts for the voluntary return of migrants - They emphasize the constant hostility refuse to release Venezuela’s resources which that lack their own means to return and incorpo- of the recipient country, denouncing would allow the acquisition of medicines. “We rates repatriated Venezuelans to the nation’s social xenophobia, exploitation, labour have initiated trials against all the banks which plans, the widest in the continent. and social abuse. have blocked Venezuela’s financial resources” Recently hundreds of Venezuelans have returned Rodriguez informed. by plane from Chile and thanks to this Plan, - They suffer health problems. summing almost 30 thousand people since it be - M o r e P r o o f gan. This evidences the effort of a blocked nation S o u r c e : C o n s u l a r R e l at io n s O f f ic e , M in is t r y o f P e o p l e s P o w e r f o r F o r e ig n R e l at io n s Venezuela consigned new substantiation to the to facilitate the return of it’s citizens, even in the Prosecutor’s Office of the International Criminal middle of the pandemic. Court on the second week of March, in order to up- date the complaint on the Coercive Unilateral Mea- sures of the US as crimes against humanity. The “The Return to the Homeland Plan is the loving arm tims of persecutions and xenophobia in other coun- document has elements from the report made by of the Bolivarian Revolution, which goes to the res- tries. Welcome to Venezuela! This beautiful land UN Special Rapporteur Alena Douhan, on the nega- cue of thousands of compatriots that have been vic- embraces you”. President Nicolás Maduro tive impact of the Unilateral Coercive Measures and the Government Accountability Office, GAO; recog- nizing the profound damage of the “sanctions” to CAPSULES OF IDEAS human rights and the Venezuelan economy.

“The aggressions against the Venezuelan people seek to force A victory in the battle them to achieve what the United States couldn’t do by backing against the blockade mercenary invasions and with assassination attempts: to d ep o se the President. To believe that unarmed people can achieve such an enezuela celebrates the resolution on the neg- V ative impact of Coercive Unilateral Measures objective, is to admit that it lives under a democratic government; for the enjoyment of human rights, approved by which therefore wouldn’t have to be overthrown”. the United Nations Human Rights Council in its 46th session. “The criminal damage against the life of Venezuelans and free nations of the world is un- Luis Britto García, Unilateral coercive measures: confessions of part (and 2) deniable” President Maduro stated on this matte.

Year 1 / Number 1 26th March 2021 / Page 4


Workers against Slavery Never Again! the blockade set up few months before the Bicentennial of the project had left unfinished; until it was retaken A Battle of Carabobo, Venezuela persists in the on by the Leader Hugo Chávez, who defined this a plan to rehabilate fight for independence and against all kinds of time as the Bicentennial Era. slavery, with the same spirit that led to victory The historian highlights that Commander Chávez trains and fabricate 200 years ago. unveiled “the historical dispute that is 200 years To seal the freedom of Venezuela, a people-led old”, and adds that: “We are rebuilding, re-found - a ir p la n e s army battled united, as the historian Pedro ing the country in the midst of sieges and in the Calzadilla refers: “There were black men and midst of all difficulties (...) inspired, anchored, in women, coloured men and women, mixed race the spirit of then”. ue to the unilateral coercive measures imposed men and women, whites men and women, we And so the Venezuelan people affirm it on dates by the United States and the European Union, D were all there.” such as March 25th, International Day of Remem - Venezuela’s income fell by 99% between 2014 and In Carabobo, injustice and inequality were de - brance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transat- 2019. This harassment resulted in losses from 2015 feated. However, the abolition of slavery led by lantic Slave Trade, decreed in honor of the victims to 2019 of more than 130 billion dollars, the plun- Simón Bolívar had to wait until March 24, 1854 of this deplorable practice promoted by empires. dering of it’s gold reserves, and the impossibility of to materialize. acquiring food, medicines and supplies for indus- Im a g e : P e d r o L e o n C a s t r o / S k e t c h f o r t h e f r e s c o L ib e r at io n And that is just one of the signs that the Liberator o f t h e s l a v e s / A r t u r o M ic h e l e n a M u s e u m tries through global financial entities. One of the affected companies is the Metro, one of the nation’s main public transport. French UNCOVERING F A K E N E W S company Alston and Spanish Railway Construction Auxiliar, are fabricators of the trains the metro uses to transport two million passengers a day; but For the right to the truth because of the coercive measures importation of parts has been impossible. he defense of the truth is something that Welle, in which he called attention to the edi- But Metro workers are decided to confront this situ- T characterizes the Venezuelan. The peace of torial line of that TV channel against Venezuela. ation, by applying a rehabilitation plan for 22 trains, the Republic rests in great measure on this right When the State acts in defense of the popula- two of them have already been rehabilitated. that the enemies of the country seek to disrupt. tion, victim of these breaches of the truth, false According to RT, Jose Herrera, Chief of mainte- Many communication companies developed trends of “persecution” and “attacks” on freedom nance of the company, explained that they are hate campaigns, which not only contravene of expression are exacerbated. making changes in the air conditioning systems of the laws of the country but also violate ethi - The reality, on the contrary, is that in the last the wagons, maintenance to the engines, breaks cal principles. 22 years, the Venezuelan State has promoted and traction. Declassified documents have revealed “that the expansion of the media network, both And the Caracas metro workers are not the both the Government of the United Kingdom public and private. In fact, between 2001 and only ones who use their knowledge to face the and the Westminster Foundation for Democ- 2017, the number of private radio stations sanctions. Conviasa, the state airline sanctioned in racy (WFD) have secretly financed private went from 304 to 481. The same happened February 2020, is also promoting a plan to design Venezuelan media to contribute to a climate of with television stations: there were 36 open and fabricate the airplanes “Simón Bolívar 100” and opinion adverse to the Bolivarian Government signals in 2001 and 17 years later there are 63, “Simón Bolívar 200”, which are expected to be cer- since 2016”, as highlighted by the Foreign Min- according to the records of the National Tele - tifie d so o n . ister Jorge Arreaza in a letter sent to Deutsche communications Commission. P h o t o : M e t r o d e C a r a c a s

Year 1 / Number 1