Notes Introduction 1. Fascism’ (with an upper case ‘F’) is used to refer to the movement and regime in Italy; ‘fascism’ (lower case ‘f’) is used to refer to the generic ideology. ‘Roman Catholic’ is styled as ‘Catholic’ throughout. 2. E.E. Reynolds (1973) The Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales: a short history (Wheathampstead: Clarke), p. 359. 3. These figures are from 1936, originally from the Catholic Directory, 1937, reprinted in the appendix to P.F. Anson (1937) The Catholic Church in Modern Scotland 1560–1937 (London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne), p. 221. 4. For a much fuller discussion of this see N. Riddell (1997) ‘The Catholic Church and the Labour Party, 1918–1931, Twentieth Century British History, 8, 165–193. 5. T. Gallagher (1983) ‘Scottish Catholics and the British Left, 1918–1939’, The Innes Review, 34, 17–42, p. 26. 6. A. Hastings (2001) A History of English Christianity, 4th edn (London: S.C.M. Press), p. 279. 7. D. Sewell (2001) Catholics: Britain’s largest minority (London: Penguin), p. 71. 8. B. Bergonzi (1965) ‘The English Catholics’, Encounter, 24, 19–30, p. 23. 9. Distributism was a political movement influenced by Catholic social teach- ing which sought to ‘distribute’ private property as widely as possible. It saw itself as a middle way between state socialism and liberal capitalism. 10. A good example would be George Orwell, who saw British Catholicism as having fascist tendencies. See J. Rodden (1989) ‘George Orwell and British Catholicism’, Renascence, 41, p. 144. 11. S. Rawnsley (1980) ‘The Membership of the British Union of Fascists’, in K.
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