Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-03
r, JULy I, 19(5 IRATI, PAT., re•• 1,111,. JU Ill,.. " ze ... Al '11, ••,11 11 aew ,.... .aOOISIlD FOODS, bl .. tt... p. Te '11, ••,11 Z! an' Al Ibro .... Nl ..II ...... 8UGA., b.o" I .., ,I.",p IWI ,... r., IIYe p ..... Anlwer ... , •• ,b A"4. I.. 8BOl8, b.... Ih,ee al,plue .....,. Warm.r I, 2 ••• B•••• 1.40llnl'ol,. Nul o'amp ..lid A.,. 1. OASOLOII, \8-A eo.po •• , ••• ro, oIx ,.11 ........ ; IOWA: Sa_,. aDd warmer_ Queries 11-1, B-1. C-7 a.' C-I ••• p.n. ,••• r., II •• ,all .. , ••h . FUlL OIL, ,.,1 •••no , .. , ..,h II ....up ... DAILY IOWAN ,~, 81: la.1 p.,lod reu, and II.. THE •••• •• ,. A.,. ,.or'. I elM I •• ........ 0100 expl,. Iben. N•• p.,lo4 .n. c.. , ••• r.t 0 w a t y , • 0 r n n V N • W I pap. , 1.4G-4•••••• n .~_!'~'!_ '.II:'_ :.=======~::::================--=========::=:==:=:::::==:=::::::=:===-======:::::::==:=:=:::::==::==============="""==========:===========:========-.==.&J. IOWA CITY, IOWA TUESDAY, JULY 3,1945 na &UOClLU'D.... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 239 ~l9rs Biasi OKINAWANS CALL HIM 'CANDY' Marulen Oil Aussi'es Secure Three Mil es Refineries Two Superforts Lost In Earlier Incendiary at Borneo Port 'd'••• laid on Japan GUAM, Tue day CAP) Jonl 50 American Sliperfort WLB Punishes Stassen Says u. S. Must Assume. Leadership- • Drive In,land .-. blasted the Maruzen oil p'ery neal' Shimotsu on Ja r's mainland before dawn Ohio Strikers 50 Years WIthout War POSSIble 2,500 Yards " "y,1e"Sll than 24 hours after , ~ _Iy, 600 of the B-29's struck MACKINAC ISLAND, M I c h. messages and envoys to work out that he would accept again_ , (AP)-Harold E.
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